Milverton Sun, 1 Aug 1895, p. 4

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. THE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. The, ‘enaltays-| enndision -of, }bs)AWhita- chapel “district of London. has become extremely, bad owing to the short water ply. ae ae fteen thousand dollars has so far been nis announced that t Japan las adopted a policy of delay relen affairs, in tee nope at g400h i "we support of ‘the Salisbury Governnient ie A WIERD THE FIEND'S EARLY LIFE|!ss-rsceepnore a ge must imi ea ea provide bimeslf wine Than besa sanggested thet perhage aie hen STORY OF MURDERER j ;,), D Wal ae theft of Perhaps a first of the farmer-to exhaust fecility of soil |Gurham, who were confined tee last fall, Tangiers as moe AGRICULTURAL Jsuiserticton tone te: can” “thn THE WILD MEN OF MAINE cctietaivensretearvacos, ai uc| Household. ubscribed for the testimonial, to Dr. been paid the sum ot aity dieeipat alas HOLMES’ SANGER DAYS. grav ver, mui t be done hase without jat ining laa a ee the gta a ‘rag now J. Grace started by the Daily ‘Telegraph. |as indemnity upon the part of Morocee for fhe ma: ae he the great restorative agencies call hourly for a glimpse of the men, When | ~ = “Squire Abingdon” Bales iy Goat Tika! mous 60s Geena’ Wade ood Rorm and Raised Among the minis or|to. swindle. insaracee companies “by uh For Unloading and Stacking Hay. |such as the growth of clover. Large crops| THE TERROR OF THE COUNTRY | capitan ed they wore scarcely anything t Using Remnants. penal farm near Hull, on wl he spent | Rockstron. New Hampshire—Married When Very {®¥bstitution of dead bodies > ri sasied and Fodder. not Neeiedag etn when seat ai a FOR MILES AROUND. | be called clothing, and were almos Mes {Dinbold ti RUS Tn ies a Ceeae erstates coe munca tamer ga | 8975, 000, ae cently. for 9 iitle is a result, of the general elections in} Young to a Wright Young Woman—[i® the path of crim to Place a stout pole or mast (a), 30 fect | S$ often as every dead ponte aR a en Ca 5 ERI a hi All Parts of the Gtobe, Condensed and | more th jew South Wales, the Govern: ave} Sudéen Disappearance trom Mome— | ¢xtricate himeclf, , Ofy parhapry etl secea Jong, six or ‘seven inches in the ground | fe say ee farm i applied co tore | wytg and matey, Some Without Easetl: Since hr acral the ler ad procured es ce: HE etvee ates, tee Assorted for Easy Reading. Lepr jing in Icelandin an.jmajority, including the tae part: Mis Real N: e ) pecuniary Daceisley, he ph hat ox} Bro and All Without Civilization—p ip aieciis wenn According to the Jesuit +! Teedogacty AVER? hadlins Cecre oeeee hiie dope fa Rah? Plunger desper. within four feet at the end of the intended ‘Archbishop Langevin will visit Rome, ‘The Canadian team won £850 at/Bis- missionary, Father Sveinsson, Last y "i examined one-third of the island and found lepers, Austria has paid the —In an earn Me Sayre Avvewe fn aston | even a The following very intere: off In the where the sterility Mise plied the| father, who is gone, the aue iow desperately trying to stack and two foot from the side, oe Position,and of such length that when in the ee AND RELIGON. of religion, promises success in the estima- in Rude Huts or Sh: chist Tur) ante re ‘They Howl 1 Almest Perpe woods bordering on the little village of Them Now 1 ar | Shirts and overalls, aud these they m wear. The names of these wild people are not of concerning the Aerneeealien cite Hi tl ways ‘w Hampshire tags to-day Savage in sound, The elder, who is 40 years| of the most important, and that it is not ley. Holmes’ early career is PRE from the nad hails s bor identisy A Unique Service in Whitechaple Where Bes dia sinbaot etghtoi ebbat twenty of age, is called Gabe by tl 8 es who | neces eh ante 1 the pieces go into the ‘A new gas wellhas been atruck st Fort] | Five short aotograph poems by Robert Philadelphia Pres h the man now impri ae anes on the opposite side of the stack. re Smoking Went © ties neh OP Skerlis ge OCT ee pistige Erie, urns were ecently in London for wu act of private vengeance. Up amoi of New Hampshire, ts tne of H. H. Holmes is doubted by some are strong guy ropes to hold the mast in| Tp, i 1 7 . Wied Auneaehad ie shia sani Re High Conatable Hunter of Wentworth Rio 5 three long letter for $370, snd three of the old rei It. is seid, that his County, i tague bas gone, to the faa hones dig recuperate. ‘on Beach residents are petitioning e reven letters of et Walter Scott * were wold for about $27.50 ay conta ia wile Ti te e Austrian ‘poet, “Mine resort fon tom weeks, for fons weeks to the sides aa of Swi id. -|rigours of community, ordering on eighty Yonrs of the climate produce a hardy | age, believes him, even ac this tine inured to toil and noted for | 4en4. of Mudgett from his Sent fifteen years ago has tion of those who have undertaken it, The invitation to partake of a free smoke at Christ Church Chapel in the East End o; West Athens, there lives a tribe of men that would, in some respects, put to blush and cannot talk or speak a word of any on standard Yankee oath, best to look over whatis on hand in the way of scraps. Even if there is not enough for all the ey make something for one or two. | and give points to = now somewhat en-|23 years old, and the ugliest and most ot mean or close ; on the i i, London on last Sunday, was responded to |.) S'¥° Pe danj sof them all. The other two contr: i wicked’ to waste. There is rmy ni ‘ov : lightened sava, iji Isla: sehen f : iy evi cee. tor aston Caer es (ola totarens | RS RORE Forfar but 5 a arte Ceroany does not, make sate Just a atcanger elinibect this todo ane eee ‘by more than two hundred men, who are ie Ghee Nass rag a ae Lisi about 16 or 19, and talk very fair English. | more waste in bread than anything else died at Dresden at sige! of" 108) wrinl. Nuthasialy We'"youuger boy, fave igo kor nes eed | the path of evil seemed to be unknown. | Where the village lies and hastened to the Be Bosipme nr Wis 20H: 1 £0 CAMS UROL aes Yor Gen wales aroucd’: Hap aatR the and one reason is that too much poor bread years, i sided ne ataaiaas Waiting weetiin iibicaabaral onlon: bE lle was as simple and as common: | Gon, ecottace: The night was dark and ing. Others carried pipe in their mouth, so inke potent ‘Mr Michael Benoit, General Manager of is slg: eit Be : mainly on sheep and cattle hey steal, | P a and when an honest turn strikes them they irl vary their stolen bill of fare with partridges re In the inventory of Prof, John Stuart,|and showing how their seeds are scattered, * ee os has resigne et a Roy’s safe was robbed of = 6 eOsranl ime, and me andes foak Beloresion ald tae e care not to cut too much cod. plan to have Iv out ferman farmers are taught to ate the copyrig take war on 26; * Self Culture” is valued at | all weeds with a minimum of lab The gentleman who ‘service, and who himself blew a cloud from ine Tayi ot vit at $25; and |p ee orn oe ea si te a brier root nes to distribute the | °"p yo" are, as near as can be dedctituea from the font ot te ea ri een ‘ncarcera ed in an + ile ‘ate ihe pe naire “The Soottih Highteds” av only ¢020 | BEL FISHERIES 250 YEARS oLp [10s of evil had never crowed the three | asylum as a psuper Ianati for « number o Merete tures cone, tepnomloelyy, Tue bat focky of sueactiicivilicag orecideas Bei sale at nl ie e Fr ee There is reason-to believe that Mr. J. hold of this rustic home. An atmosphere | Years. soplycninned ins bg and ech eig ww of whom are females. Thi Mr, of Lavaltrie as L. Huddart’s acheme for the fast Atlantic | THe Wises Trae 0 of fine anger Colon- killed by tho explodion adie Boller. tn West hes tig eeu ent received enough to fill two Pipes. ey are about | jailet Canada suit t TALL MEMORY Pe entiful | all known by the name of Brown, and ate the time all were ibs reverence pervaded it, and within the}and all trace eis peat through this pe- | wreaths of smoke were curling roofwards, | largely inbred, according to the t was comp a at rates on hay shipped from ce, left a memorandum thet cas vee Ae the s el Ne Ae uke wholesome influence a|Culiat misfortune, he eaid, when by \ several Indie who were there toast {8| cf ins, long-euering neighbors, ‘They tu + rence River,on the Canadian side, that hav inesplioable eitoncaachase’ Ith toaina Ga of their long-suffering neighbors, The hia gaa! My Ontario have been offered by noe ureing she yma tac pon Mr. Josep. rvice, took seats on the platform and 8" soe shee y 20. PR been in operation ever since the Norman | hatscter was formed in which it seems! his memory returned to him in an instant, igious part the proceedings | dwell in rude huts or shant i tl "sir Adolphe Caron is acting Premier aye there ig |Colonista came to Canada 250. years ago, |*Most impossible forthe seeds of depravity and he was bronght during Mr. Mackenzie Bowell’s visit to| good authority for stating that ‘the British /and are conducted today exactly as ed pbs are ae Dh Peapod a light, he said, and it brought him back to the North-West, reed to grant a subsidy, | were in the days of the coloni: Bee ha Seared tn such ear. | tie old dag when elle hit New Games ‘A SIMPLE STACKINE DEVICE, load is lifted, was prayerful exhortation Mi d_muke no trouble | % ke a cust d when it reaches the top| and, th hes ‘ooparently it was attentively for a good while Le As the air. “east ! f : a, line of draft will pull the pole towards | listened to, it was curivus to seo the pa ‘ ‘he: @ bard-looking set in thei tard, but such milk may be put in chow- ag lady of about 27 years, | whi njunction with the aid granted | are the most productive eel fisheries in ae Toundings bore the early stamp of piety. | home. i aa baa edict A sl emoke half screened by | few potatoes or planting rocky half acre|humble attire, ‘Theit honda and fect aco dere, broud or rice puddings, 3 Ep ihe ed ne fell and | by the Canadit er Governments, | iia, aud are objects of much curiosity’| His boy’ was especially marked for the| His wife, who had oie ian a but in this}one hand while the eyes were reverently | of corn, lack with dirt, and their facea not much|, he whites of eggs may be used in mer- Aled ahortiy altar being pides will enable the Halifax and Bermuda cable | V°"l4, ‘see Y | absence of the usual mischievous propens-| who had not remarried, was overwhelmed manner it 18 possible to swing the forkcful | covered by the other. ‘Then there was al Qniy afew of these people are often seen | Detter, while the portions of their body | ‘nue, Shatlotte runs, aad white oak, aud Mr. Murdock MeLeod, fretght. claims to the! Weal , to tourists on the St, Lawrence during the | ities which boyhood, is prone to. He w s it is md, tnd became the ropes | hymn, in which the female portion of the posed could be seen to be covered with | im the same way the yolks may be used for agent of the Grand Trunk at Montreal, is| ‘The great wheel at Earls Court,London, | arly fall season, when the fisheries are in| what the commanity, and Parsigularly ta basi en : " are properly arranged, to drop it anywhere | congregation joined, but not many of the| PY the neighboring folk, who are thrifty | thick hair, giving them much the sires, different purposes, A’ cold, soft-boiled egg . oon, as men, i being dificult to smoke and sing at | ed law-abiding farmers, and they are not ance of beaste, Tho uncle, Gabe, tn very | ot De cook ton 2 i ey. Were’ a8 quiet and Pestlonlar about oultvatiog tho) sequin. SEONG, ANH eadily earrin the 2 there 00 Le ee ee cee dnnaty ag send wdohien, and uAt | ance of the rest, who are supposed to be| Pack round the cell. This eas ore | worse and more ahi than the samples yl maternal portion of He iarUtNts dealicieia ttn sadoedatace Stina was limplicttly R ood boy, He had no vicious traits, If Mr. Nicholea, Blood: Devin, ME ot (oo Weshnesday ering and imprisoned |. The mneltoredteaye and ostanelesof the | eer ort is to be credited, tho oonduct of bial wife, on Regina, was married at Ottawa to Miss Erowds ol a. OSeveral. houes | St Lawrenee, with wide, muddy beaches, youth was m Lizzie lapeed before the wheel could. be moved, |are where\the best eel fisheries are, ¥rom|ence ‘to hie” arger scale,of the Ferris | operation, wheel of the World’s Fair at Chicago, stop. it by the ipo of the villoge, arked by obedience and defers| Tilton, in which sho was living last No- jarents, and an imable ) bember. Baked potatoes, if peeled of wood to the | a0 be warmed in ‘Mabrikand of Srgetonts, will be bala [abit eet eho t morning thatthe | high water mark to low water snark on |epertment at the little village SeLbol nel Raber realaMidg, ‘thie “ates aa can be easily sikay. Probably wae would | Which occasionally visit neighboring towns giant in stature, | Potatoes. gold. vegetables can ibe to the creditors of the Manitopa Commeteisl excited passengers wore relea Pees Aikaahcohe attended not far from bi declined to accept the hospitality of his it, butas the | after an cacaliiceebs in hard cider, Herbed Wa woes tae B § : WIS EARLY MARRIAGE. ‘pe UNITED STATES, airman, who cel fio d his brier,clapped Four important customs officials at m As the years multiplied and time drifted ae w a meteor had dropped from tho si I followed with great vigor, i when they | bow tomake eauces well,likea white sauce, Hamilton have received notice of super- Humane Society of Pittsburg has | tacoe ve eck fe the ee pre, wPright oe ae cates ut two how much they were | Very difficult in that country to find rum will poison all the sheep in| ® tomato sauce, & brown gravy, and how mae decited that young girls must cease selling | 5, nd set shire village took delight in the nupuials | {M14 be must, hasten to the village of Gil- feet from the taipaafel with the stack; a son. from the | to steal. The younger m ‘a of the|their neighborhood, and surely kill the | V@ty the flavoringsand properly to com. Rev. Dr, Davie of Springfield, Mo., haa | Papers on the stress Which aalitOa-Chie PRE Iae Bak coe matbOh, tacos paeia He lanes pats pulley on this, run the fork rope| Bible, and perelear eaten Sell Savage tribe are more intelligent than|man who caused their arrest. But there | Dine sauces ai = gover ie se ‘ pee reaeetotcae flint ob.dCo. deg th Wootets Maas Catal tee Beiane poe now close | night, and the next time he was heard ot Shrong itch the horse to the end. the miracle of the six barley loaves | their Parents asa rule, but they are all |is no probability that they will be at large | meat look it over carefully, stew any tough P Bec ‘ath 1) 49 caluere nud eatied Of that locality, The eedded wig mee | he was in Boston, He fleeing frot With this iene device, 20 or 30 large|and two fishes. He delivered a simple dis-| wild enough. It is Seabee if rae Gi very soon, as, they will remain as unwel- | Pieces in Just enough water to. moisten it, gists (phd es A arrest and was searching for a hiding-piace loads of hay e put in a | Single stack | course that lusted half an hour. By that | these, people can, rea tba (Atul ooo ghieatert Talley aaah aa all, when | , Good hagh excellent dish, and can : a Sts ell yee hh ood se rent head Te aie hehe oa et ea ntte ban he visited the home of hin dererted fella tary Ween oat ate allowance of tobacco had B Fea Apple Rgaa) from it rE strike of carpenters is threatene i s wife and son, He was subsequently traced the or “ a Aaah in ih harvest fielde, joston next September. They demi a new career op the young 1» who, tons fwliera”the/dataotives Haall “ cup of tea with sli. f with either a dough ‘or potato he Queesia, Avenue |an eight hoor day andan colts ok i een the model youth ofthe place, But | tosed in upon him aad brought Biss to Making the Most of Manure. neuainde paul tb Proceed: ernst. -It gan. also be used in scalloped nego aa’ meat changed to | weges : sina Sy ignmedhold, he foand a heavy | this city during the investigation of ‘the Farmers who live near enough the cities| i nd. The Sunday afte ones, the Metropolitan Mevaodiet || Kanda hee fe cee Wek boycott a rf iis tad Heetidene mumnteetuatog aurance conspiracy. y or villages to warrant then in buying tale | noon ‘sacred smoking concert is likely to ecome a permanent institution in’ White- ‘The pedestal for the Macdonald memorial| Works until men concede to cee the old homestead, and his days had P at Kingston will not be ready in time ballot, : for the unveiling to take place on Labour| Decision has been given, at Washington day. at there ie no ent the impor- he Forty-Seyenth eaters has of bulls for. the proponed Acloia, 0 cree reorganized. There will now Georgia, ba Home-Made Crystallized Fruit. Crystallized fruit is considered a luxury. if bought in the shops. Lf home-made it is equally -delicious and much cheaper, Pineapple euelies is a dish fit for an epicure. * To prepare it, cut the pineapple in slices across the fruit, having each piece a good seat inch thick, Make 9 Bae manure are’ often surprised when they attempt this to find that the available A Girl Soldier in Cuba. A little romance is recounted in connec ‘| tion. with the Battle of Dos Rios, In the ig benedict sighed for other the stakes, fields, An ambition filled him to becoe | Mure yy tne ota’ Gripe lace, eed Pipi, beten vompaniear inateed ot ton| ja teas ae broken out in Idaho,| ‘These panels are withed to each other at tb hi as before, acid, after a white family of throo had bean | che ends making efauce neroos Whe beach, THE MICROBE FIEND The crop bulatin’ about to’ baltedued-by killed ibe setters pursued and slew six of | yometimes 500 yards long. "At interval of wo : the Department of Agricult nee 6 Mees ba, | the Indians, a into 1 Sot will cosine ‘the wheat erop at thirty | Cashier HOSE ATE EE ces y Dec atone sey dua inh Sp siete Bona _ peal 8 lobar millign bus! Bank, Willimactio, Conn, rot. eo who has returned fe and there usually devoted to farm crops. y cai afford to bay to make rich soil still more rich, while the farmer, whose land ia much ed an Ae to study in the universi in. Arbor, achisen, S mot that is fastened! by tolling for his SHGALAAT, dilince Hwenty. | to the top of the fence, and rises to the tips | wen Leb . es shore Soret} man of a decid- Yad. . pearance, enrolled Ae six thousand dolla he stakes. This net, the fence bei nhe wentaway full of determination | Tt seems nowadays that when a scientist le iat is already poor, | if| Miguel Orbane aw rea, it Ottawa from the North-West, alate entirely under water wh en the fishing. is | to hare a path for himself in the world he eyeing mlitile recreation omen Allie: sais cultivated, almost inevitably grows still | yo 1. Thinking f ve CEpeer tse hath the cattle business in Alberta is in a oe Mets nin pre in electric railways is y ig 4 ésrner . ae young gir! ing her wound mortal feariabing condition nin tom Chisago New Fork, whch | Son: gfe fie, otha coming | pore the nn fs homaaad rns, He sare vin, he plier xp hi miconcope Etta lean ln | ete her nce tallow slide Feast fy 4 i ; ter t 3 Mx, William J, Robertson, who has just is claimed, wall sede ‘ho tiie Wotqaa| Wal > abu ‘Saubuinyh, aUbprd vate veces’ aco te Beaciace Tre Mati Stata] shat peubihini yautil’ auld! bepina «/qiaosid large eurface, to some extent offsets this |" She had enlisted ia Spain as a volunteer fe completed a term in Montreal Jail, is re- openings in the fence, to which the eels, as | only the parting affection, and the blessing | search after microbes. His hunt is always i disadvantage of the poor farm eta fer acecare Cuba, in order to accompany Ig i ported to pty inherited $75,000 from an # Manager Break of the Detroit Railway |they return toward the sea, are led by | of those dear old parents, who, hily, in | sure of being successful—judging from past @ great deal less to drill with a grain crop J until the sugar has all dripped out. yn ny aunt in Toronto, j - sian acta of , ondon, ibe ingeniously placed wings, which terminate | the observance of amily prayers, invoked | -.sn1ts—-no matter where he fooketorthem: oa account have the oven hot, as it will dry mes’ Wall has been committed for pep Licg rte Naan im us | in strong boxes, ties teet wide, three feet | the protection ar ero him when i 6 the fruit and leave it like leather, trial on a charge of shooting James Nealon | ®°T™Ples against working on Sundays. igh, ot six feet lo he had gone. behind the sweet| fr they have been found in clothing, i at the Tremont House, Hamilton, Nealcn| Charges of great appear in ya St. a Roe sy me pioty of he home of his birth and boyhood, | books, carpets and furniture, while in the i HIS RETURN HOME, mouth and throat of every human bein; Alter the lapse of an interval, which | they are said to exist in incredible numbers, _ The latestcontributorto therapidly grow- And, of course, the fruit must bs laid in single rows when When the juice has Bact! and the sugar has formed a glazed surface put way in boxes Seadiy, fase Waxed paper thous laid’ betwe ie Lieutenant-Governor Daly, of Nova Scotia, whose term of office expired on the firet of this month, hag for a second term, 1 inion Trades Congress will be held in London during the weel uy which women’ are confined’ for minor | of September the eel fishing will be ‘good HUF atomcas. (homie obtie punishments inflicted | for four weeks, but if it doesn’t Dae eREDS Inve by the matron and her assistants are | the ngeniously severe, Care of r Clocks. WBlnnteno:), at be kuvesticanagsot the! oblige: Ay Cait a cuattondoa ih Bien winds the fishing | {Tmed. | A m ina Vlsa cathe wat a | RAR ge ty cme ‘A clock should be wound regularly, and ing September 2, About one hundred and | cago where ae yw that Utes: aalivaas enchant ta common was pee hat of fashionable ae and his| the rooms and corridors of St. Petersburg trom single crops that profit in farming Infant Hindoo Marriages. ne fifty delegates are expec! ‘(3 eker a chet Se wititie ta | thing for one of these capture | Spe Tampohive hillaewe eno h hospitals, The cold weather which freezes. A leading native newspaper of Bengal Fourteen manuscripts have been submit Re Saas cue tan Eteouve 3,000 ees in one ran, but, Bois the aberage da nap pee romp a Man eye of | *e Russian capital during more than he Mie teee Shove land i om eh a | claims Lord Beaconsfield as an advocate of ted to the committee o: he Dominion ri toh. fall 100, 000 ‘cele were caug! the year seems to hay a favourable he one who can best afford to bu m= Hauoation’ Amsatian snleustax watt the department of ‘Toronto in in a position 9.14 the mouth of the Riviere Quello alone. Fanon on ie SraneyeRth and the village ffect upon the fecundity of bacteria, judg- task of selecting a history of Canada, Shout any farther evidence, Rot “rouble | Sometimes the eels are packed in the bo: TS Sone Renee ing fro res given out by t Gris ae abr sy e hundred and ess in’ the United States te well ee Eel ae cAlty | returned to New Hampshire,to settle down | learned scien sixty swrithii ue ia Ottawa, iF exbosted ta bs visa matter of common belief that the the Eastern terminus of ‘the Ottawa, Ari: Prior, and Parry Sound railway for nex! r. to the quiet and respectable occupation of a rural physician, A few y. i with his wife within the sbadow of his ‘THE CAPTIVE WILD MEN OF MAINE, ones which saffor t ee : Z be turned - with it, so that a|living separate from them. Instead of rwar ackward past th ke parents’ had become change: ae art of the nitrogen which the grass re- them are many who cannot even speak an: i * F ns ae ‘Thani ofthe aumento Banged : roma" Ho Gu eee nn iPeeal lhg umaray brediced ete maybe Cah the Nor eos | Ming thi aot tetra of be Kind | tates, ual Taw cave! Ten peak a | hey wll bik ea Bec hate ce amen ee Peuple are preparing a statement of t Are packed in barrels whole and salted and | Somewnat, Droudis boy, he becas © & msn | eed and filled with dust by dey sweepien the atmosphere. So far as possible the | ®t? Usually taken, the native wriver com-|each other only by grunte and guttural Ae s possible, sowever, that the two younger moved more than’ 10. minutes within each nancial position of the institution. It is| ections, and permit of advances. in wages. |n Afteen daysare ready for market. ‘The |% suprising activity, as the Inter devel. | tated amd filled with dust by dey sweeping clover and’ grass, together witn coarse | ments as foll “A more scathing con- | sounds entirely meaningless save to the | boys may get cles q eaid thi Rio Soteratned of = So ome serious airikes, however are happen-| farmers who live along these shores make a een Ly, Se Tidon tained sont 400,000 bacteria to the grain snd corn fodder, should be ‘ed on the|demnation of the European system of tai brother savage. These wild m -—-- paratively favorable se i bour troubles” oh | more igom theis waterfront by. cal ahing | SOM moar reeled © cubic yard, He therefore concluded tl farm, To-do this requires capital, for it| marring Id not have been uttered, | have no rit the law of the ead in FROM THE POORHOUSE TO WEALTH. peal’ The nleambarge Glenora hae caused | le eoule ate scarcely foured, such « pos: than they do from their farms, although his wife was about to] tiet® must be even « groater quantity a fo Sad hase tear men el Pay fr is | The Hindoo sages held the same opinion ag | Which they dx i doubt Hee Hae ‘i bility is fel wi reach, ing never lasts more than one month. robes the dust the nure’pile as profit. rd Beaconst |, and hei intro« are in some ayer Sponge Cake,—Two cuj Rareea cabal thaa aa ane be ciel Eris Uo hand pea tallsted to le mean eR scotia s miotheer. he eR paaefeoeh the Hlocr. That his theory was correct ie Tealeo generally requires that the farmer | honed tee system of early marriage in thie| FsBect® of an soneshinte Phare of waindy 1h Ste eee = Tramp | fote oat (or Bre Teaving out whites of Propeller Ocean recently. Teaitic will be exaggerated... Cotton is steady, i yy the startling results of his investiga I grow something that| country, When indeo girls end boys that shey-belleve tidy Bensieh anerget two fonitros tig) + boat a 1 delayed f ime. eel are advancing, Wis also is ea The Suez Canal. oe: fee 1° caer ‘are marrie fare perfect _Sitangere, dgank sep BOK, wioKe James z Sykes, of Pomona, Gal., will ae jispipg gt Adi x ashe hehe i ¥ Colton wd woolled goods are in better Phe noonid) which: warw: as Geptionall is unusually difficult. | They, however, Poa. love each + this week for Chicago, 4 Drowning accidents were numerous. At | jemand, and wool is searce in the easter revere some intereting points la the| neved cane back, and he Sau he saegpL tally ste saesior lutted with erops| after’ marriage and experience shows | Any property they gee, and not only ee Hesee eae ad sae Ba eG iva aapoon Masi feet ies SHS Windeld-oraca apeeata ®| markets. As arule, the ten ency of prices | Suez Canal figures tor 1804. The year’s MOURNED AS DEAD, found in the tloor f 000,000 to 34,- own on oor land and with| that, of all pation, the Hindoos ae the oo everything they oan, but do not seem| a figéR hae yas Rtn: A Puree of Apricots. —Take six halves af eee, is upward, and Leaprpitees ontlcok good. ‘ d to 76,951, , and, x 0b of sur- » It is only by growing | happiest ir domestic realize they. are transgressing in the mi ir to at least $7 sailboat aud drowned, «ud! numed Matt ® ®D receipts amounted to 76,051,000 fr., an Jaises Vilintthiamoniesd coRsiioce hawate something that npn i “ented laa iat oi is Th kee's ‘life “and the good ing rescued; and’ at Uhatham three OBNERAT, after deducting expenses, interest, and e, In the neglected corridors, however, ¥ ab einai ye g at Nousiy brcudromiad: while bat! hing, en Ath r 1 Her and those which were cleaned at ae Electric Parcel Delivery. ‘The to’ of Brighton brs West Athens} in his old moa toy The Porte bas granted amnesty to all| sinking fund, there remains a balance of Inbacvala othe auisatiee Giscoveted trae th hie GREER ion tayo loot moresatte and sheep during the i z The feature in the dry goods situation is| Armenian political elicits 40,367,000 fr. The report states that 3352 there lurked 290,000,000 se‘ crit~ e Victoria Stat sit fanchester,Eng- | last twenty yea an any other dozen i the very strong tone developed in all lines Modivar itv ae a rs” in every square yard. gramme The socllary is land, a new departure has been made in| towns in Maine, Ged the sufferers lay this, Sykescamefrom a good old eee of iti is anno’ last’ (about three-tenths of an ounc in-| «TI I pay a| ships, of 8,039,175 tons, passed through the advances | visit to St. Petersburgafter leaving Con- 980 pi reported in lines for the fall and winter | stantinop! trad 4 z H aiicultr| clam Renita,” Shih ike excited wholesale thieving entirely at the doors of {farmers in Lincolnshire, B or part Mat his fertilizer to great interest. The parcels busin the untutored ‘Browns. During recent| Peterborough. At ingland, arly age he drifted asserts, at least is is the reverse of what : away from his home, and. associates, fede ‘Australia has a popalation of less than x Lined nt coil is fairly rich | Station has been for some time ini veutng especially of sheep and Lobe, that ‘the | for tare bikae years has led a rial The general superintendent of the Can-| 5,600,000, but economists deelare it. vould] fy gs eaadmecinig Gi ha hak ue of can sfferd | at a tate which severely tried the constan good farmers thought it was high time | existence in the western States. He ha ia way has received very | support 100,000,000. these microbes are harmless, but after commercial fertilizer, ¥ Pee ema agement something was done to put a stop to them, | made a few thouseed ollars, and lost it, | favorable reports arts ip ab acto of the! Spain is prepatlig to send very heavy comforting tha reader with this statement, lown that hagas the engineer of the ri hat and accordingly the Shériff was sent down | For the most part of the last twenty years ] grops in noes reitories, Hay, her aby iaiecbe Kear oo Baleieeaargnb beetatalay ; whole situation could be sim, plied by | into the territory of the thieves to try and| he has-been little more than a most. places in Ontario, in'e : > ‘tion thinks he | the P: early da fet ie atti bea of Sleseloitys rat forth- | arrest one or ine of the Rouinis histo large bodies of troops | 1 toward the frontiersof Manchuria and ‘ores. ie : t i There is no taint of criminality in the|@ying that in this hospital dust many family of this man. His parents show! microbes of tu! : active, oe: ‘a couple of loads of buck- inatitncions, "or the the end gets little, if any, more than what eae girtern st the aha the latest | shot and did not stand upon the order of i nd unless the dani is at the| erected parcel departme the crop takes | ™n8 an resteis ‘oom the entire benefit aw the fete and the | 20d conve; n soil is left poorer than before it was applied, | Fdinarily used ee ty Except to make an increased pgs th of| Weight. clover the commneratal fertilizers can not ae ferred in bulk from one part of the depart- afforded o1 m ph Af 5 “= & 3 es = 5 e § 5 5 &, a 8 = * GREAT BRITAIN. ‘ : in the Pomona Valley, and| sttahacs haupte of, civilised | lived the life of a pauper most of Werbune: a ae fata en tindrtioegs at once snd Boal, | m Reno ranch for a few weeks | croquettes. Z eupon a constable of Brighton, who is | this season, F rand hada slight acquaint-| A lawyer named Knapp from Chicago, , |, ducer Fritters With Paree of Apricots, — : whe line known Sykes for Bitty years, eame| Pat one tablespoonful of butter with « gill f | of water over the fire ; when boiling add a ; boat st apidly until amooth, into a round ‘The Queen has gone to Osborne, Japanese will demand £7, The 500, Lady Frances Rose Gu aa at aroet:jaitionsl indemnity from China for aban. on a charge of for, doning Liao Tung, Alfred Dann, Cannon of “Limerick mitted through the medium of the impal- | pable dust which floats in the atmosphere. is at Th In India every resident must, under penalty af fine, have his name written up at the entrance to his fe use. bah Large Atlantic eases en berthed) Hleven pupi e Canadian ae close to the f at Liverpool, pet the| at Romer tetas finisbod theif avdies Self-Respect. Mr, Drinker—Waiter, another bottle Say, w: uA export of butter and fra geries Maritimes packets perinittae ake gen e i red and twenty-six vo ie j troublesome tender is cases ed Wi started for Canada on see ally instead of 100. Of the 36 cme Drake shiver is my nose getting ables the crop, whatever it may be, to n pany is Bate doors were locked upon them. gland, amounting to over £60,000. | into the mictare Aeieh | a oon onl ag stir ‘The Right Rev. Anthony Wilson Thora, immigration g the cana! ay 2386 were fglab a on one laiea: more from the soil, In this way improved | XP second pair of valle Parallel to the) And there they are to- ‘0 prisoners | Elwood Sykes was an uncle of the old’man | beat again until ie fngothe it D.D., Bish inchester, is dead, albus fated from the oarpantion Republic Geran, n, 191 Dati (ere French, 78 co Mndgett, should hayesuch a family origin, Waites —¥-., sah. It is, sah; sorry implements for tillage, te cert increase | first. ever creat cariosi by among in Pomona. The r died in 1884, 5 to the western United States. tralian, 63 LtsliangAl: Norwegian, 35 Rus Bets ss say, ; tl al ase Beha Boeken. b people of Norridgewock and the surround-|iatestate and with no wife or children, ak d Roberts} Serious fighting ki de ted im Cubs, and| sian, 33 Turkish, ie Spanish, 6 Japanese, Ss igake Mr. Drinker—Hum! That won't do. make the soil prey 1g0 ing country as wild and woo! The next of kin are his nephews anc f 's forces in| it Md Us Caines has bubs 5 -amesionn 2 Egyptian, 2 Portuguete, and | A: as been advanced that Mud-j Never do at all. Send out amd get m a rent ex y the use of| Mr. + Spinks-—How ed have those two denizens of theforest, Jailer John Smith, | nieces, of whom four are living. For several Jreland has received royal Aegon Uanuatabed HAs the! Taare Peedi 2 Nicaraguan, gett’s dontcliepin siph was due to poverty. | yachting cap. lover. tan is sothing be been hed hile man; wit! Sie Spi g- They've been | WI here a week, sont hava heard either of | a Holi Teas part ot be Dasiness | them slam a door’ on ite some years, an Ua on lived Id thé building, been leatned this year the estat rain hanaaid Gregg and ‘have been eget in cours tex Deh pesbpeeg ad at

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