Mr. C. Kerr, with the assistance of is Miss Millar, oi Stratford, has been the guest of the Misses Hanna for a few days past. — _ Mr.” A. Schrenk has gone to Port over to spend a few weeks with Mr. Wm. Pepper called on friends in Brunner last week. ‘ (0 Seu The millinary department o! Nick1in’s store is now full of stylis! iss Large will new idea: 8 in Feathers, Birds, Sh any other kinds of Fall Millinery. ‘Dear Str,—Your reminder has put| © D. J.| stood so shallow was the water. He xls. | headway and the pressure of the rapid had been dilating on the lowness of the water in the river, when, looking up stream, he said, “Here comes a People’s ed . d_ the steamer. The tug kept the north channel, which at One point comes almost to the very shore. Just above this point, when ail seemed going well, the “fun” my friend d Store. expected suddenly began. The big tug came hard upon the flat rocky bottom, The weeks to come are rich and no wonder, for I could see the rock clearly beneath her from where I current drove her on until she was raised some feet out of the water rging craped slowly along the rock ; the one next my point of view, came within a little of crash- ina But fortunately the barges rushed past the steamer and as they went on began to strain upon their tow-ropes so that they first swung the steamer partly round and True as Gospel. You will find “whatsoever you seek.” If you are careless and in- different as to what you buy, so long as the price is low enough, you. can find that kind of shoes. But if you want Something Standard, Something that will give you Satisfaction, try J. G. GROSCH. A Large Stock of Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises aiways on hand. E®-Agent for the Singer Sewing Machine. “Our Empire Last.” then, as I believe, co-operated with| W1bM Promise to . “(Shoppers and all in any way “interested in this “|store. | Boasting: in Mt in? Sladvance is unwise in these Not that the sur- round,is notably dry. The plowmen have found that very " satisfactory to them, But. the depths are showing the result of the dimin- te | Coubt nothing more mysterious than a limited rainfall for some years back, Such a cause extending throughout the whole basin of the ep one—has of late been obliged to go toa spring on a neigh- bor’s farm about a mile from his own _ door and thence draw water in milk cans for domestic purposes. Fortun- ately for his stock they can drink at the creek near at hand. Others not so near the creek are put to greater trouble in watering their cattle. An: other of my acquaintance found his _ well getting fonl and had it pumped Out some time ago. It has remained teriously related to astronomers have. been ests—by fire or may be the cause behind that cause, is matter for further inquiry. Is it the spots in the| 7 i san-~(aot de Mitveron Sespofonen PUStILY and eeping us posted # or is it to be accounted for by no more remote cause than the rapid and sweeping destruction of the for- "y the woodman’s axe days of much = \claptrap, but The Above Stove ¢¢ 99 is tee fully| ‘called the Good Cheer ° A Miost Valuabie Kitchen Stove, sold by SCHNEUKER & ROTHAERHEL, Agents for all Good Stoves and Farnaces, Milverton. mys- discount anything you've so ever since, The well on these pre mises became so foul that the horse refused to drink of it. out a month ago ahd has remaine empty up to the present. © There’is a > spring within reach though rather __ inconvenient—else my household would be as ill off as are some others. I hear of many wells showing similar sym. ~ toms. @. provident people are _ availing themselves of the state of things and getting Mr. Cromie to bore their wells to a ‘greater depth. Where —throughout the whole area in ques- tion? Experience. has established it ever known. beyond cavil as a fact in natural Jaw that there is close connection between Look wooded areas and rainfall, so that by fi reducing or destroying the woods, the| LOT rains are affected also in their quantity and distribution, We are learning more of the worth of water anyway. . Millbank, Nov. 11, 1895. next | week's adv. Fresh, _ water is found now it is likely to be lasting. It would-ba dable if ter were treated by Mr. Cromie, or some other efficient worker for your very IRA: Thanking you Toronto Clothing Store Every Boot, Shoe and Slipper will be cleared retail’ az factory prices until there is not a pair left. Our store space is limited and all of it is required to display our immense stock of Overcoats, Wool Underwear, Gloyes and Mittens, Caps, Fur Coats, Robes, etc. in his line. AND CAKES. wells, -is contemporary with the low _ water in the great lakes and the River Sts Lawrence. One of the Montreal All Seasonable Fruits. OYSTERS liberal patronage since wehave | started our cash business. With your help TORONTO CLOTHING STORE, By the Glass or in Bulk. we will be able PCat waka te to give you And I think Oddfellows’ Block, East Side Market Sq. STRAT. FORD. goods at almost wholesale prices. JH. SCHMID? The Baker. COMBERCIAL. Yours, H. GLEISER We pay 17 ec: for Choice Butter en conversing with an overseer on x, Noy. 14,1895 @ Government works there and he ip e i! Mu Fall wheat per bush. pring wheat, per "A PERFECT TEA He x Finest TEA : “IN THE Wort PROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP Ts : 5 —Prints ILATS NATIVE PURITY. evra ret Stratford, Nov. 14,1505. preferred ; and aba 1 8 62 to 02] id iether rele : &)16c. for Eggs. EASES SERA Saat ut / 3 5 We wantall ALL aoon-aRogERS KEEP IT. kinds of Good our grocer does not tell him to write to gti 5 nee STEEL, HAYTER & 00. sed hi 450 5 00) P oultry. eae | Mand 13 Fro Lc galagattbonennay oa Hr openyee Tho Best and Brightest. Weekly Puper 16 PAGES EVERY WEEK. Only $1 from now to Jan. Address all communications ; Western Advertiser, S3rd Year, but as Young as Ever. published in any of the cities Canada, “NOW IS THE TIME TO UBSCRIBE. A 1, 1897. Special Rates to Clubs. Good Inducements to Canvassers. WESTERN ADVERTISER, : Bakery I wish to announce to the people of Milverton and vicinity, that I have opened a Bake Shop in Engel’s old- stand, next to Postoffiee, where a supply of Bread, Buns, Cakes, Ete, will be kept constantly on hand: Everything fresh and clean, and satis. faction guaranteed. A. call solicited, G. GUENTHER WANTED Sos Nurseries, of Waterloo, N. Y. nd expenst i Loypox, Onrario. : F Gen. Manager, St. Thomas, Ont. (Mention this paper.) e