Milverton Sun, 7 Mar 1895, p. 3

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EE. The Milverton Sun VHURSDaY, MARCH 7, 1895. There is an element in Toronto that Thave a pet stheme of insurance that they have Leen trying to promulgate, Tv is called civie insurance, the city to ‘take the risks and pay ail damages xeaused'by fire. ‘The’ scheme would work nicely so lon as fires were small ‘Dut what a nice-state the city finances ‘would have-been in had that scheme Deen in vogue with darge buiidings that have just been ‘consumed. ‘Sarely such folly is. well ‘Wustrated? Had Toronto accepted Mr. Ronald’s coffer some time ago instead of waiting vit friends in Michigan ere she two or three of a stout robust young inan for summer seasoi saspend traffic for a, while. regard to those | We learn of, the death of Miss C. Por He after a shat ces pathy is expressed for the bereaved good can come out of Nazareth. cause the Ronald engine is made in a county villege like Brussels, it cannot thing with a bigh sounding name, A Merryweather from _ Bermingham, England; Hurope, Eastern Hemisphere, ‘how grand that sounds? What does the wise acres of Toronto city council “eare whether it, squirts higher than a ‘common Squirt gun, so long as it has & big namie. ‘see that this waiting for engines to ‘come across the Atlantic, takes time, “and the'city is in danger. For all the ost that two Ronald’ enigines would be to whe city of Toronto they need not Be a inindve without them, - $4000 apiece and if Toronto men want |< chance. Toern wm, Oppe He Poole, ak has been visiting finde in puis thas returned. ‘ for a Merryweather engine, it would] "WP \forrison ties’ waters not to-day kemourning the loss of an-| brick blacksmith shop this spring | other million-dollars of good rty.| This will be quite an improvement to| it ‘The cities have a belief that. nothing | bis place. Be- be any good. They must-have some- be bors ve managed to save most of the furnitu A Mu ic last Wednesday night i in the’ Presby- terian Church, under: ¢ the pean faded fa proved to be very i 3 But practical people must oe nl and report having bad quitea pitty Stor They cust | latest in Mine's, And abe goods arriving to pevreats home industries now is | com, hi Waly the plough was employed t purpose in improving the pits out oh pie the roads are very rough, for the inost part, fro who ; : horses’ -hoofs during: the time of the suft- ness are pethaps the principal canse of the CREBKVILLE. Mr. week with his Forest has ied ned, Mr. J, D. Whaley, of the firm © Armstrong & Whaley, with Mr. Be in Mount. i Rey. Mi ~ Book sr ees spénita few days at} the ea sey Services with ability,aud to the pleasuré and proAt of large audiences. The My Tio Barroseof Dsiontine wat teamecting was a thorough encess, und] that in spite of . ling old horses i is the order of the Land the threatening aspect ot the weather. The the company, after partaking of the Ha ne fat things” in the basement. The his hor eae Fite ding Milverton school, ‘The township auditors Mess sof Mill eels met ue the entries being ae been con his. “Sreasurer of rete for forty ecutive te ha alway Teton estonia of y ive he jigs BD phaniavin farce tisersl te to the present, Jevep tbh. Come for Myr PD. 715th. 4s * Bs Eas, aie if co r-spenden? Tom fake on eany yp hes 2 env ih ate ‘Slon of | bus meen ti hg to all con- verned. N sary. [gud tlt themselves un a) Waddell of Baris, and Ose Tanopson by the exe nee . | Speeches of the Mes: a un soegig a and Steele were of «t! ie last-1 nate fakes “ones howt Was Once al The and during that time | the oth anniversary sowily aeepoeons wht he Pre vol the oad is taken into account Teason we | found nec eestary that: hee. fa era fren t ppke place on 8 Sondey morning a feiss wae cats j times a serene Heniahts acest edience, | Jop, Li ° of ivhe sky scene ei mate ix mudafternron, Ba teh rasta ok farmer bachelor living short eek north of this village has been keeping late or tiaras hours these last Mr. C. Kerr ig alae the services. the ATWOOD AND Vici ‘Another storm is bere which will George Hamilton, of Neepawa, n., is the guest of his cousin, ic ee yon. ii is with the deepest of sorrow that village, who” passed o'clock Saturday morn- Much sym- Miss Bella Pelton is on the sick list On Saturday afternoon a fire broke “a But with the help of a few neigh- Lantern lecture was held auspices of ial party gathered at the ce of J Chae, 10th con., Wed Bupment ab received Goats, Capes, Mufis, Caps aad Robes The S,, Bropriet ditine | pooent “Hales rought improvement’ in the ads in this illage und the bonndany of good But though better in this iene ite m other causes. Deep holes made by thie But other causes aa ; Pues viok TBE an must nee very drowsy, who should | Alex: oak kee spending .2| sleep while passing omin sleigh or cutter: sdiughter The voads were notin tlivic baat eat for ee Kor chitrch ansiiversiry, : t that event | ——— fore the public goods that would speak Es z = i 8 & have met at SUCCESS. w offer WA See our complete stock before pur- chasing and save MoxEY. ke Schaefer ee JEWELERS, MILVERTON. Fine Watch Repairing @ Specialty. * ARE YOU A SCHOLAR?” GREAT RUSH—~ AT THE 5 28 BARGAIN : STORE. | a] Tf yea are, you will study your own interests by calling at Kertch~ cis when thing He dasa large you are in you. Also Fruits, gars, Tobac Shop in con lass tonscrial work’ C. S. KERTCHER, The Red Flag Store, Hoffiman’s Block, the Confectionery line. and’ well-selected stock, and cannot: fail to. please Nuts; Oysters, is) ete. with all the moderna equipments We be first Main St., Milverton, irber ——_ The last week has been a busy one. with us. We have added to our business a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING... And although we have. only had them in stock one week we.are surprised at the quantity we have already sold. The prices and the quality of the goods sell themat first sight. Come and see them —we have We are determined to all: sizes, men’ fi banish hard times from our’ midst by giving our cus- and boy: tomers their. goods at the Very Lowest Prices. You may depend upon our prices bone lower than _any quotations you may. . Don’t forget, we always pay the Highest * Price for Produce. Rae & Grosch. eR ee iter twain Cosurove conducted | feast i the condition of the ruads | storm as audienve room was coinfortably filled 1y od choir were in good voice and ‘ing shee ain | plished after a ity to visiting old} dis abn ‘The pre of the anniversary amount ice thi ng Sabbath (March 3ed) w the induetion af ihe ch ‘The meat lay evening, Feb. 28th. For have not Tama it was | who hay a n for pe te essity is. some. Jr 4 to the. eming iuiraction the Lord’s Da * ne cases 2 that | n eur knowledge. inorder of mbrit. became ote a all’ its lavish w n unike pam. dia « 3 this winter has of flounderings novrs tl and the more than sj ndance of fi ate Zabeth, yg ‘ af te ustovvn LE, The following are the names 3 sha? ve obtained « Mn nington. th.—Sara Harrow, os niston, Janen ley. Sr. Ritter, Y gu life seconil, ‘the wed: leh of dainties + 7 1 th hs young om Whose wedding oo Mr. Wm. Bertie Gal- Alters” Long, | : ; | Aggressive Republican 2 Hyams twins for] | ro errs insuranee They! ding g eee ji-a-Samee _ -teroots é. All Imported Tobacco. 10¢ Better than most 5 Cent Cigars. ‘a good as the ordinary 10 Cent Cigar. itis the manufacturer’s profit that has to be cut down wh ied ances Every smoker should. try these Coesots. Assorted colors. For‘sale by ew 2 dealers everywher. md do la Crema Cigar Co, ‘ite 2 A REE eS, GaeLS ne ae “= s setne Sess GEDAR POSTS, LUMBER, LATS, Mill ack, Aireh 4, 1895. Ss Natugs | ‘| | | oie eat New As an bere ot mee wing | JOHN GROPP, The Advertisers Morning, Beening, Sunday and Morning pei estas) ; ae ead Sigflan Sd gtae pri |Sunday A Pbgtrse w paper. a The Advertisers NEW deweley Store, IN NEWTON. ——DRALER IN-—— hingles, Pumps, ete. INNER, ONT JOHN MUNRO Has opened out a stock of Watches, Glecks, ewelry, Etc., in the Post Office, Newton, ‘And would invite an inspection, e@Sirice attention to repairs, and. all. work Promptly exesuted and <atisfaction guac- FOR 1895. ctkly, Editions. Journals of the Highest. C al Advertiser. ed 1797. Published every even- New York’s oldest eve: oi news- Subscript ion price, $6.00. “| New Bate her Business We beg to inform the public that eh ed the butcher busi- rely owned: by Mr. AL Wett orks eaant pops The only Re pablien Mysel reg erin the Un i States. 20 to 36 uincription ‘ore, $1.00 per year. Advertising Vedium - The Adve rivers have uo superiors, Meat. delivered on the shortest notice. D. SCHLOTZHAUER: 3 29 Park Row, New York. conimeiyt ob conc ; pa a - he drove ‘out to TRY= The Great Milk and Flesh Producer. . SOLD AT JAMES TORRANGE’S. "THE MONT MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR At MILLBANK Will be held the Wednesday preceding the second Tuesday of each taonth, the ‘year round. pape BUGKEL, JOAR RITTER, President. Secretary. WATCHES Bilas Jewelry and Silverwire. es of the st Slgin, Waltham, ches at lowest ond Gold Jarge stock of wate ts , Jeweler. Milverton, 0. Prary, The SPINE CIOM § Sun THURS DAY MARCH 7 7, 189% DISTRICT NEWS 2 fram thy Sheriff Avnstrong of Parry Sound i: dead front pueuinonia, Dr, Wilson received the most. lie nomination’uf che! Liberals of Hymn was the wr the Lonildn Liberal to represeut. Khe ity ia the: Common, The-Aytou Inde} tent declines to. mentary press tic g The storm: of Sunday Monday was ave of the w Bron over, the Provinve er sessed: Noses Farniers s vad Be a seed deal @ insect pests throug: the province: Tt is pronused to give lessons in 30° of Gre elve oral dis this spring. snid Sild his maintaining thav he sold only she ont sth The Tg was, A ry water Be ae Recently the cow suing the son-intaw for « Mach interesr is | in. the Town of . Wi itenloo ticul ural esiden', wi Fead a paper on le PES RPA fall attendzhes is sted. Any person can become a member by apply. ing to ns if One dolla sneite fr seis in rH Ontario Fruit Grow socia dian Hor obi ely, bound a share in the plant and Re of persons. The ¥ “ng cand Sead ate alike: ab ram the grim harvester of des ap ‘But when the monster visits the home of the young mother and cuts <lown the only son, on whom . centers the sere possib'e erate itseem: to us cae sad. Itwas “so in’ che case of Me. and Mrs. Soha Coppin. on Monday ina, whisn their bright hoy of neatly twa anda. half years, ppg oes to tlie dreaded disease of di e' @ son was remover! to his grand. futher's, where he remained until » sister fnlly recovered, and was thersuglily fan i 56 xd. , he was taken home, ibbert. with ‘ dead Nettle | sound. 10 sinat The Mr. reached omer found her as to be unable hem, t! ed hy. two..of -the».offiee .cler an nd ae were tna pe ae pay. fter Zetting possession o Lowe's and hth turned out of the crime motive. tion of the el restored, rem nother, where it is suppose’ He eon tracted the diveuse. Mach s uy dl; ached to tL HERBAGEUM, ff ae dietied North Waterloo Conser: tue Commons. W. D. Kai , bas been nomin ative candidate in North Ox-| i MeN 69 years of age, stec An almost fi the neighbo! ship, on one of the recent cold days. ‘and Mrs. P. Burns went to Mitch- ell early in the day, and had nearly on their way horses stumbled in a snow drift, and ne to help. his than \wive-—in. returning to the ste horse ne Ad and is nan named E ifice of the se Shonvis shot ut W i The ed. his jrevo Lebeouf and killed-him, The of Shortis’ Wilson, who. had crawled, and his cunning attempt to lore Ne ia vault, nike up a story of Jdom equalled in ferocity Robbery appe Hamilton. Spectator:—The tor has. no iniduence with Government, ny candidate for an to see sume of its Liberal »| that quarter} speak a word in favor o} the appomimeut of Tuomas Ph.D. tt Separate held in Hamilton. in amenéments sy whieh an ade’ the appointiuent of e § grew out of evans pea tear Cr: vt y ionic | the influenza has so. “| high authority for as ifa practical manner. An’ enterprising fakir ‘has been working a cunning trick on a namber}o* M Jant-|.f unfortunates in different parts of the country. He ti a liniment thavepromi ailments; deafness ate oneof ‘them, and when he fads rs it partial deafne: uf ieee! linament.” watubex, one’ x very loud ticker the other nore Potting it back in his po he rubs br ear with his ar eis fora at | tic arity at tie watel es ¢ | the sound of ta Tash ne te tens, herd: is | his hearing. on fk he if, ay ral ata hig price. is heow in ge ma‘ify ap aie Mr. the vault With the cas! st gia Sperat for Mr. and Mrs. Coppin, arn, the organ ed as the no The requisition ea'iaron Sir Don-| ir the approaching elections ald A. Smith to be -the C candidate in St. Montreal will be All indications. i the issue o election within Phere is much ac circles, af A. * n ‘ampbell, ex-M. P,P. for |.¢ rvative ion of ‘0 Antoine di presented today. Ottawa point to s for a geieral twelve in Government i the w ten oi was the chiice of the |“ ‘nthe. coming Dominion v. 16th nygh fy cutting | f Ne risoner i five times before -on uol_ by various charges, b tal accident occurred in ood of Zion, Logan town out,.when, be 0 badly. chilled: and frozen ran for shey found th @ nearly so. ately young Trish- ntered the ‘Cotton eres pohude hullet into Loy’s heart, Lowe; who ran into er al on tae details poor, wounded hunt fo have. been the the Mowat and therefore an, indorsa office” in no thé Spectator would O'Hagan, to the position of Sey He organized conventiyn &, School inspectors possi it now in his power to do so vel s about peddling y eure many he, asks. per. “wy, free ‘of charge, his He carr i very’ weak ticking ore, zh ¢ holes by the Ce abe to nae he inded person inthaines and av ove The nen: quite. svecessiul ae em hia Na ot a | dozen for exus. atives have | Conser: alr B. Seagram for | vile. mant-| Milton, days. | Dutton’ to When & motion. to by default was lost aboat a third of any action. who| whose death occurred on “Tue: com: | which she took a vere ago. h eral feeling in the Fo wants possession of the \ 3 to Japan the tot from Chinese influence, Yellow Sea to Pekin. of Li Honig Chang either Manéleria or Fe nation of ecta- as “| nearly every night vo one of his. two -| man of strong will, robt ected ty. nd to public Jil S| eondition makes hia Gbstinate in hix ree Rae & Grosch are paying 18¢.’ p F Hon. John PF, Wood netted St servative nomination for Brock- Dr. Clarkson Freeman, “ex-Mayor of died suddenly on Saturday a ght. Mr. Hugh J. Macdonald says he has intention of ‘contesting Wiinnipes bye-election te fill the vacancy a Haldia caused by the unseating will be held Mareh 19. West Elgin Conservatives met at candidate. he delegates left the room and the onvention broke up without taking the case Mrs. Jeanette 2 BE ube hospital, as a result of porson found that Mrs. Bar leath frgm Pesivis poison, taken in a it of despair brought about by her usbind’s unkind treatment.” Peace Commission. 4.—There is a gen ‘oreign Office that Li Li Bang Cha: ve London, she peace commissim Ineaded -by 1 ang will be successful. Rassia ae jutaly vetoed the propysal of abs Jxpan to annex Corea and Japan now en between sin Order to he Yalu anc 1 Liao rive Mancauria, which now forms int tif southwestern Siberia, was acquire? by fron China and Japan in'1858. This move, if successful, would. secure withdrawal of le possession WAS GHG UC on Japan also-asks The details Port Arthur ion of For MOS, ’s eredentials, which cated to the western him to cede Gi for pos Lhe commun ‘3, do not empower H po Ge) E Will Rosebery Reiza? New York, March 4.—B: atid Set bles fcom London:—The speedy Geena anh Gladstone ‘oom ab Lond seer nea The aay of aie latter event especially was scouted at that time by every path English “newspaper of both parties and ‘ky all the English ee perpen Newr York news papers. “Now T can assert the very tet probability of the speedy resig- Lord Rosebery for person reasons, even w! ae the present maj ty in the House jammons: assured to bin fais still suffering from-a severe attack of influenza, but ne would give little concern to his fa oly if iv were not conned by insomnia, which ‘has almost, chronie fur a year or more, The sleeplessness began after an attack of scarlatina seven ago, but it has inereased Intely to. such a deyree that for several months-he has. found iv impossible to'sleep in London, going near London, to Brigh- ton or to the residence of his Roths child. connections. ‘Lhe depression which is the invariuble consequence of fected him, T have that only the inflaence of Lord peal oehiths a ust courage and hly trained political know ledge, has prevented the Prime Minister’s resigna- tion oe the past few days. Both edmouth and otber intimate triste f ar that no influence can_ pre. venbit. rn, be next ee hours. wale ord Rosek ers pres em} The renewed be ‘eter deGieks ir. Beh ee Ee Sir Charles Dilke in the ommons a other day, both b pintooee f country seats f abs owt party, have in his present Line tion, alfected the Prime, Minister great well! Ou the other) hand, itis known that Lord Rosebery isi ly ambitious, hi ‘or the premiership since hix. en ytry in. and therefore would not throw itaway lighdy. less his highly excited “and rthe- fervous present Paces. DIERLAMM'S. Dieandnies ice cae? poe. +a reli ive Spore treait Saat this Fane ered by 2 professor in Cer aa: ‘Did ¢ An inquest was held ia London in "| duce. during. the summer -sea- tse Come With the Crowd and Ble have ASCE tae children You: Our advt. for the past’ few hs weeks? It had a great effect|® on the people who know how getting. We have just added eae u Curtalns, tape edge, for 35c¢ a pair, 2 1-2 yds. long. Drills fast colors, 12 1-2c. We have opened out an In the matter of the Estate of Jol NY parwance of of vi ] that all creditor against the estate of the hite ast DAY OF MARCH, A: D.’96, i rt to deliver or send by post, widgatd to the to spend their money tight, |e tir ei one of the exceutons of. the and get even more than 100} last will and testament of the said Jobn . : White, their full. pame, address ant de- cents on the $. We had a good |scription, with, full jartculers of ther \ . j Claims, & statement of their accounts duly rushing trade, and the cusStom-|verified and: the-nature-of the Security (if i by them, and that, the exeeatore ers were more than satisfied iba Py aaa “ = i = said 28th day of March, 1899, proceed to with the bargains they were ian "the Fe Bargain List this week Lace}, 4 Brie g a Milverton this 26th day of Febru- Executor’s Notice. White, late of the Township of Elta, in the County of Perth, deceased : OTICE IS aves Kad Sin IN of April, A.D. 1891, ut the ‘Township et i in tho said County of Perth, are here rethe st the Dastin entitled thereto, having tha dtaina of whieh & ‘they shal notice, and. that .the executors for the as: i ny person of whose notice at the timeiof snch distribution, ary, elegant range of Prints, Shirt- ings, Flannelettes, Ducks, Drills, Cottonades, etc. Our Prints at roc. are very heavy cloths and fast colors, and equal to ny 12¥%c. prints. Our Shirt- ings at Toc. are great value, and we give you the very best at 12 1-2c, and all are guar- anteed fast colors... A nice Flannelette at 5¢., nice Towel- ings, 5¢.; Table Linens, 25¢.; able Oilcloths, 25¢.; Floor Oileloths, 15¢.; a 36-inch Grey Cotton at. 3c., a good heavy Cotton at 5c. elegant; Art Muslins at 1ec., ite T5c.3 Dress Goods at 6c. and 8c. yd., good heavy Cottonade at 20c. | (a regular 25¢. line), and extra heavy at, 25c.; best Chadwick Spools, 2c. each; brass Pins, 1¢: per paper. In Crockery’ we have. bar- gains for you. White granite Gherauee setts, 4 ‘pieces, for $1.25. Handied’ Cups and Saucers, 75c. dozen; Plates, 80c. doz.; glass ae 6 pieces, for 25¢. Our stock of groceries. is fresh and we give you 25 Tbs. of beso standard Granu Sugar for. $r 0 a 30 Ibs. bright Yellow Sugar. 5 Ibs. green Coffe 7 6 ibs. Sulphur 10 ba Electric Soap 2 5 Ibs, Best Tapioca . ; Best. Pranes. 25 27 Ibs. Gerinay Gran. Su 1 00 heavy, and you buy Fur Coats, aps or Ladies’ Furs at your own price. ‘We are determined to increase our trade and if you will consider vour interest you | will go where you can save ‘the most money. Call on us and compare prices and make your spring purchases from us. 1 you have thg ready cas! allow you a liberal discount ,, if not, bring us your Farm Pro- son. We ‘are paying 18e. for Eggs, and 14c. for Butter Buy where your $ will buy the most Goods. @ Yours; Vrtuce of others. with your al eas ser 3 Cans Peas, Corn or Tomatoes | 25 Our stock of, Furs is not)» cash we}: WEBSTER’S INTERNATIONAL antirey New. DICTIONARY Apres fie Tier: ats ‘Minabelaged™ 7 Bpelling, pro nuaciation, and ling of words. matt in Itselt. “Iralso gives ey facts often and Perning fateh bei s, ancient or - Yous persons and places; th otitis of the globe} translation of foreign ‘quotations words, phrases, and proverbs ; ete.sete., ete This Work is Tnvaluabte' a the household, and to, fessional man, and peltoducat "he Globe,, , Toronto, says:— This i tes, bon eiaee WO 4 sie arene ae parieert anaryand the ehea Sih gape Sa and fanny tn ante Have your Bookseller show it to yor. G. & C, Merriam Co. Pul -Do not by cheap photo. iecaphie repriats of ancient CaP Send for free prospectus Zontatnnucspecmica aes, iitustrationny tee Happy Mr. and WMirs. Frederick selhblcet . Secnuee : Hyod’s Sarena ber tian Their nila pele te en, ae all For Scroful: Suffering Childve: girl was'a beautiful baby, fair in an realty. But whe she. w: 1d, sored ka oul, being ter ea spread rapidly over her I down to her eye consulted one of seth is tate io, | eg geal Ttood's savin to Wo? did™sc soticed that I 0 ey th tumor and ber sity it 2 soems ke aut y aitorent caitd, ine Tentth, 21 -0s; rom whiat whe yiga Bote Hood’s -Sarsaparilia LW. Frepenrer, i Glenmore Ave. Nw Yorks, Brovidyn, N.Y. This Tost imonial GLLIS

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