The Milverton Sun TILURSDAY, OCT. 31, 1895, It will be with sorrow that Cana- thans receive the intelligence that the Queen is in her decline. Though we cannot expect her to, live many years longer having crossed the bridge of three score years and “ten long ago, yet our affections incline towards her, Her reign, though not one long era _ of peace, has been an era of prosperity. Her Dominions have not’ waned, but have gained in expanse and have been Strengthened in a great degree. What progress science has made since she became Queen! When she came to the throne there were no railways and now the miles may be counted by the hundred thousand, No steam- boats, now they traverse every ocean in fleets. There} were no telegraphs, no telephones, no electrical con- - trivances, not even matches (that we could hardly think of getting along without) were invented. When wi look back and contemplate what im- mense strides genius has made forthe furthering of the interests of man, we gaze with awe upon that figure that has been the supreme head of the temporal nation, now bowing in de- crepit old age before the Supreme Heaa of the Universe. When the time does come when she shall be called be- fore the great white throne of Heaven we shall feel that a just women has gone to her reward. Tuberculosis, Professor Delepine, writing on this subject, has shown that—taking sory. large numbers as the basis of his esti mate—at least 16 per cent of cattle ave afflicted with this disease; and that, whereas in some districts it may be comparatively rare, there are re in which a non-tuberculous cow is th exception. Pigs also are affected in * the same manner, although not to the same extent, about one in every thirty- six being attacked by the disease. Cats wand dogs also are subject to tuber: culosis, and it is to be /feared from their exceeding friendliness may be a soureé of danger to children with whoni they play: Although the form of tuberculosis with which poultry are affected differs in some particulars from that of man, it is a very common disease, abd commits great ravages in ltry yards, But any animal which ~ conforms with man’s. ipo of dwelling to con: so it is that th te monkeys, camels, nas, lions, tigers, ete, ‘bhey all, ac- when they ere ~Hospital have compare with plenty ais re continually grumbling ae cite hey have not all. the ‘ouble to find out how in other countries were situated, they wetld probably change their tune Be be thankful for what the; In Pennyslv Shstane, the miners receive 35. a ton for mi. coal ond they can mine about for earning $1.40 a day. all right if they could ge e but when you come to Phd out that they only get cites ae to th, © make all of us. inore iMiauitelmigties Meeeiws w. cooney where a man-who is willing to work, their tliree me: a ‘op, clothes to wear and can pat a littie for a y day have no good reason to complain A number ers around Hawksville had thes si ea worried by dogs last week. A. seven-year-old son of Henry Peterson, of Hawksville, had his arm LOOK HERE!" We do not intend to take up) your time reading long and boast- ful Advertisements, but always ‘give you our prices and you can see our values whether you-come or not, and are not afraid to quote prices through the paper. Neither are we going to do busi- ness for Cash and Produce only, but intend to give Credit to first-|- class and good-paying customers, but will not give credit for more than one year, and kindly ask all). customers who owe us prior to Jan. 1, 1895, to call and settle their accounts before Nov. {st, as all old accounts not settled by that time will be placed in court y for collection. We Are Determined To sell at Lower Prices than the Lowest. Kindly compare the following Prices with any store in the County : 22 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar... 24 lbs. No. 2 a eo go (bs. Yellow Sugar. > ay a. by Tapioca, 5c.; Epsom Salts, 5c. Sulphur, 5c.; Matches, 7c. box. 2 Cans best Salmon, 25¢. Castile Soap (twin bar), 5c. 3 Boxes Peas, Corn or Tomatoes, 25¢. No. 1 oe and Saucers, 7oc. dozen. Noi 8-inch Dinner Plates, 7oc, dozen. Tea sets and Chamber sets at your own price. 26 yards heavy grey Cotton for $1. 32-inch wide Flannelette (heavy), gc. yd. Heavy grey Flannel, 15c. yard : Men’s extra heavy frieze Overcoats, $5. Clark & Coates’ best cotton spools, 2c. Ladies’ heavy all-wool Cashmere Gloves, 15¢. pair. Men's ready-made Overalls, soc. pair. Job lot of Underwear worth 75c. for 50c. Ladies’ Jackets (NEwEsr styLes), from : 760, to $15 each. 2 Yar ds inch wide Ribbon, all colors, for &e. Gentlemen’s Linen Col lars (latest style), 3 for 26e. Grain Bags, $1.98 per dozen. A CALL SOLICITED. *s Grosch & Loth, i and doo Cutters, = trance two KINDS OF:-: ROOT PULPERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS And GRINDERS. Also a full stock of PLOUGHS and PLOUGH REPAIRS always kept on hand. itm 1D, SPAT RH, Warerooms, Next to Grosch’s Shoe wiatbie i In Large Quantities: TURKEYS, GEESE, CHICKENS, DUCKS, BUTTER AND EGGS, For which the highest market prices will be paid. How to Do Up Fowl for Market—Starve all Poultry 24 hours before killing. Kill by bleeding on top of head ; pluck dry ; leave feathers on first joint of wing ; lay head under wing and tie string around body to keep head and wings together. If Poultry is done up according to these instructions it will have a nice appearance and will bring the highest market price and have a ready sale. We prefer all Poultry early in the week. We pay for Choice Butter, 17c. Ib. Eggs, 16¢. Dozen. Guenther & Co. All-a-Samee Cheroots All Imported Tobacco. 10¢ Better than most 5 Cent Cigars. As good as the ordinary 10 Cent Cigar. t is the Ramee 's profit that has to be cut down when hard ne co Every smoker should try these Cheroots. Assorted aida Vroe sale by tobacco dealers everywhere. Creme de la Creme Cigar Co,, Montreal. a The Peerless Saw... Five guages thinner on back than front. Fully warranted. Ve have this fall one of the best assort- ments of Axes and X Cut Saws... In the country. » Ax is hand-hammered, which is much superior to machine made axes. cheap enough for firewood. taken oli in w cutting box last week. The Hustlers for Trade. Rae & Sutton, Milverton Ax Handles, second growth Hickory, ( Gite aie You Save Money When You Trade With Us.... @ SCHAEFER BROS. Don’t Delay Any Longer And make your purchases of Winter Clothing, Underwear, Top Shirts, etc.; etc, Come while the stock in all partments is complete. No such Quantities, no such Vari- eties, no such Styles and Qualities, and no such Reasonable Prices in any other store in Milverton. ° Qvercoats ‘wan immense range in We always have done the trade all ‘tin of goods, and make them in town in Nnderelothing, and we lowest living prices, __ will not be undersold. to or We aie carry some ready-inade Overcoats—all our own make—at price lower than any factory make. Every person that has seen our Overeoats say that they are 20 per cent. cheaper than any they have seen yet. but low in price, and we carry a larger range than ever. Suits We are on the top of the ladder yet and are giving bargains never Your old ones are getting worn heard of before. out. Come and see our stock. We buy direct from the mi you save the middleman’s profit. Pants ome and see our All-Wool Pants, made to order, for only 1,50. Shirts and Drawers We the ipeseat range in to You are sure to find here what you want. Our aim.—To keep the best ! trade ! Our principle.—Fair dealing ! And the Prices—the Lowest ! Our welcome word for all. NUHARFER B MILVERTON, Our ambition—To please our AND CAKES. All Seasonable Fruits. OYSTERS: an By the Glass or in Bulk. d. Hl. SCHMIDT The Baker. YOUNG MAN | don’t always: make the man, but a wel young man aaa stands a better show with a good situation or a good-looking girl. You know it yourself, DON’T YOU? Then why don’t you make a bee- line for J. BURTON'S and take a look at those cheap | Tweed Suits he is offering. He is only asking $15 for $19 Suits, and $3 ior Panta worth $1, and anything mu want as Cheap as the Cheapest. You can stave off your — rripay! || FRIDAY! During the hot summer weather the Milverton Ebotogragphts| cae in Grosch’s new bloc! Friday of each week, ONLY. Operating hours: From 9 a.m. to 4 p. m G. F MAITLAND, Photographer. cs July 12, Fruits That are seasonable, in abundance at our store. A lot of Fresh Lemons just arrived. Oranges and Grapes at lowest prices. Only a few : Remain Now-in stock, and will be sold cheap. We have an arrival of Baltimore Oys- ters. Their merits lie in the fact that theyare fresh, flavory and Firm: (. §. Kerteher. A Great Opportunity to get A Vine Portrait FREE. Milverton, Furniture and Undertaking. FREE to any cash customer who hes bought $10 worth of goods, Baby Gacrabeh selling at cost, Weiderhold & Honderich, Two shipments of Canadian toma- sound tomatoes. The experiments show that tomatoes require good ven- England in a marketable condition. The cheese prospect is very bright. The advance has surpassed ‘he saree tations of the most, san: The advance in five we about 2 cents and is steadily increas ing. For the next six or seven months England will have te depend almost entirely on Canada for her supply, which will materially increase the price. Last week 68,375 boxes were shipped from Montreal, _ again 2,508 ‘shipped from New Yor! i ite ae 4 Weidentold & onder eure f puttin; | of pu tilation and careful packing* to reach |; Pat off « hundred other thin, ut bargains won't E3500 Cords of 4foot Soft Wood wanted, for Ni the highest market price will be p d. BURTON, Merchant Tailor, Milverton. The Milverton Sun ‘THURSDAY, OCT. 31, 1895. DISTRICT Some Interesting Items Culled from the Ne boring Press and trom Other Sources: Barglars were again operating in Stratford. between 1,200 and 1,300 loaded and empty cars. sales Mr. J, B, Seagram paid $4,600 for Connoisseur, the crack 3-year-old, The Stratford school teachers com- lain of minors smoking cigarettes. They say that a large number of young boys indulge in the habit. cheese factories sold the balance of their season’s make Ape ie to J. P. Ernst for 94 cents p On Sunday evening i as Mr, H. . Rice and family, of St. Marys, whe attendidg church burglars broke e house and looted about $600 no of valuables and clothes. Messrs. Easson, Forbes and Me- England with a shipment of other horses, On the last shipment of live stock from Australia to England there wes a e cattle and 16 per cent, of the sheep died at sea, The Canadian live stock trade with the old country is ina much better position than the above would indicate for the Australians. During the thunderstorm on Sun. day afternoon the barn of Thos. Steele, of the 9th con. of Downie, was struck hy’ hghtning and tytally consumed, with the season's ees implements, Paul Louis Courier, when bitterly assailed by a French professor, quietly ‘aney he must be veved. Tacobin, rebél, plaglarist, thief, ae , forger, leper, madman, impostor, calumnintor, libeler, a hor- rible, filthy, grimacing rag-picker. | T ‘Ys ie means that he and Tare not of the same opinion, and this i his only way these was once a Reverend Dean in an old town in re Midland counties who was a: young curate who was ‘ater "hike while the Dean was enormously stout. The Dean was unable to go through the opening in the Dean's dry and lengthy$ discourses, One day the Dean got hold of a good one which he thought the curate would curate heard his own sermon preached by the Dean he resolved to pay him off. preach, he entered the pulpit. by. the up some other way, the same is a thief. There's no use talking, clothes]. The Michigan Central ferry daily | Frat ‘At the Morris Park, N. Jj: horse | P88 The Oak Grove and Phillipsburg} ™ the old-fashioned pulpit, which was aa level bead. round, carved, wooden affair, so he|the Essex newspapers, published somo- dleriched # outst stairway by which| thing which one of the civizens of the he could enter the pulpit by climbing | town regarded as libellous and he at over the top. The young curate was] once entere a magnificent preacher, and. his ser-|‘The publisher applied to the Judge to mons were liked much more than the| compel the plaintiff to give security The heen knew this, and told the | granted, ust | laws ex’ P hardly sa Manitoba had the first heavy snow- storm of the season Sunday, ‘The Allan Line steamship Brazillian is ashore 70 miles below Quebec. Count de Cory, founder of the Hyn garian colonies in Manitoba, isdead. ~ “The Manitoba Government will es- tablish a free dairy school at Winni- pes a Peter's R.C. Church in Tilbury East, one of the oldest churches in Ontario, was burned. Another cave-in took plac the Hunter street tunnel, Hanilon and several men were injured. A Chicago and Grand Trunk passen- ger train was wrecked and burned near South Bend, Ind. Many persons were injured. Angus McLeod of Sarnia rode a mile on the road in one minute 33. 2-5: seconds, the fastest performance on record for a cyclist. Miss Maud Held of Hamilton placed, a handkerchief saturated “King” Callahan, the professional bridge jumper, Jeaped from the Pough- keepsie bridge into the Hudson River, @ distance of 212 feet. He was fatally et and died that night, The Hon; AS, Hardy takes ex- ahs i the statement which has been going the rounds of a portion of Se press that he was fined for catch- ing more bass than the law allows while sare ing up in the Parry oe district, murder ie Blanche Lamont at San , is ea to have placed a written serena in his lawyers’ keep- ing in which he'claims to have seen tor Gibson and a young man in the act of murdering the girl. Andrew Patullo, of the Woodstock Sentinel Review, is visiting in Italy and other Mediterranean points, He will be away two months. He deserves a. vacation, Besides building self as President of the ey nan’s and Ge Ga nani) asian Mr. Louis P. Kribbs, ct pamph- let on the Manitoba School Question bition Ganmiaita crises and re- port. e official volumes of the re- PEE are two bulky for the ordinary. man ever to read and as Mr.Kribbs ac- “| companied the commissioners he will ur-| have a knowledge of the facts. An amusing instance of an orator unable to resist making a neat paradox was presented ii in a’speech made’ at a banquet give when Peeauideae Hayes and his cabinet were in Omaha. Evarts famous interminable sentences in these words: “TI like the West—I like her sel -| public men, the more I am satisfied of the haga tae ey of the Bible Mesarae that the—wise—men—came—; the-_-Base? Tn Russia a movement has been ee eae make a Government monopoly of the entire liquor trafiic,in- igang both the manufacture and the put in forte in eight provinees, on the Ist of July next year, and in, seven other provinces on the Ist of July, 1897, and throughout all the rest of the empire in 1898. Saloon keeping asa private business will be entirely abolstiod The Pixaael of Reviews ‘n all the history ot the modern mi oaiials movement, no public law or decree has ever attempt: ed any task so gigantic or of such far- reaching importance as that which Russia’s new law has undertaken.” They have a Judge down ‘in! Essex >. County, who is evidently blessed with @ publisher of one of action for damages, ing fur the prosecation of the against newspaper attacks, it 1s fe fo say pine es bli body, unl self in the morning. When the poor | He } When night came and he was toj loser, unless the owner happens to e a dead beat too. Tn all cases it is only door and gave as his text, “He that| fair to the Np e to compel the entereth not by the Door, but climbeth | prosecutor to give security for tle costs. Such, a rule would soon put an and a robber. ‘end to this libel business, ‘odore srk ‘on trial for the Peers