evans NOTES. 8 Man best an envious oimal, Not satiated with the many) mos modes him, he must He nd emi birds’ one and only way of cette about. Although he can walk, run, ae gan’ hilidatias ‘ nt Tather, trying to fly on them. If Icarus and Daedalus soared ni enoug! h to the sun to melt the wax on their wings they did infinitely better than m¢ modern span for bird- Ae honors aa don A waite partes inspiring about it, and the boy on t as well as. the comfort of iin: the. fdncobmtniteat cubase of the “said.” if ung man by the name of Phil- ‘loathe lately made a machine “which tested on three wheels and was driven _by a steam engine.” The measure of his light is not recorded, so. thi can alte be considered to rival the eagle ye flying- sapere as the the int of Dsientraieee other recent “flyers” above noted. peat: apparatus “onsists of —one huge ae and two The ma. im fhe ground and an- other inverted over it “otTwa dates end; well inde ‘screw : ees ar ‘avery powerful and light im {HE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL THE VERY LatEst FROM ALL OVER Phen —— 1. the Ualted States, and all P: the Globe, Condensed ams tqiyphoid fever is prevalent at Hamil- will oi bui Nearly a ‘of the St. Catharines ‘drug- wiete are engaged in a cut-rate war. Mr. Baker, M.P. for Mississquoi, will wn Mr, Curran as Solicitor-Gen- . O'Bryan, who bas been ailing tor fone. ts time, dropped dead at Mont- Mr. Jo! ¢. Nelson, C. seer of a reserve ois be Sie “at Winnipe; {oipufebase mining properties in Fron- tenae Cou: boise was acquitted of the charge of murdering Miss Jones at Baskatong by a jury at Hu Win, Turk, a labourer, was fatally in- aie on n Wednesday. in inthe T., H. “Sneffel of Buffalo was killed white ‘attempting to pass’ under a train at Port Colborne. Chief Bull of the Carcee Indian tribe was arrested and fined $2 at Cal- gery for drunkeness, he water in the Ottawa river con- e working of the Cum: ced twenty yeast hard jabor “tor sate t oe Mrs. Dormer The Manitoba Patrons | of Industry have asked Mr. J. Forsyth, the only service of the department as technical referee, Mr. James McEvoy, of the Geological | a Sui Lay has returned, to Ottawa trom the Shi district, British Columbia. at the district situated on Thompson riyar) waterehed’ con: a splendid agrict ut.-Col. Gibson se retire bhp couinian' of vie Aste bey alton) and the Militia Department to show ap- ion of his long service, has allow- of lienten- Re ieanee fe The validity of the will was foc ina Thomas Young of Hamilton is being The will clock" the “other her, day, “a es, who except by. name, are eres phyces come e erward: and prove Ee Mayor Knowles of Dundas was as- salad a his office by John Macdon- ld) tiuesap) bores arvented and peortunty sent down for six months. ‘The Mayor's boathouse was burnt down, it, jis supposed, by friends of edon: ovine to the recgnt loss of two yalu- ble ships Straits of Belle Isle, Pie ote dente mpanies of Mon- treal have petitioned the Deputy Min. ister of, Marine to Meats Peleseatinie communication and to place lighthouses ¢ dangerous me astounding details in connection al he i Me Montreal arson cases cay nae al Chcstiad ae announced ier ah iat ‘he Manitoba" Government at Interior, says it is impossible to transter from the Federal to the local authori iS ties, they having been disposed of in great advances in engineers m ors and solemnly advises such devotio: It is to be Benet that young engin- such as are free from morally unshackled ¢| to the verdict of the Coroner's ju: other mai from the West t kets. Last season 000. He believes this season's shipment of wheat will exceed five million bush GREAT BRITAL ‘Canadian apples are mari heave Sa Sates Sion Balfour and the other defendants in the Liberator Building ‘ociety frauds are on trial in London. ‘he Marquis of Waterford killed him- cif while temporarily insane, according ry. The Liverpool Post claims to do fee the head of Keg x Cromwell in will not even meanest Hosquito in accomplishment. One Thing at a Time. ench journal furnishes this tenoring) colloquy between a Sassheets er and her new servant tress—Biddy, run Ge fetch me ‘he plum- mata out of the pantry. et a nning)—Please, ma’am, Seraetincnes it i is on the side- dinin, ana can’t pares it. ss—Then it must be in the “Hi I don’t see it, iddy—I don’t see it, ‘—Then most kei 3 you have a good time to Padus when vest fotalk ina bigh key. Possession of keson family, of Bealohart, ‘Sir Charles Haile, the well-knywn died at mane Dublin Freeman's Joui an- ances that Mr. John Dillon, tee well-|f nown Irish leader and mem Tisment for East Mayo, will be married t the end of November to 8 daughter ae ige Mat “sir Cha: ne Aaa, the High missioner in London, cabled peltircny to the Dominion Government that the British Columbia frosen fish aneats sotsled in a manner satisfactory to the so ected that at the, boginn ‘expected that at the of | the gear Osp Ritchie, a Moustanded ths Alum staan Se ar nt and who has been thirty years in the service, will retire and settle in his home in Liverpool. UNITED STATES. Ex-Governor Naat Ames of Massa- chusetts: ae cot ‘ears ae now carrying and Cy bridge over the Richelieu str ‘An English company has been formed] a and] Son go t hei police force has ee n deter-|§ sd upon by ners. w the, mails between New York and St. The Carnegie Company ha a Jar contract fae “supplying srmor-plate Lis Charles Oscar Yale of Rome, N. Y., teak hee eae” a is sant a bul. nd inventor, 13 Rusa elec- ¢ Beltinore, Md. Miss eek Willard carried the ay ne T.U. convention at Baltimore her in a broad seg A to include in eee rola Roman Catholics woman found in Clair, ao Peder is stro. i suspecter oh ae The Penne railway has com- menced. to charge for carrying bicycles. ‘placed at one hundred fischinery takes up ore room than ordinary: freight. c Baa ke Wak eeokey insensible and robbed by a ‘colored Capt, Tamontil, of Mississippi, who claims that wns the present site f London, Ont. by virtue of a dee pa to his, father, says that he will e to establish his right to Alara portion i G S conemplatin retiring 0 his not. be- 1h thal Bresiciany on questions of foreign policy, more es Gially regarding the Venezuelan i fi ithe world teord tor railway speed ver a& great distance was broken on Thursda ie Seven seconds, an average speed of $3.00 miles an hour, According to commercial advices from the Unite: st des G i, tiggiero Bonghi, the Italian, states: a ney pher, and aut Be eae Sir Henry ‘Park y of New South Wales, was married ro es = a years old. th anniversary the third pavilion of Poland. was ob- served as a day of national mourning Hae ee és Rio Ja ee state that the hh “Minister in that place has in- ormed the Brazilian Government thas aa intends keeping the island of The Gazette de Lausanne says that, although it is not true that-th Pope lying, he is losing his strength rapid- ly, and it is not expected that he will live throughout the winter. ¢ Committee the naval credit asked by Admiral Besnard, involving an annual outlay of twenty million dollars for the next twelve years, was Tejecte: A despatch to the St. Petersburg Novos Vremya from. Viadivostock says that the Japanese ports of Shimonoseki, Kokkaichi, Tokio, Aomori, and Otaruni Will shortly be opened to international oes taking farewell of Sir Edward Malet, the dirs Minister, the Em- peror o! referred to the many ties hetween" the English end the save cite and said they could n A plo' Fe neared among the officials ie the > Sultan's palace in Con- of ae Ministers are now soarie ae a ti the Japanese forces, is said that his followers will ‘now lay down their arm: nces, accompanied by serious bloodshed, are reported to have te ken place at Erzingan, and sixty Ar- enians are said to have been, Killed. ‘The Turkish Government claim the out break was provoked e Armenians. According to the news received fro1 Adana and Aleppo revolutionary agents are traversing the country and enro! ling young Armenians, while quantities of arms, amatunition, and dynamite are being smuggled across the frontiers for How the Chinese Brew Their Tea, If you want to drink tea properly it utel of Ni Her lseredcedetak te lunipiader be inside. So all the tea sharps say, and they state it upon the authority of Gen. Iehheng Ki-Tong, ie should be mixed with rain or spring rr heated to a certain point. The boiling should only continue a few mo- ments, the water having boiled suf- as bubbles appear on en tea, accordit t have then been drie front of Should Hore See Them. —Does Mba a eray fair from your beard? Iderly Husband—No, but it hurts my feelings. “TLEPTOMANIAG WOWER, DIFFERENCE BETWEEN KLEPTO- MANIAC AND SHOPLIFTER. * A Form of Moral Insan’ es cant gi ree Jed es od Soct Shop-lifting by wo1 ci ractice that Gievaila's 6 Teinaskable satone i the great dry-goods stores sit large cities. Detectives ar ved t j| eaten for this class of isan and arrests are of daily cccurrence. Some of the pes are no doubt are sehtel ‘torows much light on this eub- $f What hav Kle eotomantacs in panes, steal from their fellow tims things which they cannot possibly | make use of from the very force of circumstances. WOMEN Ae mee KLEPTOMA- which sex'is mess complaint usual- males is exceedingly rare. It is often found in schoolboys; but no. criminal charge is formulated, for the simple reaso! pon examination the ir- respoustbility i és proved beyond a doubt T have been engaged professionally in more cases, of Hlepton can possibly count, Tibetan single occasion’ when T have been called upon to defend a man. e ing Which the complaint may. remai dormant, that, varies. When the brain is deranged you can’t tell what kind of son with a deranged mind may homocidal lunatic, and years after klep- tomania ma: 1f.” In what conditions of life are klep- tomaniacs generally found?” USUALLY hehe mes GOOD socI- a general A ae move in good alee and at the time the crime is tte ve sufficient means ke seticles they ‘bave app Win ‘every luxury and plenty e im- she eventually lands them in the pa ianea crema Sar hands on every, umbrella that came within her reac! ad scores of Urbrellas in her house which she never used, notwithstanding the vagaries of the British climate.” cept. the one form of aie and stealing, is the, average lepto- red honest se Eephatialy so. Judging from m the average kley both is respects she 3 a law-abidin, ee Moreover, I have found se the crime and its consequences are never realized at the time, thou a strangely enough, after stealing Kleptomaniac is fully aware of the ci ‘crime e has, been guilty, of. Of eourse, there deal of metiiod in Stacie tha cunning in tiad people, and this is why one fads kets in the clothing of ‘the maladies with which kleptomania is generally identified? ” "Tt is often associated with physical wreakness and disorder of the, nervous ystem, besides | nT havi already. ment also doubt: about, its eh hereditary the ordinary crime. ard the stuee Snore ciiseap otertacatn eis members of which, besides the parents, were convicted thie A FORM OF MORAL INSANITY. “Is it in your experience that klepto- maniacs sultes frome other forms of moral insan “The mania es atealing,is a form of moral insanity in itself. A be very wealthy and not the least ade dicted to extravagance, and yet she will rete comparati ices e normality? Yes, I think so. conformations of the ty and scroful quently exhibit such propensities. Pine, one of the greatest authorities of form er days in mental disorders, especially draws attention ‘0 the fact that some justly considered models of probi ity can- ae refrain eat stealing oe cheating. papi again recep ey ae e of two yi, ni Viens dist wo he in meet hotter ‘fort their ger ‘ding h nm tic as: cit age does “eleptomania n- aby eek at uite ‘dey ee on circum- stances, bat it, rarely breaks out, be- fore t! adolescence, except tn persons who. os absolutely imbecile of ingane on the sur eally possible to distinguish ine klepto; dreds of oe nto believe t have ever of kleptomania when if wast one of ordinary, thett, “As for an. and-fast rule, that fits, the presence or absence of delu- sions, the general mental condition, whether excited or depressed, whetly ofa quiet and moody disposi of irresponsibility is, raised, therefore the question of horeait plays a most par fhe piotees bf ex- an 8 also mecessary, by ihe way, to inquire whether th ies Miabhity to blind impulses, which can be neither regulated nor controlled.” RUBBER-TIRED CABS. The Londoner wan aise Over the Streets Dancing has coe pacer as the yor is arrested sie a Docking of teal ir. No Hyde Park conearentiOly is ever intercupted by a drive in Lon- you would be in your vown don’t now ‘how many hal ere are in London, put I know tha there ‘are et jeage aslo; for Laser that number on the back of one. So that it to go, which ig more in Pari as aes Ta ake A UA cocher to drive you to the bois. ‘They don’t like long trips for they are paid by the hour for them, and they prefer to be paid by the “course,” which is there was something about the od ons "we" that divided the responsibil- ity of what otherwise might have been regarded as a personal peculiarity, which was reassuring. Being in a hur- Ty, I agreed to his terms, and I am sure that I profited by the arrange- ment. . _ There is talk in London of furnish- every cab and four-w! ns ce an indicator, the invention of. a1 pathetic ‘German. which will not_o1 ndicace the number of miles traveled, its infallibility. there is always Mr. Asquith to arbit~ rate. is also said that ae indicator Gye ticoet ie Tt_will bea bold man who tries it there. A Mutual Complaint. wanted to say that ai your baby from cry’ maniacs who in their lucid intervals are | ere a complaint. It annoys my a evolution ahead when it is attempt- AN ACT WHICH co! COST AN INSANE ‘PATIENT cB S LIFE. A Tack, Bution, wattea peat = Wood 1so—Weigheu Over und halt And all bevoured ins Day— | The Most Secon Case om Mee- ord. 1e case of a patient, is run down in tealth the doctor Teel and in many respects was fully tional as a man perfectly possessed of his sens Hels, atte: a cigar GMAg auOns ‘sons suffering from deranged in- tellects to swallow foreign substances, ha 0 breakfast on the following morn- ‘The patient did not sonar to be factacg any great pain, though his REMARKABLY PALE ee, lyre is ie felt badly he would his stomach and mae cate epee though ineffect- wa, ees to vomit. bys in charge discovered a iitae to the left of aline ore along the middle of the stomach a ig of about the size of a duck’s exg. The Jump was heavy, irregular and to @ certain extent mioveab bh getting the patient to and knees and plae- ing the palm of the hand on the stom- ie physician then tried to remov Sale passing a long pair of for ceps, ‘through Tabber into rida. Were sateer cbieoteds ceiaie oan unsuccessful, the only results being to add to the misery of the patie was auparent that, the case was a se- rious one, radical scekerent eae digas Teceeae Jong was made in the middle line of the stomach, 0 cobra tae five versts trom the fort- ress of Nowogeorgiewsk, in the little arena The oe itself was then cut open a and a was made large enough to admit iiiereatdaie galt fore fingers. Upon Inserting the two fingers through this hole the physician inade a very star ling discovery. The stomach was found to be occu- pied by a Mee OF RUSTY NAILS, f them nearly three inches in Some were ‘very sharp, bent twisted and as a consequence, they Ee tobe taken out with the two fin- ‘undred and ninety- =tvo nails,the Biagnity being two and a hes in length; and many even ances half a sc iece of brass wire, a car- it Giiueat uasuelientrwac uke ee euedi be: a ee pe ag aleakets, and a quarter of rphia was administere ‘hypodermically. But.in spite of all the doctors could do the man died four hours after the operation, which had lasted two hoi urs. An examination was held twelve h and two small ae Ne woop. that, these must have escaped peeat he in the stomach, as no perteeataiat could. be: dex la eqeaking of the operation, the phy- rmed it, Dr. James F. whieh at first pb the ab- the patient his only ¢ A Peasant’s Cottage in Russian ones a capital of Russian Poland, recently re- ceived a request fro1 lemanding immediate and ing t “| river that Napoleon occupied the peas- ant’s cottage. y {deep in the reur, le 23 Decee at date from the time of Napoleon's visit. “pie eroep ni perpen of the cottage is} limb and the bones of the feet are forced to statuette of the Bupersty ‘which shows with both eyes, they often really use only one. Out of twenty persons whose eyes were tested by a Germai two only were found to be left sight-| 4, for instance, mankind bas been taught] - to assume for ages attitudes in which the right hand and side have most ex- ealy fi had its effect on the eye. Old sea ear not used loses its hearing in: cor- responding d want to, think of it. Tim trying to forget | performed shay be considered as avery ies stomach is ca ae ot con- taining, without any mai or other symptom, even nd for cineiderable periods, is jwell kni of our large asy! and ee examples of thi sai se “excluding gunabor me p wounds 4 and accidental swale of foreign bodi foun a ia the stomach occur in the in: se cases are often discovered only after death. How. lone ihe for. eign substances have remained in the is frequently quite impossible ver, rn body is eset tilkely notre been “swallowed “and be, assed through the intestinal canal, ths ct of the case becomes quite altered, sause sooner or later a fatal result peculiar circumstance in the ase was the intact condition of the ad been swallowed, as the patient said, between breakfast and dinnertime on the previous day, may be fnferred from these facts: ‘first, such & mass could only remain @ short time without producing obvious symp- toms; second, though expulsion by vom- iting ‘was, 1 think. impossible, still, as the mass was movable, it, was quite within ¢ 2 of Probability that Dice Una ipatione lng thie sigue aide one or two of the smallest of the nails might have escaped through the ach in the course of a few days. "dhe extraction of the last portion of the nails had to be done very hur- riedly owing to the state of the pa- tient, ‘The case was one of the most remarkable I have ever met, though the unfavorable result is to be regretted, ‘still the operation afforded The — foi substances removed probably am of rusty nails and oth- rubbish, and was induced by some wild delusion of his deranged mind to swallow the stu! aga’ case on record, so far as known, where an individual ‘has loaded his stomach in There is no other uch an extraordinary fashion. NAPOLEON SLEPT THERE. ft Which Preserves Memorles of parte’ The French Gasear at Warsaw, the assage of his troops across this Above oe sou 4 ieee, words are ci im who en- Bonaparte beneath his roof, made by the ‘ren peasant. tells| in ts 6 saints snd s and bones soon that siasm the Y detalls of the im- which ‘had been handed he world This statuette is very regards it with utmost reverence. Bi Ni athe Cs li The Percentage of Poor Eyes. Only one person in fifteen has both hile apparently looking wn doctor, ‘and this discipline has undoubt- use se the other for long hi period, the ais brought into fe tie is found to be strengthened, Striving to serie Jamps. What doyou ps—Hello, tha Nof that cigar I gave you this | a other: other Site ‘preventives in the mille Jamps—Hs<h! Don’t—dor mt de el ed : arge foreign aa a F Preponderance of weight. is thrown upon will resu! | sol waterproo these Shon be cpanel, ‘They are the patoral | ben tigre is allowed: a grow undistar ed by the PRACTICAL FARMING. To Mare Hens ‘Tay in Winter. Good breeds of fowls are i aus common on the farm, using more ays interest is tal ‘ing departments of the farm. ‘here are but few farms where 100 hens will not sens themselves nine months in the year upon 4) bcs «fay othe: sth be wa: cheay houses, boxed, jartoaa aoe: Tinea with tar paper, with a shed attached. toeach | ed may be pole 5 covered and sided with straw or Hay sige eure wee be made gomarta able wetting fodder be removed in summer cep them laying and healthy. shed, protected from the cold and open only on the south, gives them a place, and ‘small grain in the sheaf ike aoe iat hung just high eu fo vaive, thema tle trouble dn teach interests ator bis Hiren des sve tbA tattoos areee rene healthful. Wi ‘ater with the chill oft dishes pounded fine will meet this need, Many cases of so-called foholarw result from indigestion, caused by a lack of grit to grind the whole Pain, I find ground yates shell relished in small quantities, especially by the Leghorn family. It furnishes material for the eggshell Sheep as Scavengers. Sheep stand at the head of the list of farm scavengers. No animals kept on the farm will compare with them in this respect. They love variety in food, they are constantly on loo] ey move rapidly over me back ov ma especially fe TO} © in toa stubble field, for instance, in which ds as lamb’s-quarters and rag- heir seeds, they stubble fields Relore the ah ‘beyond, th aby thot neyoed shel es eee been well said that the sheep has a : golden said with equal Dropristy ieee ries a scavenger’s broom. Lameness in Horses. Most maladies resulting from horse- shoeing are“due to uneven and unbal- wall (that part of the hoof that forward against the wall in front. mmation of the foot an* soreness follow spe toes, on the cont row. t00 long, t hen the the flexor tendons, Sybich ar the id ee ten Horses with weak, tender, or bruised e, may for a time require leather or the sole grows hy feet wynere wrish is the best and most s with corns Should have their hb White bvedes, AS ly than swedes. er. cilking 608 ned, but I find that in val Pell pare either swed ‘itieal th will come out before “ie nad a weel nada a . Vegetable Pit. Man; ople practice the plan of keeping reetahie id a Lapis of the winter, a’ in pits dug in the Wi here's sich a piaiie is adopted ry. The ve ta ta dug upon. event the Ww fending Swaters be kept year after year. ‘ eae “TOMMY ATKINS’” CURLS. The Duke 0° Cambridge Does Not Approve of Bangs and Frills. e agitation prevails among the in-chi his farewell tour of fides to uoliea Hay tants | wasting their substance upon hair oil, curling tongs, a: manly beauty age caps, which, of course, is conducive to all manner of unmilitary excesse: Moreover, the forage eaps’ themselve coc! worn by private cliTe Manatee way forage caps should be kept on the head, The order does not specify the exact yunishment for less 0 Y, buttons on the tun- leq and the materia} of the, aboelaces, ‘0 say, this sort of paternal eespotisin, orale is quite characteris- the Duke of Cambridge, has nev- Gr inter fored with iis popuisciey. anion the rank and file, and this order, al- has ally cheering their old chief at neta well reviews. In fact, this enthusiasm has been s0 in family, vet in bis military eapacity the inst the regulations of the ser. Oo WHEELBARROW OSE ee Three sod a Pepe: 4 One of Them a Wor ish the Jules vara ey coe ae! wm Ye The latest a Bana iio y pone to be attempted is to girdle the earth in a Ghteieren tat plain one of whom will be accompanied by his wife, started from Place de la nee Paris, last Sunday morning to for, Har ps their journey may end, as did that of another Parisian not long a0. "| He, too, started trom the Place de 1 01 oing to walk @ of his friends and admirers bivalgus refreshment. se he saw, sea Feading 9 pol ing a cigar- phe gentleman Lose iad out 50 gal his journey around ¢ world “What! have yon Seaton Ben ready?” he cried, rushing he had established his trends | identity to ne own satisfaction. urned?” echoed the bold trav- look further. ee ease wants leasure when I found them here?” EA ETA) Shields of Silk. It appears that e pom eaete a losses to the Japanese troops i Sack abe war Cpe wacaitie alte gether due to the bad markemansliy | of the Chinese. A: tion against the cold the Sapenete wore SR RSS port will take passage on board a liner ies Sapored 1 It f hey ao, idea FROM FOREIGN 00 TNTRIES opp HAPPENINGS 1 THAT HAVE RE- CENTLY OCCURED. Rain in Egypt—Gutenbera’s scan rte geal Sultan «i Ferner STRAT MARAeh ue ot Bar raat te In some portions of U; or Exot rain is speclncehy ios of ope i he here is sometim es no rain ‘for fates, show that, in British East ‘an avers boane\ ty gore, onan aa ars, renas, &c., ever, xe about 4,000 every year. ie Gutentere, the inventor of ea ig suppose to Mave een ten’ in His pase ity, ence, al poses) tol Hely slsbaterine fapeslun: Tredth birthday in a. Tf sclenes wie woman will get newer sedi’ old World ce declares ‘that. in, proportion to the ‘weight of t ers weight of wonnan’s brain is d¥eater than that ‘At the present time France has about 000 rabid Anarcl in her bor- rey. 001 fa ‘bs el plisesieunwe OoaTy Ceara of this ep he frothy lu- Frenchm the rest, 45 Bet cent. rane Teelan Wiipemecd oven ‘Jane Cakebread, an Englishwoman, takes the cake for drunkenness. She has just been punished for the 280th time’ for disorderly conduct while in a state of intoxicat s the. he population, I t mu: oy inhabitants, in Spain is 9 in Erai 1, in Great Britain 1, Every one travelling by the early morn: Ing trains can obtain ey rai below. the average ‘crop, of, 120,000,000 bushels. Disease and drought caused we eee, m miele ‘of Turkey always takes aint alone. He st Ws orl | hi nor plates, knives nor forks, bi tong very well by Helping himself wi oon and his fin 4 to whatever is iishes. Of course, ee baranea eh sitendan 108 ae a looked upon as nobodies, We are used to hear at leprosy in Imost_ everywhere pes to erect 5] Kepers. in Toeland, pepe! ze are 300 lepars, so reports & sank _gostor lately, sent there to in Mies Ang 0 ago Leipsie editor Was sen tenoed to five montis risonment for one of nperor William's eae STL IEHe pontiacatien vot muy ere commenting unfavorably on the sayings. and doing of the young poten= tate or of his obedient servants occurs rather often, too. Score one for London City enterprise. it that the a serum promises success. But it may be z fest as well if it’s a partial failure. A ondon firm proposes to take annually not Jess than tae fis es tg soe ae atareasonable p by dri abit may l Ba oom at hie country by 8 religious ser’ his accession to the throes Bh | asking him for the. hand of his ter. The Ge ust have couraging because it led him to send all his gle ie several hundred dollars sweetheart. Not long with him. The girl ene her sbeivnes away to hide AAs “Tippan fading them. ‘A| ate, le, Bought two revolvers, and a tor first Killing the girl's mother, Hoon Hats PobIa Ha comment td” utente shooting himself through the head. Everybody has heard of laughing gas. But there exists also laughing powde en is even less of al: of leeds a wreath nani was voll fis e of her dead Husband The actress curtain fell. e der. After the laughing fi the poor victim of jealousy and powder fell into a death-like sleep, which last ed twenty-four hours; but then Ophe- apes of erie Henri Rochefort _ affirms that an exaggerated vale is” pores on the alleged hydrophobla cure, le eee Pet mem! ae Medicine, who sence ot the failures under the “ tem Pasteur,” and pes tr declares ] at the number of deaths nies esi bia has increased rather t! he Manchurian engagements in hid ati @ quantity of floss dis rid their out- ot? will make ‘the | eontter fees er clothing, and less as oo SS ae fortun: