Milverton Sun, 15 Aug 1895, p. 3

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The Milvertoti sun THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1895. Recent events have led us to believe that there are numerous cases in the eourt room that sheuld be given no more publicely than they have there. Surely daily papers can find .nore suitable matter for tneir columns than Tk a all the details of an abortion case. is right to give a general ssynopois ofl e an important ‘case, but discretion should be used as to what is fit for ‘public perusal. There are many cases in court thuteven the public should be excluded from, let alone publishing in the press. One thing is certain and / that is the moral tone of the com- a munity is not elevated by it. Fan EM Ss _ “Subcriber” has in this issue of ‘Tue Sun a letter in defence of Mr. Alex, Frame, calling us to account for an alleged attack made upon that gentleman last week. We made no particular attack upon Frame, but stated faccs taken froman authentic journal and commented upon them. We have no quarrel with Mr. Frame because he has earned a reputation for veracity, but we do not like to see a wan in the prime of life make a violent physical onslaught upon an old and helpless ineLriate. We, however, for. bear to make further remarks, as he is -in the hands of the law where he will no doubt be justly dealt with. Rev. Dr. McKay, of Woodstock, ‘one of the most enthusiastic men in the country and conscienceous as well, but, his lack of knowledge of Canadian politics has led him into grievous error by making 2u unwarranted attack on the Hon. David Mills, of Bothwell. ‘The reason that the Doctor jumps so hard on Mr, Mills is because of some alleged statements made by Mr. Mills to’a prohibition delegation who waited on itiembers at Ottawa, and fur which Dr. {McKay dubbed Mills a hypo- crite. Itturns out now that Mr, Mills was nov at the reception of the ~ delegates, in fact did not know. that: they craved an audience. He also cores the Doctor on~ his impatience y aud want of knowledge regarding the technicaleties of constitutional law in dealing with que ‘as Important in their results as SLibiie The Doctor should have been sure of his facts before he hurls broad and impli- eating charges. eh SAS one Roseberry’s Difflcalties, Ttis an open secret that, great were the difficulties which bourne ~ Rosebs from without, they were ‘comparatively ‘trivial comparéd with _ those which harassed him from within. cabinet accustomed to. bow | before the authority of Mr. Gladstone ‘found itself suddenly emancipated ies oe Gladsvonian yol me 0 ter than a nd boar Bet untried peer, who had never sat in the ve of abate and who from the could not exercise hp captains who A enced the majority i in the House of Commons, during the Rosebery administration there was only one oc? easion when es eal ‘peg net was absolute- ion taken in ie las nose he its exis. ‘tence to evacuate Chitral On more than one Seni eae rumor es not alee nt ‘ t tact and the eae a of the talent of give and take that e differences were putehed up and ie the Ministry to survive antil ‘the fatal Friday, .when, an. adverse thajovity of seven senled its “doom.——|™ ise eee. Gas ‘Ont cist her ptt ie alleged ti she elope is Sas teal low, well met” ror William. eablegram from London says of Kaicos Walhele who is at present en- Joying bimself at the yachting races asa ee than probable that: his Timperil Majesty of Germany, Kaiser Wilhelm, has enjoyed himself more than any dozen Bees at Cowes this week. His floating palace, the Imper- ial yacht Hohenzollern, was as usual German general, stern, finely trained, posted on all the tricks of war; then are day he isa German admiral, ritish dragoon, or a British . aicier always perfect in bis part, w on everything, d that ring far less formal character than those of other years. Consequently his Majesty a been al eal more time to yachting and to private visits to the various yachts assembled at Cowes, and he has become more opular than ever before. ‘The first impressions formed here of Emperor William were that he was a very much stuck-up young man of lit- tle or no real ability: Now people are beac to see that the German Em- peror is, when the occasion deserves it, affabl le in the extreme, reealy interest- a student almost everything eae necessary. The tea party. which the Emperor gave on Thursday on board the Hohenzollern, as arranged by him- self, was to have been a most charm- ing function, but, like many others, e was marred by the rain. invited the elite of yachting society e his “afternoon tea” on the promenade deck of the Imperial yacht. ves fragrant with the perfume o} yy Queen Victoria from the Miele of Osborne na elliot hae "His Majesty personally receiv- ed his guests at the Hohenzoller nd they included the Prince an] Princess of Wales, the Duke. of York, the Princess Louise and hee hinebanly the Marquis of! Lorne, and all the inembers of the aristocracy now at Cowes, particularily those who weve ailedlucd to the En:peror ene the recent series of festivities at Hamburg t Kiel, upon the occasion BRO of the Kaiser Wilhelm Gan Magan In The Game Laws he appeoaching game season draws bien ‘e bs changes made at the last the legislature in) the dame pian which well tonote. The open season for deer hunting has been altered from the dates October 20th to November 15th, ber 15th, so that the hunting for oe ied only , ae first f No Phe ason for Hone valk reindeer hana carrik eee from October 25th, 18! illing a moose this fall will have to wait until the end of the century be- fore they will be able to satiate their bit Another change allow: foreigners who have obta ned a license to hunt deer to export the deer he is nd | alowed to kill. Game wardens are be stevie constables for the pur: of act. The limit under on can shoot not more n one season is* re- aud now. those Sportsmen who Lon asen to first 15 days in “Novem ber, and the extension” of the close ars lo) niger Neate ne Gas e, quail, rds, ich et Ce hee fisorderly house gang at the Police Court Saturday. She w rismen will do | ti to the dates November Ist to aa ci a Come Now | : And Q Buy Your PEACHES. Selling At w 50c. Basket ? J + For Q Large Lots..4) 7 60c. per Single Basket. "94035 Bea pow : TLL raipay | FRIDAY! KKK During the hot summer weather the Milverton Photographic Studio, in Grosch’s new block, will be open on Friday of each week, : ONLY. e Operating hours: From 9 a. m. to 4 P. ron |G F, MAITLAND, Photographer. Tuly 12, 1895. A due CHANBE IRLAIN, EYE SPECIALIST, 87 King Streed Fast, Toronto, Ont. He has fitted m pectacles and has pore pcan niaeimoniale aPAR aot aia Hl Canada. He has fitted hundreds of old gentlemen end ladies who have used their lasses with (ia satisfaction 5 ten years without a change. His experience had ost bim much mor a t he makes glasses tor be ity of bad cases others hisvefinlied to beneae STRAYED Into tlie premises of Robt. Smith, Lot 13, Con, 15, some time ago, Two yearling steers, requested to prove. pro- Muerte pehecoes ana eae annals away. Siri. ‘A Good Point, ‘ ‘here'is One comet of a well known, cla! where a citele of gentlemen can usttally be found discussing polities “history, a and some ell known, Colonel rgument, discussic vands attention pin: jus fopee poRreaiae Siieio be anid turning to that gentleman, ‘that a man might be Justa in doing away with him et. 25th, 1900, so that those ardent | Pe? sportsmen who have been counting on| re BROCKVILLE BUGGIES. CALL AND SEE THE NEW STYLGS FOR 1395 These rigs are finished as ‘fine as any piano. The material in their construction is warranted to be thoroughly seasoned and bone dry. Do not forget before purchasing a Wagon to call and see the celebrated CHATHAM, with unbreakable arms and unbreakable axles. Tires set cold by West cold tire setter. Warercoms, Next to Gresch’s Shoe Shop. DAWMID SMITH. UO lll, lll WE DESIRE 10 STATE That our Clearing Sale will still continue, and Bargains will be given. Terms,strictiy cash. Pro- duce taken as cash. We Will Pay Good Price for Choice Butter. No Poor Stuff Wanted. UENTHER & GO. PULTE ITTIER TOURS eR UE E EN Main St., Milverton. one xm. -|The Above Stove ¢¢ 99 weatea he GOOG Cheer, A Most Valuable Kitchen Stove, sold by SCHNEUKER & ROTHAERMEL, Agents for all Good Stoves and Furnaces, Milverton. HOST suceessrut ees FOR MAN OR e: Hae air ot hine for gih tveed ‘i rone now i Shes Borsa, sot al Savi Garg Sed 1.0 ety your Kendaite ns Care “tebe on tio liorsos and have ever use. ‘Avau DALL come. AGH FAL para, Aira: Same} Cheroots 4 All Imported -Tobacco. 10¢ Better than most 5 Cent Cigars. As good as the ordinary to Cent Cigar. It is the manufacturer’s profit that has'to be cut down when hard times come... Every smoker should try these Cheroots. Assorted colors. For sale Hae tobacco dealers everywhere. sh % Creme da la Creme Cigar Co., Montreal, ‘I ra > property and the flight of the missiot The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1895. DISTRICT NEWS difi Some Interesting Items Culled from the Neighboring Press and trom Other Sources Alex. Frame’s victim has recovered. Elgin Meyers, Q.C., has returned to ean to live The London Cricket Club badly Heke Geang Obieago Wanderers’ Tuesday. The sand ue around Elmira have n stripped of verdure by the drouth and ee J. W. Rowles, a Muskoka sear 1 was run oyer and kill led by his o' team on Monday. . X. Graber, one of Stratford's pioneer business men died we home in Stratford on poate las Out of seventeen pupils en wrote is much displeased with te ate Woodstock is to have a new indus- try in the form of a baby carriage fac- tory. $10,000 of the stock has already te subscribed by the business men. Inspector Coppin had the ee of the Royal ee) Ontario hotels, St. Marys, up for a-breach of ee aeer license act on Monday a The former was fined. he Lsidbai Al vorsizer says: ‘Rev. Mr. Cameron, of Mornington, called to’ St.“ Andrew's he Thamesford, at a stipend of ir. Yemen, who was charged with Spanitane an abortion on one Alice Dunn, of Mt. Forest, was acquitted be- fore P. M. O’Loane, on Friday last, the evidence not being such as to sen him up for trial. as Hanna, lot 15, con. 6, West and ribs and driven than into his heart. Mary Xirb, daughter of “Doo” Erb; Hawk who has been at tending her says that she is suffering of inflamation of | was.a a Pr te stomach, If the old wretch is seen | b here in the country peddling he vil likely be taken into custody. Ge On Friday mght while a few friends had eres at the house of Currie, about four le from worth, lightning struck the gable aa of the jouse, acne Currie in- stantly and ete two other young men, named Wm Hummond and ‘Wesley Loucks, Currie was about eighteen years of age. The other two will recover. ae to a Liverpool” eae i sti : in ee charged with k ne a lady ill on the publi ic highway. e prisoner: pleaded that she wa: ue thistook her for ai ie bet e sear feminine demand for Biapaie yada bloomers. +0 From American sources it is said | that the real cause of the riots at Cheng-Tu, China, in May, which sulted in the destruction of m v, was the attempt at sick woman, ‘elie “ ter received in ONG York from yt one of the missionaries seems to point| et sat pee as the reason. He write: heard only one hint as to the cause of the riot. One of ‘MILUBANK. . J. Nicklin writes tomy he has a care; of Millinery a hoos a c other nt pol yeasts for herself or others, and se ~~ BRUNENR Miss Stevenson and Miss Langton, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. H. Dobson. Mr. baa Parkinson sowed 10 bus. of la nd) 01 "1 send all boysand girls who can pos- sibly go on first day. Thos. Harri of Milverton, spent Sunday with friends on Gravelridge. POOLE, ‘Miss Mary A, Alexander, of Lis- towel, spent last week with Miss Clara e r Melville and Miss Addie Large left on Saturday for a denahy sant to their relatives in Sadie Biruchore returned on Savutday atterepending wlfew dayein Britton. At the dass regular meeting of Poole Lodge, No. 593, I.0.G. T.,, t! the officers were sae installed by W. T. Shearer: j James H. Chalmers; V. T. sie Struthers; See., Mary Con Sec., Nellie Chalmers; Trea Nellie Dewar; , Thomas Burn Mar., Harry Newman D. M., Lizzie Alexander; S ‘ pMentiian Guard, Sarah ec auier P.C.T., Wm. Chalmers ; Chap., Wm. ye nae oF Salton, Ph. B., of Stratford, eceptied ed ene oH the peepee orehe Wrst Met hurehis St. ‘Thomas, subject to the pave woh dekictationing ommittee. hampion Jim Corbett played his first. of- 2 aaial gaye Monday with the Seranton et e covered first endance atthe game, of 6,000, pene. present. Corbett gots 40 per cent of the gate receipts When, after thesecond battle of Bull Run, gne in his nga the doing, sir?” gasped the Setonat rs, sit,” replies rn ‘yon told us ~ pen that dinner ax ve Would’ the kakieth ys, sau oe Beet what we can’t kill, we cap; ture. Scandal, Tn a recent address Rev. Angus Mackay, of Lucknow, Ont., spoke on The Unbridled Tongue,” and roundly. condemned those who circulate stan dalous and unfounded: stories about their neighbors. Among ovher things hysicians of the Canadian Metho- | .4 wlled to attend a sick nem. She died, end he < of ‘having ‘rilled her the hypodermic injection he had given her was brought up-as a ci ‘proof of his guilt.” Ignorance -is:often as great a danger as open hostil ley or yrong. ns, who died in Hibbert ek, was a thoroughly honest ‘man, but peculiar in many respects, He had ere ideas as to religion, fi bs s and other ne the farm, and we eliavese axed the wish that his own body should be milurly disposed of. el To ee son Robert with him on the farm, Stine is one the best in the township, he willed the residue of his property, which includes | d the old homestead of 100 acres, all the | legacy to his wife, and the necessary. That is the work of the slanderer, His ane is full of deadly poison, qeogs it into pak ears a org reyes, in te form 0 of insinuating looks or actior are told that the aie t isn in into the veins produces de seconds ; and yet no chemical science can eats ts the paieon rot the blood So the whi no hold can be produced by a shrug of the shoulder, | a nod of the head, a glance of the eye, ejor by silence when duty demands speech. In such and other ways the unbiidied tongue may rob of cl haracter, tine commandments, the burglar, the incendiary, or the wurderer is wicked, need we pee in saying that the slanderer with hi bridled Ad-| unl tongue is a wicked and Sar funeral expenses. The other sons were entirely ignored.—Mitchell 3 en ‘ous character.” “ili : In stacks, for all sizes, and "8-/at all prices, ranging from $4.90 up. You are not dressed with- out one of our suits. Great Value in Black Dress Goods. Prints, Curtains, Ete., Go- ing Cheap. A Nice Lot of Ladies’ Hos- iery for muddy weather. Parasols at Little. Above Cost. We are Making a Run on our Carpets. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE, ‘in ipa, Miverin, , =) Emblem: Pins and Cuff Buttons. We carry a very fine assort- ment in solid gold, sterling silver, gold: plated and’ enameled, for the following societies : Christian’ Endeavor Epworth League ‘Temperance Pins Whith we sell ab the very low- -est prices. | SOHAEFER BROS., Jewelers, Milverton. Fine watch repairing a specialty, All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Handsomely tees in Blue and a Mlustrate BUCEIONS how to re} duce all Spr Hypworic, Mt & Mixp Reaping Srymocr, Bisnor, Ry TO Phe B. LDWINS, Herwas and others. to drive blindfolded 8, palmistry,, Mise talern Alive Test, You can fl upllerts the above work pau “The only. book above "ede me sent prepai igartiebiaivoray ot ees Annie ESE Lock Box > AGENTS WANTED. E; sive rights given, Th é ; Pe peaeAGiGe tas \ oorway OT Pruspority | To the General Public: © N MAKING this announcement, we on to donk you for your liberal patronage in the past, and would ask for your co-operation in order that we may carry out our new plan of doing business, which must result in mutual advantage to the buyer and seller. _ As you are no doubt aware, the largest retail and most successful stores in larger towns and cities, do all their business on cash principles, and it is the only door- way to prosperity for both customer and merchant, cash business must be beneficial to the customer— the transaction being closed when the sale: is made— whereas in the credit business comes the after-claps of long accounts and bad accounts; the worry when you can’t pay in time, and a good many other unpleasant things. There are but few families who could not, with: a little effort, pay cash, and it is easy to pay as you go; but in the credit it is often hard to pay for worn-out clothes. Try it. We have for the past two months been sonsidering this Cash and Credit System, and we have given the verdict in favor of the cash. We know for a fact that the credit man can not compete with the man who gets” his cash, and can pay cash for his goods and take the large inducements offered to cash buyers. We therefore. are frank in saying here that, on The 15th Day Be Septy ay ee store will be known as the People’s Cash Store of | Milverton, and after that date we will do business only on cash principles ; that is, to sell for cash and pay cash prices only for Farm Produce. . This means without any exception in favor of cus- tomers, whether old or new, we no apology to make for taking this step; we are convinced it is the only method of doing business successfully. In return for which we offer you the largest stock of General Merchandise in Milyerton, at the lowest cash prices, and at a much lower rate than credit houses dare sell. We stake our continuance in this business upon the success of this change, and should we fail (which we will. - not), we prefer to go out of business rather than ge back to the credit system. It is a well-known fact that every one ise ia its losses, extra expense’ in'book-keeping, i of interest on long-standing accounts, etc., etc. : a It is a fact that thousands of dollars are carried to. the cash stores from this vicinity. We claim to be able _ to place goods before the people of this town and vieinity at less than city stores, where expenses are larger, and WE WILL do it. We are now ready to give special rates for cash, and if you ive us a trial you will be convinced that we are doing things right, Yours respectfully, Daal GLEISER. ge oe COOL. \ By going to J, H. Schmidt's and sampling his Iee Cream. You get a dish or two, or three, if you * choose, any night in the week. It is made from the pute cream, and will fill you with delight, ‘Try it. Filve fi oe ry it Milverton, J. Hl SCHMID? Frain 2a \ WATCHES Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, A large stock of watches ofthe best anufacture, such as ae ‘Waltham, FREE to any cash customer who: Columbus, ete, Watch sob 4 $10 worth of goods. prices and guaranteed, dod Rings, a nice assortment. Gro, Prarr, Jeweler. ertol well-knovin and Ung established Ford's Art ee largenumbet of ‘of thei y offe _ THE MONTHLY — CATTLE FAIR 5 probably so yon : JOHN ¢ GROPP, CEDAR POSTS, LUMBER, LATHS, |» _ Shingles, Pumps, ete. BRUNNER, ON though you ee At MILLBANK i Will be held the Wednesday Astor ng| probably do not fit yom the Aoiee ane ‘Ofveacl waste any more time, before

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