Milverton Sun, 28 Nov 1895, p. 1

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“It Shines For AIL” MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, (895. ALCOLM MackETH, MW lltor and Publisher COMING! PROF, CHAMBERLAIN, EYE SPECIALIST, ‘87 King St. E., Toronto, Will be at J. Torrance’s Deng Store, Wednesday, Jan. 1st, only. Call at Drug Store and set his 50-page on the eye, Milverton, Ont., Nov. “23, 1895, et _Chambertas let you iy vine Llike quite pleased with the: 8, BALZER Heme my Pa asses. Ke am q M COUNTY OF PERTH. Varden will b attendance ‘at the a ste first ‘and hy d Tuesday u tenia at is esday of H ) attendance at his day, ‘Thursday, h ‘Week during WM. DAV) TDEON, County Clerk, e x whi sp haves same ney praving prop Eee: 2 dun Good, reliable men can WAN TED ad permanent employ- le Grow : rn ment for naple 0, NY. t class. Writ J. W. MAC (Mention ce for terms, “A Gen. Manager, St. ‘Thomas, Ont. this paper.) County Council Meeting. HR COUNCIL, OF THE CORPORA bra County of Perth will meet in the vont House here, 01 Tuesday,-the Srd Day of apie At the hour of 10 a, m., for general business, WM. DAVIDSO. County Clerks Ofie, County Clokk. Stratford, Nov. 26, a) Wn. Hartmier will pay the highest cash Bree for all kinds with cardboard back. 25¢ puckage, The Rev. we sleds of Toronto, | is engaged i in the ‘Acting ee Milverton. He is avery (ieee see and quite large numbers gree To ee cae send- ing matter do ‘not seal the envelo, as we do not lift matter on which there ia postage to pay. One cent is sufficient to carry correspondence when the envelope is unsealed. hibition ear earrying samples of grain and cereals grown in mi 2 ey $s & 3 2 Es g. 8 & = t= 5 & samples were all of an excellent quality, no doubt selected for the of exhibition. The grasses were® numer- ous and of rather fine texture. —T! general opinion was that country > & a Bhs prodicad age ‘samples would not be a bad place to Wea ae ae another <f He felt illund eh, atten wards ¢ called in a doctor,” He gradua Kr note withstanding that the bide of medical skill was procured, and morning about one o’eloe! Mr. Parlanie’ was a well-to-do ernie of Elma-and was highty esteemed by bis neighbors, His death uses a void that will not. easily be filled. His remains were conveyed to the Elm: cemetary on Saturday last, , followed ‘| by a large number of fri : acquaintances, His fax Tue Coxcerr—On We evening of last week the Publ concert was held in Grosch’s sek In point of talent it was a great CCeSS Tn point of numbers and baavaatty it, was a failure, Tt was gotten up in the interests of the i cutionist that has performed in Mil- verton yet, and was easily worth the price charged to hear her. jennett was an imp - tended that he could sing and aptaiys sing a little bit, Changeable weather, The County Council meets Dec. 3 Read Appel’s new ad_ in this issue, vison court will be held here on December 5th. A life insurance agent was. working the town ee other day bat met with little suc ve Walter Whal ley informs us that he in been employed by the Range a £ Georgetown, to buy wood They want some 800 cords. Mr. Wm. Appel, harnesmaker, is opening this week a branch shop in Newton. He opens in the _ store revently vacated by Mr. Jno. Munro, jew ne ‘hiabanivdnp number of The}! Canada Presbyterian comes to hand in as atti tis a splendid num- hows that the journal isu s He en oc tton Be moved into hi new quarter: ofth eno F the town, while Mr. Wm. Zimmerman, of Brunver, is moving into the house back et the hardware in which Mr. Sutton lived. Mr. Joseph Coulter, a former Milver-| the Met ats church on Coulter for a yonng man did ly wel isha is rapidly i imgeoutlos speak ee Wilkinson on the aya ves- sel Why Not has been sen six months’ imprisonment at Bicrinss and his mate to two months for cow- ardly desertion of pe vessel and pass- engers ares fect as a Mr. Wm euelese nite moving the other he fhad the misfortune to upon 0 | senson. ken out. oh initiated into the mnysteries of the order & Ancient Egg. BoM NoraBE Event. anything Canadian beats the world it bec cent cont ‘spaper ; itis a great authoritv on all farm and dairy matters and is now preferred by great cheese and butter makers and stockbreed ent over. In matters of famil. vies, sketches, the Faun Hern ald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, simply se eyes everything of sf kind certain, every pers sictld’ seu atio Family Herald ad Weekly Star even if it is to. ser din can be produced every week dollar a year, to say nothing ie “the great premium picture which h we hear is coming with the Family Herald this We understand the publishers of the Family Herald and ek Star, Montreal, will make n for sending sample Papers thoseswhio lo not know it. -Those now say tens of thousands of te are ‘pow subsribing ‘for had It looks as if ‘the tw be greater than = oR ey nly Pe} Kincade. of Newton wi Exursrrion Can.—The C.P. fie ex-} uy) f) in Bast Zorea in eee about a mile nd] [and a halt from Twvis lers the ae ¥ ly | taken away a little ow | that fiend, Chattelie. Satyation.—On Tuesday, Dec. 3rd., @ contingent of the officers of the ‘Lon: of six Persons nd a gi ti is ex: pected. Everybody welcome. Doors open at signe Oelock. : A Coup Bata.—On. Mon while Messrs, Robert a fishing fails fromm the creek, by accident, one of their horses slipped into. the creek and drew the other one and the They got tangled tlie is said a he ath as thi point and took him up to the ng Mo by a wind- m that aid Considerable damage: were blown over, barn roofs teks down and hayoe created generally, - Among’ those who suffered: the me i M acob Band ck smoki of his’ ‘sawmill down, and broken, ‘into ele and as smokestacks ‘co: Bundsecho is esa blown Polen and a) short’ peri was burned out: before, that he HoreMax.—At Milverton, on Noy, I8th., the wile of Franke Honan, ofa dinghter, akin, MH Row! the Methodist parson» es Re °F A. Nekibiin He ud eds tov Lonisa, third dapehber’ “of Joh Homan ehh,” i DIED. MoRannave. — on. Friday, Noy: wea Personals, Mr. in town on We Mr. Wm. Tor ee ive iene ia paid AElvend a flying a Enid Wornum has returned n Miss| after spending a weele in the Queen | nec - | city. Miss Allie Little, of St atford Model school, spent a few days with friends around Milverton last week, » Ino. Wood, teacher uf Newry, spent a few Mr. Wainwright of Toronto, who has een engaged’ by Mr. H. salen jeweler, arvived on Monday tel rs. Theis + Ducklow-spenta day oi two in Mitchell last week, and o1 Mr. Alex. Aikins, who has last week for Pahnerston where secured work with Mr, Mat Mr. Eno. eas) Hi Shakspeare, | Spent a couple of day town. last, Wek Solis GAMER Pies for °96 he has tor Mrs. H. W. Ceol, of: El Paso, {| Texas; has revi nites spen ing aimonth w: in Milverton. She will met her bet at Pwd | eorgia, nial thence ed ‘The estim: nated gold peti in. the Alaska territory for the year 1895 is} G 13,000,000. Chinese troops were rebels, who now! dominate half the|@ province of Kansur, bert Kemp, of the Listowel ble works, has in: ria plot in bins view cemetery, Listowel. This cbmmiencement of a ea of zo va when compleced will be a may of respect to the memory oF fos young inuocent life. th: ti The. monument will be vonposed-of two. nmessive fre foie on the top of which block of geatiite, next the pronive die ‘eekly Star is the in he Family Herald, “and Ch leader. water was at the + By icc ot wei fs depth of beauty a Elm nd, Thomas Mufaclane, aged 57. years | por! it Mat Upton.< at aoe was | de on Friday ey wi days around Milverton how _| last week renewing old acquintances. been Bieta with Mr. ‘Louis Schmidt, left | bus vee defeated by. yo of nosey ba aati Should an apt ait ra LESSON PREPARATION, now ines * [Paper by Miss Boyd, of Carthage, read | Was it the at recent S. S. conven’ tion.) a “all Ser eae wre giver by Inptration ot God table for doctrine for sproof, a vag yeh fee ie eeatanioa so ible ss, that the man of God may be perfect, , Morons Toad unto all good ‘Timothy iewed from.| ‘* ration by. pupil aud reparation by ps. Which is the Tore important? Indge. ‘The pupils preparation will ‘pend on shape thin, The himself. 2. ‘The Home “i Many children stud: sch lesson an they dn ibele erates, belsonk; g pal aa ae pleasure, Lang duty; not to taal their tyacher or desire to aving tast tasted of the poe hinge ot read His Sacred Wotd as a let ms t, cthusiastic and "| differe the Hi ptanea fae yur passing any other pen, oe quicken the pupil’s t and eek for more, even as the in Christ’s followed Ais superhuman mira Hine infhuenge canno ob be overestimated, The question “Jobin, ‘have You looked up your lesson 2 ted by mother to her bright-eyed offspring will tresult inevit- visaing He ably in’ the bo starting for hi look ‘gradually overspr of the lad, Ay Twterpretation © passage by arent, brother the Witoulty, and the ° " chs intel peau unetne, “ intervals da along the lines on, will tiake the, tupie: maecratvevtor Galati developme ‘The teacher F ghoul keep in view the fonr- fol aim of S. 8. venching « t Po, impart ‘a, knowledge of Bibligad tcations as Pt athe ‘To fiicouage ‘the’ child to atady the | © Book for 3 lead t ildren to accept Jesus as their personal Savi 4, Ifo deepen the apiritanlity’of those al. rewly the Maste Sone, ca fauch as heel ot casey se 0. more ean one. teach all he does kuow Chilaren ca ins enough, to see through achen, who, lacking thorough now. iste of the lesion, only eae! each of the | nec @ small esp tage of tte howe Aig Piyte oak ti | th cause time must bee u to. <2 A cay iernghe hide oly ae carry off the traths taught. "The pounsee’ tba bince Whe sadee review a eed, ‘Then, too, some time is equited for recit. ing memory verses; golden, Sma ereatan nai Demostl abe 0 as we vend i elbemee ‘ot be one, Ais Mowlde Mb aise Ao ake any chapter to be read outside of the erie A brief space at the close of the ty to mention the connection, wi the Place apy And it maj You have ‘hen you. ar eae pei or ing shues? Among Cat estimate ftin oe the Who ea: ei detriiertal inluohe it a terlectod. cy eatclessly, prepared lesson on those same ehil fave teacl omer of pees ing lessening their children’s ‘respect for Word of hen how do. they ase? Sant naal elie their teachers in elle vencliers med loksug sses, see their image Gites welaminde, Fence vour- selves, Ago cigeeee of sty is—at the beat fo new. ctefully the Se, Tetons rt tiand is dl of the country Granted He ca Noh space rahe cotavell id ally on the leo Jesomy the quae rly no hy, it all uelps should kept Sibordinute to ze Ty Book, a brief review of the c cnuitoxt splits its. preparation. adite piri ig, etwoen this special Tesson and the ntlinne, onphadiai whe eck a banging a3 reap the 1 rate} BE an Sane ish a that they ba sir prope. | There are sti ay come age ithe pico ‘in their proper places,” sas saving thn and J Teer which he a eoiving to ibe front jj course. a mH golden te: koantlg te al 80, by aicleey ai tion, By cd.s" remembered it pil isesil tthe her part of the! will be-comyl forthwith. other Do you efatebales the. ange. chien, yon wee ime fact that the life 4 more iy: consider the Bible st having food’ wi te Ste Dancin reaperts +i ghbori in He boy or gil 2 er? at it can fi wth a desire to Ba & wi etna « sym) tions pd ppiritual ap ‘eacher at! wi ron eld do you essed you m teachers style of language ang tw: tioned he e subject Here- t, hy of the tincher news Berdisplaye Eas eG setting sng, their afar a the special hat we cam jotaetorlly 4a the ven tine ts it Int at oon Inak (e rach 8 wor! ACT oe orator? or is it he harmony: wit pupils attention and interest ? Toow anc ‘we impress. the chings apply no more to She Sibi tag fo Ey seat Say that these rath are not le universal what ie t ne Keynote of, 8. Ie ta each child Geirsina) ¢ ys past will a oa food text book? wen NG s) ng and watering demand ls that. ‘iver the increase which, a hele in, the hollow of His hand? eae of 8 prog d to teack the life ek Sate a “the Hoof Queen . teacher means 80 6 ey ied 1 Nay, we reply —by pon'sag? teaching we te ale Goa thin, be that aed peat a E with trembling: har! Will be fod among, your jew ton tte veac! ia vom Weeniy, ndian ese ri (commanding positio: The ‘Toronto Globe. acknowledged. prise 1 rivalled, as a nevg distribute no equal asa Jeadyr of Babli Hy exercises an jatar uJ In ente bekban air jontone hy more reatily and eh oe for two. jizeutons till a namber wilE be expected to Seti posi bh a) nici) vels nd.” oe

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