Milverton Sun, 19 Sep 1895, p. 1

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é $ 5 i r ' «It Shines For All.” MALCOUN MacwETR, Vol IV—No. 39 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1895. tor and RDI! ce 5 New and N A namber of Milvertonians this yen miCe FEpErwencen The Milverton Sun LOCAL NEWS. ye Te tameay’s new and:novel| week are attending the Fair t] 9 srg Rpron—Doar Sir,—Tt Is the foes ven Newspaper eed 3} gar Changes recep pee haemo Se) little “phos; inthe brain” makes. . It is the Best Advertising cid” will be presented. in Mr. the jeweller, thinks| people “harmless” too mach must hay i ad i esd i > people ve Meine. Rerenieoniilt, SNOT siecle west cing at noon t9| hell, Wednesday, Sept 25th. ‘The | daring she sen years doing business in| the op Layman may call : “A MACBETH, Publisher, for cal malas ‘Weekly and Duly ree cranes Hehe Bena ti at Be | Milverton, business has been loctor or not. I think ib = papers All Correspondence urea canara te ge grt said tol ashe expected it to every F aolieg mould be well ecco ion: ADVERTISING RATES ¢ Apem oS be Tacaday surpass anything ae the kind ever|thanking people for buying a few |doctor., and I would uch seace. _|lyear.(6 mos.|8 mos,| 1 mo. wen in Canada, Tt is different from| hundred watches and clocks from him. | surprised if it ase vs fovea Gk eee Th, |__——|——— anything of the ey heretofore at- G 3 aitles eek Me: Hab too. much Phospherous in his Dae column, [50 001830 00816 00] $6 00] ‘The quail season does not open until | tempted, the scenes of the different} CH#ar Muar — iy ler elter-| sin. [see now why he, in his se- Half olan, 30 on] 18 50)" 8 G0} 50 vem cing remarkably realistic, |bourm our butchers have made a re- ama) 16 00] 9 00] 6 00) 3 50| Oct. 15th. pao ea ae ae etaon pf two opmtaapary, Ib: can tthe | oona vaaeety st himself up as ‘the Siphon | Tob) oun a Bild o8] | Hawt te your entrios for the show | “bile Mr. Ramsays songs are all new | rt i beef which 1b, in Ate | strong. searchlight” for the public. ao 3.00] 2.00 100) and avoid the rus wae this country for the first |" ‘akon napaipartgrti: “al “TThey | Bub where is the light he protendea to Trauslent sdvertisemonts are charged at| Read George Pfnif's new advertise- : give us? I leave it to the intelligent Tage of Se lh : have always on hand a supply of fresh} tie to find any truth in his letters. NG Tine nonpareil for the frst insertion, ‘and 3c. per line for each sucessi ment on another page. t fail to see the Exhibition next et It will be good. For $1.40.—To usr one who willing to appreciate a good thing make the following oer veal, tab, pork and all kinds of sau- sage, He We willsend 'f you want a choice roast do ot fail to call upon them, as they —— MEDICAL to your address the Sux and The Mail pred 7 h are paying 12 cts, I a; always please. ry B., M. D. C.M., Grad- for e oT 16 cts. per pound for Pehciee and Empire from now until Janual e pa] is written on, save 1e eX~ My: BGBERL MB Me Mcians & | butter 3 for 10; » yon and for month | Oprsvanr, The romaine of (ra. Ray. precise maine compli- of Ontario, also ‘ost Grae .¢ Pfeffer Bros.’mill is at maeyanin reading of two want| cored to their last resti plage! ie be opinion is that the phos-- nt of Londen Hospital, London, Eng- bs a ane hey. to keep up wit get the fall teneit it of the offer hand | Methodist Cemetery, y: y. Mrs, Ray-| phorous in his brain is of a poisonous, Oat peer aetna coe wer Ate cok ee ee omy Renreber| rf wan cme ofthe easter of Morning | and very transparent nar 82 rane full and new line ool supplies, ton and with her husband endw the A Bela Lat Carh ohh tt ne, Bt Sa — soles ocala tty ge anaes eet a a ee ete., at Jas. ‘orrance’s. er iT an tl ant res 7 ry Hi Be R ae ee 3D ERLIenT Nawonite eaapmering weal eee et offer. remember that| daughters ores settydeath. She| pressure of this phosphorous im bis ollege the Mail and Empire has been im- ie days ill and her loss is deeply | brain he sees a “new a itution” with & 3: duce ies. fone ot ollege of on Sunday last attended by a large P? vA ‘and Surgeons of Ontario. Tele- pre greacly since the amalgamation. | smen! was a model Christian wife|the most extraordin: ments. eee ostaek, Bruner dames rmaene HOR OA ond eet a rush bub are prepared |** Nope ringing up before his eyes in Milver- , Poole to and Residence Tele-| vicinity. ei "The Catholic Register says **The mon join | ton, and by the same pressure his phil- graph connection at residence for et Mr. CO, Hasenpflug has had convert- lodges and the woman join pai Be Pe ay wich n @naree te Ee Crossagest ages Newton and Mil] oq into a large sam sis the ofios |__ 11s Sewnnnewns—This is the ae te odee societies of America are : su eg bank, Offiee messa: 2. i UO bistle 7 le aa ©8| tary ofan Arkansas editor: “Our aim |ligious, varyi ng from devil worship to sees “pain, ete, painted.” I suppose vm. U, te makes an} f,)) the truth though the paitn platonism,” We don’t think the classifica- | this is a pretty piece of his philosophy (aaa Gear sa kena Ma ene ea tel ee Paar Of the [rman seroma! He Gonallg ats tees | fonts purpose of exhibiting is though i " 1¢ Rev. . Hamilton, of Montreal lave many women’s societi in | h: * M. BRUCE, LDS, Dee was hoine for week visiting his parent ports for the people, re paid ie the church and without it, and some of the baa hana hae i hea GDS, Toronto, alno| He conical the reo ee pile mee DDE lise se bell ie siders a8. an Cr beer ‘Hetteon | but never pai ‘dealt, But this cultur: member of the ‘Haskell Post Graduate Sch vee ue he last Sunday evening and preach- | dox, with a fir 10 belief in hell for de- A ay Sena re i sri we pain tic Dentistry, Chicago. eda very able se quent subscribers. Our motto— Gd seta ogee ayo aelabaipgagy ie ed and extensively read gentleman (1) ‘No. 5, Main St., Listowel, Ont. Will vist Mr gy Ge “ot Mornington, has |‘Pake all in sight and rustle for more. often to Ibe potiatie vith aaa Ye ay or a | bas: by the pressure of the phosphor- the Queen’s Hot filverton, every Mon-| a most prolific cow. She is 12 years|Our policy—To love our friends and {sugar rag and the ous in his brain not only felt pain bub LOA For the practice of his profession, old and has given birth to 14 calves| brimstone our enemies, If thine) ee Har icke: Carerhe Peete if so T would a oh, Lik DR. E. H. Bidt, Dentist, Gordon's eld cS na P.0., me ony sare wi 2nd and 4th Wed- VETERINARY H. -ENGEL, 3 Solan §., Milverton, Ont. treats oh domestic animale. 20 entifically. All calls promotly ‘attended to, by telepho r otherwise, day ot ni Dentistry and chronic isensos a specialty. sci- SOCKETIES 0. F, ne 99, rata meets every |.) second and last Tuesday of every month, at 8 o'clock in ‘the hall over jeuker tinermel’s store. Visiting ‘brethren. blware welcom / mers, GC. Ru W. D. Weir, Recording Bee: 0.0. B., “Silver Star Lo fo, 202, Milverton; meets every ¥ Shay night, 1 build. is eloome. |, Sec. ts in Ona art Wetactay in See seni EB, Boo area ee i 83 R. Smith, Tre HOTELS John Gro} ee iste rm. ielge Brunner, pS ste rietor. weds cigs af the bar. SL ena large ntsc First-class GER i Sealer! HOTEL, Milverton. odation for com- eines mee eee ‘Two large aii Hiquors an gen 3 Mill Sts. C. sre EP Proprietor. fects teh bestia boring Ont. The nar rpm Ses Parana ae Only the choicest of, of wine ign oa a aay the bar. Ee ty of shod pee go Propotor. O¥AL HOTEL, market square Ske people of this vicinity solicited. Si 4 raise Ste ee Lay \e patronage game. ” | Schneuker and. Conrad during het short lifeone year of which she was die eek has been effected be- een A. J, ee and his late re 1 Mr, McWhinney on the latter delivering up the proceeds of the sale and returning to him the stock pur- chased by sveaad meeting grounds on levies evening Nake driving sofurionsly that it was_witi salty that sete he got out of the way | in to prevent being run over. We wins his tasions aorerts al in fut \¢ Chief has his eye on him. SB ee he ies pettinns Studio will be open pte Aaa Cae know the abape, colors, —To live in pomp a Ramsay Concert Evening). fir, a M. Appel, secretary, in- s for the ‘Agricultural show are coming in rapid- ly, but he.urges eee members feng their entries in as soo) avoid the rush at the "dat ‘The shooting season for most. gai ceeded in bagging a tame eat, will be held on Monday evening next, the 23rd September, at 7:30 o'clock corporation lease Uda ty me to the Clerk before above date to offer you Tae Son and Globe fr now until Jan. ’97 for $1.49. such offers are not often made and wi Who will be first? ae Usher & Sons’ Queensto oo is kept constantly at Win. Peters’ store, Brunner beste all kinds, noe troughs, ete, at little more than one-third the cost of and cement Personal given and oe wepae ‘The Ka-No-Ta Herb Remedy ani BUSINESS CARDS ei D, WEIR, Auctioneer for the es . Count of Perth and pore for |a Deeds, Wills and Mort scarp and A Alfadavits made, Builif5th ae ion Court. Village Cl iverton, coh Si dr DOI ati em ORLAND'S. LIVERY STABLES, Mil D verton. First-class horses and rigs hire at all Pivegesrie ercial drivi speciality Bus meets all tra ving & THE MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR|E3% At MILLBANK Will be held the Wednesday preceding ‘Tuesday of each month, the year rou Lous BUCKEL, JOHN seb President, Lippert suc- r "A meeting of the Milverton Couneil |“ Shiny that they will be a advan- | ¢, e of on teed Port- instruction nd Concert of, | found that this mixture was ® verton Fair to both days of the bs jhoto- | give the boysa chance to get pl graphed with Tite Bak bese gic, SEND EN THE Ebi roa editors of Jamed for par: possess a sufficient foree of reporters to send to ever’ chur vet service in the congregation do a are gladly printed, found fault with - the pete who neglect to send in their notices and the charge of partiality is made. The editor may belong to Mealy wo of the numerous acietiea in town sad atarelly hears all the news in re- ference to his particular organizations, while ee) eg one y keeping | to their ite mselves, miss the oy ‘to Rup GRUB.—There something in the following item from ie Paisley Advocate, but we have not een able to learn of any damage hay- been done to turnips 3 in this pelea bat: ‘hose. fi Boe by the appearance of @ slug, mbling the cabbage after which the root decays. Mr. Munro, of Greenock, is one of the suf land returned Mdada lay evening fue having a four days’ panne It pi aii Wisse alta cid 78 oie Do not fail to hear the “ Co. Fair Night rau eeday te * | will stay nowy "hse hae seed cid to ulnee aneiinn ee would gladly re-| hens ion bel w. wonder he is ee exhan: es wants to give up, he i ta schabiltae common sense by giving up than one |e has in all his wees Adi i P. Diprtanm,. Stratford, Sept. 16. ‘ LADS World-1 ene Mr, W. H, Ramsay's “Trip Around hae World” alte presented in Gioncive hall, Wednesday, Sept. ae will in- clude scenes of famous. cities, bi Petes He POH Minar. tao scenery, beautiful lakes, Lester the luxuriant tage of this unex Mr. George ae is on that his competitors could not him much during these cen ag Nitea years ago George Pfaff came to the town of Milverton to stay, and today he is in es very best of circumstances, it ap- rathe many competitors or ce sane ts he had, only improved bi business aby speaking against him ana apers and exhibition prize |W! lists, a see it is just like this, we| popular London songs and only take their first advertisement in{heard and seen by him while im ¢ | exhibition poe list, page 5always : aes Europe. his brot weller or competito) roduced on an sea ae) ie lane mighty tempests, Mr. Rao will Sales all he newest and m E Personals. six months, a they ane out ot]; Maamiepre eae oh eT visiting pocket every one George Pfaff is in Mr. Weir oheeon jewelry business eighteen years. Now. a-days there, is no fifty per cent. art visiting friends in Goderich. Dr. New, of London, is at present layevels wired visiting his friend, Mr, Geo. Goodhand. ‘To concert guers we baa! like to] We are pleased to note that. Miss Stella say that owing to the number of cun- ee ay = reeovered from her recent Pea hare that have already been presented D. Weir is spendinga few he public during the past year, ass set Wpesans in Detroit, remand Rote will likely be a enrelty of thes Rte Waa inptoa ta -vreteinie ati howe of her parents in Port Huron. Mr. Hugh McHugh, of Tue Sux staff, is back after a two weeks vaca~ tion, . Miss Mollie Grundmann, of Mill~ bank is recuperating ab the of her siste in Detroit. Miss ort of Arthur, is qgain in rece oe Gleiver's, fesbioning eae season, is at present Ho will sing the latest English songs i table manner. Re. ‘sha aucond hes tt oa ae ea of ane in the highest jon’t fail to hear him next Shere ates The Woodstock Times relates ae irom, is now visi ae patient Cea a, Lily Langtry, the faded Jersey lity, socks o divorooin Collen fm her lates Elma cheese factories off six prizes at the Industrial penitent ferers. Tinmediately . discovering it ‘;|he wrote to the staff the model farm fe large andiences with th mystifying performan Mra, Bailey has| and asked their pect infighting HE ery song and well trained voiceand her |attacks, The receipt they sent pleseant smile made ber host, of friende. "ive for the information of all Mr, Will Stewart, Chai ypersonater }BtVe FOR 5 sid Homorise is’ a great favorite, His| hom it will be of value. Dissolve rendition of (The Ship T Love’ and|half a pound of bard soap in one gal- ‘The Burglar” was masterly and pleased the Ton of boiling water and add two gal- ‘Campbell and lon of coal oil, roughly, and dilute w b Nee their bulk of water. weak and for the second seo son ntleman and conduct m the eet, sureight-torward “prides thereby [added only 12 times the bulk of wat ining many pure! “No-|er, and from this derived better results a temedies and aking Sogn of _friends. | Tf pest in time this will exterminate ‘Thursday and Frid Fare go eration, testes to Saturday, tively Bia last night,10 der 0) Er orogreann, Toot ex ye hat The bushand pe ht: g house- at saan Milton rs, aged 18, was, killed ag Atak Falls on veep night in trying to jump op an MCR. train while crossing the cantilever bridge, belonged to London. ‘The trial of the petition against the, return of Hon. Mr. Harty for Kings- ton began before Hon. rag Osler and Maclonnan. At Mi lake's rex married again. and was laid to rest in Windfall ceme- keeper, whom he fell deeply in love with, anc oe marriage and was cepted. affianced wife wanted jewelry; her eiintred husband had her ears pierced for rings, but owing to the scarcity of money he could yi Fes the jewelry that would-be wife No. He went one Be 2 ment was granted for one grave of his first wife, took coffin and after a careful search found and gave is to select some reliable new I make her constable. Toutes 4 nee for the oeaen an adjourn~

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