r HOUSEHOLD jad eeaamsal De ey ew” a oa ee f; pa 1 tuce, allipale with a fm of Housel © Which ne THE HOUSE. 5 hu ee beauty and genius. Pcesrard had e beautiful le with passion, | 7; } Used Many Centuries ag. eM wont Revert) emt | EAKED PIES FOR VICTORIA Sone es Pains om taandry Work 6 4 months in Berlin, and bi would “Ivis Bee er our oa apg jhe said 3 et ‘ecm Rar a “There are women in this world who ‘ agree to it. **but you may if you wish.” am, seem to think ne they Y a a were used in Egypt sy are never reaily :) eh You know very well” she aaid, that | _Tistilent tars looked “down in Bly **] epwaRy BANTLEY NOW A NEW ee Ce H6Ypt 2000: years | ie to drink pa ate a anything unless they make é OHAPYER LIV. Bey. § y Marion, “I have in to be near Madame Vanira.” Leoni i YORK RESTAURANT KEEPER. on re used in Troy. Schliemann| Stoves are thought to ha hard work oft. They scorn all easy ways, ‘ heh Tee in eae eg eg many ari vis ¥ou hare no Fight to pry into my mo rene A cris como in our lives ound oe 1800 of gold the Romans ‘They were a pees geval characterising thems a ‘slack-twisted’ and a by | sisk unto death. 1 wish 1 tives,” he rej : regent sy ‘They were |Fesembling the Dutch earthenware stoves, | ‘shitky,’ and take to themselves grea : Ht * She would not bea: it—she could not could ee | life bes nothing left for me.” ¢ the ‘iver, has aed me ‘give up your| A Former Favtrywean At Windste castte first made in Amerie in Y were | Thich give forth beat bus conceal the fire; | credit for getting through ves great . S a ” “Die, my dear, it seems sucl wife, she had every reason to inquire tance. ‘Gms Lamps were used before ‘tiquarians say that Roman rooms were getting ugh an enormous i was a cl into them. low ery came m a 2 . lips, prnce7 ry . work. ee fer pen Was Lesty, Marion's. osc aa such 2 trifle ; one day spent together on 1 erate Site Manele Thoussnds of ancient minh imes heated by building « fire in a| kits in the crorning, when the sunbeams peeping | river, Je that poetkieg | ibe ‘you to die| _ Hot, bitter, ae word aeeytet and the face of the fairest in Eng: — pare large iron or eartheaware tube in the mid-| 1 bi8 remark was recently called forth by ‘m her-room told her it was time to | about?” ° ra x sg oe = es Ti it fend tapi ts - Partial to Mince Pies. were employed f bed di — ‘encounter between an expe! it Re ne clin sa 3 jive me ug he murmut 3 ** ame z for steads in ‘She tavned her face to the woll and said | craergialil pale eyes raised wistfully to Rieter sah Shia wtietwane ne you! a Ea Ga dos, what have you said ?”| ‘There was a time when Edward Bentley the « piel century 3 they were aftewards | pat ven spat del of won, Fro Lacie it would be easier to die—hir life was | "Ty on do not see, you do not understand. | not ; an: = No,” a thousand Umer over, | made pies and cakes for Queen Viotoria at : NEW weeds window Brwt there hi pk lpia speited, nothing could give her back her | Qniy thin tow ‘much intimacy there must | clared tae nothing shouid ever ¢ induoa hee pee ot friendship is a good and pure| Windsor Castle, Now he is the part z aaah of either the |and an ee equal number have been | /#bor as light as possible, havtis was at faith and trust in her husband or her love | have been between them before he would |%0 go to Parlin; “Seen wes cealeeed cree ik id pot give iv up for any caprice | owner of a little restaurant in New York rei ot or eho am echoes are foe) kame issued in Great Britain, last given up ase hopeless undertaking, ‘one migat have anti —a violent quar- “Dari : Ri came to —_ * i “igs pitt irolped ra sa palit rl "indy ado threatened to ‘poe Agen tale sob came from ner pale| | “Daring the yore T was at Windsor ine,” "7 eee we | DISASTERS IN TH TRANSATLAN Indy ahareting the cowntanoun, “f ing now. i> was | Hey 3° Tt, sould they ind to talk about |to the duke, Her husband laughed at the j li tle as pastry cook, says Mr. Bantley, (Bape oop rgainapaabe se here [| Bawee meee pets i Wwonsa's0 sesinid. bets "RR OG ERR RR | gee a ae notion, ena S thousand tim: Piha arcllg: gad aienss’ ah Cesc, sda y thar ts nate as the one I have jetttwen employing her boudoir, Lord Chandos had gone out, | The countess shru; ged her sh shonliees “Tne duke is a great statesman and a “halite not give me up, tod the tastes of the Qaeen in th . ese was about She resolately refi to 5 nel ne 7 an oar ised for I|clever man,” he replied ; ‘‘but he haa no you to ‘old them at particular Accidents in Which Han: clothes put to soak, Breer) aint she wing to message for her. She eat there |,“ 1 6m muro Beatie 72 | ewan ovtmae Tl ie interfered with my |)“ Yes; Trefosed to do anything of the |line. Ihad learned my trade under the ‘eave areas of Persons | calls ‘elbow grese’ to all manner of labor- thinking, brooding over her sorrow, won. pol cake ea atl srrangements, in all probability we ‘Should |kind,” he replied; ** why should ee instructions of one of the grandest artists pares bbs “oe ; ering what she was to do, when the| forget it.” ites if not meet again.” & Leone? They parted us once, by strata. lin Paris in the cooking line ake Lad ee | ere have boee sca of accidents} ‘Then she grumbled about the work in Conn fire eran Yaa emi sh, tot Ee cafe yf ot swe ea, en sir to that wish heaton thn Ee |e enh ad Usted af er byt de Lady Marion looked up. It was ae|‘ wouldve od sat ot d._Tt in eating | ion + he y fi : best poople of [’rance—the ae fae wed by the Athen. {82 "ell a# others of different nature in ree Feats ais ‘an inspiration from Heaven had |™ my ny, Twill spat to MiBhe rng zing of passionate pain i her voice | PAE ben epee gourmands—ased ‘to rave about them, and yen = spaced a tietabie sie sheets pean bedam # life haa boun spalling 4 posidenge cheend | goo eras pinta fa toms come to her ; she would tell Lady Lanswell, fel ‘are that at | startled him ;-a sense of came over is hands for an instant in |the prices paid for them » on the lo wit e salt | the early days of steam traffic across the|dry work that were worthy of adopti ‘and hear what she had to say. seer Or ete soa he will give ai the i ‘i al, thie, Fale any sens ae ie» ea Nae ride ; whe tee icdnap ieee tury, Atlantic these mishape were pete ea and others T have worked out fe Rea sing “ You have been erying,” said the coun. |Rea"sintance, forthe simple reason thet You bear sp lab ad kad sigh ABS considered worth knowing. I looked upon gland in 170Ge This oeriy | (ot# but as tonnage and speed increased |g eel elined iden "atie ni Doe fess, 2 sho bent over her danghterinlew. |" And with this bromine the counters tett | “Marion, be reasonable,” he snid. You} ‘No one, ‘There is | myself as a master of the art, and my head invention wal “not suocemsfal, and osher | "e fatalities grew in proportion. id a soft scrubbin, one “Crying, st how ill you look—what is | her daughter-in-law, Once before, not by her © the -wroag way to work ; even supposing |one thing more I have to say. | Taaid that | swelled a good deal when I wns hired to.g0 Patents were issued in 1804, 1818 and scores | 10 1954 the City. of Glasgow sailed for} | 1 Tean, take an Sedinay garment with biddi id for some one else, you do not go|I id go to Berlin, and 1 ae be a of times since. New York with 48 collar and sleeves bad, ‘capt eye! aa te the way to make me care for you ; but yaa wife to go with me; an ed, and fares! and cook for a real live queen. al and st i one-third brisweneed “Phere is something very wrong the Gease all these disagreeable [have said that Lwould go ries ‘ell me a faint kind of a notion that I the itu = In the’ Are and with intial ess hi matter,” said Lady Marion.‘ Somethi i | ei Be Wear eipeat eaties Vo sat omer ot tala neki might win one of the princesses, and I Grrn Among the Soe = fines: vewels of that day, waa sunk scott | average Inundreat, moke 1 mirtre of that I cannot bear—something that will ot poate rah, es tes ra wa on SG icapetfes nae hing; Dai re Ps-z_| Pictured myself strutting about with a Sees has egyptian mother at a. with the steamship Vesta in a fog et @ kerosene oll and let it sand over Kitt me ifit is not 8 i i tne whole army of duch Teh: nee Spat oH ee cradle, ice, Five hundred and” ty-two | DISD oF Prepare ep i : re home, anything else.” told you she will not go with you, your y e023 and baronesses coneal pict : ‘ «My dearest ee said the countess, fe pth ari, be m to| Ev ven hon she might hare beoome recon: iyo following me around, pe leaiyhergi sed eee ee Ye0'sous abroad, eated, nt rer aree | 2 collars and ous and all of thevvlled << what is wrong? [hae never seen yon ciled to him,and the sad after consequences | ‘* My “My hopes were knocked out in one been lobia i heard from again. ay places, then roll the fe great Shmbers in Pom i 4 reen 1857 aud 1864 garment up for a few ge distressed before. Whi ve something very aie bane tee averted, but she was too ery say wl ty is? Shee Qaeen Pad | a ‘They were of, geld, ieee eh eli. | the Allan line lost nine steamships and in | Minutes while the others are being done. «4 too excited with jealousy and de: Thaye no duty towards you 2” . paid less atten:ion to lass, agate, | 1958 the Hi ips. in |W) E never know where he is now,” she tevayt “, hoe FT phirge| i L aageee sr fol hough a yout s_-must 0 | 00 than she did to the man who herded marble and other sein-precious stone, was burn ie Ham arg Aasiriona lings anstoin| a tinscnnd ie'gh tha meee tiie Tae asid. “Oh, Lady Lonswoll, I am a0 (t0huooy, BM | your wil wrould have countonanc:| the geese in the castle grounds, Re saungies laid with al pieces of |""In 1870 the City of Boston nalied (etta [soepeuds, In mine cases out oft miserable, so unhappy that I wish I were ta sorty fort, mother, bat ad also me Breil yateaoh ol sae “eRe ae wuld have been ou NUE tics ie irony colored stones sot in regular pat | port with 215 passengers idives: eves ill used no. farther enbbing e a loving husban: grea vats pleasure; if she bape o e Egyptians 2300 si hhted ait 2 x g cure Ne ee sees hy dar Lance Jour le levee yous: [nd ftlend prove it by dag the yield. ‘She hae the first’ right | didn't catch on, Shedidn’t seem tolike them ao BIS floors of this kind dated ip AulaSte an ashore neat Seruseonm, | soslded., ‘They ‘veiled ton ead Atcearoen alntenbinhe qed ae you (esa it, she | eg with all her rove it bis giving dhe e Vanir After all, Lance, Bees can | little bit- ‘The truth of the matter is that = Aslan lees at ere common in is, ‘and 500 lives arcane ‘Some were gp, add time, but should have about Hon. Reuben E. Truax, one of| tres are in any way deranged! the im expressing her feelings, alarmed Lady Satine ini weli3e stilgeraage.8 ce atest vhen can it matter whether it is now or in three | *B® Queen sent down a quiet tip that such heaton aaah Schiller wat alo eos in disolves any erie A a ea Canade’s ablest thinkers and states-| supply of nerve force is at once Ricepcll' i eelbiGne-bold, commiting tt “Th wh caanet ‘ his reason : Madame | month tla mote we see ofeach Se ett ee ie uses but that they hey sotlly Rockssand 200 persons Vaeine may norrub out ofthe fibres, and makes the| ™0,®man so highly esteemed by ee and as a result the food Hi chotve ty kaso (my lade nidonse asa ele ac Thappen to know, has fe 8 lites off onlor for an Sin uece: that al tai is distri 3 inends in father om Beg gern pi paae navies nde pen iflotate te | troubles in her life, buts! han adfte Gana’ gree 7 or othe the agg party kone} Z| fone a the N Nora rman usta fab bike ie ele ieee the people of his district that he was | taken the stomach is’ only ies she roel ai a oe Ee chat teiaiide Banal have, bores I eat oe i cise P:: Mation, thoroughly EO A i NE we vce tga a ho tly i a ee oe ingle’ a at they were _ ‘ inve: ee a i fe: and 157 lives were | W2tm suds made with the soap and kero. | honored with a seat in Parliament, pets Seed, and Chronic Indi- , you «must ann wl e | gi 0. , as yo for the British stomach. ions of comparativel Jost. a Hanberaeal ocd ill i a caesar OF at an cereale goae right, Caner,” | ee Nec be ecuteating sna I'hadl| Hote in Hi Jngate Hil,” said Leones | that had fenrned was pageant ee cd sips ie Ane Pommeranis amburg- American tet amsbiP| better, to say Soiilse Biteectee look) Evndly. furnishes) us for, publication Dyspepsia soon make : yn 1 kancer [done wrong, My friendahii “ you go no eaten +5) par Chandos.” to hind to goiback to Kris al fd methods," fee po sles Oriental invention,and | collision and 555 persons lost their li longer, than those laundred in the ordi the following statement, which will their Lady Chandos told/her all, and the count- | triong, Pic would always {comfort to her, and she Saly the silt stars were looking cn; be | “What didahe like boot? re suppoted 0 have come trom Arabs in | The Cimbria, of the game line, maaan de adel t ‘ sprue. ‘eee listened in wondering amaze. ee cs this in a Indy, of | Barm is therein it? Aboreall, Are Neha stood for fow minutes at the earrings h cakes were favorites. Sho used aaah tn Pact Tal a an ENS elas i eighty-four persons — i sh babes J aad Glare asl salle sega rt ong « ‘i oa id. joes it inflict on you? An: bth me. evel in them. "5 ° ey did not come to lost. ay inasmuch as it is i ic 4 A Ass you ante mre? antag i tat m Lely Marion has serine sapiclaon | orion fot pb Hey co tecthee We ei apes, eet eae for ‘pts os eidnge. had a France until 1662, and make their appear.|~ In another collisions litle later the Kerosene in Washing. Will lage feasted one in which all| prepared that it acts directly on the il Pa cairo ie as no right to be jealous,” he Tose Lind aoe tHipaguetel foc yea” as beet her, and her anawer wae 8 low, | such puddings wttog to England. with soffee.in 1650. French line steamship Vil aris was| AN exchange gives the following ‘as an| Countian aha) Meal aiden al eeahagm hapa hint ! id angry; dow nota to my lve sees rom the whil 8 coe Those pal Rocking. chairs of tho styl lost and 230 : ‘ruax says : capolor tual «Jp must be true, husband for her” 7 the trombling wite « Yes", ties big enough to f pet aNile od eae were of washing without a washing of Indiger and a 5 . gh to feed ef néwadays are believ drown teat di “ acknowledged it himself, and yet refused to pen ¢ speak seriously to you, Lance,” le wen! (To BE CONTINUED.) they were one of the Fc of ‘every vented in the presen! tlle ct They t | were these: The b rainy soft Reig evap machine by the use of kerosene :— I have been for about ten years and is an saa ade for all (give me any explanation of it, Some time | said the countess “farion is eo unhappy ‘i Mey should si ie eaten a ati nee din real ; ‘ mentioned by Venerable Bade, “The hes" tread i ae the City of Montreal,| _Ditectly after breakfast the boiler ie put very much troubled with Indigestion | nervous dises and ailments. that pot wonder if she were really | minded? Why se end a frien enever ag: Bd ah ety w: ‘women now are so luxuri ot ‘ine, both without ife ;| Over the ator ith i simee, I found that he passed so much off itt over it ; now why net do ie wih cA pare sadinnocent? Why not be you pobie PARISIAN MOURNING MILLINERY. | prepa “sine ibawe'ehaics with weston ovens ne shee Re neasing ore Site of vigiayine aks ot id aoe eae bcd reine ren QAI oe Sed pelted a lei in one day. Re (asin tonihogisT waked you tthe wa, al aes nprsereay tehefredy Lupin the eandest and which sway back and forth in 5 in collision wi bl is ine, and two) many different kinds of patent) Its powers to build up the who iad any fiends with whom hewas especial Mazin le eaeidtee “way cevaive ter yout telee | way possible, and there were all sorts of fort that it maketh one sick to behold tablespoonfuls of kerosene. Let this come} medicines, and have been treated b; dal seine Zy intimate, and you thought not. Now I a is a, You, Datuty Contect tack Crepe, Batt | decorations to be ‘mad do, “‘Phsed eran’ te them, pei toa boil and add two or three pailfuls of Q e been treated by’| system are wonderful in the extreme. * i ink | ab sealed dateevs lawGion: beni il laaly Lek to. Horo 6 fede | sTcd susnes isa German royal coat of arms in sugar and the go water as may be required ‘and & number of physicians and found| It cures the o!d, the Fiatoos Senin ty PAD Eetbealegs fave tte ppt me] place. She happened to say how deso-| The woman who ia in mourning should Knglish lion in doagh, to say nothing of Sani ee Tie Cie ws lepgagay the Tleaneet clothes drys ot than eae tang] Mo benefit from tem. Iwas reoom-| middle-aged. Iti ae Prada at Highgate, 2 Sh it | late ou! at first in Ber- ng and dri » and bh inese employed them : B em come to a E : raged, is a great fri 8 arbre ech! Cah he had seen it| Me oe areal that I" knew the cioy | Sd much consolation in the new hate and | hintes, and all pr oe ig or from about 1300 B.C. is they boil and remain over the fire twenty mine| mended. to try the Great South] the aged and infirm, Oe ah much oft, my dear | had saad er ao, to renounce his young |W were | bonnets dexigned for her thi spring, They | tickle ar tad patriotiom of the Ly 100 G. Mawe thay ith Biase | coe eis utes, ‘Take them out and put in the towel | American Nervine Tonie, I obtained | to use this precious bo: athe ea coun “‘Ma- | wife, and now she saw i . Strang thac amily and their gue CI s were pions OEE ané other tl . on; 0, ie very beautiful and very | that’ his next words should seem like an er de at yo Once ina kite ror William of { Pe ie Pte 200 genie aeetea A Samson Among Bi cate Wor, Does ccna ance yan the! bottle, and I must asy Ifound very|yor may neglect the onl; tei sccomplished—all gentlemen like to be peat wot ay Poked eit ae Garang woildine osaciee oor plo; ge Birds. ly remedy eee Deere i reeds e; | should be very glad’ to spend the next few An ateneen ater day or two, ae. D. 70, Se ng anticael LRMENG Tel REY inter dAide fUlMG ‘hous? abide was SPeeaBR eaten erence ae, great sei and have since taken two| which will restore you to health, + T cannot argue,” anid Lady Chandos | you persusded me to give up all the hap- in, I cannot tell how it really. acne niciae: at date. “Chairs with foot-reate were ee aes chee ges: them out of the suds, } .more bottles, and now feel that I am| Sonth A: | yo . AN : nied in Rome A. De (50. 'y birds, the penguins, were | #2d pus them at once in the rinsing water i merican Nervine is perfeetl: inct and f my life, yea jo not ti rd settled and hi entirely free fr i A eatin years not try m The Himperor liked pia learned during the British Antarctic Ex. | Which has been blued and made ready for ly free from Indigestion, ant safe, and very ples lately refuse, to act mi be yay oe ioe ipisiiabe “qe ioblets witht: beta idan avian theae pedition of 1892-8, The largest, as well as rine sont ead @ short time, the} would strongly recommend all my| Delicate BRE ict he bone aan 2 rf Heer ieyilil} pacadb eandbelh the rarest of th i f , use this ae ars ra lg gerne seam ies oases cee Se eee] Gea ee Wee ee eee eae ok. may e better for| give Sou! merican Nervi b] fixed] you.” ke eas 1 panies it: rade ‘ine an| bloom of freshness and be: ? “ “ ad; “Twill jerman ancestry of th; 2. imes weigh as much ii H ‘i i euty upom Lance,” she, said, wine) is Medame| “No poo gee edi ee a ne te ox Main 88| clothes in immediate trial. It will cure you, |your lips and in ee ce | Vanira ieareiuias one. hi ill gly, and shi riot ighty pounds, and the boiling water over them, | R P your cheeks, and eo his. wie conteat hip the fh thas burned Peer 6 Sea etroor es erin. had would give orders for the pastry of Hanover k best a pve itil araedi eral jectaral. sant es raing yale abuts’ oontcibnsa| ta it ee $e, ‘REUBEN E.TRUAX, | quickly drive away your disabiliti his hander, ang | you mas gee Madame Vanita,” she and Berlin, Once in a while she took a bat the auppositio pomcies ‘ fore “ " 'Y your disabilities when hl ws = peepaati se odin | turn at doughauts, bot they always had to poor liba ely isthe potas oe Ste Sled Of Minis eo Nite weight | Wy nt ae hae ee eae Walkerton, Ont,”| and weaknesses. oor ie feng ro iow co paren conus ay ‘ie ee Ryan ckodldgen Delight a flaky? g e potion large specimen was captured and tadaaiing room el washed out of the It has lately been discovered that} Dr. W. Washb he cares nothing for Madame’ y iage, Lance? I remember now | spend long hours and t whole da ys tele-a- cee ay py Queen woald coms y Sates cegot eng barge re ‘nae in medine- he giochre purrs during the expedition Bt ita! tag evonene eo poe aie certain Nerye Centres, located near| Richmond, Indi paged al e my py over rane A tele ‘struck by ee ‘manner. | tete with a strap; what can you on s tour of Ps. pag jhe walk. . nly one on the table, | just referred Standing erect, in th uired is to 6 i jana, writes: “I have ot give her i find t ik? You. know i heart about among the employes just lik and it held from two or three hi 7 e | Peg’ use the right amount of it, the base of the brain, control ‘) Yate wilt Wf sou ask im,” said. Lady | Marton declare the there acne aroee | that Tepe Se vad ey on Nowa other Engliss houtewil Tet alivaslden salt was placed about tho middie of the) ing” i Pmes: 16 seemed clothed | ee ee auaation sedate Aion enoolyithe stomach Hite tbe snd/nsed South American Nervine in Lanswell, you, What ca the name of common sense and fairness, let spoke to any one. She would give her table's length. At the upper end sat the With gold. and purple, and white and| sen irchovone hog we meee Bractice as: neces-;my fassily and prescribed it in nae, will not. Th him, I aed f Yor some minutes, then looked | me ask, would you like pees ee ieareage auledly oe ieee patel oe ogy ey heey tage ping pack: the nipehee te te hear a prepa agin A nerve force to properly digest| my practice. It is a most have told him that ‘the a oot it is on face. man you know such a friend as you have was pretty plas ork, 7 remeron ir marl the] Presemtly it Ay @ food. ” ‘weariug my life away ; oe he will not, pe pra te ce, it can never be!’’| made of Madame Vanira 2” though, nse] ‘oe pay ese Sect ihas as the aividiag ee ‘ae 1e associates of the Bathe 4:4 eg kg haus Sal oe ee gies gama shee Abas Zam very unhappy, for I love my husband.” | she cried. Taek ueettile idea tas ocourred| _‘“ That is quite another thing.” he nobleman and his dependents, so that to! a: ner.1; ee ee ee -— J. Torrance, Agent, “« And he loves you,” said the count to me, and yet it is not possible.” lied. a bated toed —_+__—_. tl below the salt” meant social inferior- eige iy ns limb sent an sates Recipes. a “donot think so, I believe—my in- fe made no answer, but a look of more aghe ly. THEY ATE A RAT. A og. howling off to: aucee “hi ir 2° , : 5 Among the Aral i alternate ae on which stinets tells me—that he loves Madame | dogged defiance came into his face, “aa Re when words ig j 1 en. pep pied wi pang yf ifr moon wots Focaiied #o secars ti hea ic Palestine Soup.—Ingredients musi cress, cover with anther ie It is supposed that these statuettes may “thee wicked tomy sch i Team never be; end yet 1 ink ie ia Two Little children Are Helplessty q placing the mil {Ik in leather churning by id they succeeded only with great Slit | slices of lena bacon Or ham, half w head of |, bread and butter, then ice | have been dedications to Ningirsu, the much things,” | 80. it y culty, one to L3 4 a i rts antese ie cays a tthe the det sins be gerbeal ‘you sal never be really friends vith you geen er tucwen by Their Father, a Justice . shaken or beaten butter | fi iy pad rare no each jeg, torts * ee celery, one turnip, one onion, three ounces pala fos Sr, reg bros boolerttng: Pele micor tel cae one young afertona?" ie Vai Peace. came oe Hone did their churning by | beng strongly bound, the e neck. After! of butier, four pounds of artichokes, one | srd and cross he nz Tori world, pays Prac stancon to the most] "*Madaute Vanira isthe gil I loved, The community in the vicinity of Hart- 4 Fas dae he Aaland 8 breaking loose. pint of boiling milk (or hilt » pint of boil. [is prepared in the followin pice a gilt of her spect him aiden ‘and whom I believed to be my wiie : ford, little village south of Aurora, Ind., | ern an itacberien ap Abe, indication "of the immense ho oil thie fr che: % insdelity,, want el ica nad Wieke'edt ieetiliyom parted we he caprice o ra, In saddle, The horse was put at a brisk | strength of the fore limbs, ng cream), salt and cayenne to taste, two | ‘h® vil from half a tin of lax, po @ruth, Twonder at you.” ae a mtasid is: het oticians repleg, “even though that woman ia greatly incensed over the conduct of gallop, and after around of somo miles the | the penguin isthe ape ahets wich eng nig | mes OF SOBA, two and a half quarts of the yolk of hardcboiled spy ung ue Lady Marion Salsed ber fair, tear-stained with ‘slow ory of Heaven have merey on| wif Squire Robbins, a Justice of the Peace for churning was considered to be accomplish-| the birds are able 1 leap perpendicularly | White stock. Mode: Put the bacon and ripe bese gt bed wre, si the ‘dda, «Neither will I consent to go to Berlin,” ‘WO FAVORITE DESIGNS. Union Township. He is also a leading bat er 6 of the “water to nights of thee pce] wegatables, ee slodid escent Pep sapien se hemes coralne sdiiiot, caste ot mney have been sent to BLP note {pel atte nitro ae eer eee fe’ alone,” he said; ‘I! are chic and charming and #0 becom pele Cee ech sas oon France, and’ace supposed 10 have noon a Smores landing upright on s onke of ice. | slices, into the stewpan with. jearcees ee aura ro: ¢* DOF i] * * a pproacl to i 3 aly know. what 1 fel, what my i iartingt CHAPTER EY will nt be governed by exprices that have | ing that they are sure to lift many a heavy Seman. The quire French invention, being introduced in the| before makiog the leap, aud jump directly | raze there ie half an hour, keeping them| | BRONZES OF OLD BABYLON. SA aT pias WAR 70 THE KNIVE. in ghem nether enon pin ay RRS TSS A ns, sixteenth centary, After the introduction | upward, Y | well stirred ; wash and pare the sheer a LAY DEAD a anah ‘Labia, Coutl A ARIE CGE 4 ied a Lady Bacio, “it is war Se ree ie ag es without food or fuel, during the recent cold . 8 so Lege ake first made smooth —__+—____. and after cutting a Li thin add | Specimens of Metal Work Made Thou ON THE FLOOR. t there | terrible trouble, and it was the first real ot : : spell, telling them he ing to Cole's Teegerenmure, being starched and pleced| sappry OF STE. th sands of Years Ag: He loozs nt her | trouble of her lif fer son’ in reaid Lord Chandos ;| seen in many pretty shapes. They are ‘3 4 This being found tas be AT SEA. 4 His Wife, Mrapped to a Chal bcs bana ratte’ ditealiy Mean’ oateanh trays remember. you can. put an trimmed with Suted loops of chiffon or| rset 9 sual ine some miles distant. Bot $07 5 eos » resort was ste ‘There have been placed on exhibition in : we area valce ; whin he sing, farsi cher nod difficulty that the law bad helped her | end to the warfare ‘when you will !” sage cad y vasidty.of Wack Bowers: Uitace Several days later Albert Brush, a young = poarch ba rs with a fe intra why ia tad the Bint gsr onside to Ocean he Babylonian room of the British Museum] A d age ie was as though their souls floated away | over. Now no law could intervene, and no| | **Tshall sp Lady Lanswell and to} a cscasti beta F farmer of that Hoi 1 ionad the deserted * eran bate fey jappen some very fine specimens of Babylonian | Kell id resi i ‘cogether.” Say fastice. Not! hing could verona der sarprive| the Duke of Lester,” d Lay 3 ation, and carnat ee os e Koiee babel vohildren atadue's ) he polish now considered tndlepeaaeee A hae a all Tia ‘Melati vaEe ye'the ‘London Graphic, | des rs an ae of Ellice, was found “Marion,” interrupted the countess, | im finding Madame Vanira, the Queen of | aad her husband merely answered wit spring open-wor! ims wi much in| 1) death , ‘Tonge were said to hi makeing abs nexe tntérdati rig apebisiona ak oark don loor of his house on Monday, cf Misia letccaptad ho comnts, | ecole mee gtd | Pv sig AR ERP tiie ath sn Tames mare mid bo have oor have, coarred to tonaatlantic liners is | 48 he, 5 serngpcsatggrte lace of arly metal | Kolly was 84, and lived with his invalid (Dict pages a lego ada wate peopl, eatny tees | ith hon ie was indod “wae to the| and few of eary ental Ie. prompt reli poche Beste ence that almost pes one has been close in ancients as Sir-par-ra, or Lagast, the mod. | Wifé on part of lot 7 in the second concen * Yes, Tam jealous,” said the unhappy | maid,” “ the tempestuous young person, knife.” Such was ot that | puffing of crepe, Seeviry with fine jee| children. Their ages 1 monuments, 2200. In India chey shere. This is tor the reason that most of rn name of which is Tel lo, alan mound | sion of Ellice. Kly hi “and not without cause— mt the satya satel girl from whoin b; an Lady sae Pd and - raves th se Becoming outline for th for the timely arrival of Brush wl ld : ‘laimed ee th or site in soathern invali as been an you must obs xy is, makes a e for the woul are claimed as in use since B. C. em have been due to either colli invalid tor many years and_ bei mectiemnet, toon "Sari owas erin aia goak of hee lie. britn. Tene have both sacoumbed vo the severitien of their principal employment in that coun idaieasig ional foscparek 1 5 ppmmaciaaeN i ses ae ug rdiar a of Babylonia, who | afllicted mentally is mind ME she sorry it same evening when that conver-| Black begining or dull jetted aigrettes = waich their father ry, where fires during the mosi track is divided i and spread them with Montpellier butter, | *PPeats clean shaven, 1 is not in bed, wearing me away ; my heart think to ‘herself what would aave happened | sation took place, Lord Chandos went to| will take the place of feathers on round | bad. tal ae ate your are euperfiuous, was Hipage ihe | eas the other ts went. The two laces | Which 1s made in this way -—Blanch a| MBH Pues The cu bees ance regan ie aad ey = ony Farrage war like dre-O8, | marriage had th Sais Ey es a playing hate for light mourning. tint shy pac ' sufferings they henaltng Gt lad hodies at the funeral | 4F¢ in mid-ocean, about fifty miles apart, | handfal of parsley with a sprig each of 0 7 if called ut the house, as was her custom. my God, ‘Anne syn.” “He” wail ati ‘The mvurning bonnets to be worn when | Shi un! eas ta Seventy pairs of tongs, some|2Pd there have been few instances when | th: shoulder, leaving the right erm, is ship going to town, to enquire if anythi ‘The Countess of Lanswell, in her superb t and. was seated in her carriage ;| the veil is taken off are artistic little affairs, tears to , some iron, have been taken from | liners wandered away from them. yes eatregeny aad chara the | raised, ‘waited; be Youadisr sold shat 1 ing ‘ -dromof black velvet, ant by in silenoe ; for then he atood Pg ‘moments leaning | Many of them consist merely of pe oes hem. The ooly at : hes Palin of Pomipeti: Petre tein pb liga ary ioe moisture from them in a cloth, and pound | OMe, standing on its own doable pli Gu the floor dead, . He hadvon kis espeaser ft over carrit loor ant ing er. i i em. luring the peri oe their of the herbs i i some twelve inches hi; is fi vi ” the Arte cimein her life LS er rece spl be gst A ince gor tough Loca: s Arras che i bln Indiv plate for tale nee war un | Yo : jes te mortar, with a tablespoonal | oomes from Abu gl said mittsjand hig feet were stretshed ander bered the mh | «Your faze i whitéand your eyes all rout epi sie'bee hina whieh the ext coal and the Neseer ona 1 7 ts, who held their , vy, the yolks of |B. C, 2200. A se ear ae firs? de deo git aagpeporetrrgees= the Welln ee pranoen: ; meat i the ‘hands or employed the flat o a king in the atutude of adoration stove, quite uaeonscious of what hed “The spell i sill on me,” she answered. oan ‘the hair, Another fanciful idea for ier cbaling the partially eaten carcass , & eae vintaslas bee de on which to bold | position of the New. York ot that dine: seperate os: i taken her husband. wha hd over ole soul into 2 monroe bonnet shows a puffing of srepe | ° rving children divided it : i ‘ are first mentioned | showed that sh - | clasped togeher in Ht fr a banal ot jared a8 ured by the Tuxarious on that the Gahet pies a iio 2 god Nebo is represented.’ The king wears (ian ips was nearly a Jong, flowing: beard, but no o can A ae Candidate, d as black heliotrope, i two.er serps pension er: a full-blown rose nodding above it. ithe Elok aad violet’ loanel, fev, eosand’ | cheerless room in their : | bale pee i 1 [beige alves, ani dear, the alarmia’ car i resect Ra “es leyn, ‘ich mourning is « dream of beauty. Black | F ’ eee eS Tatas ola ee a 2 i “i ae a a rege ii i spread of iseases’ has resulted in world in general, never know: I , or whether I am E war * being prefer i f 7 omy se era apwihey wit vethe 4 Yelver or black crepe combined with natur P warm, e bec weet in yes ae au Fo sing Club. Wi or. -heliotrepe chiflo ; r ie eupe of the Antyriane closely rerem-| but as bee di ii Pak waniyi new antl, beagey’ er, and threats of white- tiie at fo! i lena ead gen- Geet captains Sep (low these | from em lightly with | and suoportinga b 4 oa f Ee avisk Lye have n> paad cc col marked +, Bn 1 ‘on ime to $ 4 | Kae detent van igure wabact BG, gnu Mjoime i blll fs im, proud life t for jealousy ;she had never known it, she did not even understan: e pail me out for a day it by. not love the earl Seailien push tb: be jondous- of hi saver aM, \d Jove or jealousy in others. re the un- a wi few blue-eyed poopleare said to be re ture, and bemoane