The Aitverton Sun THUKSvAY, #£noKUARY 14, 1895. Since she went home— Longer t! jing shadows lit here, Wha aistcraapali guia of timbers Andev Hill und drear, she went homie— a weed - minor ee ‘The robin's mete ve fecha saath wish biden i 1 tec eobn with hidden,_ bitter pein, "Fine che went tote. i Since she ome How still the empty rooms her presence "blessed; " Uatouched the pillow that “her dear head My ear’, hath rete for its rest: ‘no Spal weak Since she went home— ‘The long, long ays, have crept-away like ears, : ‘The Janlight has ‘been dimmed with doubts: and fears, And the dark nights have rained in lonely 18, Since she went home. . _ os The Manitoba school question seems | Ek to be the nightmare of the political parties just now, as they both aveid ‘ling about Protestant schools. Martin’s plan was # ‘complete cecularization of the schools, tw, avoid all Scripture ‘readings and prayars, or anything that lends color to religion being taught in the school-reom. The mother’s knee is ‘the proper place. for the teaching of the’ Bible and net by public school teachers, many of whom would take little pains to impress upon the child whe proper construction of the inspired works. The Catholics assert that, the Bibles used are. Protestant,..and if Scripture reading is objectionable to them it should be abslished. This is a British country and Britain has always allowed toleration, a sci Sd The meeting of General Booth was marred in Hamiiton by a little inci- dent of sot unusual occurrence. A few choir girls were whispering in the gallery behind him, when be turned and administered % severe rebuke. It is not in accordynoe with the spirit of ‘Christianity fora preacher portraying the patience aad «divine leve of our dying Saviour to putee in his discourre to cut to the very heart a frivolous irl. Choir girls have a privilege—it paper darts at the prexcher that be has a right to retaliate, and 2 man of ‘General Booth’s experience should have kwown this, He, lowever, atoned to some extent for his uhwarran! ‘criticism of the girls of America by making an apology. We will accept your apology this time, General, but don’t do it again. There has been for some time a dis- cussion going on fn the Stratfond Beacon ‘regarding the salary that male teachers should accept. Figures have ‘een quoted showing what it takes to support an ambitious youth, and it is very evident that expenses will run op closely on $200. Above expenses a man should have at feast $125 or $150 to the good. It in time that school trustees were Jouking tato the matter and selectiiz property-equinped teach ers, a5 poor teachers’ Gre worke than uséless, and tia punt tenbher wit] dffer: his services far the paltry sum of $200 a year. Cliapness. should never be considered in ‘vhuesing xu. iustracwor for ‘the youth. A proper’ youthful training is one of che necesmery acquis itions to succes in life, and the su 0f.$10, $20 or $30 extra « year should have no Cousiteration with a parent who is suxious to see his children fprosper, The resent aud uaierous wrecks on ‘our railroad«, xhiows that there is eome- thing wrong with our sig The despatchiug xyste sling: system, of the GT. R. atleast mikes ne provision tke dangers that attend a snowstorm. It is absolute folly ww send our ia « blind- for, ing snow storm, after a snow plough, a} passenger traia or any other train chasing and SAVE MONEY. tee Schaefer Bros., JEWELERS, MILVERTON, Fine Watch Repairing Specieley. Large stock of Fruits, Nuts, ‘Oysters, Confectionery, Pi Tobnooes and Cigars have jake? ly been added to, our already large stock, and have Swelied The quantity ‘of our Goods to such an’ extent thet eve have * decided to sli ‘at Greatly Re- duced Prices for the. next 30 Days. We xeo not only up to the times, but slightly 2- Head! C. S. KERTCHER, The Red Flag Store. first train should be reported from the next station before another train is allowed to move out. The English system of signaling should be adopted, as itis the best system in the world und few/accidents in the way f col- lisions “are known to result from ‘it. Public sentiment will call’ for soine- thing more sate thai m. . B. begin to feel that the present, smashy, are Dob ing investment and ts feel themselves constrained to make. change in ‘their present system. The Empire of Wednesday contains ed the tollowing announ: ander the heading “Good Bye”: he aig algamation having ‘heen effected between The Empire and The Daily Mail and Empire willtnake its appca‘ance to-mot 9 / avcounis of Hg oc advertisements, » w date remain pay- alls wo 1 iiditen pire’ etasine kad Puls ese sfie Somipany, Limived, aad a‘! sub having paid in x Perks piper, which there isexery as surance will. faithfully nahin ah in hye al inattersedvocated by Ties e ore. w s smart. young |And Receive Some Valu- READ THIS able. Information For the Spring Season, which. will soon be onto you. We have made great preparations in the way of heavy purchases in goods adapted for the sea- son. We have opened out ad elegant range of Prints, Shirt- ings, Flannelettes, Ducks, Drills, Cottonades, ete.. Our. Prints at 10c. are very heavy cloths and fast colors, and equal to any 12%e. prints, Qur) Shirt- ings a-10c. are great value, and we give you the very best at_ {2 1-2¢i, and all’ are guar anteed fast’ colors, A ‘nice Flannelette at 5c., nice Towel- ings, 5¢.; Table. Linens, 25¢.; Table Oilcloths, : 25c.;, Floor Qilcloths, 15¢.5 a 36-inch Grey Cotton ‘at 3c; a good’ heavy Cotton at 5c; elegant’ Art Muslins at 16c., woith 15¢.; Dress Goods at 6c. and 8c. yd., good heavy Cottonade at 20c. (a regular 25¢. line), and extra heavy at 25c.; best Chadwick Spools, 2c. each ; brass Pins, Ic. per paper. In Crockery we have bar- gains for you. White granite Chamber setts, 4 pieces, for $1.25. “Hardled Cups aad Saucers, 75¢ dozen; Plates, 8oc. doz.; glass sets, 6 pieces, for 25¢. Our stock of groceries. is fresh and we give you 25 Vos. of bese sfandard Granu $ Jated Sugar for... sess 1.00. 30 Ibs. bright Yellow Sugar. .., 1 00 5 100 5 + 4 00 6 ths. Sulphar 25 10 bars Electric Soap... Our stock of Furs ts not heavy, and you buy Fer Coats, Caps or Ladies’ Furs at your own price. We are determined to increase our trade and if you will consider your: interest you will go where you can save the most money. Call on us and compare prices and) make your spring purchases, from us.” If in Call. when in town you bave the ready cash we jal low you a liberal discount ; iff not, bring-us your mm duce’ during® the summer ’sea-| Pro-; son. | } ; a pple Img Ease Maahent stanton v cf ici e Monday 0 nit apples: wer y nies a team und diiv isited nearly all - yrom our days ¥ atinoe once having scooped in very tie: one he had tried to trade ithe wwhning at 2 bigh rate of speed, Th, Mr. Fee paid $2 a barrel fuy Maine apples.” “oms ia and S06 Us, 8 Wer de-| fight in showlag yeu our Stock and Low Pres, | { | Yours, GLEISHR. t THIS TIME, Our Last Ad. was a Little fem siy} But you know the stormy weather deranged things They are fine, and ‘selling fast. E ral. However, we are all right again, and have received a large shipment of spring stock. Come and See Our Prints We also have an ntire New Stock of WINDOW SHADES Of the Latest Design. i We have been accused of ‘tempting others’ custom- you Wish to purchase or not. Yours in haste, ers with our Low Prices, and threatened if we do not stop it. they will do something dreadful. just say, that that is what we are here for, and although we do not quote prices, you can “‘bet your buttons” our prices draw the people.,. We have another temptation at present in the way of FLAT IRONS GIVEN FREE WITH BAKING POWDER, which every lady should see. “we can interest you whether We would All-a-Samee Cheroois 4 hard times ‘come! Every Ascorted colons. £41 Imported Tobacco. Better than most ¢ Cent Cigars. As good as the ordinary 10 Cent Cigar. i; is the manufacturer's profit that his to be cut down when Every smoker should tr For Sale by tobacco dealers ev Creme ds Ja Crema Cigar’ Co, Mon‘real. 10¢ these Cherovis. where. J ON GROPP, “DEALER 1N--— CEDAR POSTS, LUMBER, LATHS, Shingles, Pumps, etc. RUNNER, ONT The Advertisers FOR 1895. Slurning, <7, Sunday and Editions, ‘Aiorossive Republican Jou nals of the . Highest Class. Commercial Advertiser. Established 179 Pablished every even ing, New oldest evening weve paper." Subscription price, | Morning i Gate Pi id seca The eatiig Republican newspaper of the dag! lea = a Sbctipvinns qrive) $3.00 ‘Sunday Advertiser. $100 per year. As an Advertising | Medium The Advertisers have no superiors Samples free. Agents wanteil everywhere. Libera) commissiow®. Addvess The Advertiser, 90 Park Row, New York. Jewelry Store, IN NEWTON. JOHN MUNRO Has opened outa stook of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc., In the Post Office, Newton, And would invite an inapection, ‘gerSurict ‘attention paid to repairs, and all, work promptly. executed, and vabinteetbonjgaars nnheed. New ee Wo bing tn inform st pants that ed tht teher ely own janfer.and intend continwing the some. We will always have on hand a -cood sippy of PORK, BEBE, LAMI: ed HAUS AGE, BOLOGN AS, a LAR: Meat sete on the shortest notice. D. SCHLOTZHAUER MAIN STREET — MILVERTON “ Furs, Underclothing, Overcoats, Woollens, - Winter Goods. LOOK HERE FOR: PRICES: eo 8 Wedge Beaver Caps, Best Persian Lamb, No. Seal Caps, at $4.00 Russian worth $8.50 for $6.50 e 1, latest Style, worth $8.50, for $6.50 oe Beaver, worth $5, for $3.25. Russian Beaver, worth $3 for $2.25. LADIES’ FURS. ; In OVERCOATS we have just a few left, and will sell them cheap. We will sell UNDERCLOTHES (good value at '75c.) for 55 cents. ‘ The above stock must be'sold and will be sold, as we want the room for our Spring Goods, and we will sell at prices that will esl SOMETHING NEW--We are always introducin It is the best Value ever offered in the trade. ‘ é be paid up as soon In Crockery, Glasswa possible. be Undersold. pul paige T CLEARING SALE!+ and all One set Possum Furs, Natural Colors, worth $12, for $6. 50 One Beaver set, worth $12 for $9. re and Groceries, we have a Large Stock and will not & bargains, and now we are giving 1 Ib. of guaranteed Baking Powder and anice Cake Pan, for 25¢. Produce taken in exchange. Good Hardwood wanted. We would also like outstanding « scou counts to ae The Great Milk and . Flesh sbi Sa 4 , JAMES TORRANGE'S. : SHE MONTHLY | CATTLE FAIR: : At MILLBANK j Will be held the Wednesday preceding the second Tuesday of each month, the year ronad. ‘ LOUIS BUCKEL, President. Clocks, Jewelry xed A latge stock of wateles “af the WATCHES Silverware. best JOHN RITTER, Secretary. manufactire, such X8 Bigie, Waltham, Rapin, eto. aches at lowest _ Four emivie attemp's: ny to escape from the Kingston. Penitentiary “on ame They were caught before vir plans were matured. will visit Rome in the sp! Ho with @ protect 'o marry the Prince f Naples tothe Princess Maud of Wale 8. io 8 bis Mills, daughter of Prin- the Ontario Agricultural Chileees roy legis sao She ie ten years of age. There are now three cases at the “college. The mouth of the River Mersey blocked by a mass of ice half a mile long and several hundred yards wide. The ice has blocked ace: ae to the land- ing suige and compelled the stoppage ‘of the ferries. the Ontario Legislature, reducing the number of Grand Jurors from 24 to 13, went into vperation on the 26th of January. The next step in the march of progress will be to cut off the re- mnaining, 13. Mr. Schell, the Patron candidate ‘in South Oxford, attended the Liberal convention in that. riding _ the|™ Gold }@'her day and stated. that for His own t Milverton. DISTRICT NEY x Press died trom oF Seurees : The Hamilton Spectator sa the “federation of the Empire : accomplistied’fict in Toronto. The Milverton sun tha Coe Interesting Ktems Culled from the is ap Rey, Robert Johuston of Lindsay : swill receive a-call to. the } St. deew’s Presbyterian ureay, code ores calling, At Leinperance, worker support pledged bsniperaton nue! Parliament. vacancy And Chureh, Apion caused by the death vf Rev. wa Presbytery ails a recom Christian fn iv organize “and, Acchibald,Dancey and bis wife were che recent supposed at Linwood. ‘They suy’ they’ hia child with chem. ed at Drayeor it connection with | & childharaing case |? leone ‘The effects of the cals, reich ete Bricain bee Is, ani ail kinds have perished in aumbers. _ The present ihtense' cold is general xhout the Province. In no p'ace wou! a i vhe temperature rewain above the zero point, and in most saint laces it went ween 15 and 40° below. In some laces business was almost paralyzed id. ee to th col this kind.wax. prompual solely. by the part be would prefer to retire and bie the candidatare of Sir Rich- d Cartwright as he had done in the past, He will consult the Patrons at their first meeting in regard to the E Shepeat ilinrly r the that they comnients op the atten pe Such eer’ ish might peruse his events shat transpired) during week. the Twice every week, upon xn averize bi hi soi patighed shat, the’ givingsof three guineas is one of the neem auctions of the sovereign — whe hun fale it js a tice” was. $ ingugttraced soon! iter the Queen’s agcessign, ahd the young” Queen's oniparsion fails ovet i) a dit igh ‘they could pare This Giiile act of kindness Ter Majesty in! ais ex- Year lis have. beet pre- altogether the Queen lias paid te the f the spendthrift roses to scatte w The act i at the lust session of chy | in Tene he Fi with Logan and” Mitehell. that there was nu nurse to Newry case ss. a, ‘witty. This lictle gem! is taken from « speech of the prose:poet of thie United States, Col. Ingersoll} “Tf every crt tring living was blotted out at e the violets: would continue to id Ehete velvet bosonis ‘to the sun, r their golden and ruby petals, the rains would sweeten aud vefresh, the steeds ofthe Storm: Wwottld tin wild’as ever, spring would hang the woudlands wich her tapestries of green, the autumn ¢ EE harmonies cf amber and scarlet and ple and purple, and the silver of uwas would not abate a jot of nee tender loveliness ; the sun would, in setting, turn sapphire seas to -quiv- 5 the id go on shaping | y the face of the world as they nre now and have been doing since and before man was.” bles, is convalescent, and Dr. Alex- ander, the epee physician, lett for made up of the | Hilal items: cal Panue twenty-five days, $250; railway: fare’ $5.20; iwenring apparel revele the “possible . To this var of Health, Dr. Doug- Tie nee tor ane? attendance, medicine supplied Dr. Alexander, and for placarding the house, 35 ape ry age for provisions, wood, et $50 «Th goers Eh ma. dy and id be the Treasurer for the sam dae Dr. Alex- ander, but it was thought best not to n this ease chiations of the cice. Dickson Was acted all risedly ie vo’purstic thie” edarse fle local Bosra of Heatth, Jr. De dogs belonging t the Bushes hpuse| 6 week. Be dae bee ior would paint the forest “aisles ‘with her one ining at the South Perth: election ck The Newry smallpox patient, pane tow Pe publish the minute at the time. Reeye| me _ | cousiderable, ases.| Was an old man, 84 years Uf age, A pelle RAILROAD WRECKS HCCOMPANIED BY FIRE AND DEATH. ‘he snowstorms of late have been the cause of mach damage on the rail- roads, Snow ploughs and engines lave been wrecked in numbers, in fact engine lies two miles on this side of Stratford, almost a total wreck being used up pushing a snow plough. ‘The most serigus wrecks are those in which human Jife was lost. On Friday last Chicago flyer, which was. carry- the legal party, » who. shad’ been 2 rial was nearing Weston, AE Ba Oa nowing that the local express was not fur behind, for they had been together at George- n, a trainaman was sent back "to signal her. But. she storm was denye that he was not noticed by the it. stu out the imbedded engine when ’ they heard the scream of the approaching locomotive. The car porter, who w E looking out of the door window of the hind car, gave the olarm, but too late, passengers could do no ‘more than’ re. gain their feet when the crash came. The local eke her great iron nose in- the ‘eee Seo ’ whieh i in al the red passengers | were all more or Jess injured, but Fra: & ph, court registrar was_ killed out- right. se iously injuring two other hards, but uliere gh Hie the satne degree‘of resent- in Toronto over this as there Is over erates of Mr. seul dons the former be’ng only atrain-man. ‘The destruction otherwise on the train w: as the ears und bed. engines were badly. w Word was et afternoon that, Dion, Ki iouse Satuvday. Kelly lived with his invalid. wife. on frsP Kelly nasheen’ ai’ invali¢l ‘for pg alficted mental ne _ ati SH sale ite ob tha olds Riilble Le family named Archer, who unve been always “The next neigh very kind to them. About noon toda triplets of her subjects something like & i e how ovghily fies —Atwood ‘Bee. nk J. tin as | songs inthis her custom ‘when going to'town, to om quire if anything was wanted. Sew hocked to find the old man lying on hs under the stove.’ The ‘fire’ was out, rs. Kelly was rene 4 strapped ina aia near the stove, quit nsciou: of what liad overtaken her'partner of so tnany years. This was, of course, to nted = oy cher a condition. What the death, Mrs, Archer analy of pier, no time of ian? taine ‘cbabiy old Probably the Biiene cold had some- thing todo with it, It is certain, Bh vevees that he did not suffer lack of either food or fuel, neighbo own immediate neighborhood, Cryan of this city is a brother of Mrs. and the Killorans iM Downie are also relatives. It has not yet been lecided whether or not an inquest will be necessary.— Saturday Beacon. At bees Canadian Press Association's eC SI engineer and on she rushed to destruct-| banquet. there were so1 sury |ion, A few passengers were on the] dotes told and early reminiscenses re- prior to bidding us adie bill is|snow bank watching the hands dig| tailed, and among them I. lowing relating to our present premier: It is said eat, when Sir Mackenzie well a few. years ago was traveling in Baa Cabin looking into min- ing v: to a little town and actly ‘drifted into the printing fore the others of his party came up him, he picked up °a abit and some copy and t revealing. his ditiiee re B was the Hon. Mr. Bowell his feelings may be ened, as mixed, but that editor now 88 session on Thurs- da a matte ly vee the Premier's early days in the printing ottice and parodied one of Sir» Arthur Sullivan’s connection. ‘The Premier said that he ‘did not recollect daubi g and-plusteritig ink on the wall of the clieniise's shop “fiext, door, and Hee to clean it off. with Ive. later ob. lye wasovery stray, and he ‘tna w clean off a big patel of part. recifled carrying around and feeling rich as Cre gathered five dollars an a rosult of his New Year's adress, e ee been through the whole mill, Railways in Scoulaid are still block ed with si Snow) which have hee have themselves snowbavks, and men operating Mrs. Archer called at the house, as was them anve suffered severely from the intense cold.