Milverton Sun, 19 Sep 1895, p. 4

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The eilverton ¢ LITTLE SIR NOEL. |atre, Ire: Margen, uiched to:take chacas, e : Shall he go to ber?” Wire re wie ago bm W EA I d reply. erage ea ee re tiad e following auewer at a late TH OF THE WORLD, smeante, come fe amr 2 ernae rath “Yes—arrange with Helen. —Emily| ENGLISHMEN AT PkESENT HAVE mopar ta Pee ory ue reply ought to have led me, with THE LARGEST INCOMES. income sacapes a ‘much of the national tax THURSDAY, SEPT. } y y servant, iments besides London was no place for | gupsction, but it } young meuutociee wait That interest in Cana/¥OUr consulting room,” | q coming home in a hurry | {¢'"j,anYthing special gesutring. i imponiie to take Noel ou tie a ‘he next two or three days passed with. | 2usband ? Soy dal he which pay 1 found | ould ‘xin by hi stop a3 Be 2 ac : Spena pater He ee ures here ‘are tees Speins: dati grad paul T cece capteay ana] p.- ice Sota ed bad fo sey used to be. leat sity years the jnduscria e 30, The erat at body of Englishmen a 160, le, fe wealthiest in the world, As re-|Pomt of income. On the sie a ts _ Fea pete Foon ‘mount of wealth in the ieee me Elston ng a Li tec tates tal er pes ogra aia Mar per when | place ; but when we come poser ira dene well” load. “ Private incomes of England as mead eT ty that when the. wh of Amei is al e came swee z ung gentleman, os Maoist Ta ‘ and reasio troy con wi * ee Cot luggage—here it is, han sual —th es cating pend charlene trek . = “ perched up opposite to me at fare he pupae Pe le ag, began ae shams, oe and that he sighed heavily once | P ag the bl isbmen ‘ ble The weather was anti ee winter ould Bombe area ere on ce for ‘he ite pean He Sea place to bed igs, 9 bat box, and other belong re of the traveller accompanied the boxes, : 7 “Who in the world can have arrived ?” I ape to myeelf, i ete in abruptly, GORY what 1 thonght of the oe yay hinte homethin continu inhabi sT sisiees ; ar tte out as i dow a0 iz : - FORTUNES BY 'Y DISCOVERIES. without wtrniaent di gent hose Many Prayecse _teventlons Brought hi re yc it by Accident 7 aeG keilver wai alisononed by case is y a lucky enh werejand | at leer apes A cooper, in Carniola, having one reply to thor ht at ut : nas on Si United Kingd pression of the ied She id pay ght 9 al one Noel jaturday and will brin; dom stands second only t pet started sddenly into v u i aa : e rnle ee ik with oa ta ene When se i meets a8 te oil at en rice Harrie you on on g Saarday we can Paneer the ae cay adoaunen thata lady | ‘Urth atta dd io ee me on the i where he?” T asked. “1 repect i i ‘ta ite Leaked, ¢ Roan, ee a se » he went to Laubach : ow “You are Dr. Halifax, are you tHot ? he | fade ae oetar and found m mat pe nt. fall the | mediately ints re aunmt dale apt Woman of between forty tad Mie gore | aon oat ‘nd I will ran dows a Werte oe cet the pi cpl bt salen onus eee ee ai fellow, and who are] 8s. She wore a ae Siting Danae f md tacadane ee Babee ouDl ee bald phe ia pe ae Homme tas nent 2” T answere jacket of old-fashioned cut, and a pair England woul unt odae jas the fol. ‘'m Noel ‘Temple, Mother sent youl war a fayein She leaked like what ehe| aces Pinel 1 tade her good-bye, | lowing Sore will show ;— Austral bs ep he said you'd look after me, I] face wore an anxious and troubled cartes: | charge oot rink to Noel about the Bropared | a rasan Wales Kingiom, pels are ‘The me moment I appeared itienricved | Uanbed high att tri liniee st nha cap, Pe com; opts |me ayer ae head Peay ee sritlon order to search further into the re TEP ase hee icksilver deposits thus so unexpectedly a same , ‘‘Tmean | has Englishman| discovered, and which wore deine? c Noel Temple,” I rey sind ay Sire i Ww youl Ve... a oe will chose T SPENDING MONEY. richest of their kind in Europe. forgive nt don Lye omie Ged fered ba : aan te oho RYO a Hh a siete png Aa ieee important discovery i “oa un Se palies ic lactoe ant ay. Ask Harris to pack | Proportions in which the inhabitants of| oe : oe setae wre de aad be ready when f| Englend feead ORFS Jong aos an you use aremarkable| Che child nodd and eu remem iva [lofo hin aut panes Pat ona my pe ye ea a ta i mother’s name bef een ee pe en I returned to th hee h fone inserted. Tt if 0 tl house denly, mitre Noel 7 Tenquired, sud-) ‘ake offence, however Sree eFpreion' otf 3 pli sheir income on necessaries | your in ner venture pin, ect Rees wo get the follow. | susceptibility to the RAT ae om ante fT z asi met ‘ood and Gaeta with ih oa a absorb 56. i st, he emphasized : hur fam e come back, sir,” he De 00, 1.5 5 ae ide ole a has been il.” eiecaion and erature, 2 ao sligions dare he pickad it odiuon the atv, ad sb 3 “where is he ? 43 loco 0.8 ; | he found 8 bein EN Ms He is lying ob ston in ares | inaneten tae ee tog thi f THE INTENSE . " 3 he par wished me ‘to wy hairs ees eee rai a take him there, ‘He « 24 ty ayeleen eee mas ce “Sh my 8 ite, ba sister,” she replied’ be iu the Out of this we spend atont era reagent F bo india rab? jay nani ate husband's cousin, 3 pce Te alain seme aa and £151,C00,000 | Reha so aera colbert it of us ight—I will ¢ pe aH see him,” 1 oe ! hter jan air for ball ia y Suimmer when we herefore, a neat relation on bot i zs aos en ofthe Jee i nat ene net when my, consulting net os Slo orsieas Site ped aaah ny cy ig" Ha aga ih |e con \ ate sito sole a in the morning ck a sa i Ridhgci io the name ore Alas oid Bs fellow, Kimi Ba for me to tell you, I iis priser 7 red Sight sos nina ly he poe who ought to Have |ly ‘ek Dreath oan Kl arrival in cious blue tint pean ey iomer | 2 lad, —I hope fi where we ones | Etancis ‘Temple Ie pea ee ft 7,1 brouj he me yftethoscope and ab Applied i it) re 4 ire was considera| i | 203 houses ate tated et i merous irisen mee on ‘the Hepat family and n to answer it. You may is ine e wever, was |}... gy say «oad ah ‘ z = intel Th ce UR toa oe ated an . Isaw thathe must not travel * rom £200 to £600.” Alter we have im ma Tam sending Teally was, from Wilkinson, telegraphed Lane Pe: reno ai re 5 legraphed t en cares Eady Temple never | thas Nol Past nth oon ae eee here rain Eaiett him ae clas a end hat tShe gotten 4 "The child roueta ae to you. For the sake of id tit oth as imes extent, a AN carooof the child’ bee Lei ans der = are ofthe child ih ad n cease all U her life lite, ear am much older | I saw with o ake e sty hima agai y phone Me eae aoe ribet spacidletsd aD ree asa child, "Still, of course, Tove, a ness to cont eh vn aot gaye enka tse he : yb ‘ould do all a mother could for her oe fonds | ie ought for a moment—then I sa: Bove feud hs bey |ecthe obald has. been n abeo italy sy ed'| him ond of “Eonty Terre,” | deli o sarge fortune’ | pr A raised my eyes after perusing |,,V He? the ae a | Raters es e, little Noel d very, pal nt ae he was sie ce ace fegdea he gh in “inte ata Beat "1 fiat Su minut al 3 Gee S07 something, she remarked, [on tha Bindoy ROR ua gc ete rota et |e te rs wpa Seen) at ae oe ag . when a hansom drew nj dispensed ‘ es X up and ed with without I sa owl doy” he ropes sis Tam his near th an naturally | Phil ling De ee r Bist, ibe Seid = Sic wii tw aa : poe “oR ax A ‘Tolasped the little brown paw anit ae t the aon ane poe aero eg eee teenth century life keep al eee Warden (in oar Uy gatit hare vs ' i abruptly, ani : lee ren pew Pee theless se te won't ‘hae ill bring 5 sae card out of creepers we A paling a es ei ei cial which ether Shai the ain ott coy wa de “Come along, Noe ase You are good excuat ay ieee Uys i (0 BE CONTINUED.) Bho traga i pactines | beset faeedl Te i peat q in perfumes and coemeticn 4 in| | At Stanley ass, situated a few miler H mil th eople, h good a seca py oni | youth Pe cli wn farsdi Mhe, Bdemgeird sh suggests the Mars jena increased rather tina depicts [an to hee many Britieh trades are aeonen 4 LITTLE GOLD MINE ther, of the principal ae of prosperity tl Village Without Clocks. faaese tee ben eh ee the note book of a recent traveler | B¢ting and poli ESeeor oy ae spon | one“ “tet you for telling me hae truth,” 1| Lewen Meade and bei zs ose me eee sais the sie Harrah = rhs hii likes to poke his nose into every hi FANCY FLoweRs, Barri left the room, tb os ene Sie . turned by ciao into the church at ie | bes. On soming oat 1 t2ok ont my wateh| trae; ston hers such as orchids ; ‘ich fie ae z British r for the os = Y purpose,””| 0 regulate it by the clock in the church | fe 1e of the ees \f heed ia taate = bas ther re wasn clock in thefebureh maki Seas yatta bined ‘with ioe of if a’ r face, Hence I went into the village jinn, playing cards, to Soran eal pt can't an Be. igen bei hel Sho claspe ere anked the time.” But ai tnd, Jaauy, Mion oben +All right,” ey gloves daring oe bad removed ce ot lige we.» You Cae he , a a ase = rights replied, “you are Noel to |had much trou! a rview. have | ‘We have no use for cloc! ing ot yechts jumble brown ware veasi distor give you your title to the| woman, I hav. 4 | ing we go by = m the} ne in dealing a id taken 4 Baralem ott, , learning hate my tite,” said the chil 3 the mon i ; o en takes up| mi rceperew that glazed ware a st. space Be ecm ope toy et | Roose a re seed ipl " ome is oa “oral Rites common sal inquiries hae ina! Wee’ a i 8 ot lid, Smee “T can do de ee ae tit is aay Ong peli atid Baden ein eee area} discovery, ; mother. I in Sunday's ‘we Th - hel ‘have i sadstna, he could Musiaae ae the ey colors | im when the bell i rings. Our par made on int :—Capitalister ny ei Fete een bah too of will | ©88y going m: seh brave to /send » ables to i Temple. to- | halfan hour sooner or cute hai ren rete ¢ hi Nice Distinetion. mllde ly at once and to a 571,000, A dco oe: 0 y metimes run Knew His M, fession livi tty closely together ; but’ th ou. ire: you likel to an. a ing on salaries and i i they are. eae temoerb t! chteyoey Met de 8 aries it very strange that Jack Seen draw still more, namely, £714,- vie evertheless, Even 5 re ay nee, aa fed Ho the Mbt ge Are you re ae ’t pay me the $10 he bor- Sra equality, but the Steen an oi ing case mentioned by Ee i ail remain tie you cael from ee I think it would be exists 1s sea’ when: to poked my ne did. very strange if| consider the namber of individuals, ei es rte cat you define for us eee ¥ the diference f djaw on tha prerineca hae ‘cowardice apa! “I quite under fond little man,” 1 nie rept ere here's a “When Tuneh was over I took Noel back to my consulting-room, and 1 snes” sar and RCAC is OS Once Was Enough. Why don t you keep horses, Todd t My Wife is Afraid of bores ne ra = be, impute for ce tnd simple. The artisan classee—| Jenene sel = art classes— sy ‘ , oe mina Ee oe [ener sid ay, ad wel no bre me see 2 : : : "auton : i is beat to w PRACTICAL FARMING. Teasers. Tein bak ate lenty e middle of beplentecs tha well as are what Isa Day s Plowing. rn ‘ell Ratt ‘ag pita to poss Mile euteligs furrow 9 inches wide Ne eadway before winter. be is turning over an acre—that is wi The Weed Crop. out reckoning the journey from the stable | yy, ; reeds require closer watching to the field and back again. It is one of |: soy other time, as they are never let the seed mature. | do good service in fields, but the be used to clean out the fence corners. Notes. t turns on the headland fifty-five ti None but a careful and level-headed per- ia) we allow one minute for turning, the time |... should ‘break in a heifer to milk. A in inspecting and ay the work on ied by impatient or| the branch E: aining thus sett qual to fifty-five minutes, 's work—the hardest of 3 long. When a field is 8 A tre yards | Rees cembecell torninge ie doubled, fad the amount of hard. work and time ‘Phe art of preserving isin 80 Absorbed is one hour and fifty minutes, In | a field 63, chains long mit. gacds)-—a, ot ni ros 165 way from the air as soon neces lost in vet . RES al ht Li cep cio pone ely | hesitates not) entomologist, Mr. James Fletcher, and same ti! tthe time may be estimated on the same Symmetry in Live Stock. ypondent asks what is meant by | the resul Sperry on, Rakes in live stock,” | dige tes foots Poncing” If one is seen anywhere pull it out— THE HOMIE. id greatly, improve the condition a farming, and ‘prove s to make | QBSERVATIONS OF PROF. SAUND-| dairying ays neti te ts a 7 large number of dite net have been con- ERS IN A RECENT TRIP. stetcted, and irrigation is fast, becoming re ed s| WESTERN AGRICULTURE bigs t tes The Scene Farm at Agassiz—In- AN i ae FACTOR now than X eae Ne ENE eae han erg in connection with tl jeanne producing r can hoe should Calgary—The mental Farm at Indian Head, Prof, Saunders, director of the Experi- mental farms, who has been absent in the West for more than seven weeks engaged System in Housekeeping: ing, Bui make system a Muloch to which the com- «| fort and convenience of the whole family must be sacrificed. experienced housekeeper knows that it is impossible to regulate household affairs by aset of fixed rules without seriously interfering with the freedom and pleasure g iv under condition | outset his okt to the Pacific coast was of home life, The unexpected is always sure to Tat and a wise housewife wi eae ee as tobe able to and in gaining farther ifrmaton splating tothe The crops pan esi and other ces of the | Hea ‘da the ir ao ry ra ahs “ae Western provinces and pains of the | 8F@ id toh fi oe mere OF ious fri ie teresting things to i ‘| eolooked ie es of social life, and Dominion, has some in g things sagraucitet! er e rating from | say about made without a break, so as to admit of |® ing present at some important agri- cultural meetings hide ware to take place [stabs ing vari 0} at Agassiz, B.C., during the latter part valley Taal hed fod Coached 4) of July. ‘These etic embraced the | 9 Ye ea bg don i Lorena to learn, this Netting nd entering pavay and that a true home should be, and our home life pleasant and comfortable. y. : a by tal Recipes. minis and Hon. J. a a ndereon, | ined, and ii Huckleberry Pudding.—Take one pint 0 more Deput ister of Agricultu: should turn out crops ed heavy fre from injury from frost as toes seen ana The Teel farms were sireti ales sea nadTbe UPrik p Gaunderay. Guo brides the di , the botanist 8 ed by the director, the botanist a1 heii fee eee ‘retura Reis 1 lAdaoan Nuits oF buokid: ies, and flour fone it the consistency v Turn into a well~ batt tered pudding dish, and bake a full the superintendent of the Experimental ——— Mr. Thos, A. Sharpe.| THE IMPACT OF THE BICYCLE. which continued for ireases were given by each of | 8°*10us beanie! ge tui by Collid- ee Geka crema’). joneHine ie Experimental farm officers on topics of sie Soe’ tienes tu theeseasees ‘The ability a @ bicycle rider in rapid | ,4, aeD SOR Scene | ear two week, | motion to do serious damage in a collision with another machine, or with a pedes- is mach the samo as when the | 0H a oe sodtable in the long Tun. on he Bxperinental arm a Ants taking Alka SLATS) re is ally appreciated by few wheel: | SU" word is applied to other things; tnat is, fhe animals to which it is applied have an a well proportioned arrangement of Sirienhine a POINT: ple of the ingtor believed A Few Hees. Abo a nears sf the Noted Wor ake , “Foul, a rent of Wash- | 5 collection of eis nuelwortde a the various ranches of work ERS Beoutienitiecs ie : GRAIN AND FODDER OROPS luncheon, of with liquid. sauce for / des- RE LLlibarry Tea Cake.—It is easily a with the large collection of frnite | |made and affords a pleasant variety for the e finest | | ith Tanda | This is sufficiept to upset any pedestrian | summer mith terrific force, It has been suggested reed, shown at a leading fair, with sucha/ James Doel, ih On oe of the ba i | heaping teaspoor bi remarkable development of the loin as to | Prince George hotel e, England, thea: : i i ion i case 2 of co Tt wou ren eae of vents doured ahd bake ed. She received | who is 92 tli st is a Erte lam fi only. eae ne itt i a inis ratio quick oven, est vares Tt Id be of li A Some criticiam was made, | notor in the w Br oasele Si: Willian Vernon, Harcourt Issald to best dita in muffin berry. © Fri Secale together on the ground!) .%) te to strictly temperance | tre hich t a 2 f paid | 150-pound en ry ot flour, one Tempel of he influence 0 Lathrop shor of hat has 'y interes y be useful in a high degree, but oa 15 years old. ie not eymmetrcal Look to the Seeds. Prof. Galloway says of the influence of }. Serat ate hoo owns the Laie le Creek, re Ite hues the fare, wi e has an income of it sailed around the eats reported that Lady Gres laughter of f the Marquis of tt Princess Pauline Metternich, eee of | ti ‘ch allay 0 p fort ired to move the just made be x first appearance as a violinist a charity concert at Marienbad. She is nor Nicolini the husband of Mme. | »; ‘chased the pelabeae! £200 China atl wonton) att jing | the elder in addition to the Leestive ae 0 bh of McDonald’s . B,, has just celebrated her 104th of thie wife, a | Bri 1m ; Motley, the ictori sheplacalssn cha ph ae rare 7 salt, one rated tul of d i poontl of sugar and one Lend’ : eal Bb eotes inrevenrel i) balk ing pow Add two well-bew 2 piny’ oF he ; milk and bali. pine ot berries, To baling uae rat 300 Ibs. of tractive force required to propel a |) ROG denen ciate vs er hi in thi Dioyele over a amooth level aurfacs is ert, ‘ 01 of the load ; calling the load co of one an f rough or on an up grade, the ease indie rade. of 1in 10, for example, | 1 were busily engaged in cleanin Hi the Bah, which, copalder:| actually Wi armed if they turn the Sanne ig obliged te exert | color will be normal again when the pudding Sufficient force to lift himself over every |is baked. who was) N Little Helps in the Kitehen. tonor of the | Fi a in selves, see! and almost too tire}, inthi is a|to Sibs each, y Poirot ‘ . | yields in lieu of the wheel td the result isthe apart iteces taepes asmooth t they amount toa great deal, and for te benefit of oar numerous readers we giv few helpful hints that have come to us fis unted to $20 to da; nd 8 Bee ata Oa Bautey te Sehr GRAINS OF GOLD. al Lejeune, of the i Buca at dive elgual: heyy aipeKDicly ea | Face inponition “and eSabog om a Hise SrikaeA poutaal wereitene Brae tee Sia caus uaa ae en Steiking, mennere ‘are bad manners. hen over the SHAG aie upoa ALL NIGHT Lona. Robert Hall. he churn lid, thus most effectually pre On the return BN dag A abel tha ala al yoann do the devil's drudgery.— vehi the cream from splashing out when than the best of seeds. ound che wale, Sheep for Mutton. e mutton breeds of sheep grow so rap- | altura a : m8 < Such breeds as the Oxford Downs, Shrop-| w shires and rapanee Downs will gain Mar ititaeed sy igi leading dt ss been demonstrated by acta bs can live weight wl Owi est sn Fa Loeb affc toa ai an] Sunday the catch that night betw: sah Mathew ba opportunity for rapid pr. soe nd M lh ae at lave, fame very little if 1 is not} iss what ah to be cleaned up when the jormerly on ever 0 y tome 12 ounces to a pound » day the firat | Hit Noreen IIL, who had been warned trees in almos woolen bed churned, and there was therefore no ured een, Fates in the weel ile at Ne Wentntnater a visit was i churning Wi reform the poor, and satiety | When smoothiag flour into mill or water \= | the rich. ‘0 be used in thickening, if it is briskly growing in the coaat climate | Wisdom and ee to the vile seem pra tiea jvc Dlnaihis irae as ie cetakerperr ¥y the was ever won from fate by in. Reckon any matter of trial to thee among | ch aoe: —T. Adam. ai the poots—which iis it? —apenke | long ago a i 1 pees ‘oveslanog now.—Southey, when id fs 6 vidual a for t! apiece ose of gaining bas Ane Fa va ay titer’ bs the I tre ‘Music washes away from the soul the ch. 20 as much sible, have reached 370 pounds when 1 Yet rami waa exe] M. Barthelemy, Sain hibited at the Garten Exposition that tga on At gust 20, an weighed 425 pount No Two Farms Alike. It is not always a ible to adopt the systems pera by the third time as 8 portio farm, and "they will thus save time an labor. , snonoeae the Lawn. The | ttention fe he lawn may receive some attention for) st the ag dam 8 ce tions bedside kon she aids remenibers seeing Fe Napoleon Tet chesccltatee Orica Marche ‘ich is about 75 miles Iong, to it oy ae “ aes set iia aay te 1814, just before the arrival of the allied Tieton, Opportunity was chue| ,A® the flower is before the fruity en used ‘The French-Canadians area hardy ra so one is not surprised to learn that Mes. te ,g 5] Teeiice vine wool Fin towhich water wae ereppld Hog pheipedt| fo LecDouakens 1 waa stn were ‘ason’s widow in the world. Five whi Q 8 were present e old wa ps were. A heatae. ing to say it was too anal 3a Ley Hi i, was 90 trip | dust of oyotvdny We Auetbs is still vigorous de from Shuswaj to] ‘he unaffected of every country nearly nith. ti What destiny sende, bear 1 | Whoever ier will be crowned. —Her alld lo pias Lae ey ein good at in are other “rH wiping cloth, # aT ie on the terrace a ing trees have begun to bear, it} Give me health igh aa ak I will the stove to (een sede anally and quickly sas , jone, make ridiculous the pomp of Beparcras Iaith or ait PARR Ze En ‘ 08 st ex. to make our poverty re ‘kitenen; it staan Snes Bera feel itas an Bov ania TSiaaok familiae with the idea of wrong, | reach, ell is nice to, use i j| for sin in fancy mothers ae an ugly act. eae pad the sae bottoms of pots and —Theodore Parker. kettles. rought under cultivation is restrict- REE, EE ets are put to dry, if they a P algary, Ready and Willing. Yas sie edie to tion works, and| He—Will you ta me?! She—Certai ced fonta dad and pep praia raeie that} She—It couldn't be.

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