“It Shines For All.” Vol IV—No. 26 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1895. MALCOLM MacBETH, Editor and Publisher a inaes er . LOCAL NEWS. (tier er eb ai tet mi brand bier Rain is much needed in this section. e Miivercon oun o cat Toad of the old reliable brand of binde' | afr. David Smith got in two new buggies pasties Wewavecec baths County EF © of advertisements | his old cus Brea Ges Yuht on Tuesday, one of which are sold, bs Pon te i the Bost “Advertising | must be tea in in Tuesday at noon Seavine His Tre Sean The dispensation of the Lorde, Supper “4 era aor eral _Sucrption FOO een eee a ee nee ts | membered by our readers ALOMOIIE: Beenie in Evangelical church per year 8 M. eT cBET ‘or all Toronto Weekly and Daily | time ago Henry Kuhne of North East- i STH, Publish 3 y ‘ a a ea Be ae ie Me cee dence hope and swo others were arraigued | «3, ot ada te Col aunty ADVERTISING RATES: should be in by Tue: fore Police Magistrate O'Loane on] « Muir make, Brai ‘was put . hi f scealing wheat from the Weanesday, ache j6.mo#.|9'mos.| mo. |” Read the local on Burteh’s big show. | orasary of Mrs, Hammett in Uillice | "4. yensont-atalt nf Re 4 Rune . and-a-balf-o Que pane ‘0}830 o0l16 00] $6 00 v. David Smith has already sold| Kuhne pleaded guilty and the others Livingston ‘of Morden, Man., burnt Half c aul it ys ae nee 14 buggies this season. sent w the suites to | to death through its Tay pe - surest] 18 | 3 2 can generally reckon on rain |stand their trial before Wrocdia, last. Weneatey, Meer Larnentin arn Hight column Pa AINE aa ena Eek te amines uate by whom they were agua kt Geuragr ane inch 5 00) vi w ican church of ~Gransiont adveAicoments are charged at | ‘The district walk of the Orangemen | thngistrate deferred passing sentence Milverton, will ne Antin Pui the rate of 8c. a line, nonpareil, for the first | in this section will be held in London | upon ‘Auhne for afew days to give on hed lawer ot) Niche oe, insertion, and 3c. per line for each sucessive | this year on July 12th, ihm a uaa to bring abselg a ‘Thareday, Sul; ya, The peael will be iS lence as to his previous good char-| attendance. cream, strawberries, an: catenin Mr. John Kerr of eeu) Jat Week TE ata ea eueiel M O’Loane | all seasonable feuite will be served fram the MEDICAL lost. a fine brood m alt, Son Bisnatth 1. |stands, aud aright royal time is expected, BOBERT,§ Wits oie crap | S180 phi Ae ee ay as gion ia as Do me. i ertently over a te of College of Phy Su oa of Ontario, also. Bost _Gfuruate | appearances is going a failure. student of London Hos an eat a ee 26" | Tt is not expected to average over half}, lar ne Pa elane at Bole | tn peed Ont. connections wit ay SoeNe risen Church and Rosi Grad. jans The hay crop this year from present FE ao M. B., » R.C in. tks Goes The Strat! own & can Greighingrorer 300 bs. 0 ing several small bon phe] success, fancy and otherwise. The well filled and decided with Captain ae the DEN TRY M. BRUCE, L.D.S., Dentist. Brantford horse, made a record of 2:16. Mr, B..T. Butler of Wiarton is now. Graduate o' .8., Toronto, also| writing an interesting article on ‘“Re# member of the Haskell Ta a Failadeious of the Old Guard” in the of Prosthetic Dentistry, Chica: five Stratford Daily Beacon, | Tt. calls» to No. lain St, puree Oe sity i the Queen's Hote, Milyeston,, every: Mon e practice of his profession, DR. B. H. Hidt, Dentist, Cordon’s Block, Opposite P. 0., STRATFORD, at Mort Milverton the 2nd and 4th Wed- day of each month, mind many incidents that transpired years Miss apaaiie woods of Mr. James Thursday last, and M one at. Gravelridge on. Friday. | Both picnics were attended by the youth and beauty. We among our items last week an announcement that the Patrons of vi H. ENGEL, V. Graduate of Ont. Vet. College, Toronto, treats all diseases of domestic anil (NARY Milverton, Ont. by telephone or ot! Dentistry and chronic diseases a speci to inadvertant circumstances. Z|. Master Fred Schmidt, who has been SOCIETIES brethren always welcome, © R.: M. MacBeth, Recording Sec. No 99, Milverton, moots every Tuesday of every ov legree in conseqnel fi Se verk oe ire willin vejiliite O. 0. F., “ Silver Star Lodge,’ “i °‘Riverion, meets every ing. isiting hes. cat NG: , No. wall fist Wednoaday 3 aS Strong, W, Os 8 5 R. Smith, Tre in each month, “S fo, 202 wee Me at 7.90 p.m, mn their hall, post office build- iti an always weloome. W. Appel, Sec. 138, Milverton, meets in ckner, Lab and others ie Te Fear, of es to the bent of the “Methothst aaa of filpetton, was in town on Monday and was introduced to a number of his by the Rey. HOTELS ic Usher & Sons’ Queenstown Lesrnpar HOTEL, oma * Sat Gropp, Proprcto fans a cigars at i accommodationand large se tis First-class a Sage is key ept constantly on hand at Win, Peters’ store, Brunner station. This ay ent is warranted as rtland cement for concrete pany) CENTRAL HOTEL, ee Hiquore an cigar y BlilPste 0. Hasenpllng, Proprietor. bank barns and floors of inds, hog troughs, sae at little more than one-third the cost of Port and cement. Personal FiAsbiction given and work warranted. Johnson Wilson, who died’ from Q? tat alii es iL, Milverton, Ont. travelers and Two . large sampl rooms. Only tistheiese nt eines Linus and Cigars at the bar. Good warm’ stabl and plenty of shed room, Proprietor. : seaffold in Wallace, is nat to be let] o °| pest. peacefully in his grave, A poot tnust need rise and make a doleful ‘Rose | dirge which is the most awful in con- [penerton that we have ever tried to ras OYAL HOLEL, re. Bot, pepe e mag ofthe sole of this ‘iotnity soliited. “opposite ead. Why will those poets add to tie oan of bereaved families by gerel rhymes on the de- cus BUSINESS CARDS wish to Say to the patrons of the IR, Anctionser for the sion Court. © Village Gee ta street, M es Sun Laundry that owing to certain inconveniences we have becn our work in strictly first- iso to say that | we have not the conveniences that the London steam laundry has; but we Dover: eit ERE ERY STABLES, Mil hire at all ti speciality i tableau riving a live in an age of improvements, and who shall say that the Milverton’ pi Laufdry in the near future can no compete with the best laundries in a Diertawa’s .Dreireeria aNd Cro 'S yan, 12, 1895. Lhave used your Diphtheria and Croup my family for two years an Remedy in eonsider itinvaluable, Yours truly, U. tines Wis., Jan. 1: Ri 2, 18 baste lives ‘of two chilsen v, J. BEINERr. © tan ‘your valuable remed an walk—only cases! and he did not prosper. “}eome to stay, if the people wil let us, f {country ? We have to creep hefore we ne man born fullsize We have nd as we improve in anager 80 we will improve in our wor! e call and deliver within ten tniles of the village. Re- member our wash days—Tnesdays and Thursdays. Thanking you all for your patronage in the past, and asking ra alee of the same, I am, ». He ford races were i great]; } Se! held a picnic in the was proposed but fell through owing | j Ye}and Bert—on ee The | juries received in falling from a church dation fer ‘commercial be laundry | Ais i however, and Kuhne is now serving a ainful accident pears Nichol’s to her home, and when close e G-'T.R. crossing the borse took fright at the 3 o’clock train and’ ran away, throwing her violently to the ground, bruising her face badly, as well as hurting her’ shoulder. She was taken to Mr. Nicho'ls where her wounds were dressed by a local physi- cian ‘The seat and top of the bugay broke off and went with her when shi e was thrown to the ground, otherwise she might have been hurt more den is improving nicely, we are glad to reportw Burton’s Bia Suows.—The largest 25c. show on earth will appear at Mil- verton, on Monday, June 24th, upon. the Agricultural, Grounds, under waterproof canvas. Exrnutansunvt.—The Son 8 of Scotland cvening of June 28th, give their jnuiual enterteifiment. at Bracheid ee the residence of Mr, David Grieve. programme is being gotten up, and learn will be served free. Ice cream. strawberries, and all the fruits of the season will be : the booths at the usual prices. Henry Doerin, 2 and Mrs. were re- i honcblak home from Wellesley the other day bole ene re and aft wheels ind part of the ee Cay Tae sect sind Hiv Occupants in the road, Mr. Doering pluckily held unto the horse forawhile br but. finally had to let foe was badly cut by coming in contact. with tl i aude pepateeeine diy shakennp, Both are if oy of the bad though feeling sore Irom the effects shakin, Personals. Mrs. Hubard of Chicago is visiting her sister, Mrs. J, N. Fdwards ton Wednesday. last to visit friends in Hamilton. . C, Groseh has just had con- Ha on him the degree of Phm. B. wo ®| duily—afternoon ab 2 o'clock, ponte walker. nie and William—in their breakaway Mn aee aud perm acts. Prof. H@k Snider’s troupe d¥ educated dogs wolves. The Simmons’—Frank, Wi the horizontal bars 5] Smith sisters, the world’s greatest | trapeze artists; Miss Lulu May, on the revolving sphere; the bree Von-| en: dale brothers in their high. and lofty tumbling ; Signor Dilivants, ihe jug gler and and numerous to mentio mitted to the afternoon performance. for aie Two complete performances laily. ‘is show carries no faikers or any Lia of chance, but does busi- ness on a fair, square basis: Will penively appear on day and date ad- rtised— Milverton, Mosdey, Tune} Si 248 sh. The following resolution was unani- mous: the official board of the Paisley Mae aay church on the death of their pest , Rey. Wm Tor- : “Resolved, ‘fi at we, the mem- the ais! opportunity of placing on "record our deep sense of the loss the Methodist church has sustained in the lamented death of our beloved pastor, the Rev. W. Torrance. It is not easy for us t express the solemn and tender feelings of our hearts in the presence of so sudden and unexpected an end of his vigorous and useful life, As a man of the kindliest sensibilities, as a preacher God nie signally in the conversion Jor ‘ali des, as a, man of God we jis_ mem: y that God may raise up many such. valiant soldiers of the cross to carry on the glorious, work in which he toiled co long and faithfully, We present to preserve them bane they shall rejoin their beloved one w as mn before to his bright teward above. Signed om behalf of the board, "| Seymour, Acting Supt ; T. H. George, Ree. Steward.” « re with profound Christian regard, and | ya “| Wool. in the church and those of her Daloved daughiarl Ne peayruAat God Fall Wheat . may indeed remember the whole fam- 9% Y 4 au BORN, rin Elma, on Sune 13th, the wife | of q sh mB, ofa —In lic, on time 9, the 2 wie pr pchn Beatin oteidectnter Mr. Georte MeN: was thrown from his eens d kill Rice was drowhed at Brantfor ‘Tottenham was swept by fire. buildings were burned, ea at $125,000. ‘About 80 Lord Roseberry ina publi has annditaced the eb nae early retirement. Ls Gligine Woltonea vine Grand Collar of the-Order of St. Andrew on President Faure of France. =|) Mr. Matin jeontinned the school te in the ‘en ding -gislature, id Dg Tuesday, with Persimm Capt 3 Macha a aechuielag on the Aon Cyclist John §. may be decided at Hanlan’s Point, an offer of @ $5,000 purse having been made by the Toront He cy i a 5 a 5s a S ge ae z z s Reid mt retite, retaining his fall snlary for v Dr, Warden of Kingston arisen relied him, but may not ac: cept the appointment COMMERCIAL. coho June a ay -$. 8 88 A 45, 48 ts Mw, BL Bones ie aay coo 62 Apples por bag’. Th OB Potatoes * * 6: 65 y per ton 6.00 6 25 Butter per porn my ae igs pardon... 10 WO Turkeys per pound 8 Ham ber pound. i 10 Side Thellow: Apple es, per bag ister, of London, | Vasts:P Ned, A tenyearold boy named Richard |p Si the loss is prt} tu Johnson vill not race | o | Without loss of time the hangman d br. 2 | the crowd 5 Both of Theis necks. A DOUBLE HANGING. HENDERSHOT? AND WELTER EXECUTED TUESDAY. Last Seenes.of the Middtemarch Tragedy: Ym the Jail yard at St, Thomas on Tuesday Morning. St. Thomas, June 18, aN before the: bhour set for the execution of John A, Hen- dershott and W. D, Welter, in the county jail this morning, crowds of men, with a few women in the gathering, began-to clamour: for admittance to the juil. had a strong posse of county constables om. guard at the main entrance, who exercised for | the utmost gece and refused admittance, to any one w | witness: ‘the execution. Thesheriff last night declined to admit, but a limited number of press representa~ tives into the jail yard, Thanks to the kindly offices of Dr, Chamberlain, inspector- of prisons, Mr, Brown relented, and con- n the doors to the different. was not to be permitted to About thirty. persons altogether stood. grouped around the scaffold, which was: erected close to,the south wall in the west. jail yard. IT WAS A GRUESOME OBIECE bat it appeared against, the frowning, stone as simple in construction, being: rok on tone square: upright posts, with: ‘a cross bi of the same thi the platform. eight, +64 from the» round, and under the gallows six fet fant bet atid ts pander he bed doors. , 1s dropped down). one cach ways, outw: Beadeuupts and. Welter retired! to: bed rather late, Rev. meer Fesaining: with-them for many. hours last night, offer= ing the condemned men apiena éonsola- tion. THEIR\LAST BPBARFAST: ‘This morning the out: o'clock, and were bring tly served with breakfast, which consiste oh arcon, eight the. hangman ved the corridor and.pinioned the arms, of the condemned men, who mount piteous- ly during the operation, their cries: being attaeuls andible to those waiting, outside; a str ees condemned: men, officials and > iced aeceaemithe noon leading to” mounted the seailld, the were inpmediately tor sheriff Bro-vn led and following came Dr, Ranamberlain, the clergymen, Dr Keys, the ascent to the seatfold angman-praceeded to bin? their lews at the hee, with. a. heavy leather Wit) recision eves i = ‘the case against actor Joseph Emmet, qiarely over a who tried to kill Ris wife, was dismissed at Wendershotd being placed on the east, and. San Frauciseo, as Mrs, Emmet refused to| Weltes-at bis riglt nond: facing the south, entity, Welter made & effort to-be brave ci Co e i it and cheerily. said, ‘Hello, Dée, good-bye eee de odl-bye,”” with a Dig: tear in his th SsGlibEE on thie iter fae ope eos HS Sse HONG | Hea he ups eal drew the sand faves and At “ge tee black caps over their adjusted thy noowes, S| Spencer. proceeded: to Fepeat the Lonl’s. if the: black fing Hoated at t he hali, annooneing to. chat thedentands of justice had tes satis Several were outside til elon in up they set up a prune exeented meny, PEERD 18 A COS Welver und Hendershott fr. Boenber last nigh While die for the pape ot Tao Lo, having: fated se ccc its far: Beef, per owt, Potatoes per bay 50: 60 tated IY Sol tuat oth W lier sit remem od: vende Buss 10| to the commistion of the murdesof Win, Hi Dressed hi 5 2 thé pacticulars of 1 5 75;| Hendershot ae but. & 4 00, revelation would uot divulge etre am