Milverton Sun, 26 Dec 1895, p. 1

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“It Shines For A MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €O., THURSDAY DECEMBER 26, 1895. MALCOLM Mack Palltor and Pa €YE SPECIALIST, To Milverton, Wednesday, Jan. ist, only. He will be ut J_ Torrance’s Drug Store, MILVERTON, ONT. OM at Dri it Drug Store and get his is COspge ey’ Port Rowan, Ont., April 3rd, 1895. | ie Chamberlain: Dear Sir, —Enel Bacl pase te caes many tions to you for her glasses. has Able io read any kind of print for 30 yea ry but since she hae been the PUL neelsight Jina come 49 Nar sal abate eile ta read with » grout degtoe uf atiafac cera bles Ww. EV, Pastor Baptist Church, Port man: Ont. “SOUNTY OF PERTH.|;,; ‘The Warden will be in attendance at the ‘Clerk's vttice on the first and third Tuesday ineach mont! - ih ten to 3 o'clock. eno tee @ Treasurer will ft iy ‘attendance at his jee on Tuesday, esday, ‘Thursday, Friday and Satay ou “reek during wM. ks Lage 49tt nty Clerk, ESTRAY. Strayed onto the premises of John Cook, Lot 13, con, 16, Filice, on or absat the ath of Nove amber nix yearling cattle and one tw ‘0 year old und two of the the, vest ace heifers can pan and b payiig we gen — WANTED «2 ‘and expenses paid eeetie: Liberal ides, eginpern Outée free Good, reliable men can permanent aa ent aple is Good salary anager, St. Thomas, Ont. is paper: ) ye on New had mateo wton, Ont., (Grads Bel R- leone or ae ibe promptly A good stock h drugs requested iy numerous payers to become a candidate for ‘the Reeveship for ns and not desiring to make a canvas, e this method forming the cae that J am in the ield for the honor and if elected will “endeavor to s the best of my Se AMES TORRANCE. Well, what's the news? Read. the | Just arrived at Torrance’s a lot ae Pal a perfumes, soaps, - brus! (Mention | yr serve the municipality to eee aod 0 new line of Schoo! supplies, slates, scribblers, pencils hoto. envelopes, w carey ack, 250 puckag es balers besriten i on wening of this week hold a met vee in Appel 's hall to conser the advi isability of reorganizing, Dizicrors Mertine.—The Direc Morningtou saergeaearallp Society h ting in Baseintug’s teobel-Ga Gacialay, noe 28th, to wind up the affairs of the year. Founp. —I found in H. Rose’s hotel, Milverton, on the evening of Dec. 6th, aten dollar bill. Owner. can have same by swearing perty and raving denomination of bill and pay- ing $1 for this advertisement. iN BoECKNER. 7 a Ons Oxsractt.—Scene, on the —First Grit—“Tf their isa pro- sik the McGillivary on do you think he would take atk Second Gao Nothing: will prevent that cen eiae from tak- ng his seat, Gota match on yout” Tur Roaps.—The recent rains have reduced the roads to such a state as to be almost impassable, The frost. is comeletely out of the ground and the The mud roads S| dio not recollect of the roads be- ing in a worse condition. © REGister.—! .D. Weir has "eeesivod Tos “from consists ‘ot D earees, on which is situated good | buildings, will also be sold. the Presbyterian jaid the early settlers of Mornington, but about fi 0 tool his He returned last spring and ever since ne residing with his nephew, Mew m. Dunbar, of Newton, where he died Mornineton Frvanctat SraveMEnt. —The Mornington financial statement has been handed in to the printer and nakes a very showing. total receipts for the year are $11, pts The total liabilities re $8,441.47, and the total assets are $10, 267.66. Broke His Lea.—On Thursday last as Mr, John Goodale was carrying a fel hag of grain into his boiler house, slipped off the growy and fell down t leg above the ankle. a time when his son isalsolying up from the effects of a broker ea imb leaves him in an awkward posi but we expect: joan tiie Wen stud again the same as usual. Swasn-Up.—On Saturday evening anh a boil a Fred Smith, 332 sia ‘or- Buffalo Lithia Water for dys und urinary diseases, for sale a% rance’s drug store. 2 number of young peeple enjoyed themselves on Tuesday night at) the residence of Mr. Wm. sie Dancing was the order of the evening, On Tuesday morning as Edgie “Tor ing of the stredt b knocked his little finger out of joint, but was plucky enough to push it in place per fe. Paratysis.—Mr. daria ng for some time, while ged i his nday last, received a paralytic ec Gat alyzed one side of him. The doet has hopes of his recovery. Twick Buessep. Be cos has pepe Mr, been aie fhe consciousness iba hed is the nite Of nied They are a bouncing ‘ortune favors J. P. The date will he, an- ed later on. ‘It promises tb and should body. Scuoot Report, Junior Depart-|*' ment.—Sr. 2nd—Ellie Rae, 353 ; ; Maria Griese, 331 ; Andrew Bach, 288 ; Adelaide Murray, 279; Luella Fear, °938. Sr. Part IL. Clara Pallet ae Olive Gray, 144; George Rae, 126; John Fleischauer, 115; Vernet Ker, 112 , John Rosen- berg, 106,° Jr. Part ‘TL — Alfred Hasenpflug, 155 ; Mary Hoffert, 149 ; H remier, 139; Gertie Weir, e) Wiederhold, Louisa Dierlanm, Wolingtan o|Gray, 126; Wm, Hasenpflug, 12 Jacob Bide, 114; Wn Schaefer, 1075 Emerson Acheson, 103. 1365 Miss Mine ‘nin of Strat is visiting in Peter igan, wining her sister, » AL Kress Mr, Mohr is spending Chrigt- | an ohn el mas ae ie daughter, Mrs, Schmi of e dshi “ie “Smith ate his Christnh st in rls ford. iss, ard, who has been e aed aa, Mr, H. Gleiser as millingr, has returned to her home, itis Miss Margaret, daughter of Arthur] tach Holmes returned home from the Northwest on Saturday, after a stay of four year Mr. Ca of. Tor ‘oronto, is at present visiting at Mr. John Goodalé’s and Mr. Henry Sehmeuker’ 1 Mr. Henry Miller is at present visit- ing his son Jacob in New York state. Mr. E. Gartung dropped off at Mil- ichal, -| verton for a few hours last week while | arness, but not to sy great exte A Cor Cay and B., two of our local eatinilk were out shooting th A. shot a red squiri rel of} ¥! tooth beg ox ee library board of diree-| 87 rs will hold a meeting on the is month. win ack. san pede dey this year we issue he Sun a day earlier this week al | Templars on Saturday n At Home to their in ber of young people gathered house of Mr. Peter McLennan, Mornington, last reday 30th | 7 out of. the woods leisurely feeding himself on tripe at ughter house, and now he thinks} Mr. pre he is just a common spb Porrrics.—In Milverton appearances are that we are ee to have an ction, Me: s Tor- rance and Wm. Appel are Sie esd for the seawater ‘The council are realy to stand for another year, and by what me Tear Mr. Gleiser will neo a stand for election Mornington Reeve Jack will eae have no oppo- sition. Mr. hee Trim will again on his way to Carthage. Miss Edith and Mary Kay are spa) their Christmas at home. I Jas. and Robt. Hunter’ and Robt. ‘McCloy, last Thursday attended the funeral of Mrs, buried at Ethel. her 87th year, and was.a sister of the ate Nelson Hunter. Mr. Andrew Torrance, of Rostoc! ending bis Christmas holidays in re Mr and Mrs, Geo. Diesenroth, Wiarton, are visiting i town. oore, is at|) ‘iting is ews in che In Mornin; ington on Saturday, so "ola the wife of J. P. Griffin, of Porid fee and be: 5 =) Cy re cae viens of ason. Rose.—At Milverton, on Tuesday, ‘Tin ie wife of Jobn Rose, langhter, 2 geist while several young Misses y and aint and. nggregave in | been a wig sury f ed hi but ADDRESSES AND ‘The Retiring Teachers Presented—Mr, Geo. Westman Also Remembered by ‘Mis Pupils. On Friday afternoon. ast wschers. were commanded to took hanc Seine was things in Galop, sr, who} then replied in appropriate terms. The illowing is the address : Ont., Dec 20th, 1885, in, ork yon have never ial tratow as Beat agement, Many of hat in paving ae Ont tae igh ph out to remain if your doing #0 wou! Your future pros Aa slight gis with this he i hienes we trial way, whicl ou will employ in ‘cares ful ve done in the ish reat success wherever you may be in the fut Tn name and on belt ‘of ae Fei a Pa es Muar Euserenate with ashe deserved, Miss Daly was then reckoned with. She listened at- tentively to the pupils’ estimate of Ge pee was then presented ith a beauti: I ring and silver thimble as a mem sa of their sinending friendship, Miss Dalyreplied ingly and} pp ‘pe apt ies picse ci wok vokens of = hilverton, Dee. 20, 1895. tise G. Daly : | Dear Madam, Rstsivd ie manner been the ju aid ir valvasy given to the yom sLohineiec wire mais advaiat. rAbee you have never ee Aenea Mr. Geo. Westman, teacher of 8. 8, No. 8, Ellice, held his public panies tion on Friday last. A large num of the ratepayers and friends of section and surrounding section came out to assist in the ail was about to be dismissed, aA w ki thie} Wille ie Crop Lau After Mr. Chalmers had been dealt | ele As you — higher position — filand be Logg d to tt have chosen. oes hes een li ae to meet in Thee gts and better and Biel is behalf of schoo! Lily Atirlage Sane Rey December 2th, 1605, ; LUBANK. : “department, of D. J Nichline tore aa full of iss Large wi ons ade in aleny other ads of ‘Pall Millinery, ee BRUNNER i Miss M. Holmes, who has been out near Oxbou for the last four years, has ceturned home. Miss Attridge, of Atwood, has been visiting friends near h ee ” George Langford and John A. West: rene stratford reat aay Sesh last Friday ae complet- ing as ibe fall’term at schoo! The average sts in 8,8, No, as 72. ‘With theirs iiteitslenbda. boyh ‘The quaintest is ey ) . Pall of and my: | she sven | to Serene night and by day Wowk ig for the Hite ey ‘ll aslee e Mi stary on tier prolatery ways? The oid brush fence she would scorn in her With turnips and exbbage just, beyond urnips and cabbage just beyond, And corn that, was blooming ean rt halo he ni & banquet so choiee and so fond t ence | Bat when the stare of morn wate paling the sk ‘The old Urindte cow took the cue, And dressing ph her line would retreat yond the For the old oy ghee just what to do. it be- al by. | What breed did you seyt’ Why ‘the very rm aire flow in a democratic ae igen could tell of the ieey an in her Pehtics care ber pedigree or how; She was Jersey in her Galen oarkaahhe nat ‘ayaire when she happen'd in a row! to storming the oid oe eae She was Day the'old brindle cow. b since I drove her to rich afid creamy prize; It seems as but a my | Ror she theft ie Son hour she wie e jek ee double dose, ith a peace of constience lurking in he eves, ‘d with the, rip: from the interest taken it_was avident that S, S.No 8 hasa bright future, The pupils from their sharp pointed answers proved that they hi the energetic spirit of Tn order to make huge Aivalier splendid: Ne given by a the section, and altogether a very pro- fitable and enjoyable time was spent. ;| The pupils, however, were not to be exceeded by their teacher and sprung ise on him when. they an address ac: in. the 13th., 1" stand for the offi with the reba ir ati eae ene ‘ohn Langford. fale ao i ind, reas The | has mor to janshard, wl been « as, cheevemal maker, Dorion fl e hen tn the | | pupilsyf assisted by the young people of | aa nt she i en’d years Whose Treoriee naa my heart in And rs never Bene a bell tinkling t But I chi of that ns ha cow. as O'HA AG. ral vand concert will be given in — Maing Methodist church, Wallace, on Christmas night. ¥ ‘After Jan. 1 the + sae Ch Phuc vill ener their be thee f ui the ash x “the wee He American p pee Bs, ae nce... Preaclovs i | England and the States rongly: favor of pe ote moderns jon on jay. yea s day mering ie sae a cheat man, who foand that his ieft band ingore irene ola ge

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