Milverton Sun, 18 Jul 1895, p. 2

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as, : Se eo sores axo couxexts, (THE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL Sagan eaiei he catote |WHAT ONCLE aM 18 AY, (euea Hits,» Che, wots ° ion 1 fice and eyes, “The life you adyo-} ‘Which means,” rathfully, “that 1| MIST A DEF] ANT BE AUTY Sate Is tame, wearisome, manatondus {sm telling an userath Ao Rai 1 ‘Thorp ie too much ante portirt in it-| ‘It means this, only,” fiercely, “that| 4 Sad Complication Resultt mg. from the mb , in fact, nothin ft. But|I don’t believe I was ever rude to you Hee Forest Fires All employes of tie tiea. by an order (ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT THE ea then a primee'y. fodge at. the oe rail a 2 Bead lorbldden, der 4 : nee a eee os iby aur gah 2 |THE VERY LATEST + FROM ALL OVER | just i ed, rin ang Paoeng i Ape eres BUSY YANKEE. country seat in Poland, Every part of the Hi ay CHAPTER IV. ‘They literally burned in his head. No, Jone conquers Fate my one Sariie ot Ug i Shae Mad aka Lt TeAEHL AER HRD AS ~A aco pnts eh ise Bee AE Gad aavane THE WORLD. while on duty, and when off duty if wearing a il piattelid Tees Paar eer ea ag | “{ cannot tove nim. {he has beliefs that date from the Dark Pen ea DES st Now gehatig Hiaki eonten” ase |" jan., telling of the foreign consuls at Je a d ne 2 oe ne or railroad badge. Netghborty Interest ine Doiner—Mtat- | helioved to be the fist Peace whan i ‘Yet T suppose him virtuous, know him] Ages, Women should be kept in their | Oh speak to you.|she, with a little ear laugh, “The | Teuniting of Mr. and Mra, James Trevlin, been punished for it. je story is ar: 2 ‘he City Gouncil of Rockfort has reduced rs of Moment Mirth Gathered,| western ideas of architecture and comfort noble. roper place. A man’s wife is his chat. |T! at g short and gazing fixedly [essence of politeness, TI suppose”—— | formerly of Iron River, Wia., furnishes the A party of consular officers were attacke Great Britain, the aa segs States, a ba Pa i yn the pe Pe ee Seems tey eeare have been adopted by any foreigner of crossing the hall with a view toytel, and) should never, never permit jat her Seimei lay bare to you} “I say, you two!” calls Mr. Sylyes-| concluding chapter of an odd story, which while riding outside the town, presumably| 411 Parts of the Globe, Condensed And ham sald ep anes ae alaws the America 8 use 90,000, 000 pounds of tea aa tastes. — her own room, without con-|herself to (eae ere her the comph- ‘rt—1"—| ter, from the further end of the cdurt,! began last fall, just before the Hinckley by Bedonins the Hi eas Se being| Assorted for Ras bivede pe ine salt page ier voncipale {2 7e8 A jury comps ead of the: vest aoc ue ou BEA pesca staying in the house,| ments of the ci a any, girls, where are oes Nell, |‘“stop your spooning and come along; | forest fire, in which so. mi plat taas ae n Wendl me ise ade princip: There were 18 885 business failures in | town of Perry, Beasjust xeidacedis she fihds frustrated by 7 make is ‘out terribly illiber- on earth are | Will 2 ‘e won't be able to see ee lsat ot Shee They O.P.R. 1 ki, wee the St He i mug oie ob dso ksoemee Sweet, clear voice. al, he"— you doing in here, wasting all the af-|the’net presently.” their lives. He dunt ae #4 Ais ieyislee 088 cs St. Louis bevey nie a tor of Valentine Wolf, | 924 disorderly hee and the verdict “What is it, Nell? What a hurry] ‘you have found the very word 1|te) ? Dicky Sylvester, burst.| This mistaken speech is as successful] Until last September Mr. and Mrs. red the arrest gt trial of Bush fires are ae a aL Dit Gane test the valty of the atbdag fati yee oa lee ae oes Meta i aa satoliow: ‘hud the: détendant’ you are in; and how angry you look!/nave been seeking. He is illiberal. ii oment, a|28 if it had really struck the bull’s-| James Trevelin, were residents of Iron Ee at| Island. closing law. ines & erin spider hited. died from the effects of @ | oy guilty as cl vee hae we find the judge Come in here oun cat me all about it” |Why should he be angry because God | for ecking Miss Fairfax’s at-|¢¥e. Both Nell and Dalrymple, after i ‘ ere were heavy ‘declines in the Anglo- | to their busines ell as incon- | Spider bite in the ear. ‘tad her: aldkaatie dier anb at 8 at- i} iver with their thre children, the yeung: Inst reports they had not been identified, y of this coart guilty of ‘the offence charged i her arm rawing her into|has given me talent, Sree ae : here’s Dalry. {22 inward struggle, burst out laughing EN RE Wet Canadian trade in June. ven: ea veal the pul Bile Their counsel are “The telegraph lines of the world sagre- sasinst jedan, sad, ‘ MActRS. toute asmall rae see room, ‘The same old can admire it, if he cann mple giving way to bad language be-|204 turned mechanical tty toward the by. Just betore the big for fi . The Globe hotel, ‘Winnipeg, was des: | Confident of winning their case. gate 1,069,123 miles. America has mol tis cane d against him.” Since story, I suppose. Lord Carbyne warts! «perhaps he is Meg ay, the other ‘on't play a single with hia, 1|Place appointed them; and presently my Mrs. Trevlin started shes ne baby gate there, are not likely to be, the order | troved by fire on Saturday. ‘Ate: Burman, of Cadillac, Mich., while |than half—548,$32 miles. ity erdict ee pas re judge has you to marry Noel, and you’ men.” kn that ‘Qo | th me is in full st to visit friends at ileal mie rere does not count for much. Somebody will,| Mr. Warden King, 1 Brana business visiting ‘Sweden, his native country,reached | Members of the Chicago Board of Edu- | been ‘trrested for intoxication, UDonit! says Miss Fairfax sharply.| “rell him that,” says Miss eRe yas you as you love me to come “ah!” says Dalrymple, presently, al-/iving some peo| dt ye ia of course, be executed for the crime, |man of Mostrea Lp head enrolment in the sep sos fang stom ‘pot 0 fost 18 sahahere Eiiling tall iva fines seer pa anbiaerancae cavere She moves impatiently from her friend's with a maitlous little grin, out, and let's have a double. most unconsciously, as Nell misses a| London, where en SL ice ace catty pavelentde Wonsaud bt of Trish Home | iting to present a passport, was drafted. |and from school on bicycles. eur Starruca, Pa,,a little village upon the grasp and throws herself into a low cw pleased he'll be. A man who| “It is so warm,” says his si rather easy ball... There is no reproach | Hinckley was wiped out notbiaig was heard aos ona apne ney! tor’ Tis Balshae beck atacted fn, Mantrest reg dom caylee hae ad xa been proved, in Boston, that ate Cardondale line of the New York, Lake chair, “It has been the worst 2n-|prias himself on his strength of me haan sister, |i nis tone, nothing ‘but regret for) her |{fom the lady, and Mr. Trevlin took his satisfaction be given by y yeara, has brought about his release, nyep diphtheria from house to house, ee and Western raiiway, has been re- counter yet,” she says, with a que2r)to be the prey of vul motion such| Amory is in Lond salted’ s tee pheliMaken Coneed Et axe] ENOL Sn nn ore ceea ena. Went thers, outrage, for unless it is done, the Britis 4 Ac We Laweses ree ard Ee cattle |” Reports from the commercial agencies of gunvey ah b esd Be ig y ete bk Wie io guished cs alles Aas prey gar el ecpinien Rae ETON eg and is not cept in its worst sense. Hoping “ wee itp trace of her. 1n the rom Ontario has reached Winnipeg. Mee xe » {search that followed the bodies of th rise rench meats He seainn tt ee aa, dasaaeperast aie: Ea paeae ride cielgenige aap tl bh Sie aphesa colts se tin! Coates 8s I marry Noel; so—disinherited 1} “still, he might be, pel.” with a| “know it, But what will dik Dale: ae oie ra eR eg le Mrs Tepviin fied pone 9 visit wore loubtless inflict, the needed chastisemen| Kees, with a populatio 20,699 5 Chick- . suspicion of embarrassmen’ ‘An-|ymple’s temper is warm, too. d, ‘and changes in the fi: eles ret sclations, been fai id. Pric lly continue Cle Awe a ‘5 3 He | «« found, r them were the bodies of a thoviselves, j{Thinrwea tha Course. purmuedi|’ eet c wtewcee’ Fed aie strong, baer BB a op rg Net 4,307 3 Creeks, ‘Oh, no,” says Mary Sylvester, quick- swer me one thing, will Toa? And|etows ferocious. will ‘yout abandon |S aay, Tate playing with you. woman and a child, which Mr, Trevlin in 1858 when Christians were massacred ee comigrated hg Wrinnipes. nor liness, Tron andateslare higher, a ig a tall, distinguished looking don’t be angry with the question. Lord |me to hi reies? Nell, my tL identified as the bodies of his loved ones, there, including es e consul and| ” exhibited himself 0 two and print cloths and cotton are firm ‘a philanthropist of Boston, Bi erent foprrene ene with Dartford ? You do not care for him 2” |best beloved,” tucking his hand through The bodies had lain in the hot sun for two Ha eekok ie ete ine foie ig yi ee eee tia Boek Woolens are also firm, but dry goods are 5,000 wheres of land in South pantie features and an expressi d| “How many times am I to tell you/her slender arm, to the rescue.” days, and it was necessary to bey them ie Hineneh conte ip prommptly:| fabeniien aces Fiamtlsen er quiet. Clearing house exchanges for the which e intends ‘to. build 500 ut earnest, She might not trouble that I care for nothing but my violin?”| ‘Come on, Mary,” says she, in a re- on ti me in the case of shelling the ee unless punishment | ‘The first earlond of chcene ever exported | agr fortnight nave been 85 per cent. in cottages tor ree stiee: 4 caeetly formed translucent stalactites bereelt to be an enone but ehe ould ‘tp Wiiss Bplveater’s anzicua cote, howe |Clehedstens, and Mi tratMiudmane sit. te several hundred othe fnapeaaily be i m Winnipeg was shipped to Montresl. | advance of the returas for the correspond- | Wiliam A. Stanley, ° Attleboro’, has inp stalagmites, and ee jorations probably certainly rouse herself to be a friend. ever, in spite of the carelessness of |tle stateful to him for the sudden entry |" « You're tired I think,” oe Dalits ‘hee with his two children to Iron the same thing will be done, if for nothing the latest crop reports give assurazce of | ing period of last year. Leather and hides | used up 146 skeins of sill embroidering 8 will ensue to confirm the possibility of the 4 is a thorough woman of the the reply, there seems to be a touch of Hae ee Jee oe secret still her own. ple, too canienisentély iby sane io awit tnanre; viel ately ial epreti soaniatnarvntalloresie fe North-West, |are firm. ‘Labour troubles” are becoming | table spread with much skill. 80 | cavern being another Mammoth Cave. ea TE casual 'consciousness in the short laught that ow icky’s mind is|”«'No, Pm not. I'm going to play cyt ag household go f la prob-|,. Wentworth County eee is taking |@2 important factor in the trade situation, | years old and can’t do heavy work. Gi PS Ge Salat ebserver. She looks troubled now as ppropceanieh 16 ae for BA is left save to lay|this out, if only to be revenged on bahia ede representatives elsewhere. It would prob-| aya wtepe to. sepal ouncfiamilton in {and wages show in many linesa steady |” ye Anti-Ci nrete, Lege “ct New| | SURGERY BY A BLIND MAN. she watches the petulant anger on the| “t am glad of that,” she says stead- ’s arms,” a4 tp. e spabeeiea sie toes in the mining ps Bi gue, you,” says she, with such an absurd} business. After ly be done in any event were it quite re to the administa tice, | Advance, In the South trade is quiet, but| York city, now 40,000 public saeigks nets letoncomp anion tentials, waAnIneNay SY mobile face as ph I contd aay, atiya may: ody Series Cais ene) yanweanee iehbedtot(ée. business. Atte vite aaalinic one i certain that the murders were the first steps ident Sir’ Charles Rivers Wilson ig Tra een is shave the ama and 80 | school boys, an tea bas open tatablitned in all Dellente and Da Paes wal ecesee Pever corge to that: he speaks. ‘He would be the last—|8avs Mary, with a stifled ya1 FE ee Oia. voiurttarily, smiles! | Mise Anal nd little one he marci in a fresh outbreak of Moslem religious will’ raps iW (Montes! aban Ang st 17] ore on eye to ae abt @ Prices | the 95 grammar schools of the city. bi aarti ge pl ete ‘ nae oh, yes, say I. Grandpapa is the very last nusband one who loved never felt so tired ‘The heat ‘s ter-and adds another sin to his already | neighbor, who fanaticism, aa they may well be, the em. |t© investigate the Gr ies 1) he Jacob Seeling, who was appointed re- f best pa marsiage, and, me, | you would choose for ¥ rible, 0 be asked to play tennis | over-full list. i H ‘which the Sultan hes formany years|_ Atehbishop atu has died Wah GENERAL. cently captain of the life saving forcas at WhenDr. fa R, Cocke of Boston, was ie 3 he other way. He| “Not even the one who loves me|in it, is—well! if T die, Dicky, put a] “Good gracious! Can't you spare ai i bow 2y he to the clergy of Kingston Diocese asking | Severe earthquage shocks have been Hell Gate, bas a record of having rescued | two months old both of his eyes were ruined Peete and neither shail T shall choose a husband for me,” says | decent stone over me. It will be your even five minutes out of the whole | m hah lov placed on bis religious ae ca React bo aid for the Irish Parliamentry party experienced | ia the Caspian and Ural ee human beings from a watery | by a blundering doctor, who administered Bass em eae cs ction Miss Fairfax. “A gown, a ribbon. bial 3 hay Md Sen the means of plac-|day ?” calls out Sylvester, indignant- Berio oft hele "heaeymonn there was not a hi tended to stimulate the anti-Chris- . ean object to Injeven my Bonner, if will, but not |ing me under it." ‘ : 7 a sesteg si Mos slems, ‘ pachicene ha ca ese rsteblsed Mail at Frankfort- \¢ foreman of the work on a tunnel near Stich He op i. #e ape a eh Mane ie oy partner Mor life, hail reserve| “‘Naught was never danger rea et a Gate y A few da da} wage "the people of Iron River ——— run over by ap Lidcws Nee ie Winnipeg on | on-the- Mai 4 the only English newspaper Boulet, Ind., has forbidden the use of in- ris iad ate z hea 4 me bie: @ money! Mone; rag a pS I|the choosing of that Bp BblesatS, and|quotes Mr. Sylvester Gatanty siving oY the stairs. nything more bare-| Were startled b; e appearance of the Soigeda ‘and died a few hours after of his ae ‘or the telling of scurrillous stories and he is consulted in difficult cases by the eing so perpetually reminded of Indeed Improbable, person for myself,” |her a gentle push toward the doo faced than your behavior I never knew | % 1 Mrs, Trevlingin the flesh and look- 5 It appears, however, that the assault was | “oUt AY A ‘German. by n while engaged in their danger~ ues eminent of the regular physicians of it, that now at last T feel it would be Mabie cehaoee pained eae pena. " ee ee i fing (ai mainly due to the irritation of the Bedouins| ,, City Kngineer of Toronto has re: | in ike haart Peay iy mince a Sadie ‘ous work, Boston, He has performed the present 9h Oba without i. 2 Rriac: ae gravely. CHAPTER V. “Go on!” says Nell, giving Dalrym- yee She at on: tt the sanitary. improvements which the| ommended improvements in| the water ing int Elbe fdas dap | ‘The Kaights of Pythian, of Ellwood, LiL, | week two very delionte and difficult -surgi- brad Sele ra es “ He youbiinks Nps fe Kiet ot Dar “The time I’ve lost in wooing, ple @ furious litle push, whereupon 1s isbn od nil Mir ale Sa EE te ste nae sf I 5 “a 0 him? lon’t. t least Lor aur ‘A it vt ee ween akan Cust Se ad ©x- | Ship-owners are Racine of the high lars aan store Gove) Lael gh:Fehe aal opera utmieng in bot esate Dat ANE “Certainly, Quite young! Only thitty:*|ford has a ont for ms oie CE Acai a bagny hs commer of the ball into the Ver¥ | removed toFort Francis. In cae in the cate of vessels passing | Georee passed by the resent session of the| redoing well. He locates a disease by so funat’s the good of that touch! When he accompanies me I fee! ‘| n woman's al ‘Lara ee ition Smith, De paty Minentelt ee the Kaiser fs ana, ral at reme lodge. his sen as touch, and he tells the colors tory an ‘a eer ang store sant as though there cis Ste left to Has been my heart's eects joing.” “There: n i pal Sone ath ee Raa lea‘| A. W. Cockerton, sb onfidential clerk | of goods in the same way,singular as it ma; z you what, Mary, he is,|be desired.” itside the I ever di Marine, ‘with him from Englai id ba Satie asbebg clerk | of g > y an a a Outside the world is in a blaze of|{ &Y® aaa Be aaa Gee aay tor Spe dengue iy ee _piyaicians recaized of Major Ba. arke,, the defaulting | appear, A Indy who had eight or ten ape tes en, SIPS Bh i au ‘aor s Nell a, Brent dea alt” ja, [Slory although now the sun is pre- ae Agana emper you're 1m | there had gone to her old hom ca blishment ofaweventeen-kudt fivtey 5 reasurer Sudan wi ®| samples of dress goods, eachabout three ; ‘0 such a@ prosaic | ing aS YOU,|paring to abdicate his throne. Thi ‘ter which the second ball drops this! where she had visite: rate gas r parents " steamship service. ee rere Myst he eal | ta NL Gt aise Teturned to New sa RA cd PL Gh tg eal Soa eee teieuehe aul BAL ne VDE Gide iar poraaealla aeliiigeee en ve clits NADP i and the ‘score 1s t°|hereld friends, She had done this she asi ‘The Elder-D L M "4 M. Stanley #9; world’s | Orleans and given himself up. Mishen ener leaded ahd a tele at has he been scolding you about|But to a foolish courte like me. | mur coming from land 0 enemy. ‘nd so on throughout. |to spite her husband, w A Fahd ad era the oer gress sed Se ee ne Mis Sara estibet his wor bsciin the shades of colors, handed them to Dr. Cocke paste Bae MLE SeTTETEES HI a LATREIIReD Velh cpa saothime rine obber [Aub ICLtERY "0 hie very meade fo tne Dalrymple, feeling thoroughly put out going GH avllity aad an'eGe Bad plesty “ 0 a . A shipment of Canadian butter for oe. joann well, Mi 52, years | the other day,and he at once told accurately ah ant TERK ae thats nasrt: cio tbe mauAbhadl lant Waatie’ to lnabaieandr aaron atte [DEANS erat iO aicnn eavog cee Ay eyten | MNa ey einer aM S/R Eaies ei oat ae i 4 in the Straits of Belle fae asta i(usencaltther ash ot a peosetly fist a alba wished tor her | the color, and even the shade of color, of mn Never mind. When ts he not lecturing} that ‘Reverie.’ I could have pried." deqieiie, | Aa pllaneandeet ras the ian. | Disney, oto tes euseen win atte emne. Teft she thought she might as well kee) erection of hospitals and The pelos eae safe. iis Heiter dane final See taken een Hite ering freely of her small earn: exch and selected the samples of best ee Abia fiero Bara te “You didn’t, however,” says Mary|Mother can be. Yet if you lend your|_ ere too much 2 poe on ei right on going. in had not writ- i 4 i erfections, peed : i employment of an ample force of men in i. .B Lamothe, of Alton, Ill, bas pene Mia Cait seada oldmaiwinithigarhele| Ge oe Beene uality. When handed several national Teiitoasiut Vet necae ene. Fy pubhotoe coldly, with a view to reduc- lear, and give your whole mind to it,| "0%. fy treat Seria} RCA t was en work, Itisin Jeddah and | com procs e te ri ix | from els Pro! erene Agee as tramp on record | tank ad Government currency bills, he at hapdaorien , ing her once more to a proper frame of}and conquer the first thought that lay L, on tell e vey saad acres af land in Ontario, which| . ‘The steam cutter of the British egaiaeciie. ® who toddled from| once told the denomination of each, and “Can’t 1? Positivel: -|mind, Tt is unfortunate perhaps that |noise at last is dead, then you will * Never saw you do worse. And only ‘Mecca that these improvements are most med will revert to him in 1897 on | Speedy foundered while on ite way from | Astotio,, Ores, to Woodside tho other day. | the 2olor, whether green or black, He tells ieee sitively ugly, 1 call him." fer friend should so thoroughly under-|hear the chirp of the grasshopper, low as for Nolly, she Begone norselt | remained at Ion River for a day,ond then needed, if the march of the cholera is to be xpiry of a ninety-nine years’ lease. | Southamp: n to Spithead. Pde persons She had walked for five day aye P picking up| the complexion of a person by touching Rye A sake dete rminedly blind,” says stand her. Miss Fairfax looks amus-|buried in the turf beneath y« st .¢ lawn ?| went onto Fort Francis to look tor her effectually arrested ; and lah is the ‘of London is located on part of | were Y bene Hi) on the way and sleeping in the} theskin. It isdifficult to believe that » end,/.a. Uttle impatiently, “Yoa led. Her. pretty brows go up, the com: the rustle of small leaves; the sighing ee A letter received by Capt. J, B. port of the Holy City, and its population t fires ‘burned over 80 miles. of ind man could do pe ‘but he is seen to nea halt me immensely gan looking |ers of her lips come down, a malicious |of faint bi 3 that but yesterday couraging shout to the Aneta footman. ae ers, & or of the family, contains iy GREAT BRITAIN. i ‘aH timb Newioundland, “and Mr, afurphy's temperance work at Lewis do it, and accurately, t ran hi men one m winkle brightens her dar! es. 1 ha been playing tennis, dh aepet is ee ell is largely made up of fanatical Moslems Ne i sa a imber in Newfoundland, 254/405" Me, has coutinued with marked Be oe meee aivoagy Badata, Bille t bear that look i nis eves] “avo, and it speaks Badly for me, have)you 2” On reaching Fort Prancis she found her who live by plundering the pilgrims, they| Gen. Lord ha wakes soi ieee ll a we dings. The | success, More than three thousand persons | Indians the other day, and designated their ie smhoselan yer aotater ure|Mary. You know those lines of Upon this Tompkins does condéscend | husband living with his new wife and the naturally Hi lest the new sanitary meas- | ition o} nae --in-chief of eh Lhe extinguishe ¥ signed the pledge, it is nie that no- | char heir voices, spoken in the he oud like to Het en eeneanee Shakespeare's : a to hurry, and arrives breathless on th ill interf biaiaete (piteliozea| Stuiiy snoring to the: Mancheater, foe “bmperer Oli, Sia Abe had ® good | where in the count ‘urphy | Indian inlet, He hes theée diplomas from to his. w: Rea st not he li a scene vith, rather overloaded tray ures will interfere wit yl ete inn, weder ean hen ng Orear and nie accomplished so ree time, | colle f this and foreign countries, and i cathey Hee Teen & mae iS au: eland a and profits, The destruction of the ne ‘he Queen. is taking a keen interest in vein to ikea ne wins i entificates of commendation from ie ‘ “Do you?” with a shrug. “It seems |Nor i bot mova ts cin dotonedl of eareet fe eo pour out, Die’ m quite done sanitary barracks erected by the Tackish the plectionts and will be supplied with all ean rte Salas he a ama |t7ORS ty Pret aaah Gunact one toe cote ee eae eaporel ‘ oulike everything about him. up,” says Nell, sinking upon a soft rus Dciiaicak foe he aso ot’ “pilgtinn| coe nentiie/ Bs Rapecial | wiks. Fanning Yb) Aine HS Ser ty ut Sale two tourteon-year-o fone of Andes ore ‘ te one “ spread orientalwise upon the grass, and aids to cholera hospital she rai ndon. let vonmee Jon tae oe of Sambrew, |e of Warren, Me an exception. a emaey ‘under the famous Weir rr freason, stratagems and making a place for Mary. to sit beside sgh According to London”. Vanity Fair, the | ola ‘wo rons are ren- | One weighs 130 poun inde and the other 8 “Now, shows at once their ignorance and | Queen has expr trong "co ‘a. | dered homeless cs ne ie nagratin Ou inn foot taller shan. his twin, andoue| _ Sefor® DE Cocke tide aly veara sien Re curly ae oa ay a round and Daas eae Fa te ne warn ight complexioned, while the other is was empl loved: Dy sere” seit are d aa a ue manipulates the teapot with ‘much is 0 grace, while Dalrymple hands roun’) while Miss Varley left as soon as possible ot the raw tobacco for them. He never canit wal you? Wh; ” Fac ata, Sol coment |tere a a ee Tarrant he tiny hot cakes. for some place unknown to her friend: nown to her friends, fae the so: sed ee Iti rupee! eared that Ji path will ie li inde rl eeges such devices being | tory opinion re rded ° rej over for European Wana, erpecially a6 to the style of her | us rmnity | i , ; 3d in getting the best quality and the i te ah Ghee ts for the purpose] Wilberforce University, the oldest i f Mig Sylvester laughs, is isu ie le ie treet ce io ics Gudaulnsae ordued Piisu Weauslont a iraaslls t pee seh aenara! Men ig a acy fe the eduoation |Most desirable color—all by we Be Lae Bete ee are tar t rom him. Happy Dartford)’ eo : | there. (|S Now. tor you, Dalrymple!” says Tehas at no time seemed probable that the | pe made to Frogmore lodge, which willl” 1; ig estimated that while the annual af negroes, » few days ago, conferred the Heong a sat Had re eat ner ose etien Desa? asping her hands in fervent admira-|_ MP. Sylvester, tna resplendant sult| picky, presently. ‘Tea, olaret-cup, FRENCH LOSSES IN WAR proper eg of the Hedjaz could be|become the residence of Prince and| revenues of all ‘the countries of Europe are | degree of LL.D. upon President ls a anne [abt a abe a eis eer er “Somebody else has," cried Nelly. ne jaf Monte tine ll yrare ite atm haute ht ada, cael hep he| brandy and soda? ‘Tea of course. i lished without bloodaned, but it Princess Henry of Battenberg ia the es ; lhe President * 1 know, Mary, I'm afraid Noel |5pout ne ; i ie eae He Al oker dent if 23 eee Eh eee eoe het Be ee UL oun en Wibeiseen Teg teil eho, where he wes Aster ber nea es? and jis never movea with concord of sweet | .\ i've svt ‘em. T'ye brought ‘em-) w AGA Sa prtiea pian a: iliion Men Satd to Have Perishéa hos nimobea ot Hi A aleve (ene Noor | ae cnucnrat Memegived maveatly at sat Goalinina {pte hover? ate ‘being a college | tothe fore” all through the class. H No! Not Charlie Lyons?” "the. motions of his spirit are dull Dae Aitense eave (Cblaney Dai tiNe vate tine ‘hing My aa PARE DPR H s spirit ar as | an va ite p {gr pecial studies 1u five other idnelbus a e dul ae Berean Gama int eae cee at Syiverten, who| Dr. analy of the French Academy of ek, lage of Olanesci, in Roumania, e the faithful for the J Giaour, ‘Ap itapparentiy | Duke of Genoa and other Italian. ‘oficore | syqete pene perabed.” Otnet villages | | io th “Sir John Amory, then?” : A ri ne eae y, then? And: his ‘tectons dark as Erebus, br tiad heehee of surprise, from let of that modern Hippocrene. a no such man) be trusted.” ; mn the grass. i ® Well, Tam glad; that is if you must] “Mark that, His etetieie: dark as |i f2et: more than commonly surprised Asediag tal ota bc aN eie ii 5 & e 3 3 3 n tions, a part all that thie remarkable man hi _Jonanin Miller pas reat deal of which ora plished i in thehiphes classicsand profeasionsl 8} Here pa ue canon mee ne Fer cannot be done, and as the cholera has | Were pre: esented eee ree intain prevails throughout Italy, ta ay es ready appeared at Mecca, and with the| 0" Saturday 1 death: ‘ aground, #0 to apesk colleges, required a large ani 0 silly as to marry,” Nell, : hs a at i PS emacdy ot gulch thronging the holy| The general elections in Great Britain bai several deat eanoe ery ar omen men he spends 8 ak there ate ip nat oe Drain, porseverenoe an nd self- y," says Nell,|Erebus. And again, ‘let no such man a ae eee ten, in the peti it stignety: maw fh, | of the end of the eighteenth century and of : "7 practioally commenced on Friday, with night he lies down on a couch| reliance to an unusual deg you Ww : 5 th places during the present month is certain | The er BE THires a unepeaea, canals registered 111 degrees in ae pet Of bay tree branches, with nothing but a| "The two women psn hat he operated Ra eee Be ey era aa EY angrily, “You should nor In truth they had played a very ie Dicky, dear, give me another cup,” to spread, the only course remaining to the | dates, eee thirty Gonmervatives thre ‘ eee fgardiei ergot por patia! | blanket fonmicoyerite, : tapon last week are bot! doing well. rierutly: one” nog eere Bint ie at eae fe A meats ‘oud the Porte hesitate in ite | Liberals,and three Parnellites, Capt. Francis Martin, of Detroit, who] one case a large tu ; the ‘She-has ac.| Miss Fairfax Frais oak aunlne ropahoaits Sa Het tallticoa HOE t been started in 4 ve aperane a On he Present | hag other was saul Ant eee nat follonte ne has one arm round Miss Sylves-| “Nevertheless, he Is a dull fellow,” task, is.a prompt application 0} ted on @ owhg prese: bene out the tumor Dr. 5 awning. “There is no mus- ‘ihe fine duniat taxrCony HmWentions & [Lerman WartntNL te aa le 1s. pba wanlyrfeit fort Not @ note, not the small- i lageus ir 2 ‘y ment di a i : arteries. le iN si 2 : domi goedy afm oer and pact |". Goveramet ot owcan 2 sees mccain ne hee eee : : tote and cheety are akin. [fnq‘Kon, ona ake vou sing‘ omall ot" nes 5 pat se, a Ww bell: ae ai a dematy of eight thousand marks for the | of Fri anes up and ties gee ine immaculate collar is giving her Yoal inawel tated Ki sg any Robin.” i ae e-min goes hope- by the Red sea, the last is by far the most) | i ab als aries demand in Lon on eaueaer cl fs German ces les in dificult cas more idly tb little Jerks every now and then. |wrong spirit” says Mary, with 618). Oh, 26 ue a tek Gein veo sata ts en, dangerou cinnamon, abd be nee Dr." the regimental argeon the interm soy of the olear-seeing surgeons. He hat ery Indeed ehe (/ CORBY SHEAT wehemente tone Gout: tel ene aes aes Pai A fe dh Siete ad EH Mp ea empageez Yr GET TESA RN TIEN ‘ | belonging to the Prange re at WV no idea cf the appearance ot the moon an 0 the calm perfection of her| th: wheedling tone, i Shas] pet uhowasnt en the ee Marquis of Salisbury. a uhie Sloe eras Sees, Germany, hae. been dismissed i) = ‘ivanoamaker te Snort’ fare, nor of the sun ; and tolette: yet Miss Sylvester bears it Ike a teenies bpiemettipair 4 iy olan He aime ne ny ses Aca Ne Racpabemt ates ren Leiden coipioninialty 8 "| fro 0 vg army on account of his refusal to f $2,000,0 all os same to him, @ lai i r , or forthe thing,” say: , s vely ri im | was tess than 15 . 2 lent: ig," says Mr. dXont ¢ fe is-a har world shall’make me'lose touch with b hi any |you're paint fa 01 ee ‘The Washington Marine Hospital is wethe, plan, for erecting a gigantic Bis- Bf Peep Thea pallcten6e has a You!" says she fondly, smoothing the him ind eet gery facile the one to De intake eae’ gating Riel biimad oper Sods, "Best. thing out | Ta ha advised that yellow fever is epidemic at} marck mas ument at Blankensee, near | $750,009, and Hat ates ‘Disatou! tai $ eae om he dictates. a wife girl's oats aie beh cate deh litte finger, did it 's0 | detect ay ony ay aaah prayer 2 rs oa an Pru * Out of Porto Rico, famburg, on the steep shore overlooki that ‘Depew is said to be| writes medical prescriptions in Latin. “After all,” heels Well: breaking into} sane will oA ti es Pie Dicky,” says his sister, in a tone eee alias pe’ is ae dosen't; I t Woe leave ac! ade so terrible that dt reducés him to sil-| sent to the Crimea 95, 615 erished. Borent | ‘fires have been caste, in the| the Elbe, king shape. It is proposed | insured for sud funder: “you haven't beeh PP eg la rust my little 4n- | sirea, whereas Dalrymple Ding no-| soc Rising, she seizes him by the | 500,000 that took part i ee crete fel ici vicinit the last. ten| to collect # million marks for the purpose) Cornelis Vander, Je baannenncd A Chinaman’s Oath. complimentary to your Jol Mia hee aria arate purposes,” |thing. i je if : re a prin days, cot nee Palusble"tmLst bas, beat kis ‘public subseription his intention of living and-dying a bache-| 4 Chinese sailor in London agcused a ase whic eal pen agaivathere tO Uliilersres MOWI ata tok cree “T “think you might try this Bie destroy t has pee discovered that the Luxor] lor like his uncle George. Hein very fond | a .meel of having taken a Half sovereign that will, and John coul@ not bend a fi Mealy ee cae do you honestly—| once,” murmurs ste, fn a voice not cs In Li pau county; Kansas, the farmers | obelisk 1 @ Place de la Concorde, in ' of cosehion, and, with his sister, is fre- | ¢0™ i en man should be rich; John is not s0| per ave genius? Do you|meant for the others. t of 1870 have not been ublished h have what they call ‘‘tnistle bees,” at| Par ip bli es under the in! q wn tocling through New York on | he carried on. the end of achain and regard- very rich, Ree should We that if I—had been born a po ee Hee it tive sie Be Hoa alt cf ds turn out and fight the enceot the atmosphere, The ol fas antl e rigs. But the relations be;|ed highly. In court he told the Justice, handsome—well, now, come; John is ioe ithout a farthing of my own,| “Your predilection for my society,” Ae Mithat, luckle hd i een art, | effective strength of the French in 1870¢ a . oy from Egypt to Paris in Lau | tesa gt his cousin, William B when instructed to awear to the charge, HoiMhanasonte-An Be?” CER Ne ets made money by it?|Feturns Mr. Sylvester, tn a loud and |e’ | Tidy Jbeioey about her, rete” was 14 men. The number | ¢ ilippe’ ines Vanderbilt, Jr., once’ cordial, are now “No” est!” cheerful tone, “is flattering in the ex- 0 4 i th h dered bindi ‘No,” confesses M: a , with} « pera! butit is believed on oa ae a monunent wo ier erat bot otter sled with ieee eats eae eae th ab ee pies Scams yh Eee I Prat et coloring wart he SEMEN Grote v6 teat ts ee) That time ina Tou a at toes wih 000 seen pif abet avin cot cs Sie torepresent the spirit] iyo, Yr faa Ort SDORE i ly; “do you nov, oe Je ‘are mo- ness, but unfortunately not he fondly bi r pe that the P rigs see oka the Mini staratationed on | wh dabats ohelh Bitutal mo"|grasping the meaning of it. CCAR ET eee ner ereior eae esse orn believes: tO) sraait wars of the third republic have been Re inions are being placed in| pos he Hite poudauiente the pitie caaetoe? such et tear co ett that 89 | of gaining the laurel fis ila eth amraicg UG nisen, Hee Chie Fivenprouomtininchiropee: thence some of ‘the blectric cars at Kalamazoo, It ptized with water of the getful of oubles, and the strange Sed, ene of yo “ ont want to play with me, |Rovance has ris i ioenevaduupn ours Sieben tucy 40 aed Bees. 0 000 Hoe! for will render them as ne eless as it is aie 1868 she. forego Ax es wo. dig hastily. “Yet .| that encirele her low, broad brow. eabaaly: yuh ee re gs : she goes off into a peal of laughter. “ Dat y i faa tds fold, peo nithe stare’ fo on |Dalrymple, coolly. He is a tall, fas tent ae Five persons were drowned in Lake|1s94 to 230, Oh! what it is to be in love! May| onot that Nap thak Gh ateeetn ell ues jarlyy young.daan,-withy dark’ | Pie, comelonsly) wlancing pp ae Lee Mist Always Unfat i Lest &h sprhay Sarg mn Heaven defend me thon such a folly. at exactly, But at concerts , race of conscious! in hi y Ne Gases incosi, by kfIrerlisrog aL Re att tert witness box, with these words: ‘Well, there is one ety, to myn to play to the public so, To play sx dark ag either, ‘here ia no. doubt [20% _ Has he not heard, & nt Mis OY THe EW peneeerit seal ety POSITION ASSUMED EY THE NEW DRITISH| Which swept over the ees midi da iastraments ai Mi ae soe jarrett, of Baltimore, daugh-| pot speak the truth, my soul will be cae eyes, he is ten. times yen tok eA aaa people is nothing, they flat-|that the famous Carbyne t Fairfax examines him with a judicial that’s what sl PRUMIER 15 ‘Apmis HOUSE arms, ye ter of the late President John W. Garrett, | ed like the saucer. then Noel, ith all er, and e all sorts of pret E yne temper runs Dubieanete detect aimanvot sul Mamma—Whet did she do. toyou to- Rev. Dr. McAnally of St. Louis, senior | seline de laine. The 1 ending isles igo meen bio railroad The housekeeper sernme od Satara thus, Noel, wth ail ls varia ited ‘£004 | thinge-‘but obi co have ine. oom ey | roe, Mis velns, too, as he stands exes Dun td Gateet een | aay? y editor ef istian Advocate, and one| export include cotton goods, ‘copper, snd Generally conceded to. be the weal a iets dinconsolate, fo Lircllbprbarig ed aut A lye adele hearer Phen one's fest if only for one its, ts ww looking at the dainty, disdaintul | 1° bears her tiny without so ee emmy. the one tha tod ep How to Enjoy Life. Stethodist e crody ie naa a Be “8a Pelayo is the patton saint of the unmarried woman in whe Up pares Sty a Obl mamat'e bath wae regarded by the court “My dear Nel Heed te he een et q ite CORA GuARAE Ae Bo the gardens only, to get some| the lon ting clas % Re ba. . ee and Gules in her way o! ‘an exceedingly binding one. meBe ice 1 ” er clos is i home an heat earlier, Uncle John—What are you going to be} farmer near Sandwich, Il., ploughing | ¥ if Ban’ Matso,neae Here er and 2ares for little else but the| reagents Ste - tellow Sylvester, MrUsQtely Tae hee eae | cit emt 80 much that,” says. she, |r Dare ina BEAK onsldal tage ise sian when you grew UP, sonal the ote ny pep er geeel cia ng Hi age was to have tee ied, A tea of the nthropie and What ew Get. ‘ Thats what he world thinks. 1) as ter, brusauely for her, “such @|siowly, “as that I would rather play NaBetter ‘ake fie wih OU. It vou) mad down, nies ack—I wan! e a railroad) ,ip, An Indian’s arrowhead wi laa ‘a procession the other day, but adispute d alone know him. If I were to marry|to yo t with 7. ie is nev di 6 oy ‘5. praia A CULMS Let @ Id “kill such a littl Marechal Niel; fe is 4 kemi t that arose as to who should carry it oon Ti ork sixty days y him, the very first thin; a little) when I mi: balis.” rachel (Micle nate at no eae ice poker Hy ara A cnn en so tight that i fepati not be Enives, revolvers, and sticke to be used, PAA Spade sTibebeet Cheats Satis ee sey sents u day, wl eid they g gett ; Foe oS eid vat ed Rite do pealttes cae as you. ‘All that sort tae iad eae ae ah £ any. ag Aeemaridneyin: da: ADull yee fy . ~ met Si ) ' si is ent as ] escheat ey eon the ck aad ithin a fow days of fiat using scales shat forty. persobs, including the iat, Se ee ee car lit Gin MAccaay 7 Get mad chine to strike, I guess. anglais axnkiie ein PA UphiyanG BE orl GAL Bae CI ek ea oe Mary Sylvester and her |Pable, of murder where they are con- fe last time TN” put Lier big ind aad on tl ay Kk, an tor ‘weigh ing gold instead of connting | ™ "e woun! yefore 01 a. denomination, aha hea abou’ Miseahandcad. Gecusdvle! own room, or him’—with a slight|work for one’s singerb, oa seh to/brother have moved away ; the latter baie - ‘, etesde: a) nglish, man iche ext Erain: comed eame 19-8 is heretofare he "Seattle Customhouse TDG ES ST fers, who contributed largely toward grimace. Bilt off it.” a eee ea eee rene eae Dt can come, ff you like,” says : patel Serer Sn ee Oe Feniiee es ty that time B We rejected more than $2,000 of under- The Deadly Cigarett. The building of the edifice, ‘The assista tet—Taaw you going into ‘All this is mere fancy.” “{ cant belleve it,” says El heGring:, she, tnaiferentiy fovtnen ind Yate 8, bu ; JeGon ‘ x fsange, | hile ‘ahead on his own train and does n ora Rott eer hates Fes, hs ep area what is your opinon cote Shore ogee ai epentees sxloon opener nae my wie See a ods Is it? ok Aes ee seen ae timpetuously, slipping Off the tableluhd (ae Pb more rg cette then, than (To BE coxtrsvED,) ta he word ‘‘discharge” means, - SI i ¢ French liner jormandie, w! ts . }wal eginning to pace a: hinl “de means a day off, and A Reg 0 sete gua, fon io hanno Ney Lark uta cual She Cee Sov) Toey we oe Rep oratartowns oj Cmca coche gesting ost Suge ia Geese acre spine ae [een wits” Chale Boas oe. gohan op eemurae Ptag she gone aad han | que ttle help or interfer J apanese. beta 4 think how scared the engineer will be. ges explosion of coal gee killed | hsif se desdly as they ought i 3 good time, { RO eede SORT ST NETO ie .

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