Milverton Sun, 19 Sep 1895, p. 3

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The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, SEPT. 19, 1805. That iaterest im Canada is taken in Pmeland is shown by the action of the | Canadi London Times in establishing a Cana- | Qoo-cad dian news bureau, The English news- | mond an papers have long since found out that they must give their readers news of | Rosamon this country. Too often such infor- | ,, mation was from and colored by Unit- ed States sources, It is well that the |”! Times has devided to get Canadian news from Canadian correspondents. The Pope’s letter to the English |** people asking them to come back with- in the pale of the church from which they went at the time of the reforma- tion has received a reply from the Archbishop of Canterbury. The iis- sive is couched in unmistakable terms ‘of refusal. This will probably end the discussion which has been going on in _the Anglican church on the basis of an agreement with the Roman Oatholic church. The essential difference be-| v, tween the churches is great. The Church of Rome claims that the Po has received by divine right authority |°@Ptins of the excursion steam have no conscience. They want tee to teach and govern the whole church whereas the essence of the Anglican position fs the negation of this claim. It is said thab the Pope is much disap-| frst. pointed with the action of Anglican h Archbishops, Until he recedes from his position to a greater degree he can hope for no ré-union, pcwaslay ot eke nee The cheapest looking man on earth is the one who steals a ten-cent. whip |! and finds out afterwards that. it cost only ten cents. It is rumored that Chief Justice Aourmen deh ae Supreme Court is eres A resign and that Mr. Gerouard M appointment, Theva the report is not confirmed of- Scilly there is good ground for believ- ing it, Bt The night before the opening of the Hae ae London, fire burst forth in the up in smoke, ‘The fireis supposed to bay | oars from a badly insulated n analysis af the last revised Do- minion ees Lists giving the ae ber voters in the Dominion as 1,- 853,735, a fe thot 650,021 or 48 Be eet are in Ontario, Quebec has 351,- Yova Scotia, 1,214, New Drea 91, 607, hati 17,977 and British Columbia 3 A pointer dog Sao et wk be- longing to George Jackson, of Leam- Le muzaled. This was not done, and a wholesale poisoning commenced as a cult of iwlieh valuable dogs, have ia tter Chatham, Robert. Barr, erecta handsome residence in the county of Surrey, England, and will tnake his home there. In the jate vicinity are the homes of Rud- yard Kipling, Jerome K. Jerome an: other well known literary lights. A little oe ea, aie of age, son of Mr. Martin Negal, who lives near corn with a bindel e in th nd the father came upon him un- noticed, and before he sa‘ im the from loss of blood before medical aid could be summoned. n Dominion Parliament. He erer is the wife of Betmet Rose. | if vou now the best-known members of the | "°F is his somes being valued ot $1, ee Nabe tiaed hp happill recent despatch to the New World says: Once n of wociety in the Canadian capita, now beoken-down pensioner upon the charity of at Mrs Mirat Canedekede syeea| LOU Have Eyes who know her in Delank, aaa li sricken Menemtdtntongss: That probably trouble you, perhaps not Francis Maring, and knows that sie mst go mach tho agh you. distinctly, oem nes, to the poor hoes ag tip krdlk brder Dh ace strength enough to be moved, Years ago. Lean (nathig. odesaatbiren fit your eyes, “Now, don’t waste any peasy ae but come and soe ty ¢ before your e sam ad te a on PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, EYE ee een between Mrs, Rosamond and her hus band, anda separation followed. ‘osa- | Of 87 King St. East, Toron' be ai ond received $5,000 ax move to Califor Torrance’s Drug Store, Miverton, Ont., nia, and with a money the heart-broken |80u. Watch this paper for date. wife came to FI aoe chased a little] My large book on the eye, * releihe it tae seca however, has long | *rve it,” can be had: free by walt fori ago been sold and the pi 3 As asses they-probably de to his father-in-law, | (cto was about to ected eases. immed- of Canadian soci Yaeht yn with the kat ti ee course of the tte. this impossible. Gentlemen she ing that it is useless to tr: great ‘yacht race off Ne exe own boat to win, and they are prepar- ed to do almost anything the foreign inhi alge ae the line aven some other place inaccessible to the Cob SANA The United States papers, with t xception of the New York fond, the Chicago Tribune and the Rochester ube have fallen back upon the most ish pleas to excuse the interfe were sailed on high seas, control of Uni tes, stort which is twaddle. ‘The Regatta mittee chose the course; the gat Committee should have had the course policed. ‘The fiasco has pvt an ef- fectual stop to remancial yachting. Doubtless, had tl es been sailed, the cup ould to indies in. the United States. But other owners of British yachts might have challenged. As things are now, it will be a long day before a British yacht crosses the to} Atlantic to compete for the America cup. ES g8 Dierlamm’s Diphtheria Remedy. must say your medicine was a great iilSeaiug to eee Wile gue f edie he comes knowh it will lo away with tl Peeing euuisny Se intial RAST Tegard ae really infernal, as itis unnatural, I most cordially wish you all success.” in brotherly inte AwEL Anustone, Presbyterian minister, Toronto, July 15, 1895. “Dear Sir: We have been using your edicine for sore throats, and find it an excellent medicine.” Jantes LatoRNiy. Kingston, June 6th, 1806. “sSour medicine ia becoming véty. popular in this part of the country. A ecks 001 7 metbers was given up by th tors to die in 24 hours. I hastened t the spot with your remedy and it cured. hitn and the whole family of! thirteen children. were smitten Spit the of o fare cured with sane. It is the dest "meilicine in the world forall throat dis- Tam your Bro, in Prrx.orr, Methodist t nition, Cushendale Feb. 12, 1895 All originals can be seen in m: A. DL an Nita Regarding the distress existing in t=! mneeting wae held inthis, ward in ‘Sul: livan last Saturday to receive applica- tions from those Sagi) aid on account f the shurtoge in a; of Tops. _ Win. Lobb of the 12th of Bate Joseph Dobie peak and took down and five sons lie buried beside the applieations, which numbered five, Of the tive applications one is a me- chanic, who has two acres of land and depends on his trade for his livelihood and is in good Lei eaipincicnag 3 another Says an Bachanges—'The editor of | is sai y|and the other two thought they aad y.| pull through the winter if they haye to. the ence were willing to take a E Good-bye To English its. Lord Dunraven has played the 3° digas fied part all baal a oe Bae achting He knows well that Datcedeh as piles a racing machine, is a faster boat than Valkyrie; but he was ready, even after the first were present at the races unite in Bas ‘y to w Work. me to prevent been sold an spent this ile of the grave, et Cag one brilliant 300 BASKETS pee Mee ipapes. THIS WEEK. C. 8. KERTCHER the steamers. ‘They say that her et UU UU LUAU oui ciemipay t | FRIDAY! During the hot summer weather the Mil iverton’ Photgra phic pind in Groseh’s new block, wi Friday of each week, ONLY. es house tee Up ac tas ead ia i MAITLAND, Photographer. July 12, 1895, Councillor | § eqyies puv 0) 94 m Sutao sayaud [Ly iT 8}0U PAV Siooq no *NOA 403 oq Avu wt sy ASIHL GWaud« ‘SOU ASSAaWHOS ner; a genius and a fool; a hypocrit, | end of two years if they do not get a hac biter, a rascaland she ‘opposite of each,” loans, So much for ward No. 1, Sul- livan, | sol a8 me SICOOL. By going to J. H. Schmidt’s and sampling his Ice Cream. You oan get a dish or two, or three, if you choose, any night in the week, It is made from the pure cteam, and will fill you with delight. ‘Try it. “J. SOHMIDT BROCKVILLE BUCCIES. CALL AND SEE THE NEW STYLGS FOR 18395 semana, These rigs are finished as fine as any ‘{plano. . The material in their construction is warranted to be thoroughly seasoned and ‘|bone dry. Do not forget before purchasing a Wag on to call and see the celebrated CHATHAM, aac unbreakable arms and unbreakable axles. Tires set cold by West cold tire setter. Warerooms, Next to Grosch’s Shoe Shop. DAVID SMITH. Fall Fairs" Draws the crowd, and while in Milverton do not fail to call and see us. We have decided to give Special Bargains in Ready-Made Clothing.. For men and boys. "We have yet a few suits left, which we will give at a bargain. ur sale goes on apace. Many are the bargains given daily ; come and see us. WE WANT A LARGE Quantity or GOOD BUTTER, and are willing to pay a good price for it, but we cannot handle poor stuff. Guenther & Co. = The Above Stove ¢¢ G a Ch is called the 00 eer. 9 A Most Valuabie Kitchen Steve, sold by SCHNEUKER & ROTHAERMEL, Agents for all Good Stoves and Furnaces, Milverton. All-a-Samee Cheroots 4 All Imported Tobacco. 10¢ Better than most 5 Cent Cigars, As good as the ordinary 10 Cent Cigar. It is the See Profit that has to be cut down when hard times come. Every smoker should try these Assorted colors. For sale by tobacco dealers everywhere. Creme de la Creme Cigar Co., Montreal. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE SUN. CNLY $1 PER YEAR. Large stock of Watches Gold Watches or Silver Wal Jewelry store. ee ie J iowsien MILVERTON. Tia MoNaRte ses =z of the Best Manufacture, such as Elgin, Waltham, a oepens gat Lever, ete. Watches and Cloc d solid Gold Rings—a nice asso Sel tir raat always ie it best ertan: There can be n id than poor goods. possible argument against ee buying my the a gustantes all my Wat it ich is the best evidence of all. Remember, i ne intention teh or Ghai or any cide in the Jewelry line, such a pels Silver Finger Rings, Silverwace, Spectacles, ete, 8 English sortment. As to buy at George Pfaff’s es and Clocks. Rian ve ‘om factories and whole fr, Wedding Rings AND.... Wedding Presents A NICE ASSORTMENT... The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, SEPT. 19, 1895. DISTRICT NEWS Gome Interesting Items Culled from the ighboring dic and from Other urces The Mitchell pee chamber has ies thoroughly overhauled and reno- ted. ‘The chamber of that burg qecak renovating. “Jack the Hugger” has again ap- pa in Brantf Three girls ve been aistet ie the fiend, one siting him on the eye with her um brella. Ptgaorse Washin; wha did you git them uiskedl ” Geo, — "Bat hah, I dassent tell er tie (ae iy pointing to his incubator) ; I done it Ny mith little hateh-it.” e Ontario crop reports a SEE ate ld of tall eee i 52 a zs ii wheat 3,321,700 008,900 bushels. The hay crop. is estimated ut 1,849,914 tons as against Vv. gton Ji ee Mr. W. J. Stone, pump maker of Luckn ies received a letter from it is stated that the cream taken from the milk of a black heifer, just newly milking, produces butter as black as “We ugh it was aseitei ee mixed with mp-black. In all other respects the baw is fully equal to the best dairy produc! It See our sad duty this week to chronicle the death of Mr. August: on Saturday morning last. wi about 33 ye ge a wife and child to mourn his death. a ton many co with. wide neues in Ey EA > 3 iF) 8 g 2. funeral was largely attended by many beng and friends from Waterloo Cou 3,575,200 tons last year. ‘There was on exhibition at the Hicks Fibase. Mitchell, last week a few stalks of green ae which measured twelve feet in sth. They was Mr. Wm. Wovlocott, Logai ree Press, has ye rence to al Fullarton boy, son of Mr. Wim. Green- h _ nine peer per acre. acres’ n. so dark that he could haraly find his Oi all from one single pet, eee) bi outa senate coliqua hi A faseed B and The talon from the yap brightest. n old his harvest grain yet to ro rammed Ba 2 ae the proprietors of the Walk- erton electric Bae is a gentleman who ioak good deal business in ‘the country, and ae pede ted it is late when he gets home, ‘This was the case with him, on the night of the eclipse. While driving alone At was otd luna was, shining her very Our * Monnelwwoad his sister in Norfolls county, in _ which Furnace... sine (RAE & For small Houses and Shops. Call and see it SUTTON. W. H, Burnham, an old Stratford wuditor “é the city, died at his home on Si gene is about to make a tour ean eastern Ontario. It isexpect ed that after he tours the east he will come west." Alex. McEachren, bookkeeper at the Bell Organ Company's offices in London, is under arrest on a charge of robbing the company. Sir women and one child ee Le ‘The contrast between brightness of a sone and the aac ness of the cor 0 mark: ory ding his remaining that the soul of the esse light mo ears in Mitchell: “The grain'is near- | prietor was greatly rejoiced. Meetin; j nd the a friend he, exultingly deateskons, talk about electric Cp gar Beet nfight-nider we nh amdes 6 ange, ees 4 aforesaid, | oul! aia Pee ich | At Simeoe burglars broke into Mrs, tn et tom 16D sot tt Cage fit ates ee Harris’ house, and while one of 1) ed to death on the Londo: Edin- “3 ee Comipany’s or Tona on her ip from Leith to Houaly four cents a pone is_ the} toi price buyers have = for Manitoba wheat at points eighteen aie who was for fourteen years open 1 Feds Fair in Leicester sheep, Sir Henry Irving and Miss Terry ned in Montreal Monday night in Mr. Willis’ adaptation of ‘Faust,’ Mr. John Kelly, of North Easthope, |S another of Perth’s industrious farmers, nearly swept the board at the Toronto arrying off eight prizes. The control of the Hamburg Inde- pendent has passed from the hands of iG present management into that of e “The Hamburg Printing Peavey: anesed by Otto E, Presspritch. The City of Kingston was one last week bya cyclone oe in thirty min- utes done $100,000 damage. The cot- n mill was 80 wale Tecate that it will be weeks before the damage is re- aie ‘and over 200 hands will lie w cent rate to Fort William aflont ¢ exists. © ‘A sharper who gave bis name Fred Wilson of Montreal was pia ue nt London after he had buncoed Mr. James Blakie, a White Oak farmer, bey runs dow ras has had an. earthquake| s which pike old. and extinct TORONTO CLOTHING ~ » STORE. Our new Fall Stock of Boys’ and Youths’ clothing will be found equal to the strain im- posed upon it by its growing wearers. Whatever strong materials and good. workman- ship can do to insure endurance in clothes will be found in our clothing for Boys’ and Youths’. Nor have we sacrificed style to Eig A The goods we offer have the neat and, natty ap- pearance that a boy delights in as well as the endurance that ves the © strain on the parental purse. find our Boys and Youths clothing department fully up to the times and conducted on the same high plan and_ business principles that distinguish our departments throughout. We have just received Gents. new Fall Overcoats, Men’s and Boys under wear, hats and caps, sateedi fei vsnaties shirtings, flannels, flannelettes, blue demins, ete. ‘@ are not undersold n boots and shoes, trunks et val- bises, x é j voleatioes belohing iyreh Ganionsdiiayin ountain sides arrying decroctonsy in its path. oo Bree ore bao le he Toronto Clothing Store, Cua East or Market Square, ATFORD,

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