Milverton Sun, 18 Apr 1895, p. 4

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THE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. Gre: ‘Itain, the United States, and an anil of the Globe, Conde lensed and CANADA. ‘The American Government will etablish a Consular agency at Brant A stipe of fresh mee from British Columbia to England has met with a ane ‘way. Mpa eek easy rews of Hamilton is dead from mistake, Mr. George Retts of Chatham, blew his brains ont with a gun while temporarily adose of muriatic acid taken in The Lae Sornralhpee ck of fl s Ey Coun- og rate ry fi 73 mi Ing) ie is de- of taxation for this yo lontreal Buildin moliahing | the new St.Jobn’ byterian chureb, as it is In the Dominion Government Savings Bank, the balance on deposit on March 31 was a8 $17,097,755, while a month ago it was $17,112,7 ‘igakties Radial Railway Ue pein notice in The Canada Gazette of a1 mn to the Deine Parliament tek Mca she wahtlligc’ was cveonead by gas in the King street sewer at London and suffocated. ‘Two other men working with him had narrow escapes. Twelve of the most dangerous convicts in the Watiiiaaven, B.C. pes ey have been transferred to the Stony M. tain TS Saray in wspaper slot machines are being tried achine ., H. A, Davies obtained a verdior_ at ; Railway Company, brought ina verdict i piaemae, Ae salgiek comin hy coat wnat Eteduiva, is x, ame caberiey tue thar ti tor tue lent bres heated bruladeab lian Es cy Bros who was Killed while thawing out dyna- mite, irs. Mack, a lady from New. York,| Asy} rd. fr the instituti employed aa clerk by Morrison, the alleged | Leese ae aot he ensign St 8 | Phe fall in stamp counterfeiter, at Hamilton, n| kee} gold, ft aken into ol ‘the instance of|'The names OL Sie Astier: seta United fee. secret service officers, O'Donnell, Quigley Sood Daria ALL: san ls and navigation returns will| dressed coer 'rench Pres- das unsafe, | the pee Nicaragua haa been Office. It is understooa that ri tes reply to satisfactory ich yw be take UNITED STATES, Paper for fifty thousand dollars, fall seopand oF ble Father Paradis, the Canad ° scheme, is Aba ill at Lake Mich, John Huffman, arrested reer of theft Preferred from St. Cathar- James ex-ateward on the White Star Line, jumped fro ridge. He ‘turn ov ut i went teal ga een fy garth cy his He nev Pa side. 7 ea ane Spiich ie will cop New turriers ‘a that the smug- ling of valaable fors Answer, to, the British ultimatum to’ the rotal ex received at the Foreign j se | in the Chaceber carl the] in tl hat Government threat to take will Bot x Be zr eaiy in Jane 8 W. Scott of The Chicago Times- Holi died of spoplery at,the Holland ee ident Pini has filled his income the New York as eed the bill crtending the time for the, completion of the New York Canadian Pacific Rail~ the ropateiation Lin at Buffalo on ja without formal ooklyn | in Ontario. ni snasareaing, being all the way from 86) igo, | im peace. the Naval War College in | 22 f nse of which 000, The bill asl tions will be abou! ou $2 & g for = _ Mr. H. D. Neill of Brantford, who ha rive jew York, says. that i Issa been for some wooks, ———— THE PRICE OF SILVER. bstantial and Enco! The advance in the price of silver will be welcomed in all districts endowed with any considerable deposits of silver ores. mining pera and miners of Nelson, River Thunder Bay, and Algoma districts The advance is su and r 120, an ounce, which is 21 per ta effect will be to increase prod to silver mining in the Thunder Bay @ trict, Despite the great downfall of silver | the the agents of a) in consequence of the panic of 1893 in the| Mingled with all classes, (speaking ve| HO PUBLIC LIFE IN CHINA, The paeayaneg ay the Price of the White | P°°P! ft urag- ‘The | Saging in the war, adie OF A GENTLEMAN RETURN- ED FROM fokeg ORIENT. Japanese Are a “Wartke People—The Chinese Have Fight Them— e Whi ry exe Know Nothing “How conld a small people of twenty million beat to her knees a great nation of four hundred million ? man and child is a patriot. Many private soldiers who are depied opportunity of going to the front have committed suicide, Two sick gener- als, finding themselvea-debarred from en- put an end to them. Rt The little children in the streets of ba the ware ot Dae Nygtling, of Pitts-| Trail Creek, Slocan, Kalso, and other plag at soldiers all the time, The a ae is to be asked, on the ground that | ‘Ficts in Belts Columbia will be glad to | Women have displayed a passionate eager- man was rendered insane by the Keeley a of it. So likewise will the owners of | #e8# to hel treatment, ver mining properties in the Rainy | ‘he war. They 1 8, e U.S, service, whine cent. of ae former price. If this advance | SPitit, and they are beaten to their knees,” | herself neat and nice cali she ys an Australian by birth, Mr. J.F. | ji So Ine. in British Columbia and give new life Hamilton, who has travelled through a is. | Sv0d deal of Japan and China, has studied pers, and save for a rainy day. characteristics of each people, War—Pictures of Japanese | £” as nurses, and in other ways in| 800d dinner, mend and The Chinese, on the contrary, | her hrsband and children when ill. have no fight at all in them, ike | Who best of all to cultivate their patches of land troubles half way. One w’ about their excesses. ‘They are not true. sent out to any bank- peas 0 way cee, gfemoved from traints of European life. But recti- tude and sober living mark the f lif toth jn Chine and Jepans” nen EE a eed THE IDEAL WIFE. A Search ce bed Best Sea, Not of a Succes: A London paper recently offered a pi for the best definition of “The Ideal Wife.”” The prize bas been awarded to the author n't worry over trifles, or meeb rr a new bor no | time the fashion changes, and yet will keep is married, just as she did bei One who will ti re re witha her husband’s who will meet you with a smile and their hin vce you return tired from work, across the anadian border | United States, the repeal.of the purchase | !@nguage as he does), and he is, theretore, | 4nd have tea all ready in a nice tidy kitch- await cha; Uuited States ‘Government $50,000 a year for the last three y Prof. Jas. E. Keeler, of the Alleghany |° observatory, announces that the ring of satellites of the inner edge of the rin; move more rapidly than those of the outer edge, The jary in the suit My Chas, W his. augheer’ ‘8 life ges ony Atlan erry, the noted train robber, with five |x ore other inmates of the Mattewan State lin the Pacifie Province, Its clause of the Sherman Act, of the Indian mints, the Bri is roduce it, as e closing | #! yt cea loun- | Saturn is made up of small bodies, and that | miners of Colorado and other silver States the On the contrary, the Bele of the 99 Hamilton, recently, in the course of white metal has been slowly bu' STEADILY INCREASING possibly be worth working for the I alone which they contain, though lead has| She would also been low-priced. But the rich mines of | however exorbitan difficulty now, when the] fight is over. may ereney contain high-grade ores,notonly of silver lead ish Columbians | *W cui did the | memorial customs and civilization. bg es on to New York. are Gociy| abele) ae if ahe wanted ead ble to conyerse entertainingly upoa these en or parlor. rious nationalities, with their im-| treasure if Iam lucky enough to get her. Such a wife I shall call a Another correspondent writes: As I “I have just come trom Shanghai,” said | already possess an ideal wife, I had better iat at the Windsor Hotel, Montreal, and le war is over, Japan could take the w pe ee lepers rie Field to any dem 3 the European powers and there may be more| of gentlem: “abel posh nice, pleasant and happy. gre say re hee describe her. Without being beautiful, she ia really equal in »” but a thorough dabeste help- an our family is largo, her eoonomy is t, and her ith the sewing-ma- baliye a pa marry, my wife must be tall, well made, with emall hands 1894 the exports of Ontario ¢ to} Sup re while mining industry has. devel the U; tates amounted to $034,000| the income tax ease, It was held th tis Columbia, iN naaltoalined. antes pa rachis: fect teeth, and peach-lik: 1 more a for the same period in 1893. | tax iter is concerned, in the Thunder Bay aa ee oy he erbas be able’ t ple the giana, a A Halifax despatch says the warships | the income fro region, The great blow to silver in 1895) °° Sumy was formed, not for defensive date, ‘Soraabsbangoinnd galar: hem fae Palast Meare Cleopatra are expect- | bonds wi xd a cessation of the mining of it in that | Buthese ‘themselves chat the nie eames | be able to speak French, Ger ed from “Bermuds, next weok, " Attar| read the opinion ofthe minority, dedlaring |rogion. Iv may D Serer ceant, ate Japanese! Russian, Spanish, Greek, Lavi Femaining a few days they go to New.| that the whole law of 1894 is null end | wil mption stele oa former upon Go had been | "She must be able foundland on fishery protection service, | void. I iF ith : ill pay the Thund a obra ieee 2) The Tourmaline, now at St. John’s, willbe | Rev. Lansing accused President | Bay operators , jue and chip. or smelt | 2° ausayy siphon haapatabperd P puadaian reinorsia Pap eae psa oe relieved by 2. leveland of immoderate drin! hie quays Se on woe Japanene would conquer| arate, play golf cricket, foot ball, tennis, George st consulting engineer of | Sddrese at the New England Conference at | ounce, much more will it pay the silver| " ‘eMoreover, long after the wee 8, whiet, nap and cribbage, ihe oolanes ew oh is reclaiming lands on | Salem, } tly. » Cleveland | kings’ of the Western States, and the i milicas of iii is a ing well and be able to whistle, Pe ge ike Hak hon oes wn, Kootenay | took th a hed into the! creased production maj knew uothing what e able to cooky sow, ma Lake ees boundary ling, | clergyman as a scandalmonger, and several | reaction “in. the price. (da word. | ,astry, sorub, sweep, chop wood and light haa srrived at Nelaon,, B. O., and reports 0! that the Koot i all of the eaten men by force eka be pl the poche hy should the Tepe Geveeninnry not advance that Mz. dante Killam gare. jadgmont f the President's political ‘opponents re-| me and a young smdloal stedeain Weis “that rely ne eens il the fires, m ake beds and other domestic duties, no iate the a gentleman’s statements. | while it is connected with a decline in tht = Lansing bas sishdean his offensive| use of the white metal for monetary pur- pede are rate fated el rele ty gion neh mre | earace wi apd ses, has been followed by an increase of 45 Beet mpete for honors at the universites nF bas ae a th a | ite yneares amongst all classes, are thoroughly fe > racis shocked at the second | its use in nenioad. sTiaik spe oe ‘dled 24 | 8nd what not, 1t is time for men who w: nae WT euaar en a SOLID SILVERWARE tah men-of-war Would be handled ia ee ee ne eae ott eat iaaig 5 of Minnie William were found in|is now oo ated ue aay raf Bek te sig rel bien ee Begs cease henner lea) Lon igveaal Spey the mini ter’ rooM, and yesterday morning men would like to marry & female M.D. min Seay of Blan “ amt was ‘e nd ; unduly a: | ily papers Sng 1 modern methods of am not a ae 3 s small room in the segple_ ‘The twogils on a lai aid italligespcte ceieucrear wag| Give nly wife who will sym- vies i a ‘8p L. e poor taree iene te |Site, wom Taare equeniy sen and| Bate wihne ely ise nho Darant, who waa in with ‘Mise | Seem to be immediately responsible for that | °f ats ee earl eyridhe of intoxicating li The ‘aa di t of themselves | 8 ofiers of state. The ladies me seized Mf 7 Tudge held thatthe. by-aw! waa’ ileg, | SAMORE Dear the chavo, inaunpected, but | adres cee permanent advance. The | With this craze for European dross three | pFEwMERb Wenry me With hor poten, or ‘an order was made it be quashed | ‘"® P fact many and England are not ears ago, but that passed away as fever 8 without costs 1a in aoooe leith GENERAL. worse to the holding of another interna. | 4 8nd now ee see them in their a recent decision of the Supreme Court,| Floods Uae tea great damage in| tional monetary conference consider \CEFUL NATIONAL COSTUMES, ten municipalities in Manitoba Boho Hee ei | what con be done for silver, and the cer-|1 wan at the Mikado’s ball recenth ia Patriotism Carried to Extremes. GREAT BRITAIN, Great Britain has recognized the Re- public of Hawaii. Sir Thomas Powell Buxton ha appointed Governor of South Australis, to succeed the Karl of Kin gi ently telephonic Sana ee was | Feie held between the coast of Scotland and the Isle of Mull without the use of wires, It is announced that the marriage of Lord William Beresford to the widowed Duchess of Marlborough will take place tly. Museum has withdrawn from public use in the library the works in | # ita collection of which Oscar Wildeis the suthor A despatch tr from Glasgow | Willi son, the last sui # that be yf the ents of the Anchor line of phe ee aed im As -d Rosebery suffering from | °! fata oer ot insomnia, and his | ®°¥‘ ere continue to advise him to go | §° bi The Princess of ve has abandoned her contemplated journi ark and iivesd oie bas Haat ale ab Gan ieg:| Ames jam, aun red at twenty to two indeed dollars table. the olict of 1503 sai oe yar. ho xd that the "The appeal of Mme, Joniaux, the Bel-|and effects of a ginee new trial, bas been | p: sini of im an The Tanga i village of Toplitz, a well- known healt Im defeat of Einar thinks tha civilization wil Eas' ment is enforcing Jews. There i is great fear that Japs: a will ba ted with a sti epidemic this ian polsoner, Hoe € There are ee ae rumors in Chri ing wart between piles Tainty vat an immence will tha haray India, amount of silver | 6, Es be rea 5 will erect. from Chu impulse to the silve ise is one of the symptoms process i t that rveding pas. ect and Toueteeting everywhere 2 FACTS IN FEW WORDS. There are over 113,000,000 women in 2 totally destroyed by Be ‘The Bank of Eugland was founded in | ™ ees nee the Bank of Scotland in 1695, Sas ith 1] ? surrender actresses wear paper lace, which by night; look» se beautitol and delicate as Blaabeth Vert, ta died, Wind gee Soop eres ge, Germany, aged 9% years She a Bee maid in one family for 79 |‘! Beattye and three men of the Chitral pedition were Killed and two officers and m men wounded in an attack o1 mae hill villages, The St. Petersburg police have discover: be advanced by it in the it, and is therefore not altogether regret- hundred yards. rei fish were sold to the poor, the ir. Dickens, ign of Queen Elizabeth, if bad fishmonger market. It is to be| the cou t of more than one thonsand ladies nt I did not see six dressed in Euro- e Japanese are a fine le. ypean’s leave Juctance, and I know several men connected with banks and mie to transfer to other countri to leave case before a | *anitar art court in inde the firm of Dombey He has one legal wife, to whom he is good, ices who, when they received | ple refuse ‘Mr. Hamilton thinks the war, in spite o the great loss, will prove a blessing to ‘he Chinese. “I think will have the. efeot| zy. What China tnd the strong breath s eames She has thousands of is one of the offecta of thia haus the Japanese mind, and e e to her husband’s m “Take Pekin, for an example of what is| she, too, read it unmoved. «« Whi ES PEACEABLY, aid Vous lea ‘ae country, two-thirds of which neds of te Governor-General iner It (ae eS in onthe Some of the tops “with which Chitamen| sueils are tnsclorable.” Siberian Prisons. amuse themselves are as large as barrels. | On the other hand, let # Chinamen have) “Mr. Harry De Winds, who hes traveled siti Serre. the I takes three men to spin one, and it gives] all eis re Miiacics te eesae heard fig i sho} denitea Gordar vin et toe “<The Prisons of Siberia’ in London, ut 230 prisons of Cone Charles Shervington, an English soldier te mn Speaker, which is reputed to ra 28; as alg med the eommander-in oy commodity, and then perched on a ter ‘ i | at rear pre: sa be on inepired Government organ, declares Shistebie i the Aecapelly Siboad, und will occ dea tas weet, Tr c. To these about 17,000 persons a ay She Fisch orsantlaa a Tania ed i vas Sette fk Bosland, A sicelitleonp ‘Gittie way of Beatin | Beis stick tberali taetenies of acts bo a las accompany glis! pase ‘Athe meddeo advent of warm eee ‘came to th be eriff of tatearte ons — a chins near. Gee Caer frontier, and © | He follow : er sPhitpe ki the ones where convicts are em- What is mows aa tie aitesoty, iyuigthe Rivers Blbe and Oder and their tributary fi for sealing $40 bioyele After opeod: : S| Glayeds “ANe* piiesae heeoiar6 ol ef Decoming eommon-in London. (Tehas two | st 100 he caught the man and recovered | its ly built ; the food a thing —one for the mistress and o7 os it an reams, resulting ia the mundation of| ¢} she ats. jo for, the Taree distr pe Ina and te bay. There are treats The Spar ish Government has purchased here are no fewer than 103 cathedrals | China ie quite apart a os people. The| Miners is substantially the same as that Pee sites hak inthoduced 908 the ao eee elt ot Kiel for Chics bat, not | in he United Kingdom. Of these 48 are peoplo have no share init, take no interest| of Haglish miners, except that they do tel oa bye ones bill ishombtoce al jelivered be ause the Chinese Government | Roman Catholic atbedsal, 36 Church of| fn it, do nov know what it will do, what it ae iran 0 sii (ales epeeaaheae failed to pay for it. The cruiser will be England, |, 15 belong to the Church of Ire- has done—in short, thereis no pablic life a situa th the character or nes of a1 land and 7 to the piseopal church of Seot- | in = count His Motto: re ate toe algcnion 8 Paria olera big broken out in the lazaretto | land. Mr, Hamilton thinks the war may im- ‘ ‘dian Gazett ea q| on the Isle Kamaran, at] To is announced that an egg of the great | prove all this. it will let in flood of| Jinks—There’s a man whose motto is pant ites "to signaize his retera | coast of Arabia, ina bay of the Red Ses. | suk will soon be offered forsale i in 1 England. jight upon the Chinese mind. _ I cannot but Payas you go. baer Aeon t after his ti il 2b Be pas irty pel have been attacked, and og: ot these eggs, which turn ta blessing in disguise, although a ‘inks—An excellent motto. Who ie Ce al Pill to enable colowial judges | ®BeFe 9r@ several deaths daily. 1, auld foe aap 30 gin Texpect a wot well see ue aka Hes pies as with the Judicial Committee of the Architects are already at work on build- (ly. qcinmppeergcemie cred hee y Meret egy ancghrr deters eka president to sit Seton aera ‘position of 1900, ogo for 30 SEVERE ANCIENT LAWS. | nreirous se Kings Jig command HOW WITH TWO CENTURIES AGO. Banging, Torturing, Deportati prison: Offences = CRIMINALS WERE DEALT {nai boote.’ not confess after undue severity was the tence on a poor young women, who was sort ie are mild in the extreme when the manner in which criminals were with in England a couple of centuries or 80 ago. Violators of the law then had con siderable to fear ; now, unless for murder P After spending consi arable sin no ti | ity, at made er te ny of Toor io Ching, i A Stanish, Me. seee es pase rabelts y of oa me daring| A Berlin dry goods toute hei a regular | and ne | physician f tonite empl : The woap duty in Hold brings $750,000 | (hay a year to the govern better class of os Philippine Island. ong. eee | era-amoke cigars a foot pentngs of Recent Date, Saxony has the rape an ha oly finished ROUND THE WHOLE WORLD d him to have ture, whicn m appear to pi ls upon all ‘i neers were riven so Patlonh oa Deka ties howe WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE FOUR aged, with Masies befecs. theta. galled off with an instrument cal preme tribunal last week, He bad publicly h Beas which in ape va CORNERS OF THE GLOBE calied another taille dealer ‘a swindler, called a pair of pincers, and n very ean a dirty dog and a conviot. art dice ove merely eurren tor this tor. | 14 and New World Events of Interest | 204 = . Retreat cee Tapani at Brief'y—tnteresting Hap- be they have only them in the face. Really until compara tively modern times the punishmen' degrading public |! Branding was often a on with circumstan ‘Vagabonds were seed with the letter V, iitiabas Burchet, of ae a ,000, hes su s.e fraymaker and fighter. Sometimes |'Tomple, was hanged for barba , gem mel rf te tials af seen Gacinateie alee 12, 500 01 racchars 90 jewels which he bought Se eae sake oe seh an being pairs while aun cated. compass of an inch through the gristle of the right ear. ‘THE PILLORY OR STRETCH-NECK. to fraudulent traders, etc., afterwards to rash writers who dared to express an opin- ion, such as Prynne, Leighton, Barton, i John Lilburne and In 1705 Mary Coole, who had been con- vioted of parricide in York was deprived of her tongue and hands and condemned to the stake ‘The last atooks in London were those of the Saxons, by hess it was called * on dra in ce rixose mulieres, sedentes aque demergebantar.” It was not ret 1817 that the whipping of females w: Until the uivteah year of George III. the burning of women for petit treason was inflicted upon women convicted of murder- In the reign of Mary ractis Spb line. contrary to has it ina we June 16, 1600, Robe eir was broken on a cartwheel Mee pe coulter of a plow in the hand of a hans of Warriato shoplifting act, about the time when press ants were issued on the alarm baie ds, and sentenced to be hanged. HER PLEA OF NO AVAIL ‘The defense of Mrs, Jones was that she ant ais oa ee might have, iets irowtiig Wiodgs feealie hardly know what she did. however, that there had been ‘om | city, the death rate for the last year fing falcon’s egg ont of the nest, nor was it a co ing matter to be thrice guilty of exe porting live sheep. A man nained Mynard was the last per- a M, son hanged fr forgery, in Pet Oiivasr ws bad ge tick threagh » mended ae of glass hop it the Swopeaeng Toke wad gmat y cpa a law yersas housebreaking, and the principal the olfender was soother 88 ag Ghd of S years, who was angry becuase be | ang n did not get his share of the pai PRISONERS CHAINED TO BED. ried pelachore varied in weight trom Lcceoguae re ye oe named Fian, who was su] rahe waxes 38 erueiento pets peices cruel ne street, H Holborn, to Dyot stree Frencis Smith ‘The pilloy or streteh-neck was first applied | h alive was frequen fnat 200 year was that toni out on Tr upon | wi Bishops end others who ‘had’ religious, 8 for murdering the *+Gaid man oar mu Gitelonish: Gade (ie hal Wi Assit o passed on | i st 8 10 17 Vesrant- Bog parding, jedge, but I for th ave ce of half a ., diustioe,of the Middle “labriee sentenced to mile, for stealing a oe ling a supposed ghost: by accident “ of both parties are g ‘A Russian can plead from @ church AFRIGHTFUL SENTENCE Bridge. Their quarters were ex) Preis eae payne al ye ates, F Daniel Dawson was hanged at Cambridge in July, 1810 for poisoning. thoroug hbred sacs S. Caldwell was tranéported for Yeats for stealing ¢ pe ive tame ducks te the Old ‘Bailey } 1796 ; Toba Ea piey tec gaan a apis Cart and Horse, oly at reet, 1510, co 8. Lydia Bale June 1748, for kicking Spee was found g manslaughter, in consequence vol hla sha was burned in the hand. 1817, @ woman named was a legal mistake, a8 th afterward foun ietins bor who At ooneei Tokio, Japan. According to the Tokio official sanita olay. It isan a fraction less than 20 in the 1,000. latest report of ite “health director” quarter oe the Imy a place st political Lactivity. Ax eal ecegat free a rcge and edgeational fn th of the progressive Japanese city of Tokio. Ra Forgot His Name. Magistrate—Why didn't you answer to M wot name I ae strate—l fare you ied your own rae N jedge, I'm travelin’ incog, Another New Industry. ental (at po heduoy age thought ces, but I ay oe 0 female a = ely men nds *"Mlatron—Ob plenty of them ; but they've all been renited out for chaperons. from that pistol i ident 0 be ianootas of the in Di ‘The proprietor in Memphis, Tonm., were arrea closed on sone of EA. that he h ry last was 96,918. The Balloon Society novel was published when he he has beet producing 1 pearly nwo'n your ever since diplomss_ of the ‘Tendon Council in Odesss, bas come forward Syracuse, the rem: nough to reach the. pu more good.” of to medal for conspicuous ad pain i in the world, called th German by birth has served asa su in the French army. Jules Verne it 78 years old eri fond of English literature, and h Dickens the greatest of all Baten ef, Olivio Sozzi, who died about a hi rye Victoria te person confe ee Gllantry recently ven. fire 4 for a long time as he does not come of age till he i 26 years old. J. C. Tasker, of London, who recently inherited eee 500, Streeter ants of that city, for $36, ty recent Dele, sent to > Noctlimaberland refused to deliver ith lantern slides on | © | the ground that “Paul and Barnabas ne carried magic lanterns abont with them.” tse gambling houses ited and thei fan than $100, nasi me into the body presiden % as been a1 Sf 1-729 eu | meeting the masters dopted certain princi- pert snd dl erotisr lana "be-| ples for ce, which, tween 14th January, 1 180, dadt@nguow|tactainid @ jauses, have b ber of paupers | dubbed iby iat roe oem Se sopentugca ii Seed yaad London, end the head of Peters on London | 9 ike |“ M, Hertz, ta, whoee name is well known in city connection with the Hee Wate the bold of Ge for the incandescent lamp, and although o anama scandals, tion. Amon; rman patents here was to be no ead or Pai on of the present minimun rate rgeon | of wages ‘k statements within two years of of De >, i804. Eve ry em+ ployer to be entitled to introdu the Hon, Gporge CNetianlal Oatzouj eldest eon Lord Scarsdale, and member of front, for che’ ‘Southport divia William H. Tozer, secretary o mee in fit cing the wires for electric lights in the ball ofthe Middle ‘Temple in Lo P' ; go tosleep. It will do you pees jtevensoh was a slave to m barnee! for ae he carried 200 boxes of | of emer the Cy first a rare livelihe enough dread he arrival i the, igeviale 4 \d_ seek to avert or it by mean: etn puters aah regulation rh ey are a ambuscade by the enemy, till it got back totbeshipia s salety. ei pressions in use a Fie marhac, “and gave ieigoae for the defendant. Fow people know that among other titles bet fame out is all the more astonishing, or, it might {| be said disappointing, because this was one of the tradi sory Arties Boards had been tried. he trade was provided with » local ay arietn Board in Hae wcsackticiayinaaliog mea Gin Aasibion St The are ears, settled and troubie of various ok averted by the intervention of the boards. It is however; that Gem events de heir limit tions when difficulties of tates magni- tude arise, ‘The real origin of the present trouble the | dates from the meeting of the Manufactur- SEVEN COMMANDMENTS, Ira leg cies aopeisian certain subjects should, be dee Laird ny at gee) time without notice, to rlia-|have his work mad r pl n- | he chose, provided he paid the reco, ‘and to be publicly | cashire, with a gold tmodal, i resogaition rate of wages, and once dusing that time from the| of se eee ‘achievements in Asia. determining ha lane ir-Perier r . ugh. mage jays ae the novelty of a revolution the output either from machin iy dant in England | by telephone, | The leans, who| hand labor by the union, “P was in readiness at Dover, hired the ex tion of these principles the eae 3 clusive f phone between | of six fin r England and Paris for twenty four hours. ication for an aired ey The illness of 1. Francis | *pPlication they expecte before Bares of Her Sajesty's Yeoman of the | #8 Arbitration Gout but the peedlitioe of juard, ie ated fatally at St. James | the master a Place. Q son of | Do eisai of specta- | H ham, M. Py and of Lady ape a cea een oe daughter’ of the anche pects yey fe foeration staliated by Adler, convicted at the Old| Karl of Cardig looking si tion know, hor pee ali that the. ostensible cause of the strike i THE REAL CAUSE, ‘The inventors have been at work on Searoring to Bx tha price for tiadhine- work for bandwork, which would, of course, to be supplanted by arms of steel, it is im- inded on sasha impos: ar the drat Russian women to adopt a trade | foredoomed to failure, and it hitherto pido rm yy men. t better cor The oldest ait ae Lali “heed iota 4 i is, in all probability, either that 5 addi wae Eater oF ears aie Wc 1 with | proved by a preliminary period i ieee ‘diotam \aa tallow ©) gold and silver, which 8 ve bean | commons, ending in the inevitable day of | ,, oie volte Practised st Damascus go, and is| failur coming around to the dep: till known only to the Syrian smiths and Se their pupils, or else the manufactare of Some Royal Crowns. give the ese red or vi 4 : Fed as ae hile alteratio boing madein the| The small crown diadem of the Czarina | gelatine, but 2 co contains the finest diamonds ever set,and it matched gems, The crown of lea in which the system of volun- \dments” was MY med id | manufacture ‘Those who are familiar with the situa- | i | the coming summer, and an i, [set 8 hundred ork en | railroad hog” was punished the le basis is | d took many yeers to collect these exquisitely | FP tol is CHROMIC IRON IN QUEBEC. vail Discovery of phan Deposits of the ly Prized Ore, There is appa excitement among Central Railway, It is not considered very cea that these deposits pane be pentine formation of Some of the proprietors of the new been quietly shipping the pro- tates, duce for time to’ the United Stat but the latest discoveries of rich deposits a) Lapa give « wonderful impetus to the in- dustry. > sodtons instance, instead of sinking shafte yr the mineral, tis on! HR SHOE STRIKE 19 RBGLONE nines see opeehponspntnpad A Pant gl me Thee : core 2 | shoemaking macnn ery Will Seon Take nadia malo gees to aampport techs fT" tae Place Pigs hy cag belgeall erchimlrwy senrly ten # te sine s of Pennsylvania, T rages for the By the lock-out in the shoe trade in| 1% Ls 3 pease Zone ree | England 200,000 men, it is esti eve | lictle or nothing te ‘me | been thrown out of Salonen ‘The ee line of railway which carries it t per ing for it are shown by the f this best quality the Balti das | vast amount of tnsclor 9 tr The total production goats ore in the eq | United States for 1899 was 1,620 tone and 354 tor far the of the fy sel came from pate the MeKinle taciff cent. 3 per ton, which n tariff. ra’ heats ion in December last. At that | whi tis ied and increases their elasticity, which properties may vary according to the proportion of chrome. Cheats tiatl G ed States by the Brookyln Chrome-Steel ‘Company, Carnegie. Stool Works aud the’ Bethlehem Steel Company, the t important centre o} but aay i is Glasgow, Scotland. yhrome iron is alto largely used in the chromates of potassium and sodium, which aroused in dyeing and printing calico, an products consti- Tite the base of the chrome, yellowsoranges consumers of the a the propeetaes of a mine i the vicinity of Tadouasoyst the mouth ofthe Seguenay, have receiv from the Tialted States for ite entire output during preparing to It. Well Punished. ‘The Pittsburg Despatch Late how a doy He had piled the Pea, to tit inacar seat with his bundles, and when a gentle- man asked him if anyone was to ocoupy it, mal car. will pr -ocee! soon the owne! ie of the ot to-morrow, years ago, were discovered. The body was tact and di the costume of 1700, ‘A rosary was wound round the hands, | large ruby, one large sapphire, bos ae which were crossed on the br rubies, 1,360 white and 1,273 r and Mra, Gladstone were sitting, in | diamonds, four large pear hig pe oc a achurch at Cannestthe other di 269 others, The robes and jewelry wre near the pulpit, but when tl the Sultan of Raters at state Faseuins are Mi signer to his pos adorned wi' monds worth $10,000,' ieeleablye can’t His collar, epaule |, bracelers,anklets, 1y dear,” ae replied, ina pei buckl in inferior in ran) necklace of five rows of dissaoaite, tomo ing in sir from » pea ‘Eikasenida’ ta “thin nadklace’ Woes ° He possesses a toa walnut. There Het | practical j joke pon bin plebiabt iy WCE Tons of Papers. A statistician hus learned that the annual aggregate ciroalation of the papers of the world is-caloulated to be 12,000,000,000 paral than 10,450 square miles of surface ; that it is printed on 781,250 tons of paper ; and, further, that if the number, 12,000,- 000, retented, ins i ),000, re] seconds, it would take o brilliancy acon pigere ‘the tala yo them toelapee. To lie of this arrange Simson stark So) non ia | we might press and pile them vertically ¢ | thought to be worth over $1,000,000 while|"Pward to gradually reach our hi here ond byte rota mountains; voppingall these, aud even the highest Alps; the pile would res estimated at more than $20,000, Sgnificent altitude. of is five mi ieee es Ttinte of the| _A white-hendod gues eed in the m2 ‘Alecto, ¢| year 1708andtaken to the ‘at Schoen- tape vere ia the fy (chs jana on the hi ra crac lived mntil 1926-118 years, beens we find the people ‘kins, tl <, Tobeoge fo minute that itie| world altogether, annually occupy time | shot away, ran engines a ttiale fall of them equivalent to100,000 y tl Taunch, which had been drawn into me const Phealair ix'uacs of rae

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