i Fandom pri sire despatch to by ws from the Peseadores, WATCHES jee George Beets of Chatham blew ae is'brains out witha gun while tem- a 5 Clocks, Jewelry and silverware sy ican e ; : A large stogk of watehex of the best : 7 MWe buuder the date of April 6, says chulera Sores San The Milverton Sun is is bat at Makuukuig, where there a . 5 yh cases, 283 new enes aud 34 7 smanuiacture, WA as Elgin, Waltham, Z “Columbus, ete. Watehes at lowest | ved nes sreeereck 13 § : rices pt guaranteed. Soud Gold : W an ts 3 : Ring bose SAS y Basha of Winnipeg has been ‘ ‘ Pe PEE Scrum, red ach of ateptng T h MONDAY, APRIL STH, 1895. | e purnithe house in w his wife and TR THURSDAY... APRIL 18; 1895. i deat hs. f The “Morning Post learns i Y Yoko- | A RED Ys i, We We hama that unless pence be eucluded Paso ie cotminuuication et | lating the preweut armistice eoupe fo apt Whiteley 2 armies willagarch upon ‘kin as es Cabeat, suing paktiation™ op Ae, be win, FSOON aS the armistice shall expire. Be he coke Oke eee Aslenpatch tron Sts Peteral arse aayae Karly Morning Risers Find the need of an Alarm Clock, awhich we will sell for the next 30 ‘days atthe very low price of children were sleeping. «committed by the mouster-Chattelle, Fiat <S Mr. Matthew Mil! 8 0 i : thong tht decane oie vine | cuit de pene, eoitonn ut : : HERBAGE ER Re IAS Sly Bis vagina ‘was such us to’ deny. comnaiseration or aym..| Pe! | ere hs dag ena } : d ‘ eh a j : ing diplomaticsteps to obtsin Europ! 5 = ¢ r 3 London and Two other yho is again in charge of baud gigetane aggeete eed tet a ca 4 9 ; The Great Milk and °!lvin working ‘with hint” had. narrow aE MISS ih in ge a che Ae 8 4 4 erwise. ‘Though he hus F d ee * escapes, i illine: a is spring, Wi e glad to see her ‘ Pe emo ae ee Ree oo altace seal Bppealite Russia, and it is stat ie Regular price $ We ord Flesh Producer. . ery Aiea our Millinery sp artment this spring, ¥ g! Mi saateue pon excelent authority that Rus} egu. price $1.75. e order sia ie ural rederic, ‘t te Andie old customers an@ many new ones. We are showing-all she jeutousyy be Re in sia is firull ved to iierd begs is thein direct from the factory, and correspondent aca a Ne w York paper,| ‘Competitors will say, if you . . Wee [RRIPSE SS ran oh o/s ami rng ei | every Clock that has the nate of |: © GAMES TORRARSE’S, sisscstetaie rite pen to hic them hard wie] Latest Siyles and Novelties in Headgear. By +-gome ean 2 clamor fra meray a eae avd military for of thet cael Schaefer Bros printed on the dial e i hich Will Ue Nikesrep ao, Wig re [LOW prices, but it does net she sttoggled Saou calits oHel neo tit | us made to Suforce respect for this hs is guaranteed to give satisfaction : 2 So cess, PEt core mays an ee are Fe, me her ie bio “fa rayly ‘cubin muy? Umdape i or money refunded. The (iMiverton Sun Iv is understood that the negorint sul giving bergains in all lines. as Mercy smRarced er as. she pleaded ashington, April 12.—-@fficial | (5) > = - ius between the Newfoundland «ele-| This week ave have received een th bs adi b is fi s 4 Hale oh) Aina 1X, Fe nts bee te risa tne xin a, px igi atid Batata PAF : THORSDAY, APRILA8, 1895.° | gatessund the Dominion Cabinet Con a large consignment of Best| DRESS GOODS. should | Cate that an understanding has been / — — mae —|mittee jovking to confederation will | yy is , a hog f the es apanes bs yf 2 : MANOR ss _| Matches (guaranteed), We sell Our Dress Goods are selling fast ; call early and secure the choice o! foe a en oor pense di ke cite oe 8 Ly Cc ae er ros | f Pina cal nied thtdelezctes|3 large boxes for asc, New| Best Pauems before they are picked, " Good Bargains for 8, 10 and 15 cents \ : 5 : S ! Ee ec e delegates |. larg . ‘ ; j this Pee i finite conclusion of peace may be -ex-| ay :. 4 3 nears Salers fk eve Rh GAS Puesday. Raisins, 28-Ib. box for $1; 27|P* ee Dif ae el sara) Canines. Ue Cones i aah ya Aha thine ave men ot apy, moment. ‘The oe S 4 ‘ Ses ek e the |Sbs. Granulated Sugar for $1. | WALLPAPERS. i maible. peor rticulars of the ,proposed terms. of Fine Watch Repatring 4 aS dia iw Gabinete Aces AeA. : : ; EN eayelesene oauid eerie ier cols JEWELERS, MILVERTON, pect, : : ; es Majer oi ‘ Ds er f the 30ch reer ee Hast Ta ae We also placed in stock New Sunckof WV, spate Has ctucci dls. ale atvarTia “cba cine tes witidh a lace of Cy bata Oia ees Men's ouths’ and Ladie ver seen before, for 123 cents pervoll, Ceiling and Border vo matob. rot Lab, gave = a is understood that.in respons fircalu act reboaded seaueate Abey he Chinese plenip: Ci evfipd for an abate: ment of the demands originally made the Japenese pleni potenti ies ne Pi nied important concessions, Caps. 3) Th he e we offer at Low|s :|Prices. Men's Caps for 35c. ; worth ‘soc. ; Ladies’ C ps for Ready-Made Clothing. 25c., worth 50c. All shades— bes ered a: Lortlon’s rate of taxation has been Ffixed-at 20 9-10 mills-qn the dollar. a 5 * The Ame Government will es- oe consular ayency at Brant- for oar Wallpaper-at 3 cents ae roll, ; “ynever sipped ever a more deserving or un- s holy wovk, Many of the lulls introduced ‘hy-the Patrons in the Assembly Tast: session relieved that among the concessions eas Ly Japan has brew a decrease in the-amount of indemnity demanded, 4 ‘ ee Willian Court Gully, Q. Cis 2] the new Speaker of ‘the British Patlia ment, a snap. Weare agents for Buttericks’ Patterns ; get one of ow fash- new mink: well fi you by the yaelue we hind .n vare chanee and secored a job lot of Rearly-made Clothing, + ii expect, and tit perfectly. wel » childith aad motworth much, and {and that this is the were deersetily snowed under, but] ise. Careful inquire athe “pass” cystem regarding members eof the Legislature should jhave :been abolished.’ A’ pa morni n from Kincare Pi Seite theft. ix ‘KU ppOne wl to have been com: *: “ J,| ur Ready Made Clothing is officials of the Sued Bean and © witted: by aman calling ‘himself pr viva letters 4 stolen ‘ 4 Borat apne oes Je anil bag asels, between | 2 StI : smaster of Thedford, ix dows aged. 8 to" ime ieee Depaty prninasters] ion sheets, free, issued month- ears ae hands sud its receipt at the G.T, R,/ly, and order your Patterns ul 00i, , I 7 s e. Th Ke 5 Port E! Let our competitors beat this, We have $6 Suits, ‘worth $10. $8 Suits on cet is nothing more or|in both the contending countries haved sto a beam in his bi Mess than © Ube. When lexistation | become fuiliar witheheir customs and! Howard Cole, who disappeared shortly |2_ Surprise to ‘hee all, Our! worth $12, Boys’ Suits from $1.50 up. Do nvt call:too late us the eakts wi waffecting: one) maikwnye ierbotiee the|aaiteney, Soom to ialicdte’’n. strong ut Roe vig a ae » | aiter the robbery occurred. $590 ae sel eo hot Late sell like heitscakes. ‘ t vity ‘ : : eral enndidate, a 8 San Francisco is shocked at the see-|Why shouldn't they, at the é : House, ‘the companies do. not ot | PIC bability that the indemnity to : i an Francisco is shocked ‘ ; to find stra opmusition from mes che Pit by China to Japan will be paid ‘ merrative, were nominated ol airleriat a Venn on SURGE het prices PREMIUMS, ; aide f eae y pe ab vilver and ait in gil, thdugh uo) phase Epninnyel Buptist Church, On Beidiy |" Vadies, we ask. .a special Be member thay our Fremium pictures are no common thing, bub large xtide free over their ties, nor do they. | definite official statement to that effvct ; Me. Ths, MeGrees, ex-M. Pani] ie wutilaved remains of Minnie Wil | favor from yous to examine our | st Defines are $0430 le, alae ein nese aoe uean iS ros recat ean’ riley i lea Bite id Mr. RR. Dubell were nominated in linms pate) pay F Dress ‘Good ” is reprtuced from the finest painting of her srajeruk eating |e am by the Government there is no need sists as to. the i “Quebec West. They are running ax erday morning the body |large range of Dress ‘Goods. ad pee Fite Wdehiuueey, Bwiteelend) Telend Bal ‘oor a spas, acd Tethink thas both Lib- | Neping of tke od “ah van! ‘hich independents, F Blanche Laanone was a/We have. wool Serges, all Eveningson the Behine,” “Grindebwold Glaciene® # Ktlarnéy 4 the indemnity ni te j The Chatham Board of Trade voted |S! room in the ste »|sha@es, 40 inches wide, for 28c.; ly Falls” and thers, Come and see them, “Also rerhember F girls had been friend wgrals.and Conservatives were wrong in voting the proposal down, Tt will diven away free-of churge. down a motion endo tion to Parliament. f ,|nice figured Dress Goods, ne est makes, at 25c.; our: best f 4 . / : a city Hy | Tod weodore Durant, vas} Dress Goods are all in cut American gold. re Mr. Eimna, barrister of | Ja 1 Miss Lament nexr the|Jenoths, no two alike. 3 b Gel Anau Gaunilese. cararae Caos Ob = 3 Sarnia, hi been nominated by the] church, is auspectod, but the policeare] 2” PROBUGE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Th is 1 (1) soil will be retained there «an | q Conse: of — West Lambton} unable vo tind him. $ hey cannot make “ate excuse that it} ii) the indemnity shall have been a on “Me Ky F, Lister, M. P. sed i is out: sf respect, as it is not ies partially if not fully paid. The other q for “Vercheres tow ‘The Aes and the Weif, e 4 to the clergy, and they command a j ‘ F x ‘ Dar Ac goa “| armies will be ae d to ig te and , ie Weneay last, Mr. Gedffrion,| An ass feeding ina meadow saw a ; F } y Ps veny ‘body © Mitiiend disbanded ahead ous ble: I. 1 walf approaching to seize him, and | yy, 4 in the land. vecament con ufc fe Washington an- | 4 Mr. Bi immeditely pretended’ to. be lame Will buy ‘one of ahs Black 4 atinues strong they should «net ignore} nounce tht ex-S “Whiuws. the meter?’ said the wolf; Worsted Dress Suits, worth q Li] A telegrph messenger be » Rood propositions. cor ‘brake name cl van Harvy ” ing from a party | yy. that is obse 3 oe ‘ARoG as to! pon the way wail ahaa retary of State John | | Grosch's Foster, who has been Li Hung ij ’ <x Block Chang’s adviser during the ence ne: gotiations, left $ i Jay for a ined my ankle at the tall last $17 to $19 made to order. “Sy “479 nigh” replied tiem “Lat me kk] These are very stylishly got MAIN ST., MILVERTON. ; shea ail Savery ete counaaall t he wf, in a medical tone go nicely bound Afmother kille ul. y ei iss] Singhal, on his way to Bekin. Li - ie cen i ce. “Just what 1 want,” mue- | UP-nie oe _ a our beds fat El y will be! Hung Chang remains ab \Slemonoseki z HE TRON ES salt wured the ass; “Til kick bis con-| big Saving. io ; \THE FINEST era oor be ot aot eet eat untibthe Peace arrangement is formally A landslide on a small cal Geeere | Fonnded head off” He ie t.| Youths’ and Boys’ Suits at : NE ya a in te 1e WS. s = ° Hu ot a: 18 ft ‘) i ¥ cs | “April Showers bring: May Flowers; Ds atc a gas ey et 2 eee : Jerainign Bortianoot ns to-day (Thurs= A A 9 ea pro 50. yards |v, wolf hung « Cc : saa fs Ea deve ation Right Prices bring Trad». pena 2) sin To, (rian aot geal aaa ENSE.AGT Cae | Olin st gpa nse signed » trnty of One thing the world needs to-day is igual es t ser URE aaa ine time tea aia >} q 4 : LIQUOR LIG : d penne are beaut "end “Bel pve! ta womde):/ Men’ shinlt know neal € inn. ° & an i Moral—Don’t make lame excuses. Perry, the noted train robber, with Mfive’ovher inmates of the Matte aelind i Foro ees ae to dap: what they are. They are not ‘beasts: =| t | enw Aas Will buy you a good pair’ of] y; ictpi Y; Inaixecptteier on the money qnestion}| They shuvld 4eaow where they av. SPRING /State asylum, e ae ny you & good pair of fieoise District of North Porth, Coffi : satanic veland Abe i nan at Thi: = God's abi 9 i tution ata late hau canes ay n ‘The Maceae ee Pants (no overalls), and we can oi ie) ns of meny politiciuns .on the question, andy; : Baan A f They assaulte ovincial convention of the Raa ; : aarges Uke importanee of rndbatalgide the! ‘ af deg ere sulted 1 ee chee ‘4 ab a Macets give you pants for devin d y Biren is aid yetped Te be had anywhere, can be found ut 1) Perth will meet " wescaped through the swotlle. ; Duet wr ae Mii O'Dn|tova coer we Burnin, Thurs se pilin teary eos sina in ihe sie we ip rane in the forenoon, on i “dressed alk. dandy) bulbs eroccea $3 50 + agg | MILVERTON Ac OME from heasiquarters ' iu, were present, ‘The! he Thursday, 25th Day of April, 1895, ns “ved at London permanently aide i v of a supreme camp fur the| Equal to any $5.50 made to} the lam sia of Mr.9. 6. Mottin Furniture i tl u bout the | re ey i oa erder. Now. if you want to tie sames of th new applicants for License STORE eabout the bezinuing of next mouth. Fe the nev : save your dollars and are not Ee et a f About 150 men, mostly pine Tor TAVERN LICENSE, ES too proud to look at ready et See Eatowel: Strict end Prompt Attention BES comntry’s. solvency. unsusp Tansallied, and as sou: a 3 of in the WE & 2 ie a7 & $ \ EYE : tour people were { Of Rowan: 213th of Cerinth- d d ora ical and if the question | ians, alt diffic ‘t ie vof our currency could ‘be treated without | that isdt! Buv a different love from |! va Lig beet ae a eaten in ee mv a bonnie ed cel ‘ec ace Ra | THIS IS WHERE WE LEAD. ; : eurtency Ww A i = a R= We affected, of whom 36 will by ratford. The New Speaker bed, fi b ferred to ao and ten to. p Bra .|mades, and if they suit you z The British Tories ey no secret, of F oc 5 will probably. be. div. i a as Sai |) Mega eionlyy Stretton! ‘ which | their ncaa te the their || E spat Weir will go ee : Bes not too Aspnes ee paki Ac ini in, 188-5: UNDERTAKI NG a Fol you a su jase, Janse pro. | @ndidate for the Seiten A A N SUITINGS,.—We have them at all prices. Come and see our jae rd, ji se meuers ead bg Then Nobis: a er z to pi = ; Taverne 4e ey Whole ; tae a ee of young ymon-of 25 | ost reftzined from fas I \ n, Dr. Motitagee and Mr J,”.A.| supreme eon Keeper. ‘The. other they dor’t suit your taste we pp be T the consent of | hands with him asthe Liberals did. as Se. 3b Suits, made to order. They are worth $ro, and are cheaper than any ready etary coi Ye HMAC hain lee WbLld sak voles dodkeahephen Lea 6: 2 a a vos he prone bes Sepeneren tin Te | dhe do a ef the House after made suit you can buy, and contain no shoddy. We have them also in prices ranging Bae Alias aus daGihah Gide tention: oir spans ticle tok, sneer gant aa r mbalming Done. a rel laation provid that-in ease both | He election, she younger “men |; as high as $20. Come and see our imported tweeds ; we can make you a suit for $11. ia by a meeting between Mr. D? ae el sen: land Pantiags. We will make| 2 if ee 5 tion : Sane By I pe ik Dg S is an antings. e will make | py petition, or ses) at least fourtiay s 4 faher aud mo he contracting parties | among thera are allready concerting || Sig Mcbaathy aul DitMontacue; “and ‘suite the Supreme Bonn, were cuits to suit the times, . If] tse te meting above mentoued the : : zy ‘ Merrio, icant abies oH Sa lic phy ie : ae S —We have an endless variety and at prices that defy competition. We the immense pea which gathered | elected on Seturday : Ln ae shige iy on a a het co Weiderhald & ‘Honderich ‘ ‘al Eh Soop : i i hi 2.25. che oth sides of the school question SF MES pares jr « gontille dase sits ts rae hab iulhet! shes abies: beksen a aie : willumake you a pair of Tweed Pants as low as $1.75. You cannot buy them reudy made at less that $: es Rae cat dee He rps Cee wee wae bi die’ Gigsewwe Gahiey 6 ae é é House for reelection next yi ic 2 | brillant passages at arms _ be- 4 v Vild Flowers Of Canad: : gnas Aton . ian” several briila 80g re ae he W canada see eine AEN ei ees ier be shal] mot have a strikingly sue- | NTS’ RURNISHINGS—We tend some asever, and carry the dein de wae AR Eore ep ite ee equally as well, if not he z Rind ibeatidas ite) cite one Fina Si Rotenet ies administrative record to plead largest stock in town aad at prices away down. nsidine, s' P our expenses are light an YO pty fsbets ean caesbts cle a5; totes b gucpesbyrhual aan ile ah i dae ; A bill introduced ty Attorney-Gen-| the cundition of his estate, had at one aarters a fa a time one of his farms to let. A. man| Profits small. % esting to hear that splendid i os phe be Solunel Batty oe be Wis Biiscaame gece cee ld. Flowers es 4 from the county of Kerry, hg the ¢ Bargains we 4 [> lor, Eurs Atte m meeti 3 oe EG, * mee oa cS ak = : rin, Fe ae : i q q ing ot ; land is very poor, came to ee it, with] ing through these columns for Dosage 4 , jon yest ak: i Lele opi ols ga setetind Sa re maeete 4 < | Maat ttdon as ade. “My i i ; a3 ct be xo ctrvied. “away : v was Hop. Richard Horeourt| hough yoo are ever so inclined 0 fro > GIVE US A CALL. : Peat annie? maid Oonitdine) Talons ae we ie ba peti i? 1300 at ae ele Deg Ba ocelovitee ex pec : ieovineial Ba b fits are perfect, the goods 80 nice, ed /fess widow could only claim oné-third| think you are thé man to take a farm| CTS $OF you, wit f d igen cee ‘ age & And tay erv.cue ap tte beets i j . ~ of hier intestate husband's property, his|like shis. It is notlike your miser-|tions weekly. We always do dee Prof Weve pdt a thet geee ease bes enteee bib guint ibs Sony 3d ae : : “relatives coming in for the lion s shace. i as we advertise. We wish to] ghaves Uaircuts, Sha apoos, a ght? Mohtreal Star. heck. and aly saftoral oa es tees ai neha ‘ : This has been found to work hardship, thank our old friends that have hye sf work it in onblishing, eneied “The, heck. tn apparently sulflered hesvy Tomes. |x opeared before the commission 1 5 : oa - the sen ning fae peeidos Flex 9 ® cae et host of mew eastons |Seafoams, Singes, Et, See gat © gompetan, Colon ee en ical any acten wae aie @| Af Good Values and Newest Goods and Obliging Attendants will keep your pei Alia Sota 3a AT oy : ion tect gordi, ee nde Reel est ada Sys Dite s seas a seen that 3 = 5 Ls oe ¢ : : enh over eh 5000 it shall go to the| that if you left a heifer out in that! ers this spring. Administered ‘a the most dé-| plates ial shat rein ‘and i b Saheedonality ost thse ott fled and. tae ee heck Saied sty. reporters. BSE: ts it ave ’ and exclusively ;| field there at night you would scarcely ; lightfulnanner. | Call aud dee. | > nose preetes wound. Taq gold hin that the Chancellor bd $Y : Trade, then the ones te do it y3 é Seeder © Sontee ob tained from the Montreal (Sete ar at law newadenlers at Biveen eekts mali Aan "| ingly‘ cheap. * $55 asia dds ith i age A de prcbabilicies are tat it will be deat aay pasts in Mite ct a lar | on one oceasion said to him that he re- Noteiicas their los fused to discuss the appointment of been vw teary had th | the professorship of history because his |; tions. eet. muderstoo: | con tnlaw was ah applicant. | Mi ke Harcourt said be knew that Chafeelior “ Dipke bad nexer interfered. country where, if you left a heifer out at night, the devil a-bitof cher you'd * Leve ain!” ee eA: 3 ‘MILVERTON. © j ; - : oa rehs there's 3 ee of wy =H . GLRISER