Milverton Sun, 11 Apr 1895, p. 3

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\ The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1895. Mr. Jeff McCarthy a follower of D'Alton McCarthy has been rominat- ed to oppose Dr. Montague in Haldi- anand, but circumstances in Haldimand favor the return of the Doctor, who is exceedingly popular ond has in his constituencey a large number of Roman Catholies. The. Legislature has practically abolished toll gates. It has declared that where two exist within ten miles. ‘that one half the former toil can be collected. It is expected that the County of York will abolish them this vear. They should be abolished, as they are only relics of barbarism, Mr. Justice Killam gave judgment ut Winnipeg Monday in the matter of a by-law passed hy the municipality of Louise prohibiting the sale of intoxi- eating liquors. The Judge held that the by-law was illegal, and an order was made that it be quashed without costs, This is in accordance with a recent decision of the Supreme Court, &nd some ten municipalities in Mani- ‘toba are affected. Alfred Taylor, who is being tried for a crime similar to that of Oscar Wilde, threatens to drag many other prominent men into disgrace, and old England is aghast at the awful revela- tions. Seldom has the phlegmatic ‘conscience of Englishmen been roused to such a pitch of intensity as now. The whole nation is angry and dis- gusted; it seems as if a moral pestil- ‘ence permeated the atmosphere. Oscar Wilde, who sought the courts for justice, got it with a vengeance, The Marquis of Queensbury was sued Ly him for slander, but the roble lord proved what he said with such alacrity and despatch that the asthetic gentle- man has been locked behind the bars for one of the crimes. most loathsome of It will not be his privilege hereafter to ruin weak young men who cannot govern themselves. ~ If Oscar Wilde had the spunk of a mouse he could find relief in suicide. Tt is his only hope, as he is eternally diszraced. Mr. Howland had a bill before the Legislature to prevent the docking of horses, but withdrew it on the request «f Mr, Dryden. Mr. Howland should lave urged his bill to prevent this in- human practise which is done to. gra- tify some who see style in disfigure- ment. Hottentots and savages of the Jowest order always consider it fashion- To claim that itis not a painful operation is all poppy-cock. Ne better proof of the cruelty attend ing the docking of a horse is needed than the bare fact that in large cities the operation is performed in a padded room so securely closed as to prevent the animals screams being heard out- side the stable. The belief in hypnotism, like the faith cure; is bald rot. In the United States, where they pretend to have advanced scientific ideas, this thing prevails, A murderer is arrested and tried and he pleads that be was under the influence of a hypnotist and gets «ff The other day a murderer tried for his crime and pleaded that he was under the influence of one Anderson Grey, who was in tan tried and found guilty of the crime though he was not near the scene. Does civ- ili ion only circle round and we ure again looming up in the days of witch- erait? Is seems like it. How in the name of eternal justice can a man be found: guilty of a crime that he took no hand in or did not inspire? It is a bid precedent for any state to set, acd it makes us donbt the reforms of Kansas when they advance this theory. s Competitors will say, if you happen to hit them hard with low prices, but it does not weaken our case any, as we are still giving bargains in all lines. This week we have received a large consignment of Best Matches (guaranteed). We sell 3 large boxes for 25c. New Raisins, 28-lb. box for $1; 27 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for $1. We also placed in stock Men's, Youths’ and Ladies’ Caps. These we offer at Low | Elsssssaney Prices. Men’s Caps for 35¢. ; worth 50c.; Ladies’ Caps for 25¢c., worth 5oc. All shades— a snap. Weare agents for Buttericks’ Patterns ; get one of ou fash- ion sheets, free, issued month- ly, and order your Patterns from us. Our Ready Made Clothing is a surprise to them all. Our $5.90 Suits sell like hot cakes. sede shouldn't they, at the price? Ladies, we ask a special favor from you—to examine our oods, We shades, 40 inches wide, for 28c.; nice figured Dress Goods, new- est makes, at 25c.; our best Dress Goods are all in cut lengths, no two alike. $12.00 Will buy one of our Black Worsted Dress Suits, worth $17 to $19 made to order. These are very stylishly got Crees, bound. Another big savin; Youths’ and Boys’ Suits at all prices. S+$LDASK Will buy you a good pair of Pants (no overalls), and we can give you pants for $3.00 Equal to, ay $5.50 made to order. Now you want to save your anies and are not too proud to look at ready mades, and if they suit you, not too elated to wear them, you are sure to,purchase. If they don’t suit your taste we our spring stock of T weeds and Pantings. We will make you have been buying your suits in the city, we can do equally as well, if not better— our expenses are Ight and profits small. would ask you to look through aes you suits to suit the times. mak andere [yemeeionmiaie TeceomNN ERIN IRN Karly Morning Risers Find the need of an Alarm Clock, which we will sell. for the next 30 days at the very low price of $1.25,—=_ Regular price $1.75. We order thei direct from the factory, and every Clock that has the name of Schaefer Bros printed on the dial is guarantecd to give satisfaction or money refunded. Schaefer Bros., JEWELERS, MILVERTON. Fine Watch Repairing ‘a Speclalty.. J: Gere OoC FH, Grosch’s # Block. LIQUOR LIGENSE ACT License Distriet tof North Perth, reby given tha siouers me aor Perth will meet to plications fur Licenses, at 10:30 etka meester a Thursday, 25th Day of April, 1885, Mr. G. G, Ls sid following ar new applicants for License In the law office of bairman, Stratford. The the names of the for the year 1895- FOR Jobn Cryan, Stratford. 'T. H. Rolls, Listowel. OW SHOP LICESSE. Mary Kennedy, Stratford, Number of. licenses Tavern, 49 5 Shop, 35 Wh Number i issued in 1894-5: olesale, 3. ens for licenses for op, 4; Wholzsale, 3. By Bz For a nice hat ora lov Grosch & Leth. e great damage in . The Bargains we were offe ing through Bs Sepwe sae the past “few ¥ : here for you, Lats new eee E tions weekly. We alw: do as we advertise. We wish t thank our old friends that hav sent us a host of new custoin- ers this spring. H. GLEISER. Peseadores. o | The Russian € enfore- ing the edit of verament is ins One hundred de are reported ai An unkuown man was killed on the} srand Tronk track at Swan’s crossing near Guelph. Candidates for-the Commons were | nominated Wednesday in Haldimand, j vs ercheres, Quebec West and Antigo lish | Ivis reported that China has accept- | samo, led seven of the eigh mien ie | Pence and Ui week will see the ded, Great Britain has recognized the Re public of Hawaii. Mr. Patrick Moa cians of Hamil- dose of muriatre ton is dead from a acid taken in mistake, Relief in Six Hours Se rei t the License tor, pyvel, Ont, | wit Distressing kidney and bladder, diseases by the “New Gre promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, very part of the urinary pe ention of water most. immediately, Tf you telief and cure this is your remedy Sold by Jomes Torrance TOWN TOPICS, @ sts Pee Ss New YORK. as the most complete sunterings’* columns are inimitable, | tts ary fase ‘400 nicazo, and ald irsenes6 O1 fend the mort Tefined and moral w Bf addition to all bs of Cheap Rates! Prevail everywhere daring Easter holidays, but nowhere are they exemiplitied to better advantage than at Kertezer’s Fruit Emporium. HERE ARE OUR PRICE Oranges from 200. to oe. Lemons (new), 2 do er for 260. ee ¢ Povey will arrive in a few days. C. S. KERTCHER, The Red Flag Store. a2 Agent for Pearl Steam ees P. §.—We have a strictly First-Class Barber Shop in connection and guarantee satisfaction. the Jews. | we there is week Ba plement ‘portrait, fn col there is cack tate trait Tales 8 From Town Topics f March, Jun Se ie ‘rill supply any faintly with aband supply any faimily with abunde RATES: anteed. WATCHES © sy ete, Sabine Satin prize sto o Clocks, Jewelry and Rivers are. See A large stock of watches of the best Street ora much interesting reading =e manvfacture, such as Elgin, ss ai sna tn ther Tales” spreader adi on fo ba =| Clembes . Watches at lowest Soud Gold Fi 200. ibbed, per annum, @5.00, and an; Anny ‘imbers of Talos you tay spectty ‘Weeuts for sample copy Tows TOrice. eth Ralese,go= mead AMELIE RIVES’ latest “Tanis The @ Sang ~ Digger ? |" Baas Fem pain TOPICS, a West 334 Bireet, New York. R ngs, & nice See oe 0. Prarr, Jews ler.” Milverton. matic Cured in iy Jontis “Aietiead, heumnntis® Caress for sheuatin net ne hecaletas radical in Ite notion upon. the ious, It ‘the disease The first dose 9 three once the caus immediatly disappears. te, Beents, Sold by “ames sist. great ede PEOPLE— Do not know within ten miles that George Paff, the Jeweler, has sold Thousands of Dollars’ Worth “of Watches, Clocks, Please take particular The general public a the best evidence of all. Glock, Watch or Chain, . Or Anything in the Jewelry Line, such as. . Brooches, Har-Rings, Charms, Gold Finger Rings, “Silverware, Spectacles, Ete., Go to George Pfaff: Jewelry Store, Milverton. He is urrounding friends that from the gratifying and increasing support they have given him, emoved, and it is an estab- lished fact that his Watches are good selling articles. +RGPAIRINGS* happy to state to that all doubts are now r In Milverton for near! Jewelry, Silverware and Spectai GO. Finale MILVERTON. e past ten years he has sold Hundreds “of Ww. Riche within a Fadia of fifteen miles. The evidence is that you can hardly ae one Pee that complains. “BS Tf your neato is * on a good rly ten years convinces that the general public is well eee ae tacles, JEWELER. »; which is his Watches, Clocks, The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1895. DISTRICT “NEWS ome Interesting ems Culled from the N titer Y Sources Did you see those Icvely ties Grosch & Loth are selling two for 25c. 4 A baseless story was circulated last ‘week: announcing the Queen’s death. Mrs. Nickers of the late “lon Woodstock for alienating her i aieie crane The celebrated libel case ase the Toronts Globe, Stratford Heral ancl when bi s of the stocl sgholders id before them at their annual it was lai meeting. Of the $4,000,000 cash de- was a de fli ney every br service ex- cept the Pacific Sa Line which shows an increase of $80,467. How- ever, nee old board of directors were | C e-clec On ie evening last Mr. Thes. Lenke, engineer at the piano factor; fal lling, wrist, ‘wo of the leading severed, and he lost wa cant of blood. Surgical aid was ed Las speedily as possible, but 1t we befure uke flow of blood 3 Bid te pest and the wouud dress ed, Mr. Leake in the meantime becom- ing» ‘agli ak. 8. Bowman, a aavtes citizen wise "plots reeve of ied wery suddenly on Monday last. from |e iy degeneration of the heart. e town after a over the western peninsula of Ontario, and had been connected with’ business enterprises in Berlin, Hamilton, Pt. Elgin, Hawkes- ville and Arthur. Ele was a mac esteemed and leading Liberal of the cvunty, and was 60 years old. eaves a widow, one son and a daughter. Kertcher's ad, this week. . It The bi}l brought in Py Mr. Wood privileging women to practise at the bar was carried by a ageey of 34, itish troops had another brush with tribesmen north of the Swat River, scattering the enemy in all directions. The New York Senate passed the a extending the time for the com- n of the New York Canadian Decite Railway. The Newfoundland delegates have been compelled by the pressure on their time to decline banqvets offered them at Torento, Haldimand and Montreal. report comes froin Chicago that counterfeiting of United States post- stamps on an extensive scale age dicated in their procedure. Mrs. Bea- | pe, ‘ton. was proved to be only an adven- discovered, aiid the headquarters of riba counterfeiters is in Hamilton. A rupture between Norway and Swe- den is said to be imminent, Jobn ae of Woodstock was asphyxiated by gas eeiue from a coal stove on isan lay. The Sir John Maedonnld Montreal Propase Clab_ of Mac- oan Tett fe Floridw Sunday Paige on a trip which will last some weeks. The test of one of the big 4,600 horsepower dynames recently placed in position in the power house of the jie Falls Power Company. prow sal the British Board of Trade returns for March show that the imports in- creased £653,558, and the exports in- creased £424,127, as compared with ‘a8 | those for the the corresponding month last year. The verdict of the Coroner's jury at ersity has siren nment, but the not n with their case. very diminutive size was ele he could barely see the desk, Raising himself on. tiptoe | bending forward with his hands hie istant his eyes, as ii r at some A oumber of Atwood Monday night. There investigation into the charges hi the students of Toronto Uni- been instituted by the complainants do jow appear very anxious to go on A member of the legal jaiicpan of ted to ees and was told to stand «p uy he defendant did s9, and, in th magistrate’s head appearing fc behind ae ee made a disgraceful rexhibitoon ot aa were seven or eight im the party who visited Cranbrook, where they got on what is known in bar-room language as a big drunk. Not satisfied with that, they commenced using shocking language which could be heard by the Laie ws a night long in the age rag s, destreyed other property, and re of them endeavored to Gleichen was that Frank Skinner came to his death from a gunshot wound in- icted by « Blackfoot Indian (Seraping Hides), ta acquitting Constable Rog: ats who shot the Indian while resis bar +. ©. Spencer Millichasp, paying the taller i tise Beak Toronto, shot vanin town, and one of the first cases| yAices on Saturday afternoon. In th 1: | before hie honcr was that of a Diawny| ate aes known eictive for Ok Hee of colossal figure. ‘The son side the friends of the deceased think of Evin had committed an assault and be se event may have been an uci The will of pint late ae eed a +ob. Saturday. The aia ie ene ne $1,452,000. Deceasad was unmarried. The bulk of his estate is left to John Manual, a connection by m: S arriage. objet alge abi repeating “Holy Therein are several charitable and other Moses ! and is Pateick O’Minehan going | °1es'* to be tried by a fairy’ J. Lansing accused Presi- Rev. n | dent i ted of immoderate drink- ing in an address at the New England Conference at Salem, Mass., recently. Mr. Cleveland took the matter ep oo pitched into the clergyman us scandal-monger, and several of the President’ political opponents repudi- ate the rev. gentleman's statements. sive charges with apoligies and regrets, Sebaie Ras: home some Fi day Tasty and on helping himself in qh velerinary office in which he works, he il was asked to bring & = A Suit All-Wool, $4.50) re La rg be withdrawn his offen-| bave ag ViNERY OPEAzy “MONDAY, APRIL 8TH, 1896. MISS AKOORE,, who is again in charge of dq our Millinery Department this spring, will be glad to see her | old customers and many new ones, We are showing all the Latest Styles and Novelties in Headgear. Pls ca DRESS GOODS. Our Dress Goods are selling fast; call bates and secure the choice of the Best Patterns before they are pic Good Bargains for 8, 10 and 16 cents per yard. Our 2c, ull wool Cashmere fs a cracker. WALLPAPERS, New Suack of Wallpaper just arrived—gilt patteras—the like of which vas never seen before, for 12} cents’per roll. Ceiling and Border to match. | See our Wallpaper ‘at 5 cents per roll. Ready-Made Clothing. ‘e had a rare chance and secured a job lot of Ready-made Clothing, «li | new wae well finished in every Tespoet and fit perfectly, We can surprise you by the value we can gi Let our en beat this. We have $6 Suits, worth $10, $8 Suits well | worth $12. Boys’ Suits from $1.50 up. Do not call too late as the suits will sell like hot ae , a PREMIUMS. Lippe tele that our fremium pictures are no common thing, but large: affairs. e frames are 30x36 inches, and are 6 inches deep. Wales, such as ‘‘ Evening on the Rhine,” “ Grindelwold Glaciers Castle, “Randy Falls,” ado thers. Come and see them ‘Also vena that they are given away free of charge. if of the hotels, and thus the night was spent. ‘They reached Atwood early next morning, and presented a dissi- ted appearance to sa: of the is father’s house stupid drunk- have no sympa the least, one party having to be carried into We ceful tried it and. was soon stretched out, and when assistance came he athy ae such dis; given a large dose of mustard, which PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. conduct, and were it not t, or le Aeapects lay. of their connections in town, we would publish the uames of | a every one of the purty.— the | soon oe nae nie gentleman to. He then realized bis mistake, and we ara pleased to ay now. fully reeoy- ered.—Mitcheli Advocate,

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