“It Shines For All.” MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH 60., THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1896. MALCOLM MacBETH, Editor and Publisher telephone or ee, promptly ati tock of fresh drugs ‘kept on hand, COURT OF REVISION 2: For the Tp. of Mornington. Notice is hereby Mie that the first sit- ‘ting of the'Court of Revision for the Town hip of Mornington, for the year 1800, wall Monday, the ist day of June v $08, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at Don- "3 Hall, New Seefes Nctiay yuma anid ouch sel ovata tioeise Gen weeny . WATSON, Clerk. Burns, May 10, 1896. MILUBASK. (Too late for last week.) Scx,—The Spring is advancing Weather very favorable to farm rapidly. ‘There, while they pisk the juicy grass theif gaunt forms tell the story of privation. The ‘And he Spring lamob. & ickly as it should ont of the The epidemic of imoasles whith \wan'wi a ce some time ago, has since invaded and made’ its presence very pistRicr NEWS Some Tuferesting tems Culled from the Neighboring Press ténd trom Other Tavistock is to have a ‘Queen’s Birthday eclebration. Mr. Arch. Gillies, the Liberal candi- late in East Brace, has retired from the field: A new convention will bales be held to consider the situa- sor Broderick, of Mitchell, a ee kis work. The total property in the town is $094,103; pervonal $64,750; population is given 20, being a slight gain over last year. Editor 0° ae ne, of the Beacon, eeedoae income, learned'to ride it yet. + This isn’t fault of the wheel however, the “bike” is psa but Mr. O'Beirne is bashful and co: A: ae of “falcirs” succeeded in capuaring: ‘a few Tavistock dollars by corner performance and medi- eat Gaze! , of Listowel, has nie in returned this rofi, which shows a totil at 2,615, which is about 70 less fig sures given last year. There is eine: complaint over the raise he assessment, and the court of | tevision is likely to have gute fas oe aie yesterday from some 1g et fs a sail inl angst tha is the burden of the les: animal with another us go illbank, Mav 4, 1 Haden aio Aaa Yhe Character of the Boer. re are many elements of strength , but hie is a civil- lish-speaking population, large mumbeca ‘the Boers, no doubt, will leave the count them their families, their ser ht occupy, in order that room may be. tne themselves, although hb Bab'te dose po River into. Mashonaland. the borders of his own territory, He has e and beh. 6 to Gazaland, to Mi Gamalnnd, to Zauzi- | Fe mF, to the possessions of Portugal which Ale to the Bast of the Transvaal, in. fret be is essentially # particolar endeavors to escay e bonds and restraints of modern ivilization, f which, with his rifle, Ae gine Bon! David Mills in May rsonatls. Mr. Frank Turnbull, of Clinton, spent Sunday at home. Mr. A. McLaren spent a few hours in hie on Bercy aftetfnoon. rs. J.G. Grosch spent Saar sh Me Geo. Hoffman of Sebringvi ‘Mr. Jolin cits Pep r, who has been at- ‘tending the Strata Dadian College, to’ Milverton. Miss McBride, of ae left jonre on pepiey last after a pistes ’s 0. Dobson and friends Messrs. Jno. B. Morphy, Bricker ee epee ‘drove through Milverton on Monday even- ing to Seat an organization freenns in the interests ‘of Mr. ar | applying to nt arti Eby we Saale aiea ‘8 in | hi su 8, | Mivchell Advocate. ber of appeals to denl w W. J. Moorehead, a. Meallister, car in the Stratford yards a week ago n the police court. the In addition ° -|to this they were required to pay all costs atid Rpt the whole amount- ing to about The statute ir offence pre- ribes a maximum Mabe of $20 and imprisonment for a term not longer wn one month or bot! 10 ‘ae boarding | the proprietor of this journal, was held ae bat the second left him unconse: ions. was badly cut on the hea t land below the right eye, 2 had one |? Sof his teeth ee is | up for some time. He will be ai e young man city traveller for a fending holemts house, and was supposed to have t: ried considerable money. We haye not heard, however, whethers the robbers jeceeded in Being, ‘any booty.— a oseph R. Dunlop, editor arr? pub- lisher af the Chicago ried, Raraoninncht a winter for paling questionable. advertise- the court was revel has again assumed the canteel of his | paper an Dispatch with the inteution of reform-|1 cago, but simply were licensed hy the municipal govern- ment of ote and which: the city was shamed to draw revenue. He had in giving the news and stating facts tramped on the toes of wealthy libertines who sought. his ees hence the charges laid against intends now on to publish a pases that would have a greater moral force and he cared not on whose toes he iat trample. He forgives all who song to destroy hin ; he would not to vent his spleen on them, bat e and strictly to his own business and publish the Dispatch with fearless regularity. = esry—In Htme, on ‘on May 3, the wife of Robt. Henry, of a Furrsonx—In Wellesley, on April 29, the wife of W.S Freeborn, of a daughter. MARRIED. Gux—Sreve—At the Manse, Milverton, by the Rev. John Kay, on Wednesday, May 1G, Zache all us 2 Mary Steve, both of E Sledge < beet r-|tions respecting eee ne Pe dy and the Indsment of | it of before Ji Local Wotes. Derkent America. When? May enry Schwint and the stall boy are very much in evidence these days. The weather during the last week or two would make standara weather for July. Mr. 8. Watson has moved into town and is now a full fledged citizen of Milverton. factories panes neatly and cheaply at | the Sux Mr. Seana returning officer for North Perth, wasin town on Thurs- = last posting che proclamations. ere are al n Your currant ret ! Why, o Tor- rance’s and get’ a Sale of hellebore. Tf yon want-all the local news sub- scribe for the Milverton Sux. You can obtain it te the-end of the year for The cheese factory opened on Mon- day morning. was up to that of last year and tl prospects promising. Mr, Adam Schaefer is now prepared "| 9 do all kinds of painting, inside and Voutside. He will also do paper hang: |f ing in the neatest manner. Hovsehold adetocetn gives a snowy ghee to pl Ladies will ita ee. Soni in house For the laundry, glassware and the toilet generally itis indispens- able. ‘For sale by Jas. Torrance. The sanitary see tee will soon be on his tounds, maybe this week, and ma urge tha oe yard be put in roper Pies ei hiss ihn hae oot tress ‘burnt their rubbish had better end to things at once the in- ris as fae that cannot be ‘monkeyed’ w’ ‘erTH RURAL Deasier "The next meeting of this (English church Dean- ery was announces take place in Millbank on May 19th, but has been postponed is the dute selected by the neighboring Deanery of Water- he new date will be announced in the papers as soon as it is decided. The school board met Mr. Pugh on Sacueday Jast and purchased from him the i ‘Fhe site selected isa | plot. ee ae acres of ground, sixteen rods from the Presbyterian cemetery. They also purchased w frontage strip of land running from the cemetery to éxnt mil All kinds of forms used in cheese- The supply of milk he |i HAR ft changes have fa ade in the regula- school en- trance end xaminations. The percentages are Bey same as here- tofore, but the entrance ™. reccmmend a candidate who does not make one-third in each subject in the didates who make one-fourth of the marks on each subject of the leaving there being no appeal to ment from that board, but the public # school inspector may make inquiries nto any complaint made to him regard- ing either the laxity or severity of any buard in his inspectorate. ‘The report f the ie ae be published on or Ports fo istricts.—The following are the polling insole WE the!icooen: ship of Mornington and the village of | %) Milverton, Momningvot-— Boling dis. trict No 29—Comprisi inclusive, in_eoncessions clsive; polling place, Thos Attri house, Jot 5, con 2. 0 prising lots 10 = ie inclonve in con- cessions 1 to 25 poli place, ects hall, Poole. —Comprising ots 1 to 11, mocimives in concessions 6 bo 9, inclusive ; polling places Douley’s hall, Newton. No. 3 Comprist ne lots 1 to 0, inclusive, ey 0 to 14, inclusive ; polling Ince, Onis! hall, Carthage No. 33 Comprising lots 10 to 18, fnelusive, in concessions 10 to 18, inclusive ; ¢ place, school house, §, 8. No. —Comprising lots 12 G 18, inelu- sive, in concessions 6 to 9, inclusive ; place, Hawthorn’s Hall, Mill the village of RA 2 bad stallion "Terra Hi -| the road and breeders would do well ,| and proceeds Rox. -} noon Jast as Jake and Charlie Gern- 5| helder, of Elma, were going home from é ee one of the: vase ran away. | f 2 | set of iron harrows Read Schaefer's big ad. this week. Mr. 8. Grosch has _ received another Redbird bike. M Bros. of Millbank, are auctioning off goods cheap those days. he Newton and mulvecsae foot s will play a game in Milverton this (Thursday) Srna Jim Mitchel!, J.D. Moore’segg man, the other week started outon Monday eves and during the weel 9:347 dozen eggs, after travelling 120 iles. Do you want to buy wedding pres- ents cheap? You will consult your own “interests by buying them at Schaefer Brvs., at cost. The election campaign Ba now pretty well under way. e tina week orso to have the Sotesumnay flooded with orators of all com- plexions i the beak for trespassing. —On Friday best hor ose, penile only 54. voting, whom ed in favor ay te bylaw, | while only? 7 voted against The Milverton argh of the Stratford Kolonist if not misinformed, uF pe nv close obser Last Har satisfied with the Saneraars party. Now this is a oe en der on th Chief as there are circumst eet under which the Chiet would not be utistie’ with his party. by aah —On Siac last, inches in length, ‘The cut necessitat four stitches in closing Le The little fellow proved himself to be good stuff, not even crying out while aie peri was piercing his fles The Mornington Board of Health |, can find employment by ordering the removal of a hetrogéneous mass putritied carcasses of horses, cows &e, from the bush of Mr, Kipfer,below the G Why this bush so near the ublie highway should’ be the dumping pes! from year to year we tand. There is no smell Ib is in the interests of a cab obealth to do so. Havre —That Sree st a 8 getting | met now on to see him. is as follows: own stable, Rob Roy hotel, Millveak to Crosshill r rioon; thence to Sparr’s hotel, Lanwood! for| Milverton for noon wee for night. Gents call and see our stock of shirts, suits, collars, ties and socks at Rae h’s, John Schaefer bas returned from Poa: spore she had visiting for some tim: Rev. Father a priest of Hesson parish, is making arrangements for a monster pientc, also horse show, olym- concert and contests, ete, on Tuesday, June 2. A number of gentlemen are expected to deliver addresses. A who are selling them | SU RO vel be e go-round, tug-of-war, bicycle competi- tions, and in a srening fireworks and a balloon ascen: Carrie ee —On Monday years old. 2 ber, and it would cost about $125 per car to transport them. rage price oe for the lot, we oe s head. Now, how in the spring of the year! The pasture is just in shape aud prospects are good. If frost, tees oft—and we must many cattle could be bought for that es after the farmer took the trouble ter them over. | It will make oe: moni then are 5 no money in cattle. pe ie ae see Stratford Presbytery The members of the Stratford revit ry pro. congregation was present ai choir gome selectior Cameron, of North Mornington, convener of Mt ife and ee partes fillowert Bee contributed to oi ‘most of the ministers rae morning at half pee nine 0’ Ltote eee oe od> an acer ite fenderson ee oS resigna care uf Atwood and ‘as appointed to pre: ation an the last Sanday 4 “The sessional records of the First. church te to escpatle xea a whscos from pastora the presbytery giving one meron Wil ‘have charge s. Haddow of ‘were appointed commi eral Assembly and the nee y adjourned. 98 Ibs. light sugar, and 18 tbs. best granulated sugar for $1 ae & when he returns to Millbank where he | Grosch's. will stand in his’ own stable until Monday morning. jAWAY.— On after- Groseh’s as. ahead, They were gomy down C. 8, Ril oben, Chatlie, who 1 | cracked his whip which frightened the hind team. wagon upsettin fell down between the wagow passed over. hin one of his arms and the head. The team ran awa) Dy No. scatenriny window sashes which he had mi Biveron' 5 * paliiag ete Hasenpflug’s maintain ret The des) ae tx Aue Roman Gatholie clergy of Quebee will issue their mandement in favor of the Governilient candidates on aa next. t Wells is see va as from Strat: t, to-day (Thurs: aa ish the task aud it is for that purpose be will rite, Mr. Clarke Wallace will speak at Wiarton on Thursday and at Tara on iF Friday, in behalf of Mr, McNeill, at. a aoa tem Shanhat Says that the Robes tirongh tory of Ch lespatch says tht rships and four U ited Stas ps ate lying at Chee For, Gall a and see our 5 Th. b soa, »| for 25e., Saas chan halve mie Rae & Groseh,