; : boy George to fall into the same scrape as| said Mrs, Saville, slowly, ‘bu i A CONVERTED GIANTESS. i ) Your own con, just to make us auller as|me you have history, Miss Desmond.” Be ( i you have done, pir is too bad, at while igo suppose every ot e has,” ioe 7 Eee A Sunday School Missionary Writes of y ‘ ¥ ; : ! smiling i ane yi | The New Spanish Water Bicycle. : e we were thinking everything’ was on the | smiling, my littl Wid, ta <mentina’ Witw Mise Gil E ; ae ar ‘eae being rrehnhins Baal taoein Any Wt Gort evae Base ks neces Lert | ee ene NR MUNG EUS Ryle: 227m EAT THEIR OWN PEOPLE, Ri . CHAPTER VIn-(Cowmnime.y) “All you can give me has not a feather’s| Mary Dacre (such an excellent marriage), tell you, but not just gaa The Rex G pee fe } Zz { i * “Lucky old fellow! What have you} Weight with me. Iam profoundly grieved | there is he falling into the trap of that low-| ‘i suppose it centres some love Ye 1 OOS arp, when travel- y 4 te ‘ } tT i rod | that I could not keep you from this mor‘i-|born, designing adventures your com-| affair, which yousilly young prope always ling be gh in oe ee met avery tall j Efi uc ROS BRboe Ob | jeen doing with yourself 2” continued) gestion. Yoa will panion! You are nota woman to be| think of the | lady. He says:— “Lumley, looking earnestly at her, “ You| charming women, who, Wicded byrpuiyiilag: aid (gow sexer took | Sst al reat exare feclings Garinee eh ott ete he eee } | THEIR AGED AND CRIPPLED. are looking pale and thin, and your eyes—” | would love you well ; and 1 will ev the trouble to warn us oraave him, and I| ‘and I am sure the importance cannot be ee 7 i 4 Sass) = on a him by holdi you that I have no heart to 4ivs, I am| who always sympathized with you in your|exaggerated. If men and women only |About six miles distant, to reorganize at 9 ope interrupted him by holding up| tngaged to a man I love with all my trouble about Hagh ! 1 exproted better [allow themssives to think. what a sacred > @ finger.“ What's rude speech !” she ex-| 444 no one can put him ov ind.” | things from you, Elizabeth, You are snd olen b thing love and its ing claimed. “Who and what is infatuated about that woman, of whom you mi er pe Sedition | if ‘Two Thousand Skulls in a Payemeut— REUBEN E.TRUAX “ is ti fiercely starting forward f really know nothing,” plate? Tal re ee be ese be ie isheg thet oor Ieanig against the window: rame, or a moment Mrs, Saville was silent, tak, with tho vast majority love is an Paigk Bites peck las an ORG. a sper hi interested in you to pay | “st wilt tell you so much, poor | to id word: unknown quantity, and, an, insign nificant z you comphimei like myself, and we have a long struggle “tda’t andertand 0 Pray explain | ingrodienhy Just cofnk what humea malate : : . . you ougnt to know by this time, | before us, but-—There, I will say no more, | your meaning, ifyou have any,” she said, in which it lives, move Capt. S.L, Hinde was in the Cofgo medi ‘ Captain Lumley, that Iam an ungrateful | Now that you understand there is no hope, | At last, bitter litte eatin piling ou ae 1 ; how is love ae you cal a the recent war which has z 4 ¢ you will be able to put me out of. your| corners of jouth, gee accept it*to exist? There ted in the expulsion of all the Arab Grenpure and not deservingof your inter-) thoughts, Do tell your father he has} * Why, oe unfortunate ‘oad boy wrote never agree, Pray get me the ta thi ” 2 y . J sive finder? from the Congo State, In this Cish nothing to fear, at least trom me. It is! to his fener a te o that he was | Fi . “ Whether you deserve ib or ant, T}cruel to dissppotus father, 9 parent going to make an o} hetOread aan 3 Dacre was reproachful, and even cooreiee he travelled through @ part can’t help feeling it. See what suffering Hugh Saville has caused | as she was the sort of woman to whom he| teatful wlen Ho} next saw her, pat the Congo “basin that was almost hiemotH jared not propose a private marriage ; that | “much desired one” was immovable, oe Bey car te care ‘Hea Mr. Saville any thoughts of com- BY heaven, he was right. He got what| he feared we might be vexed at first, fs if] “Ie it not seitordiansy,’ cried'the dis. ee GAT ace cee ait Ga taataae ing to Paris 2” e wanted, Tam infernally disappointed, | we attempted to prevent it he would il wahalated Vusieanny Caney" Goo jorge Lumley ; ig . HY i peat He will probably pay Thesehe when nm you knew what I really| straight tothe doos, Oh, 41 | went off in way? There about tribes that have never been studie pias | meant, you—— Llittle thought, when I was so Dapelnciat | socis hldgien banatnlinmtoante se won before, and lived about 300 miles directly. la ere ‘Tein uieloas to argue about, what is| Hugh's conduct last summer, vhat before a| I always the same : a4, soon a8 wo are Musi Gk Pie nbeluors Ledd CE sao: Conus. Present eyt engaged assisting 0 ia inevitable,” interrupted Hope, with some Yeat was over I'should be afflicted in the | growin confidential he flies off, It is a tere aan OF Uke perate female antiquarian who iscollecting| hautieur, ‘I deeply regret having caused | sam hideous ie be but it has occurred to me ( ii egion 5 ; materials for the history of Queen Bertha, | you annoyance or’ disappointment, but} ‘ Whoa ga hauled aya that ho ia to some dreadful Sankuru River, abont 90,000 square miles pe bh en, {Beither you nor Twould have been happy |ment, you mean,” cried Mrs. seri her | woman. What do yon think 2" in extent, that ia almost @ blank on the Poadices or some euch remote poten-| 4? TG become manand wife. Why, oh, | black eves flashing. “Ihave no doubt you seth Agich in natedak erphaeatecigs) SES. The Arabs Kuen ue Waste Gees tate. Whether she will end by leading {y gig t aedncetandine ®) NawiT ti Heaven geant 3 Well, good Ps. x i i PANE rome a an dogo ee p ace i r " well, however, for here they had pursued him to the hymeneal altar is uncertain ;' can hear no more. Make haste to relieve We retui Lor ay » for! y i but ib is quit possible,” | your father’s: mind, and—good-bye, Cap-| w Perhaps Richard Saville will be able to tell the slave chase, using part of the natives ian | me something of George » 1 forgot ; 1| we shall just miss him, Well, if you can fad ont anything you will be sure to write? You have treated me very badly ; but I do to prey upon the others. It was one of the most densely peopled parts of Africa until the Arab forays, within the past few years, made desolate a part of i Capt. Hinde thinks he found in the Batetela people of this region the most re- markable cannibashe has seen. Throughout “I earnestly hope poor Mra. Saville may | be spared this last straw,” exclaimed Hope, | The enraged and disappointed lover to smiling. urn toand fro, uttering some half-acti “‘Tam sure I don’t care, I only care ulate denunciations of his infernal ill luck, for my own troubles. I have been the most in a better temper after Lord Castleton and his daughter left Paria,though the presence of her eldest son was alwaya more or less a trial, She endured an ocessional visit frow Lord a en Ramon Bare, of Madrid, is the latest amateur to try hie ; nautical bieycle. He has perfected a machine for use upon lakes an: nor blind. The unfortunate who 1s marked | he has been enabled to make about six miles per hour. ‘This machi by any physical Gol is killed and | cases of ateel, which serve as floats and are connected by cross-bars, Pu: an ond to this infernal ho nin Ae and Know my fate, Don’t you think Iam ight? lations with hei right? cultivating friendiy re x ph & 8 _aterr ay of we Saville walked in. She wore her out-door onl} J eaten. Even parents are eaten by their | the space between the two SE cae 4 a paddle wheel, doy by pedals something like a How can I tell 2” Hope was beginning, | ore "7 held a note in her bend, who dared to mention her offending son, children upon the ane sign of approaching | Picyele. The machine weighs al indre itis m- | but he only ventured to do so when they ig) PP! Bl decree theWverniand has been eelod) euccessfully by its ieeuiae when Misa Darce broke in “You will come |" tittle thought what I should hear,” decrepitude, These people are probably | uickly and easily. back to sup with me, will you not, Miss | she said almost asoud, when determined] v - | wete pet tlic ueded endl a MISS ELLA EWING, THE CHRISTIAN GTANTESS moon i ere ‘a a 2 i ee t till that bool a pase Cuber er ie Ae ue He Tiatentea over hear’ good of theméel yea | (1 ee ii pals la i) ead latdead Seti : Be pela ny 0 catalan ANE Wo ly been observed. One day aboi LIFE OF THE i "| Sol ta Reese aor aa o ran-| not oe laic scheme ? How e met Hope coming irom tl a gall leries (not | 718 The effect, BS ete their | OUSly been observed. One about a POOR IN PARIS, 4 ’ and Monsieur dea Taille, I will send my sea old'woman 2 Hope Desmond docs pot} Enaw the Grande of the Louvre. “Not, feleY feet friends, but was uot prepared oa ih ome ining dep e thelr | jundred of them, inenand women, flocked Hon. Reuben K.-Truax, one of| tres are in any way deranged the ih h iter.” FA Bs BE i naga Se does not.” “Tt is quite possible, I am perfectly | Iam ede) Hawaibal re ; er make them superior; | to the camp from the surrounding forest. |g, Cacada’s nbless Hinkersiandtstatea: Herc nawaet i raesonpinen banat ier ied sitetae deep-laid scheme, I know, | ard vinegar, but rather with the’ milk’ of | PS i ih physically, to the tribes around them, for} It is a curious fact that they are not afraid ease Vietuals af Soldiers’ MeL - Supply of nerve force “ia at once Many thanks, Miss Dacre, I really Henn seh i ierae int ite caotn bieres naus: Rainn kindness SHawl lowe we. tormartlon pest is pe Nine ssh organiza- - they do away only with those who. are| of frearm ; they drop when they see the se ks Are Given ey to the} men, aman so highly esteemed by| diminished, andes a result the food Nha peer secs al eee: | Hoe ahs ake dae wg, na] PLGU ene uaTRT end ok 2ha o> | Hoe at fad se otuare Hens MET fe ke physeliyimpertect or pon whom le] fh and nenan andre ene | gb ennagh to eat iu aot Wha ohng| 0 POODI of his dietrct that he was| taken’ inio the stomach ie. only lution, and declining Captain Lumley’s| Sh® remained in ‘complete ignorance that| Mies Desmond reproached your son with spirits. I believe the Vortigern will be | ‘Mtelligent and has refined manners, age is stealing. Capt, Hinde says they | time to re-load. di iaieaty, for thatcan always be done honored with a seat in Parliament, | partially digested, and Chronic Indi- fered her apuite patronest had boon a hearer his perseverance in spite of her discourage- | home in Auguat or September, apd then we | told me, in answer are a splendid race, and all the finer in ap-| ‘The two great Arab towns of Central % we cml y irae icati i ‘ iy an tad sab aah pesca adm deal ES i ment, and informed him she waa engaged | aball see what we shall see-—oh, allow me,” | het height was eight feet. und t pearance because they do not disfigure| Attica, both of them the result of the|® little ingenuity. For instance, there are| i8dly furnishes us for publication| gestion and Dyspepsia soon ‘make Stee Haille Maldurae \atteaadlia Poesnt The I els coe eae paneaael kind to dnother,— evidently” some humble, for Hope had dropped her sunshade and | amd I think no cne standing in her se ictnot by filing slave chase and the ivory trade, were cap- | here 20,060 soldiers continually under arms,| the following statement, which will] their appearance. ; | and confidential, however, in her tone ani itup. “Get ti ct th thi Bow ; « pore er nnd aheltolerated Captain Lum, | maimer. Hope’ was greacly relieved. by| distisgutshed goa was powerless vo attract | ot fostay here, Lam olf vo Switeriand ;| '@ be about 287 pounds their teeth, sf tse Oops Cogn won Gael pata: eat (oer As ee he oeotombtaaas| (ba mio eee Wh Hes Bass Baath Aeaorions Nerras is 20 iy, y's! eisita intra gooduhumorediy? shen Papdislgi leer agi epti S anit HC: r. and I hear Richard is going to cruise in | m told, is near s y The Batetela area very numerous peo-| peign, one of the greatess markets in| oie op revising reo emous| inasmuch as it is one in which all| prepared that it acts directly on the: formerly, chiefly heesuse he was quiet and | HOV", We sr a Cedar, HOE peoaian of 3 honor, and in my | somabody’s yacht to the coast of Norway. | Bands correspond wi ple. About 10,000 of their warriors were| Africa, When the Belgians attacked it He ies nae Reaves ee will place impli confidence. Mr.) nerves. It will absqlutely cure every trai opinion, she is a great deal too good even e buried treasures o it * : SR O0G an baie ns mount of surplus take ei Sincere eres Hope had gone to the Se a Ul hs ae jie, aba for so high and pany, a gentleman as Sekar elle Dies Be hae signaen noe skcomively 91 Senet Caen ce eee but to-day it has ceased to exist, and its) or uneonsumed victuals, Instead) of boing Truax j case of Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Tae Tien aera g lias Saville had | Sppesrance of George Lumley’ trom the| *Ritus,q "Gen farted Lady Olivig, too | Slee, Senile tray: and soursolt tone Win [ity and stands well in the esti i large part of their slaves. This] a iicile further south, had a population of destoyed o wld thew are given away t “1 have been for about ten years/and is an absolute specifi for all eccct aaa shes fo fale er way Ma one, and she grew quite ravenous for| much sre ip aeet the aadiaiiaved | exe “looking tb an: Wanaye erage aj all s ho ero z a lea Heated erie ot ve Nf rl ont 60,000, and here the Belgians cap: | W0ever chooses to ask for them. All one| VeFY much troubled with Indigestion|nervons diseases and ailments. serfiie PARIS AdR Hibbard in’ SWiteerh | Howes aadiohy ee von ee corn and anger of hee sister-to-lam, at privileged aia fellow. Penh have e Dy Mast See Fe ges has the tallest scholar in Gus whiter audit otincasd ath Hecke tured large ae He “Ree oe ac to faire queue (stand in line] and Dyspepsia, have tried a great| It usually gives relief in one day, ‘ ‘ f no danger, of | wishes, my dear girl,—my very beat. 4 é 8 tl 5 ‘ : Pelee ad aa petooeeding | ous conduct, and cfors examine Hope as €> iguie oases veonasuiagnaeiniay v/a at oternane Poa ge al father I, judge) to be shout six feat, and nia Vesa helped i lve his can- | now been entirely swept aw pallida Ce a ea olthe| many different kinds of patent] Its powers to build up the whole YW * a i 5 i the e a ntiful supply. Free sai 2 afterwards todo some shopping. On her] Whatshe thought might, could, would, or corner bef tf ler) mobher’s height ‘very little above ‘ofthe ‘This war completely shang the politi-| soup is distribuied ar i medicines, and have been treated by | system are wonderful in the extre: $ “ should have caused him thus suddenly to} Be under no apprehension, Your son} And before Ho} Hen ask the meaning |Bversge- try. el hpuraphy Obshe Upparedauaptocthe| Me nied at the asiles de nuit, tchtivys me. a Nan Meta diotes Hie ray Rrancais, she throw up the game which Miss Dacre chose |is safe enough so far as my, Young frend |of hi Gaigaintisat spoeda ER Rd cubed (Bie ——————- 5 anes cay Nr Gandy, ioe sight | Sr geograp p Boper (sag sonnery, | Ten atthe great Halles, or Central Mer-| ® number of physicians and found| Tt cures the old, the young, and the Lumley, 7 es own on A ‘he meat r : Z lksal satretatlentiy cee was playing i sngerly, Vite | Mis Pees is concer ned. eae hat, bowed, and departed, ; Bees Swarmed on the Coffin. Lomsaii River, aud each of ite four gates | 7 a siren ea Gat OR Ie a alto changed igbautoten ie'oht-up) thommeaton ean ae no benefit from them. Iwas recom-| middle-aged. It is a great friend to bag ical tonal ne “ire Lg a ‘to her. .p Teste tatd aon iascaoe Wie ay bee : A strange incident happenedat # funera is approached by « handsome pavement 12 Shea islinned (he Saletan track from ss ee “ot ieee ty an from the| mended to try the Great South/tho aged and infirm, Do not negleot ca ‘<1 don’t know what you do to Miss Des-| ordinary attack you have make upon me,” So # Parsons, Kan. the other day, » the bregma, or front par rome Tanganyika" tothe mt, and ‘unsold, vegetables ; ; i i oy ah : i i Mrs. 8 lurked Leas m . Cap! le co} C ‘Stank ah ee oat sig ‘olesome can tae ottle, and I must say Ifound very| you may negle lect the only remed: Read Behe ad Sige usec bes Pola | Said Mrs, Saville to the young leiress one! youso well. the sneer that one Z He S000 seul longo to Stanley Poo] and vhe Atlant is. bracrus 2 ly remedy hatte onilon do iknowmiel cuder’ vous 4 fi A most wonderful cloud-and-lightning | west of ti city, died and was buried in the more than 2,000 skulls in the pavement of reaktost for 2sous. At night uf a H ays her back Resort ous sehen Bis Had omind Op esoW) Eger’ yous aeautied oot eagutan foe) fh sue of the gates EVGEy Paani! | sey lgniSeant fact farts ol the: vinuin | B8e exhausted his ticket for threo succasa, | Great Felief, and have since taken two| which will restore you to health, ' “Has Mra. Saville returned?” desr Mrs. Saville would ‘spare Hope Des-|disapointment and am amazed you | effect was to be seen Saturday night by the | neighborhood cemetery. There being no ak sive lod; t the as’ i more A Hope of the waiter who attended their five lodgings at the asile de nuit, he can bottles, and now feel that I am| South American Nervine is perfectly Congo forest which he visited wild coffee mond to take a drive with her and stay to| ventured to blige in oe tone you did to| residents of Bostoh as they looked toward | hearse, the remains were placed in a spring Teg SueET Eee oe endig eles tage : > of adorning the tees with skalls is ind a room in some of the large ‘barrack. i igesti Bae Cea eee erage Bean Meenaaay ARSE! L2G | cho Han. Auge ils of clouds stod | magon and convoyed to th eomeery. a tbemore rage tes | tly et ‘uheis une of imported eofes ike, buldage af which hereace nea | Cmlsely ftee from Indigestion, and/anfe, and very pleasent to the taste, ; Not yet, Paral andI will not spare hers Mise Dacre. i|the present, Belore we meet again, you | almost still, as it seemed, for half an hour, baie Bal el tierte ren i throughoat the Congo basin, Held P three in Paris, immense buildings divided| Wow!d strongly recommend all my | Delicate ladies, do not fail to use this iy ] e begal 2 A if * . * . re ic nt i ie et . Ay * | want her myself, a you are bi beans ec must apologize to me for the liberty you| and nearly incewsaat lightning illuminated | Por aines, ieanid cy wan Pagehed. big tee ean ueke papery allot BP ANE sae tnd Tor 40 cb 80 cont eee oatae fellow-sufferers from the disease to|great cure, because it Will put the , er you had better keep her. EA toe eee aa apology in ale duet ane from within. The cloud pee ey all efforts to ‘ative. the boos gh the Dt them several thousand of the Arab forces, Astory of Macaulay. Ik out to St. Denis, where these} ive South American Nervine an| bloom of freshness and beauty upon y mie np * | alive witl glow ligh te: re without avail, and the ps earers: chiefly armed slaves, were killed. After| ‘When I was London, in the fifties,” Todaing houses are m 4 batch ‘dy: Pape oral issn a anand up the pillar and set in relief the layers of | were forced to. tak e of ti in the battle the cannibal camp followers| writes one of Macaulay's biographers, Prise cheaper, ee Ie ae trial. It will on a your lips and in your cheeks, and Tea dithie’cldee thon yourelt laughed While she ate, Mrs, Saville had rang | white clouds that made up the large mass, | with the bees swarming about. them, and and fighters among the State’ allies would | © Mice 1d, ew vetted ;, The dithicalty of fi EUBEN E. TRU. quickly drive away your disabiliti Mre. Saville, “I suspect she is two years | the bell, and, on the waiter’s appearance, | Now a sudden flash of crooked light cut | before the remains were deposited in the mg my haunts was an old, low-ceiled in is the chief one for ag without Fasiy! « Walke: ae ‘ae and weaknesses. % A GREAT Fast, tavern, with a sanded floor two feet below es or employment who trv wo lve tee : shailevel of te atrebe (Afuvet ta pothecs Some oeaat hese eh It has tately been discovered that} Dr. W. Was! ashburn, of New ea Well, take heey, HE ahs wil 5 ine’ or bar, go caliet trom the maierial| certain Nerve Centres, located near Richmond, Indiana, writes: “I have | Lumiley’s carriage,” whereupon that lady | came, left the mass of vapor dull and gray |in more than one place on the face and confessed defeat by retiring rap again, It seemed like an immense forge—| hands. The ‘bees clung so tenaciously to In one battle over a thousand men feil, | im witha newspaper ‘an | and drink “alf-andvalf” One day, while I : ee Saville I thiok you would j aa: : own reflections, ‘This plan was nipped in Ede. is t eveni s playing some | the flames from the charcoal fire, thrown | the coffin that many of them were buried d the direction of the | of which the drink conuter iene deaeteane bon ae wn. a by F Pernons fame n° Scotch airs, with gre mate and a delicate | aloft by a sudden breath from the bellows| with the body of the dead boy. The dead He foun donly few hund. | wa sitting beside a table, a large mania ® there take a glass of absintheny the base of the brain, control and|used South American Nervine in | 3 touch, while Mrs Saville aot thinking in | cast a lurid glare throughout the smolsy | boy was very fond of bees, and whether e rah he cloak entered. His face was round, pale liquor, which entitles the supply the stomach with the neces-}my fasaily and prescribed it in! ; aaving walked to the window and looked “Tam much psa for your kind cone aie : te, Lumley returned ond sideration, Yes, of course Miss Deamond| Her chait and stroking Prins, note was | shop. ye bee Seehof! pears ch over Murder at the Age of Four. significance of such an act on the part ot e bees was, is a myatery yet unsolved. he meat, and PrmnDY ates! and heavy; bat bis eyes were bright, and nus a one fee a Tivel sary nerve force to pi ly digest ; I exoe! the place 18 T @ force roperly digest|my practice. It is » most jit | bal appre, never eat th raw. They | bushy eyebrows slid up and down with 7 le! ey Vets glas she food. When these Nerve Oen-| remedy.” Indiana has a youthful murderer in Gil- @ had of speaking to| “Yea, of codese I could, that i, af you : [Ae RI ee a er been | the table next to mine, and a waiter and sleep by a i Rou have| «Mo: By no wysenadttivould ioe stand ; . PME aE came in directly with @ big plate of bread F a ce. As t, a insulting indif-|in her light.” cee : einen ah at nee ae his ae Keats of a Colored Hypnotist. and cheese and a ie of ale, and ret it ® - 5 a to under-| “Really, Mrs. Saville, you are the eing a toddling infant of 2 years. Bow-| a io ag pages ae obo ipa beet Pian ea i poonle oe RianaOleg ee tebe of whom explorer have never spon | Befat,hm and dranl THE LONDON SEASON. ded | ow you. | most sensible ‘woman I know. Pray, ther, who was in company with two other] so. i. state of open-eyed wonerment au aucitais, ave takin, of lata poses, Co /aidi atten Baluilnp bis linchiane coriene Conte ol eh ie PET OMiGh oie ba dradac aise ae to eating theit enemies who. are ‘Killed in| and rested his haods ona heav salary I { h do am atel cl S yu give the wheel riders in Battersea park than to would sacrifice | bas latter spoke to Bowsher’s companions,.| over the marvellous things done by Joseph i § x inly the h Heator hi w ‘ Vina a. Rao ska fr hn prov] ie. Savile seh mse] Rae A ee [Ey » ym oy bral Orig the mes Howse, adage |e os matador ie apy | agattteany sinter | Sesninetrtche ian 2 H eadin, . ay k va mative) i e, that you wilt vest ti alee He hits ae I will give he wie ray { young nd, lying in wait for the | who styles himself ‘Joseph the colored i Tt is well known that, Lissehonbe atae strength smashing it into shivers, (sons—Tradesmen Grumbll in Battersea park, formerly aes Pe aig | : bi y ee seer cg ch “How d ote Hey hy ist,” ‘ i | part of tropical Africa, the tribes are able | foi ute longer, then got up slo iqhitera pleb iI arry you to-| hundred.” eco vee ply ? oy hypnotist,” ata series of entertait i si eeicegirn Fh L eriv Ase i eain resort, especially to break- ee aa eS eS ee eeueel Sa SPAS vata earache earls h ee aon Ties ce so ks Abad ie aint Sate Hi pakoning a ea iat ©] A despatch from London says—Strange | ast ther “ ge you wil ; ee i i i _ t, think of the| urs, Siville, grimly. “That being fadond, Sour Knowledge. 0 ties are puzzled as to what steps are to be| colored churches. Williams is onl , eyes Ae igadle: inca anian mpea tiie: seatee as it may appens i spite of the fact that | $0 far s fashion is concerned i ie notic- fe fe 1d lead eee 6 5° intention indicates a wish that I cael : ly 20 g f signals, thou; got a 1s iat ed that the hats of the ladi different life you wonld lead with me. You pray leave het to me for this afternoon,” | inten! oot taken in dealing with the boy, the annals | yoqr Cana arhik supeeaigeints often twoor three chiefs will have their | swept up the pieces of glass, and cleared ! Penciin ta ries tages with Wiallore xn Re ea ore etacth : ion, freedom. We)" «On, yes, certainly. Ioan write tolher|"8r8¥0u." os shought it right| %f the state falling to record a parallel |7oo™% (na: ttone ie pis omlenainmente rivate codes and can talk with one|the table, Lasked him if the gentleman's tourists than for several years past, thers} vances, For instance, a fashionable West Pinch at first, Dut behis evening.” Her further utterance was], N°, oor ao ee cetartag | cate: Both families are prominene LEAbar CLecieeed peaaee oa nother at distances of tive or ale: miles, intellect was’ litte’ in aved PPR EG a Net tact Die nt eer st ‘ Tg [arrested by the announcement, in loud| tet ntageous offer. You would have SUSU UAT ESS all sorts of odd things. He rubbed his’ their enemies hearing every stroke of the |‘Oh, | no, sity, said be. Thav’e nothink not up to the high-water mark of f in ladies’ headgear. a itor witaeh otc Eady Ouivia Lamiey, whereupa more gayety, a larger salary, an easier life, 5 hands over the eyes of Squire Taylor, a : drum, tut without being abie to under-| unusual wit e's broke! The Ameer’s son is a most uncomfortable| et, ty ne hie td dec vr nue (a dove with pale wingaseccund Jou, with that of a | {het personage entered, wearing a simple | TN S075 ore, than with a cantankerous The World's Wages. young negro who makes a business of : stand anything of the plots that are hateh.| maybe a fenray lahasses since ’e’s been guest to entertain, His following numbers |2m™ 1° i# claimed that thie is due to the | {Gave with oatetretohed wing y x cankerous, | TAveHling dress and a most troubled ex-) c14 woman like myself.” England stands at the head in Europe as| diving from high bridges, and put him to : ee sw i Ed some 80 persons,who have to be fed accord. | PAUcitY of court functions, the frequent ——— dictatorial, tyrannical old woman like my |? salen Daaee’ SEY wad sae irda 4 loa cr pena 2 tom be ong | a eueraidsket fot labor.) GQgocldnd aul) STeeP-¢ Tayi, vestanena 6 SOPs Aaie : ing to the Museulman rites,and the ereotion | S°8e"°®, Of the various branches of the A Nomdertal Test Pree Uneh | ahaa aud ou hare’ bsid Eady Olivia,| Altes Duce said ope, © seu arose Bhapce ares livin beliad hers, Tlien She2 |i soad om hia beasit: With Heavy: slots } = talking at night to friendly natives several | was. thinkin’ “xbont,” TAVhois te? “Lord Of ® special slaughter house was aanctioned | R°Y*! Baily from the capital, and lact,| Ia the basin of the Congo River grows a pe. Nl blow ee Ry brains if you do.? | shou! YOREERSs, | bee y, hip paes Dacre, AB ; isa heavy drop until Austria, the Nether- : aitlee'e: ae fi Meese i A but not least, to the fact that many of th He" tried to catch her hand, which she when she had greeted, Mrs, Savile, “i|and ratherformidable, but Ifeel_ sure of | jands, ani Belginm are reached ; the sealo| Bammer in the hands of Ed. Ferguaun the les away. Sometimes the chiefs in the| Macaulay, s ¥y the London authorities before the Prince me ee, quickly snatched away, ste back a to Contrexevill ry and| your justice and loyalty,and the restiulness | 559 still lower in Grmany where the rate | Stone was broken, In the presence of the ervice signalled to of their a consented in Great English families are still sola ace or two, while she grew alternatel: qa tid nathiys gouty rheumatism so: of .ife with you is infinitely preferable to/ isthe same as Ir 3 den, | Pastor, the Rev. Abner Windom, and a = own people who happened to be prisoners ‘A Demented Mother. retinue is as careless to curtail their expenses considerably in ale and red’ under the passionate gare of| “How very unfortunate that Cap she fevered gayety of Mise Dacre’s exis-| Russia, and Italy aoa hee eat: | large ‘crow: colored people’ Taylor = in the hands of the Arabs, telling them : when that potent dL view of losses of various descriptions due to pels and rad ondse: Hie ai Saar erent i eerie ete ae ee ray fo the table at Bedietas | declared he did not feel the smock. Witt when and where to desert in order to each | A horrible murder was committed a few |yesrs ago, the ‘cle eatlck yp eal Mare ih pie batdnestae Caneel resale ting in the con. PSR ba stiab inten te he Oni ing Dac ‘ey: tarted on Weduseday,— ba ‘am, glad you think so. » Write to her thority. glassblowers are the tect | Hiams gives people an electric shock when tl Je white enoampment . These instructions miles horth of Hillsboro’, Ohio, the other | ee and elaborate, It was said |traction of rent rolla and “other ‘such | The trunks of these trees, at the height of sumley.’ You have distressed me infinitely. something regimental, I bel at once.” 2 |e shakes hands with them, and he will ; ae y earried out with sacoe a mother, evidently demented, de-|oyuty grep onah departed that no pigsty | inconveniences, As a resultof this economi-|a man's head above the ground, are fre- 4 by my} ‘* Most unfortunate,” rearaed Lady | Hope obeyed, and, after writing with take a piece of glass—usually a piece of | uring many months of hardship. Hisre | Beaters Goble the lite GE ' Suppoagh thea apartments devoted to| cal spirit prevailing among members of t] i wished to avoid such an | Olivia emphatically. liberation for some minutes, gar i ’;| lamp chimney—br pand eat it, He \ was scarcely a death, except on ti rately took the life of her year old baby 'his attendants in fl truction, and | arisocracy, none of the ente mite given | many Sxplanation,-tosavo youjeawellasmyeelf |." Waere ate you staying?” asked. Mie enult io Nis, Savile fr has been eating glass for some time and field, among the thousands of natives in the | by strangling it with a rope. The child /such a light was let'in on the custorne of | have apptonched. i chee et planation, youjas w ee malt ate ‘sGood," said thatlady. Snieheal sak says he has felt no bad effects from it, Z t orb of the whites, and C: i was strangled while being eae along! #! icbagbari royal | former days, Naturally, th seat ae &; And it| ‘At the Hoteld” Albe.” courteous, Let it be posted at once. SB ae eee ‘ . imal ne the public highway. At times the desper- | for we weake ig ot ceaselto shiver with disgust,| causes a good deal of grambling among th ‘ there is no reason why | ‘Well, I shall call late this afternoon, | play me the march from Hobe tasaccaoie. polity ec esuiet les ee rea Tho followed the atmy. in Leioe emtih aoe war He ents as your|Now Iam obliged to cail on the Comtesse} ‘When that was finished, Mrs, Say: wages than were paid for his work in at Forty Acres Do. ee rae etize toldlsn Z she would. tighte the | ———_— making up for nie by catering to the aiynee i de Suresnes, So good-by for A Pretent, | anid, “Come and a rete Gotey yet enes ‘anthe coaiiel bxperit ian tune ke De. en cord, swinging it over the other’ shoulder Probabiy Lost on Ls Landlord. |0ftich or well-to-do Anieticans who Rael Savills oon ey. teal LAY, OUT} | Regpe besa a set : ERY al Tee yeaa until life was extinct. Thie act seemed to| The p'taters are out of my reach, said ae Be ch oid le hah bis : Luml soon as & - ae . Encore. only sharpen the depraved appetite for the lant er money royal . and dtold him would sak sou, andi yo oaking Foch atsaieter ‘on SHOR inbels ith dear me ‘ y relieved the mon of all the care they coutd | other diabolical work. Another child of six bot Vil genes tee oinat Pekin Hollow, | Then in social circles, the old compiaint 1s uked,, "What: isthe’ snattecl chal! increase, your salary to what Miss Dhelsaveli are Wee ae eee uae ageume themselves. When camp was pitch- | years was next the object of the infuriated handit tovec thon Pep aieecne BU aries tena w, tho p proven our Bal with you!" ay te Mrs Saville, bat SE ee ee erent eA tioc ition ed it was the women who teared the rude| mother, Strangulation wasfirat attempted, {my lack of manners, > °°" 20m mind | sppear at the balle are recruited trom the |aakes makes a valuable Aneesh nn “How insane of vat Hope,greatly| ‘Matter! Matter enough! If “You are v rs, Saville, but T| almost comple mila ip snd a hats and cooked the meal, and they march-| bit wearying of that, she throw the child| T'll accept it, sity replied the’ t rheriediigl B obale bn Aorta agitated. ‘Wh: cela voas not see Hist The t been enroute for centtoevile shou would rather iets Sti I have conte recoveres pt p te! ‘ ed heavy luien with the camp equipment| into the weil. She followed tis by throw: | man, hi faigclie pli e travelling becoming Eiht yavee one sny senacimaoacrint ak hhee gome here on purpose want, A year h Pid eg iad uch | manufactured into buster would yisid2,051 é while the lighters bad only to carry their | ing herself into the same well and only f Favea @nitys im the spear it in whic As proof of this loved you, weare r0 ‘alike in every way ?” | what T_thin when you have proved me, if me are stl | astonished to sacaenetty small boys on pelted of iatiat By ApHITia Hocutt : Mal ci setichltioas log ea oa | EMG SuaE Root aL ee ee for a re Snap anon ae on why we should not be “Aad | pray what may that be, ° Lady together aa you like to offer it——But, thes sidewalk 8a; _ | prices to the milk and butter it 4 Leer are ertant part in the year of | ows lle wonld be added tothe list of thelhs ay, 5 ball the Marchioness of Londonderry hereelf espun— That. piece, Pera say pevtogtiy. happy y and Yee ll I can give) Olivia? pat in vory unwise to look ahead ao ist ister filo tah-eainy Will gokt «This | Sites cosn Tlct ferry saeco occupied : hard work while the Arabs were being| dead. The child thrown into the well | kno vn Ui hee tes once ene (208 helors, and | One PY my eon Harry, the ar you,” ‘| {Phat you have allowed my unfortunate Neem not a very imagi pers fellow didn’t see it, gave a fairly good return, 1 ned ont ef pe plea baie ead sae some sgn Cie when ie be ni sched anew: but when you have |yet she aoa secured the attendance of ve haat hy, it's a regains daub f } Ta but its coi peless, The f poring yon” 2g gow know fof, them. | Another mer ben tenths tate Ad Hontespeit (vier i Ca si Hin nde’s caravan saw the Congo] sre colored based Rihmas Bil Biokanad |i eerie tha, Maen erred ated pried Bode the al Where would pied de) Of cours ‘ : tl fs i farther south than they bad previ- | being the hueband’s nam in hia deolining yeare, Neraepy ia thet tat" "that bsplen fee ene pels gor $0 or something so bad oa