“It Shines For All” MALCOLM Edltor and 2a'Publishes MILVERTON, | ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1895. big ad on. ae Snes Listowel Wit. Mark Twain once published a list ared 1 pa of answers made by school pupils at igi ey the | written examinations. and very di- ond serene: many of them were, but no Bread 8 cents por loaf for cash at nth The The ae OR season is drawing bed sara) As in the mission of Rev. Oe. Shortt, a close the potato digging base of Toronto, which begins Nov. 25th, will be taken from the London Mission|and many farmers eongregate D EE Hymnal, published by the Society for| town. A VOU SER Cree ee ee With difficulty? Perhaps you have an itch- Se ee ha nd copies roy may|razor-toe shoes of yours, at J. G. ing, barning sensation jn et eyes, and : rosch’s. stant headache, No, with music at 20cts, and eae Bf ie tie lenin music at Sets. < Poke beets ica) Sa bad job. When we consider what Don’t Need Physic sist Py lngasunnnneiga ish aR il excellent horseman David is we may Osrr.—The following is from the Thursday rape “4 Ma | But map need to bie ites ee Special- | Chilton Times, Wisconsin, of Eeardey Mr. Ais od Tid ca cinead ka consider it is a heavy jo! ar i » rduroy {stomach is a comical stacl eagegieeareey Paps Doieber LAK alg) raters. £2 laundry to the house recently vacated ta pais ie such corduroy |) neath the diagram, aod al Eyes Perfectly Fitted. |". by Mr. H. Maddis, and Mr, McRoberts abominabie eavity.”——Bann ti SERRE A Gatheriae | Bebseien has enueged the house vacated by Mr. PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, of millinery | 49 ‘pow fal of David Allen has just terminated his seven years of apprenticeship at milk hauling rod says he will give it up as ‘overpowered to. find ; ‘among the definitions received: “The 4 H cored Schaefer, wife of Adam Bee whose father lives here in Milverton: “Mrs. Johanna wife of Adam Schaefer, died . Corbett-Fitzsinomons fight: las been et [Steven F. Geo. Fords of pial a! spent see iomone ight been so crowded with {Saturday at home i isto’ Wi i ve ¥ Port Stank ‘| advertising this week that Fda clea ema oh ; we have} understand he tes teat re-engaged by FF ; EYE SPECIALIST, Ba trikieg and a sad surprise had to issue a supplement. It, will be [his Trustees for’ “96. neg ease rod an es ee 87 King St. E,, Toronto, among her many After a| 2oted also that we: give readers | when they have something cae t Berlin Assizes the Grand Jury Naa Will be at Torrance’s| Den Milver-|day of toil and scoala aie ea of coe matter. Mr, David Allen purposes buying a iRperine bill against’ Kurschin- sh Tee Oabeget ‘atch this paper for da te. | she ne _been reading her even | In items last week we stated arse Book on the eye,‘ How to pre- threshing machine tobe ready for the} 4; for sours, and the tial wil prob n be had free | by wi riting | for it. babl, begii that Dr, Fraser of Stratford assisted [fray next-year. diy: sy : usual cheerful way. | Dr, Egbert in his operation on young & Ce ES CER. ate iu Good, reliable men can | SBO WAS Just rs when the angel of Tae which was a mistake. it was BORN side abana Ee mye a en my bi fa W ANTE Hind peruse en Rest catia aosher dor ariicalles "bop Dr, Btherford, of Listowel | amin Hn, on Oct 18th, the wife winery and bad. only Toevered geet i ple Groves the rest that Aes no awaking | assisted. David ed see the otter ay Mau Bee at his oe ie Li dpatoinwag ty i i coma sain ppmaeerosea ten, Tokers Fae ees Louis Siegner, of Newton, here- |Seu102—In Ellice, ou Oct 10, the wife of| faking water at Acton. He, wan hnoaght ie expe. chly. Liberal induct respected by all who knew her. She by desires to notify all those ‘eho are} Chas. Schmidt, of a daught home ad iesuffering much from a bruised « a always Sheetal unselfish | and|;"yepted to him to. vaebtle thelr! p- oe and'internal injuries. Y 8. a rite at | kind and made friends wherever she nn an batons RakeT Eh, eval Personals. , for terms. Address, J. W. MACKAY-| went. He face wore a beautiful smile ' Bi De Car' ‘ that date they will be put in other} Barney Donegan, o! have, has Gen. Manager, Be tbomas, Oak: (eave of iehisterga. dant Gould bak iendetoe collection. ‘4 removed to Listowel where he intends mae Bc Sew), Meta i wh |S a lel, Waly a ig “or i ler, LOCAL NEWS. Hletein and born at that place Now, | tse addition of na Files et mealtanpe nya nats ais ENL ETE? scription Tris pom aia anover are at present visiting a 5, 1862, On July 13, 1887, sho was eee aa cre etill and we are go. | Messrs, Relneukard&e Rachuermats |< pelectiol: gelatin 4 Changes of advertfSements| united in marriage toAdam Schaefer 8 ‘ooddstook ell AY ing to get them. If you have a fund aE ULE Seat i 6 a ithe away from home bas the Mr. Geo. Guenther, the new baker, fol chat teste a Sania ender aaa a ng must be had in by Tuesday at noon to with whom she lived in happy wed- Ma Christmas box. ill be fpiector: has moved into the building vacated | An old man nam te also agents | lock, blessed with for all Toronto Weekly Daily | three children who with their grieved uae Newsprpers. All Correspondense| father are left in a wilderness of’ sor. Engel Donen’ tg Min eevee efter rat should be in by Tuesday. row. Georgie, the youngest ehild will Wednesday morning, as Freddie, Whitcombe and Mrs. J.| tie site ove aie oho oh year old next Thu The we: e young son of Mr. C. Hasenpflug, | J. Feartune of Toledo, Ohio, are ab) prop Court decided! thet she: a ye x ‘¢his Indian sutomerd dla child is 7 yearsold. They came| of the Grand Central, ue plane in aoe visiting their brother, Mr.Geo. sei se it ae oning oe pay. costs, to this eity from Hayton ‘about. two| the yard in rear of the. hotel he fell | Kirkland. Cs. — Bor ee ERR wal be dispensed | ears ano, Besides Her husband: and|and strack his head on ‘he aide bh ay fruit growers Association have en itbtishe public a eh tone children, pee Schaefer leaves to| beer keg, recetvin; asty cut over lads Shipment of apples to Australia eee township. should’ have. It- Aeenty ee, ot he ot at re-| mourn, her parents, two sisters one Mirch ut nothing sevious is likely | 45 an experiment- ‘The markets of | a Use Dist AES es AE wother, grandmother and ange | (OL tesOle that country at this season are bear of | some 0 f the be i 4 Mr. Jas. H. Chalmers has ae en-| circle of friends, The Mei services| Carp or Taaxxs.—The relatives of | frni gaged by 8.8. No. 13, Mornington, as| took place on Thursday and were con-| the late Mrs, Whaley, sr. Frank Riggs, oe for 1896, ducted by Rey. W.A. Arpke at the| columns of the Sux, to cane hoe ing elt in the Pedlar. Roofing Go" and new line of School supplies, | house. the Oddfellows for their mark of re-| works at Oshawa was caught by the to acon. ab Ic an lates, ibbl i i * " cabreskatle paper slates Liss pale ey Holstein cemetery for interment, fol-| spect in turning out in out. He| Mr. Joh cn ve. eredit. for aay the: inttiative in this, county in. this matter. the undertaking prove a success.— wish through aged 20, whileadjust siseaen at}belt and one arm was torn n Bennewis, whose name _ i pe may die Tt is cians Ottawa thab Mr, ative convention in: Milverton last: winter, an ‘ont.|Ship of McKillop for: the last nine teal, TE his proves correct Eve. seat yeqre| in capacity of reeve an of, Cum: apy reeve, was the other day waited: a deputation asking him to - 8 visited on 4 Saturday and Beaay hive mowatorm, the knecht afficiated at the gr ‘Thus | an unusual thing for fall amounting to vera | toch es. Word | one by by the bonds are severed and] they comes from the north that out a foot fell in Walkerton and places beyond. a Aa sare crossing the river, | characteristic of the fraverity. ing that Mrs. Whaley is life, Ae AN ae Weppixe.—The Methodist | not a member in the flesh was one in n by engaged to teach the Milverton school z spirit being sways m Believe Tire cal ih he pa omenetiote for next year. We think that the ehetioier of ake chiang a ng man who gave his name a8] in Seaforth for THOB.) Fes Geolinedl, acted wisely as Mr. Chalmer's Dadfellonchap. Agus Ra Ue Guelph was found | paring decided to ran in the same: De b: (eo AUR RRGAL Gite dendh cerning in the river at Detroit by capacity in Logan, a policeman, He said he was knocked |“"T" 71 somn from the following items * dl d] “Bast Miller & Kelterbourn, butchers, are of the Inte Mrs. Whaley. ‘The remains |7,Po enable Ci eteed by elonel selling first class beef by the quarter |! for $5 and $6 per hundred. Patronize teste ancl interested spectators, and as t on ‘Thursday: afternoun, while fummings, ex-Reeve of Saugeen and yyour local:men, they will do the best) bridel patty entered, abd auproucl caoetban triehds Gens ethene hee ber of employees at the cot: ts fly, had a pretty yee eelkoe for you. ‘They supply you when no| chancel rail che ‘Wedding Murch” S101] to pay their last tribute to. one: they | %R elie Valleybeta were called by Pa tha wile: Eide HL Lohengrin ioe by cc *.) 8 Al Haid in high esteem, Besides. those | the Crown. in the Shortis trial to. re- tive PE ent aa eine! Whi throw away your clothes be-| Mean ay wee a He ed but the evidence of insanity, and most, y DP de re The bridesinaids were ina Boomer, | mentioned last week there was pri i call Hae morning. i being nearly” oanse they have become soiled and all}of London, and Misa Wade Howel, ofl ene, Mis, Trow, Mesars. Jaa: and'Thos, [of therm claimed that: Shortisdid alle poisoned. Tt seems. that a little girk they require is washing? Milverton| Acton, while little Mise Minnie Ratz, of |Trow, Stratford; Dr, Charles Trow and act rationally. ‘in playing shostte pantry the pre- Hand Laundry ee fasivne of | Rimira, acted ine Mower glk” The best| and Edward Trow, barrister, Toronto; ‘The validity of the will py the Tate] vious da hold of “rough om washing nevis pollen goods | ian was Mr. Dave: Musselman, of Berlin, | Jas. Edwards, of Harriston, a nephew. Mr, Thomas Young lamilton: a rats” and bach it up with the oat- : without shrinking, eee heeanon brother of the groom; ancl the ashors were| The following acquaintances acted as|being questioned. ‘The wal eceead neal, After eating porridge for break- nice as new. Spots tuken from all) Mr. Geo. H. Boones, Gull, and Mr. A. ZB | pallbearers : Son Johnson and W, B,|in a clock the other day, and the wit-| fast every member of the family was i faa Aico epee ny ‘ Greeborn, of er: TL. Hasen.[ nesses, who are anknown except by| taken violently ill; Suitable remedies | guaranteed in this line or money re: er father, wore 8 very prett; white sublime silk, Tris! funded —G. E. Stevenson.” “Have you observed,” said a_mer- “the handsome ee I have on a fence tween’ Red Cloud and naval P “No,” chant to a i eaunithe customer, send the fence nroun will try and read ihe Pdpatibe2 read the papers, and I have! around reading billboards” And |i the merchant scratched his head.—Ex. Tt. is not Benoa known that ao s last session of the Legislatur sed, Seite panin formes mee viding that where the husband dies ‘was escorted without a will with property less than 1,000 everything goes to the widow. | formed by the Rev, Dr. Scott, ey ity White be diet ‘with miore than, $1/000 | Cues Hettins Saaaeed Pe Hah rath in theadiministration the widow will] vice’ wi ver a reception -vas hel get $1, 000 ny sila lon; made aidiah her isn carelessness in| the oncasion-= appeal, but when he was informed before the county judge, he his fine and decided to drop the matter. appeal came up paid an information against ieee ao motresill red tulle vei a yas ml I n't time e fringed buttereup fed the bridal party 13 re. an act} * pretty basen which “hun; to the acess by ke her jis trotheeArte: ‘Te coreor “Jeovered by name, are ee fs RcULosIs.—On Tuesday Messrs. Miller % Kelterbourne slaughtered a beast they purchased from Mr. twenty three *| the Bok out of between $30,009 a1 ee Peterborough, iiiek Chancellor Boyd, u than who thas. | there is no more learned and upright} toast, Walker, of Mornington, ade ‘on exam- ination it was with what the idles Saitieon pronounced to be tuberculoss. ‘The beast was apparently in the best order, bus when killed the Jungs were innumerable tubercles, On the windpipe was form growth which overhung tho lungs and | formed the termination of the several glands. The rselt, liver, wom Stomach and inside lining was a blot- berel ed and made ready use, It is le Resa tne Me. Walker's sake sis this is the only aniwal in the herd infected. Should the examination Port Elgin and other aa oe ;,| result in the“spotting” of more animals the less will be seriou: summary end to the so-called crim-|The general, in a very. gentleman inal trial, he said: Of course the} way, begged to be excused. He wos province of the crown is not to unduly | again urged to join in a glass of wine, ip for a conviction. bofficer is het that justice is don cer nob send to assizes or insane,” as the juror would say. et faite " mass. ‘The inspector Sip resources of the Province in ed, leap werk, for| dering which, ine mae as ppted bY | has been notitied and is expected up| gaining, » personal and professional public prop: | Miss Boome, (eto aa handsome dis.| 0-day (Thursday), Messrs. Miller i over | professional rivals ‘as not pro-| play of presents. Among these were noticed | Kelterbourne for « Bae will use their nex of the Province! & we atiteahe | 4 gold wateh with guard chain, # diemond | other stuughter house after which time |»nd the deteasives who are anxious. te | ot elibeates pan from the groom, a silver and gold tea) the ofl one will he horongtly fomigat find every aeowsed man guilty give: the necessary means for defenge. honorable counsel tek for personal, pu heman life is at stake. re uged to-come forward and Porter;.a fermer tick in the} they ha Bank of Montreal in Stratford, has| the childish freak. ft Quebec and sentenced 4 Marnier ad prison for a. period of| Harrison, when he wae: candidate fur tontha: for see meaquint ‘the office of President of the United: the other day, judge in the Dominion, was putting) favor ine by drinking a glase- of wine? infected | a The crown re, as 1 ba simply to see| seat and said,. ”” These are | mas oe ne | ‘timely and much acd wana cane lN to ope a aiee will be sufficient, Thos hang prisoners, es ng or innocent, | you press the Benuharnois| a drop shall ever pase lips. Much less is. he sent | a resolve when Mi would use ie lation TOE. when) it-now | were promptly applied and all got better in & OIE time but feeling that: ren ee asa result of ‘At a poblio dinner piven ta Gbnerat m.| water. ‘This was too much, He rose from inthe mose digni if “Gentlemen, B have twice d to partake of the wine en> matter ever 80 mire: rigid ower the counsel of a prisoner without peg No| happiness and prep Lt Would yor: wren: The effect on res {asay be imagined.