i BR ney me - NT persons. y Wie r zs ccna mate cites we MiVEPtON hy bea ctanectenes| True as Gospel. Sir Willian Hingston, M D. has a and Newton ue oat You will find “ whatsoever you spted the oe aaparae nomination in treal Cent Sees Pr fa seek.” If you are careless and in- ee, idee si "Goarges BS pres Wheres different as to what you buy, so church, New York. long as the price is low enough, A ere attack-| Harness at $10 huis Hill Blanketalat GO eta” w you can find that kind of shoes. nd Robes at $5.50 (largest size) | Bells at 15 cts. & Bucowosuae on Bares ae Hunter s treet tunnel, Hami - ool... 1 -workanan was buried bus was rescued| Whips at 10 cts. Stratford, Dec. 5; 1895. Something Standard, ve, Pay : $ 60 to Also Driving Mitts, Brushes, | Sprin, Wheat 36 ‘A three-year-old daughter of Mr. ‘ 2 S, | Serine \ ; corge B. Gibson of London fell. into| Cutty Combs, Trunks and) pois. Ni / Satisfaction, try first-class shops, cheaper than]; told of a certain bishop that, | anywhere else. pleased to-obseive that | before purchasing elsewhere. | Bech ver owt A Large Stock of Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises Also Fire Insurance agent. always on hand. nd asked: iend, you seein to be interested in me. Do Welsbyarolep deters) “TD P You find that T) ani wily right?” “Yes | MILVERTON AND NEWTON. 1% am j “sir,” replied the bey ae aglance at Saae br, re steel rails has been made in New York. pee oe Ibert‘Thompson of Arnprior was} al] Seasonable Fruits. vieres and killed. noe New York police commissioners] OYYS TERS = of Fall Whea : 56 | Ve : Something that will give you “a pail of hot water and was scalded to| Valises, and everything kept in) Oa J seep tan? J. G. GROSCH. while dining at the house of one of his} Call and examine our stock| W..M. APPEL Fresh, ) EG Agent for the Singer Sewing Machine. o> Ae p) Wholesome You're] A sale of 10,000 tons of English AND CAKES. struck by a falling tree at Deux Ri- have decided to try the expiriment cil of the township of sna Hall, Atwood, . * + + Mei all.” present, | mounting patrolmen on bicycles. By the Glass or in Bulk. - Minutes of me, Lee read and signed. Sir Herbert Murray, the new Gover- oh an by Mr. Ah sok sons by | nor of Newfoundland, has arrived, and 5 , that the Reeve be iustractet | reoeived an enthusiastic weleome, ‘award (village of Atwood) as its} Mis namie Symiaaiod a" Neen nestioned by somtevof the|has been wade an L.R.C.P. Edin, e ° Mest os a atuext mcet-|"This is the first time this Niuies has been conferred on a woman. The Baker. seconded by Mr. - Cler We payment I. Hor: ais ° i een El ray 4 A Co. $1.28% spikes; W. Buchanan $1, betel i ing culvert con. 16; W. J. Gilki if repairing culvert oe 12; G. Daniela, $1.64 i 14; W.-H. Forrest, : vel : . Balls $2. a sr T.L.E, lank aud. Cnn 5 R. The Above Stove ¢¢ G ad Ch ese is called the 00 eer. # J. Sites! T)ecember greets us with a face all smiles ; eae i / aE Oot ee grand panorama of holiday life bursts into A Most Valuable Kitchen Stove, sold by ing th full view, and the busiest month in the year SCHNEUKER & ROTH AERMEL, Foulverts and 4 Siting sad con. Ih aed) starts off with the biggest kind of enthusiasm. th oon, drains H. Stickert uty A. aikes|\We're ready as never before—ready with at- tractions, ready with our special low cash Agents for all Good Stoves and Furnaces, Milverton, 5 Bailie ni ‘ g ’ . Bowar airing * pee Oy oe ip let eth prices. che mere announcement is enough T ron 10 Gl othin Sto re Saha aes nae SA, ge to bring you without the warhoop of excited 0 \ th 9, se agnan advertisers or the beating of eke drums. AVES ‘ ; We show the best. men’s $9 le Ulster in Canada, bar none. The i Be Our Price List below will show you where to buy. vs) sizes at. 93,50; boys’ cape Overcoats from $2 up; boys" ‘uthber te ie di boys’ pea sane from $1.50 np; mens extra heavy See pay loca ote weight Pants at $1.25. Over 1000 men’s fine dress Overcoats mi nde af Worsted, j j ; aa Me eltons and Beaver Cloths in all the fashionable cae - up to-date we “Millen 89. 16, repairing culvert ee / s. Come and look at our fur Coats and Robes, fur anc ‘apes and sc ate double breas arwenr al ich, men’s Iridus eon. 10 Siok hee: Tadies pnts Men's don| le ThE, & Gs Black Cahmee:: i heh alindariauan a double brensted extra heavy Underwear ak Bo ene Bon i bsecol Colored Cashim ri v B. 2 _ 23) Underwear at 50c., nd $1. . All si i boy’s ae wins eine f pay) 7 | D. B. width Mltona : 5 30 Jackets, a and Tikes, Haak Top 8 ie fae e hirts, Collars Love $1, opens ce 2; W. Tread Drew ke' : Se Tan heticoe ravelli 50e., repair and Cu Men’a nnd boys s, either leather, rubber Ba Seo "ei 26, yee contract | Grey Flan felt, retail at nfo tory prices, felt Sox and gum rs, Rubbers and Over- digging Smith awa Zand 18) 5 | sl Cloths, Tweeds, Cottonades, Fiannels and Flanneletts by the yard. S Sb a Rcebigeine pio 3 Flannelettes - 08s. ‘ $4.50, bare gravel road, bal ie vert $1; L. Stapleton $4.75, ditching BLE. | (,, | SiLislowel; J; Chapman $15.25, ditein Bleushet Co ‘Cottons. Mi i EA 5, Soott $3, diveling an work T.L. . e Mod. Hamilton $4.90, cleautng aware | Corsoteapecial 5| Best Black P MeNichol $2.50, ¢! fie in “jogs pes. 35 Best Black woos Penne W. web 0 an pene far ¥ i Best ‘Corn Sta titcboe hb & aig) Les Henk 00 All 5 xtr ete ita Geer o 2; W. ‘clay work T. Sea PS — TORONTO CLOTHING STORE, Oddfellows’ Block, East side Market square, Stratford. wekanaa’s Baan woe Wess ravel; bts $10, p pet contrac tihng nginee rd “eon, ~Vallani repairing calvert con, Io allarcn $30, part ‘sal alary as lerk. » Carried. ‘Moved by Mr. Rothwell, Mn. | Hea ace ‘ottonades mmond, that 1} Grain Bag to meet in the Agrical hitheat Hall, Atw. Silk Wel hee . a : Ginger naps Monday, Dec. M 5. best Granulated Suuar. or winding up the business uf the year oe i tu Shirts. : . Brown Sugar : 2 at. Robes, large. ‘Txos, Fuiiakrox, Clerk. Bove Pin Men's Mh sie Wool Tweed Sous Rosasninde ‘er 6 “ MIELINERY’ aT sped! Five guages thinner on back than front. Toye os ie LORE me Fully warranted. aoe We have this fall one of the best assort- 4]bs. Best Raisins e i * . Se. , Chase iets ements of dan rer age ; Dat ae fa x ae eae NE, tHe : Bent New Filberts 3 em ‘ 2” Gimmes Axes and X Cut Saws... FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP r ] o Fee ne ai 5 yar Native purity, Faueed oF Densige ‘Tiecls pes iB).gr In the country. Ax is band-hammered, serie in se a stor of Inde a ° base Dol Dolls, Games, Toys, Books and Fancy Goods for Ubristmas Presents, at which i ~ Seal super ior to ma chine ma de axes. is lem int vt | Compare our prices with any in te eonnty and the veriijet is in favor of Ax Handles, second gr rowth Hick ory, ry and excellence. and never A hs alAek TEA ary gece it If you haye never looked inside our doors, come along; we will eas you'fecl at Ib. 1 Ib, and 5 mes “Wis! hing you all Nor eae of the season, Yours, cheap enough for Grcwsoal \LL_ GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. | : tell him to write to SSH, GLEISER. Ea olay a ees Ge Rae & Sutton, Milverton oe ne prices for Cah or Produce give no edit