Milverton Sun, 28 Nov 1895, p. 3

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The @ilverton re THURSDAY, NOV. 28, 1895, Bloated senators and tawdry poli- ticans of~the United States howl about going to war with Britain be. | cause that august nation does not ; observe the principles laid down in the Monroe doctrine. But now that the bleeding Armenians are in need of help the followers of these antieted CUTTERS Call and see the New Styles for this Winter. Beauti- stumpers pass resolutions the atrocities of the Turk and eit upon Britain to do something. No Speaker suggests that the government of the United States lend any aid. It must be British arms and British gold that stays the hand. of the murderers of men and destroyers of women, municipal election cannot be carried in the United States, but che Republicans flaunt that honored flag, the Union Jack in the faces of their opponents. No opportunity is lost yo slur it, they would trampitin the mire if they dare, hut when danger threatens civilization these same shivering creatures are the first to creep beneath its full free flowing folds’ and shout “on with the British banzer,” knowing that it retreats not and that honor and resolution has given it the high'|© eminence to which it has attained among the nations of the earth. Ned ata je Canadian oarsman, rowed a race with Bubear, the champ. ion of England, in Galveston, Texas, ‘for the pecbiegity of England and a purse of $1000. Hanlan took first, Tne and fifth heats of the race. In one of the earliest trials before a golored jury in Texas, gentleman were told b jury came back into court, when the foreman announced! “We hab looked no public opini Alaina en aay by the publishers of Torotito to Mr. Hall Caine, the e in this country because itis dificult todnaues { the wor! a Cana- Se temeaiieeed is not true with re to Toronto Saturday ght, which has as large a circulation as onsistin e four ray iy ‘eae competition. mie Fort Ellice,” by trations. by J.C Innes. and prize Numer fr rd pri Long.” an fteching by *D iawkio’s Dres nl by Aletaade Me ote is 50 cents, ce and he supplements it "i anything offered by Rees fi 55 id mplain picture shoul ies ¥ Sehoolroom in Canada, ood work by sending for Christmas bar ofS is. idea Address : nea from. fully Uph Is 1 in Plush ; Spring Backs and Cushions, with Folding Child’s Seat, The material in every Cutter guaranteed to be thoroughly seasoned and bone dry, and free from all imperfections. D. SMITH. We Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest Warerooms: Next to Grosch's Shoe Store. Facts Come and’ see a speech after the figures we quote. will: speak for themselves. the goods and you will find what we say is true, Ladies’ Jackets—In this line we are giving special bargains. We have 3 vary sizes 30, 34, 36, for $3, worth $4.50; 6, sizes 32, 34, 36, for $3. 75, worth $5: 50; 3, sizes 32, 36, 38, for i $5.50, worth $8 ; 3, sizes 32, 34, 36, for $8, worth $10. Overcoats and Ready-Made Clothing—A large stock to Heavy Frieze Coats, all sizes, for $5.50, worth Boys’ Overcoats—A large assortment at ‘your own price. Chilares and Men’s Suits, all sizes—a full stock. Blue arree Suits for $4.50, worth $8. Great drive in Flannelettet, 34 inches wide for 8c., in light inland dark colors. Heavy Undershirts and Drawers. All-wool Flannel for: 15 and 20¢. per yar Our Millinery Weceeinen | is replete with the latest styles of Headgear. - Groceries—6 Ibs. Japan Tea for $1; 12 bars Electric Soap for 25¢. Et Butter, Eggs and ued wanted, GUENTHER & CO. No Relief by Duty, The cool comtempt with which 2 Prime Minister Salisbury, when br seaecbiak Tuesday at the meeting of the National Society of Conserva. tives, treated the proposals of protec- ale tionists relative to the imposition of a tariff on wheat, oats, barley and hops, i inted those What is more important than that the Bread you eat should be Pure, Fresh protection. -Wha' ed, if pro and Healthful? Our Bread is beyond tection were granted, would tl question in these things. mn: at findin; ers ig the price of bread raised. The Govern-|C AK EG et : x ; ‘ . i el i Beeat every day, at merce. It was seeking*by other means , to relive the agricultural distress, &. Guenther 8 ibe New Lord Salisbury refrained from alluding ) Baker. to the details about the scheme,. but it And are not going to sing a song or make] In LADIES’ — —HANTLES ooo0o90 We Are Overstocked dackeis . And in order to clear them out before the New’ Year we have decided to make the following reduction in prices, regardless of cost, as we do not intend to have one of them left by that time. flere They Go 2 3 4 2 3 2 only, Jackets, were $5.00, for $4.00 9.00 7.00 i. 2 8.00.70. 6,00 a ti FSO NEM SATS e ‘f 4.50 04 3125 x te PBC ON A MMC eo, x was. 13:00! 7"5° 10,00 ah, a P2003 6.00 “ ¥ ROO sours Se oF $000 ese OF50 is no secret that the plan will be Government ca Always «| BUSY. js have been obliged to raise loans at 3 per cent. Whether the plan will meet the approval of the House of Commons is another thing. Ib is +8 per cent, thus enabling them No dull times tl us. one prices sell our goods, y a bar- i day, and ever i ty tie wean By buying in large quantities for nd cash we are enabled to sell goods, vative majority to mld a @ measure many times at a less price than through the Hou: other small dealers pay for them. The Globe's Winnipee correspondent | HOF Example : has been informed: that. negctiations| Oar Bedroom Suite for. for a settlement of the school difficulty | Diningroom set, all Oak were in progress between the Domin-| Parlor Suite, 5 pieces. . ion and Manitoba Governments. ‘He pa get no official confimation of the|_ Odd Bureaus, Fancy Rockers, ‘statehienite Lounges, Conches and prenjibtbg & in the Fu All kinds e Pictures for sale and sarees Fram ione to order. ‘AI kinda oh Lariber taken in ex- change for Furniture. «$9 00 - 32°00 18 00 hii the Be at Ischia they unharmed, cried, as_ they, helped her ont; “but for pity’ sake,” pardP de Street west, Toronto. "rhe ie regular edition of Saturday Night, sinloubiedly atdodls alone ab Cota eye interesting and thoroughly high- quired anxiously. “My hen!” cons $2 per years ted weekly, is she added impetuously, |“ little pecdeegrene rl da / Weiderhold & Honderich Hon anpane sheoligd hem” the Large Plate Glass Front, tinued the old dame: Call Early and get First Choice. Produce Taken in Exchange at Highest Prices. Grosch & Loth, ‘The Hustlers for Trade. he ment will meet on Jan. he -; BATERS _ The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, NOV, 28, 1895, DISTRICT NEWS Some Interesting Items Culled from the Neighboring Press and trom Other The Popeis ill. A case of Jeprony has been die: ~ edin New Yi The Toronto ae says that Parlia- 2nd’96. The date polling for ithe Cardwell election has fheah The October te returns si in- (Ra ee decreased ex, sgh storms are rag in; the Alle ot eae he suffered severely. Hon L.P. Pelletier has probably joined the Dominicn Cabinet in place of Hon A.R, Angers. Mr. Thomas Keyes. Treasurer of Lincoln County, died at the family residence, St. Catherines, The Veterans’ Association of Ham- ilton are working v demonstration to be held on the battlefield at Ridge- way on June | and 2 next. St. Petersburg newspaper pub: Jishes a despatel effect. that Japan has elioguibed the some of Corea and Manchur' he Listowel Sane is tam r the following deg sto’ dog meee ae ME Wen actieca eee up a $I bill, whe ae found on the street a day or two ago, and prOHENY it into Mr. Hacking’s drug dropping it on the floor! The ‘hill was y That dog deserves a fiece ba hirewsrd dor tes intelligence A Grim Story. A trim stoty was published in Lon- on Sunday, taken from a private letter in the work of driving] % fora new pier at the Golden Hoo, on reaching the Sea bottom was eh investigation the divi ed that they were the corps students, many of whom were pea to him personally, who were recently arrested by the Turkish police and afterwards taken out in boats and drowned in the Bosphorus for taking part in Stamboul. All the bodies had Jeaden weights attached to the fi ich kept them erect. The diver said there were from forty to fifty bodies in that spot alone. Where Is the Footicitler? Three foolhardy young men furnish- edan exciting scene to the spectators to playa game of .cards in the lions’ den during the performance. The r quest was granted. A table was brought, on which cards and cham- pagne were placed, and the strangers began to play. Presently one of the majestic brutes approached a player named Chauveau and sniffed suspici- ously at him. The latter, wishing “show off,” gave the animal a pus! and the beast, resenting the ine, knocked the audacious stranger off perch, and seizing him with rolled him over and over. the lion tamer seized the brute by the jaws and forced his mouth ‘open, al- lowing oportunity for M. Chauveau ta scramble out of the cage more fright- ened than hurt. On appea ring later he was received Secteaiatiats by the spectators. Dierlamm's “Im ay your ine was a great Mes to foe hah lpeer alecicude oe known it will ~do away ton ve practice “of inmovlati as really infernal, ain unnatural. TONG, byterian minister. re Teronto, July 15, 189% Sir: We have been using your medicine for sore throats, and fiid. it an excellent medicine,” JAwss Larons gaton, June Gth, 1805, Has the Money .. ; The Worid And we have the goods—these two ‘truths are emphatically: impressed upon our mind. We are fertain that the money part of it iscorrect. As to the goods, we know we have them—“ the goods for the money!” and they are right here, in our store ; goods bought intelligently, displayed rightiy, and sold so that the purchasar knows he * has made a wise and economical in- vestment every time. They are not goods of last month, or last week, or yesterday even, but goods, of to-day, just bought, just opened for inspection and to be sold on merits and at prices that will noo only win patronage in the present, but sustain the reputation of this store as a trustworthy and-up-to- date establishment in every respect. We extend an invitation to evory- visit the store. There, the casual caller will be made as welcome as if he was an old-time customer: Allaround satisfaction will be the inevitable result of such a call ; square- dealing methods, not the cheapest for the least, but the best at correct prices, will characterize our eflorts, and the three-cornered argument that clinches -popularity in our favor, will continue to be the motto of this estab- ment; Experience, Energy and Exact- ness, We are willing, however, to waive all claims to precedence on account of the past and base our claims to public patronage, not on what we have done, but on what. we are doing. And what are we doing? Just selling good goods of the exclusive and superior kind at the most favorable of price possibili- ties. Good things have to be made govd. You have to put good into them. » You can't christen a thing good, and expect that to do the busi- ness, Anda good thing must be all good, or it is not good at all. Pro- _ ceeding on this basis when we selected our stuck we did so after careful, methodical reflection and investigation; we looked to quality; we bought on the closest possible margins ; we sought the attractive and the newest goods on the market—and we got them! We tion that enables us to makes this big claim and be fully believed by friends and customers; proud ot a stock iteelE, large enough, fine enough and aes cane te 6 olble ltt every base and see this stock ; come now, while everything is fresh an complete. We have the right kind of gods, that you will readily admit; we charge right prices for them, tl mM parison will convince you. We sell them right, by this we mean just what we say, nothing will be misrepresentee, and that is balf the confidence of buying. wil do all that honesty and courtesy can dictate, The world has the money, and we have the goods; we want that money, because we have a fair equivalent to ew wants you—will find an advantage in trading here, for we are not only determined to please, but to excel. We expect a brisk basi, and are prepared for it, fully backe 2 290 g you to call and inspect our superb Fall and Winter stock, which we have Here We Are, as Usual, Always on Top. Our last ad. was a little too large to. suit some of our competi- tors and caused them so much anxiety. that|p you would think they|2= wanted us to apologise for getting up so large| an ad. . However, we are well satisfied with the result of our adver- tising, and in regard to our endeavoring to keep pace with any other firm—it does not. re- quire much fuss on our part to do that, We carry the Largest and Best Assorted Stock in Milverton,and we have, never been compelled to cut our prices’ 15 to 20%, as some affirm they have done. » They must have had a tremendous profit be- fore the big cut. Our prices have caused those big cuts, so you may safely take chances by us, as we mark our goods right, so that we are prepared to give you goods at priges lower than our compe- titors dare to go, as the following quotations will show : he a and Drawers for 45c., worth Super. Wool Blankets, §2.50, yptian Blankets, $1.45. i av A job lot of ‘Silk ase at 8¢ each, Heavy Tapestry Cacpet, Aes Men’s Cardigan Jackets, heat Brae 2 i for Be, in Sheeting at 20e lass Dwscotata'teida oh py and dela Ladies’ Wool Drawers, 48¢ pair ‘The finest range of Haag ing Lamps in tow: choice tor Men’s Dress Shirts, rea dats, 750. =, AY fear at see ouT in Shelburne ‘bot, lonpe™- deine tings in Ped York wak- pate he tb(iousConsumer ought to = humble stitution fable Tes S regatio. hal golden personality COjepsia out of the ques- { the pie-baking be RY al sone robes | of a regular pie oun ’ vheat, thother who makes Barley per bush sized pies, fair, reat . Meat ore pibbe. Meee elistening br crust im almost in, le Weber PB ST nd the rich fruit or on, he re and there, utter per oule doing, a pretty ‘ Bu ane here is @ i Re an street, New York, cae ber pound Noe : pai ott 20,000 pies Shoulder Ber pot vice Seo Bits on ressed_ Beet per owt, Fresh, Whelescmae AND CAKES. All Seasonable Fruits. OYSTERS.—2. By the Glass or in Bulk, JH. SCHMIDT The Baker. THE LONDON a —AND— FARM AND HOME Sixteen Pages, 96 Columns, of Attractive Family, Read- ing Every Week. BOL PAPERS ase” OR S| ie WEEKLY FREE Press ance, is offered to subscribers from now until the 3lst December, 1806, for ONE. DOLLAR! phe Eime Press is the Leading beral-Oons: ae Ontario, It contains each week ne news Fe od and comment of the times, jommercial . pages of . the . Weexty Free Press are up to date," and ample for the country merchant, farmer and dairyman, z Le BEE eo r i=} in its pages abundant topics of special interest, A Serial Tale of absorbing interest will be ‘an interesting feature of the WEEKLY Free Pre ff Both Papers Combined for $1 from Now Until December Sist, 1596, Agents wanted everywhere. Address all communications té the FREE PRESS PRINTING CO, LONDON, - ONTARIO. “Your medicine is be in this part of the coun ago one of my members was giv joctors to die in 24 hours. I hastened to spade medicine in the world for all tee ae Christ, dist minister, W. Prixtorr, Mi Oushendale Feb, 1 13, 1895. ntion to your selection and the ys prices known to honest trade we await your coming. Sincerely yours, SCHAEFER BROS., MILVERTON. Rae & | All originals can be seen in my office. : 4, DIERLAMM. Grosch. ~ FROMTHE TEAPLANT TOT! \CUP INITS NATIVE PURITY. ¥ 9, thomas and ed pack y securing its t cing, 1b, and 5 Ib. sold in ALL GOOD GROCERS |

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