Milverton Sun, 23 May 1895, p. 2

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‘ oe the sittings of eae THE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL |= THE VERY LATEST ee ALL OVER Great Britain, Pe Reed States, an ae anaes used and Assorted for aa ie CANADA. Winnipeg is struggling with the Sunday car quest Donel Smith will leave for England at the end of Sir bt Tag perhnagone ie Lakewood, cuperate from tie elects of is svinck as shea w amed Drew, who gore oy 8 ball near Saltcoate ten days Big 1m his injaries, vane Sir John Macdonald memorial will be unveiled in Montrealon June 6, the aoni- 1 ‘estminster, Dueie Heart SinenteT Wak ts cate of deat Des Got ‘oper frase for many years an m Anglican clergyman | © wn phys Boas pu ona dea in the Diocese of Tor: An infuential ane from Montreal waite the request for ‘at Montreal next year, Mn Foster held outamall hopes! the grant beingmade. The ee between the Toronto Build- building trades nge consider any further eters SuLl sian veri ing on ednesday night,while Mr, Anthony Atwell. a prosperous farmer, was drivin, and two children instantly, ie child were seriously of The Canada Gazette has Battal GREAT BRITAIN, Joseph es as founder of Whitaker's pe Almanae, is Jabez 8. alte she ileaioy wreoker, |° has ve committed f 1e question of the rigl in the British House of Commons aa been Tins cuaiy r i out England, with snow storms on the Past coast, Mr. J. W. Down, the Canadian Govern— sane ‘agent at Bristol, reports that there good opening for the sale of Canadian pits how of the Royal Lancashire Ag- ricultural Soalety, to. Be held ab Preston, e, | 8 from the 25th to 27th will be open S compete, rumoured of Jaly, inclu to Canadian farmers di in London, that Col. John- ian, has been offers beatae elas in succession to Maj: General act Mr, see ry, Canadian immigration large quantities with spears salle age ing ois =e agent in Tecan reports tothe pfena: Interior tine {hia highly: Heslesbls Hist Oackiian Rises lines should make Glasgow or Galway a por hk mmons Sir William Harcourt annotnced: that Lord Rosebery intended to invroducs in the He icictatoceihs bill to enable ver. e Judical tain “elon judges to sii e of the Privy Cou The Srtieh Government a the United States have come to an agreement wis conference on the held in Washington in Octol delegates anada, ‘Aocoatiag: to The Canadian Genatte Hon: Edward Blake does not intend devote so much time ar i origi tend- O’Briet with a notice that ue an been declared a agsinet Lord Salisbury UNITED STATES, O’Brien, a The powder factory at Dollar Bay, Mich., exploded, | Fyed Sheppard, the only. m in the milling house, was kil W. H, Smith, an ex- sales of the Grand ‘Trunk, ‘was arrested at Holley, | 9 ged with wrecking the train at Senator Childs Shee 4 resolution in a i New York Senate empowering the Fish aud Game.Committee to visit Canada and elsewhere, ond employ a clerk, with a view harmonizing the laws of the several countries, peapoony ‘and 12th, 34th, i oe oTith a He ah Peers to sit | one Ne x out by the New York Tribune as a matter it as been served as iy his first Tat known Winnipeg | hav printer teas on aeaaae pacpe, Meee | ae _THE FARM. Os jotice was issued in New eS pies ree a boyeott bad been declared Pacific by It ma hough pe the ae ght between awe Canadian Pacific and the Grand pide but thin Te-opens all the oad differen. The herrick ecru ow Portland, Ore,, eek alread, to we Saga horaelenh, d warrants it, one day will be slaughtered and canned. The revenue cutter Commodore Perry ly deci wed ‘that rps Government is expending money in the ost lavish no extravagant fashion, Signor Si imbergo, formerly a member of the Tallon’ ‘Cheats of Deputies, has been be ceva to on ew post of atinlias face eneral Bh Mon’ ae ae foundered north- west of tee Isle d’Aix.. Four of the crew other five were ¢ Maritina eank, and eleven of, jer crew are missing. A relegeam from Dit tribes: have the Be is ce at Kami Seven esta are reported killed a seep ve made a might vatack upon Phe commission which has been investi- gating the atrocities in Armania have ar- rived at Jellygoozin, They have found undant evidence of cruelty and wholesal massacres in all directions. ‘They ha ed upon the Porte the. necessity. for STARVED TO DEATH. the native | The Best Way to Set a Hen. panying illustration shows the acover. Nailed to one side of ed. The nest is made in « roomy box, with the box isa little slat yard—alats on top / versary of the old chefs s deal armi ing vessels flyii Wie a. ee by-law | "Il be sufficient. greang tor claims ter er saabey crite authorizing the insuance of dsbentares for Aainages ie Eibh watering food are Enh ons: the erection of new er schoo! sheen: stantly. The hen can go out into the yard at any .time, eatand drink, and hag no jot mn eatin Manitob® break at Mecca is becom- | temptation to wander away and let her eggs td ing wore. ‘On a average 25 deaths eae get cold. Where several hens are sitting, e disease occur dally. & con ike vhis for il pe eee is tast becoming bankrupt, end the bother of looking after them, to see that twe do not get on one nest, etc. You put Keeping up the Dairy. : eé = 3 ef af S z 3 i ¢ year dispose of a number of cows, those that are @ getting too old or frail for some other to be profitable to retain. These | jy pes poe replaced by raising heifers on the farm or purchasing cows. Tn comparatively few instances Ei 2 &. S bee sas¢ s é 4 & could not come from frequent changes of Cn! irat step in this business is to get One Hundred ana Sixt Thirty £squimaux Perished in Lab- rador. by order of parliament, of the details of starvation and death among the a Bay, two-thirds of mie ibeat Montagnais Indians trading ee the post have perished of starvation in Y°*t®° among Lt Indians, the men died first, so th: ber of unfor' ee wom: any’ took aoa gules titute of clothin; they were of foo ‘The Canadian Government 0) action, which is hoped will prevent the, the Koktoak River, which flows into Chu- gava Bay, and upon theresult Gf Uiis chase ‘oth Indians and Esquimaux have depend- ed for food and clothing for the winter months, So scarce ie all kinds of g Indians and as The worst of the sad stories of destitution | 1f and death reported from time to time from | th jorthern Canada appear in the publication, | wanted. Eri to clothe the mie who were as des-|can | Setmenters, in that the milk can be fe ilig:rig hb kina qf Metter onlvoe tise tee the dairy. They should be selected as far rovide comfortable aautiecs for these little animale, where they can be the past quarter of a cen! tary by spropen meth ment, heifers ‘od of treatment mille may be gradus fresh from the ring’ the e year, especially if table creamery. To make {up for the fab of the milk Sas inthe ine | uel OF ' practiced in a por animal e tained by cold deep setting, as it can be easily warmed to any desired temperature. ng f is mal siness raising veals on skim milk from cold deep becoming that the early ° ining norern ‘Indians is inonly question of tim ———_-—__ We Are Proud of It. That British subjects should be proud of| the flag under which they live, and should poor ol mans were tae to show when uttering the formula civis Romanus sum,” is rightly pointed that should not occasion surprise. John Bull always shows 4 praiseworthy readiness man ars with;Afghauistan, aud the’ two _ China, besides eee oor Ea squadron sognted “ Soa Spee -y indemnity frot Nicaraguan Gov- ernment for its Perera expu English citizen, while the greatest reproach jed that the story 2 tess relief we Chitral is told ex- amples ofd reatest heroism will not be roan T, Lyons, » wholesale draggiat of - | dlings, bran, g as ch pon Mr. |- | of setting, alone,no grain feeding being added. To but there is no doubt in the matt He ‘firet hee ter. ats the milk hot, then feeds this method of Bee as he has never had @ case of scour: feeds four to five weeks old ak then sells for four to five Ee Thee having thefarmera: direct Attention these young animals shou! ep stantly growing and thrifty =e vigorous in health and this should be kept up right sloog summers and winter, with the object | always in view of making a e 8 t-class ee the beter, < work of cori the wae wa well be ree ee of 0 1 dairy | © the farmer should not see the getting of the best: bulls poss: ft iia Bees. < Bees in connection with farming is one wanting.” Soe pac seats tuo Oxol yous, Sek see have stock for another than to keep a few swarms of bees? With the modern conveniences, such as bee vails and smokers, there is no danger of being What farmers are look king for to-day ie sorting int that will yield an income outside of would make guite an item in the income of the farmer and would be irom going to waste ticle conld be bought: ith the, honey from the Those wi jonot know mr dbarke woreaentee the market at 13 to 18 conta per pound. ‘ona largescale, bat let ¢ your apiary grow. Start with about four tood and water in the dishes—the hen “does | got +h | new pedal cl , | It is Sg ene 0 | ‘rell-defined Mrentth ot ten tha2 | and high registers make ‘ou mi may love some | 188 skips but you must e los, Boca will dic as well as horses or cattle, but perhaps not so often, and then there is not such a large sum inves! ya x's wife in in bee eas to stay. find it a, pans ayes and band a _“. = hased with tl ey can ble and not cut Secure [Italian bees as they ste the best workers und are more hi an be Wintered in cellars or Stealing ah piace | e ground and ventilation given. place them on the the ODD INSTRUMENTS. be ‘The Pedal Clarinet—The iaipnert) ‘Plano 1d the Alto- Pian Sete a year goes by beste instra- ment does not make its appearance in the Geld ob crabenirs music, bat usually, the novelty weating off, the oe disap- pears as aia as it 001 This, probal not ate the fate of a an inet, whiel range of these instruments to six octaves. ‘THE ALCO-PIANO. ss_ instrument, an in sani the pele se mellow, and will bass ts Py is rich when played softly it had Chel usa ipiace oF he euies clari- net, but ends in the turned-up sounding ‘THE PEDAL CLARINET. tube ofthe saxophone. powerfal sound in the ‘‘forte” ani teri a h | to support the instrument. ‘the violoncell- can be readily ona oF tbe| eal tk Ja Sort of sale ese es ae is melodious, It | °™ SPRING SMILES. Dewey Eave ieee “Willie, wot’s » Willie—** Hold decade?” Wanderin, dere, pard! Yer gettis “In my business, lady, it’s impose: sa ne You don't ay! What's *: What do you eee a he are made of?” —"Probal Sf sortof very light bak Ole bateh—«« The ga aa they were twent pine Perte-= Well nelthey age ‘yon. hhy was the bee selected as s model of industry?” asked Tillinghast, ‘‘Becanse business with him moe humming,” and Slaps annoy one most, little mosquito ae! a yp.Stdtsced tramp—““Madam, I am a home ‘aed Ff Peagrs tient ema “Well, if usband is, I ity soar pave wifes ““Selfmad ough believes in bimasel be next to an infidel fee an ‘fel vests es ne. Mrs. Norris—‘‘In this book I have writ- ten down most of the little incidents of i Old Bonder—"Ah t Tudge— you are accused of throw ings mag “ poeta! ‘at the aster ty Plaintiff who knows me will tell you thet tthe ie inconceivable.” \—"Don’t you think that Martin git . ie Trigetly @ dull?” Jobson—Well, oul the way m the avenue yesterday.” “Emily, if William to-day sake you to marry him Best t ak to “Yes, ma; but if hed doce be + "Then tell Him I wank to» speak to ant good tes, genuine Bohes ? Honest, now "Mr. 7 peck, ixte weighs it, out)—HYeq, inj I will lieve that honest tea is ho wears Tbe Gasanaehecet spring. Mra, Bellefeld—‘‘Mre. Oakland b eat Re, eo Roca tare? cy not Pe ab had ate piicla ts aed te tad t—“Mademoiselle looks more beanti- falovery apts lady" Vou, have telling me so for a goo & horrid fright I must hav antioe— ‘You are charged with stesling cal alep’s chiokens; aye | you witne: inele Mose— —H heb,nots I don't eal Gulskens belpoytines The oyster sensos's over 5 Bat the Tover has no rest 5 For she'll be able shortly ice cream with zest. There's something always epoils our fam, ‘And makes life’s jetoy a hy ‘The fiend already fine “fs't hot enough 1” hi New woman—“Because I thought he arabe to be converted.” Agnes“ think Mr, Slowe is He asked me fora k horrid ! tm 1 of my i inihiy Udine Hare <a waa ys ig stable Mine Host— “Just look at this Fifteen persons could sleep quite Comntort? sores ia he borrowed $1.” ae 3 but I thought és $5.” rie Se 7a ai a Peg of a Venus e, Mand, that the 7 “Georgy, aid the loving mother, ‘vm very ere Ret hae been brought term of school——” Wish’t nuthin’d been ion down agin me!” Without her leave he stole a kiss, He did. Oh, bliss ! Where it belongs,” spoke haughty mi, He di a Oh, bliss “Can I write my name under the receiv- ed | payment on Chis bil” naked the es “No, 7a = replied ie. 0 an Pim uo xutogreph never come into the house with king an attack on shat dish of doughnuts.” ‘ommy—'* an co — the pinta; you kxiow.” “ You're ‘fra ter Gght, that ed to to displace the ’cello and the violin with when ah not the time or the patience a just as ‘An expert, who bas execu aes onatas by It is exoeliont in fia a eistioaly, creeping te iding wound and will again day about keepit na ‘Bong. Ara. Fe ng ee yep them long. "She Keepe them so thin that they than they acti ine ithe ” i. aint; pare it fight my m ick me Jimmy—“ Hom wal i dit out, eh?” Thomas—' ll see the nator going to your bh ‘The salesman n (holding ups vellum-bound brochure)— e boo! 10.17 Mrs. Nurich- we eae im- upon me in that way. Why, a minute ago you offered me @ book of twice ¢ size for $1.50.” roots} iphones love dy, like all m Bat reine ier tae ine at night ‘He didn’t call her then, “I bave a trained seal” atl ahs Eng. lishman. “It c hed to s boat, ofa w winter and lends it tomy wife tor a can . Flitter is 2 Bi But then he says asach betta te actually had the audacity to That hateful? sey) bese alow ok the thing be says ere \ CHICAGO DRAINAGE CANAL |: HOW OTHER CITIES MAY BE AF- FECTED BY THE ENTERPRISE. Second—It Will Millions at Dollars—Some ets and Figures, Few people seem years the city has al menace to the health of the Illinois valley | ° through which it is to flow. Ten million more dollars will have to be spent before the canal is in active operation ; but the work is prosecuted witn euch energy that its completion is looked for within the next two years, we This is not to be a canal with locks to regulate the flow of water, but an open channel one hundred and sixty feet wide at per cent. of the ges ae antity of water to obaipil da ited by the legi state with a view of the Illinois from contami issippi one foot at St. Louis, plishing of such The accom- AN ENORMOUS ENTERPRISE, is rendered possible by the peculiar physical geography of the Great Lakes. Lake Michi. Heit) on the eame barrier weit of Chicago, lo, Ot depression of chicago, 0, oI Tse nature could de ame amount at n_ for the hisvoeal a Chicago's en devised by the city and the state without formal sea lee with other part res affect ed ems assumed. that, since the caual is wholly within the terri of not necessary to consider” th uh sities gate the matter at once, whateffect the canal will really haves oao (ad that proper measures may be instituted for the protection of all ‘THE INTERESTS AT STAKE. In response to this action of oe iOlevelnnd cared of Commerce, o1 on the not be mia, ‘he total drainage gon of the four up- per pinkse is 250,000» Faiolall of aboat thirty-one inches “It we ockox that from. 35 to 40 per cent. of th wr diecharped through iagara River (which is liberal estimate), it would make ,000 cubic feet per second. Thi sooorda very closely with the estimate made by Major Rufiner, the United States survey of the lo the lake. As the channel at Black Rock is | nature. only ay 2,000 feet wide and twenty feet ee = estimated that the leep, aiverion 25 per into Srebaine inches THs inieago engineers, basing their calcalations on earlier and less perf hare, been reckoning on lowering of the level of from three to five of the shallow. Bat in view ‘bors on fata rie, and stig fact thie thy Unload States er but ita work of deepening the navigable channé on feet 32.060,00 000, even the lesser no et at a cost of es is by AN INSIGNIFICANT ITEM. Especial does this appear in view of the areaee of the amount ae = discharge upon the aril ad le ex! Eaetomcols aes tes kept 5 ai that while the tax lev: odndt pro. made upon the substai aa moting the ssnitery interoets of the city, ream. | of diverting 15 oF 20 per cen fest lakes into the Illinois, wo aa to 2 to both ia iaterpcios, upon the re the to protecting te seas a ‘Two of ers Confined te cate her crew gasping for bre breath, but etill ré to fight again. ee sometim as | succumb toa lon; eneraly .. | immediately ready to fee elie according to the ulterior object of inyurings ship-canal steamers froth. Heyy. Tr the ay is prom. teauy te pay in view. ‘The Soe the drainage-canal will mark the practioal Ths engineers in tien tal ae such con stream the general ceveromt wil be cali’ Gees to protect the o} 8p interesting question whether the cost repairing damages can the city ot Mbloage:whialts to teenies the direot it from this diversion o public Serwany TILE MOST FEASIBLE WAY spoken of to keep the level of the lower lakes up to its normal eis to store stage Superior during the early andlet it downinthe deter ly nish cross-section of the 8, and t time to prepare forthe peaigetigeiantal al shall become «fi evils pega jtores of water dhe ress ba thahtntriine years w lapse before the full effect of such a diver- ed by engineers anywhere in the world. FIGHTING FISH. - 4 Bottle and d to Figh The Sue Field cine how fish fight in Siam : round the “ring,” the small fins vibrating spectators are growing impatient, one fi enly flips his head round, makes La Similan dent in his adve found the bows by the paler. a hour, tail, In twenty minutes h_ looked so brave and bright as B: bey went into the tr e fis on} hse ty Gade atipanlisal asians ad ly they are always rested for aw ry the extent of their injuries,and jost of the rents and cuts are repaired by _—————_— The New Woman Again. iter Yes, tact i, m 4 in right in the midet of his housecleaning, snd I am willing to go anywhere to escape mosphere of ‘soapeads and bes ‘That’s just the way with sue gic es onan tach Came Into It Soon. 5 aepaty old 1 gentlemen, tear a bis will, his serving-m ichael, Pe lett pre at mit ‘al the impadence I ichacl—Faith, I’m glad to see that by coe generosity I inherit the greater part of your estate. discharging | su rapidly all the time, and each little being | t e has got ah rown—Iv's fanny, bat Imest you | f Systemati: | the U.S. sori the gang operating, but mint has The local officers were on thi I = Ke succeeded in getting “ the in track” of old, dollar per through. pat | past month. Recently special Boston seized « tase Mabie of the druge rj at Vani AST script he di is an opport y peak text bad august oui a | sures Lave perused it, mon in th ae diari stig they ma: i Betons isk patiadtly neta I tae’ =, she hi Yom Then be Eben well, ris merc you’ ae come into itance remarkably ous lover. SMUGGLED IN WALKING CANES. The United States Customs officials the one just brought to light ck walking sticks and umbrella handles, merely a shell. The drugs are e been safely taker pet CMa ea T IS DONE IN CHINA. Chinese and British Wethods o! Declining Manusertpt, When a British editor rejects your manu- “declined with thanks” or else sends you a But when a Chinese editor finds that your ae ect, or story isn’t worth the paper hat ee model that might well be copied ngli spaper of : “lilustrious ‘brother of the sun and moou:—Behold thy servant prostrate alors “\ thy feet. {bow to thee and beg that of Japan's Learned Soldiers. It appears that notebooks are quite com- a war correspondent to the China als ‘what a lot they know about th West. Several of them talk intelligently | i ot Spartans and Persisns, Napoleon his march to Zs ‘and even com the abolition of in England and Japan. They Tally aaderstend all hat tt a beet aN ck long-range mancayres y ey speak scornfully of the Chinese tactics at Ping- using their machine gun ice id. vbeir. Held pisces, to heist deca: progress is foreigners imagin ZEEE FONTS He Would Suit. j¢ Fraud Discovered by Untied tes Customs Officers. have made some startling dis- da Customs Department to trace if what promises to give mening ‘ounce, ‘THIS LEAVES A PROFIT ost ingenious yet tried is the Cus- e new scheme is east rovadeol as a into Uncle agents from joes it either by means of a curt ‘tunity of seeing youreelf in print, itten upon he nde you a letter ee grant Ghat ‘Thy honored manu- deigned to east the light of its tenance upon me, With rap- the hones —No Re Nervous Wearied Wonted ADOLPHE LABODI) family of LaBodio of active, intellectu power, MrAdolph TP. ,ete,, has for se For fourgenerations the remarkable ently identified with thelegal and pro- fessional life of Montreal, austion bition to rise to prominence meant a], night’s experience. I tool constant drain apon the nerve forces bottles of South American Nervine, anda tremendous demand for brain| and am wholly recovered, and now lolphe LaBodie, B.C.L.,| enjoy restful nights, I have tried actively engaged in the legal sion, living, as thé duties of intellect-| phasis that the South American nerv- ual men of this fast age demand,| ine has cured me.” beyond the reserve limit of natural nerve force, requiring more of the nerve centres at the base of the brain | ™ than they can possibly falfil, which always mie in nervous prostration, lyepepsi hot areas and attendant evils, Mr. i te relief from insomnia, and a ee t asd permanent cure from*all other disordere, with but five bottles Goes to Europe for Treatment Suffering For Years from Insomnia and Nervous - Debility-—-Prostrated, Exhausted—No Vitali: Ly st Until “Nature's Sweet Restorer,” South American Nervine Tonic, Built up the Organism, and Gave Back to the and Exhausted Nerve-Centres their Vigor. ‘E, ee OF THE WELL-KNOWN LEGAL FIRM OF BODIE & LABODIK, MONTREAL, Mr, Adolphe LaBodie, under date of April 27th, writes from Montreal : —I was suffering from insomnia and ‘A longline al men, whose am- | gx} have been promin- venteen years been | many remedies, have been treated iz Europe, and can say with truthful eu» There is reason in all things: bust ess reasons Lad truthful reasons in trath, odie’s statement herewith is he trathful reason why, if South American'Nerv- ine Tonic cured him, it will eure you, It is the nerve builder for brain work- ers, Brain and stomach cannot both | Work at the same time with bealthfal and happy issues. One must eaffox, Intense intellectual activity produces gestion because the brain is con suming all the nerve power. South Ameriesn Nervine Tonie holds nature to a happy poise, and life and {ts duties swing to fruitful success. lashes, insomnia, e Japanese army among both y keep regular | stead: and take copions notes of every- seo. ‘It is surprising,” writes Seon the be surprising to and mor ‘the timid abe mine! exclaimed the impetu- laws, and he endea' unfortunate subject I rejoice great] ropeans, | an a now rota ‘Their than fin entire probibi The one ‘dificalty =i pupishment fit the crime; and as the drink habit, in his opinion, is a crime little less | of course, is as heinous than murder, it goes hard with the who is seen to be un- | best English ecee’ hams, who is getting feisaii CE kare no, diftcslty iy keopang eee toric ahi a8 of the Nervine. hich shows most a J. Torramce, Agent, it is very: easly torn, but s good grip on cau what you have ieee send your |* ci ; neo one pina | writing back. Ten thousand times 1| WHISKEY IN KHAMA’S COUNTRY. | peop) b icadk: Hie ees Maas Mthe ‘cee? ining etenay | erave your pardon. Behold, my kead is and I cannot control them. I feel that I he two lying fas your feet. D, t you will. Yor shall go back much stronger, and greatly ys ce ie Tregtlere, and | servant's servant, orron, |e on Heep mls ova Peaple Seber, but | cheered and comforted by your words.” 4 es Give Bim . = ald be a positive pleasure to receive Ki f the Ba South ro mely exhausted, King Khama of the Bamangwatos, Sou: eee Green | beck rejsied by ech ltr th eit Hey wake | Acta,’ bas Wenig heed Knpwn tor “hia att: Laces in English Palaces. culty to partthem. They | ingenuity of the pathy to liquor dealers, Perhaps there is} ‘The Princess of Wales has just made her fo OES le agility in eva: ing the’ | particular manorerpt is quite beyond all | no other country where liquor is so rigor-| daughter-in-law a very handsome present d vieseacee te i 0 leas then stroke of gen | Jy excluded. Khamamakes all his own|—namely,, three flounces of most mag. = & vors to nificent old English point lace, said to be worth something in four figures. Some lace, valuable as precious ston ian point, point d’Alencon, the point, and others, Now, it is with | very well knowntotheintimatesot Marlbor- ough House that the Princess of Wales, who has alwoys been one of the best dressed inter Bis Oosintey, and insist that | women in Europe, always keeping within the fashion, though never countenancing ished hobby in fondness ee Queen, who is the same expensive ai It is aid that the Prince of Wales’ col« lection of, Ince i er £30,000 while, { bite taken into —— jc pie Saas some er cule re soul gan when t| steed ined a eee would ‘have nothing to do with liquor ; sod tka Khaw one of my indunas present, who is an o Him. man then —— is ove of those et Hi sh aly byjcentnd you if you are suppor matter ; and I have cccetel: get cher, Sis peti are faitiful to me, and who are | who was beratit ing rey band. doing their very atmost to amist me in the \" spina tocbhiaag. tis endisiaied: tnivee jnor in our country. ;he wouldn’t turn a table if it was on rol we have wi _lers. ae arena ama

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