cunnewn NOTES, THE NEWS IN A NOTSHBGL |speseartn. 20ers eo, : . plate pegele by the landlord ans | Aboot thos presale vered, ‘The return of Lord Salisbury to power is | @ and tn tee andrea wll ited Empire Trade | Petished, It is Pac fiat tie swear dave hel DTP HRERIA i ee set aie -WOTORLA, LAND VISIPEL, Tupasiie has THIS DREAD DISEASE. TALK WITH THE MAN WHO IS JUST oir Jangdares Th — ; FROM ANTARCTICA. on cat is the word aie! boi Pref. ‘Van Ranke, fhe turer or @ BACK Assorted fr an ee femnation’ is Pref. ky, ot asain: or Read Ms ‘atte is boing made fn England to| a0 i2 the words Ther imtyerat in had Bes ecckee | Mr, Worehgrevink Reliever the tonthers pee tition in the, cheee 8 he ae rn Mave Great Fatth Te the itish So regres ced in the Aach pment We What is Sonlatie cain as the “bicycle erazs!” has been charged with all sorts of crimes and misdemeanors. | ners declare it has caused a fai dnegented wb nrsiacesemay seaee | CHMBTRRIES IN LONDON. unjust to compare a man witl , a cellular and flowerless lant which diese e's ne’ "t'tave ger md [ABOUT THE ROTHSCHILDS. 0 opportunity tohave it examined.” “Te i es a AN can ceacagcner pemsae THE MOST IMPORTANT MEMBER OF invention and knowledge with any oe MANY OLD DESERTED AND ABAND- e geog! ie THE Gi BAT Ss tal workman, wi ies to his wor . tell of this Rear nogerded:s it as of the daly ths nnintellljpat hata aC uiehentat ONED GRAVEYARDS. reatest interest. ‘rom what is (ante ks of ety the meteorology a of the antarctic regions it | The wes a Uae nee and 0 probable that the evaporation THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. Abo Great Britain, the United States, All Parts of the & com Dead to Wi: f the ower, nae Living -Some Witss ing Old Graveyards im the City of Lon- don, THE NATIVES OF SIKKIM. Views on Who Rorrow Their Relig- te —Prol hat h pole, and that, i meta re rane Raver ne ‘ie is gs 5 Beioe walk SL ae more southern Initades ae ever ati check Can: ae teeny electric street Cert bbe A at each s trade. ‘The North” pened consi be found, or se Ub ocon that a ae In the city of London there are miny Althongn the border land in which the| ay deserted and abandoned yeuveyare commarder of the leigons of honor, mem- | ° Theie “occupation” was *qone” ben . | ber of the institute and regent of the Bank Natigo. waa speed heihch oh Parla: the \of Frauc Me casaro? the daughter of |*%4 Thibet is from its great altitude gute ‘pn making burials obligatory in extra- ion. | Baron Lionel de Rotbscbild, of London and ee and. fesse mae | maural'cemeteriet.’ Chief among there old tives in the finest residence in Paria, at the |*°eDery absolutely devoid of anything to eared Buphill Field corner of the Rue Saint-Florentin and |*e the same cam not be said for the coun- Place de la Concorde—a house once the re- | #Y Passed through en route; for the road | | Sens of te Ge Asner taben tates the eal lay hewn Alphonse is the most important een shal waa sentenced ie one day jail at Hamilton for robbing a corn fel foe deg 27 ue vitae of Spats aid a4 was dam th see of en iia if ‘The geographers who gathered in Lon. |, uy Seay SO Rothschild, chief of the don from all over the world for the sixth International Geographical Congress en- joyed a treat that had not been expected, writes a correspondent, I never saw 80| hy. absorbed an audience on s geographical occasion as that which listened to the young Norwegian, C. E. Borchgrevink, as he told | Bou urgogne, Tea a which would s Tn the bn notin Principal strecte of Canton ision: an a Champagoe seg te ; & thi een with tand loudest Sree, fam 1a sisting ‘the “tiger a pe 355 havin; is cider. st ever, comes in the shape o} in fe ea gaan eect ait dot ees duit raltz. will, it is re bie that, instead of acquiring the art appoint neeinbe ‘of the aah and ies of nimbly manipulating the ivories and Cr York mineral. Will Sipe va alo val Pedals of the tuneful piano, the 0 gil of he A Graig, formerly » prominent con: brnca si fie rooney in Reding decided ‘i al meat is clinging with a tenac’ heey of Hamilton, tcied ¢ to hang himself | 8° a bans is a ye ba ing |i the police cells of that city. ‘a8 authority fi meee Russian =“ ns, ae fen ides the Central Peniten. is > Krasnojarsk, Yakutek, Cate of the British lical sociation, ae was held i; ives, t¢ i wee: fee, during July and Aug reach of the cape. contain strata of lava between thick layers of snow. volcano, which hee reoently been activ by. Cape Adare itecit aid. Des Biggs Dine summer) to the shores of Victoria Land. abies Ob acieeacn tod ok sipbtheti by Pape emrreered 10 ihy fone years fen? anti-toxine, Several of the m: minent physicians of Englaad and Gadine took Part in the discussion,and the results which shay reported following the use of tha of id; eels to seek the kingdom of heaven a =“ ue ends of the earth as runaway sailor for bse sgh rle1 Hundreds 0 f thousands more wen a boys for lo these many yet ey Foe gia biih bidbelsot Me iephal ee : Harlem river with the ed ou ar the it vered pe, Bs | don, Vienna and Frankfort. - ere neighborhoods where d to be Gf: hon, a melte: wont flagellate the faa ‘ncoper mt her Trilby-carolings and thump the board of the anci nt aad of ara with her tripshammer touch now know her harbor were captured while attempting to re placed on board & vote of peste N. B., has sealtiegt to reduce Five sailors of the men-of-war in Quebec a or six to one the town of phospha hof the ( monaste mi and iting Hojthe toadeste’ ie me, aoe in the Summary a German Consu! Wher wodertonk to celebrate Seat gorden par for permissi who, after consul ‘®|otForeign Affairs, other day ny es to the cpreleot ‘The ment ot the disease were imply mar- ese “Prof, : jon ity plieus oomapaaune off The fact was, he had arrived in London } Victori ems to indicate there are secrets ther¢ not only all the most exch bourg St. Germain, while the greatest nam He enjoys almost unequalled (ten in business, but social, world of Paris, He wits be met in France figure on the visiting list of learning and the traditions lta of. he Fine on lish thee aoe ‘of Dukpa Buddhism | gruesome associations when centuries, Bunhill Fields place and has a somewhat cheerful aspect though there are one thinks that they buried people there in te and hideous fashion in the day the ‘own Council aes fen to. six, after the Congress opened and was at once taken in band of his wife at her magnificent Chatean de |j eee Ferriers and at her Rue Saint Florentin |rather spoil the effect of their beautiful silke, which would show t great plague, and so many of i that inopportune, and consequently refused, lead a” party into the use expression in his prayer, \ fools and idi. Be ly upon ie town council of Edin- jon and |2,tet10n on muscular development in the piano as’ in|“ the wheel. they will build a piano that can be attached to a bicycle and one that will play itself, ‘for the bieycle girl is too tired to play a piano, and, besides, she ie too busy, Oo CANCER BY JNOcULATION, A party a Pas ssvalire, inaludia ‘about 50 women, passed tl pos itawa, Most of them will peli i otton eee in Georgia, The Hamilton Council ha adopted its Finance Committee’s report, reco: the pepliossia of the T., H. en additional bonu y Minister of wen fcpecconed and + Smit», Land Commissioner o: Vistoog: ubosede t@ ve position, Prof. Saunders, of the Experimental es Koa _Toturned to ‘tam from hi: trip to the West. He a: Manitoba is, if anything, un mmending | y Drevin gad ing pa Sa a ia Sastre Augusta, and Atl isgenerally {mn and. «feeling oft Tnereaned con- iden improvement is reported ab the tou pea hawek re t UNITED staTES, Mr. Henry M. Stanley has arrived at New York. There is talk of the restoration on th a auaiaett Pacific of the wages of two i Hes mut nlsaie ot Tose iay stersoon whilst repairing a pistol, sup- sed to be einpty. He is not expected to Dr. Edward W, Burnette, Who bebe fide fevover ‘ao reine: to Mave Caught it Fro: rn. aaa W. Burnette, of NewYork le, _ inoculated in the oan of the pie ato) of this woman. is now critically «ill with cancer of the ji jaw and liver.” much. subject of inoculation by cancer, Dr. Jones always been a teaching in th a tg ta sate Pais ot SOME BULLS NOT IRISH. They Come From England, Scotland and a3 ‘ Elsewhere, “Here is an English bull,” said Uncle grandma, don’t you know that j Be our ae jonable set nobody ever goes to a party till everybody is there,’ e Sectch produce some very good bulls, also, Two oe were discussing Isa Hast lative cca of ol teri ompanion retorted: ‘Weel, if In red in life and health, Pl gang haewhere e Mitre are some others mis Arran id to lape mda the joleming announ Aol He r. who smokes every day, and Bai a‘ now 70 years old,’ he ne ace. smoked ta bereft in Edinburgh, many years vay the Ploy Dill stated that the evening's ente: wee wd finish eli aay interlu thy? A Pres. pe forming public worship ina ohuroh at Edinburgh, once ‘Lord, iots, and | ® have ‘lace upon al | oF ie twenty-four. Mr. Norman P, Macdonald who defended a murdere Welter and Heng rshott, was ad ee in hia bed ao Sy thar i Death is attributed to eae the deceased was thirty-four ae ‘Trade. ana mill machinery of Tony is out of date, and must'so replaced, He also shi there is good arket for Cana aa) boots and shoes, erat ae is now claimed ti ool-room Ree es Calvin Wileox, of i Jewett City, Conn. i said to be the largest land-owner in Eastern Consesieut. Bis holdings agaregate 2,500 Commissioner Jas, E. , of Batts, visited Toronto last-week, and brought back with him one million dollars to bet Digest! in loa Lord Who | recently re eneer® all a0 n | Angele, ie sp business, Instead.of 5,00: which is Florida's neue boxes will be, shipped. chiefly lt of Mt peeey le will engage in 000, Boxes of oranges 10,000 "These eat come ey Manatee region on the No orders for delivery in hs can be a et auc, Ianadtas wats hee k, than would Poeieeine ee the haggle oking for a stand. He eas veal sche GREAT BRITAIN, his oe “The ph Hite ley’ ee has received a civil lise etsion of 81,000, One half the week Sir Isaac Holden is vegetarian. ‘The other half he is carnivor- en in the best of health Lord Rose- ey ena sleeps more than five hours out ney aay the crop of peach brandy in this ‘oads than any other state in the Union. Bioieaiat noted sicane strict justice with i which her laws are adminisr he fas of | 8 : a making. experiments hen’s eggs, and finds tl tne wien Ot em are idea) with aay bactei an order of the cont has eas appointing a receiver for George author. There are two cases in peerage of twin sons inertia, ing the heir- ship. Insuch cases the younger twin 1s ete presiinptive to fh title, it 18 Fepones oe stages steamshi| rates for al Vslaee of tranaatlastic business A Mi be rare! English battleship Majestic warcae on het trial trip on but ran aground on Donne TE Spihend She was floated off at high f the larger Massachusetts increased, rapidly singe 1890 th slition Minnéapiolie or St, ft. Paul, a rat Mort In private life Mr. Asquith is said to be impart ialiy, olan meets, while Mr. oe charming, and he is the most pleasant of an No. 2, Grane iets thee ina Os Asaomors, and the taxes essed as in Fonerome, conclu: Brunswick, Sir Arthur Ge sealisod $50,000 by | tesiden ‘hor the British wi 1 hs industries of the fut crease in the as a cure of the opium Dr. the University o ut feel he tate | C: | of time, the business protits connected Puiaaban’ of Belfast, Me., have Rebs ritiens profits Coumeated with ro paid the poll tare assessed _bgainst them ins paaaae savage i ni and of cs has been te twenty A man who owed his landlord in Calais, artosted 'afied the ‘chistes of oomplicizy ie Me, te eight weeks’ board, is trying to| the conspiracy. ouragement, end, as he would find it ded not to settle, @ thunderstorm is a trolley car, and Ia caatreset it has been found that peach stones burn as and give out iit of the. fruit Three is bordered me 4 Eb al med around the edges with rufles conta ain- ter of embroidery by two banda of ich.yride insertion holding a tucked band ing tro yards an five inches deep, —_____ Dainty Collars. The centre collar is o| iste ; with a row of lace ee it three-quarters of an inch mle and e at the inner edge ; at The other collars are of white lawn trim- | 20t 0 fad 8 quar re etaeen nok tad 6) OWineke. Woon theta’ Tha hank i finished with Electricians nay the aafest place of refuge band of insertion and a lace frill, PANS SA A TRAGEDY IN REAL LIFE. tinned or dried ws se re collected and ‘al th seat Nee Missouri will beat the record | sold at the rate of $3 pe The city of Rochester, . ¥., is consid- Now J jihey hae more miles of improved | ering a proposition to purchase for the sum of $33,000 eeventysive Myers ballot mack: i ines for use in local elections, ‘The company the machines, with all the new mprereinen ts for ten iy Beecher on one friends, ing around, ** A fool road nate swallaged rupees for safe-keeping. cupidity, and induced her to propose to| Siac er yousger sister tomake away with ‘ali the re: ogi that they very Ecdigu earing on the cunaa: The faite of Morocco is seriously ill, The f Pod n een Smolin atclacn iatsered i ag ties ks Foreign Consuls in China report an in Bugersene, professor of medicine in 90, He ‘ei and Fei . Cecil Rhodes, 2 Goteny, pny suffering with A. tenfoot “ wind-whee!” in. Nebroska tied | raises “1000 to a| hi ala, the well-known newspaper writer and ms all 0% injec! Caen of mor ephine pees to their guilty rep. takerand, efacio blood chat was pil ie IN THE MORNING tke Brahmin was released ae his fair er, and words cannot di an mier er the able to attend to his official | wi abe injured in the ica this atal ms sec abies he eee length | brot A captive balloon used in the German eriously injur Gen TLRS when ‘ides sbaas the first sign of grace request for a rte A plot a the life of Prince Ferdin- dis my page at art of the murderer thousand rupees which upon the charge of complcty in | was the original i incontive, to crime on par in ic] Bree mpared wi he worst Vea Ranke also piles that tare tre gressive chai ia firm opinion that the’seram tients ment is ST POWERFUL and specific ene iegsinss diphtheria. very interet mortality dur outer edge is a ruffle of lace four fai a 1 percent, Bee ped tos point at front and ha sais » treatment was anid by Prof, Baginsky luce the mortality, buv the hole uaiion tinea iid was improved ighet Gunter! mortality ‘Was twenty-se fficacy of the serum treatment 1s needed, to ‘abliet its value and exten its u: imag He id: ‘In one inttion in new "York here had been a lar, g's prepar 5 cater Daring te next thirty days only. ONE VERY MILD occurred; in the tllowiug thirty days and shortly This roused her | ¥! atment in any ate of diphtheria Chat heis calien upon pees Soe & Wealth 2 CoP aE, Mase pone figure isalmest universal, and that even the most i aboWaB OL the Teport, is eminently satisfactory to Great rita’ —_—____ A Cruel aaa, Said an ancient spinster belle, ‘As she with her escort stood, Whil the ie in Sas cs min: Oh, said he in acoent ave, What a memory you have ! Concerning Athletes and “Others. List (supercitiousty)—Same, men are all iss Tiller—And gome are not even vice T shall not recapitulate here the features | COMP! ‘ich of Borchgrevink’s graphic “ait the cable gave a summary a willeuffice to say that xy oo meee left Melbourne in September last year for a whaling cruise in the Southern seas, and that Mr Borchgrevink, who was offnating asslankaisitin those Wetec ae oer shipping ‘conditions | Fé .d | Things Kept Setting were Every Day of voyage wi we fp toges olf aad porbare found no whalebone in | awakened and dissurbed by theother jurors 1808 failed to reap a. pro 10 did the Norwegians in 1892-94, thus far is not encouraging, a1 Whalers and sealers,for the pretentat es have abandoned the field fe geographical results have been extremely “important as proving. that re search can be carried on wi away, in continental extent that in’ FIRST ON THE MAINLAND. “Only three partien have ever set foot on judg ie Antarctic Circle. Ross in easily ae on a penin- and | © ig has pal Not tae away, on one of the Possess Inlands wed on ‘resin Toland «« Twas impressed with Ross’ data and descriptions. His charting cal positions he gre: to his discoveries We Seaeirechety Goo. name rpccp: fon. aba he did when we landed on one of the jon Islands, where, fifty-four years ago rai manila 6 cieriate BE emcee covered the er whe ‘opposed the Jan at them and picl peaks Pp Shricking in loud, coarse notes. we pulled nicki in ‘self ee EY er] their filled the air t! d to Goae when I desirous | v an the sceuracy of | 8b: the Brith Bag. | You may re: 1 ads and | y Giese ts Land. I believe that it would be travel sre ‘with the Scondi snowshoes, differing condi- the continent itsel 1 inad : far to the soath as possible. A AJU ee DIARY. ‘The following et a a juryman’s ex- perience was made by » carpenter of more than average intelligence : ‘The first day he was impressed with the magnitude of the case and the sadness of the prisoner. night,for the reason that four men occupied one room. The air was bad, snored loudly, ‘The second any he tried to very weary and went to bed early, but was were told and card playing p the was agrees She Did Not Purchase. Have you any stove-lifters ! Hides Clerk—We jifters, madame. you mean. Woman (defiantly) —I mean stove-lifters. a lift up a stave. screws ? believe so, in the basement, 1 Pore IGamblecet at ae madame, a stove wah a jack-screw tl ted. I'll x rerad re some store That Terrible Boy. retty Pivialtor— The Useful Clock. He did not sleep the first | t and two men | th) 3b | al 5,000, have stove lid presume that is what \—A stove-lifter| ment it is necessar: iP aeeliy\ Have you any jack- i deioags Loin 2 Clerk (eurprised) —Y-2- madame, 1/0 me aes (meditatively)—Are they silver |® tly)—Then I don’t custom, and mornin Lede child—Mamma said yon were j ager ame per nee t bd intelligence, Thana abe ot ire ee See Apart from The latter formerly belonged to the great | “’, appear from view. This precaution, which by the Baron after a great Commune insurrection of 1871, ‘A FINANCIAL COLOSSUS. The united pro; of the Rothschilds | "™ must be considered sm id 6] indemnity of $25, of Frankfort. bly remarkable from the fact the thay Rea iooln aiitiam aeentige: repeat tit seer fan: will nob tall shah he Baa but some idea of Thais ge ae be had tha Bria 5 9,000,000 3 for Austria, $250,000,000 ; 10,000; for Italy, near!y $00,000,000; | ° for Russia. $125,000. 000; to $70,000, and ’ they |, took K through he Belmont-Morgan syndicate 000 of the iemue of Uni Staten bond last! Bebra THERE ARE ELEVEN BARONS. resent. members of the o fewer than eleven pee Aaa test. Daring ti Sssbieladd neler died pee farm have been managed signed a, years, Alphonse is strong-wille? .n his famous broth correspondent after en interview with the Baron in 1802, on the question o thus sum: marized the Baron's ideas aed wee ob IE ot believe in the so-called |: iad are,I am convinced, indi agitators make ey lenty o} the honest and reasonable workin, HIS VIEWS ON LABOR. uish sharply good from workmen- ly the idle Bane isles desire the fathers of talk nowadays | con Prince Talleyrand, and is filled with art ordinary every-day, garb, sure: bears a flavor of Monte Cristo, was devited | nearly all are of the nme material, bad in add Soy peepee te en figures of Buddah, for filling sacred receptacles on the rD- | with water, a1 1, | invariably haying as secondary ornaments | be 000,000 ‘The head of he Hothsohild i of their mottoee is, ‘Gola never ben hi ao us Franco, Whatever her etacion, throughout Sikk razily {tom | oF coral and sruber Thibet, the land they held i vei ani herself in this case | jo tm @ great house | being also a born Thibetan, iel carhulenns of Great The Rev. Father Barnum, who has semi Hiss otek th Bee cs | cocatden MP ate dulsoioe at A ae wh ir famous of the Rothschilds during the next tev | berw. i and dic. | Britain. if bin and of less os ritable dispesition cca wee at the labor | Gi Rothschild continued. | vit 0% tages th jounts to nothing ; ise aa ps ane possession by this rious jong. aa hey. think | Britain's ir own fa their children’s wel be Snacbree Aisa, "These fields pan ont about, §100, stated that to more advantage ition. Lamas themselves, when woolen robes, which in, their | h d buri ton |—173 in all titully worked silk, and thay they hang mo curious forms of engine small metal skulls. In addition to all these, iver, or thig! este: bet ing portrait of the Rani, t Her wonderful tiara, a nd. the same may be sai round her for the strings |p neration, the ha ete ots ALASKAN Sah tain’s Claim— —Gre: evasiueiie! to Canada, ‘A despatch from Baltimore, Md., s: years of minions “The aah made by the British instance ofth: untry. Ibis a long NARROW SLICE, fect of Great should be allowed, rol of a aay which is th gold field year, but it has been ) rich for nt | parks and Iawaajopen png London. The reaveity haagrown ail around a aad beyond them and hidden them. more; mm, and the gray fog, and the fe mould. at used u knows ail alike ina eer There are The tomb: soley ithe et nickttig he Ione a heavy bi * HE PRESSURE OF TIME and neglect and forgetfulness, As th the Sad p) culls of eome particularly venerated Lamas| from’ bo: bones of the| tradi me, also richly ornamented, and which | rm they use es trumpet, are objects that they for of the wo- jor the people, It bas takena long sete Urtag about thie denision) aud that ig has been made isa sign of the comiug of hi has been called fo dena’! has been Sout feparted should thus be converted in Tones very like pleasure grounds. ‘A change has come in London and progres world. ‘The change is in this, that ‘reepect for the “ead” gives way to RESPECT FOR THE LAVING. 't is the living man MPLA; a0 na- a shall make abroad and th a the congested lunge of the pres i town, where are now ths © | to! and these mouldering evideno now- ing a uncarin, vie a them to the healthful ca happy te of living and little children is the sen- imates everythin, commonplace nai running the whole length of the narrow, {public improvement,” which mal “In considering the so-called labor move- | irr laska th however, to distin- | to this coun ik mpet and the only part tof the carsitory ‘has 3 settled by “any considerable number of Soi morrow this is all ‘chauged by Wiciosi- al rays pes out e great as well ae the om Grasp yuntry’s fortune. seem to be un- she Eitacid ta.penpic ob “ie oe hat mie i sce ince, coy “ ‘Teighten tnd threaten capital and it i the} as well as other mineral reeources which hit we 8 good. ‘enough for feces the question aoe will cause| dealt with is but the ni the new and ‘The best) the eee it will oa ( tha tHouesnen sige thls Head bf who) with to come, make up the eternal majority. Worth the borane Farmer Makestraw—I say, Mari 0 teed town the way, and Minit oiniewed aver : bal built into the interior it ia probably clsimed by Great, Britain, ti nate Uo pots fa ae aan e k. ed Professor Flyhigh is goin’ a ae parece then he'll Jump off, with nothin’ but an ‘umbrella to hold him, Mre. Mak free exhibition? ka bral sin't-no « atronger gains | gold a noraday, well epi the wort Ti th itso Great Britain her point.”