N had a great firstrate politician.” Here he ‘paus for breath and aduiration, x “Well, aR asi ee The late of Persia nue Bay ola ne and could not quite i there were nen in Europe who > did ice view matters as he did. he managed to shock M. Dufaure, a rigid moralist, by suggesting that the pee pre- mier should take him out “show Data excused , Hilare was ie aly conducted the the toane and the National Library. ‘At an hotel dinner one day a fierce int To allay the. heat an Ameri- “T've Pacific from family. The king said, “This yer meat’s very tough, my dear.’ ‘Well,’ said his wife, ‘there are so many so! sbyterians in tl eat market tribution plate Carnexie dropped a sive dollar wa e. ‘ter the contents of the These counted, arose and announced: sisteren, the ance es evening seems to figure up six dollars and forty-four cents; and if the five dollar bill contributed by the zene —Absolute Cures for Ki Diseases— Fa L@ a g g Ea La 5 2 Ke 3 4 4 a i thee se hey strike at the seat of disease in vale e e South American Kidney Cure. It is not a medicine that trifles with the patient, pills econ Kid of the filterlike reli one bottle of the ae Pee convince any one of its great work.” Many peat heey t to theumatisnt. Outside applications may tem- porarily Be purified ifs permanent cure is to fected. This is what South ‘American Rher Mrs. Phillips. sr., Hamilton, was completely ¢ cxippled | with Sposa She Piel tle of South American Rhe: “Tt is without, doubt as canker: ee atic Cure stomach that follow this weakness. Save “IJ relieve the pain, but the blood must says: | Suitable for Weddin, Your a) By buying your Harness, Collars, Sweats, Dusters, Fly Nets, Whips, From Pe undersigned. Also a large stoel Plaster Hair on hand. CUSTOMERS. BURTON. the leading Tailor, | rai . Main Street, Milverton. |t24 should see our lines of Im- member, we keep nothing eapest. get perfect fitting Pants $3.50 up. rder from us ; we understand Tailoring. ‘ote the above address. Opposite Kertcher’s Barber Shop. : bateseatane | acacia Money eres Trunks and Valises Fs node inducements to CASH 9 W. M. a Provine would son Ww savvevnnnetdettrvvnnevene inven te ported Suitings from $12 up how but the Best, and sell the hi ; of lo an select patterns, $2.50, $3,|f tn re BREAD =) HEALTH What is more important than that the Brea -e, Fresh and ‘Haslthful? Oar Bread is beyond question in these things. "| CAKES =. Fresh every day, at he G. Guenther’s, Eozeve™| i =| Watches, Clocks AND JEWELRY. George Pfaff, Jeweler, Has constantly on hand a full-line of Wal- Full’ stock. cf Giltecwaro alwaya 6 1g Presents. Semen always done. GEORGE PFAFF, Main St., Milverten Good Roads, ‘he following is the first “rns ballet of the new instructor in roadmaki untry ee in Ontario are Saoele siniey es into t ravel and dirt. Teason, rr good gravel ron is soca build < goed dive wi ho tant peli a collection of parallel sie ith rook irmly set, protruding or rollin; 1¢ feet of tel ose under moisture remaining in the rains to assist the dis- better known, our system of roads throughout this n be vastly improved. Iway may lead to an entirely new tion of circumstances. ordinarily with a rise of not | than one or han one and one-half inch the foot, providing open ditches Rast adeckits grade, Crown the road- ‘way on hills slightly ‘mores/26 ae draw the water sharply to the ditches. Slowed to fallow the Gas! 66, tea whale ill wear them to ruts, and deposit a so ened mass of mud at the foot of the hill. rain ranning pat he 1 dit A burned tile, nid carefully to of no Jess than three Sat AG on Be ablacelay subject to the smooth surface of the road. Make cul- verts permanent. Avoid the use of peri ble material, See that proper ontlets are tmade for them and kept free, “Water which allowéd. to stand in them in frosty eet etre the beat material ad should be kept vher ae other material is to be applied it is best i otherwis in subsequent years; this in a secure a perfect system of mm road machinery, properly. oper: ¢ grader and roller futetperionaa she ated, are indispensa ° prevents displacement. whic reduces to a mot Dees to trad A. ELL, Provincial High: way aC oedininaianer: THE ADVANCE OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Successful Experiments In Heart Disease and aturrhal Tro there seems the "4 jilities of science in its treatment of heart dis ease. In what is known as Dr. Agnew’s Cure tor = Bay Camiage, =e ong | Baby Carnuges and Express Wagons |} w in Great Variety. A PERFECT TEA ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP 1T. If your'grocer vices not keep it, tell him to write to ~ STEEL, HAYTER & CO. " Baby Carriages, from $6.50 up. Exeress Wagons, $1 and upwards. branches. ee fp Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sashes, | re Doors and Blinds always on hand. Builders and Contractors. on ate Mill and Furniture Warerooms, on Main street, Milverton. Weiderhold & Honderich u At those prices everybody can afford | th to get one. Furniture in all its}; Heart is found a remedy that tically given back: life yond hope:of recove One of the joving she ever did. The seedy sete tike magic on a di With everyon aii trouble, an ir isa 28 Soe Sweatman, D.D.,D.C.L.; fron ty = the ie faculty of McMaster ae ‘the ro} on ‘sleihoaie ee D., of Hamilton, rian, and other public me a lemen hate all, over their Sees told of the thoroughly effective character of new’s Catarrhal Powder in dealing with jis very it esses e ir. Wm. Saunders of Watford, end- Mi ed his life at Port Haron with a dose of Jaudanun. + “| Lace Curtains. SHIRTS, which were usually sold at 75c. and $1; can have them now for 35e. each, or 3 for $1. a greatest bargain Milverton ever saw. in Ready-Made Clothing we shine. Our stock of DRESS GOODS is complete, we would advise you to call early and get the latest and Embroideries, Laces, Corsets, Hosiery in Black and Black and colored. all know our price is always the lowest. you the largest stock in town. and we will Save You Money. The Bargain Store. We are offering to the public a special line of MEN’S you The Also, in Men’s Cotton Hose, fast black, at 15¢. pair ; ;| another snap. We have a lot of such bargains m men’s and boys’ wear, “|such as Ties, Collars, Shirts, Night Shirts, Sox, Tweeds ; and and, | ladies, if you want a Handsome Dress—or anything else— best. The same in Spot Muslins, White and Black Silk Gloves, Tan, face! Shirt Waists, Prints, Parasols, Blinds ; and in Chenille Goods, In all these, and what is not mentioned, we al can give you bargains that cannot be excelled. We have a few Ladies’ Capes left over as yet, and you face! can buy them at your own price. In Groceries we need not give many quotations, as you We have a special «| 5-Ib Bar Soap, which we sell for 5c. lb, making 25c. for the is | bar. Cheaper than home-made Soap. Everything else ac- il cordingly. We forgot about our Carpets, and we know we can show So, if you need Carpets, we '}can give you a special cut on any you want. <i|Bring in your Produce and Cash to the Bargain Store “RAE AND GROSCH. With Solid Backs. paint and varnish on every Buggy. | Canada. —-— PD. SMITH, Agent for Canada Carriage BROCKVILLE Buccies. Call and See the Styles for 1896, Finished as good as pianos ; 16 coats of The most proportionate Buggy pale in Co. the Love, Marry, —= Wedding Stationery oer 3s. Yeccc SON ..+.. OFFICE, op+2- AND You'll Get It Bice