ee pus Paavan| anxious ‘to escape % th} her. She’ is standing, lool vk DEFIANT BEAUTY. eee vill nis Sansom orth ionduines, with joy, he Rr ay the sweetness of cexulting F Now jepeeM fae gail ig there and _ burnii wa t you will” % Relea he, and pre-| adi i [Dacttord _entensdy <Aty HBVe been ‘To ‘oth Maxwell's opinion, i nt, and so with a rather nasty Httle smile she id rises and down upon Cai ieus ina ver, iy |{t is still distinctly early, = haere aan 1 people my: “leaves only one desire—that the ood old dark ages were once more her ni “when tu so fellow-citizen anaes she has refu: dent. the Genera’ wine troublesom: as ale disturb Miss ay Se good-night to me for her, pied ia jee ba 2 feel sure she must have g% for Bai bh ied us of re i for th the past hour, and I would ae for worlds be the cause of —, I beg you wi vey let Fis steal away Net compell- ing her to do. ge usual Lami T adore they are so satisfying. One never big what hey are going to do next. Bood vis it grows yore you now, an: alway moment,” says counted as a mere | pré int—a, your patience had a|ni Mmit, and no more ‘Tn truth, it s or ne and ‘her 91 Dartford indeed ‘pene ‘ ut rt ead with ange anomaly e a kn’ oe a Bleanor, as if ih by Di uirmple’s a censorious oughly childish ey lessness, passes into a movement, low, seactties entrancing, the. very} food of She hi as seleoted it out and ignorant of Dartford’s Came able sage nate Portuguese ende: he room. spellbound. hen follow some Peas bane m. Wagner ; something of F nt hardly to be rivalled, oa, he has thrown that suspicion ut maliciousness that has actuated Elean- ugh, i Ab as though he Lad the last. long- punded, and silence, eeds. leanor le Umph—but triumph unsatis Be 0) ea sal ak ft she disdaing the com! Abas eised upon’ her, ae ee -pines for a larger ground. _ Aftel vaguer smile, 'to nies their gad es or artford, as show Me ae really can vunders and fact, she is so a Fee lies her sole interest for the moment. f her victory, nacho emell uch is omen, ip ace 8 Bleanor's brilliant glances as /dis- aving fin- her a formal sear retort ras aushe is over. ‘Together he and she pass through the r conservatory beyond. fromy the laudations she scorns witl all ae Jaislerdnes yaar wh wi seems to Daltymple that rs) is on Mrs. curtain that ates the two'rooms, and advances slow] Il, aioe sey stand’ Hea ression in 's slight form, his, nee gah towards hers— ig aft over in a second, Aa Hhewen in; ar flirtation om. ae Ht sora look on with unfriendly eyes once it occurs to” him heaven-sent hope, af- To be able her is deares 3 to him now than anything life has left SB} to give, ‘3 a long breath, and, lifting ement to where he had seen anor {’? he calls in a loud voice. air of indignation, that alstingulates . joking almost tall for hor, whilst Dartford, Towering and sullen, is holding back ft r ES eae yf angry resentment on his pee i Sees | Maxwell is vole aie wishes le—| to say. S004) night to y grand- A father sent me to find $0 you." ee ’S Dal- deplorabl tha ‘used to consider it so, is evi-| & Eaud shelter from some trouble that has her. Checked in this hope, she soos hes Ralgasiee follows him, slowly, thoughtful ntfully, to her rand] na|0f her own thoughts—that are hardly agreeable. With a little sigh she rouses herself, h a determination to seek fi moving eran ot £0, Yet, Eleanor, I wish to speak o you.” CHAPTER IX. “Who should be trusted now, when one’s right hand oe Fs aba to the boson? Proteus, y I must never trust thee Pt cout, te world. a stranger tor the ike wound is deepest.” Colonel Dalrymple's “On, ne mina me,” says @ Sra quention Sep a oats Ae ing must He Du a 78 fo It shall be stopped- ouate Ouly"® Chi after ail, and per- haps no onevhas taken sufficiently. 5 You will speak too late. have doze it before.” Froach in her tone ? “You mean by that ?"— “That all you can say now will make no, difference.” “What do you mean, Eleanor ?” de- mands he, roughly. “ Exactly what I say.” e “Iam to eet by that, I sup- Pose, that you def; “Sou can understand. seeing you far as I am concerned, but, ke, si rs ater all, el ay not mean that.” Then, I wish you would 3 /explain aa “ there whilst the last guests were tak- ing their Aonentores © Gra koa e another matter. f]y. Wi ah to speak to you,” says Dalrymple, cold nea bbe Rhee (to-morrow, then,” says abe makin; ute! up to her and laying his hand upon her arm “Noel t” exclaims she, in a ay ae She shakes his hand from nd glances at him with panine eves, For a minute they regard each oth t ‘| steadily, both faces angry, defiant, “ellos then he specks. “T saw you in the conservatory with Dartford tc-nig) I will have an ex- planation about that,” says he, his th set, te ae wsracemiye ne ay she is going to ieee Her lip ES grow white, ‘her eyes large. Then she Tawar ee Well 2 vane says, with a short, ua- ae jau Reare, ‘ies wit! We him. ly: re pretty blush ; uiire ance, rather, and shame in the lovely, youthful eyes. “I saw. you,” says he, again, in a dull sort of way. “And what did you see ?” cried she, er You talk, and talk, and “You know wen T saw." “I do not, “Tf you will pate it, then,” Ce he, if an fe into the palm of the other hand, and! so stands staring at him, silent, but breathing very quickly. last hope dea: jeny what you saw! How coul: 12" says she burs: inaghter, wild indeed, but without mer-|/ 2 * Come, e, if you must tell me your e: berlences, let us go where there is air, Uae of the sleeping flowers be- th. This is}°0 is io pat deny it,” says he, his} ” s “Why, that is too much to expect,”’ says she, with an unmirthful laugh. “That I should supply the riddle and the answer, too. No, no; find out the lager tor yourselt, You have some thought, ee plan for s done your duty for shall see that no harm comes to you.” @ your temper over wh pedaariy ean *eilled, and who has no further knowledge of anything. A humb state, scarcely hurtful at the mo- eae selene in th mingled with a sinzere F indeed is taking hold of cote pe the uncomfortable charm of this dead- ly bane erie aby mee) Mla ata breaks 1 hat. simplifies everything,” she ae as she her- 0 ago. os You did not wish Dinca and he rey He alrymple. ‘ as to ‘ou will be giving yourself useless lative after your grandfather, and 1|°" | ee you please ned goods are due to the « ns no n-| ti sured te PGiouctt that you did not oo is ghting enticing her. Going Ta in on ad Bee kept ever since, ne scarcely knew Tae had/been drawn to the popular only read: eae, and had Ee 0 be am- ng the great. ones of this orld! To ps to feel, to see, the Sateslon of the wd. (0. BE CONTINUE! THE SULTAN AT DINNER. Eats Alone From a Silver Table and Gis Table Ex Foot Up Aimost Two Millions a Year. : By for the most extravagant diner in the world is the Sultan of Turkey. His table expenses foot up to $5,000 a day, or $1, pbs 000 a year. Itis the most expensiv and household, in all probability, ie any i Romans meals, ce rane of $50,000 being a drop in bucket when their emperors used to foreign potentates, but the Sultan spat all this money on himself. He is a sociable man and very rately has YOU! suests o1 5 |B aia aval keneeen ines dining-room or i dining hall, ‘Turkish custom among the acai uc Eaciges Ley oae Platters ia the tablets and present each. dishes are seb upon tue sand confitures of ment, a spoonfull of le, » sweet) erk and a tiny ball o} an, who, finish, other than the imperial boar —__.—__— Punetilious Bridget. dressed young man fe was told to wait in the gentleman to eal ia hia ae F Paper Cans. made of paper pulp are being intro- rhe occasional caves of poisoning from can- oie becoming tainted through, ‘te ease -| care me. ut when I saw you]: voi yet—. He proposed’ to} mu prs eva etete oon he bitten, Why, it is a sorry tale. It w oe if he had aaae r of his hand | Seticase Destro, fe vot did to- wight ag ‘I saw yor “Be silent !” Bes the girl, fiercely, * loterktage him Be He e.Yehemence of her lovely, arms “fal se sides, she ‘chrows up her “heads and SEER at\him, s another Too | bel ad struck Se be oul not have Gates becau: it pile, tarongh ali sigh defects in thesolder, tand as much rough fosage in at pment a ia cans, and perhaps STRANGE. COINCIDENCES. SOME OF THEM “WORE REMARK- ABLE THAN FICTION. _ Ancldents That renin be Considered In credible ina 1—Are as Extraordin- improbable, if not the impossible, and yet there are few persons ey is they take the |k that of pereons for whose good faith I’can Vouch ; and which are yet as extraordinary by an old woman in ‘is congregation tol loft await duds Aaiee money to my mer|old friend. In a short time her own hus discover her son—an engin the Levant— ree help to n our | assuring her thai See of the gresteat improbabili apeae kuwene stormy afternoon and as intrinsically improbable as any | Hi dream of romance. PICKED FROM THE SEA. {obert Thom, Esq., the present proprie- tor of o Island of Canna in. the rides, can with many others guarantee the enh she tollowing curious coincidence: shore gathering drift-wood for fuel, when in a small bay; distant from her father’s house, she pick- ed up a piece of wood bearing the insorip- tion, ent with a knife, Lachlan Cooney Bilbao, March 23rd, 1892,” On taking it ‘to her mother she became much concerned, as this was the name of her own son, who was aboilermaker in Spain, and, as would be the case with most Lg ageamal: with Highlandere—she coald not get o who replied that the pati bout a hundred yards| ¥ wen suggested had been See py ae sel of the fue gus, which ii terror, exhorting her When writing to her son she | Known collector of antiques in Edinburgh f his well-being, but was astonished to learn that he perfectly Temembered how when on 's holiday, he piece of aly ehomn tite Gi sen We all and was by him presented to the Duke, THE GIRL WITH THE WOODEN LEG. Tame gicl called at satis: Wl of 150 miles an hour, is now loyed by some id had not enough to live on, tainly every |‘! jounced the outrag- faith, Al apparently imposeitle actually oosared is 8h a IN THE BAGKWOODS OF CANADA. id R., a well-known merchant in -| Organization "Society, who ealled for me y | about se, assured me that the | itl had told the truth, and that she waa | been forced back as she described. I was gind when the eae courted of to wi 3 that he had been Ilaerable ever abe, feeling ‘sure that at any hou ou 8 ww | offici Lound my Highland itiend in in ae opsidne home, acting as maid to the bride. On fe Highlander to disown her own thatI did not. believe her, ai io, and I was distressed to Iwas cruel, and I repented of it, for with- days an agent of the Charity making an ample apolog: tera tates he A considerable time pie hos: 1 was | iciating at a marriage, and to my surprise | e have never yet hi STORY OF A RING, any payment! ndrew i ae another well-known | been & merchant in Glas, He pikes Christian Institute in Glasgow, the s anged to go to the Tet oe ae ira Tallis ‘ing ae eee for the her hat singing nd, | Home, meting hae Mea on a looking | in ‘elt ae thing inside the to one of the, Maxwells serena who «© Here’s a rin it is my 0 find that out ide the hoop.” 1e ashi u the ashepitsthe ash-pit on the potato field, | he icing ee Ad Lela oaiae hi eb it wa ayenr after it had love her for her ped sake,” ah usband who would ondon, i Home of the Young similar home in The Duke of Argyll, when strolling on a otpterary dora Contributed to news ofa us called Pariebout Stro- | been left. @| 4 Mohammedan ; the Emperor of Austria, % —— The Dairy Maids of West, Prussia is not only v oitapealtes faa saves Se cakes laa nin Cea w pened’ d best and the Seen sek put a protracted one, but. fically the, Inwyer,|at the southern extremity of Vancouver the bent solation would be acceptance as “her secon husband, i 0 sterntion nih that sweet, he. men who OF A RL re NG. : _ Professor MasUunn gives me the follow- Hiary. tnliceunt wall ahcee youth, under che forgotten to put on full setaeeteit ih of act spot: where ina little fear that in so uafrequented a place any one cou edi, But the ring was gone, an sri may, not a trace could be oaide of it, Years afterwards, among the letters that had ere was one ea fe neat hie tignd ato Ha pocket, pulled outs signet ring, and aa ‘There try that!" Having sealed the letter i e bade it back. ‘This story of the ring or its ssessor. . New York to Chicagoby cnueicie il ‘A despatch from Chicago, says gordi the story that an snide. had tween New York and Chicago, with an being promoted by Chicago and eastern capitalists, Spann: Manager Theo, P. Bailey, of the General Electric Company, said on Friday ‘That the great trunk lines of the country will eventually be di “ENGLAND'S NEW GIBRALTAR. oe OF SELF TORTURE, eecetly Mullt on the rons petis or F a. ‘Within a year it is confidently nls my whom ne Straits of Fuca will echo the music of i e shore guns at Fequimalt, Great Brit- Fevtcons Pins ey Lista bese From ain’s new and most modern line of defences Teland,-says the Seattle Post Intelligencer, Nevi stricter secrecy tht ‘ie accomplished, and. that of equipment hes be [ea At present the subaqueous mines ar being placed in mien the work commenced, given an idea ofthe plan of fortification tem of great tungela wad ordihangs ising thereffot os GIANT ELEVATORS hydraulically operated the fguns visible e brief moment ie ced rapes gd die ieee ne has been faithfully carried ont, fi considerably. The hill, hae disappeared, and hundreds of tons of earth and rock from he excavations have Bille the forts, took from tl as yet recinete bounded by that faith ine, ti oy hey e not Heyday ne xa gratification ay natal in cart that the fortifica- Engineers under irhead respectively. ‘TWO OR THREE HUNDRED at present in possession of the barracks will Many Religions. Czar of Russia belongs to the Greek Catholic Church ; the Sultan of Tarkey is he King of Italy, the Queen Regent o Spain, the King of Portugal, the King of | Belgium, and the President of the French epublic are Roman Catholics ; the Em- in ‘Peaceful, days, aby aeeiaey onl be found qi detad wih home and rey, In view of such an emergence of special training by instructor: Royal Marine Artillery, tone o artillery Protestant Church ; the Queen of ‘England ; the King of Denmark Sweden are Lutherans ; the royel family of the Netherlands belong to the Reformed Chu ‘Mikado of his r Pec or both sm ; the Empor:r of China Is’e follower of Confusian’4 ths Sha th mn President of liberial Roman the Presidents of p nd ia a is a Buddhist rm realdener of the United States have all been Protestants. The management of the great Elbing dairies in West Prussia has adopted for its airymaids the Knickerbocker costume i ditt rades of dairy ba sheik wear allowed to penetrate oe Queen’s boudoir ae at Windsor Castle. me, which Rather Rough. Wes fig Pe ‘bread | eve perl relia Pe fe fis battahon is suapended, ana} aha Kung of Slam | Have atrived and eal Pisced in position, Majesty's Paolo Noadquarte stu ing but sean, and On the door Ia ney out far of m) a he Queen's bridal wreath, with She rt |e afar as Thebes pone moe (ot, Stony Point)—Is conse Prince albert presented 0b ation. ies withered within a glass Uusiasm being strengthened by cash bonus of $50 to man attending the gunnery la.” All of which points to the special training of the wi avy ordinance shall just be ** proy ven on guard at her Britannic IE ea So as Queen Victoria's Boudoir. Specially favored visitors were recently ts state hae remained mnaltered since her Majesty’s widowhood. is inscribed : article in this room my d usband Leuba forme in le cemybeote of The bean htt ft ono the Pi ie ae er Lda ver hag @ military undertaking in time of profoundest peace been prosecuted with pied As am. HE REMARKABLE PENANCE A GIRL IMPOSED ON HERSELF. mpermnts 4 mb say Orph eeauas Priek Probably the strangest patient | oe ever entered the Cincinnati admitted to that institution the Seis morning in the person of Nellie Thomas, a bright, prepossesing sel of 21 Hag ree until recently was an inmate of tl Buses Cevank, «Bhs gas Feat baa f Headley that the girl had been complaining of extreme pains in her limbs, her condition "| for the past few days being such that she was unable to stand, ‘She was taken to the ward, and Drs, Heidichsfeld-and Ludlow assigned on the case. Both physicians made a thorough examination, and found’ both ste from the knee downward very much swollen and di + To the SIA the flesh the patient might throw any light upon the enigmatical sare ‘Po all the ques- tions the girl gaye monosyllable answers and the doctor continued in his examin= ation, ‘A STARTLING DISCOVERY. Suddenly be discovered what appeared _ the space of ai at the task, ‘When these had been removed the physi: — cians 5 d lim! em gas ald but finally burst into tears and made a partial Astron SELB IMPOSED PENANOR, was penance noni he ha reed au ahd early Christian artyrs, and fi nally d determined to em ulate m, ” Fearing inflicted open torture inary eral he < es might be frustrated, she deci to gain the same lace in order | Secret nt Bl 001 ain and bore it with stoic _ indifference, feeling ‘al the sr, that she was pial for. ff pinned Oi (athonsnetetins cove Goviiig the cneas) wulelt/led her to infos this horrible self-torture, Nellie ‘The details of the stra opic of aailverasetat about hospital setae and anid that the gia had never brea rd to her about it. She had rian acre ore: m rel strict ip the obsel a baba pti lihough salle fear ood. ig is ‘amie mote Meee se in 10 or ni he bone, as som the sited have p at | -He—Your-er-father pr “mother have ; be Liat hananaea oe Four and ahalf, both doctors working ena Sa