THE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. Grea he United States. and Assorted for Easy Re: CANADA. own a remarkable improvement in the Canada’s sealin; have Sees ithe Plante affected. site coast, and have begu1 ions| _ There recently die Experts have reported ech ‘of | South of Soocland, Hugh Gibb, a er, whose recollection: petroleum he vicinity of Kingeville. palpi aigat cretion with Bouchard, a Grand Trunk Railway | eriptions of people w' intimately clerk, committed suicide at Hochelaga, on dated: with the poek Barua: Ye bert Blackwell has been appoint- gdpublic librarian in London at a salary of The Advisory Boa Manitoba has adopted on agrionltaral text- book for the sche xpected that Mr, William Smith, inister of Bae) will return to Ottawa by the end o! f May. Working houra in the Grand Trunk locomotive shops at Stratford have been increased adit: J H Rose, of Mooaejanr, has bs ‘a member of the Executive of the North-Weat Assembly. jeutenant-Governor Chapleau of Quebec has left for: Florida ona trip which will t some weeks. he Canadian Intercolonial railways have reduced freights on all classes of merchandise, The receipts from the Hamilton charity concert, amounting to over $400, were divided amongst the various benevolent societies interes! The Mootenel Board of Trade fs urging on the Government the necessity of Ailing at that port, There is trouble on the Hamilton market power dyn Mr, Jai because th what the occupa for privileges. sequesyisimpoting regard aa excessive fees ‘The result of a scandal at Calgary has|;°~ ‘Deen the a: of the editors of the Calga ‘Tribune for criminal libel at the instance of Messrs. 8. The canal regulations for th {complete returns for the Mayoralty” give | ex ersued by, the Dominion | Mr. Swift, Republican lity pill benno aisoriinis twenty-eight thousand five hundred and| .° year have been issued by Roneraunasty There nation tthe citizens of the United|* States. From information received by the Do-| ted Emma Hunts inion Departwnent-of Trade and Com- merce, it appears that there are prospects ing the coi state cout issued by Lieut.- Gahenie Mackint nap th Wer Gov cease of several at the opening oe the Territorial Exhibition at Regina as The S yukelin Department denies the report that Canada'is objecting to eo a8 What it objects to is the regulation pre Ree 7. 0. Cam wl viding for the r ing $20,000 ah e alienation Fed damages her husband’s affecti in, All Parts of oe Globe, Condensed and jf ings Pacific, Grand Trunk, and | ~ was coca i pred el prison on W for good beets Riprives for export cattle dur- | 2° Miss Public brary in Los Angeles, and cleanee her of all sin, and make her a large crowd, a beautiful memorial window in memory of Is Compleat Angler,” was Mr, William Wald y mi tor hi vif and th ea MEN Budect ta Gace thet; nor | SOME REMARKABLE EXPERIMENTS | course of the ex mh i WITH HYPNOTISM. i Teapect to the memory of hie dead write, reckons the paper was a favorite. For more than half a picnig a greenish A Fecent experiment with ordinary lass has rous boys in s London su tnd fined, for © throwing short tacks on s highway toonentan, by hielo lie giniag 2 i | object being to see e wheelm« grief as the result of Buacbared ae t Britain will not tolerate any inter- ference tis the Uniteti States in the bound- ite with Venezuela, This tation of the Mant acia settlement of the boundary dispute by arbitra UNITED STATES. According to Marie Tempest, the finest is the] i orsia Office to| suitable treatment, and also that the cause | woman of the cause that had thrown of the mental unbalance could not be|into the terrible hallucination from which| Thor determined. brain was a boiling metal, or that he saw visions of the mos' z ef ‘i 1 crac! etc NEW CURE FOR INSANITY. Bidar Fotized affliction. ‘The conclusion, recently, of some remark- | revolutions. fed at Mauchline,in th the| ble experiments made at the Charenton and Charity hospitals, Paris, if followed the re ai ded = ce ras by the results that have thus far attended es- | them, will mean a complete revolution: in e treatment of insanity. and will prove beneficient and startling | produced and the pata reclined in @ tod soundly ence “anima science has ever made in its one of tke m human a pene of the ‘Torribl been the most difficult malady with ¢ tO | which scientists have had to deal, for the been, | * i a man imagined his At last it was decided to place the woman | DT in a reclining chair in the centre of « small POREL Rees Y CANADIAN NEWS. os mares Periment. A small crescent: |INTERESTING ITEMS ABOUT OUR idly, by a electrical apparatus. ‘The only pine 0 syserte fa ray at ae permitted to enter was 1 incon Gathered from Y: asm perture not much more than a Ath pinhole in the opposite wall by which) Pa the Freie us pencil rarfaoe of the mirror at it made lta wilt from the A Jackson’s residence, Bala, has been burned, Counterfeit m i i a ues joney circulates freely in Bendocd firemen will have a celebration May 24¢1 The sf a Rifle Association has been ree eee nized. w wheelmen’s club has been organiz~ Se in Stratford. paige een! ee will have a mammoth celebration. a A full grown wildcat - cages eat A 24-pound pike was caught the other mer) this means he obtained ps t Kingston. the unfortunate alo Pade object to the building her | of a new as all, afflictions, Insanity is to oe an old time ball, for ent that ne course or | married: pad yn able to elicit from her ad ind Miah hE eet oe the ea Police at ndred Sroie are coming to set~ ealdron of molten epera house in oe aan is at foes in fae pro- cpl State constitution of Utah has been Pasecd Fi sion in Loring in New York that Sir Rivers Wilton hae agreed to accept of the Grand Trunk. onales the Presidency ‘The teat of one of bel big 5,000 hi recently pl laced in pout jower-house of in the Paran Stevens, the mal aeowe ‘or might be understuod as the hallucination tet produced his insanity, but heretofore bppalet tpt killed by a boiler explo- ot the hallucination, & Jone! factory at Woburn | arrived at physicians felt they would then be on the right road to on.| would enable them to relieve. the patient. To discover this has been the efforts of the tart rse- | they have finally solved the question that fis Ningen ition | has puzzled humanity since the days of th Power Company proved satisfacto: Phi araohs, ‘TWO MINDS IN EVERY HUMAN BEING. one great proposition the Char- | had enton scientists have proved during these Fleets a tle fies the North: West ean coceen are Evang Church of Lis- Spencerville may h scl ccemeray en tr ohh Vancouver got 40 applicants where but one fire a discovery that fe. The new Baptist = “ ns Bane os sro at Cariboo is to The fae reed of ye i \- Sin Po ‘ : i the] creased SLO 000 ating mE eamed violent! fel m tl 6 hie in John W. Lewis, oa le moment was a| illao Hotel, Montresl, 4a te a at we on pate ““Gounty of of Berth oe Society” of the |" Acting upon this suggestion the scientiata | "*# just been devised a plan by which to Bee ie ae oe fasted 000 to logs are been cut during heaoral oy season in the upper Ottawa, thu be mad jo long and so phe ap occupied the oad velo. lodge at Keusle ‘atee pene mind, She was The number of hotel licenses i oe Aig bch has been reduced from 53 t iy votes. William Lake, who murdered and mutil- E ear Car! Henry N, Entwistle, who was” sentence: | - cg years in prison in Lowell, Kelso, bosch ll a bell, for having ae trath. a domestic living with | and th no means a new one, but the proof of it has never been given until within a few weeke, ‘That the subconscious mind is a storehouse ieee pe Sschy began op ne in 180 for shooting Maria Cleag acquires in the course of his life is sees a i, been supe considered heretofore and ted as a poetic theory, but ee pa Picking up the clot soy foundation in fact. ‘The theory is now shown to be a Aopay as ep pecie tha | one and the existence of this second mind, broom ha prayed | which is kept in is saving | the great activity of the other mind, is an In some people the a subconscious mind is more susceptible to| You can't ee E BUG Teouy at atone: oh ‘ithe Pa., John Brotia, Thos, | the nearer ba tas in others, and in| broomstick, so yousee you have been simply | 2% ¢ Wolfe, John McManus and | cases w! where iste more flliand La its passive condition by Ingersoll taxes hawkers and pec dale lers ae os tho building the fi windows of the building the figure of a sod $75 if they havea horse and waggon, ee , cunningly constructed of a broom, furnished witl mnnet and cloak, was dashed to the e her. She rad loose from the Frazer river hatchery. started violently, gave a wild scream and) ‘Tw were recently expelled from exclaime usen’s Univ “ “There, a | bn iversity, Kingston, for stealing ine d top h, ie bled the blood! and sediany awoke fr rin, @ Montreal barrister, has rom bee beet ate , ee ee $50,000 by the will of Mary Ann It ted Be Sa TEI FEC con el nen pega The lypunnist seized the opportunity| Over thirty churches have been bi thed broomstick} in Canada this winter. The Tose will be mirebea ts t before the patient’s eyes, tak- / $300,000, and discover-| _ Recentiy Seyra from Halifax, for imple | London, Garried away 105,000 barrels of itin| Nova Scotia spplon. ion an individual | al correct | ing he naked truth in the shape of a ndle The patient stare: Belleville is Mrs, lays ago, celeb- a ‘cal you're it 5 one of the Hamilton churches last feed day the Jookey, Ciub was condemned evil. amin source Hf mu t accepted this explanation jiddlesex oat bn tae constable ter the river in ; the and Labour Wil cron ‘wish Goity att tantediately. tried ‘ont wits duty it le to look after witnesses of eeavention pro aaiaiiten aati tnd when tome distance from, shore | poteasing itis more lect: to tier eRareWi oe NR ToeAy, Aa aman Cred One La nos called as shb-setioee So ee teat akay saa enemas | were a0 wued. Ibis reported there was a ental, tm thon experiments the from a trac: liters, flds of ico are seen on. Lake fe " than é Gener Hoot eotzaton heme Sronken row i the boatand the three aur~|power, of mind, reading and Uns mali | Were SVT 7A te nyraatahs | ant eros combonborrad here sose, babi g the comiog season the completion yi Dari of the ‘Toronto Island breakwater Bovered by the ooatran of vigorously ore! sd in all pi biey accomplished thi snow or rain throughout the provin Mr. Frank Skyner, a Dominion ment employee on the Black ank Skinner came to aaah wound inflicted unmarried. The bulk es his enate i ioe lt mes re Manuel, a conn several obacitente anil other bequests, Jobn A. Patterson, ihe acting teller of the ‘Traders’ Bank ' at Strathroy, who sbsconded about th s ago with wer $4,000 of the bank's fands, fas been foun: Capt. Murray is ae oie pn ye ci ee ate on "vide night wy according uve a en zen in Manitoba ve ht eae night Caesar ae = fess i foot Tadion pbk killed by orazy Tadians The Homicide resisted airoaty 1d was shot dead by the Mounted Police. iets ae Ciao jury a Gleichen was that Fri Algie Fe hadly vibe tale of she Goare” from her husband by the Roman courts, ail ed body, of ones woman cane asa at 9 o'clock took it on a Sixth 3 to Waverly Place. findi eaid to be ii year. n received from okays daughter, the Prin 1 E the pei 5 een eaeeeoe th 4, Agptare between Norway and Sweden Sear ao ession of the ted. marvels of epiritualiem have, been pro ved, contains, which peo fnto the past, to the no canal amazement of ron whom they co OF HYPNOTI: ed of proving this was. ver Another fact to e plagus ehan Draken out at Kowloon, | hypnotized and their Aiea at iy minds | fix his eyes upon the China, in virulent 5 on ; Yellow fever ia ron ont amongst the | perso: Spanish t an The field i Wateelio' is covered with «| entirely unkno bad of crimson a peels ereey of the mie jects the poly eyes with thelr peculiar ies. iad instances boy rance, desci we Colon: has been granted a separation stiibate that oad not catabliahed i faithe| ractit itfo ave. The dalrwoyahe state, | brought you into the first arenton authorities, |b slairvoyants, while in| f h i L . the annual regatta of the North Pacifi 2m the | suddenly ill while out walking snd we| Association of Amateur Oaremen will take Place that came | place in Victoria, July 19th and 20th. Chatham Town Council hes voted each the newspapers of that town $100 for laa kept | Teporting their proceedings during the past a from that time | ear. mt quiet for some days, an showed no sign ofan aberration of mind], wr could she recall any of her sufferings, churches of St. J SM. HIS BRAIN WAS ON FIRE. yore instance of transferred con- tree from which 255 large rails had discov-| sciousness occurred in the case of aman| were ont from three logs, was cut on the who insisted that his brain was on fire, | farm rr, John Robson recently at ‘This man was put into the hypnotic state Muadenpuoaiyiiles ca The International Ice Company has erect dia freezing, plant se Vancouver: of capacity of Jo tons in 24 hours, Four cold storage rooms will be built. Christopher Karn, of "Woodstock, has in his possession a Lutheran Bibl 4 't belonged to hi old country over 200 years ago. Among the wants of Golden people are county court sessions, x public park, a oolhouse, a new bridge, more street naa 1,200 pertong were added tothe B., result of Bane lists Oroealy “and 2 nozzle of a pipe through which = eal stream of lukewarm alee wi in some usual | from previo een de- | walked out of the vow utterly uncon- | worke, tepid Sng the scientists as having poss- | scious that he ir been Teeteteren from Vercheres, testifying in ch ettcoatiier Leite the persot subconscious mi entirely satnows to the conscious mind of | that he had a Folin ‘this adipataie Seamer ee of the cures mind and. bein, merely | the circuit court at Montreal, a Space will not permit o cu “4 104, ronght at the nae be 17 iocasee by the Guarant + Las is, th At Fort McLeod, in the North-West, it Wage Nese o wl Bog |_ With hla oft ent, Stntpe] $00 i fretted tem [snc cory ws bon semper enter or oer tno kicrc shige as a port for foreign ship-| -), om the unwilling | fully convin ives that the rao: + Miss Pollington of Hamilton, had the pig, ad fa seas ee area Boyes ous dalcions ren Ue secret it eple olds ro ae agen —_ it ees cart tay be a rie arded in its i ue ua. yelopment ore inary |_ A wealthy mountain “side pean of rolling cows 208 ib jou Jobapnisberg vineyard have or aaa te, daciass re is wid, decided to raft 20,000 fot of loge t away from ge at the top, and, yetink et Em| obstacle in the road of theminaereevery. will result. Rie tite een ar the lonrtg tlig' on the lipo ground, rol xd over | Austria, Pri ce Richard Metternich inviog as APPAR MYSTERY CLEARE! and to the bottom, eocaped died without leaving a # sat far recovered , by reason the ie advantage of handling: aad and aie ia Bess" nee nufactured stock in the trithout serious injury. Li-Hung-Chang hi wil of suother iceas stats ot belnes While GREAT BRITAIN, from the bullet wound in his cheek as to be a amber “be ie uetacly, Andopéadent atl 7h sestond ma aplt in ‘the Local Council of able to resume the peace negotiations with “pe nce. | outside mlhats bas puzzled many wise] Women, Hamilton, over the way the recent Mrs, rd Jerome, mother of Lady| the Japanese representativ Each of these classes tl ivided | }rains, but this theory of conscioi d ms ta ‘Aberdcta went Randolph ohare died at Tunbridge rtial, Ls appara ol the| has developed. It Wells on Tus a contemy 1 wie leveloped, a ‘che b long tour afte rmination of their en 8 hypnotit | affair was ran by Church of England an atorane writing a work on ex-| 008 iatag periad dfsix months. Among the FH imply Bhan aaks ripe tinet forme, of inara tad scat abject “of mone Btod will be Berlin Vienno, and primary. anos ‘wan divided ine Ss, (Ae ei ee eae Paris. lepey, clsisvoyance, spiritual sight an: ce ‘The Matin and other Paris newspapers alethon shies ade tei of he are insinuating that the collision on Marc Gale eaoma: seere =. 30, off Messina, Detwoen iro Brita steam once establisned to ¢ their satis- ngfally taken fr dispute ial commissioner has been des-|ers, one of which was carrying French fyotien ‘this theory, thecctentiata proceeded jpnotiam in the Tne of experta ig no eye ete gre tes ce ‘te London to enquire into re-| troops and munitions of war to the Island] (> doubt prov. ee valuable wide diitaeds 24 os Biss ports of severe distress in the south of| of Madagascar, due vo England’s| 00 of the most intractable f ths | agent, bat is no more m Bt object for uaa: slo « vertais: sum of wonéy whieh “itis pee . malice. Charenton Hospital was ines ot et | thorized investigation and experi han | Si ind Ue torunes deals gagement of the dowager Duch: SU REARAAT Bova) 35 years old, who was ’4 with a| the various poisons of tbe a ia | of the Goverament. | mp totalsumatstake of Masieroats formerly Mra, Hammersley A Truthful Boy- fixed idea that qe. was contiouslly wading would be in the hands of ao, amatent |i said to iliam Segeaioe’, Fad (in bric-a-brac shop)—You| or swimmi! sea emis The experiments at Charenton, Mrs. De a ne ci in 21 ae The f thapeloc should be hailed with satisfaction Rap epee Booed of ‘Trade returns for pool Rimeanrt nas tzeeand siben Be SCE eee eben At St. Danstan’s pale Fleet street, | that is good for London, on Friday, in the presence of a| You ever try # wig, sir? Ne ronsed £424, | novelties. few Boy—Yes’m we have-all the latest itera by tomer—* Do you know anythi baldness ?” Barber ” subconscious m mind the Teal origin fl 33 Speaking ebb te ,remarked Lege cage Bs of the de arbi idden powers of | ambition i ‘Ah, indeed ? 3 Yes, I drew a check and it was honor- ed, AP Coe { ¢ ae PRINCESS OF WALES. oe Bat whan eal peon tare settee, chafoce bike tap beta: ats , a = ABOUT THE HOUSE. melds, place in a pan filled with water, 80 vbat it will come he thirds up on the cups, ani rate oven for twenty, wes , edding—the real centre of attracti WHY SHE IS THE MOST POPULAR sear, we dis . WOMAN IN GREAT BRITAIN. | like » 4 t dear, is A Hint About Mending Dresses. “Oi n't that too bad?” exclaim- with bechamel sauce, aia e dition of the yolk of an ogg jest before the sauce {is taken = + psig a: a on posasion She amnaltt | od: Mors, locking fusfully at be ee ee © she were timid, or flash wit tee of a women’s hospital, having asl . louking ruefully at the zigzag f mentnens eee Age of Fuy—tter Bue chief, or rest blandly and coldly on the| the to become i Boas were] nanh Bi, hack.aae- ipswit OL aats vicar | Se ere AEE Ton oe ame Dare on ix a Leader of Fashton—spie ** | presumptuous, her well-shaped fea little snubbed “by _receivn wink ina (eich lasagne, nevis [eer if what a delightful and Deautifal ensemble | from the Princeasanoreary, acrleapnnmanrs them to a paste with two tablespoonfuls of fan neha. no turn of her form, no look of her | such an application san to ‘ ly impossible for me to goneara} i. oi) aad as much finely chopped i v her Hig! ani pe and not have something of thetkind| 7 io ay yen % . ign tog rince. In fine, the happen. And it is in such an ugly place, | frete with aly peppes’ Calon, and celery e. » it, pepper, onion, and cel Ee paogt will, im our beantifal | too, and will show no matter how neatly lextract, and if desired a pinch of curry aon bee 16 De ita mended powder. Fill the whites again, press the can and her lightness frivolity. “Lat, me tall, you how T mend_ my| halves together, and sere ga curly lettuce ijewrin.” cold’ Bilan. Penghta ‘Nom’, | leaves with cream mauce. Ur the eggs may conntsnance- though se felestery alte AE walking down mishap. ‘Take a good. next behind the Queen at th POPULAR FRENCH PA3TIME. and ravel out a num! for et fried in deep fat. material leftover from making the gown threads. Use| by egg and bread crumbs, and Shirred Egge.—Pat one teaspoonful of utter in each egg pan. bak these thr hi Lee ’ at that wonderful aan cerenonial in the ‘king the a1 tant respect and interest that is felt in 1 =a Sh aces aeaeaes After it is done dampen the spot and press | ™ yy. : varying measure by different persons for | amid so many royal ladies, wad exponent isk 2s -wat-t00 iroten of Veal chet Tomato Sauce.— d de r and white brocade, keen eye indeed that would detect op fine one cup of evoked veal and one- with a complete stomacher of flashing dia- arth o bento tees ‘or bacon. Chop very ion forher charmingselt, For charm for the pepe cree boas Bat have no_picoes left,” complained fine one alice of oni prig of parsley. is her chief characteristio—magnetic cbatm, | 04 pucting herself in ground, with Nora. “The dressmaker did not the meat with one half of acup of . | whien she slipped her hand through the back, and I id mot thine to ask for| bread soaked in atock, Seaton with salt iw as of Germany as them. and pepper, add one yaten light and they walk side by nt the xe ““Then use mending cotton suchas you Lon . Turn into di the use for gloves, ag close to minutes in ant a, though without those it stairs at Sir Frederick Lelghton's, alan can get ir. Ev 4 gui or ere iih “anoeld eres eo ana on up Jasp er you can ge the right shade. ps tarned.out of the ‘dish and served act that belongs | shoulder the hand of the Duchess ef kdin of all things, don’t use silk to Swbole with a sauce. th who stepped o1 tair, se dyoan) ‘ther in gowns or gloves. the attitude showing all unconsciously the is so glossy that it mi he a combination of so many gifts and graces | lithe and el wae patent he Pri i of adie bape pivecaasocd™ banida “| Figures Inseribed on Human Eyes. 2! ’s figure. her holding one side orale ‘The legendary belief that the eye of @ et full of rrondactetl each fi while v3 Gran. that Nees) said Noré Paareniente, hee t formal function, is Sau her sworn | and kine as reer and as bas admirer. She is so pretty, so sweet, 80 gracious, so all those aaa and pleasant | opera, attributes that we sum up as ‘* womanly,” | with her tall diadem peaks flashi that the affectionate feelings that are rous: | her -ed by the epell of her presence are not sur- house cleaning is prising. Intellectual she is not, The abstruse studies, the deep and high reflections on the underlying philosophy of politics that the | wi Empress Frederick is famous for, are quite | her confusion of horses passing through s erowded room, her why Aish never thought of all} murdered man might retain 0 disagreeable to me that | woman under tt Tean't bear to think of it until it is forced | The studeat dncasa i He bad fom cert “That is where I thick you make | gurface of both eyes. Dr. D 2 fo. 2. month | marks existed t! @ permanent credulous, and suggested that if any a they must merely be the nce result of rhgestie injury, and that a \dge wonderfully when I come to it. m es was probably beyond the range of the Princess of Wales. | glan ‘t and watchful not to hurt bridg ly 0 Ne y noticed “« umaginary. Next fay, however, he exan It is hardly conceivable that even the artndy Soe sy Ping ensaind For instance, I see that the step ladder | anita ie i howenecs Be oe responsibility of being in her own right | ses her paying homage to her seven as 2 | to find that the Aare i iris bore the number ier: Regnant, had the lot been hers, could e hand of right “45,” these figures u I sce bein a wih caligraphio perfection. badipas pari attitudes—and se gination and hallucination are botl ee politician as Queen Vietoria, The er than acting and house clothe, and make new ones if| 5. f the question as Dr Clay 8 and other Princess does not read serious books or|{n complete accordance with her character necemary and Llay in a supply of brooms, eg oi verity. aus r grace and propriety—a true Queen of by sao ree atap (anne oped fo eyes, moreover, were arts as well as as station ! ba wes ght when the seige begins I and « on, the. eolarged proof The Princess's selebrated ene in dress "1 joageene GY Tes ie 0" nd out with he altho ees it can over all the summer under with but slight alterati ways dose oom Trach to dowith the coatia oy "popularity of the “ tailor style,” with its sev least a of the wise women, you the complim reparation for houre Hate proper, clothing for a presmina cannot alta Tovacw “Traly,"la Sabet hie her friend, yon are one kL will pay ent of cromsing the bridge the all. He ntl basieanl Although the origin of these fs aacecialsiens hes own family, and put 1t i a order, 80 that when I) proved that their acquisition may come fo cleaning the closets Twill not have | Pereditary, ‘The. woman's daughter has tost the amount of work | the same peculiarity in her e ut with tobe tthe commencement | much lest degree of regularity and dis- of the hot yesthar, and you know the first | tinctness, ‘The girl’s ieee eye is found to < eg richest and most —all that wou'd be a oot ed, a ind ea ce f kindly. inspection would convio hi about international rela-| fy cleverness el hire, but he o Id also be worth: of comfor arly of aroomy soft mattrest, easy springs, and light tei vhisome whiel p blankets and | Unless tet st attempt at ts. an} C reappearing in fashion, the Princess gave this year after your fashio1 day, to discover that the eye, bis certain it ite quietus for the time by to Ae —— conditions, could reall perform the fune- iia mb eS i Ge suecninns conden mld ly stiffening round the been inserted, : The eapiascocls Beers The excellent. effect of her attire is the Servants? bedrooms are not, as a rule, Capiahy the ee ved ie ey propery piahiMorsaie Wir wass Ins ulloas A'Bullet hes His) Brain. geninn Chie we vba had heceelt (6 households. Uncarpeted or cheerless, tl George Suessenbach is thirt years ht had herself to jouseh tage astsageh Steal te fete range het things” to tre apt to have narrow cot beds, hard old and had been in America only a few roduce the 01 nse, sane months, He was educated in Berlir, and or the fet sistas, wrbo were ed Surely not only is the Isborer worthy of his | on coming to America went to Chicago. His expectations were not realized and he went to New York, ee only a few dollars m in his pockets: soon gone, sracm 4 nie tela nd in‘ ft of asapeoiledey he shot himself. work | The doctors Fa the hos spital had-no hope of but the next day after his ‘at home, | worse, he will be allowed to sit up in a few to he wo. Trday wore seen | tween the eyes, where the bullet entered, pete Y Earn id arog aia has healed, leaving only a slight depres- ble sion. Hppeetn retty m e, rather than keeper with @ “bright aller noticing | aon Va “ iene no more pe be gpote, intellectual depth or ile, leh —_ a pretty bat to meet her as Bed glance i in that tion, and | Sur al ot ee Later, the Princess retur M. TIERS. the pleasant look that was exchanged | be: ro eibvgey te bg Th pe Princess, and to (rbgydmarid displayed kindness b h her ewaiakiltel, gered tween an wed that in ib cab nou inborn ee? d pope in Sse are sce tenes] a nae ae | eeu cen ois ness Ivie stoke af vue clovernoms thst the Rome by he Mltiove stiff and ugly, ** At to Do You Know? dersteod each otherand were friends, | betas the mora o , : ke poeta ¥ Prlner girlhood, that she was to play the| Home life has been desr to the Princess, | That contentment comes from within? ae the back of ah sais tof the leader of society, as her hus-| by virtue both of her motherly loveandher| That guilelensoens is the grace for sus- Riee and Oatmeal. Lee erie voakies, ao % piles and aie othing fw! and to} patur tes. ringham is admitted | picious peop! cook rice and oatmesl without uten- thebrala sud, wierd iter t no otherwise. Life at ime was a I who ktiow it. to. #4, Pr pe + a Gifioult task to her, and selfishness or byl whoo i ob rane ih ied is an impediment | 5:1, especially made for the purpose. oy lowe re yin stubbo: on her part might have dis-| tages on the estate are good, and the labor-| qa, cscs sosah tp Bere w abe] ANT people have no rice SA wtroog enough to tressed the cvuntry a6 it was distressed By ors well looked efter. The Prin Binh tle or double boiler, ae they are sometimes soap, bo ates ech a of Wales. But about the neichborhood on foot, or driving called, nor are they liable to have them if how “somplete secoviny tany, ootet Jia Oae: as taken ‘thingslightly. hereelt in her ‘That andr is the aping of every ther ua chance pare ay create rh re wal be in danger of addon deal ot any The same |d tact with which | see the cot! ‘the lays foundation stone oF walks round | tmanor should. ‘There a bazaar have on a larger i the Spee e in pel many arts and she has known i in “her @ y | erafts are taught, and the Princess herself I the people whom it] has taken lessons from its teachers in the thing that is manish? le | tee influence you are arying, th thas may way, is g to bea ee ner ix an accom plishment miueh to be desired? adtey. Hi the way Icook these Articles of diet eer you will admit, after oatmeal have on hae stove two danger ‘of the bullevs breaking tec i ene t instant death.” and causing almos ——_ An Ingenious Wateh Thief, should _ — she same probic yee tips phat (2$) ase oreeilieg water, add to it a tables; aid the visite and tse te eed teed eee ty a congtie trey souiete che hic pena ra fee a of salt and 1h chi pli oateneal ‘A rether ingen thet of which a Pa- ‘uh C eusrasll a e shoul as d leatherworke this means, Con- alwa: tight): t on back of stove, or on » loyally endeavored to set her own’ feelings andied with the house is ‘the Princess’s| That to peste” batagt wn basiness is one | top ot ‘thin fronty ifthe stove is not risian watchmt sola? asta aside when to in | dairy,” no show pl but one in which | of the greatest arts in the world? too hot. In a few min hin ial concord and domestic unity. H the wants of the establish pro- —————_—_ bay cooked and will rd irri deeper-natured, her task might} y,ded for, and the Princess herself is on Extra Part. Practice will soon teach you just how much have been apt irksome ; paki on ished butter, — phy to use of water an as no tw contrary, it may be inferred, from how often token s torn at ing the listening to the singing of ®| persons alike. We prefer ours “not well she has ove ‘ce sheng a hee and “working” the anes ‘The kennels | song by the choir, bowl he adidas | ais the | Fe thick. Mise should also be put into her position contain : var pants, for cogs | selection so well | poiling water or milk, covered over, and her, she aan pas ops, Piss gees are prime favorites with the Princess, and about it in a cautious ech set on the backo! uires no just as well as she has, in Pe tact, mot the real] sro Prime {er varieties, one pet being a| You see, explained the leader, that is | stirring but comes out of Sa tile katie rong situation. age Russian wolfhound, and another a| four-part pe to suit the taste, whole, flaky, tender, end | ,, But the part she is that for which | perky. little Pomeranian, #0 catholic are| Four part? he asked. pieces: nature suited her, ah as is well under-| the mistrees’s canine tastes. oe alto, bass and tenor. eens incess gives great attention ugh wo much has been said,and jess, I shout say it was a five sie uasien of the Princess's gentlences an 72D righ fare Marna 2 aie ae pointing to a handsome gold chronometer. to} tion, it must n t be suppos or iar ined hjector th ts Salmon Soufile.—Salmon souffle is usually | ++] shall not ete ~ ast any ee yi pnts tr Cedar at re rinoat a wl Quite the’ con sa you neti the objector ; the four) | ae from canned salmon, and as follows : | shall take :t trary. Suc a is a great | parte 8 | power, and ais nose well, and tales to | don’t seem to cate! jerself the position that na\ "been She leads Mee f fashion eae she has the the} courage of her own opinions on dress, and beh tet swan ore pereonal point placer 2 Paris have coll shel 1. throug! | tablespoon! Drain all jaice from one can of salmon, an fed VT CER remove all pieces of skin and bone. Mash os The negotiations Icoking vo the raising fine with a fork and mix with two eggs beaten aed wie srg ee cn hk followed, ost sees eH hile was pomerspat and iene ihe a int greased Sooed individal| thet ;