Milverton Sun, 4 Jul 1895, p. 3

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Hikari ANE rd eee cas to clean out | len papaeey ae wood in said]? WEBSTER’S drain and to have the above work complet- INTERNATI ONAL rely New pee ve Abrams Foe snecessor ofthe The. THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1395 Gee, grille, emp! sak red, Mr. Rot ae is! Mr, McClurey RP sh ska no} Every: phody American side but formerly of Elina is should, “oi. tis Dictionary. Tt an- swersall questions concerning the hi P on We wv his Nephew’: Me Waibualee Tae w. 2 Mocretgad spent Sunday | Juckson seat she clerk huudiation, And, f sea Mian fener in Listowel, | notify the gi rs iden 5 Cape in re eae Ree TENG 4 ‘ome of our vehicles did active ser. | between lots 25 an 126, cons. 2and 3, that ya self. | Tt also gives -y i viea Triday eveniats 0 one light busey | the Council may sell the timber on said road | $ persons ancient and meneere ston ae Has. Been Immense this Season. See our: having toontata fear, |e | witha view of opening {t ap and. that Mi Bons jeans od platens, tha ooee ans - e Our a ain othwell be authorized to sell. the timber t the marmtown is a eae neisy at pre- ae that Engineer give estimate of pr sent, the Edgecombe acax ete having | Cost of opening up road, report Nay beret closed for holidays mach of the youth- next meetings | Carnit ful prattte-has located in our midst. — | Reeve an Eagan pend Dunbar and D. Murray. teachers | Councillor from Moruiugton-on T: L. in adjoining townships have returned | © |. with the object of openia up sai nf Api tHs Lame sped vacation ownline and that they be authorized to a : New Novelties this Week. ‘ th ua Pare is Seas in the fessional man, anc ‘he Globe, Toronto, he ae canine ad says: 5 the est Book af Is kind tuesnbers of which have mactered he artot fen dng, its purchase wil! proven profitable iivestanent, The |The Sales of Dre: Goods and T rimmings are far Wide ot ate pital ined in sad work. 98 the Mornin h ton men, Cartied. | Moved by M CO es i , N ctati started haying they Haley ta res light ‘the iets ield be instructed to Ronisee ee eae g idee eanrace dat Barr's on q Eiadtiaebeetean n cons ye zen’ po ‘igh bred trotters are str ue avo ting the necessity of a race cow! P m Co. Punter 3, vr OUR READY-MADE CLOTHING ee Fao no Tapa idee AOR £4F-Kend Tor tree prospectna aiinyespecinren jages, littstratonsyete BRUNNER ER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY, School wag eloded on Friday last, to *y he re-opened on the third Monday in , Augus Tho wife of Mr. 3. Linncy has pre- sented hine with = young daughter. | J. . , Me B Hughes of Sobeangvilte rigs Is the talk of the counrry, with the good fits and low prices. een v P f ‘ ; i saber ir on dit siiet attend | Our sales have been very large. In fact we have never : ed the picnic in ebring 4 - | 5. : si i day of Ae ee before ‘done such a good trade as this season Mr Ed. Denyer, of Elma, RI 8 Ns lal hie with bis father: on Can we account for it? Yes; you know ct Prom Asovker Correspondent) . eplvetH 64, dra ain con. 14; W. three culverts 95: Ws vale fs B, Portertield $10, build b ing, improving approaches on eac i ¢ con, iste Tann—Poote is no | ruthie eof scant renown, Why | abate Jould vit be | |[Low Prices, Right Goods and Courteous Dealing | ite of Jol HG sate in waiter a re- drai Haninond, Re something rot “be reared? In. their late | ot bull tournament with the so-calle ai ‘nner team they won the approba- | Vina of all present, owing to the 7fi the end of the ‘second match | scored to the extent of one fact will be still more especially to atheletes now that this was the first Branner team 0 nee am, even for pract re was acquired ty ae Poole team. @ CUTS. Does it all, Yours, “ke on vector line at y ae Take Mabtunbereon ven Like a Miracle jour to meet aguinon Mondag, July 1ath | aD} I] ( ios tae Aen i ei ations it In Very Low Condition With at 1 a Me ae time | - Consumption SG BYNES Physicians Said She Was In- = = curable SUORT STORIES RETOLD. One of the va meeti hich ocour- Roval Com ain Beara tanan conten |tiou with Chief Justice Arniour. | His lordship was asked te | your attention eailed fas a source hs) i J once repli ace aa ris ib ul inakes a ma Wonderful Results From Taking jood’s Sarsaparilla. _On sed to geb a seat in whence they may be able ome of the tal Bis: m for us fe a Crib. FAP ee she id in ae Suon after a cer Governor- rwhelin: iu ments ning his vent we eich anes bis Among. the letters he reeeived. was one which be wr joke among his friends, e woman eho wanted a dl from column | OUF Conc Hay and | unbounded Se yD saan y veh as Own ACs Miss Hannah Wyatt Toronto, Oat, we years ago wa the old entry and ¢ Witt a da sent a 7 ‘ ale ers ol unbreakable arms anc : » fact 1 } i the oe l by West col ainly liplo ater to this ae seemed to tter Yor a ‘The she on enever | off the bed. She grew i | Lost 1h yee of Her Libs | | and ae part bed had nother; aba“a di AL Life neountered daring fianous onded Rowland be pa wD Sarsa parila Is gaint she and does not look pale. Ourdoctor says he is glad she i ses i a ee ane | took Hood's Sarsaparilla as it has done 6 much, —— ae SCANT for Dh regard be eon as nothing short ofa ml -r, 89 Marion Street, Pana “oro 0, > Ona you decide to take Hood's Satsapa Saeed VN) Hs do kab bat d to buy any ether. 3 other | d Hood’s Pil purely vegetal : (pectordle bacaose: toda hy afk i drityein wee a FOR THE SUN, DPE YEAR. TASCRIB his stallion the CN Ryans -| Russia, Chins and dapam | SaeyaE Ny Russia af gl a Silverware. | march upon the other great A large stock of watches of the best coming sep and Craadaasinl re manufacture, sach as Elgin, W. Ace | lations hb the Chinese government. Colmubus, ete, Watches at lowest | Ru ea aie sey large preli- c WATCHES Clocks, Jewelry and ~ prices and guaranteed, So. Gold janinary a and the govern= Rings, a nice assortinent. went, with the aid of the eae bank- | ino. Prarr, Jeweler, 's, has fo Ay money for Russia, Milverton. Bee Trans-Sileriau itaaleny will ae a 4 te across Chi iH \va nbepue harbor, aad foun predicted that Port Arthur—which warned Japan chat she |mast relinquish in due ‘season —will {fail stole and phermenere inte ha this denouement ~The aitver fon sun LY 4, THURSDAI DISTRICT NEWS As for nae anes is busily ¢ will be yielded. courts can lay ai = Doe ‘Salisbury has agreed to form a Government, provided the Liberal eaders will not oppose the oalader transacted in t Te is likely these points which some church cirowa special busi- cas and take wp the Manitoba Behol auc is uot, purticnlacly, enc -ouragin| “think that Bee The rendingas with He chiefly concern ent ery cn strom repulutions on political questions neither help to convert En ngland and | sail sinners nor ed Some Interesting Rey Neighboring: Pres va’ Jengaged in securing poss of Kor mosa, and in the end eit sels find A minister who goes in where he is} jerself the stronger and safer for abau- not wanted is clearly entitled to little | doning the idee of holding ay up. sympathy. [fhe prefers the cold} on the mainland. She nerease Glitter ots big church to a warm |her navy as re welcome from a small COURIER AMET, will aim at nothing short of becoming ‘ault is his own, All his sul the eaten a quent sufferings are th REAM ENGE:O) an WwW the ex fifty million do! that fault, and are in no sense misfer i cunes which should excite sympathy.— Berlin News. = ui iudeainies money whieh “it lee that she will obtain for con apidly as eaiEle and|_ |senting to evacuate Port Arthur, Ja- defensible apon | pan can build or purchase a feet which would enable her to capture Arthur gr any other fortress on ae hat 5 Life insurance, is che very strong eon of prudential reasons. When the main bare of life insurance is no longer the making of prudent ee for « fantily, ate secartty for cred becomes - uly Review of Review providing leg sors, and: ae tite insurance the meve gambling in a eine life, Salishary’s Cabinet, | then the tem pi thekour| “The “follow! plea Jinents are oftici Hylsbary, Lord High Cha ttered broad: and. profes | Henry Jame of Canada}of Lancaster; Sir | e whit better |Home Secreta quis of Lans-| from {down Secretary of State for War 5) Lord George Fuaneis Hamiltan, Seore usiness sional inen and ie mers Matthew w Mai money were Hino foreigners and must be repaid on some wet day aot very far d Every dojlar borrowed is. mort; property and mikes it Jess kes no as Ehatetterat i igh, Secretary Dich tadiniauaenret hah eonure the same property | fon 3 in value,— Canada be mem \tiow vw the foregoing will | A Scotch golfer “of twenty years’| 5 ; i sauding writes to the London. Daily “am greatly pained to. hear E | Uder Secretary for Foreign Ai royal and ancient ; 8 ispr by no-| 1 Haglund, who persistin sound. | letter “in the word, all g ¢ ‘on every green, ‘frou: John 0°} A Wd st w Airlie it remaing silent uy aah : : He ‘ aA ULE ds. Can you do anything to laying ¥ public vin this ma | From all that we can gather Patron pie nic in Logan on Wee : y last was very poorly attended, and | | dl is described by sone Le our citizen: I then began tak- At that time who attended er a. ¢ a pi y clini was filled by ! Hac pad ihe Soa was a Every: eae TeNaill, Smith, | thing Late essed me so thai I \ Breeboiny Hayeoek and Grieve Bisraty Phen) in'a horrid. distress ve Jiaycock, who is leader uf the ; eon 1 and I would kept the small : as he poured volley | | For that 4 . ri a : e Grit and Tory Horrid “ fneiphis| ry “twine com had beeen ot liable. | Feel down ypolr of vad s bro tty an abr close, —Mivehell 4 Lena Kr en year old daug'iter Bred. Krotz ‘of the 4 Wallace, had a narrow a t Flower ast escape from i tadachte di was feared fora t seriously, i was carried into ol 1 doctor was relephoned £6r, | KE covered within an hour sufficient] y tal je removed te her uncle's, Mr. N' Keotz, and we understand has her esa be Foe i bk as since | violent | Voters’ List pe Sous ment Vou mu Port | peesons ees ih the | Beaament # polueoate ‘ di or fete mighe tind it “desirable to do so. —|% ieod cetamine there are called upon to ex if any omissions or ole errors are tonad ake lis “NOTICE. of fie 3 Municipality of Mornington, in te Coy of Pe TOTICE is hereby given that T have transmitted or to the pe ned he roll 9 of the anid canine said muici uit a mvt hat the Tae as Bent pee op in my eut Burns ‘on the 4th day of Ji 1 for sora Bee e the said list, and Cler Dated at Burns this 4th day of July, 1% | } | COMMERCIAL. Mivenro: and. Mrs. Frederi Rejoice eae a Mr. Wyod’s Sarsapari Rescued Their iid from Scroft st S be eieeh Nantel ng Children Hood’s | Sarsa parilla _ This Testimonial fs doing for the sick and suffering ae a these faéts who can say that the aay os ro fmmengeoncera i 6 ours Ia not benef “Hoows Pica cv ee ntti | OMES TORRANCE E'S \Grouses, Jaundlve, sieis heuduehe, ibalk i At MILLBANK year rounth THE MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR Look Here... ‘We have in a Fine Selection of Will be held the Wednesday preceding: the second Tuesday of each month, the LOUIS BUCKEL, President. JOHN RITTER, Secretary. —|Baby Carriages, Ex- press Wagons, Velocipedes * oe ey a a _ | And alll kinds of; children’s convey ‘e want money these hard times, ae By going to J, H. Schmidt's and selling Furniture cheaper hitherto, sampling his Tce Cream, You ean| if you want to furnish your house ehesp, conie along now. get a dish or two, or three, if you Uhonsel huts ate an tie wees eed Rois Fan eareen Cav UNDERTAKI NG Bi omy vataaieNs ‘Try it. < ‘ And siete Done. — et) H. SCHM IT Weiderhold & i & Hondo | “| | i a (RC eh tier ie Baek HERB AGE UM . ‘OHN GROPP, ——pE:A CEDAR POSS, LUMBER, LARS, Emblem Pins and Cuff Buttons. Bau NNER: ONT TOWN TOPICS, Ghe Journal of Society, pavers We carry a very fine ai ori ment in solid gold, sterling silver, § gold plated aud enameled, for * the following societies : PAGES, @ : NEW ¥ ree! br as the most complete he arid. inimitable. Which we sell at the ext pric A Ue et ay seit aa ea SCHAEFER BRQS., Joweiers, Niiverton. / at idattion 8t0) ete, trom te oh sues of brize story of tch vepaivin one ‘who enjoys iighest cla LOO OCIS OOO O15 yea ane yh all a uel sntere fata ies per annum, $4.00, months, $1.00, 2 7 $5. ty rents Yor gamle cons A Seine you: read AMELE Sud best novel, = = Tanis, The Sang- = ibger : 3 : {Bas elt, ty nent front regiered letter to EQWN.TOFKOS, 3 . New York. 22 Wee MOST succes FUL REM EaY ore able Sie ee “Hee containing no ermine Pil Il is any kind, Hood’: pe ue stom ah, Nee rand al A, r Compla We balarnietnpy TRYS | Nause Bilionsness, Headache, Indigestion, The Great Milk and |e Stomach, Distress atter ating, Jaundice. sh \ bla muay be broken ip and a fever prevente Flesh Producer. 2 | tt Prombtly talehy Heals s Pills. soup ar | Hood's Pills | Are prepared by 0, I. Hood & Co., Apothectiries, } Lowell, Mass. Wloe ereenih per box. Sold by. ~'» | ay: druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. Shingles, Pumps, ete. y

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