The Wilverion sun RSDAY, QCT, 3, i895. The Toronto Telegram, usually fair minded and candid, bewails the injus- tice done the Greys in bringing them dod’ from Florida to answer to the charge|" of murdering collie, of Peterborough. |p, True, if they were not guilty they suf- fered an injustice, but if there was a suspicion that murder had been com- mitted and suspicion pointed to them, | #04 the matter should be investigated despite the fact that they were ineon- venienced. Almost every criminal case tried in the courts is based ori suspi- vion, in many cases confirmed by strong and aablectiee perry The State never offers recomrense for| wounded dignity, and why should the| to Telegram work itself into a frenzy over the case in point? Detective Murray comes in for a goodly share of eng eensure, Now, Detective Murray is an efficient officer, and has done more to unearth hidden crime than any other man in Canada. He has been cursed and damned by criminal law-|"" yers more than any other man in the country, Why should newspapers jump on him—he does his duty ? — N. 1B, Elections, | al Government of New Brunswick have held several caucuses of late, and although it was generally understood there would be a dissolu- tion before another session, yet there ‘was considerable surprise Friday when Attorney General Blair issued a mani- festo sud declared the election would take place on Oct. 16, no balnan on the 9th.» In his manifesto mem barrasse ry the lominion el Mr. Blair claims bi eddies has been an economical one, as inaugurated fs wiih eave ae country a good |© deat of money. jo far as can be seen at present ‘the | Opposition is ina demoralized’ state by da PRUE Sel Be and everything points to a victory. for'}* Blair. an, The Acton Free Press has been try- ing to break up a path ede den in that town, Here is @ bit of advice which should be as widely spread as possible. Don’t dodge a bicycle rider, either male or female. Stand still and the rider will Ty § Pe 5 5 & them.” Tf you see a you will ler. tt So ed still. % tie ea mniddle of the road,” or wherever you ‘appen to be, the rider will take care hances are will aul you will 2 the worst, halt ue the Therefore, don’t dodge. bouchere, Moni peer a Little-go examinat Camb noticed a a ber oe as “pow about, in the hopes of catchi one cheating. So he hastily ‘seribbled a few words upon a sheet of paper, hid it a under his blotter bas Fever referred to it from tim , with a great Tancisot leaking fesvely bata tosee that nobody was looking. pacts Hes ‘But the examiner was inexorable. He insisted on looking under the blotter and was bitte ing, ina large, round hand, words: “You any be very clever, ie you can’t eat coke!” A tea pedlar who os recently bee doing quite a thrivi three months.” “But,” i | FRIDAY | Our ; *| Friday of on week, E "ma/BROCKVILLE BUGGIES, 300 THIS WEEK. 0. §. KERTCHER piano. warranted to be thoroughly seasoned and bone dry LL AND THE NEW CO: FOR 1395 SEE These rigs are Snide as fine as any The material in their construction is Do sesh forget before purchasing a Wagon g to call and see the celebrated CHATHAM, with unbreakable arms and unbreakable axles. Ties set cold by West cold tire setter. Warerooms, Next to Grosch’s Shoe Shop. DAMID SMITH. ii| FRIDAY 1 FRIDAY! KKKKK He | During the. hot summer weather the | THONG W000 Furnaee, For small Houses and is popes Byes. Fron 9 acm to4| hopes i Pp. Call and see it Sn 8, F, MAITLAND, Photographer, Milverton Photographic eg! in Grosch’s new eet ONLY. July 12, 1895, r, oyle, “I can’t bina lite name.” “Ob, be | that don’t make difference,” turned the obliging pals, “you can just make your The pedlar make out the te and when Snihed Handed i it over for the cross. when Mr. Doyle {said that he codlat't write, he devi .|ated slightly from the truth, At all Farewell, The Rev. ap L Mackay, missionary Formosa, left Woodstock for his distant field of labor on the 8:50 Can- night. He was accompanied by wife, three cbildren and Cl @ stu- de oa-Kua. At the station a gre: ii in singing » hymn, after which Sk V. A. Muckay vena i out. @ most touching scene, and a Great majority of those present were melted to tearsas they bade him a good-bye, for, it may be, the last time. ‘The doctor will arrive at his destina- tion, Tamsui, , Bon mosa, about the end of November A peeharr attempted a rather sharp wvistock on Tuesday evenimy ® speedily found himself in y for ad i Just as the change was being tidded to him he stated that he Bnd a 25-cent Ror} ane reproduced what was supposed to be the $5 bill, bac which Hud been ingeni hanged fora $1 bill. ‘The sey which had already been count en him, aud the mis r the trick le Vance Was notibed an te found the man a ) ® stontly dre De Valen anny arrested him and was about to tele ked to pike it aay He then} + phone fo the authorities in Stratford, whenhe weakened and disgorged th to fave being | pros ‘aavistoch Gugette. ny sprawling of the ground Tn language more vigorous than polite he was told to get himself off the place on. the double quick—a bit of advice he was {uot slow in obeying. Dierlamm’s Dipheherta Remedy. “I must say your medicine was a great Blessing to me, When your medicine be mes known it will do away with this tooeibietproctian' at innoculation, which I regard as really infernal, aa i is unpatural most cordially wish you all s Presbyterian mimister Toronto, July 15, 189 “sDear Sit: We hive heen, using. your ‘3 “| medicine for sore throats, nad find it an excellent medicine.” ues LATURN te Kingston, June 6th, 18: “Your medicine is becoming very popular in this part of the country. A few age one of my members was Beek n up byt the loctors to die in 24 hours. I hastened to EBerpat with your remedy and it cured him and the while family of thirteen children, Others were smitten with the disease, but of cours best me ases,”” re cured with same. It is the ne in the world for all throat dis- nike am ‘0 in Christ, Mnwmetox, Oct. Il wheat per bush, ting wheat, per bush r bush 2... Stratford, Oct. 3 $0 Butte ‘ho iene RAE & SUTTON. uw SyYOOq NO L fo A are fafe m 8 ed zy 2 bet 0 Y) dun109 0} paysonb: JL. SOHMIDY The Above Stove ¢¢ 39 is called the Good Cheer, A Most Valuable Kitchen Stove, sofd by SCHNEUKER & ROTHAERMEL, Agents for all Good Stoves and Furnaces, Milverton, By going to J. H. Schmidt's aud sampling his Ice Cream. Yon can get a dish or two, or three, if you choose, any night in the week. It is made from the pure cream, and will fill you with delight. Try it, STRAYED. — EPH SCHRENK. All-a-Samee Cheroots 4 All Imported Tobacco. 10¢ Better than most 5 Cent Cigars. As good as the ordinary 10 Cent Cigar. It is the manufacturer’s profit that has to be cut down when hard times come, Svery smoker ‘should try ae Seer Assorted colors.” For sale by tobacco dealers everywher Creme de la Creme Cigar te. Pat EE ae ee eae ee CA UBSURI TOR THE SUN. PER YEAR. jetor ny as no m toe tor td Rol are rb Peet ita Tt WM. B, CHaLMERS; Poole, ‘his title; but Mrs. La Bes 3s rich. secur: { ue Boule Porth Fs wir ap St. ge rying Sir nis 1a rilure, ttle ben sie aa beta chee allay lar below that of previous years. r, ete, (is—they are cheape prives as an honest dealer can sell for. Jewelry Store, Milverton. There can in the end than \WATGHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. stock of ics of the Best pay ere such as Elgin, ag vauant “Columbus, Boel Lever itches and Clocks at Lowest Prices and guaranteed. Ladies’ solid Gold Watches or Silver S Wenkes ape ma Gold Rings—a nice pen ei vi re tine goods pelts low People always find it best to buy at George Pfaff’s ich or Chain or anything in the Jewelry line, seh as Broo rings, Charms, Gold Tapes Rings, Silver Finger Rings, Silver Pfuif's Jewelry Store, Milverton. I am_ producin; new patterns from fuctories and wholesale fre, Wholesale people take my stock to be as nice and as large as any Jewelry store in Canada for the size of town. It is an established bas that my Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles and Silverware are good Milverton for ten years is a sufficient, cane that the general public is cape otis cd. If people think over these ten years: there were four different jewellers in tewn; but have still the anain Jewelry store. It proyes that I done an honest business, George Pfaff, Jeweler, selling articles. Selling of all. Remember, if your intention ches, iat ware, Spectacles, etc. ls and nied in Wedding Rings AND... Wedding Presents CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, OCT. 3, 1895. mist! CT NEWS terestin; Neighboring Trew at Irom Other The elevator a ae Daisy flower mill at’ Superior, Minnesotta, was burned on Monday. S Ss 26 00,01 Proctor, of Brussels, will assume | r. the practice of Dr. Cowan, of Moles- worth, who has removed tu dewn near Kingston. The Listowel board of health is| be making an investigation of tie polluted streams in that burg. The tannery has been running its refuse into the creek. n. W. Laurier has made am -em- enial vf uhe statement, “Thank God, there is not an ee aes among us, the Liberals”—atwibuted te him by certain newspapers, Mr Heutherington, a farmer living near Hespler, while eperating an insilage cutter on Wednesday last had his hand caught in the rollers and | ve off above the wrist. Rev. Dr. Williamson, astronomy, Queen’ ton, died lege of Kings: at “he ripe’ old age’ He a brother-in-law of the late Sir toi Macdonald. Stratford Beacon is urging up- ‘on the city en the neces of having better market accommodation Richie, covisaih Wied rid alla tg pro ect An vendors of various produce on market Dr. Me of Formosa, does not share the opinion oF sone Japan ese adm as to the effect of the change of government ‘in that island He thinks it will be a disady ntige to evival dene Le ad dhists ‘are keen contr trained — metaphysic ie will not 1 easier. The gi irit in Japan bodes iN for Hep ti gress of mission work—that is, svork that does more then veneer the beachen ‘alled from the |" Into 4 Corked Hat Governor Culber Texas, has issued a proclamation culling @ special session of the Legislature for Oct. ¥, one that will pas a law that will knock the Govbses Riteeins mv brrieela nons prize’ fig! a covked hat governor issn Brodlaination at mi night ‘Thursday, Gaekiey gthy consultation | i may go in an en- e; ths eats conflict ighest courts in the state. it all Pestle eauteation: be issued the wall convenizg the Legislature on lay at Austin, In eelamstion the governor aya: Conte A Gitbe of the S 1) the Sth Uogishtnre wo es city of Austin, beginning ake noon Tuestas, Oct. ha papers a denounce prize-figh J kindred practices in elear ee ssmbiguons iii lety ne hibit the same by appropriate Prins and penalties, piste the Ia immediate operation and making ne ek sion for its en forcement at ti this chante to moral sense and enlightened progress of Texas averted. Her Majesty's hamble liege who is custodian of the Halton County Court |, House was threatened with the retiring room df one of her Majesty's justi High Court. Ma; Charta’s guarantee of atrial by jury would have become void and of no eft that angry jadge had sent. the s ofthe Hig! fons ip a cake ot soap. Te she \bsence of a cake of tof a tire aut to use his m nigh was not intended to east the comfort of the judges, and that authority would soon be abolished fi it were often use this year averaged considerably over ed | 4 tons to the acre. ti favenue line in New ‘| the third story of a building in Walker-| | from in Buffalo. | oP |splendid large barn of W. Hustin| Humilton’s total assessment is $26,- 998,204; population, 48,803. contrads is reported as signed for a new cable between New York und Brest A number of fields of flax in Logan The system of street car ser- vice was natura on wee Hint Magnus Disch, a painter, fell from ton, receiving serious injur At the trial of Shortis for me Beauharnois, counsel for defence in aspecial plea of mental dise Wheat was weak and lower in Chi- cago Tuesday, December wheat clos: ing at 61 cents, a decline for the day of 2 1-2 It is said that Nesbit Potter, who mysteriously disappeared from Mit- chell a few years ago, has been heard Mrs, Arthur $. Whitney of Mont real is auing her husband for a decree ‘ion, and makes serious Sincere) een ator inurl Bateetie formerly of Toronto and ille. Bellev’ at prices unsurpa: While the storm was passing over Hibbert last Wednesday. night, a W. was strtick by lightning and burned to the ground. All the season’s crop, ali the implements except a bugey, and a number of hogs were burned Standing Room. Two yong Sadies Boston ae ighted Ti am m Stance Ww a 5 © oa eal 1 tired, P'meure } m tresa?” The young ludy ot her ae eee sive: ‘Fall Millinery. Our Fall Millinery rooms are again boom-— ing. We have been able to secure the Latest Shapes and Noveltiss. - Ladies who have ex amined the show roome of the town pronounce our display tHE Best, and the prices are with- in reach of everybody. Ladies’ Mantles and Jackets—We have a full line of the best German. make, which are celebrated as being the best- fitting Jacket made. ‘If you do not believe us, come and try one on-and you will be satisfied. We will sell them from $4.00 to $10.00. Ready-Made Clothing—In this line we have been able to secure a Fine Liue of Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Overcoats, ed hitherto i in the town. We will quote a few lines : Ulsters, men’s size, heavy frieze cloth, at $5, worth $8; at $8, worth $12. Boys’ Overcoats from $3 ap. ~Men’s “1 Suits at $4.50, well made. Underwear—Cold weather makes one think of comfort. we has ve heavy Shirts and Drawers, all wool, at 35¢, 45c and 60c; ‘Top Shirts 40c, 50¢, 60¢ and $1. ‘Flannel, ldc to 20c¢ per yard. Plannelettes, Lae to 10c per yard. receries—We sive 6 lbs. of Good Ten for $1. We have alot of vst | Broken Soda Biscyits, which we will dispose of at 5e per Ib. ua ; e will give bargains in numerous other lines, for which we haye not Guenther & Co. Bi---We have to get rid of our entire stock by N. ; Feb. ist, and great bargains will ke given for Cash and Preduce. t