CR AB Eo 0 I ore at the name= Mr, Paul Mars- “« rtndeed I said, with some annoyance. ** You have come up to ig doubtless on receipt of my telegram ?” “« Predisely—my wife has a cold, or she! would have ace nied me. We were sorry to hear of the boy’s illness. I want to speak to you about him, Can you give me| He wen ra @ few moments of your time?” Yes—come this way, please.” ushered Mr. Marsden into my consult- ing-room. Little Noel hadn’t yet come Hele \Rarloue with s auall of siale toadio Mrs. Mareden followed us into the rapt: aha bald Heats Land io Bee n I see you alone for a few moments?” Taide her. t up to town determined to have “I will be frank with you, Mrs, Ma: den,” I re lied. “Your husband w have had downstaire, Marsden had s bold manner| gent anda St iain hbdjaeld about him, His eyes | hoy my the caus Wie —bis ead was closely cropped. ‘There liked the man intensely from the first. “Now, look hers, Dr. Halifox,” he said, Tare both acquainted with the fact that aig nephew and my cousin has been sent to My wife is willing a ie care my duty to errenge matters so that he may chance of recovery.” ife in danger?” inquired Mrs, heort and a pase delicacy, Probably due to his early years being spent bi iy requires the greatest one Can You ee it to bim 2” i ‘tlre estly. child needa hap; edty of trea nsdn nedrishing food. “If hia wind dif hi child, Marsden? Remember han he will require ‘o| the closest care and watel PAY us a sum which could be discussed later on, I ae Money is not the consideration,” “T wanta thoroughly crea rate home for the child, where his interests ar certain to be ms id “I understand you—that’s your point of view. If we are well paid, it will be to our interest to keep the boy ret health, I have never seen the child, and have natur- ally not a aa of affection ie ea ae in keep the child’s fragile life in existence. understani time liberty, therefore, of sending a cablegram ady Temple. I have her reply , Marsden unfolded a sheet | St rr alive Noel to your care and Helen's without delay,— Emily Temple,” “Yor s o aitiauaa Loa ane ee tes T have come. with au taority; 1 4 tad e my wife’s nephew iy A es journemouth this afternoon, if he is fit to travel.” ¥ Kee t speak for a Soa your house is inal | respects hi mabat euitablevtir liv You, sean do as you please with regard to aid Marsden. “I have no doubt eae vill ot like the ee gee VE ho object we can soon move'into one more suitabie, s he spoke and walked towards ernie cuity his hands into his thong! ie Mareen Picea iecake ly and faced me, He pulled his watch out xious to return to Bournemouth to-day,” kindness to eked.” We were on our way to Waterloo Station. We caught wae train, found edly it with hele distended 0 'y cy, ofter a eavolled to’ the hard, flip- | P pat fase of Marsdecs’” Maradeu’ whisdet joked, snd was ss valgarly m ea Bournemouth, cab was K hi si frank Zo ot Roadas wade the first considerati : {ar her avn rem “Ver “Tam willing to T eniiees ae child’s to receive @ reply etmanent, The first thing necessary to done on your part, Beesne hiercnts dry and sunny part of » repli 4 Mrs, Marsden, Will y room where Maraden had first led se smell again atfected me dis- ou to open that window at to-Marsden ; my patient t not be exposed to draughts, but it is noentary that he should have a certain je ps air.” io you mean ?” said my host, me shit Hg sic,” Toplied. «The boy ust not bave his’ meals in such pea uciea ase up to one of the windows, opened it about sy. He prefers medic Y cing bat tell ibs bes Loe in argent Marsden was peaking, Sha wiped tie ace bis sees eee fd tb He sat do a [Ease his ayes ‘to ee inquisitively at tudying him with tl preparing yourself for the indica profession here?” ° Lasked, after 2 Je. Yes,” he replied, “ Iam Gilling in my vacation by studying materia niedica and bet ing av Dr. Biggs's—I work there ep here,” interrupted ‘inlay «Sheep is a good fellow, Dr. Hali often say he has i 3 at the same moment : ute Moa Sueang to hiallewand aa ty my stretched out her arms, and clasped him to her heart. Her maser. vw, the. child was _ fall of tender affection “Wat foale ‘women nee,” eaid Marsden, roughly. my ‘wife top a i iis wae the. mother of that Come al «T want t to go back to yore with you,” he. said ; “* Idon’t wish to here.” “Come, my little maa, no Billy of eae sort,” said Marsden roughly. He ste rcidateti and laid his hand on the Sees shoulder preset to me,” I said. “Come, dise Sifax, Neal wil abana yoni the “dekh wing: fi a tok the child’s band and led him out of the I said, ther wishes you to stay here for alittle, and your aunt has promised tobe a from week: |) Ne Zou, will do your best” T See ‘he at ts burnt on each of her checks— | le er heslsty the i serangement can be |e to gent to-morrow, and | hi at >| sate with up: in ‘Perfect iat repli ae eaten bie ae face, Gace het ee { to you. ioe ad ae you] nT ES ee Sige sen kode toni are not going to PD Rie boys don’t Hane ‘No, Iw won't cry,” said Noel. He made oa) t tor-swallow a lum) cal if you wish me to,” i ee A ‘preniae faithfully to be back in Pei * I replied. id Noel ; “I trust you you are a perfec gentleman —gent tlemen ways kis hase ao ita and we re- exquisite notes, he Pad beckoned Noel to re you fond of music?” he asked. “yen? replied Noe “Would e to whistle like that 2” e “Let me look at your shroat—ityou have the right psy ahora a you FRibavevoc ng ™ erly —his completely forgottea—he didn’t even notice when Left the At the end of tea days, I had ae bated from ng a the len. he had only found a house, but had nes ito it— ‘Dy word). aud, the following Sune in st Bournemouth. d given me the new address, 0. Her tace was brightand the faa aha’ ete was neatl 2 Wi yetraes. Lats « Gharwsed! and! we sppota ‘ye You rill like to, see Niels ae seid f “he in the Lx always call Mr, Joey, sai adel nerer rae in the house, On, a there both pe How delighted Noel will be seelyou amas is, ened the French wi x the se eee are as she ied, Bo in his clear tones . Joe: colour in his cheeks, RS an to fie, anced back a\ itaaaibo glad ta ano Yous Drs Malia he y i —you a ie er Cceching g3— got some ear and I’m making owe the names of all the imitate the } Tie he rs DY rao ia sin right sort. I can ‘obit thrush and ie Baked now, and week I shall h You stay qui Now, what bird am L sinitah He sreppedy back, ee ad up his little mouth, a1 me beautiful notes. roaty's ones ee “That's the sweetest” thrush’s song I’ve ands with delight, Raat t amr that Marsden's place wasempty. — e answered. my terran has ica A es a. jime.”” nee * 4 erica—sudden business has called bility Waasinas for the boy e perfectly| her, and might therelore, east all anxicty with regard to him my Shorty atterwards I took my leave, ideale Weel gat vaané Gis, and sie jden telegram about him t passed into the eee the boy. It coi “sir Noel empl ‘i to con: iced ak sy Ce I would Bournemouth by ti maid to, and reached Dr, Hart o'clock. e his condition.” ees him last, he was case—he rem: ae ‘I have only ‘examined the heart care fully,” "aeplied Hart, any cardiac disorder. The state o: little patient, howersr, erably-—there is to accoant for the le} ceion of the whole yystem.” eVouosttaiee: he i T'm coming,” answered little | (7! ‘ing—there | ° ‘ run rs iteleee, the child adored | 9 what Dyecible tueanabad se wee Bs n when Noel esa tie b Coed unne ed oben the whines “Where has he m ath America —he wil in al proba 2 me to seo | diffe lad that you are able to ts, ask d. fashion, puis Listes Sot wines ‘and cannot trace| her hu got to lov’ Marsden was pianos Whew we mia the’ Bet, ab eee the door, mane eT even hear ‘Med laugh an ¥ sald Gest ts ness of her trouble about the oh ft the sitti and sai meals go upstaiaes Hivls Noel fore visite (z0 88 conTINUED.) ELECTRIC LIGRTING. Cost of Gas and Electric Lighting For menivay reine Much progr in the electric lighting of railway cars. I Germany many of the cars have for a lon, ime been fitted with gas, which is regarded with distrust, as the disastrous effects of a ‘he weight of the electric lighting pei 18 much less than that of the gas apparatus of equal efficiency; the cost of electricity, | — moreover, compares favourably with ies f gas. Dr. Buttner, eae ri ti continuously. trains—i.e., 8: slectielly-lighted trains would, do the ork gas-ligl ains. The coat of rneaD Beciskoes, SideLiceableVorith Gas number of trains fitted. A CHRISTIAN OUTRAGE. New York city, haz two who were born in San’ Francisco, bit are now living with their father. s the Boston Herald, Lung, who had got his boys admitted as pupils ina publie echool, took were beset by other and equal the children of Confucius ? are invaded b; millions profes ‘been lately of i rom onl: one point of 7. iin aivicasbioten al sideration or mention justice, i 6 questi more diplomatic A Poor Plan. ose ing her eo much that. No made’ relly" d replied, «+I child. go with You} provision im hie will that i should ra in. rs collector a mo ced much worn, a ad been being made in Europe |", i i banged if bh apen Stranger—‘I would like to see your bill oment 2” Editor — "Certainly! gentleman that shotgun.” tion, quite jobpertul dear, the ben ea & good matrim “Vaa am moving to-day because I could not rent!” “That's first rate, I am tevin Be the same reason ; let's chang “Mn? Plasenihes rela A her photo- * Ever not do is Pace Tien the aria ee iaaachien What ES hoe tink a Alnrg engagement old boy, it’s the tad mean I like it ‘hey must be having electrical storms B)at home,” said Mrs. Harley, reading » letter from her sister, ‘Jane says they are having shoe! eather. M raga really must join our sewing circle. Mrs, Jones—‘ My dear, I haven't the time to spare. I have’ to do so a eae fot the ebildren’ one—They say that Biase, = cilli on a woman's lips. I wo what they are like 7” She (noun) you try an Thon pobuk on 8 Bioyele t ba fom pe Alas, ore a We found 1 ae ‘tad, bat true Ona pei baie Tokens Customer—“A loaf of bread, please.” eeae oy rigectt onto tencosat font? tomer (precisely) —"I will take one of the loaves that you sell for five every month.” he Pres, his Bie place every thirty (real, mister, I can’t bs you well 3 there’s have a oat felong.”” Irate! "Aer Ain't my money as good as e Complaining Boarder-—‘This meat Philosophic Boarder—‘‘Yes; | but then there is not very much of it, you ‘Aeaplicapdlen Nok you tell me how to change the color of my hair, which all the young mea tell me is red 2”. Certainly we bans, “Chae: they will then call it golden or pla poe L we deal i orsiay) ae ighed. “You can easily kk “How?” ‘Angry pedestrian (Picking himself up)— | “The next infernal scow I—O, I ey cae I thought it was ashgirl—*I thought sees old me you couldawim?” Caddie Fop! Sam a a Chinese ‘sineyoan near | © edly thin fon Ravers vunt epee hel ar. ve just been shopping with my wife.” He—T don’t think there is soy thing mach finer than to havea beautifal y e' on the ground of arousing Edwards—‘“ Brown’s system _reduces ore récing to an exact science,” Richards —'‘Does it?” Edwards—‘ Yes, In order Geist inact money a man will lose it is only necessary to know how much hi Aceon in the head and also| has. “No,” said the very advanced woman, “ " shall not wear bloomers by “Toe you passionately, Maud—be mine.” *"T-caanot Gerald. ve what I have so often told you. I ou ay e for your sak aay the trout oibiet 10 pounds?” “Yon sir; it : and tg to that?” «Til ve take no more oaths; I SEU a ay.” it when he ee aw * ing to give int)—* You bes I probably find Nena in the ‘aint ingroom, ty Joh ae moved away fr here. He was doing a good business, Sant he?” “* Oh, yes—there were Witise troubles You know how fon ad he was of telling stor- ies 2” “ Yes, I gu do.” *‘* Well, he’s ae tee to fake these stories to x Wy, ” asked Dismal Dawson, leanin; over the fence, “why do you keep on diggin’ when the “ ain't ¢ id 2” ** Because I reslly like “Sure.” “You'd orter take treatment.” Old Mereator (to little Billy Ducks, just os ngs lee The Reason Therefor. Why do you think Mrs. Potts docan's love her husband pihaottelve bith, oes prese other people's suital TRULY A GOOD OLD AGE. BAZILLE SURPRENENT IS ONE HUN- DRED AND SEVEN YEARS OLD. He Isa Native of St. Constant, im the in. | He said thas v et 1 0 the fo: | He aids at The cunvent and hospital Netherlands. was born Canada had a population of 180,- 000 ; iv has now over 5,000,000, Two years after his birth Canada was granted an elective sivas a 79 ‘years after was welded it Costoderaticn: This mat old at the epoch of the Reign of Terror, 2 oli when Napoleon died, and An hie Utekine France hae bad ten diferent govern- ments. The hfe of this man must be ot inter est, and it is given as told by himeelf. His father and mother lived on » farm, and Bazille grew up a farmer, He was the necond child of his parents and had three brothers and four sisters, all of whom are |? ‘now asa ve parents ye The iva rated at cn bi eat 98, the; £ i mother at 91, but is Pil of a en pert and his him ao nce. With the vivacit ecu! never tires of relating scene oi aks out in laughter that of a youngman. He is ‘happy. ae the convent, where he expects to end his long life, He frequently walks to and from the city tothe convent, a distance o way, without fatigue, id him, Janghingly, that if he went out such I to tie him in the same buildmg, ana there is a chapel |! on the ground floor. As an example of bis activity, it may be at at an entertainment givet by the orphan children not ong agatha wd gentleman danced a jig in good style. He|and the fact inne he shaves himself, hi century, during wh existence momentons and w: rldembracing redand. wh 13 by fith,weiting for the time when Renee valley of the shadow, RASA SE THE CURSE OF THE ROMANOFFS. Baron von Humbolats ‘8 ital hil Megara: ing Nicholas of Ru: James Russell Lowell aan to tell this tory to intimate ache ‘It was told him ac John Lotbrop Motley : “In 1853, just bine the Crimean war 14| commenced, the venerable Baron von Humboldt came to London on a very im- Seay confidential mission. He called and said; ‘I kn SAEIE UueCanct kopese England and her allies on the one hand and Russia. If 'P- | visited in his o igiad Peery ay studied by a caer {FACTS ABOUT TORONTO yw | pany out of $10,000. APPEARANCE OF HOLMES, he| aN INTERVIEWER SAYS HE‘IS {NOT ie ie aw ‘ WHAT ‘The Murderer’s Votce and Face Create a Fave ble Impress! But His Contains Many Inco cles. Holmes, the Cues Bee was ietepeies te airs a stool in bis cell 2 head was covere br bist ski udent, even though hii ngaahe cena yaaa we a clean Bie sleeves, ‘Ris clothing pit Showed signs of wear, When he looked up there was an air of assurance and con! Pee about him, | FOOLISH SUPERSTITIONS. : h Notions That Tend to Impair counted the number of carriages ina funeral i ad died th ft an air that at once diepailes Shakeela: He . was open, frank, and candi derer,” ee be knew his record, Every man has said : “ He is a gentleman a bred.” Even knowing his record, ie have added: “+ Impossible ! He enuid t have committed these crimes.” Aftei hike with him they have been still more convinced of his innocence. Yet there the record stands, upproved in parte, it is true, but with almost enough admitted to commend him to the hangman's noose, In him Lombroso would fail to find an Tact that would support his theory elt He is of medium nds too heavy his ‘tights sey is 5 feet 7 inches, but not enough to notice, His shoulders are normal, iste: slightly cused of the murder of Benjamin F, Pietzel, with whom he had conspired to swindle the Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Com- was erect then and had a more manly bearing. His hands and feet are small, The skin on the hands bears no evideuce of thing to gain time for a year or twoy there will not need to be + Wh: Palmerston Russia will die within two ‘years, Thefatal curse of the Rom: Surprenent worked on his father’s farm | Hu St._Chrysos. Be oiue Bisaillon, who died widower’s existence of 61 years he has never cared to. Jn 1636 Surprenent was drafted to eorve x au’s for ever about 1841, then an enterprising frontier city. From 0. Wisconsin, years, and Falls in January,1894, since which time he te of St.Gabriel’s Convent il war in the States he regard, to ill people, mark he has had many ights in his time, ine in particular,which occurred in the lumbering district near Ottawa somethin, ike 80 pears ago, he related in vivid way. A lumberboss refused to gi dog” belonging to the old yours fellow. lew heae knocked “te! hors down seven times He fore he got the implement, He coaht Hidinatd lick pose wacroraiary Janadian woods seventy ceedingly corpulent, to Chicago, of is the laborious life which Holmes says finally convinced him that it was easier talise bg crime than by ane foxy that students of criminale look for the signs e is a generous There is just by | Th urope followed his lead, waa then ready to “ ve field. So THE CRIMEAN W. But Nicholas of Ri insanity,” says bistory, Mapeeratety great Ausi 4 cerebo-spinal mening: Grand Duke Michael was kill 2 completely there is no sign of c ere is aaeey “ Wes Se, about hi sight, in thinking. over how the man looked, sion returns very aiconglg! 1m dettata Uist there we cast in either eye, and w! nayeraal 18 the impression cannot be color the eyes are a very dark nenaiaaret —at times languorous. They are ‘They look at you steadily a8| street an owl's eyes MILD AND GENTLE Das nature ever gavi strong liquors, an ne drankenness, at did his father | oni A BLOODY eg BATTLE. No ate About this One—Number of Sol- Sent to the Mospital for Re- sham battle, which developed into a con" flict that equalled a college football match tween the First and Second Battalions there has been the greatest rivalry, which it is and _ political. ham battle issued that there shculd be no violence,and | ® that vie @ stronger number surrounded 3 command ‘ie! Tattle? should sur- has bigheabemed bine eyes, and does not wear HE THREADS A NEEDLE \d_ exhibits persepibe He e ents “everything,” and eke is eatgied h mule.” He has but eoond yea seriously ill, and ed Ai in Chi touch of eres gO him now a nd then, and he has is pes alittle ah in the last four or five years ‘is memot nee erent ny ae thove of yea He has become weaker ly b half in the LN an ast 40 years than drinking a glass gates ete tobac. we cut vate bloody noses, and big as thick as be ickleberri crowd on the other, although the pores sentiment did not extend to the office: pe a BE Bad Things Girls Should Learn. Haw weecsenes the parlor or library. To say ‘‘ No,” and mean it, or “* Y fs stick to it. To dret a8 appearance. How to sew oe battons,, darn stockings ‘and mend glov To make nie Wet Gheoig room oe neatest ed bodies | evel for saan and health as well 4 ti the listener that - truth is The voice itself is fasci r He speak ‘ou straight in the ey: SuperintendentPerkins, of Moyamenting prison, who has charge o”. Hol Behn adel Philadelp ia “irom Why he’d make you believe white or green or anything else you wanted call i sit may Holmes’ voice to the his manner of | y. The language parently, is tl man on hitnsett, siuhraie tie erldadon ofa le Toronto last yout wae $146, 338,684. in f i mania! thease aa GREAT DEAL OF INFORMATION|, ABOUT THE PSUERY CITY, Labesliyarye aaraea 6 Concerning this City Clty Engineer Keating's | P° 94, A pe Heport for 18! { City Engineer Keating, of Toronto, has! just issued his annnal Lane tor 1894. Tt is a comprehensive com: ing facts,and.contains a mat af information about the city of Toronto. The following extracts taken from the report will be found to be worth preserving for the purposes of recor: The area within the city limits, not} u including the Island or portions of city | lands covered by water, is 10,391 acres, or 16.2 miles. Population about 190,000, ‘There are 253} miles ot streets, ards, ; i : “That superstition does not influence carriages following a hearse, the number from curiosity to find: hut how my rivals are getting on, All undertakers do it, and you know they are proverbially long-lived.” Acimilar comment was made oy 8 ao t, and if it has Droog me bad luck, I haveheret ikidea rine 2 hospital argeon in » large olty heard ide that roy a Paved roadways 173} miles, unpaved 80 | * a oi miles, Class of payements :—Asphalt, 13.70; cedar block, 111.16; stone and scor- Sidewalks are laid along 215.48 mille of bile! If the gas mains were laid in a line they would eit @ point 225 miles distant from Toronto. ‘The underground electric conduit of the telephone and electric light c iy | an val length of overhead win in Toronto is 4,288 m rolls SEALE railway rine inside the jen limite, oronto Railway Company's cars Gate passengers nes narrate ‘To over property in Engineer's departm nt. notions te The channel bowweon Toronto bay wt Fs Fina oni 120,000 cubie feet of material Teanpie cattia annually an average of $45.70 Uae tileoitian tie seach In repairing plank sidewalks there were used 683,921 feet board measure of lambe ing ithe Sapbal State eran $1,236 per m Fifty-nine ibnead doe henaid ha aes were v cost less than $23 Pet imile fo clean other e year there were collected 108,338. fiat garbage by tho) eoaveng- ing department, ‘hrolley sprinklers watered 12,138 miles of street for an outlay of $1,972. umbing imepectors made 8,000 inspecti the Talewinp tabla sbowes comparison of paved and unpaved streets in cities of Miles Percentage of City. “Paved. Unpaved. Paved Stveste ‘oronto....173,.5 79.98 68.5 31 age record of a day's travel on between Richmond and nin August: Horses, enicles, 2,322 ; street oars, uot int 78, eluaing trailors) 141 as abilities. But above all there is aa air of nd innocence that vannot be When he says in response to inquiries ried skeletons found in the altar house “ Certainly they .d with the ee ‘THIS INSURANCE SCHEME p © | long time. Lremember once when I got T three or four bodies to substitute and th hored tieaee a got them legiti The fact is ‘hee power of his voice, man- d eyes is such wl ‘dlabslieyé the man until is the most bie foger liar sii of Ananiss, and cards a1 shat. pounds. if ew wood constructed last year, 18 1-3. ‘The lumber | t consumed in the construction of these walke totalled 1,516,023 feet, c. m. Over Ii of nails were used. he aosey street. sprinklers used nearly, 100,000 Tonda of water, equal to about 50,000,000 Interest and eee Tay tip ani im | worksdebentur het $228,792 tes At the main pum quantity of, water 1a 6,589, 4 peal qateas, eau Mines a consumption of 18,050,881 Peal obuasiaed { daring the year 26, 822,145 nds, Num inhabitant. wou and the average number would be 447 a 26 water serv: Average pressure in | business ‘ Oisvrist, 70 A —— Spirit. you + Now Ha one case of smallpox, he woul certain: to have three, ‘at the hospital, doctor,” “and you will soon diseases your rule of three, if you were to see, a8 do, a hundred patients brought into’ the wards in the course of & wee hy, map,” exclaimed the surgeon, are fool i in their pecaet| to keep o snd would faint from fright when had bee ak i i fon t nee) Pita cinerea ey ought to moke their wille beoause they nase he moon over their left shoulder or had Peceinuncea eee company of thirteen People, The world would Del goneise aby imeical god of fantastic freake and Dapricen'f such: tite aa: chase opal de: termine human fervune or shorten human life.” f ‘That was a commo: way of dealing with popular superstition * all each foolish to impats faith in an orderly TRUTA FROM DYING LIPS. For eae Napoleon Listened fo the Truth. Lannes had covered himself hy glory at Montebello, at Marengo, at eer at Jena, and on many other bloody fields. He was true to Napoleon ; and in return there was no one on whom Napoleon more implicitly depended. But on the morning of the Battle of Aspern the marshal was downcast. Doctor annefranyue, noticing his state of mind, said to him “This day will add yet more to your glory.” “My glory !” answered the marshal. «Shall I tell you? I have no good opinion f this business ; and anyhow, whatever ns issue, this will be my last battle.” With that word he galloped away, leaving the doctor no time to seek a explanation. Betore night Lannes was struck by | eannon bali, Believing that he had but a few minutes to live, he ordered his men to himselt pon bi mis arme and i oad, eerie ng: Mee <{ Lannes, do you know m , sire ; you are ie your best No, no,” said Napoleon, * you will “The marshal did live for nine days, On fore ‘his death he asked toa! Chas neodote in hie tell the emperor that he was dying nd greatly wished to wee bim once Gui wisa tbs emperor appeared. Every one else retired, but through the half-open. door Constant heard mach of what passed between the ‘wo eoldiers—the emperor and shal, The djing wikatalked ol the red “spo “ost Hy called tha friendly reproaches.’ i You have jas taade e great ake,” said Lannes,. and though it lope ives you ol your best friend, you will not lar atl Your ion is insatiable. It will ou sacrifice without Pty 44 and without aioe eats sn who i] you bet) sad whe! they You are but you jon ae rane fe, led, ie held ony hia hand to the a ee a embraced him and seeks but a1 For once Napoleon had bait ae ‘eruch, \ No doubt the dying pe me oft remembered by the eke at a lena. our set is have o ie aie ball Did you ever nie Ot Es Aeenedoey Adolph eee ‘may rr of San Fransciaco, cone aes