The Milverton Sun-- FEARFUL THURSDAY, OCT. 24, 1895. An exchange suggests the propriety of creating Canadian dukes, lords, earls, et al, for the American matri- - monial market, 1D Tha village onde ahold Of Ho 1 lal Pp Ve by-law compelling ‘ the pate na) 2 ‘ 1g u T1Ces. show up the head and lungs of every animal slabghtered or put upon the market in the municipality of Milver- ton. We say this without desire to cast any reflection on our butchers as they acted hen. erably in the case which is the cause of our writing this article, but it iy well tobe cautious and have proper safe gards when the expense practically amounts to nil. Tt may be that our suggestion will be lost upon that body, but it is the duty, of the people of Milverton to see ‘that some P' the method and perfect ies age health is of as great import to us as any citizen of the larger towns. es Fy ag ee but Feels Her Humiliation, ‘Tokio, Japan, Sept, 27.—Russia and Pease have nie imiposed their will pan, in Japan has Salada feeling fas the time ton re- sistance has not com ier sons seat) tent he envoys of those two European powers in demani in. immediate adjustment of the langerous to prolong dis. The claim for compensation was re- duced to thirty ion taels, on the | payment of ue it is agreed that the Manchurian territory shall be immedi- ately evacuated. It was strongly argued by the Japanese that the with- drawal of the troops should be delayed until China carries out the conditions of the Shimonoseki treaty, but to this proposition Russia would not listen, e effect, vhen the facts become antils known, will be to Beely reawaken the excitement of last May and to intensify the violence of the parties hostile to the government. The usual methods are employed to keep the story secret as long as pi diblel” The press is watched.'so closely no reference to the transaction can appear in print, and political editors ve summarily silenced if they come anywhere neat the forbidden theme. + The Stratford city council subuaieved a law to the Kingston, « social function in Hamil- ton will look like a pecronte of the city council without a quo: m of money and some > yaldbte Shakespeare Hotel, where the old man was lying in bed ‘and ransacked i clothes while he was awake, but be was too old to prevent them or even see who the perpetrators were. His wallet. was returned to him next mornin, ‘Tho yoiag oye Saee whbeotton Se taken off by the train the other}. day, “was aided ffrom the Beélin- Waterloo hospital ‘to his bome at Doon, last wéek, The’ elder brother, George, who was lying in the hospital, down with typhoid fever at the time ~ his younger brother entered, has since died and the little follows ney re- "moved to his father’s place. ‘This very sad a ‘and the poor father is Herre re| for 88, final attacks of lisease upon the An aeeselig brilliant young if addicted to no sort of folly, work one day and the next is down _ with typhoid. Surely there are some. signs by which a man could recognize the approach of typhoid and ward the guard against the attacks _ fever oft while he is still bi enough De - to resist its attacks If prevention be sc & i oth _ better ia cure, people Bache be i 9 ea . {than one year, and kindly ask all ‘We Are Determined —~ nd) 3 for 280. EXPLOSION TWO KINDS Og a, ROOT PULPERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS We are not going to do busi- ness for Cash and Produce only, but intend to give Credit to first- class and good-paying customers, but will not give credit for more customers who owe us prior to "Jan. 1, 1895, to call and settle their accounts before Nov. ist, as all old accounts not settled by ‘that time will be, placed in court/: for collection. To sell at Lower Prices than the Lowest. Kindly compare the following Prices with wit store in the County: 22 lbs: Best Granulated Sugar... 24 lbs. No. 2 tf 9 Bo ls) Vellow Saipan: secs Tapioca, 5¢.; Epsom Salts, §c. . Sulphur, 5c.; Matches, 7c. box. 2 Cans best Salmon, 25c. Castile Soap (twin bar), 5c. 3 Boxes Peas, Corn or Tomatoes, 25c. No. 1 Cups and Saucers, 7oc. dozen. No.1 8-inch Dinner Plates, 7oc. dozen. Tea sets and Chamber sets at your own 26 yards heavy grey Cotton for $1. 32-inch wide Heavy grey Flannel, 15c. yard. Flanneete (heay), ge: yes H. SUHMIDT And GRINDERS. Also a full stock of PLOUGHS and PLOUGH REPAIRS always kept on hand. ae 1D. SMITE, Warerooms, Next to Grosch’s Shoe Shop. Fall Millinery. Our Fall Millinery rooms are again boom-— ing. We have been able to secure the Latest Shapes and Novelties. Ladies who have ex- amined the show roome of the town pronounce our display rue pest, and the prices are with- in reach of everybody. Ladies’ Mantles and Jackets—We have a full line of the best German make, which -are celebrated as being the best- fitting Jacket made. If you'do not believe us, come and try ie on me you will be satisfied. We will sell them from $4.00 0 $10. Ready-Made Clothing—In this line we have been able to secure a Fine Liue of Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Overcoats, at prices unsurpassed hitherto in the town. We will quote a few lines: Ulsters, men’s. size, heavy frieze cloth, at $5, worth $8 ; at $8, worth $12. Boys’ Overcoats from $3 ap. Men’s Suits at ae: 50, well made. Underwear—Oold weather makes one think of comfort. We have heavy Sites and Drawers, all wool, at 35¢, 45c and 60c; Top Shirts at 250, ey 50c, 60c and $1.. Flannel, 15c to 20c per yard. Flannelettes, from 5¢ ‘0 10¢ per yard. Groceries—We give 6 lbs. of Good Tea for $1. We havea lot of broken Soda Biscuits, which we will dispose of at 5e per lb. We will give bargains in numerous other lines, for which we have not space to mention. Guenther & Co. N. B.---We have to get rid of our entire stock by Feb. ist, and great bargains will be given for Cash and Produce. KEEP COOL. By going to J. H. Schmidt's and sampling his Ice Cream. You can Fruits That are seasonable, in abundance at our store. A lot of Fresh Lemons just arrived. Oranges and Grapes. at lowest prices. Only a few Remain Now in stock, and will be sold cheap. We have an arrival of Baltimore Oys- ters. Their merits lie in get a dish or two, or three, if you choose, any night in the week, It is made from the pué cream, and will fill you with delight, Try it. Clark & Coates’ best cotton spools, 2c. 15¢, pair Men’s ready-made Overalls, 50c. pair. Job lot of Underwear worth 75c. for 5o0c. 2 yards inch wide Ribbon, all colors, Gentlemen’s Lined Collars (latest style), A CALL SOLICITED. Men’s extra heavy fieas Ohvereoate,, Ger ii ace dparcuule ae Ladies’ Jackets (newest styuEs), from Weiderhold & Honderich The rau ‘Telegrain says Medi-| 75, to $15 each. s Furniture and Senne well-known and long-established Ford’s Ai Gallery, Toronto, fora large number of their widest fine Portraits, now offer a life-size Portrait a $10 worth of the fact that theyare fresh, flavory and Ladies’ heavy all-wool Cashmere Gloves, A Fine Poripait Firm. FREE. (. 8. Kerteher. Eeray! | FRIDAY! Milverten, FRIDAY! : During the hot eummer weather the U ndertaking. Milverton Photographie oe ; in Grosch's new block, will be open on We have made arrangements with the Friday of each week, REE to any cash customer who has bought | Operating hours: From 9 a. m. to 4 8. . mn. G. F, AITLAND, Photographer. Baby Carriages selling at cost. of pea hich ia paraantenly prev - Alent et st where this season, Ruy The Hustlers for Trade: Weiderhold & Honderih, July 12, 1895. 616616 3+e=. 44:6 <. Go Please Gvuergene. 4 The VERY LATEST PRODUCTIONS. Grand Display in Quality, Style and Elegance. Every Article carrying within itself’the Convincing Proof that in its pur- chase you are Saving Money. Your purse will open quickly when you gaze upon the Splendid Bar- gains in our new Fall and Winter Stock of Overcoats, Suitings and Pantings. Note a few of Our Prices: An all-wool Suit, to order, only...$ 7 35 A little better one for only........... 8 50 A still Af 2 sence ee OOO 6“ An extra good one A Scotch Tweed pane Fine Worsted Sti only. . These are allfrdade to order, First-Class Trimmings and Ar Workmanship and All Stylish, All Good, All Useful, All Low in Price. Arf opportunity that will be counted as fs fort ‘unate occurrence in your life. A {An opportunity to get just what you Walt at a just-what-you-want-to-pay price. Ithey will verify our statements. MILMERTON. ie SCHABPER BROS. £ »1: and look at our New Goods— The Milverton Sun. "THURSDAY, OCT. 24, 1895. bas tiasii ts NEWS Some Interesting tems Culled from the " Neizhboring Press and trom Other Sources oid curred in Brantford i in 36 hours T. B. McCarthy rode a ees cas on Jarvis street, Toronto, in 42 sec The Albion Hotel at ‘Goderich, ea a number of other buildings were burned. The trade returns for September rss « decline as compared with the responding month of the preceeding vest of $1,015, : ‘A rear end collision took place be- tween two freight trains on the bridge at Pickering. One engine and several cars were smashed. Tn the storm that swept over New foundland a church was blown down, forty or fifty vessels driven sega ts and several lives were lost. squash weighing 210 Ibs. was sown at the Goderich fair, It was grown by the same man who exhibited the big $10-Ib. squash ut the Chicago | my fair. ON Setings sell cumtoh Thomas Young beq estate to found in a clock. killed at Hamilton last month. The Atwood doctors settle their difference a la Sullivan. Bee says that the man who ae hit Pa tween tha peepers demai apology ae ae getting it oe the case to Listo uel a teamster for the Tavis- tock "Milling Company, came near losing his life by asphyxiation at the Thompson House, Woodstock, Mon- day ee He blew out the gas when he wei At fhe inquest into the death of a Laying it was shown that his ason for wishing to marry Miss Rateah was that he knew she would come in for valuable property when ‘she came of age. Application will be made in Parlia- ment next session for an act to incor-. porate the Canadian Electric Railway and Power Company, with power to op- erate an electric railway from Mont- real to Windsor, via Brockville, dansk, ton, Belleville, Toronto and Lond uritan preacher named Boyd was in the habit of inveighing against Secretary Thurlow inform- another,” said the Protector; “Tl pay him out in his own coin. He asked yd to dinner, and, before giving him any, prayed for three hours. The Scientific, a ay the first h of the many others. himself hee methods of deception is a thoroughbred knave and should be shunned ibe sp abeae1 e new general manager of the Grand Trunk inten nds to make it a Grand Trunk employes are not greatly addicted to drink, but where so much life and property are dependent on their ee what little they do in that line had better be stopped, a1 the reform will be appreciated by the public. five child the funeral took place.- itehell Ade vocate, ‘An exchange tells a story of doctor, “that can’t be. T'll try it ay: self.” "As he spoke he poured some of tea oe a skillit and set it on the fire. a Scotch minister whose physician order- xt 199 Milesin 175 Minutes, breaking trait a, ™.. Corning, 130 miles distant, at “Yo: 49, October 5. From Corning to Big Flats, a distance of 64 miies, the run was in exactly 4 minutes, or at. the ta ‘ain, which apa ely of st engine, a hotel car ai common coach, arrived in pian at 4:19 minutes, including all stops and ‘slow- Bree ooaderel face speed, on account of the bad grades, the numerous drawbridges, and the many railroags which the Lackawanna road crosses, The train stopped at. Elmira, Binghamton, Scranton and Washing- ton, N.J. Ateach of these places the engine was changed. sent an ultimatum to the President of Venezeula is vontirmed, The Cleve- land Administration at Washington i is ee he be interesting itself in the Rae fiatpentid that following the wrriage of Miss Conseula Vanderbilt, Mr. | my, with the Duke of Marlborough that a repent of Mr, and Mrs, Vander- il ue re effected and that they will The atts of Marlborough, who is at present on a visit to the United States is ye wis at what the ity tate about him. He was plore fe ge Be at one of we journals for saying that he wore red ties. used is a thankless world, Henry ant, who spent his all in founding aa promoting the Red Cross Society, is now in his 68th year struggling with starvation, Yet the great Christian world erects eee to the princes of human slaughter! The Duke of earned was ar- rested in Central Park, New York, for coasting rapidly down a hill on his bicycle with his feet on the handles. The Duke accompauied the policeman to the station, where Roundsman Ryan, who was in charge, discharged him after warning him not to repeat the offence, ‘The shallowness of the goody goody criticism which is sure to follow an expensive entertainment a any kind would be laughable if it were not: so pitiable, Mrs. Croesus gives an “at home” or something that costs a lot of given to the poor. fact-nine out of every ten dollars, of "Turkey has accepted the proposals. the| ofthe British government relative to the reforming of the adminirtration of Armenia, Armenian shops which had been closed since the riots were order- to Le “pets and the proprietors are again doing business. Though the Turks mes submitted to the decree.of the British government there is. still discontent Jurking in the breasts of the treacherous Mahommedans _ whicl ) is liable to ventin carnage atany time. Henry Guy Sstlget the dramatic author, stammers badly. One day a- Jady said to him: Me Cable ton, were you born with that stammer—if I may “T did not begin it until I began to talk.” When he first met William R, Tops soak _ Buglish with’ the’ sasame ac-accent ‘The Shame of the South. The Southern States, where human > bei The report that Lord Salisbury had|ed negro e the other day, could not be further de- graded by the encouragement of prize fighting within their borders, Tennessee is considered to be one of the most civilized of Southern States, although it might be easily ack pen then not be unduly. civilized, in Tennessee that the Methodist Sonne people of the United States gathered this year, gathered in the Epworth League covention. The Methodists of ‘Tennessee ‘are certainly not responsible for this latest outrage. Yet the churel ite of me Southern States seem superior race will have to respect for the lives of negroes before it can expect the negroes to regai either the life or the honor of the white race, There is no public opinion in the South hostile to this system, which places the frenzy of a mob on the throne of justice. The churches do nothing to uphold the “sanctity of life. They have their share in the guilt, and delegates from the red-handed com- | munities of the Southern States frater- nize with their denominational brethren from communities where law’ is su- prominent Liberals is making a tour of Ontario. Mr. Baker, M. P. for Micsiaquol, will succeed Mr. Curran as Solic General. Burglar-proof cars are now carry- ing the mails between New York and .| St. Louis. Park Pattison, a Caledonia barber, cut his wife's throat and tncginlsaute ie, commit suicide, The wife may ealousy was the cause. Heating S Stoves. cheap. Anyone Having sold so many Furnaces. this fall, we have a few second-hand Coal and Wood Stoves—some of them only in use a winter or so—which we are selling very wishing a Heater will do well by calling on t Bp. m., but tore coe oe “RAE & SUTTO The Stove and Furnace Men, Milverton. All-a-Samee Cheroots 4 excellent!” “Man,” cor a) ; a The Wonderful C¥eap Men. n having warmed it, he eve it, act d his lips, and said, “Excellent, cali said the minister, |” As good as “Of All Imported Tobacco. Better than most Ab Cent Cigars. 10° the ordinary 10 Cent Cige It is the manufacturer’s profit that has to be cut down hard times come. Every smoker should try, these Cher 9o's. Assorted colors. For sale by tobacco dealers everywhere. Creme dela Creme Cigar Go, Mon! preme and life is secure. ul Mn Laurier tf company with -other — cs