ALS 0 ( IGT ; Sa and fi S' REVENGE Siesta os act t —_——- No ui ae emount of CHAPTER AG caer ne your: tel, her fe respectable echo Bee a the whole man. tha’ ener Parana Scene ue pebeahe anger earls ft made ASE OF LOCKIAW CURED bar aes. ee Li “Of ‘of Dundas toot” mn. that im yee ra 4 to go t erry. T: he perniciot ie jols 1 ) jaw al in the ten |" pressed ones and t will, go to Dublin. | a1 hese she jous glass of bacillus, shane i a CO ee eae ant ee posed ones ahe | retorm, yl saat atealds Meee se peas he ealled wine bibbere, TETANUS ANTITOXIN US frequent a beste tion of ledk-| PRACII But now tat T hare ee fe | return,” sho looked at Mr. aye an Mes | raved ee any ee nee Fa Pers renga eee s iene pemey one CAL FARMING, es . I feel sure you, my upon. you. BS Seek he yr an excell in blue ribbons. ar) : 5 ee days af 4 dod Manas. s n made that I ” | know, Dundas, oad bcp pay ool garni ms. It was! am ae ter birth. They Lees ony t more agreeabl immedi 1. make an ow, quit and Bi me; it put » and an : lan Brot + they 0 handle le to mil path. Yi parture toward the right EREIRR 5380“ sealer MS abet wp ere INTERESTING ITEMS BOUT pps Ae et anata ea tea oh een 9 fort tea partertoep Not eyieas stack. w that. qi Peer eayell eae tht | THE z begbeaes Pipi inestimable value ae Ee ia: madi xeet |e dustT aoe had. soe nia mate ct | OWN COUNT! z OUR mayo pe wodiae wiih ete pen | oh wort Sitailty of child: satan any ice hoase last wint tented Sapp tye aes aaa cial HILVERTON SUN will joa my mem ae iene anehinl Sak eae hae sees ‘at fis. i RY. eee 5 ag wtih Great in- 2 bacillus was wing how ‘badl: a winter, ; more milk- ows the-cud ) expose my si ry. Yor tr ide Hates watching her e,” thought Ds sion of Mrs. M Wel: ierrible Suffe »-|ten years va first discon ice iy I should wi (| th iik—other thi wis S 'Ts the b be a refor: y sins. I shall present hand: No, ‘Constantia nie melaes RuAlsey closely. Satisfi now and ulcaby, the con- Gath — At rine ‘New n|to the re ago, its disco wered about ant. than the cow ings bein; 1 est Local a are ntly is mus pa ee wage? ‘and. shook | fai she removed | isfied oa Cha ek waed te habe one who ered from Y: f Arh 1. research: ery being i in a turmoil that is qua: gz equal—{ Cou Sree ‘You! thi ‘med creature—a new light. one ‘could see, er. He ae he int sigh of re! a aos bleful nat s3 take * inet farlous Poll . ur rite stagente Baeser Sh Gan ok enters Pee 3 The B Pe, marebee and | ty af Pert in the hink honest: i : on | “E ef ese: i her. and a ena for the ius at ‘Atlant fg from the h well mai ermann is practi first ueger and Ki Weer bee ABET cannes ey 5 rning nearly al Advertii undertake m ly yon will be able to at be said. It good of her: to the Pacit L ‘t mn. Ina few day: ctically a named was a G2 itassato. ‘The square and 10 je of tempered c iy quieting effect BSS se theta 3 Me he Pesta) a oes 5 rr the good of Sey x Orillia ‘ ending t lays he will be ond a Japan atman, and e |; feet, high, | cow cows; and fect onbad- —- Sonabli oe sche “T think had yy Varler Ree aoe nish erage wants early, ck fy at o his affairs j ats bbe’ applied to ee Eien See ia is a splendid sometimes such a age Base ripti you can. talk as mk ach was | jrettolea is losin, ad not gone just as though he |i iiedtty bes Vettes celle ee 1d zis splendid miller to c stpiedly 4 ription e ei sense now ze mus ‘Lub. organizing if ea 80 close up t e |it_ was believed were really 0 | anythit slabs, timber D whe) valuabl ly in adva P yey aid i fi a Hee i corthly existe 5 to the brink of }ove ed to b xeally what ing that ¢a: rs, make her toler: nm. dehornin ance. i when I was a ban viog at om ol days ing of The cold & ly. peeceehl he finshed ‘slight pofidland’s box f is | eh eictiugo that be foleuda loot ee |eeveral enlinal ethene ait oy bak | this with bog ha: me handy, and gant | increase, her Saher aa He) vil M. MacBETH, bese Sone tally “aa Una feaaty ot nie fe exest Such a soflec'-g a ie Sa are ey af bears girl, and | a, sone oer art ae factory is being re- ye es ste eetue aa takiig = Teas Proot eae eee coming, the completa se pak aoe Sack ’paet ee {about Splen Pas hers Pablisher® through t and the: vonderft lieve thi Cit: ew cess. 3 on a he on me loa ithe rst tage of VERE but Mis tc “ fe itty speech, ce! cesta: can nae ‘moved. et Tittle a he | ne talon se eteea Shaate Sree wih and oa ae ie ad pepe and has a whooping-cough epi- eee The nat a ae uatiek, coat the bose sua aR a curious |e en ies the sides a ae St 0 os vs. Laat vi faa bul rob Sty Advertising Rat of a fami ilicuddy was the aa e aa Peg ee ae diecast’ bin ‘dininali putea! en told | SRy animal suffi 3 to be almost the | was some th leis | lehorning’ ~~ BPA somctad eS: cried younger ng Picke ic club is bei lock jaw ane was afflict rections ciently he | Wee fore ree or four| Brace Ea 16: saying Gate ee ee a femons foe gic fy cpectiie invalaile irs, Muleshy was, MacGie Nontaeats i ing organized in enue and os ae a ita with eee ae oie fone ee ‘The se a out of) Keeping Cabbage One Goinmn, Tyéar [@mons./smons.|1 mon, y thought it, jought just as instead pigetel Css EO ANE baat np scumrte tee! Re ee comet ee baie fea eee tetanus anti mt. A sh or exa fantitoxs ing rere covered by set- fost people bi 4 eat as Sale, ol ue ane frot and who seldom flinch- spent eed Peep hin yd eone : her end. Que- w first in St. Lot edéeh ulin pla old timbers, br: use, and jury cabbage for ‘ a fol epee 50 (ia thar teacaretennnt neh: | Peeoncaring. what cetag ire pw Sel ore _, Bingsion has @ Bachelor's Protectiv i Kee nee ea Of he "diehria cue, and Mn | inside 0 = Datee Eee leas! empaths Heal te very be ao) Gol 3a GReaeu eehee the consequence Uryans anatomee fa) Ges cee Ou Eee Was He . dismis-! | ‘The ©. we e ' state joeal. | thin lege caimalse ha, wilt | 1 to leave a ever, em. They Bont Bona ae - abit s R. | A ment that he i IE ontt eae GE the toa The inches, which we fii pace of 10 or not easily got , how- 2 ool 3.00 Ve ee ae essed thei a x hd ; dap rocrcat ienll Gea cde oy atu onvert her—to show oe is building ears | le on the aut e is of the lock jaw bacil- we filled with is froz ae stiowen Gn Trai orable or otherwi ee - e paused, and om, some are——” ornam r ways, and induce h er The in its Ot- 1 Boe ee, thority of phy- “SWhile it jaw: bacil- ith sawdust, | en or covered Ww e Sates entadverts a re—— by 5 a is t a i + | of it! y re isements aa rule) with a cae ota a at “Tors ‘as 8 little. pet * Constant eae a of blue e itn thal with saare inch a he lah Collegiate Institute hes aM idee Peay eiace as sone oe un ome econ pie weg cetera or ead G5 follower Trim the ene eee © a the aatelo SERS njoying frank an for name sh¢ ntia’s sai - Dun ‘as Miss MacGilli- ,,4 4 | bor -. e physi ; since the ly about f¢ E wwdust on WT : Trim the he iy A 5) be first in: mpareil, 3 ness not t christ John _ he e | times,” int can be ili- ferry % i a R: t i cians antito: ut four p in ne} ads vé ieee n; and 3c. Econ eres en atmiosp! Soe coe a mai suited hin: an Drege oe eae ed Pate saithtay hereslts Lege ony ‘t6 Continued ) es Eerty company is to be organized at When yusltes peace appearance. |™3! ae sin was given 10 | Pac Ie eatie olen (Rabe wae 4 ool alae and and Deck in be icosel seh Won bash aavcoseive tne sad Be. p er line luce our heads, i - two a ive, i pe} ne pile hi f wi sert generally a soocikee aaengs which | d2ys, when bi Used (9 call in aa in Oe orto Tayscit which ites ous Saul Asc aU Ee as ic cape re picked on Christmas da: { chair. nralerer Lees he was gated sa pot he antitoxin is exceedingly ex. Eeeting a speneh Te qa Vetere Wwithe ie Ps i look into it—that Gon aan gto Rey ema er xicated by eas GROWTH OF Wid Acar ee ty of SED tal cee nourish Peele, cont ta Peo stioient. | 220% nd ced using ¢an | be "process 1s. follo out protection. , ed against one's UE ep aap Bie by a vata on conveyed, ¢ CHAPTER UL Oe ae A oaee Bare cay's young son was drown ie renee ee ec ane coals wo small ‘bottles care Se a io run a four-can Sara tna ere panceate Re ta aiid 2, Stsnahie Ose self—a decidedly ob- | doy other cae ee er (a abel mieten Roth Buro; ‘McLeod, F ti e made repl: ‘im, powders, which a tis made up in} pad © was wanted i creamer | at one i M., Gi ieee ly ol on earth. Thri Ye a bit!" said Mrs. nb pean and A of the Zorn i pes a ioe ply to some ques- perly purified wé are dissolved in ] in mnough left in the house, | of0 yy Physic Graduate “What a fe of language. This playii ice S ve wi ef Mulcahy. ommunisies 4 merican Urban was recent ae Pea war team, 4 ese ue no trace whi in Thus the fied water before by ed in pro: | ft making a stack last. into i aa Son Hospital L ie ns & Surgeons Dundas fearful speech !"-said M dwindled by nl cognoten had nat i placed lation, re Increasing In Popu- W kocttas® 6 ‘ th He sper ane a Fe eects 2 acne eing used. iat mere sen Bost Ofte ae student or Lon gayly. “I rs. aturally | * e 1 iyabo: a ede sei: all f sarees oe le did not ae than mn was inject eat which | cake to sett! lowest, which e center | ivercon “ont 1. Oise in s4s7 my ‘hii ‘expect. you'll f (ney me more easy | Said Mi yur language, . Tn 1801 Scoti: mn. Pelee Islay "es has been ftiaity : bit 1835. Probab) Jecte: ne less | Breve Nes taknd the italien’ the | Po ‘belephone con i gray before I’ urn i a ‘one ‘simplel| © s MacG ; A near; land had 1,600,000 enty-six ing, and, Se haba tea Ly. Toker! aod nis it from fi e middle, { % unner, Luck you. I don’t mi ve done with | 2¢ bi i ple | Fo! ie need ‘Ris wag not | sh y all living in th peopl fines hate families are spendi : 2 SESH Ge Pelee Een takes a3 nea: falling over. Pu anty ' eran na { Sa towet Put : talking A Vest cabueat aed eb ees Aa e in Was BE she had 4,000,0 country. In sees Solbaa avenge asa he ! pen er hosp mt fill uy a8 obs i nae pnly of - il y einen nuit 000 people, 2,6: itephen Tri + in |i anythii 1c ible, ine ASMITH, M. a> be Seatnieuny Lewes i Now-t-days | a9 ee now held Bor i mle et oat miners, who in oe ‘and 928,500 gs asa living 1¥ at ene Hier Sacents We ee) eee eS this tats Eure fried both SoA Gradtiate Genii Iter. ig Giver : remark about. ey ment. But “fle could, not kiss | 12 i ae re were in Manch ny eee ere is a Bach Ke pl nai faz Gl and tiling pune labor ond pains of thei take of PI phe : ai ster, Eng- sociation lors’ Protecti' i i ea out.—P. im ae es umatism “Brunner, “i at ‘ep ie ting. We your age; that was ns ut be ae felt es. her | wit 1, only 250,000 ester, Eng: in Kingsville. ive As- iy ings which a m: e Point: of K. Hoa Eien vietecnducy tot ‘Hanna's one at How ‘ then last presen, one a. chi t the ithin a radi people, while now, ase J. A. A ( Tock ja an who has suf f seruas ‘How t pantion ‘Hood’s Sarsapat actie ae goeee mn ‘sand. Posie Cay a yout Was I aie 9, icon ne fers fall us of twenty miles from SES UADE Sees onan pea othe Fl Kekion fae ae ae Hitherto incurable dens a al ieee ue ith _So- Operative gs in by eatealigig th seas in th | Nowion and Milbank. cecagen Thom Curiae, ok aa ag ae years your | 20y man worth: ine oF BaRanthe aad 000,000 people a Mi tion Ww » Some interest yereanen by, ue. end kee ars Shanlelg etapa aoe ‘that I an tee messages free.” 3 i Bae GEE, raat to bi + was gathered. g informa. ie list. at one of the The fi Leek padre tear could ee truth. Y. e, Tet me face the hi sure. yi thy to. petite cen census show. manufactories.. ‘The fotel, Montreal uy the i Zit worst | et ee: 's Sarsaparilla, I began usi D. mth, Your a ee jorrid | Ii ev Smeets 1 as- eae all are 20, vs that in all E Hay is bei : immermann BONE al a: operative cr in runni two or three and after had take entistry ‘Eight I soustantis ja?” 4 a i N his ba oe 800,000. Fi ngland there twa to ein. exported | i ( six Ave is a stone m: \si creamery. is ing a ¢o-| disay bottles the taken. g on ay: ri ss ‘9 contra‘ 000 in people in a eit ‘i Western 0: rom about Ot- rveeks ago he ason. About | WHAT IS siders hone that no on peared and has @_ rheumatis) ‘And I am tw fie’s nae aiee annoy her. 3 treasor rural distri ies an’ 8,200,- The Bradt ntario. Shoes, thr e bought a pai THE BxITISH dict: ws or pay. The e con-| finee.” B. R. Wo! mot teounied tie W, Xt BRUCE enty-five! a the | down tes rela gaelice te per. cent, ‘icts, unl ford fire brigad t ;, through the sol apair of |rne ry ARMY? | nore RAVE ere must be Springfield, Mi LOTT, me . BRUCE, LDS : between Quite seven dees fr ee house the ped Up tase s from ete less paid for thei izade will disband ca le of which ne Progress ” I the i usiness must ‘0 , Mass. Get onl: Bridge St. .S., Dentist. i should be us! A century, rath hour mder Gees ‘morning | uh sage TPE ony alana alae ie eile he ee ir service ¢ NAIL PROTR fede ae ae i interest of the be run in 9 | Graduat ren looking for m: , rather! ] Mi: fice muy, scolding accus- ‘cent increased only and Plo are reported to ve causing a UDED, a Yeai Twent- must be milk patrons, Offi of the Haskell ‘Terento, ee She ¥ first, gray factiie five hott 3 a fig, erate at baa eles What ected eee 34 per 4 ntifal north of Que excellent ene slight injury to hi Pesaran {eeive: ni producers and icers Sheds Denth 'Pod Gridnate = sheet member Lae into ne ‘and ran to a mirror breath. ni pre Rae et ae e, ‘ies aa growth in these Hamilton Ra e paid little to his foot. pres tves mpts have been mi | 0 other remu: must re- try. ool of ‘Pros: 7 as the ter -aw- | steam. all to be decline it an to 210000 1 ed up qui attention, as rious Mini: 25 ade by WBich com porate th: Bian ok Wi. visi apartment wall of the little bij alt a and #0. lost mos Dnook cbt lr ror of the vil- engines, credited to the ni ti dc pia the d up quickly and wi , a8 it heal- | creas isters. in Lo y es from their an pity Hoiel: Milverton. the fi felt” tho’ Gu in which tea jou hi t n| parish. Li en, the scour; Tf 1 Hoch Dh w Yor! 4 difficulty. 1 without an; se the numeri hdonitoe see ne tee n dairi th for the pract iets Monday (Saye Seas had been served. | ions uss ike Satan, she e of the we go ‘aniite foe a re becomi js y. ‘wo weeks li y apparent | home: erical strength of iz is an excep an ries, ice of his profes in very ‘oa: ceiling to floor, 7 seeking w! whom oh went to and| {ind that over into Fra try. pete and Bue omerous in. The ‘first. sy: s later lock jaw seb army. Owing, dicadent the % Slaried officer, A, as he ay = ‘ession. ei her mati al sor, and reflect the hn a a gh, devour [corey of he oe Popaaton ise eee aba mai ed the eran Bre peared ia ernie anne a) meee a neva th fats iar, bis dies requting Sarsaparill Veterinary 3 “ PS - ye = | vember Wy ficial fis ‘tiny sit lent must rthat face, as though it loved th ‘iene anne andes a s er. Beal dikiAmene ee Gan Lng doubled: be iio made an atte x13. When |as igures ii ae ines man be a| Theo a Bt eds ale wan, ioe. howe ink weeny | eles) ALL her lle Every. Mute Se areca at bam ent RHE eee ae Sed a | cee sri) ae eee Seussabtaliy Scie ae eae the amecneltty rina tenet H sie aeiaaie wt bis hee H. ENGLE, V. 8, Milver Z teet tee hrough her crisp i Hl ugha are els er life Jon; : ps russian war, the Renfrew will istmas day. ae immed ati not open his ; othe m from one office 3 |. , the same person, a3 ad best be| HOOd? 7 d @ verton, Ont. bes 1p locks, | Bri i eure, eis ng she hed , tion of ill soon vote Seas ely sent for er for party, ice to an it saves d's Pills 3%. 80i icy tea iste of © ea kilid nant iom gtow gray untill to ‘ en eto Berli mts i ‘water-works an the ‘ques: Dignines Reed It acne ot thant ‘do:tor, | reasons, i y, personal ee respects. For aus Pills Sve. °aiGeaguiste: Se, ts wll digons nt. Vet. Colles ei eisthi nti said, i e- | the: r, they Geonek dist), Oia eapitall a ae The fish and seweras rmann steadily heumatism. ms, it rarel: OF (2 Bs creamer aipeere te ay atl. es ot dow ge, Toronto, stinai ard to kill rou. : an “3 y ght with ‘3 pital, is i 8 5 ever, unti ily grew 7 rarely ha] « ant) great c All calls tic animals sci- ti te crimson. That is t hive seh tale beard , that bare- vated Gianet aes vos Canada’ last year , pee a ie are PE Genet cunts at Ul any j Sclecting @ man: care imust be used is aa one or otherwise, day. endo, ‘ion Ni he t d a hose nn, in Mr: ‘ive ES he age) ry and e, di * oes ae ard and the some: “cdscompany of Chath ‘of France. alarmed, sent jocoming very, ro ee army was| informed. |. ther r. He must be well REP ‘ Le eR aa is unhely color A a ss the ‘Tham var gue swam F, er family ilitary probl 0 master the | “@P# ‘ough — dairy, R-I-P-A:N:°: Tnecialey taal i Well-she tw Teen D so Phe Mi es on Cota ae ( Ste iy nee ee Saag lem. At an e| of pleasing th yman and) | i = Ss A « tanta mien ra} 5 undas starte: ‘ebb’ fiddlesex. Ra ah i D: ease of lock, prbaneed sy gba ee: y rate, their! ttle is e patror jocieties last we were mstantia—‘and so, -whe ted pereeptibl m banquet rc ater ai 5 ir. Dresch ej tive singularly not alwa: ms. A o gay toguther, T en shoul BRO hiss tan il bly.and |G pa Mr. Chief Justice Mere will 4 connected er has been for ‘of results. In. ry. unprodue- | maneeers ays the best: (rs - hie aes was as young near, nee d ioe mee Greek, = tees pee catia. eae en ciak a | ae eeNpareergen ‘Brothers! Sa le ania ee ere cee Conservation must bo eas: ne || The modern stand Ce Milverton, meets Pan 2 i very Op Inan vee to ee ted er | im Hes oodly store: Aiee Talonged | Dr, Xemen's Bhar ‘has res : ff been called "apn (0 at time i he e shes ists ea anaes oN pen-| times. The Bin eva at all Wilard Fami - month, ak o'lock in Be ante aa pak ae tea ie ah ehiy Gee hee ails vt yb ere, Let his ¢ 08 deeds Toon ea vas Tecently burned. Sha Fs ‘Strate | | ated fatally; ee areal ep pete ian acy vas) Mine he leietove® aha ea oN mily Medi- wayevrleoore. Aci sthetstal over Scbrentet E mn hold & ny, him. e the lat € Cases OCC 3 ‘ 59 it Ms - e treasi gular inte cine: ee eee ng brethren al- well. nt your own pretty pothi tantia, ‘eretor n, good an o eae widows Au y BY LBD gre compas urred be- | engage 20, was ‘“‘perinitted” to’ © surer pay all ghd n e: . Cure: eee ee WD. ss, now, it, was. nol Cees Ot that; bat she ore, zt C ° is ‘parish. awa offers the Westinghow Imnow to the medical w ETON || tee ie worse sala Pe to. f0F the directors nit bills. Select} | @ Cures the ee is ea taal cae pears ae yemind me that civil and the aes oy ‘notice a Ay fore sae at coma ree site and wate: se Brake rouble, therefo: orld. He had of wal 10 were to join thi ive years’ ser- attainable, nine of the best comm: - 0. elias £2 woman,”” re { grow an old ge of color sae Phil by @ Hstion of cities and the x to locate re, in diagnos’ of war within the U; army in sone » well distrib men > ion. every-d: I. 2 FE Sih she langhed g ,. the eldest ni ‘ue the Vet in mm ing | in 1867 th nited Ki case territor, ibuted 0 pat | ry-day. eisaakey Star Lodge,” am merrily; “Why % eee m the cle ermal 7 the ‘ingdom : ritory and 1] i ver the Ly ily rLodge,” magnanimous—I harbo ay z Mrs. ida't you say. So, spot ch Trin- | pei he beginning of i,t ture. eS ee established rt the fal nn all se 2 further reserve of 30,00 ete ish ten tamer blinded aA @|| ills of humani vi thelr Bal poh ee ae table thoughts, I pace unchari- & nidas, almos a i. tht et ene oll try ease 2 a perhaps three talis Some Kingston capi- was suffering High crepes aby show 1 | os be available site telah a PS ee es imanity, Yili sethen tat aities a equally | generot ive you. Be hy it ene ek: ni a ular Hitdle « creatar: cent. L our cities; ee aay Mayor Li | ere spasms of mnvulsions. He ome. Bt abroad as 4 ant point is ‘s the next o W. Al aay = as—you— a . ress . s tle { of all the jad | these meas ut the: ‘well outfit. Sel purchasin} im- nape ppel See. absoluti you—and grant : Sie tase rnb dnder Wo This new today 88 per Christm ittle, London, i muscles of A easures Wy rand total of“! lect ie ai creamery in peer eee ce ae Raven oe ae ales SSeS: fee growth of cites, sirial life, this large mrs ate Cea eee ‘| a rea st in and men eee ae Pasig 97.) se, them ints ler wnittee and ° Tage Noe aed ‘mpucing to me WO} ® jGitlicuddy ‘insisted >, but Mi co tan ieis Bice oer immense populi Baie des Chale te Known er peculi- wer, rve | Creameries, m: or three . Have Fa ittnleness Wea , Milverton, meét: ing you. Why shot oes azl el eee bet upon keeping he! y government Aree cold to eatinty, working railway is to hi i risus Sanne Panay , besides being setigree ge ake a list of the Pessful ‘aa. Strong, W.¥ nesday in each 1 s ed Consianti should 1 condem ee wil croup han¢ e NEW presents $20,000. 'y workingmen’s Fe tor i fe ees Phe abdom | eer seis me Meas Aen ate ae Aone 1 machiner: Se ee month gek. ber li CONDITIO! a claims for ‘ ition, in 2 spasmodi: ve al three or competitive wane . . Boeekner, S.; reeset with a slight omy task i aang yg and a Kindly MacGiliea household; Mi in. law NS 1 Otte i spit Santer HB cone Wane ae sy s eared four re order 8.5 der, ight i ay pent iss and in awa capiti ( pine and th muscle , it became now wh: Smee coe ms anaes, chtaadea; shag iee seifcontained vith & ee cores ene Ghee: a popula pais tora gee ee sao? © pene Pease oe Yi ving to {ho tensity of 1 OF te | even roan ari Sat be Cash for everything; unpaid bills a) : Tie eT su belie cr neler why. ae. haughtt itt Be dm ree ers wernment, and ek eee : head arch bending up museles, | KeeP 1 eS earticaeh persis He SWhen the Gloat iss ELLs cares ae ee a ss Cards 5 ica) me 20, ith her, the eee ir dist: the da; “ is Rey. W. and heels i ie va as p the n¢ ecruits the s other's whole ai Anienengegree d_ was | She meventide W' £0 be tres stant, when ities will 3 HOt called. to 9B, Hinson, Montreal, has pe els being the Feed Be the | regular pata A aes edad anh rt > plant is Teady for opera THE MONTHLY W, 0. WEI SRA REI poke ae her Sat dor hes. Solis orornments. If ios 8 oe ton, N. B. aptist church at Mo ete @ opiates ee rie. Drescher saute a ens po ee nee LSE arte maker, LS ea GC a Conve ga coantigs tes se teenest for the tyin Dae ust ; her beautiit rs m the rural 2 Fas a wise | ..perlin’s i ‘o.relieve the May ir. Defensive F years, | en- derst: man. ttl o Convryancer. Di erth and : te ota seat ieee Sisk co asa “Woodside oa, Pe new on Pealied ( te ten Peg ponent al eu tha, See aeons. biel ftmilar pled seperation a Oe e air vos singin ci Mowewees was 90 well s ont i of color Co oat gle mselves and all thei nw one “Wic~ " ROR yikes sae Teva ms au Menginere wand Gotaehiee He at-| cesses, and have s atest and best. p At W Olen na asa suited eo fart * ring Saar, just as Sake ata their. A man it} Ries Raion th Epasin, it | BOSpital, w , and deduct llery, | long wi sufficient pro- TLLB “Main Street ‘ory; her li ik apalicabl e principle is th d Madou: lown. ive men to hold | t° | we might ting ‘men in ‘ith a varied |x tact to get ANK t, Milvertor Evora wien ; her eyes rather’ ips : S| cities of t le the 5 ion acon re cut a hole ‘Mrs, Zi old | to put 40,000 perhaps be 2 ie atror Wil ORLAN. ia taster eee Ss Ba aaeee a6 pean deoply. eet | Sbeye were hi ee @ pies OF nda ys e government of and was mereal, jumped thro’ Fe Ae dec emer ne field for. hi LPM Soe algae og suading th mage be | Will be held the W. D's Li thing ee withal; there 5.20) roe Bib ws lay: a chieves. ut yea Wee Gone ae a tion is fast irowned. oun \ ‘ightened, also sent ow thoroughly |over_Ireland a ee ors i Pare Gn pred aa Caner Ox i eat r-| the s he Wednesday VERY SrA “01 yme- ope hem off. This i it cannot bi Ottawa will , Ameiss, t t for her «b y eland an », after _handi producing 1 best. mei cane To preceding | § or ise RE irst-class he BLES, thal, attracts ae ‘marvelous chars Su wit ir aoe Een neti hat they gave hi pe Ents Dia Sx OAe Se OE Govan cane pale a ore pee eee ation with D to see the patient a brother, the care of the eye here ing peace rane mille est methods te ey y of a Lash eee Ua umes Commercial daving’s das, arti a Ger ast 5 aS ‘@ loose knot i hair wos One | it. itior is new life Aner lite, red as a free Bit. ise iS big hey deter- | 2° oad ay yee) cs unteer j Provided ittle difference it i. eo = Moret CE AGS jane er ea AP Sete back of rixary abe allowed, her ae arene afore ati a Miss Lizzie Cowan, : I ths ‘qihere were no reinforcements | Tetvin ak PoE on one Lonis B eo aS Sar thet hae inary country li cently ‘owan, of Wro: 3 THE NEW statement Hips serving: 6b S are ma given and me uckel, = di i peice you get it fom | ee on! Whe rose and oe changing her best wh: Le ee beenittieg life. made some honi eter, re- for lock CURE that road, | mission me: le. pitas us o ohn Ritt ‘otels Whit 3 ipvolunt ta went. tor religious at the: lities ‘know was bought foniton lace wh ock jaw the ean with | One mn; send js er, ‘onstantia colo ite 2, W orth at ily sb she looked wal an Bae ne thee ‘want, and if 2 bought by Queen Vi ace: which er tte fevive spared by Di army ti retary y of W: house. Bie et fittee resident. ' "Row likel past Te, to ake : ay | want, sy ought to bi they: Hiram Walker, it i Victoria. 5 SUE es ie r. P. Gibier | Seen, that imates, 1605 at-will be One seric all to Ea ON ee proachful ae 1 she said, with'a re- ith pProvided it does ve what they $54,000 caps on it is said, has hurried oon institute, in the logical and. Vae- made eas progress’ eget ee er ‘be Beu GE HOTEL, able to onde amt aE rete ok othe! not interfere &et Soin eae ‘Detroit, th = palgey $8 New 3 York Pasteur Institute | tales iin: cents the - last’ twent mn BP casi SS ee = | prletor. uunner, Ontario, J Wort! ra gown from Whi tomion weta ai the Ue cam ee e to be had i ity. | There w fetar reating a rese1 ; shige scare and as a hey break Jok prictor, Westliquors and john Gropi ‘9 teotos ere in the Unite s w tariff. Poctara initia see a ea pe Ae canes rule from Jest liquors and cigars at p. Pro- ‘No? I'm often roe eA Daihousi ‘ames Willis, of Mo q York’ fs diately ee i, but the nous that th was able to infc Sec- . harmony am ing to ey, nm Gropr aah ea Tees ‘ das, stupid, 2.000 60th ani recently cele! me lor ten packages of sea hed to Now? es norm coed nee sited Barmony Bae ee eee ROIS! ae eens %; pied ty pe ee stein‘ ce ity with 0 th anniversary of ¢ tue he cach: TE yas thoul a week bet. to New serve mon at ity bad 0 Tan goa meats ke eae peat Godan Posts, Lumber, Oy ace ore sies stented ve a woman i n ell me i ae A Hs area ene ip | Bee ete ore the | Delon’ to! the ‘of whom 55, rative creame a nb coms erton. First-cli ‘EL, Pek geltar ie tee this A s with over 12, Bett poy for te fime the patient conti in the mean- infantry. 55,000 Succes: erie eet i ep, Lath: mmerelal tra lass_aceommod that benighted vil: Beis 75,00! tion Sie ae from day_to day. tinued to in reese ots ie ss ’ So A poe welers and jation a shame: ities costume? If tS 1800 th 009 eae sent there eee day. his get worse —- - the am: OF. ee ‘They h: a reat reat Sh ” Tr ndsot i rubagl ly Fl Adana’ tee has evident! 80, it e ania he toa ibe aie 1. in Ai ask 1 ensity at. int ms increasi HERE AN es | Steisoarall eumuerts pega are ingles, Pi and ing dauors purge ener oe aE pee tons to be procure ly a soul above will tes was 5,808.48 ation of tne 1 iy to remit, ed the Metcalfe fe hest muscles tervals, eo that th D THERE A btemecadiwant ers wealth: OreS, FUMpS Ete. Ge Ter CUE est Ran peter Teen 622,250 08.488 5 in 1890 nited oa at gi, he paid @ d youncil i dition th eereals eo ae GEM. Dieced ren ds iro kab BRU H ie ead ea | ing hand to a hi and this ti 259 people. Th s 62,- a child bitt joctor who treat- TPE. hat he could @ Tigid con- Powe care, and er, and to F cows RUNNE! U: 7 prictor. myeber, “on ‘Donna ad recov 2 eats ang iotar a Herre oe ere nition by @ supposed mad i sintherne tn Pa Treate Power, is 99, ehatteteristically calm | in. Sage Ee a eg ae tobi eel Orr EEN'S HOTEL, Mil Tt might er the ne: he 5,097,610, a AS i ient would liv loubting | ihe or and fort if has the ie: == ercial tri ect gucaraninded verton dressed, uae . = era {wind would blow er 8 otal population then Ee tetas nat tie wil Hikers brewery. Hh ee Tuholske, who axreed Hive until ie | command Eee eicaech, | The Latest R aves AEC. e peter e tin eee Sern jolie. Priest: 588, e city 1 i rood s products ; le, and. dec! ed with the di: Tr. and all the s es uli stabi pas he Abaloest gt We e Sarh, feats stank in her oman | 30.304 gs, and peters bop Population waa patted there, io Detroit and |. forthe patie declared that ie ere most formidable ‘weds of 5 Inveelive ‘s) Whey for pigs ie in Pig Feeding. rie na Sy Hobie sand plenty of zie, bar.” Goode te Slain hey whation ete Sh iyae Gra saten, who was killed late- be found in the Possession, wh courteous — "70 Pont an piener dessin, manuia: a aWiitel Se ee °No, real hig etree a aie as 48,284, English chvy station, deeded s site. for. $0 \ At .fpem., the a porate mm. why more tasteless th rn and. skimmilk i han turnips. | Colum inctung ouch go agin, the bes! Roe HOTEL, S Me ot anton Don i pee oper cate? ghlitbe. Wonmation being 29.20 fore her death. wkestone the night oer jee hte —— Rea fie aan tae sp wa dnakes ian: econ tee is ape PEAT “ce onary Walenta Daeg ite markot eau Sion: niin about a huphee he like that. Anes = 3 “A Nate RE ashe bad -wi on ghows that. while th population. Thi: sires ee SSE i os rrival,-fourteen ree days after the! a aE a accomplished, es he d fat, but the erent reea este emcee the poone or th lie Sec tae nro) sean this Hite out Te s ea the earnest a herself as. past month 'y years doubl e rural population Rea T. i oe WO: ies bet tles were inject great future bi Because ley for the ence ® aati = ent, Gold iis vicinity 1 aoa PT nya dag ape it Bevis a ee “A "earnest. eyes “had | pying Ribbon Army, (& member month | increased sixfold. Me toe Chey penTiATaON | ‘abby Cats in London. i eA ore were injects Soe a ph Bes all that a aie Ay bs, and satay ute bar- Eo. Prarr, Jewell colette eee oe 2 ft ie te foans deeat making Leama ‘occu ay To-day one-third of | a lady who so a . ne day aiaigiie ould Bu Noung. Thad abhi we nae ss. the mdality leh tree) ia ae ch 125 ler, bosua Ae tated to. mow 8 hose | old fe 5 oS tet ‘and | 22 ae ie in from abroad sai has recently returned the weary. hoi patient. ali Basa ian Ibs. weight, will es it killed Run, | | been 2 comple ming at Joh true. ise ey ems, ee aR es tes eo ever uecessfal with the | 3 ive in cities. interesting oa ape a ad most \ oat ary hours of the night, and You wall not Be 2k Srey ine, ea a a Hee mow witha (isha, a ae here are, too, Bante tee ome th matt i 5 its which she saw 5 Tue ill not as aesilnee eee ger. ane dress 0, tiresome ax a woman few things velieved lemonade wes ee who | 2 : ee ee 5) ab nas re aa not only accomplish BISCS, flower: ve better results than a ‘Mr, “Tam so glad ek a eon | respectively ten and twelve. aeeoea eR iy ards at show of is. Bit attempt atin cepa cee those art of it Sraks yo eee se 3 to fi t mand t EOC since en al ms ‘of im- ing L of it. On itu the canat is eas eG Rouseas eer ind gon at * ae > tho vicar ever welve, ae down ewer, and the se, ntroaustion Tee fees gministors st te Sg eid overtake ee Time HEvaply ein pork pr se Cae. cot uae aie N N Mid. taste RE Ly : ¢ ribbon it created. ent industrial era 1 PSE Gap ae tps das could per Rs of skimmil power six s & ' Doe cards One, yeas, £0 on. Bublicity bed. with ag; i ae oe Soot said, “was the num Sonition im ea pat ‘of life leads ee Ph pice ae eee “the Old melapic si . nd I half ere 3 ‘as a Im red tabbies, t pan ER Bas coonpistely Ai rigidit; is either. avenues of gra cited ge ing 33 peciali: hav ‘ois tonal day ¢ portant Diff a fine assor' , together with day rapletely “dieak pate of the oD mania yi oe toneahe grain air to 75 ists. as's eye ngs enn tee you t iy, day. eemeut | ie qT Moth ference. "colored tment of pure blacks, Resto Pee SB appeared, rag Or ee, any < ver ee eaten Ibs. ears sould 268.3 Sere ea a jo siah’clergyman, wi yan | loves —Are you sure Mr. Fees aad cats ith ks, S100) nted no signs wh id oe eae i Any, pean this $00 one pou cab fa sail orcwhey AaB saa ad et Sil Se ha eit a ong has onl Sa oe een ‘ : nee tbe clare | | Das ak a sae Nicetetiow. Hine,” “the Stee of 2 2 “tiat eo asus, medical jarnaterer of his attack ye yg Mo De est Drogpests and ok 1a heat ound increase; ab ok he Geatent of the Tivat and Lan ¢ is to live,” an: co to one’s self, if om hy an Scotiod at the raise ESE ee pat ial es mglish cai ue from thud thet the ante The value of ae into eighing over 200 Ib vans, Catonic and Specis! aid meethiie eeere Donne who 1S in ithe poring uddys a fail ther (wi an ma black wee “ta ee been Ree el like most nal e anti. things; a dollar G dciac is tobe six G ‘at bs. Lost m sah oeee Pot housewifely i, tha at on quite a tt 5 can, until hee Hue “yea Ne Veo; any youl one onion Jane ae to tie wate men es of the kind era oF the wel es on increas in Seb ihe 8 ‘animals ate: but a ot Manhood i red— Kidney and Bla. y on 's were | Well en etre: lov BAG ood of t¥e: world. all th than i nat alley seseraraeneed Gitserr ip eieer pen y ing the youngest cl reduc- ough to live with y loving you aks Th ILLUS POIs rsity is worth mos Acdallar inva tne peat waves summer, i Seapets : sensitive spine i est a you is quite proof, a “the apprecia now i The sinall wound i ‘ON. il ea than e iolaeae for one Bo fa mut. it Sree and all tpg Nec pees rp Se beacsee ie i io hee oe ee dishonest people will at hat : OC Eee eule ot ie Soe ee ca ime, wi if community, fe. schooled, laws! tne fears uae gran Young Hen 6. from mes oe : pro- Frible Di i , was sim] she are dice, e sink of Pet SHAS, DU: ‘eed i effect: one hol: . caste : sion te tho peciting obsine : rae eet tolay tio, arsenic pees Vee Rae required difference Bobi, Los Seith Wesknears 5 tons, Earn arate the Bacillus is found gaits, et eaten te be. ae emt aie beard ny peed. as poe ee ae les, in old. sto ali a ug cost of rence between Sey: Kidney Troubles, or i red. b forgotten. ined by “OWS: brat inv baceowe or ihe Genital Uri OF Lord Vark i Daught sat Sore Panroerraks Sante ¢ smoot! sintye alienated io arrows Or eich inary Or- i Boo being roun: , _aliena: e - , poo abl speedy’ cure ley, did not come crusade. It sul = 2 the taste wile cn eae ee De Music ter aay @ of the i | Rog eeres, a the peed tte ile J Fate hia eae widle. xe uremia eehecilly to the : paced when I told Wats at oR ee eae a ; that horses Ta ete ae Sea tation won | by fe NenbeanieLe wetkening 0 i le-Aged Mon wise ca, 5 mud didn’t ask me agai ype meee eee ret eis ba that the pl rere Meas anished hours, recalled pabtnitencs Jn a number of cases oe gece ceee tame aiecalty | eco, again, foam, oe icen taboy é planes tn wate by wind eat ae pe fe receen als Siotnen auder our fort care in all euch eases, and tr ay ation, and : | on Kengpno ‘abby y find shele Soe ee of observation t! one gre Denpere pinging tiger be estaceill gre ee ms which its Pe ewcsele arabes de et , OF gre ios here te ak by express, with fa Teanga aaa Peres pea : . time }—M ‘the fearful been vei os es Pi fail ice hours: naicnecton ee eee inary organs. : Pie, Sigourney. See DR Tron varie Gap ae ars of their cas % ney. hornin, fy increased “SPINNE Ptedon oa aie va have es crates by de- reahgy Cie ee time the cows! § fp ean seed Elizabeth St) a touch of ster about abou aly: e (sith you?” She cha id not 9 ee ion, gave her i wner values at $5,000.