arses Sg « It Shines For All.” Vol IV—No. 30 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1895. ALCOLM MACBETM, MAliitor and Publisher The Milverton Sun Ta the best Local Newspaner in the Cou Pe the Bes Adver ang bseription of Perth. It i Medium. Rate: $1 per years Ne etl: P MAcBETH, Publisher ADVERTISING RATES: SPACE. LLyear.|6 ms, |3 mos.| 1: mo, \s50 or has bela 00) $6 00 One column. .. Half column. ..| 30 00) oe 4 50 ‘Quartercolumn| 16 (0) 35 Kighth column.| 10 00} 6 00) 3 od 200 ‘One inch... 5 00) 3 00) 200) 1 i 5 i is glasses are excel cus rte of in wnpal forte ft failing and his prices moderate, T wish him been identified with Goldie & Mc-ton Fri insertion, and go, per line for each sucessive | every nccess Su Tt patronage. Culloch of the same place, The sale] Me. and Mrs. F. W. Schaef seep insertion ROP, CHAMBERLAIN, EYE |of this book has been large during the |), day or two in town # SPRCLALIST, 87 King Street East, | present years and it is becoming still ae trolley ee shy iat ms ronto, Ont., wil at Jas. Tor-| more popular. ’ wel, EGBERE, M, MUGHA | vhnes's Drug Store, ‘Milverton, Ont,|" tn Apwars Pam It pee toad Te oe vir children and . duate of Golleee ‘of ‘ehaiiane &| friday, Aug, 9, oply. Wait for him. the injury of many more on Saturday. Sep tnece of Colle iia ge | Eriday, Aug, 9, oly. Wai vertiso in a live néwspaperall the year |’ ar ww, Hartson, of Detroit, tel , 5 4 ‘Ont Brunner, ig seh Church and Rostock. SO aes M.B., M.D. C., C P, Bain, 1881. L. . &S. Glaszow 1881, Graduate of olle; Physicians Hic Guages. Of Ontariee® ois phone at, ck; Brunner, Robt. Hanna’s d, Poole to Office an ence Tole raph connection at residence fi anessagest rom Carthage, Newton snd ‘Mil. free bank, Oftfiee messages DENTISTRY a M. BRUCK, L.D.S., Dentist. nate of R.C. CD. Titty of the Has! + (Toronto, the Queen's ry dey for the practice of his profeason. 318 DR. H. H. Bidt, Dentist, Gordon’s Block, Opposite P. 0., STRA’ TFORD, yal at ibaa the 2nd and 4th Wed- of each month, VETERINARY H. ENGEL, V.S., Milverton, Ont. Graduate of Ont. Vet, College, Toronto, treats all diseases of domestic animals sci- catificaly. "All calls promptlyfuttended to, by telephone or otherwise, day o Pie eiey eila cli sts dinensee Uap toinlty. SOCLETIES U. F., No 99, Milverton, meets every second and last Tuesday brethren always yelcome, A. CR: W. D. Weir, Recording Sec. 0.0. F,, “Silver Star Lodge,” Ne coe Milverton, meets every Friday night, 30 p.m, in their hall, post office build- ing. ing brethten always ‘welcome. Chas. chee N. G.; W. Appel, Sec. . L..) No. 1033, Milverton, meets in oa first, hy ieomage in_eacl ae month, + Steang, Wh Miss, dio Be ner, 8 ; R. Smith, ‘tre 00 | special, study indie without doubt.» gifte -| should be in by ‘Tuesday. e giving it a coat of paint. ight any n ery | given and work warrante ” lis held should be enough to draw The Rev. C. Sydney-Good- eS man, 8.A. C, Rector in charge of West Mono, Orangeville, Ont., says of Professor 3 Chambertaia nice during bis visits to tl brought ‘comfort and relief to many. rer from any weakne are Abi usobes be vision sonia srithont fail go and see him, has made the eye his EYE SPECIALIST. lent, Ms courtesy un- LOCAL NEWS. of sdioeements Newspapers. jorrespondencs There is a Jack the Hugger in town, Who is he? Brantford officials have adopted the. system of killing tagless dogs by elec ricity. r. Thos. appearance of his Tou 200 left Milverton station on Friday last to celebrate at London the 205th anniversary vf the Battle of the Boyne, The Rev. Mr. Wright, the new pas- tor of the Anglican church, preached his tangata sermon on Sunday even- ing las ine Usher & Sons’ Queenstown Cement is kept constantly on hand at Wm. Peters’ store, Brunner station. This cement is warranted as good as Portland cement for concrete walls, silos, bank barns’ and floors all kinds, hog troughs, etc, at little jore than one-third the cost of Port- land cement. Per: sat i was post: ere diatpointee) soped that there willbe no ‘interfer- ence with the proceedings this time. A good programme has been provided. The cause in which the poe rou favanee: HOTELS all citizens that regard the ment of the community. John Gropp, rietor. ors and cigars at the b ee Mpsboniat a alee ys Een HOTEL, Bramer, Ontario, TO] Best aque Binclas Norerove tur Doc’s.—Dr. Catter- mole, who has always been a lover good horses, and several may always lactis GH HOTEL ion climax by purchasing that fashionable ass 0d for, com: Mercial travelers and others. ‘vo large bred horse, Nutgrove, who for ‘sample rooms. Best brands Sea gare 6 OH ok Ulaie pal. Mill Sts. C. Hasenptlug, Proprietor. be found in his stables, has capped the OREN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. best accommodation ens tfavelers and others, ‘Two Only the choicostiot | wi ine ‘The ial | bound to improve the stock of the com- mple ns Liquors munity. New Macurves. — Mes Pfeffer a fae estat gunn Tetgh tie Pontertictney millon Wave Proprietor. ain been making changes in their already well-regulated establishment. A inriet maar cab sia 1p This time they have placed in a new . Good stabling, ete. ‘The patronage | Separator and two scourers, which will ofthe people of thi vita ity solicited, vastly aid in the manipulation of the BUSINESS CARDS grain. The mill during the last few iar a for the ar “es Waterloo, a ality of worl ne, until now the ‘ils tee iletind Hedin thi "a Avani uit Kdaddvinicnsdes in th Devi | Dll stands unrivalled in this section of | sion Court. Village Clerk. Main street, ntario, Milverton. Beware. those in ple ORLAND’S LIVERY STABLES, Mil |snd other rountieg who Monee = Pe rigs for utting insurance iis on al mes, mmercial driving a | your eyed: we woul not give speciality Bus mest all trains them ily tonnued! Bian: faced Digriam™’s Dipnraerra zetains its’ wonderfa Had this ren rofessor in Germany orld-wid enrative ‘voming, a ie te your ‘Dipthesie Bet ibe my family for two years an penis dp sagaluiable? pure tesly Wis.; Jan. Croce medy been discov- or France Following religions-assuining wretches who would do you ou h—or you will be sorry for it when you find that your policy difters vastly in its pro visions from the interpretation given you while an apparently friendlv hand was reclining on your shoulder, If want a risk there are will avd you much bette 1 cha C bourn oar butchers paves made a. re- duction of two cents pr a ago Profesoot Chamberlain | \ rhiah gover and cgotinge | FD lenis pork and all kinds of | s > ks very ccusthatien ” Personally, 1] Sg you want a choice roast ad OW that his skill was te great i demant not. a to call upon them, as they. Northwest, snd always please. been placed in the library a new book, entitled “Rescued in Time,” written by n to| print during i tio. ;| effectually exploded. The public con- for all Toronto Weekly ee Daily . Harrison has added to the | inte" new residence by | instruction | fr, Batts done our duty in wag you; a cap Meat-—-Miller. & Kelter- the prios of thelr bestiPBtch’ sill’ enable verybody to eat fresh meat. They have alwayson hand a supply of fr ¢ bg “Rescuep iv Trme.”—There has r. C. Wilson, of Galt, a commercial fea yalen who has for the last 17 years as wel sumes food, wears out clothes, shoes and hats, and purchases furniture and all the necessaries of life in summer as well as in winter. Indeed, the number of people who are shrewd enough to see that it is often profitable to wait for summer bargains is constantly in- thant who attracts nd y.— N.Y. Moi 2K ScHoot. ning Advert SA Sana abusing jompson, the teacher at. Mallbucistecate names spoken of in the highest. terms. ‘ing is certain and that is a instead of trying to disparage. With best of teachers difficulties. will arise with | The ees 5 the ‘iho is seldom j just. mis apparently able to de- cae himself i ina somewhat vigorous 2 Buossoms.—The shage has the following happy deserption of Hamilto n seat eas ian Nehicer Bosh tote Ne and pure and high, woman's eye.” —Long week was in perfect harmony with the petty Keene enacted on Mr. Wm. Johnston’s lawn, when his daughter Nellie and Mr, J. G. Hamilton of Mil- verton were united in a life's partner- ne rated in wl hite wh blue iytnne! and wearing a lovely f florets in her hair rand eying a handsome natural bouquet, while her were tinted with ¢ blush which defied the painter's art, was her own trueself. Mr. Hamilton’s little niece Hattie, avcream robe—a dainty little picture ed the wedding-march. Tokens of respect in the fort of a hanging lamp, cintive and useful, our slant TD ailing in ability to deseri The tea served was most pai aid ap etizing, the table’s most interesting feature being ‘¢mmense white 2 5 2: Mrs tin, gravity wit, plac bats Blais) ailing mirth sweetness. veryone bi ad a very en pete time, thanks to the host and hostess; feels that Mr. nce is kindness and ee com: ined. We sincerely wish tl to make life glad to see their pleasant faces around our village whenever they can u al former resident of Milverton, spent'a day or two in town os a of this pl wood, spent Sunday in t = Mr. and Mrs. Brethauer, of Wrox- eter, were the guests of H. M. Schaefer iday. 1 day, 14th inst., the ea oft Geo. Mewill Pou signing hal “Bnvepayer” has been | ins . , | the wite of Adam Zeloff, of twins (boys). nee ARE fas class teacher and his ee bears] g, evidence of the fact. Millbank has a oot th “ie 5 haha Pim acted fa teacher that they should be proud of |jacy, the Rev. M "Oa Cart! sbpyeapondenl nt to the Listowel Standard | j the st ark Ee comes. from fi r Nature's sunset hin i acadiy cf last] i in| k ‘amilton i is ‘taking away from us a jolly, genial friend, whose fee e young le length of Behe and all good suc- visit, & mals. stp: Waltees Pasandee of tuples week, Miss Knowles ford, ai d niece, of Bri are at aay visiting Mr. Fred | Mr. and Mrs. Siiceunls of At town. Be Cah i visiting friends in inivor ey and Mrs. Henry Rose left Saturday eat bh Rit a week by the lake at Bay: Mrs (De : ue bert and family left on Wednesday doce manned iets Dunnvi ae Edgio Torrance is visiting his cousins in Gowanstown, Masters Herb Kastner and Milton Hoffman, of Sebringville, are visiting their friend, Norman Honderich. © ae BO) McW: ES ton, on Su iams, of a daughter. of Wm. Pollock (Station Zuwore—At Rostock, on the 16th inst., A Divine Humimg. To the he ed apparently by such noe ions. It is entirely due to the fact ligion is so noble and powerful a seater ation, so buoyant a insubmergible, that it le by fanatics to carry with it any eee of error'and of perilous absurd- D. Hay arrange for a little excursion heavenwards ists? But for some good and ath reasom no doubt, the trip, like our own remedial législation bill, was ane rlamm. Verily, suffers its own oe (cated than from the en- ‘ies of the soul An unceasing: aie it opinion has gone on throughout the a snaiee wee banners of Reli; and Se that particular division of ake own as chemistry and its applica- tion to the aah af suffering and | o to the healing of ever eras by the coheed strie teachin; ysiol effects on the ee of medicine and ur d, rigid logic of science and the fanaticism and folly ‘of th “faith healers” bility of coalescing. For an established verity, wire the latter ‘¢ even form a symbolic con- Seno of. Nothing bering is intended emi in any way upon those who their money on Chicago’s diene hling humbug and lost. What they didtw . i AN INSURANCE CRIME The Disapperance ae the Pietzel pasa basis for days in Toronto without y $ suece: Ch i e ee curist humbug, defended. by | *eree Mr. e ts ) who have used them own actions and enable Children Explained. i NINE MON DI SEA\ ETECTIVES REWARDED. he Girls’ Remains Discovered Buried im .@ Cellar In Toronto—Story of a ‘errible Crime. Rinsinbatvects “Ue et His.) ee ed by Detective Cuddy, ae the two igre that on Oct, 18, the. ae on nite right trac! he the cellar red CAR In. Mornington, on the 15th vas ife thonght tat Holmes decoyed them trunk un me pretext, ba took aon the house, then food insert ana of a tube through Tay pia ith a hole in it, ty covered oe with a poe tacked down, been f th nite ay) No trace boy, Howard, has been fod, but ea i SRS tabe Paro hy ‘Phe house has been taken the police, and an ingest wi h be rin morrow night at o’cloct The» rer were taken panes Sot by Boa Hump) the undertal Holniss abd Bénjamin‘F. Pretzel ime became. Phitatoiphiie a and Pietzel_w. $10,000. may be {he had who, up to the time of Holmes other, w it mi rest, did not ene dts death of her ho ated, came to Toronto on Oct. 18, 180 and registered under the name Howell Mrs. ho came here as be thi gh means of hypo form. as Hurst, of Waterloo, h ga00 sien from him, ape igh Windsor was detained at the aiken cane on account of there being : missivn to compat at to “secure ‘ion, ane defrai area ie 80 miles was with a mill, a ce 13, 1808 ICE. I have snc hae lives of two erie aes ie ee ti ere n the things which ten cessful happy a at peblecnae will be!