THE HOME, (i st (oc eo nin om oe j each : __THE HOME. "= x teeie de pac tate tp" MODERN WARFARE Ti : THE. COMFORTA: ee skins into another. adbeed ed x ¥ ¥ pepe. Aeigeubsnsaed bes ‘accomplished this, pat the ro Be a ae els) FARM. lage Rapa Pros gp : ‘ : ‘ : : 3 RSPR ce CA eT ey Mis nrNaraN CLEA oa . in, » into porcelain-lined Decide the Issue. eee i; Fs +s “ econ ae 53 os * + > . 5, See < Pata Bae Seer ol ee an | fire, Heat ‘gradual sot on the} Summing up the whole question as ses wegen tinct pipammut Naser igre ne meee other : Sea aN , when told aie sea Abe a Fi : attention : fee ee Aiisor a. a in (ey fa for bout: fiftee egies on any two European p On the. i o the Divper Dalentiag, of the rati i “ i pes taoeadcdie the Heatcaties Bing | seeds seeds come ng casi va tf ‘tt sb treme reas Breton. ay. fhe x |4420 hors na dee OF ian dees [paling goa ores the 1 poses pre ot aa CAPTURED T WA you only work there and. whe soars’ sieve pated loss to be antici- | or about = ,000 acres, | Valling surely demand most Rochester STERNER CASE. nm you | and 1 locally, Le., om an animal a half to a by banks have boycotted want noe rest, thece'As. the pul particular brigades | acre. F. 5 = ‘ion of feed that can Canadian sil parlor and| fhe seeds, and divisions, will not .F. S. Peer writes i be obtained and the ver. iting | pang ler ghia oriogn eat 2 way alshg: tne tigl selene! Re tee Es eee » | ‘The United States paid $183,214,000 for Arab Lives After Hanging—ReSen- “Yeu tint | and whe: h one is killed to four | very little grain is|samewbat neglected in times of pr ls =, nsions last year. THE INTERESTING 4G EXHIBITION at\ tenced to Hard Pe ee ae SEIS yea key Fire te San oral wounded), whereas f ver fed to the calves ther - Deel in times of pros- ‘HE VERY LATEST atitaene Sabet REELS: : nak ape apace ott that continue to bell for about thee rant | a. quarter lox whole armica’of’}in: bis oplution, lids the , and here, | perity ae ‘still allow the dairy to yield FROM ALLTHE | Counterfeit American silver certifi- MME. pe SSAUD'S. Hanging, whén done officially, is ex tah gag ‘gee keto mc pa PC reve oe oon re te F ]10 is the cai eee Se hg ee caida io Sal baby a . prevails. the dairyman can succeed Ms peared Tole, sing de ea pected to result in the death of the man | WAT IS GOING ON IN THE FOUR as I can,” answei is not, boil ii fa rae : pee It aia. med the other. | in glass § fifteen minutes longer. Put may reasonably expect says the mt have ruined more good cows y well attention | to these and ‘The schoon Toledo, ix does di always have that CORNERS OF THE GLOB! ot too. im glass, jars when cold, and set’ awa Mall Gazette. Pall ‘or dairy purposes than all other thi Pap ere ae interesting Items About Our Own Country, ashore near Alpena, are ot The row r, and history Te- E. Ia BELGA: cea (AGE FOGE: eet! trouse-fs Tolly race Uaripe Compared to the slaughter of salah ‘The Jerse ae oe poapceos hae tittle to one one United “States, and | Tras STE ip veesel will be a fotal ree bet lacs and to another when a mripe Grapes.—Pick ji Sev. a oes the | class, nevel ie ae say about t! FF ie ‘the Globe, Condensed and and Old wees peers ede: pein: ‘Oh, | before they turn from green to fey ete Bes “War, ee t-con- | possibly be! ieotet bead if it can| duct is sold that Vase his pr ‘Assorted for Easy Reading. BAe Cy otist af eens on, ar Fhe doe Paes Mone von Keller, an of-| dead have a banged and pronounced sdiea dnbake ada chika hemi "This, of course, does cs ‘after picking | this of the Nay mea period, | fram $40 to $75 rent ‘must pay | matters beyond his control, but he can CANADA. f ee ny mead xe 2 een , arrived at Jenap-|long “and more or less useful Ii es | Recent Date. UME pelt gg Rice Rectyas steel pana dargerartaw aes es ¥ is very little, indeed. At Zorndorf $75 rent per acre for every | TeeUlate the cost of ee im taken up and fag ae eS pe, some fifteen miles from that Wat- | thereaf useful lives : : Apa big cers, , in several waters, |the Russians left 21 jort [acre of their farms Atoll in many inst and i The Hamilton Street BONED ROG hoe Oeniguae | erloo which has notbi H tas The Rev. Stopford Z aianes aien: , airy, i 000; out of 52,000 ately nothing ice it to such an yeh Ath loo which has nothing to do with the imil fe eee Cs given 5 ‘on the ‘ | goes to waste, ., » extent as ie lucing Wi fierce whirlwind and wate t “ ‘A similar ease occurred recently in |UP ular i |) tbe farmhouse ‘kitchen ueoda round, and, thoug this'ig un- [to's cow on ek ia calf will grow | profit. in many he a x Work oa be Grand frank car sh Sr ote a SS cot a Peep erclopigr roan aera Mads hy Algeria, ‘The’ Algier StS | Benoa etatit Gia Gat be aula hoe Been be Seas ae ieee battle: record- | may be of Kae ee. and roots, you | after the details to secure this hare) * ate OPS. Island, for great | Sovies on Tuesday, Se Strand zine. Near the en-|dent of the Paris ater a NE ie oye iow te nae se is ty since introducti es sure that’s al ing muc! rance to t] ie blessed with light from all sides, and Pree ae Sees Ee ae: Tiley eonered path pga te ——_->—_—_. Saal (sting ig tin Gal ot St, Law, _he apple crop in. Niagara county this |\¢aTriage Aeeetyeltne sans he es Gaveribes it ag follows: Mohammed Ben | the sata #03" é dows Bede: Bote Coe tee hie ee Pah alam Madedo ed Fe Go ileal aabey of feed-| 4 DAUGHTER'S MARRIAGE ame ithe = It is esti tiated A orestatet Swett ee isa pee Habibi was gent to the Bal) las a lpg Sosa ; on ar . : ee aay i seats 3 st Gs oath sides. ‘The ae pitched ‘bettie’ cine ce va ue mae haeilives’ aa itly rie ok GA pip ubenrs okt cau eri. Konce th + etakaraat Public t ibe veld wl weil ioe fo a two to three an‘ horses\of Normal breed! | ‘The gallant pag dea) Seesetuate a fellow ‘reli- Peau iT vasrels of flour, valued wini eds merci irradi Wiig ccna ala field, Moreover, | who AEA Met iihetnd the bayer, | *He paternal roof does resent any ‘ sch a ‘Stiatford. died from anover- | ‘The pill Se se ne Faith [day fooling confident Coad he wasin- | geria\i quartering eye enc Per atte ae 7 atop ieee aga , morn ee Se ‘ ts 3 whole thing is not | of the isi ie price for the pick: | DEI Ge Mencia pen.» Mesouline Hite ; 2 Sameer oy cles and phaleth he Balti |tercepting the “God in the Car,’ cal!- | and fai thes gene) Se re ean pate mae Sedaka) eeaheenee ak Meany mae ee ae he Ss eee oe prgtectiog, pat ser samme BOL ee ‘Se itasiae' sa cetpianaltig. ant : i will Tam, — ‘aime | Sheena tis sof an estate te ot 8 0 0 | of which a oe tie comchinaa to stop, but that | to Semana nig gacert me or ig estimated by property owe morn till night. Then, ‘ put iutare ures or percen- an a in quality and lence, an exotism, so to say, ‘own Was ef Réailiner k ly man, like the Levite in the parable | attack, and, yon his k id ‘axed ‘so Inuch per goat. floor pie ete the coyearanc ofthe drank we eee tee a ee Bat by the density in which piaMiaa ai! ‘a the center ae val een aly wanting in female | witty. Ri ea ihe prepuce Navigation aid ‘at lisa Carter of Mees a a at and Great ble Pay Se mndnagod “bo ie is leg and arm, | The Hungarian Minister, of rical- room, S rouuideds Tei. with corn . mason abandons his lew York, representing the Reon; tied to. Not many moments after Pyeng ides being neh easier to | Minute: le and the ee to make a butt ri a , f ‘new steel steamers to add to their fleet. | ization C tens He was scamutell i an Arabian hos- country at ct nighee ae ainst serub. as Old softwood flesh may te |tfacted:\ Then remove from th este Spe ba Sa hy ceacoeebeat tet gre pitts her ate apetge pe relays ) aan ian, Targus so giesnen i. sani Tis Ma wae Bi seule aces aes meget] Lag foaee a ken are | Gryceon aa x pain the’ wood-wor! in) thr re from the fire and men would fall |her calf come ion causes but om Liverpool to Quel is r ha: me 4 & ¥ poe of. The wounds of ie lasgow's eevee ealiedad coats of good paint, all jek LG ae BRS rg kos Surat ed van 28 on an area of about twenty square |handsome t oe ee Te little interruption to their mutual re- Shout, Gro hendred miles telow the lat | exist Attorney” peetasie Nee stis a ee ee ec eae The obstin- jcured, though Bansters "eg Ak ght ee enero) de ora os Ngan “4 A pein and crev- ‘ Pint off julas” aaa | tlle at Zorndort 21.000 Russian icra hae cveryuiing f which in| Mtions. A man marries, and still main ter city. belek A orneyi often tn Ney oe fem fais comohines (wes col ors iy the [one in his arm, and it was necessary miles, taking. twelve stops in. twenty peamgreeat neha aigt cat lear a hiked poe fisted ‘engat Bail or 000 "Prussians sand | densed f = everyeaing Fe eeet cont| tains his friendships, his habits, and Reports the Niagara camp show | ing for the naturalization papers » ASK" | major himself, and the lucky officer foramputate that mem eight’ minutes, and’ the ventilation is ee ciel er pro ineeias we, pri kim eciite: Pie eek A SINGLE aa ee too goo! for the Hf eat, foe mocking’ i] his fii atfeotions Dibine id cinag. leg new sr Lael ie Tihs PE Lra he east OST i Lice toned obentoas ct test aners of |, bas sak art FATALLY. |" he world’s convention of Chr , if oiled well, will be- until set’ a ie Z and of wins a prize, but an itled in his life; it i & Keer §tuation in the United | this carri a s When the day of his execition ar- pat Oe istian Geis SRE Gait SI cos cold. the wounded not one in t Hh BB sce asa dairy cow it}. nis life; it is only an additional | | it ae * age, only to find, however, | rj ion ar-|Endeavour of 1900, is expected to be : hres ure, and they hay ; tee: Hien ai 4 States is practically unchanged. The po- |that Napol rived a great crowd of Arabs had gath- | held - 3, Sn end A eae sy to keep the survived + be et in 1870 ie to go to tl y have continually is departure is, con: = ii d Oliver Emboux, aged i litical and fi ial ii japol 7 i in London; 16,000 delegates, Have ‘or =. | rape when fi ten, nine got - he Jersey fas ‘a 4 v sequently, a i ry ‘inancial question of course ered near — gallows to witness 7 si andl we for yn Seo | St Yan aly stemming them | al sf Saios emg fot ees [eh ia sey ara ee ar en ae ee i aie nbs ns ana ugh | Sa Sed NE ta he Sat it orn stom |S pata ewe, tm | a aking a: er “ie “4 eS e ol y! i x = ” next yes re is t an. Final victim % coting three feet high all around the cessary. Allow a Tite bree Gaede | edema en results |thie true of che Enguch bresdora, who | Wi! spol sane Baoan ie fap as instantly Bal Tkely 9, be any. as SR es Nhe A AI hapa ea horseback, In |The hangman seized hae ued See 8 jeeegmon frome fe oea ore pelted! bd gadeialssll! 463 15 ‘SB iniadlobaigen t ae as gh the hattletiela is by | 37° Henerally good teede i dey ae ‘ mars, is a real desertion if The rtiment of Marine and Fish= ‘The changes URE ee pe the Em. |silk rope around his neck. Immediatel ite are-now anoUaT thousand Cre- ok po of fruit. least of y ke rs, too good to| —2. desertion + 5 'y |tan refu of a the two evils the sol- | TAk®, dairy cattle. bic with all its duties and eries have granted permission to purely temporary, and, in fact, the var- |Perer had dropped ‘his ‘bat, sword and | (22 rope tant loosed the trap and Mo-| Athens ree ie Piraeus, port o} is Se yf all rah abou 19 one word tis area Ghibe nies ts |store and se mt cng immiet en, hed eng, herr of th Tar Paci vane son iaei whi 3 ‘ suber. is re 5 ce. baPkas tats 4 ap lat Nake Fi Dr. Ridle: oldest practising phy- opeotence Ta Sevier carriage—which, by tiorderer: then all ‘was te body lof the | | Tn 1804 there ae 1,977 aries i a ee -| hee fa moan ett, DO alton ieperton eyes thcumhe hat wae prev S00 Gho2"Yiand Scum im the q ing a holiday in the Province of ple of multum in parvo. tapas Bres f , to a coat of calcimine twit Quebec. GENERAL. Its builder, M. Simon, ha ee fyterians 180, the Methodists 1 e twice i 7 he T , has publicly | He was left di American eer Some, people prefer “painted & is best for this, “Bol oft ind ate |'™em in the t eed alt = ee ea oman gee ae Gs al i Bearedting at, Bemtingo |r ey tiie carting ransertat eon: |i era tour afer ic, be ae Chore = i healthfal, i i tthe | pound of a tad pedicels iRes ae seeely belie in a ae sch i is ten taglines rounded her youth with unspeak: sone Cee ae werlen es repar te. Show. 20 RN ate el ses ear bbe ie economniz- | {po esiminais com mary siege ere) Sree AI wee apse 208 ie: } sag peeled sade is wictiuieds | Baal brentyeoniniie: Storer sein ers : aioe beefers, is beyond dispute. | tenderness—the exhaustless)t eee Mea of sellow fever in Cuba: Cte ote in and 090 | svendigeer had Finished Ean eaariera ee sees soe ones. clean, white calcimined | Grape Catsup.—T: © often. | granted ‘bint battles and argued, that even | breeding. as to tally pedigree, thew their | © Your paternal and Gehial Bee waned Ramana ese sub- | It now appears that, one thousand AT™ |or hi rece eae See the aay 9) ry he ove the Sale oF royalists the Tf ther Gravee em take five: pounds of | Sapte sp raradlieeds oP ole may ene le ill be in danger of deteriorat-| #7 he te ee cernal hearts; pee ee Tee ‘i to erect is ate menians vere , killed during the recent cots silering It was a royal prize—even | Unuallowed trench, and. De shovels | young Earl ot Dudley, whose life is most there & liydront in the kitchen, | gar peste one belt pounds of sm of thm. becanss he eae ing. their present system is, general-| pour forth “upon ‘DL Raa to toe rt ia Pane there.) ME rie Rea seas Ae gat Sia erable Vegeta eel Oe Ee eae eel teflon peomekes pee eine the a necessit % lef a - vs: is * 3 be. . leg 1 of me wate [fcr gan Sot nme ofa area ech Phe, et ty lone a | ecstasy loved et i tae mai rec | Someta eee a a Ege feta at law sat | A, pif ccna tas come, to light i “y s i De ag ‘rom i f st aul ‘a It aie ot Lo have the sink, bored | Spoon bee tmpaedteecitets ce ee eae er eniy | Dave been on that ase tar me FS US EL Ea £9 the extent, of about 10 ver cent. ffo ae ae Babar the were also found, ea seer Potytechnia fete eye spe ees in all the way to the fioor. enne ? eonful of cay-| the lead c supposition thay | 23,l088 as family tnistory and traditi aa epee at 1@ immigration returns of last year. | Phil jormous walnge ‘The carriage eS ees inhstoualy:| fale ook fick: the uraped over cane J) aders on gine oe aan eieeeahia’ bed. and tradition | affection. Bu portionable Sty rae Telands,, lias ppeared, \ fs four horses as sent as ne to. candidate toe the artillery d musty corner: y and wash them. Put into a competent, and both fear lesily: |W Gee eee sae ie ee aes Do one Gay. one illomened peer J McPherson & [and it is believed he hasbeen mur- |to the P: arpresenity| «. S Jos has been. arrested tor stealing uae § eiGcaaL fia Re he- | selain kettle ix or eight por-|on a single collision, a to stake all | of us inivedrby the on ner nobel seeear ie arrives, inv are Co., Hamilton, shoe manufacturers, ee Satire a w the watebies and jeyvell f hi r ain " quarts) with | not! n, A supposition that | i G comed by yourse! % el- hhave decided Ti Aceegea Gl ft if to Jewellery of nis sea tue ity, thowehs a aplenia| ian ated trou th roca tole Sustain cae |i pei bom of it th | ova Boise caret off to, his do- fie Sie a, Sects "ah | qi" "be eg pre eee cat ime | Beionnen the gear of i Weel ho pal cat of the De : : e - ‘ ; ‘ 3 dis H Jdea to have a section of the space un-| fnti Peis Mate pert ee modern school is Caugitt fo t up in the unless, there are ‘several to. choose estic eyrie your gentle dove, fax from i jQuphiec sven ttiacturere Se at he caval es etl Pron: | negotiations he, got {Uligalaheg tts ea Se : pate Pia is be moet eae ered 2 der ‘the basin boarded in and a drawer until the pulp is dissolved, teh Ate ‘Boil | th the Vulnerability of a Lia tes What used is t, Keep that, | breed. ths sate: (meet /Whioh\t yun dave bad q Miss Sathering | Fiyder of Niagara the enemy. pursuing |Govornment first Copeenin cane the His REMARKABLE VITALITY. | the world, Pe poue fe Provided for the stove clothes, black- to prevent. burning.’ Wien’ the ations, and is re is ores tell. It} clung. , and to which hers had bi is was a ted ‘an unkno A Pina i Tiage and then to purchase | rom 9 o'clock until 12 Mobammed | Hardly ‘sevond to it ia’ that of the ‘Em. " a ans. ap ie aot, a ba eae rated. Withy what. thei Ox the morrow you look ax L ie man, and her hat ae "Nvas driven an | lent, plague is | prevalent 1 |lock : P it. Bul-| Ben Ahmed remained in hallow * peer ety a rainage ehould be we ed ti pees Caras fine-press- | “len tion that one duwnri eeeepaleenee kept. r | you, you listen, ok around 5 ok. van nan Bombay, and in many oth ot ought the carriage from George | gro in the shallow | press of Austria, whose black pearls are rapyrnens i well looked afte in colander. (There should. be ock-oui elfects ie Tapes ae, © kept. you wait, you i for inch and a balf into her head . She | the Presi ei {V. for the sum of £2. ge |grave exposed to the burning sun; noted uae it Et built, it shoul left but noth- 4 of purposeless =dpape ts than nap bred? Not one ow. . | Something wnich you will ae andes dicat 2 Presidency, from which a emaned ol 500. It was a|Then be w ‘ ou! pe for their ex- placed on the highest lad thee ait ing left but seeds). Return to the pot | start and uthen both’| Grentyt five can tell. SI gyner in | Rhe age is em you cal nor find. if x medical treatment. |or more deaths have alread: dred | good investment, for in, the month of | f was removed to the hospital irae auty and 4: pissed on the highest land, that all the 1, adding other ingredients. Boil H determined 0 EYRE Datta ‘\ old cow and Mr. eo eth | ie mpty j the tuneful inne % ‘A yan who régisteréd as H. Nanta,| ‘The i 2 y resulted. |March, 1817, it, was stgied ‘Ub lof | tae: conic ae pester er ub ah doa ‘i ge will run the | Until quite thick, stirri il |climax, the di rs. toa lis Mr, So-and-so's bull. How New York, fo aus) ‘he insurgents of the Philippine Is- |show at. the | taken care of was ‘rofts, who | ses, stirring cons! z ‘Soa to ii Qn De ed dead in his bed x Philipp’ showman had cl 3 premises, but not into the well or tis- | very ny scone ne and Seal this te |, CANNOT BE Lona Deaven, en cae “ie wae at bred We don't ee sat er ae AP the Queen's hotel, Toronto, on a oO ate ae ga tobe DUEIN Deae Ae | goat tip carriage, aad ext Bere Ghauletee msferzed to the alleys =a peal tek ee ul Homa mad t ofa grand coy vio} aes 7 £ fe, where he is othe n. Neglect of f this has rater | Iicious with mea le of wild grapes and de- eo pape ctees at, we ietaw ice ES ek poe a down in & eeubors Be: ts pent ah iis | ane ape frstine's se ee onan syees tordeath j fied i te ae and. burned Hed fioateatven by ing ini Bae eee here Tie, whch is Comed (a had. to ional gone an pat Malaria, consumpti imagined. pe dei ee ee. Aa A eee bale ‘ontinental ar. eerke cna se A wakening you by. its kigy mp 2 i after being covered with ;matter of fact Bg ns AS | Bp eae of. sentence. the ‘well-earned ia, i : i E ee des Nias hh apt Seats: Not % ‘rst brick on the new Grand | petrolew i enthusiasm with |The grave-digge distinction. A cad old, and has cad Te ey teres rea fis tarest eae "first round. of | i-and-in iaten. ofl Sees ee as nee Trunk ear shops in London, Qt. chich the fegarded thik legwer Wael 90. attested te [been paintin Siren pick a ween ‘have their origin KING'S DOG. tact ft vounter will also be the | islanders, has pe prac y the| fal , 2 painful silence, a pain- id on Eri » Ont. was | oP. J. poe thas written to Mr. | #3ge) was so is car-|the shock ae his nerves that his ig fe = heir i : ty for them : seni Ru veka ate ch: ‘on Friday by Mr. John Street, of y great that the Govern- Many Fi Sete eel eee eee ae sal ts | aaa "meet te | ae ie rs Henn Sh its git oat seed Bint aks Dal tel Pies crn | ane eect ieee ies ‘ opps ped sae : eo ea ee eee eee a ze i a8 practi E poe ion wali : be ley twenty-five years lam: Amarin. citize f xs kingdoms, |cident, the French correspond mule. When polished and pipyided Barmletd aie mei oe ee, ee eee ce moana s bana Peete on hee ae dhe , f9 con cea “American citizen, that he was not | And d altogether about 800,000 psople paid lent save, beim ern : 1 r out-build- em one of the king’: t i up all sources of casulties | less Night Teeael aoube | cy ‘lie Q > gaged: in any dynamite ple paid | is that dead people honld: aa” acrule, | Sote) look altel es well as ae: Spe be Bd, sifuston chap A peg he oy pis horde Colla for eee tele ceteris io ee ols oe eta ndonmeny: eas ‘pation, but that pee ee tof Mins Sarah Mi Mickie, [end aking Mr tate Ste tata VICISSITUDES OF THE CARRIAGE, |then Ent came tae ogsisnel ro “coffi 5 Jast longer the aroun ae ee Se ett hae ae auimal’s return, stating | (22,"ery lowest the cial Gece: METHODICAL DATRYING. die a0 Beep avd tare P Gitar tore Sir Isaac Brocl en sro Sole c co mae a ioe | eepawatiaen Wy (Ue Hee thie oe "the, ear- omen nee dee Jer tHe can be Sermetcaiyceaiea betas the neck | : ‘A. deep. Closet. or two. buil : hanya) gies boa . acne a Ulack dog, lesa ee ee ee i ee Ges ee pe Bee eerald eee rads i e hands | The demand of the British Govern- bonent peers ares the man ot papilla j te hie ee ging, DUHlE im, the | returned to John st gk Se bo eine ee Fe eee eet ea, | OaUEy. tines, and the hs eager aes open, and oa ea oF noe : Pants or sereseton ngraving | an ot in preemed h Se ee tae and in ‘Ths’ one ine CRIME AND MYSTERY. good fe rl aes ta ae ne laces for china and sil-| back majesty’s iy that os x will t be corners: a bed in which 3 A Brantford Rem tion ae viewed | G oe k there was a huge fortune. Thi fi wick t be edit nes Vga Se Saeegrennty stairs. fnfinenss epidemic wil be ftile change for th one, has slept, @ ich no rviewed |Goyernment. Mr. Eustis, the United Prtaee waa e. This = quick to resent any_lack of the consid- Nails should be 3 the kitchen,| The dog was not forthcomi many, and rather 1 better time to com a = au nite of charming i Manager Hays of Montreal | States Am| bassado or ged a fe ad Oy 2b) ‘ompalied to | emarkabi 4 : eration due him. Some time . vides eves i 4 , 7c irl loved, bi 4 -segarding | the removal fot th ‘Ks. h ‘at a the carriage; and — ct abie Recovery of 2 $10,000 Bar of to peau base and they, with Fro d for all * | second ay ae ened ‘ing, anda | epidemic a Ji tl ne | it Hiverative Kil thd al e, makes ut, which e car wor! on Thursday enough, fall uriously went to see a play in which there was eayss here cu ot sinc shoul be osed to, have heen written ie ee sun ieeppowe, That this | details with great te a pa canbe tiered o yet the desist ize ti toate § 9s Tee ee Hes aves endear ans Sacco ten Altera regatding ee, Biz prolesesson, but failed | A story of crime and mystery which | thing ind navy fee ee Cerone a , will look so - , a8 00 one él any responsibil waste any O01 y Hin a SS Ui’ te do some repair wise to carry it out. At | i iy, yee) i 7 5 cE oe draw-curtains. pretty with white Daye Miaeeich ae tennis fo eee le ‘or extravagance that may have| #4, made the pe diet ines eer pairing in’ Brant- Robert Jeffi ast, Mr. | would furnish materials f things 3 good patriot, was leased. thine ot litte Geel are | Using the monarch’ ube at ete acting in By aw epg Nemeth Sa in unnoticed in wy have | Sich is’ the, depresst a I eR aH REe Mois phe eae spectable | of romance hi lor @ writer |“Iinew nothing about this play before. . those of white dotted Swiss foes ove wea Wie somes aan SO ee ce ee br alee ea ees ght which McGill Uni eae Montreal, has fe: OS coachmaker, in Gray's inn Road, ‘00k | tie f ae been ended in dra-|bind,” he said, “I was advised to see aie tease only roe a Dras c0d ea tetle adeno oe epee Gok jeune aie oS Eat dete heap piso fe Iba thio alls robs his day wate Gee ttre any more. Veslopest Os ROGRESS. roman re rep over oe aera iba fee scien AEE *gied 9 “ft aot It ark a ee h r half | ttle wavertisahent wo ° ing conditions,” | Pies only the se lay she ooeu- an} oom ae ts © vs very |g year ago a gold bar worth $10,000, |” it to me!” few We m3 ENE ROt RRS eRe: says Amel second place in the money in payment ot Sioiecsti ye acquired by the proprietors of Mme- i bp ly framed. a pretty cloteaieif, ania | black dog, between a "Bre again for a Gbc aan Creamery. Not by| {one of her departed idol; pee ee money, in payment of soar ee WHIL be One of te Novelties or the Parts|Tussaud’s. Mr. Tussaud tells me that Pelocetas te se ere Minite hee an big thie ue oe eee of the room. to ‘the De a teonnieh: od #ultetancne Rincon oe UMBRELLAS AND BOOTS FOR DOGS. | sifting Ne ee ae ee that merely until the happiness of ma- gees Va reper ae | es aegieean Be ait cuca lining. of the carriage was | PT on stolen from the safe of M nate got an and bl intolerance arene |, no a . | 4 lave taught he hee of Pro ae. ite si ia ha within a year or two by | Rivaroll, .a by f EE thaers Mie rose ie streak on his breast it only a e other line of dairy-; She weeps, te | er whom gress,” as it is |relic hunt ; wo by a oker at Ensenada, who | cent case Tatrods i the ast and a tail a lit- or; other weeps, to assign to her i The last rs. This necessitated s WOT pee mnction oe abil | gulounge’ one out te lhe for | He ote, 1s ej it-| Mowthe Pet Dog I Fre EU SAD) aie one alae of farming. fower thie tan, this > her ne stil o be last surviving, ob child of tbe hero 4 fa aig ahr ete will aes of he vehicle, pat a nie nothing could Se ee ao rvat Waray ip tho Aural Diet providing tha Pers i ny ‘che wit it ibttess was stolen, for the les. b: =n eed per-|a fe 2 it may be but Salaberry, Se tay Montreal: reas peat public for lerks, named Garratt | rights ; ‘rom citizens’ materials to be fia ‘y cheap wash ‘was not born nor bred Blankets f aps were overlooked under condit few weeks previously, ha eae , a in Montreal: | ing novelties at seraps of the leather, and mths for | and: Pratt, but li : rights and their property confiscated; Mie Rhee TE eae ede ee ee and. would never forsake hi land, 's for dogs are common en- | that mie yes Fight over affections which eee was ‘Dame Charlotte Emelie de provess has > re-linin, , but little legal evidence | also that corporal punishment H d ‘made Whoe “ 3 his master. | ough, bi s prevailed when the al fection Salaberry, widow: bition of 1900 in Par e = to be repeated period- | coul yal ff pun t shall be Se ce | enum eat | sn noe ma |e in ae Sa ceo foDe serie Sel i tm ck | “Oa i Poe ee ob ig dee ene el antenatal ' mane , Where at odd | kt tier 2 ost fool- | animals run thei ness ha fumed te1 t i . Pus- oe i “| offered t: i £ 2 fer minute ct conor” AY | Ne nage py Sh aOR NR si oom et ory | tn eee ng see a ac ey eit Soe, vated OE | ar ore tag (oe oe te a telmarsy Cte ~ With all this, however, bri ;majesty? Must he not . i , of care, and of dna 4 lay, and re- ‘ and came toe Kospect | i BY "br in| a kee] I being appreciated , and of self-abnegation ; to place fifi four ly a bit of leath- |San Fy 4 prospect that the young’ Duke | ip lies Silly ears | same ag hone iatee.* tn wa a, Ate weather i ten al pee oaipregie belies sey rene ae sian ie spvloninr pie ele tea eio mecca ban eda eid | Ait be enere. = Sedent lain jo matter how | nobod: P ainy, and dogs who producing suf! Te} but the; a beloved, to pinable the Toronto Industrial eén ruin year is cai | Sey eS es mance a A [ae ae a see Site eat eee ten |y a Saat to ay ie ee attractive. . FLAGGED THE TRAIN. = much from rheumatism | the feed paying for lored. nse OC har heeete ido ; : Latch z cs aay 4 lowed, as |Canterbury, is to be tl een S , ats ree aein betel Be er heart's idol, Said he was much impressed w' twenty-four stories in al; of these, FANCIES OF A RICH they were convinced ft a ee sept ab enen eae aoe cua 1, was tearing along at| 0 out. To gu ee feet eauatine’s boarders. A tester will Saat ah zt Hoh eee Bint to vio maother bet bang. megs advan a siteas at pies ee wk il See etile to ae Ea a oe See ee ee sa, Garrats oaen fT fear. oF at most oot re Me avery To have to constantly climb stairways = , making up time, | wetting, two devices 2 ae ‘oud. canbe. ope z and give ly at th coe 2 tower is to be built of steel, | He Mas * Glass Bouse Built at appeared again in Ensena Yrovability that he will be joined ay evn tan aaediny ys dangerous be Bk aoa the engineer exw a| put sag eanake have recently been |ful person who will give attention to Robina raze dat wid ‘the hus: Sane Ee aioe: fliest possible | ani ornamented with Daleonies, col racer Sap ane ira 2 fe catered, ese is pacer oon Raye are i Deiline State te eee ae ie aman dows the line where a wagon bad little rubber ae hae ean eae the minute directions. This will in-| SiMe Qbedience and ee toe ae Se BRITAIN. tmns, statues, ete, all formed in metal, | The latest secacgl ec is Meas Sree sepia tae ee Sénios Island, lings will in’ due placed wert all ont cx BOE ee red ith fran ish ‘ving foes (fo and buttons, and War: Seitachor black | dicate the pone pr ducing ¢ capacity of 2 him, she leaves Ranh ae ee irae SE ge tree eee gone | and spe colored Mier oa or cay may indulge is deseribed by Lon- we Governor, and several pele nike Heica ge ie 2 present sent dey will be iy cover as much 6 kes were instanth . lied, a gerne poo harness which | to di: ea enable the dairyman | end peach iow his fortunes to the Mag with colored ‘porcelain. The |don ‘Truth. An Englishman h followed. They landed on the ish nites a private school inthe Te ee tes a eee ie ian eee erated ntly sppliod. and the} goes ground the dogs bedy ich | to. dispose of those falling below the world; if she d Sir Sohn Ryans doe trustees | effect of this will be i 7 , who has | and from the shelter of island, |New a a ‘is less | ing With a rush of hice-| with these things, the iy. Euipped |tain standard. It is i ore Cae] Mion seh will all: perfor, tan eerie of tie Baitien Museum, as been eleet~ gti hart ay iigtones ora lake upon his estate, recently caused | watelied Ga: of, the heavy forest |) rp Sey ieue crema ace bak ree when all the |and a cl a roar of grinding wheels} company ‘his pet. bot doe canac- ide that. tlie. pane important to con-] duty with resignati form the Petia of the Britis! fat whether beautiful or not remains |it to be temporarily drai 4 rratt and his friends ‘pre- ious’ circumstance that the € ‘tue flo! loud of swirling di a ; me amount of — food | all ion. Nature and law Associa- seen; but as porarily drained, and, in| Pare to dig up the missing brick Queen of ‘Susana has ie eek eth ee the sleep aorta is eatin | ag call Sadia’ aaaaen 2 We ite eaeatucs ecg ttre Team Oo Hemg iene ear ee oe ituminaton, 0 Nncudiog ore B sisi ot the deopest part, had a house built, |t 2 S0"Ns tress sing brick: Then; | si¢hfal Commons” in seat ne ae second. floor. lways be on SWint's tie mater?” reached: i fie: rubber animal may use it in : One | will continue her ide whether it omdopeett, Te is be employed, in ae treasure-hunters to sur- | domed a ania thet nay oa Waa 5 : ter?” shout boots, there i beef, joy or her trial; but thee is no doubt th ahs ic Garratt, who saw t! ed by the humblest of he: 5 ini 2, 600d Blan to have 4 vestibule cites ceagrone erg tears fancy boots worn at dog parties of ‘are | which ie worth little, ‘and ‘ield_ only in either case the Fesult co the mother | tee eae which’ tat mighty sia te which ‘he tad ‘suffered s0 mil about account of the old ToS irate mer patelds tie Liteon Sh oui © eect acie ete ae a East trees pager Se etn rel @uting the sam SE er can that mother statues him, fell down as Pp e eign, mer outside the kitchen door. | Here any piNothin’, a5 Knows on,” replied the | cost, two gui set of, these is said to | will, from the Sore geen siya: reproach: her hing ir ha in elias Wai popes Jes tetas ae and may be removed before boats} “What'd you flag the TTS ladies. orbpuwasts. choke her ‘milk’ making machinery." prod iden, and Fie peiret nal gold was |Foreqer rece kitchen. entering the} * he train for?” in this money | two < ir ii 2 ‘ives every moming & id ar te bite meh | “Pee ara” et Pi I pe el ae Bich our here a areca, at gt wall. cteiio’ wil bo tral eat Seen earl tiers aa oda Spe alee aid dean be Pee ee seacieet cr ten | ect Ee Pesta bua be tried erate es be | batore by, the leader of tbe H. Ones possibly a bench on whis ly, and | knows is o everybody | img. ‘Tbe dogs are elal 3 that can released. He will Arthi eee possibly @ benclt on which is sosy. ‘ign ‘of danger, and so” I| ed-on auch otzasione, and it ely “dress: | in these be ill atforde et that fon pane oi pen a Bare ea from, however se ts ea to ARRON er ae iicaoiey ee ae Feet ba oa Sl aren oa red Sone rn: t wave nO. sf Fee par i Teg pe ia by an Bing At poet toa joint ges he officers th: mstrated to) night in the House Epon Pipi eed fa summer at any rate, (Strips of car-| “Well. you waved com | eee are meee re ore about less than pace as the isegrs L Sapte bos A ied ip elds rag denpatened by. 2 Placed in front of dour, stove and id. "Twas , and do not seem to be aware that ‘his amount will make mi pe tig study eed es aca 6 We Bankiighsts Pal) Placed in front of door, stove and sink, | danner handkerchief. pay os Na they are doing an extremely etd milk of batter, fae cS pee were furnished wit with elaborate ace, ‘Windsor, ne or Fak tien up and i take dow, oe ae vows en ne who. was a winter feeding and the pasture tor Goria s Fay boop elles Se arpa toes ‘Queca | erery iey from’ dust | Thar she is pow, going load o” pumkins. BOUGHT LOW. 24 Steer teeter Sis peceonee dat Se shed tos be te ee cae Tf one wishes the kitche ner ronier. See Tpeling, rend the cor. | he. resent : re ical methods and. the a HELD UP BY WASHERWOMEN. pastes 0 et toes Wis Gases mane Jen os cierial sd oy pi Gles Ceesed again waved frantically, | mobleman has been ta French | Gety for adopting the latter was nev- 1300 i SI tba ioanvocrigt reports sent het Toom, much ly- working as a“ to-day = leaders of # i % CHAMBERLAIN’ x — face SE cet iaend ad (Heat Srons verily 5 Sy RES CR ¢ similar in- ‘money should ot be Tee sone din Secretary Chamberlain, is ee fo com, bat rather p oe ae eae r library at ie is @ labourer at a flour mill near |i, tbe, silo. and saw at the ga op DO Mes nites ES Seek i fhe empenae sy sucess of this ‘aemiex 2 the |! They hia oa. osteitag hin teeell OF PARIS PICKPOCKETS. TH tian tp whack ho ling) |The latest and most ingenious. trick i ae ad | Hooke a struggle to objected, “and | of Parisian pickpockets was recently pn women on the outside. gi) ore on. a visiting BG ee cao ee & Space oti be too slight. to incommode i other side doy way those who visit the. Sato ie eens 16 (ois ait oe te ree ra ree arena e e iy cu weer an PA gasps Rees D's occa geod ‘Frenchman. disa] the discovered that his purse, nearly $1,000, had also dis: