Be Wi “It Slithes: For All” ca vol IV—No. 14 LEVERTON, ONT. PERTH CO., THURSDAY, MARCH 7, (895. MALCOLM Mach ET! Editor and Pu ier The Mi! verton Sun Ts the best Local Newspaper in the of Perth. It is the Best Adve Rates reasonable. Subserinties year, strictly in advance. H, Publi County rti Mack rin: | on | 1 6 00) 3 00! Bighth solu One ine 500} 2 00 1 st jusortion, Gnublo, per line for ench nuccasive insertio KL, M. O.M., Grad duate of College of Physicians & sof Ontario,.also Post wluate’ sradtont BE Laden Hie spital, London, Eng. 08 mea af Yost te, . Milverton, con $s sith, Poole ch and Ros pli 1881" F ow 1881. Hradaate o oll tine goa, Surgeons of Ontario. phone at Rostock, Brunner, Robt. Hi ‘0 Office and Residence Hoa etiasunr ee néerges Crom Carthage, Oitice u s free. uazes. | couples wereinattendauce. . Mr, hours 10a.m. to 4p U. LITTLE & CO. W. DENTISTRY M. BRUCE, L.D.s., aduate of R.C.D.S., Tor etic: Dentiairy, go. Of 6. 6, Min Bip Lintaerel, Onl” WHE visit the Queente/Hotel ilverbin,. every |2 diay for the practice of his profession, DR. pe DeNTigh eet dons ti opposite Post Will ‘aisntine visits to Milvertou until further noti aa ae H. ENGEL, V.S S., Milverton, Ont. Graduate of Ont. Vet. rey Toronto, treats “all diseases of domestic avimal All calls promety sktonded to, hy pees rg nara) ‘day or nigh TiccidgMasl Cl iciie dieuabe a apnoeaieys G. FORTUNE, V.S, Honorary Graduate of th the Ontario. Veterin- y College will treat me diseases of aoe ie ata st scienti Splayii trating of ings a specialty aber Mer Bie (up- ress Calls, day or night, promptly attended to, 0. F,, No 90, Milverton, meets every second and ‘last, Tuesday of every ith, at 8 o'clock in theit hall over Schneuker & Roth 's store, Visiting brethren always wel J.P. Griffin, @ Bi M, MacBeth. Recording See, 0.0-¥,, “ Silver Star Lodge,” «. Milverton, meets every Frid at 7.30 p.m. in their hall, ing. Visiting brethre Chas. Spencer, N. G. iverton, fae in month. BE poe Ll frit Waltetday Jas. Strong, 7 Bec; R: Smith, Treas, s HOTELS pean ce HOTEL, Brunner, Qutario, Beeps. Proprietor. Tiquare oak e te bars pe mewaksetsea lula patting RAND CENTRAL Hi BOE, Milverton: Bat. eae ion. for com- | a travelers, Ger ee tip rg rooms... stabling. Bestbrands 4 a aicisace fp MilSte, Ge Sips bameies, DEANS 10% HofH L, eb. Milverton, Out. The ion me mercial pea Two yee sampl? rooms. ‘one alec of Wines, Liqtiors vound Cigars at 2 warm stables, )-aud “plenty faiead Foon Henry Rose Prop VS " PROwAL HOTEL, “Stetiord, “oppoitey af squares JM, propri- fie om eettnas as Whe vanons Of the people of thi soit hie. WEIR, ee gn the Conicles ef "veh Ait Hotel Conveyancer. sta and Afters mae Bash ighk ‘illage Clerk. street, | Was one of the finest im toxn., a e ral the tine brick residence of Mr. - oF, Main. and | Ay STABLES wa | sshorses and rigs for Commercial driving a Bas insets all traina = Changes of ad’ ments | must be had in by Tuesday nen ts insure insertion, We are also agents for all Toronto need and Dail | Newspapers. _ All (Soe aetiaie should bein by ‘Tues Keep your eye on Ned Chowens ! Admission: to the concert cost sev- eral of the boys'a penny. Mr. D. Smith has got in two loads of binders and other Seehiaey) Messrs. Hasenpflug &"Ramsay have fomoved ted Haioa tte blosk: a their hew quarters over W. PP n” for who have ranades during “There's but little conta some of our local ists been giving ee ‘Try Rae «&Grosch for ready made clothing. New lemons at 20cts. per dozen at Kertcher For a fine selection of spring goods at very low prices go to GLEISER’S For bargains in crockery, try Guts sugars, teas and R's, Read hisad. Mr, John Schaefer claims to have seen the first crow of the season. It Was out on Friday last. Rae & Grosch havea cheap line in chamber and dining sets. The Women’s Foreign Mission So- ciety of Burns’ church, Milverton, will meet “in the basement on Thursday o’clock. afternoon at 2 o’cloc One thing that caused a little amusement on convention ter was a ck b Every Thursday evening M oe teack dancing the M hi 6 to. the couple who were the best wultzers, The prize was won by Mr. Samael Snazel anc Miss. Delia Daly. About — seventy ely ford purposes offering another pri: The prize last mght wa: 1bum.— tratford Beacon, ‘th Perth Libera s. ¢ Liberals iif North ‘anlath. at Stratford on Saturday, 2ud M arch, and. unanimously nominated ve, M. P., as their standard- at: in’the coming campaign. AG ren r. Tommy Harrison comes in with Pel yarn that a was cut on se father’s place phe eek that made 20 cords of single w: i. it measured 116 it from tip to snoot and butted he Aberal Meetin, The young ‘Libefals’ of Milverton will hold a meeting in Grosch’s Hall on Monday March 11th) A number of young Liberals from Strat ford and Jas. Greive, M. P. will help to conduct the meeting. ure to attend, 3 Toglish greyhound; drab color, with four’ white toes, and. white «pot on breast. Last seen at noon ree week, Anyone'giving information as “to. hi whereabouts will be suitably elidel: and anyone detaining said animal after this notice will be prosecuted. C.8. Kerroner Contraction and Expansion, Soon the assessors will be on their sounds, and what a enreity of de there will be! What marvelous shri ages in the value of nitieey tana a comes and personal property! Young men of 18 ot 19 will become suddenly MF. After the thaw last. week we had “| several days of beautiful weather but the wild Canadian snow storms again et Mondiiy almost. blocking up the mals. ‘The sun again shoe fib n Tue day, but attime of writin (Wedneday ano is filing: How ver when Murch departs we may ex- beer things. No. one. can 2 that we haven't had as much winter to te e aquare foot as we hd in former ye: pais wel Rpm Be voeek Saturday evening W. as discovered to be pfu men were quickly on the, ro ane worked hard in the fice ofa stiff! southerly wind, iat iimpetle, them, and.fanned the flames. to a ver; height. A partion ee mivehbdee toan total loss. Insuran $1,000 ‘on enntents in: the Ancol Mutual; which will: not-cover the loss. The buil Arinstrong, co Wonight it from the Canada Land ai y by whom © | tlie insurance is ‘placed: The building a defective chimney. a ie Perth ¢ n-| effet, Tommy says | S07 All Liberals is in io no of getting te the past and unr g night hideous Me minated. me The Conservatives of North Perth | !: met in Hasenpflug’s hall on Tuesday last and nominated Mr. Me’ cheese bi of Stratford, as thei ‘ned friend. standard be: py beep mc! = 4 country, Mr. Cliowens” . blo wel d . Ds Weir will sell ify | poblie HT can web wrote 5 the» following: vid | these ten vears hus be eit a-trying to ekin Tak Tuih 's farm stock and implements om Ma: 4th. r.Noah Berringer's farm stock and igeliene on March 26th. A Cold Bath. As Mr. Wi ie was returning home from chi jusp Shadayswith Mr. Thos Riley, the horse stumbled and fell down the em- brnkmen t dragging the cutter and ac- the bridge. i rison was ‘thrown against the fate and knecked senseless, from whence he rolled into the creek, where was run- ‘ning a foot. ofswa He was pulled by agli home: and attended to, recrt: 6d, butdoes not ce sreilnnertice experience. ‘The Concert te concert is over and was a huge iss Hext was in fine form ce replat er ic ty great She put wonderful fire into her rendition of Ben Hur in t “er, iss Stevenson, th> litte enaheninee ewrried the audience hy torn. Without doubt Mi & aa graces the ates ache” ays please, Abs Stevenson were exceptionally fine. he performers speak in Lizhesc a ms of the accompanist, Miss Euna Litule, to whom per of the success: in the rendition is Death of a Downie Pion: The death ened "this morning of Mr. James Murray, one of the Bioneers i as 74 y 2 a & $ BE; ,s ge, and! lial been & tekidebtlol the township for over half a century. was born in. Roxboroughshire, ioe bit and came* to Canada in etl on bot 19, con 5, Doe lownie, wae he continued to aida family of ten children survive him. His children are: ‘ames and Mrs. Mv e, attending the Toronto Normal school ; and Thomas, Charles, Hannah and Jennie at home. Rye cemetery. Tuesday's s gee pri Schoot empties vor department: Senior second— Flossie Reddaway, ‘Pilgern fon rated Eva Tonge, Laura Griffin, Clara Gi ther, Funior second — Andrew Bach, ward Krajaeski. Part TI.—Maria| © Hi Griese, John Lizzie Acheson. Seriior part’ I. Henry Grosch, Mavy. Hooffert, George Rae: Peter Smith, Hewite, rn lento. departiney Robbie -Kay,< Millie Haat » Ella Smith, ‘Otto Wiederhold, eisey, Senior : third—Russel harles Livingston, Autti ; | Hasenpflag, Sara Spencer, Fred. Bet. ger, Lizzie ‘Tonge, Matilda Dierlamm, jz Grit excminativn will be J April Lk, 6 om Harsco of the bie t | t-nding the Conturniuive convention outside. vd Sy abe Editor of aie Suge reside until his| ye Try Rae & Grosch for dress gocds. Jas. Torrance has in a full supply of school bouks, .stationary, ‘slates ani pencils. Mr, Maitland makes the finest fini h ed photographs seen anywhere. ee like the reality only they do not Call in to-day and to-morrow tea see him. other evening a couple of our well inoeatebeel politicians, Mr, Wendal Hoffert and Mr. Ned Chowens, got i aleeesohion repata bey aie Patines olithp 0. parties, | D Chowens ? know it’s only altogether mistaken te y les Grit dodge.” your diagnosis “ the ade to power, but, the) et left. of w is ‘hat is ge Meee here, n , Mr. Chowens. yor are atadisadvantage in competing with me in problems of insignificance and incorriyibil- }§ ity, and——” Here Mr, Chowens was carried out in @ faint, and has not fully. re- coverad yet, Loi "Tues Pine apples for sale at Kertcher’s, only 25cts. each, Mr. Goetz of Milde ay is orgie with Mr. J, HL, Schmidt as barbef 34] Miss Ada Boomer of Berlin is tthe. ern a her sister, Mrs pb. McCloy ap Newto tushy Mah Mek WG Kertcher is selling eu ioncaler fo oranges-at 25c. per dozen, 2 doz.: Se : Mr. James isnt of the Scratfan ‘d Beacon, was in town on Tuestlay” ( Communication. Deax Sir,—Ip the advertisoment of Tast week's issue headed “One* Binder ‘Too Many,” which I understand was handed to you as a paid advertisement by William Zimmerman, of Brunner (Brost’ & Wood agent), I may. say that Iwas implicated in the binder sale referred to from thy tine sale was made uutil the note was e Aud I say that mi sentence in the al tisement in reference to the Massoy-HarNe Corsdiaiyeclt Tatas) AGEL colt Leap On the pet h of June. of last yeat guise 4 Co, and m nai of wiry adv. woul as hea ache et Mile erton a lay oF he had bonght « F I told bim Dostvely iat sre would not eancel order jand he sui that We ern A Torranes Gi Rosie orate Hea thor * [Neil C. Lot | store, opposite Simpson's, was GONE IN FLAMES. » /TORONTO AGAIN. SCORCHED, ‘The Third Time in Two Mouths—Nearly $1,000,000 Destroyed. Toronto, Mareh 3— third time within two months pes has a hSetete millinery establistinent. and adjacent places were destroyed with a total loss of about $700, ey, days later tire broke out again in spot adjacent to the ruins, and daivaae was done the extent of three- quarters of a million-dollars, At half past twelve thismorning. A THIRD FIRE’ | started-—thjs time at the “corner ‘onge and Queen streets. the central he-| feadure of it being the Maat athena retin ole fee |store ef Robert Simpson, which | burned bo the ground, the building aoa tock being a “total less.” “Numerous buildings around were burned and the total loss willamount to hetween $800,- 000 and $900,000. The insurance: ‘will probably reach two-thirds of mystery, but there is @ gray to believe itwas incendiary i in eharacter. n’s Store was ® six story ing standing at the southwest corner of Yonge and Queen’s streets. Tt wa: put up last pub ‘sth a Beinn - a RAPID SPREAD OF THE FLAMES. The fire started. in the-rear of Simp- son’s 8 and ue flames spread with great rapidity, A general alarm was ran in at 12:35, and “the full force of the fire eaok of the fourreorners; and the fire threatened to engulf several bloc! ‘The sténm. fire engine was i and! gave valuable aid. The: ould not pretend o cope with irda at the oP of the high Simpson uilding wall fell, and- u f the city. The clothing store of P. Jamiesen, north- west corner of Queen. and linery and dry. goods, immediately north of Jamieson’s, om Xong suffered slightly. known 5 Agricultural Hall, | perty of Arts Ascntion Init-were a valuable aigeed tae other offtciul stock basis ing records which cannot be replaced. ALL. WHEE..A TOTAL LOSs, ith the hriiges Further west, cm a as tl it Aionight? it for; aud he gare hs hot Wil fAbeutt being Gbereed: > pestindly deny that) either of awiald cost’ hime$500, oc thet Gacwealt ener seemed: 8 sadinges tec if there wi ‘stato rename the: « fa F rs. 1» opinion We biter for sell ita di then M-Hy prnelaes gonatehe Webaeane ney cu itit wad his own faults y. attendance, 60. The annual promotion held on Tharsday, _ Milverton, March 5, 1905.." nite; pat | out, and C. bd pe bes nex'| also th great departmental establishment, which was but litt ed. .Across. Yonge street the fire: n did great. damage. At the northeast corner d stood the Henderson Block, This Exeaped damage. in the lower part, but Fuk’ Brown, with a Inte stock of ferniture-ap. sti turned onty andMilne & oo uth, stoves ‘mersha was burned id € se Beni Tremont bisaes hotel, lates each were about three-quarters ba builds a