Milverton Sun, 26 Dec 1895, p. 3

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ie > under dou! iscouragement, it is hi to speak in detail. Pep oye The adilverton Sun THURSDAY, DEC, 26, 1895. ieee aoe Iverton Sun Five guages thinner.on back” than front. “2 =e Fully warranted. : “tamcomereny atmorien [abe suialPorang oder throughout We Wish Everyone ress gah sit pe week to dis- Lm: CHRISTMA iW h hi f: ll f h ie cuss inane : ‘Ae the municipal agin ae os ee ROW, /e have this fall one of t e best aséorts The Quebec gene was pro- } the first Monday in the New Year, the The Monroe Doctrine, ments of rogued on rend evening. coe et | electors should ee the attitude of the During: the last few months we have 2 President Cleveland has approved e. the bill providiog the expenses of the Prat re t= i A Herr y Christmas and d The trade during the Holiday eS to the Senate on the subject of Axes and X Cut Saws... In the country. Ax is hand-hammered ‘outside the limits of the corporation, It is mae Munroe to "Coa in 1822. «burning shame that we should have so The ees which jingoes now many unkept cemeteriesin our midst, They |Calla doctrine referred’ to frie iendly look more like calf pastures than resting negotiations ae In progress with the de Ona hich i acs Fiske hol enon wa H _ 4/Season is’ more than usually EX- places of the honored dead. Instead of| British ani in governments re- 7” rowned while skating at Desert Lake, a GW bar half dozen denominational cemeterice we [garding Canadian and Alaskan. torr peice which is much superior to machine made axes. in Frontenae Couuty. ‘ ACTING and demands the BEST should have one public cemetery. It would|*ory. The words are in marked con- Ax Handles, second growth Hickory, Sir Charles Tupper, Premier Bowell, be more convenient, A caretaker could | trast to the jingoism of the present Some talk about th h Hon. W. shen ain who cull be it by hy. For the benoit of. thow ho ome ta 10 €}cheap enough for firewood. B. Ives and Sir Win. Van Vis j ‘ STIS cg oon are eS = in all STANDARD lines, and we regarding the fast Atlantic Sanat dio iis . have them. the residence of Hon. Clifford} And invite all to call and see our Beauti- Siiton, Brandon, Miss Gussie Burrows, fal Holiday Dj i “ sister of Mes, Sifton, was married. to u oliday Display. , i ae Beattice, Sheriff of Bracebridge, <\ Ready-Made Clothing. n Wall sti had a 2 wild ¢ time over the effet Re ihe any ‘We show the best line in Men’s Overcoats at $5 50, and have only a few or rumors of war on Stock Exchange salary or for his time, His duty would be | have not seen the paragraphs we ap- municipal elections; the to dig the graves and attend to the paths, | Pend them. Poa 4 © The cryin wal wore thay renin | "At the prop of abe Rusian Tn-|ladies and children alll Rae & Sutton Milverton interest on the outlay by the receipts from | Petial Government, madé through the lk ab hi ; ’ the sale of plots and amount contributed to | Minister of the ) Emperor residing here, | talk about the Mei : ae) themounds in repair, tull power and instructions have been jother phase of the question of a more|*tansmitted to the Minister of the 4 e ast hatureis the effect that those bury. | United States at St. Petersburg to | Cenrie h or ne o etueeme’.2| Daaitifa : seu plaienn thought to think of drinking | '’sPective righws and interests of the * water that has been filtered through a|'W° nations on the northwest coast of i 1 left—size 42, 44. Any one requiring that size should call early, as we rite x - 'y se | Ss ree this continent. A similar proposal had 4 HRISTMAS PRESENTS —> values. ‘There were enormous declities The ory latest P roductions, grandly dis are bound to clear this line out. Our Beavers, in grey, brown and blue _ day ater day. Te willbe remomband ag | bee” ina by bis Tempera Majesty ta C | IPisti nas i ini Wee mer Toe cen played-in Quality, Style and’ Elegance MU SCAR ube Bain etyletand: A} 7p taller. Gan ey on ieee roe i; * ced to 50 pe ent. "ef 1 y, 2 g . . z rgb =the A ; “ @ noise was raised by some of our citizens a oe asa oy Great Britain, That Are Useful Exchange firms suspended. the price, We havealso a fine line of Boys’ and Youths’ Clothes at Low little over a year ago when a cow was buried | Wich has likewise been acceded to. on one of the streets, yet they take little ie eng rca piston tL ira heed f Pree caumuee peers 9) 0s Ory iether te ge a Ake Sean ; more gruesome: i i bi ibn testing the great value ha Wailak Gea daiontak bene from Brantford, head Every article carrying within itself the Prices, Ae adileacess ie ane eevee tnt ean ergo ne Men's und Boys’ Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters, Kid aH convincing proof that in its purchase Dress Goods. ing place for the country round we would like j S and Buck Gloves, Silk Handkerchiefs, Novelties in Gent Sild acksiaeen eae ee ae : ‘ i the friendshi he ror, ppeias : tially Mahe Bene Vinlir 3 sav fe Ra to see a suitable place chosen for a cemetery thee slit tn sgtisatr ne tee: Neckwear, Faney Braces, Waterproof Coats, Silk Um- Brantford gave the company a bouus you are saving money. Our goods are We stow a nice line in Scoteh Tartans, double width, at 18¢., which ig_ and we nap haat that the revenue will ith his brellas, Fur Covts and Robes; Persian Lamb, Beaver and ‘of $30,000 to get the aun but. will li ] ia ll of ] d ] all the rage now, Do not miss this chance of buying. farexceed the interest of the money laid |ymagTeuanding with his the : Rea Sy ATE Sse aera insist on having it back if the shops all stylish, all good, all useful, and low 8 out. Let the citizens urge this thing now Gat ae given cise! Aika tal Oy es are removed. Mr. Sanesaa promised and there is no doubt but they will get it. ts ee te to consider the matter carefully, and thi depiitation:tett, aatiséied :thiab the In price. Ladies’ Jackets. shops wou ue sok be removed. The celebrated Welsh _ preacher, ely Ohhenne ivan who dared ” public! We desire to call special attention to express thankfulness for’ Jenny Lind beautiful singing, had as a our display of Silk Handkerchiefs. member of his congregation a strait- standing on the steps of the pulale We have a full line of Ladies’ Embroidered Hem-stitched Japanese Silk ° asked the preacher whether a man dy. | Sil V erpware Handkerehiefs, at 10c. or 8 for 250.; at 15e,, 250. and 50c,, really worth md one of Jenny Lind’ s concerts would eee : ange- ’ ments by which they may porrnsadte Y ear S Premier Greenway, of Manitoba, has | the Coated has Been judged PER for asserting 4s a principle in which ha Be sey ie ea Governmeng at | ie ciplite and Neamt Or Lhe United e ttawa, stating that he will not accede | States are involved, that the American f to Separate nea in any form. He coutinents, by the free and independent ] S is about to dissolve the Legislature | condi Pigs -Allishy:ehby Bays (nestled and will appeal to the electors early in|2"4 maintain, are henceforth not to 7 iy «| be edaideréa as subjects cn future Eebruary, ‘The school question will colonization by any Baropean. pover.| And Cheap Goods at be his sole issue. “We id Boots and Shoes Retail at factory prices, All sizes of men’s and Rubbers and Overshoes and Felt Sox and Gum Rubbs In this line we are selling what we have left at greatly reduced prices. ee ee ‘STORONTO CLOTHING STORE, :: REM blige ia Rite taeshigasen sea ee Ee Orldtellons: Black Heat Sigs Markel ROnate, double the money. Whe SuAS Rebounds totean tha | United ‘States tad hose ee Pas Re ee replied Mr. es and those 9 : : ! FE : Not suet the year 1893" has there powers ta'declure that wel auould: con, d POSE N Trans, “a Christian will Bo toheaven We have secured some of the newest designs in this ‘ ; he dies, ains wack utils Shae th amt tnd th ase tanya a | Earot Se pgeen "| class of goods, and we are confident that we can supply $| GPoceries, rhe this hemisphere as dangerous to our A : : ‘ week and caused, it is said i ‘ ri Sans ‘ou with just the thing you want and at a price that will i thousands of people and ens Lea an iit a wi i ate gad MILVERTON. 5 sepia pees nna: ane ae y ch 4 By D In this line we have nothing but the choicest and the best in good, reli- ing stock broking firms. Confidence Sia) ce daermibsn sd a8 aug was putting it tsre tol stay; sbolldimgl@e fe oe ‘ able goods—no inferior stock. Sugars—Granulated, 22 Ibs. for $1.00; — rere ie slowly being restored in| shall not interfere. But with the Gov- North Perth ‘ it five feet ner base and four ; Yellow, 30 Ibs for $1, Raisins, best, 8c. per 1b; Currants, Ze. per Ib; ndon hoe tropaes i in eu ernments who have declared their in- : i at high. A stranger ce viding by, T F H 4 d seedless Raisins, 10c ; Figs, extra fine, 8¢ ; choice table Figs, 5c. erican securities has been ia 'Y| dependence and wamntained it, and FARMERS INSTITUTE } and seeing the care the farmer was Oo anyone wanting a andsome and checked, businessmen the! whose independence we have on great y Bro taking, said to him, “You seem to be nsideration and on just. principles — All our numerous friends Ba acknowledged, we could not view any WINTER MEETINGS. interposition for the purpose of op- a mighty carefal about that wall.” ' “Yep,” replied the: farmer, “Pm er Useful Present at a Low Price, our | Nuts and Candies. building her to stay.” ©T ain't no use, and customers a Merry \ aggressive action of Congress. | ureccee : Gt dis. aay The Vinton! Mcauingg Vote, aus ¥ ock of CrLLuLomp Casss;. to hold We will in this tine quote prices only for the best qualities, Our com- Briti : ae pressing them or controlling in any Perth fl oe ane # Ss 7 eae fan nie altdes aide 4 ish al ropean capitalists, it] other manner thei eir destiny by any| Perth {Farmers’ Institute, wi . a : A j ‘ : : : petitors quote you prices for cheap trash and make you believe that you — ee ale tne as agi 4) Ruropean powe any other light held as follows : Christmas and a Happy a prec sie » a foot higher if she gloves and for toilet purposes, will be are receiving the best in the market, which is a he and they know it. neha ee unexpected by Wall TADS ae mal uniter arion id 2 a In GROSCH’S HALL, MILVERTON, u N Y : ah ae ied the furmer, continuing > ; : ‘eu Beayal Mixed Dasilieniat Be. sive eadlaheeinoe: a ioant ile alka England, alone, it is said, holds over| gered open toward the Unites ON and prosperous New Year. i ecaganaors, Wbaweeh found to be superior to anything ever Grenoble Walnuts area small walnut of darkish color and the kernel is 81,500, 000,000 of American bonds, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7th, mot ican chief, supported d King Prem- ff 1 ish | bli of the finest flavor, and could not,be sold, as our competitors tell you, at ailway shares and other securities. es h, of Ashant th ent tight 2 elore to t DIIC. 13e. Examine the so-called Grenoble Walnut and see if it corresponds 1806, at 1 and 7:80 clock p.m, The after : peh, of Ashantee, in the recent tight oftered betore to the public. 3e. Examine the so-c ; Wall street nancier are said to be in COMMERCIAL. pesung. Will be addrecnal by, PRO, ——_gr Grosch & Loth. i ing with the English and their native P with our description. We quote them at 15c, ‘Peanuts, 12}¢; Filberts, arms against Cleveland and his TR Guelph, on “The Laws of : allies, the tribe of Adausis. The latter awe r, 150; Brazile, 194e: CR AS RSC ala “athe » Deo0. 10 ing," and “Breeding Horsesfor Profit”; ; : new crop, 12}¢ ; Almonas, new, 15¢; Brazils, 12}c. now condemn bis rash action, At first | Fall wheat por 0 3 She nares e y were Weed , constabulary have also had an encount- a hia oteataes bys Prot eed Gon ‘ i er with Samory. Tf this’ be true, it is m S Toys and Games “The Fduention of the Horse,” and +The P, S.—Accounts are now ready, and would like to have all of them settled by 1s ' Hirase wna loi ie Uda oa Beno y Qutario = Agricultural College” and by | January, as we will then balance onr books for the yenr. All accounts older than one Naas y pee ret i +has a powerful army of horsemen aut Of all description, such as*Nations, The Lost Heir, Flips, Frog Pond ~ Simpson Rennie Esq., on Savaltare "| year must be paid before January 15, 1896, or we will have to place them in court for # Bootie: 1 lM ey Had heared . 09| Public Schools,” and ** Country Roa collection. ? releon te had iia maitre ena Made from the finest Corinthian Brass and with delicate and Fishing, Cash, Robinson Crusoe, Steeplechase, Woman and So ae hs TOWN HALL, LISTOWEL, on : ain jam boo aah ee : House that Jack Built, Gaffing, Bagatelle. ibe esaige. Tarkeys per Bot 7| WEDNESDAY, JAN. 8TH, enya hd te Mee ae tinted shades, form the handsomest present that can ( ; _ ae gold Feverve 1s now down slow | Bae Pee 1896, at 1:30 and 7:30 o'clock p. m. COS Ut eres Ck of eee | FRID AY pe Times prints the following se be made, One of these Lamps, with a beautiful Given Away 40,000,000 and farther large ship Showlder per AlcecABE wionkina all be aaa BEE (Goa anime say Sue medicine was a great| FRIDAY | patch fiom Constantinople: Net 5 iments next week will decrease it co J, H, Reed on {The Common Diseases of blessing to me. When your me Sr ae Ministers were summoned aa to ate Table made of the same material, with a real Onyx $60,000,000, This is below the point Tallow the Eiger, of the Ox,” and ‘The Lawa| comes, ore ete do" aay ih i ‘i palace to devise measures for supplying P Free with every lb of Malley’s Baking Powder, one Double Roasting at which Cleveland’s last loan of $50,.| Wool re ant Oy St pen Te cree ale dpierierie natal Dee cee sues a ‘Sti the e urgent financial needs. The treas. top, can be purchased at the Jow price of $14. Pan, worth $1. Baking Powder is worth 20, and the lot goes for 50c. 000,000 was placed and now it is fear-| pan Wheat Bag.s en Des Pstte H ee ett socials eal coal Spee Milverton Photographic Studio, h ed that his bellicose language will|Spring Wheat. in Grosch’s new pies whey n the evening by |. H. Keed on Yours in brotherly love “Phe Education of the Horte,? and eae A Ontario Agricultural College”; and_ bi . ape Simpson Bentity i, on ** Agriculture in Pub-| Toronto, aly 15, 1895 Tic Sch and “Country Roads. Friday of pach week, 95 ae A a} fs Doar Sir: We have been using your onty. 8| Eg Farmers are spec: ice ee medicine for sore throats, aoe fim an to avtend all the esti Ladies are | excellent medicine.” apres a RES hoors: From 9 a.m to 4 Slinvited to the evening ote in| Kingston, June 6 ee ay a Money on cut Slee task Friday rose by bounds until it reached | Batter 79 p. ¢. bid. Bankers and trust com-| Bags «5 pares could hardly ‘te induced to give| pret ver ew vhich e vi a 4 Saya lente occas Our To be in keeping with our bright which we. suppose to have bon ; and attractive stock we will make S per owt. h pl h issued by the malcontent party, have 2 s ff " t 1 ou with: ‘e loans. ‘London was reported again as| eh place. “Your meiizine is becoming very popular |) D, Phot er. crested a great fuss av the Yildiz e Qalrl ry eftort to su k fens walne Mace eames DONALD Jaen, JA Tumvnete, _|in this port of the country. “A few wesks G. z MAITLAN , FHotograp Sue I } every pply y ~} in the past few days over 100,000! Auguste Lupin, the first breeder to President. Secy,-Treas, iets to dient hone haened to} July 12, 1895. following telegram has been a shares of various securities have been Tauueee English blooa-stock into = | the spot with your remedy and it cured him goods especially prepared to meet | Department the demand. Thanking all our old he low! received from Formosa regarding the of fold causing fresh ba ‘tations of gold France, was a man from his it wa and the whole family of thirteen ‘Ghildren, pe aS iS ig © eI vith the disease, br cs HeRaah lie eaee nee eee acne) WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY) Cihesieaetones stb the deces tes BRE AD of ‘American. finance! % best medicine in the world for all throat dis- i ® . i Frome tie Pony of hacay set Foe ae haan ee eae ae The Semi-Weekly oe oe W, Pon oeieuceh ie roger sn ae In the hands of Mr. Wainwright is giving every satis- customers for their patronage dur OW ied initet, wis ertoclt eee ae SE ee, AND facon, and we confidently invite anyone who bas a gling: the past year, and hope to still LwatPeML Es anatase scmeikine (agueane Wifall Fou Gard Meek ays Spectator Sib car neler ete et ss} i ing, killing 60 of the enemy, while the “troublesome watch” ta place it in our hands and we Hes t dad secure ean, Deh Bolts sad aport in ati the raze 1s igre bor we bpohindee! ge Z : H Tapanese lost one killed. “A detach guarantee to put it in thorough order at a reasonable hold their patronage and §S : tayabt vin what vo do in sch eases | "Ab!" host is heady iin T| og Rue ea ey have. dnd re dagen Aerator naira ys ed alae price. many new customers: We wish | with their investments in the countries | say so? Isn't that tip good enough for ans Daly Fare watteane eee ouly st Baca asec Marche as aaa tiasniier? Oar Bread is t threatened. More than this, the great| you?” But as he spoke the jockey be- | *o" ‘ow subscribe NOW for 1896 aE question in these things. 77 : eae you the compliments of the season. sui of foreign capital on deposit at| gan to ride his mount, and managed wer wall ‘ext ithe balance of this year FREE ee to = 577,017, Vasey , F i if illage betwe ( D. New York has long been in such con-| to win by two lengths. - “There,” said | OF © ing the bd merican ° my Tasmui Valley and the Tongham River “: ohh 5 inte’ that "ihe | Idkae' decennial Eos, aie decane antes aha The earlier you subcribe the moe 308| sunen ey Prestionn Oerclantenes | CAKES ait : as y e 14 a sco} re repulsed, aricd ‘itty, ie hile “the fond ( three is 9 f : Daring the engagement five nce N 5 -abrond, ov the remotest menace to se “am T not right to hold my I eataels cell stn sateen: Aditrcs age runs. igh agninst, England, and| Feeth everyday, at Ee gran Gee: cutity in America, would. force: ite mates at these brutes! Tes enough vy {the opinion is that Venezuel +, The New 10 y . speedy withdrawal on exchange. Of|to make a man swear never to give| SPECTATOR PRINTING COMPARKY,| gght oe submitting to the British G. Guenther §, Baker. — O killed On the lower bank of the MILVERTON. Ass the break in prices which ooourned ts- | anybody the pais tip agaln.” Hamilton, Ont. deiwand “ river 800 nee aa oe an attack * ie WANTED—Poultry, Butter, soihas Eggs

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