Milverton Sun, 6 Jun 1895, p. 3

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PE Tey Te yr PDP EERO ET ES oe ment was meted out accordingly, so snort sromies RETOLD. Seal: | WATCHES: Seareeines: era ro re 2 i etgsa ge eho | energie SOMETHING NEW ‘ M3 Tene 8.1, tend eG es tory of Ir repartee comés ¥ an n m3 British people are too conservative, |from an Englishman : undee the (gf ‘ ° be Diodes, van mad sSibersetr: haldines peste ia Me rms buch ara ine of Beining : SS A large stock of w: the best | Friday June Mth, Everybody come se us 7 i Z They hate to crawl out of the rut of | suidance vf native Trikhman, had re- ahah wiaeGitee mich ai Valtham, | bring a basket, of cee tales The Milverton Sun | ncdivatiam, For every change they |Seutly been admirmg the i nile a0 eae) g %, Coluinbus, ete. Watches’ atk Messrs . * J genet and M. MaeBeth represent ed the in burg on: Sunday last. | cavalry of the enem: | the other if St. Georg: i oa re made « call in tl Thes sc Yar trathiat iat aha ta make they look for precedent, and if © ay , : : : Prices*and guaranteed. Sod Gold | Wijav's ‘up, boss? sternation among them 2s sie wick ek guide w F I i * ava ap, bos > THURSDAY, JU ES, 1505, has ke se todkals pee hick seacite tee sere 8 Just opened up a Fine Line of , Rings, a nice Beers i nae ar } its ‘CALL AND SEE THE NEW q whole ovestitution would be warped John Thomp fh statesman in ingto a high hill, > q Mily idle, pointing ‘ tit wax known locally by the TOKIO TITTTTTHPTNTHNOTTOTTNTTFPTTNT TT TTT 3 La Mis Lilian Coie a haga, pen bert ntford name of Me 2: De vil's Table” Another A ‘ = ala } PONGEES , : HERBAGEUM we : = SA | INS. 3 The Great Milk and : AND CEYLON... . Aiiuiuavuuuiuuiare “*... Flesh Producer. . Tho exthatige edith uf the’ Beacon ast week'‘Hew into a rage because we ‘did not-speak of the late lamented SMe : ae F centuries to see that ourcriminal code Almede Chattelle in courteous terms. |. ; i | Faas mind ie hw atime for which] ™9¢ UP fo,the times, and he permit-| deed,” remarked the three Bint picleu i sjeak beobahgeh oT eee eat bes be [deal sae Bee pete ldiaclita’ poe eot OT eee Lap PAN ne orcas culate personage. | joined the Trishinan, “vu! r Seyaihtinte cee aaa. Tie Sot ath se lao te tis te ee, STYLES FOR 1895. These rigs are finished as fine as any cramer I and wi piano, The material in their construction is been left far behind in the char; be had ordered, But, ge wivgtentois:| warranted to be thoroughly seasoned | and by any change made. son was the first B npl D r Ju G | Whaley! spent Subday a He may rage, foam and froth, heap bs A hokone: wetants : ee i. é system has v <1 in} f SOLD AT yelcade ery, * Where ; ae BT a Mia Wlaapberiids, epemon| S a oueyacupebees fren Cure i'l Pand > Da Wellesley. peanerss"=Wiere bone dry, ig ae h Meet y Hs hice oF diceion! Lae Vr ee Chattelle asa saint; but it will not 3 u a ate ” in Norep For His Kinpyess.—Dr. hich {hi t c d rf mar RENNER : se than Capt. Jobu h ite har eunsted Do not forget before urchasing a Wag on verdict * not proven,” Agate Sipe Dobbiy, an old-fashioned. glerzymar which we are seiling at 13c. per yard, i i JANES TORRANGE’S. ; te ‘tremendous gnect. | Welly. that en g P tin ton bis enlace Mise J. Rae, dressmaker, is occupied on | that reve act pretty clad that to call and see the celebrated CHATHAM, sie evidence the prisoner can again be/of Dublin, was noted for his kindness D fail h alter our opiuium of the destiny of he o not fail to see them. . | ——— + <= | Gravetridee, birthday’ A te 3 itted and tried, a to the poor and for He meplicty in { . Mr. Tvs, Magwood, M-P.P,, prearhed to co of a later d.te brings buck i ‘who took his ignoble departure of this] OOm ee are Mt i. Mons 3 ee trusting the = be The Milverton Sun 7 ey eat lw RUeuresey as win ot oie prong ve,” A unbreakable arms and unbreakable axles. Tires ‘ CAN ae ye bsenng Able eu 2 Mire, Hart S08 seal weg Pe ——— The ces Hanne, of Milverton spent thet from pout top | Set cold by. West cold tire setter, \ reprove sinners. Tt it to ironiewl a juries tohang Clara Ford, Mrs. Hart-|tigw, ving no ¢ha { : THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1895. iit Bact se! sian of Mite Pe ie y s “e ona. aie 5 , i. SDAY, JUNE 6, 1895, ied with Miss Reibeling in El ai . AS uae the] #3 and the Hyamses, there was sufi | he handed the hegzur a guinea, sayin =e PHO uae Raa tenIl picks Up andl departs | back “i aetgy Bll wells oben Ae vectra cient to commit. them. to penitentiary |G 2 ze_ for : pIstRIET NEWS from Brunner today. ‘thep have had & Warerooms, Next to Grosch’s Shoe Shop. vock-pit. where the scerie would ; be for life. Tt is to be hoped. that erim.)Datand Lwill give you avsbilling: Heal hy acca ; ere ear ike aa i rs es fora im ‘1 ‘ t ? ‘ . ‘ ne | ‘Phe stone work for Mr. Patterson’s new | their place. along with other orders thi qaates ts Recut with’ aieslescri Dane cron a6 "on (Rave te cot mniy ortines | oo @ We take the lead... We have them at all igs Rae Intoreetpm siren Aattenierger eh)! is complete sohile: Mri MBeitaieste “tel Ged tke Beldsbattery fivivg tn conoplex A van One day his wife, on coming home, Neighboring Press and trom ther being hustled i pe t dire lutions, i are pote as the bes, volun- We Tho gorerancus i aow taking etapa MArnlel im atrocity to Chattlles before] fyund ow inthe hall with his hands prices—22, 28, 40, 50, 65, 75¢., $1 and ‘ lone Mie Cer rear ens thi, fur | ter airy i Cau ey area : MB ha Rt; i PS they are convicted, and a slight change | behind hs back, as 1f hiding something. d é ‘The Hawiltans P’PAAS Ledge has year-old mare forthe pen oeaiaen of $12 in dri Mas re asarthn inks to dint valli ia is APR ee ee might enabie jumes to mete out to| She insisted on knowing whatit was, $1.40 per yard. been closed, and the lodge. property room po prio ie HS CO : for in our jus, Hither» a wan ori ie proper tations and he tinidly brooght oat from be: ’ \ SOE aly cha rene sme ory. more a hone i “4 woman whose only crime was poverty hiss hind his back a roasted leg of mutton. The Ridgeway monament, Toronto, ae Jean R Chalmers left on Sat- around. the great sq) a when seeking shelter in the common Potsantng was Ba staat en rie Pagang (rode eat saith f i aprile Kp. faye wie Tele, sin ine ee 4 li i. eet Baie i } s pected, f . utarday afternoon decorated |? : wir an Paar: aeons cee P= “DONE FORGET THE. RACES i fail have hind to Sup /uit ty pridou Tar| CF pate Wigin opened an laquest shere | tnan waiting at the duor: = phot children, hs nents ot the wiber 0 an ard the This is wiong; thev should have at aed Weslibes Hiasemct yah Tae McLeans Angab.—The follow- é Two deaths t wk place from suit ere ae Were least. poorhiouse fare, aud shouldnot be }eruuen death Neluraay bes aroused sus) i i an amusing insthnce of the tena- An (Strattord Aap ee : stroke in Hamilton, the vietims being | ,y under. “the compelled wo wear prisun garb, as they |" Evideuce was given that’ deceased ad |ecity with which the Highlanders hold ML OUaMORG, ANG Oe Suna Ey OU eve ay Afes Thins wove and, My, Gore ia | AUy jheauacch vaknt the SENN Aedtttoal have done in many places. Every |2mevy Lr ed et eateasatou ol etch and xntiquity of their one of Grosch & Loth’s latest Fepora | eles reek: : othe spltid musi ofthe PCO. baud Pauty hcl ahise Tedniar Pins sob ria tiie “Tue erent geal red. A dispute arose between i Wm. Mardy, aged seventee,, resid like the regimerit it belongs to, one of the refuge for their poor, and. when iv ig| mam ofiiated at x foneral the afternoon of | Campbell and MeLean upon the never. or. Curisty Hats. ; Beas ane a NCR Be the wear ee Ick tons lov the ge eis poor, and shen itis us death and on returning eat ‘at the ending subject. MeLewn woulu not { and killed! Mal Pveurs, | The dark-costed Riles, the bine: the jail, the restrictions of that insti Bail sae How that the Campbells had any daughter of Walter Hunte fbn aera the fondest} Zoated tution should be modified to meet this ight to rank with the a eLeans in The Wiarton Cu the it sanguine o& fhe tooth a senate All Imported Tobacco. 10¢ nied Tea | batery | lass. Many ait ole o1an and woman | later he died in greav agony, with ayinptons |SMEdDIEY, Dos he | denee tribute to the kindness of 1 Hi ative easy Suita rie Tree fn need of nourishment have come to of bsonitie § seas voritag, purging an | sist be 4 the veginning} Uf you want FLAGS call on us—we have # Buff” Richardwn, during the illness! lar fur tho present quarter, acted ax eat the iar the Better than ee ty ig Cigars. hd , é paral of the Musi ampbell has a little ‘of his brakesuian, Donald Robertson. |chairman, and acquitted the duties dag aud gl es yn Vp ys od as the ordinary 10 Cent Cigar. bag hr ah ekg iat a it Des, bis abd Kalieisch,attonded him. Jinvore biblical lore Uva his antagonist them and prices ne Fe cha aly dliachier of Mr H.[devolving upon hin inn yery evedit-| the: musie Not the bani U8 Tt “ ptesented tliere.” Phe Government i Vhe former swore he first thought. M bie es ieicleg aM u Annie, the only daughter of Mr. H. Ne ‘ nd fi It is the A ae yee that his to be cut down when teser erg. ‘The Government 18} foranas lines war due toa, misiake ia | 12 asked him if the clan McLean Wibberly of the Western Hotel, jble yonuer, | The following is the ‘ hard times come, Every smoker should try these Cherouts, wise in remedying this evil. : “Flood! What y y Thamesville, was drowned in the Assorted colors, For sale by tobacco dealers everywhere. Creme do Ja Cremo Cigar Co., Montrecl, ER iS Address, Rey. Station in life makes a wonderful difference with some men, but gener: “The flood that Thames River abvat four: miles east of ‘Ducto y evi McLean. Het Iw you know user ieal, Abbie Manele but 9 b Of Dominion fe 15 the villaxe. i 4 ie: 1 nel iive Exsuily, apg bie Boe oxes Matches or CG; Al biel wl ee aeled Wehues hos les d Ganipball. a<Poblit rbetaud ait Rum that Killed Kade HP 38 i eG ea te iinptetou ‘ ol ie t_to ns = Yi ‘lly when aman iy born great his life) 4 hat eatiphdnp ecicttina lien wanna Ho" eaiel MeLe of the gateways of Dundarn Park, | yg 1s died guy, SAL Banding: a rt at Fstng pla tg ; 3 is without affectation; when he achieves Uae Joids, i ai the oad 7 Hamilton, seriously injured wo vf the} con's Lew Party}? recitation,“ The funeral aha * di a greatness he feels the responsibility waetigeto mer. tagethee ith roy bible 7” observed firemen who were in the waggen pass |Spirit of Contradiction,” Kite Rich-| The head o OO : 1 oe under which he labors ; but when he’ ture of « blood at in os head. He name of Me. ing under i mond ; nes ett, “ The Music an the I his % : i 1 Aik Mas * Col (I's suc sess in| Ain? wie Struthers aud, Nellie Hp eaaV ata Rete a ny symptonis of Lito ar “has had greatness thrust upon him, be | se RAhuteetn ag clerk, told ee Rison a jogue, * The Deb ting So nadine 4a never'mach more thin w snob who] giving, the citrate draught. ‘No. poison siogue, Lhe Deb ting So | ten asedl’s wale ae Barnett, Te services were held in Knox t : Wek Aya ae ee oe Jaweg {church on the 26th ult, In connection eo 8 nterests “ts ees therewith servi BAUD day Mefote, i Posxind scthet Pacer ae den ex 4 aire Soaate os ns) You.... aoe ting a loa Newfoundland has set ou foot a scheme vo run bim|¢ ae ‘AN of a McLean that’ had not a bout of his “uses, his position as it best gratifies his | "oo? Reet near the purcapple Avoring Own?” Le coated, ORE to _rephice Sir = MA Nat own warped ideas, And to the latter| Jes eat on nkman. another drug clerk, was k Tain once expretsed a ase A? —— Willian Wiliteway, class belongs. Sheriff Hossie, of Strat- pret wh Ae Trent Peas aw sire to attend the annual disner of a ‘ Up to miduight of Saturday a ahi 2 east hue ford, County of Perth, to wit. This | am sfraid the dose T got. at the ding. sir Gridiron Club of correspondents in Porte has not replied to the proposals oe, . Strurhers 5 bela bea i F j was vos or bo it.” Deveased Washington; bat when an invitation submitted by Greav Britain dialogue, & Who on ‘Airtl’ Is, He,” We have in a Fine Selection of eourse nian, by being a servile fag of : q Mia by an accident froin being able to i ie s aa eel Bid dete inh il | wk wale bin, bi Nellie ane le M. Connell ; solo, | one of hs rou on thurtay gf Eh party, reached the’ eminence of hang- ni wae day. Hes a) Drunk. ght,” Miss} al: serv He man of the county, and now feels that Bias nite By es Peter Sorg- ete My to the t BP mie iby tecaitcilin Yebitind Wiican Briar hs ; » member F : i " ‘ i > ini apuplexy. Cousidlerable comment is _madg| OF the club later. | z g rolly car ran into a erowded| 4 i i i he should be-howed to. In admitting | upon the Coheat holding ‘an inguest. wiun- | he had been neglected. tera 1; wid’ severnt people 4 itu 10, Lave, 2 Wil. Olral ages 5 chorus, the i _ Tabs ctu ortem exaimuation having been |ed that an ~invitati s pearl Guat A. pombe dere tree. Buuible, ri ve i fr. \ Gal : a quen' are thinking. of Aad ;|Baby Carriages, Ex-|? sine io ts fem cist ine, A hes stock of Silver Plate, pee an for. i, rove as ww be i i ccuston Be awe nex! tenet hi ewe pe press Wagons, Weahinu Presents ress to witness the execution of rj i : 5 ih : . Tacha — Bubt. Armstvong, jr, is vot -progreseing “Chattelle he had his favorites, whieh ESE MeoNgTA Deano es enti cece el paste al amb saan Nghe i is H ’ % ‘ abelied icc those : a MILUBANK. towardd recovery #0. as we could wish, But . Birthday Gifts, Grerdiaiinitus attenleclaniok over hie Stratford Races, ences penile bik ese ae thpeeh injury to the motor- we hiope for the lest, His brother Walter Velocipedes y 4 ethaps to-day presentations of any kind, ) rplexity fur a moi th ibn velkuavuie: that ie would be ime]. Ye direct the attentind of our read 1 Det RA ca ale gar ites to say he bas a care: | goes soon— perhaps —to take : 0 ki Ale ers to the program of the Seriteord gee a eg Site ge Beef rings are quite: the go ndw in in saci sunk of Millmery, large and | tion offered him pay away tana. aay Ail boos quality of goody ay low, Deesible to adibit “the press. WHY Ture As y LAs page ei | various ports uf the Fitter now ready for exhibition, No] The garden party under the’ auspice And all Yinds of ehildrew’s éonveyances. Reh vavting apticay sich te eer eaiatieh le fe hired to pre- since ahd Se ie MEeGY B alike, no like’? ‘Beach | tie gating people ME Whee hee ioe taie [Wo eee ode Rea buae eines eal bd to flowers al E fore buying and see for your- should he euntine binself to certain) The meeting is to be held ¢ on the day care ha or twenty m ing anc ad bh of| place on the grounds.of Mr. John Ritter, | selling Furniture ee than hitherto. heii B | papers? HAs, not any other paper infllth, 19th and 13th days of June |} eu ae att each in turn supplies an animal duri and | Millbank. sins want to. fornish your house cheep, ; : AeA wr tial gain Sllbb. bebsumacurceantamieaso0 | niet <3 Pinined ms Tisas “pened ‘ the summer months, thus keeping i YS ShiL by becuse ar oral The garden party of the Sone of Scotland | conte dlong no \ 2m i a Be Fe rl » represente He Shs SE etbord [is letters aud invitations, wrote) py. Been Immense this Season See our Ran Aaa Fests CEE, 0 is tn the 28 Fs Stentford and Listonel journals ]A€e W be conte for, The Stentford | spawers, which in the caso of invite as Dee: a . die Ae Va ‘ + meroary is very aspiring | th Ut np nar i hoot eel i ahaa ' associn as acquired a reputation Raia» fA oe, aes i é the meeting of the Hamilton in this room In seb fervid | Millbank, June 3 UNDERTAKING " | Has this lordly, great I AM to bel for honest and capable management, srafedlieg ey nese ia nla : LE ebe. ut lie’ Mellon re ib aay not be euty for ordinary d A en zs ; then burned thém. When asked ew Novelties 1S ee af j . tted, eorldled and dandled into good sled b z ‘ : any f eno i | petted, r into good] unexcelled by any race meeting in) vti.t jy Toes other naine the bumor- : ministers were Genes E , | taient Uva tain tony fervor of thought. ‘The probabilities now point towards the é Jewelers, Milverton. By “| humor ond len cringe before, after Canada, and Jarge fields of horses, we | aia t Moo Rhein r - ¢| renomination of Cleveland fora third terw.| And Embalming Done. ne LGB Ma MiHny Lapect ity. if } his own fashion, so that humility may ar informe ears for exch wife hited hiu, and she told me. what i , Walter el the fact that wey as ae v.| Tt is estimated that there are about olddlali All work guaranteed to giv (|) {be shown’. Sheriff Hossie hasn’'t| G50. 20 saa an ate baka dizen his name is, but T have forgotten, ; Wellesley, 8 W. Rallis | were very que: thas das, Not even a sail 15,000 bushels of wheutiin the farmers satisfaction. | the courtesy that should mark the! che evening of the first day, with The Sales of Dress Goods and Trimmings are far ahead of fee ppmiipenbs Aaviet (SMe young folk)‘ iwent off” to ‘the houise of | hands within hanling distance vf For: iderhold & Honderich > a Steg named ae Vv eu, three miles ont age ra est. That means at least $15,000. ii | Beating of @ poondkeeper on the back| nalloon ascension and parachute drop our expectations. Tilbury, i hence Swent off” in company to a Unioni fideht ipl <Aetdath ng : Ie ot 4) inionist are confident 0! lefeating Ai tAAAIAAUAAIALUAAI ; ES. of sxnmp township, and) each, diy, tioyele races and tbleti) cond. to eat him op. in. chunk nd o| aut os sealant be ie the Gones-| gr ouetery minney ne appeal fo Ue SMATTTTTTTRATTHVTTTTTD a i w he ever attained the position of barn him on the altar, and I don't care or techie ihe A 3 > the WHY DON’T You call at Kertcher’s and see ils diag, a Onan to 0c, per doz. I gels holler till my get diph- axe-grinder 1s a guystery: i ‘ “Doesn't he ev yor rts, The railways will issue return a . 1 |tiekets for ‘the three days’ meeting, | | There is w fei "6 growing in this) sood to return on 14th, ab very re-| Ux ‘tuuntry (and there is good reason for | duced rates. it) that there is something seriously| The following is the prograin : Since the execution of Chatelle, Welter za. Mno land Hendershott, the cond-mmed men. in o| St. Thomas, cee depressed. in spirit. Is GgooD = all | T ze their awful position. Their 18, ere * country but the Liberals intend holding on ke} i th 6 eas Bala i happy ty taal balay a5 Be aapren sine’ YOUR FACE in L ‘ th n see i a F taken n i rror to tl ie ry few and very remained to be taken me PEs ta Tax OUR READY-MADE posi If you get it Shaved ‘at J. H. YOU COME ad get me into trouble. I told him 0 + es ~ w i id Prong with our criminal law. Marder-| First day—2:17 trov and pace, purse Pasiaitey days. Sali tales when sh of Moy iy fraught 2 Uns a Aiagt Ea o glacks on ee eee Schmidt, who has engaged « sensual fiendy and blacklegs are | * 5O pace (stake), purse $3001 7 gic andgouto,heaven, St. Peter, is CI LO i re ING 4 e tH a first cousin of inks Sept set eenciatad in | °f Baden was bur sed dow, Talented Tonsorial Artist. oe Od ee Fine ith 18 shee "240 trot, nk prac enipty at the time and the » Bananas, ich are selling’ at: t free because the evidence, though likely to take Eu paeabaratinsss Pin elena aS bien mm, Woolwich street.— “conclusive, is not vély direct, pate temind me abéwt "those poli Ise- Guelph Herald. ‘ in fire ‘ is supposed dolasepeon, setiars:- Yet Shaves, Haircuts, Shampoos, aun not known whether it will be rebut ilt or not, ‘All paid teu 5 dese Meee $500 ; i i% hoods you're telling in m: nd ¥. Pay b " A + Poe venelies, al of which are without) 2:28 pen purse $400 ; 2:21 tot nog] eS Theor Toplet| Is the talk of the counrry, with the good fits and low prices. Lge eit renoitnot se anced wether | Se Many Hare Ge, Torntoare at Seafoams, Singos, Ete., AND HAVE a i legre so severe | Pace, parse ong cattle Me ple, to| present eng: np i nds g 3 Appderation and degree, are s0 severe | P pe slnaing Fic eanies be outs for you to prove an nasi eb +] Inf ag : eas 1 ey Rite nt ayy been authora- + off in | edition to their already large premises, for Administered in the most de- nid cuultencneiie hat juries are loth on cireumstantial| 9459 hee srt $500 2 3:12 Our sales have been very large. In fact we have never Sra denied. It was based on the e had never seen, | the mascfactare of bicyeles.. They, expect lightful manner. Call and see. Aa Mein ae ae widenee to inake convictions. And abs : FE Tear” wad abinsale aftected with iro in he shape of | to have samples ready” by his fall The Soe, per don, Tho vety best, trot and age purse $600. before done such a good trade as this season. if to Mee stop | frm i siealthy, an/should manufacture 2 i fe Z ‘ ideale and rejected by the Dominion] while keeping out of the p Twas’ good acticie 3 Supe sebactana eg sehen! - inspectors were sent by their owners Ta Pca pIWAEK Teen Shame ne cami | arte tol of Btascdipe Eke muttered ry, Sxiste, and) lower. prices™ have ‘been Can we account for it? Yes; you know to the Se to be slaughtered for| dalloping along our line, which was extend-| fr6, Qn Sénday motuing fire was discover- ie eerie oid ee eo local consumption, but the abattoir| “é G urder 2 lone way doven the ed in the fear of Laird’s billard “parlor and which alone is scarce, still. fetches imption, ot - 5 when ponee the prisoner, is ucquitted A DRINK Pease. Noone helieves that Mrs. aPtley was: entitely guiltless of the dof her husband, yet she is'alive Street, for ‘sone purpos P < . ‘ people Fetased 40 Vil these animals. | The fascy gent wi “iow Prices, Right Goods and VidiMaini ch Wen Gane letet os sie peed numerous) places of busi- to! ness and among them damaging the Review Mr. Ede oD Mviph o2 toe ai, K ker's %, suing insurance companies for ° ; Bruce county, has shipped this’ season if WPloed money. You cannot persar:te| ty af 3 Courteous Dealings $00 éarloads’ of timber to. Quebec, | = him ape 0 John Salisbury, of Moraviantown,| MILVERTON: - « eee Tike ; tartreniing, 08 her saba were ae 4 representing 1,800,000 fect. The tim- Seeteloottons eg Wickiag well oution | w 15 lashes ia’ the Chatham 4 i ae ; a : : ber coasisted for the most part of elm,| "23h, Sl kccaed Sacariy for ainpt at Soloniows| Photographic Studio|e C.S.KERTCHER, Rea che i s a et ete i oe iavored Npeatitied have. been diss Does it all. Come with thé crowds? You are welcome, jak and- pine, all cf which will 2 mane, wad to evised version sy rete: ther 15 last = % i she is today a Musee heroi: | hs a pre posed at fron 14s'to, 208 aud 30s, 3 se Po et ase receiveapother lashes GROSCH’S. BLOCK. Rou Flag Store. — Th al in the ronky as he ed, | a two months. ie feven if CC aA cain; abd the poles of ake on ion Saae wven 10 ce. oth prisoners, are Pisimart ow tust no chatice of their sentence ¢ Eerlin Eamadry. as) Sie applauded by ghousands. they “aré by chanced brought out for Yours, + 1S em TTT insurance placed by tho Hyams’! being commuted, anda confeesson of the (sale. New America been ; f ; ak os | ie kas “they. wore. bard ‘op, spon Go| tite loked on offer a Als to fOypad the “abled” : . alee « Qicaf bind greta do Jomton, Wilbon Sa rt 9 ee | MA Sef young Welly, puints .to. cheie j + Lxaminasious for entrancato high-| quotations for Stat i Ke : ¢, 80| tined to retmain i Another was | scaffold on a elect i ee allege, | YAS). isin sap. uitetaty Pada, (Soa re fechools «ind tollegiute institutes will be | after ling Sis to 8 eibabd ts. with | | oY Bt “Munn's contributisn to the| of the galant fellows on sed gave way, préipitating him PRS a ‘Pipbil, yet their necks ate «pared. Ii pela throughout ‘the Province on |felr takers thereat, have subsequently . : > Grand ‘Trunk’s. reveipts was $1,500. |snother bir ghee a weed round along ith eer Mes te wh r. Natl soe el Gat veut Nes North hs ‘ | at the scene. Wi cman. He are ‘ord hangéd LinselZ to'a beam depo ofthe tan, a pore 2 "alae aes ciosr aa beg gees MILMERTON. ° eg ee ee FS cere luca” "4g, F, MAINLAND, Photographer, |f'*™ 127, : : . ; j AES ; nt y

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