Che “It Shines For All.” Vol V—No. 29 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH 60., THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1896. MALCOLM MacKETH, Editor and Publisher G, T. BR, Thme Table, Shams 2 coe to leave eins Fxpress,. 2 ead. F468 wm Miyed.<. 5 BARR, VETERINARY Newton, Oriario eVixertnary Colley ege, nent Ont ig ts all, diseases of domesticated an Saye since ass otherwise comes ae to. A good stock of fresh drugs epto ae Thurs 2,000 has been subscribed for a new orphanage at Beriin. Payrock got third money in the 2:20 pace at Orangeville on Tuesday. Mrs. Rell, of Listowel, passed away day ess at the age of 100 rs and 6 months. ing, carriage maker, aa a of blood poisoning ei his home last week. Harvest apple w were offered for sale n the market sabe Savurday, They reali IMPOUNDED. head of Gattle—One w ite ‘Hind begs, White on ‘ey fee pot rey Hei et 16, Con. 3, cetagion! 6. Poole, July 6, 1 DISTRICT NEWS Some Interesting Hems Culled from the Heletherteg Pron spa Tinie Mr. Baer woth te 3rd Rar one Zorra, ag wel polls and vue Tiberal on re ome June. is about the oldest voter in goa joseph Gibson, of North Easthope, received a kick from Cleland’s _black- smith stots Stratford, we will leave nt sear in his ‘Tramps sta been wutesting Romeo Ward, Stratford, much to the annoy- ance of the citizens there. On Friday last Chief McCarthy, after arrested three of them and put them in a cooler. ied Deladsiae eo Ek Eatipnina! of ‘peewee township, Lambton, died the other day, and not knowing the cause of death, Mr. Lampman had the |® animal opened. A tumor 200 pounds was found in her. There are several cases of malignant diphtheria in the Gore of Downie, be- tween yen and Fairview. About a year ago there was an extensive out- break of this loathsome disease in the same section and the people there are weighing in dread lest it should again . become epidemic. ‘The funeral of Mrei Kennedy, widow |253 a struggle, | 5 Stratford has a cas janitor that has been trying to fe nee institution, but he was “eal recently by the sehen board. A was seen near Douglass’ farm, Bee on Friday last. A ni ber of nimnrorts avo ities ‘bruin, but fail e hin onto, who is covered a shortage of $3, to date, F. W. Byatt died at the a, ~ {hospital on Saturday night at "¢_ He did not regain consciousness tee eV relapse at four o'clock in the morning. Jacob Kiehna, one of the pioneers of Ellice township, died on sieaecny night last. He was born in German and was 75 years of age ; but has been a resideng of Ellice since 1846. The City Council of Stratford has appointed a committee to investigate the charges made against Ald. Serim- ayy ialte Te was nced voters working on the sewers ue vote for Mr, MacLaren. There are now thirty-two patients in the City Ss hia ee) hlihel n for this week, Warden Te andl, Os Monte are the visiting trustees corrempendent ftom |sthe’ ii ling. of Wallace writes t na ae Laine Biot coo teat oo ein Wait ptning and e1 i collet Sout wngon, ZS ed noon, di ring ‘of the late Hugh Kennedy of Kinkora, |a sai lace in Ellice Friday years. She 5s, 9). OBrien of Suratfor e farmers of Waterloo Gout 0) 0 of pedagogy show deeds following Perth county tudents have For North Baschope, sli in mathe- ‘i i ed rd, § s classies; W. Ten, Mothers, peed ist in matheinatics. ly number of the Arena con personality uf the great proph tnodern Pheoeopls, Helen P. teachings from the stand- er _rajer will be i in ont reat rest coaahe takilier tight ones: Gatacet ge and work of one of the most startling and perplexing pars the stage the nineteenth cent Tn the Circuit ick at Montreal on a. payer of the school municipality of St. Gregoire de Thaui rcauges ith to pay the tl 8; | goun so fousigeat SHG OR Ty Biever | son, Dea of Listowel, had a narrow escape from death on Monday, Sane 29. The little one, who is akout tw: and a half'years of age, déank @ saucer of what she supposed wa ee was Privo ‘onous og on discovering what the child had done, some of the neighbors were call- ed in and medical assistance wus quick-| ,9, censed heating and she gone. However, ofa seal water, the wi mire pee ae Iitele one gra- dually ra Bates ere has been ate J ntifis as pet ade Bio sioe oe ae nship of Logan, Board of Health of that township, and _ the pots ical poration of the To well as the indiviaual members of | 1 to recover’ sum expended rs plaintiff township in respect of a small- pox patient who, as plaintiffs alleged, was sent by defendants, while suffer- ing from that disease, into the town- ship, and was there isolated and cared for at-considerable expense. ‘The ap- llants contended that patient was’ mn | not “sent” there by them, but went to that he was nota Catholic¢ a that, ve school funds were being maintenance Catholic school only;-but. the court de cided that until the Sen pro- | 4 a by the statute, they would have to contr bute to the general fend. Iso contended’ that see, 74. 0£ public health act is pean itelaby and not imperative. his own accord. ismissed w ale i °. enn gton, for defendan Aylesworth, Q. and F. H. ompsup (Mitchell) tor a} The route is his father’s house in the township of | T' THE LOCAL NEWS. reah Pacis Greeo fig sale at James Fr town on Wednesday. Miss Glassie Heseopfing 1s spending her holidays in Zurich. Mrs. Karn, ot. Stratford, men Sun- day with her sister, Mrs. Loth, Toad couple of days in Linwood last Mr. Finkbeiner, of Dakota, is present visiting at his home in Miver: ton. aaa James Kerr spend his heir mi im of his nephew, Rev. Morin, ene teachers, Misses Keen and MoPorlane have gone home to spend aac vacation. ‘aggie Holmes, daughter of ue “arth See left Tuesday for Oxbon, N. Mr. pea ‘Mills of New Ham burg, spent a few days with Mr. and |? irs. Reddaway last week. ae H. M. Schaefer and family left Thursday moran: to spend their holidays at New Lowell, 1, Ont. a dge Massoi AS declared Mr. ns Raed ae ‘or North Maden jority of Mr. oa Sue Murray, uh Deu are at present lta Mr: Et 's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ht rison, Shakespeare oe wee! country team called Septet ‘nd were defeated by a scure of 24 The Milverton baseball an - Hamburg, in that town, cn July 17¢l We expecct the boys to come home victorious. There were 49 pupils who wrote on the Pabiie School Lewing and En- in verton. of Sebringville Hamil 4 ae over the room. Messrs. Schaefer rs have taken posse ofthe elevator and grain store and will now be ready to receive all kinds of grain for which they will pay the highest cash prices. as. Wilson over a week aj ad the misfortune to run one of the tines of a fork into “his hand, but did not heed the wound. 2 a fow days blood poisoning developed and now he is sing a pretty nt rember. Household Berson gives a snowy | © Ladi ; | whitness to plain goods. ies will casi per assisti Ouse ssistance ‘or the laundry, glassware | cleat ded sha icles wal alae indispens ta able. For sale by Jas Torrai id annual excursion of the Stratford Beacon employees and friends will be held on Satui the same as last. year | Crystal Beueh and Bu leaves Stratford at fare w the Beach is $1.40; 81:85, good we retain Monday, July di Saturday last Geo. Goodhand ceived his medal and diploma for Hes exhibie of clicese ae Yhe Worlds Fair in’92. The medal is a beautiful thing enclosed in a case of aluminum, while the diploma is an illuminated seroll. Mr. Goodhand, it will” be “| membered, took 98} points “out of a hundred. Tunior gir a tion which took cra Karn, Ac Foorpaut.—The Millbank Juniors boys can defeat jike etl without _ this ipecaarey pinion at visi ot WoL at them bein ra Nae oe they ack home, considering the treatment they accord visiting teams. he score on Tuesday evening stood TAi. BORN At Seaertea) on June 27th, the Moore, of Sion en Wi a gh in Elna, jose Fae 25th, the wife of of 28rd, the In F ite of Bini ve of ET ie. MacLaren, M. P., was in| wheat 10 | of this i: FIFTH LIVE, WELLESLEY. Hi is ection, and ea Pres ak on Fal will be ready to eut about the end of Mr. John Hammond bag received 8 = binder twine from the Patron moe e d. Listowel and Miss Johnson of Betton were the guests of their MeKee, a few days last Sa was Inid up for a wee eKee ve ova job gravelling on the boandary That's right, boys 5 yum bave s lot of pi on it, tee Perel wanene guest of Mr. And. Henderson on Smaday evening, A Horribie Death Mitehell, July 7.—There reached town this morning news of a most Payee ac- cident, which resulted in th of a young man near Russeldale eaten ‘after- noon, ‘The young man, whose name baa not yet Pees ree see here, came from Port Haro oto visit John Balfour'e family, eee Mit ests fee Basen spetead wish to give re far work, ches Have It latest Lea * Mr. te ie cabinet i ate follows = an ‘Oliver Mouse! ir Richard Cart- aya and Canals—Mr. J. ost al—Mr. Dog Sits Miter of Mite Mita pf MRA AGed Bahenee MT avies. eretary of Stat ‘Mr. Geoffroin. Minister of Agri Si 6, ture — Mr. - Sidney Fisher. Controller of Inland Revenue—Mr. D. C. Fraser. Controller of Ciatorie Me, W. Malock. Solicitor-General — Fitzpatri ae Withont portfolio—Sir Henri de Lothbiniere and. member Tou Beis Can pe the Feri of the Interio it will bably Ie Sittonor Die, uy il seat can he ib ee ea te it may be filled Med. eae Ty be Mr. Spc wi be eh lea’ wate fe Sear uaa eubine without poe: Lanrier wien asked if t Tikelthool sf the tell beng consi aha fica FuGing HAAR! he didn think it possible that pie keene Dede posal, the tariff, it mast not be by piecenies ig het there, which could only se the he consider it very unwise to make the attempt ina partial wat England's xptena New York, July Lon- an es says : i a letter published Mr. Gladstone denounces what Me ese ie as the wild, wanton and lid Isolation. 8 arte gi fief epee News Sooke the Gra Man. for the present sear rere ‘ou and the Tories revile him. is row. | thaw three-fourths of all Bhatishaen f all in whieh are es ments vouched for as Batty) iy pe responsible Ministe ere the sagt brane belief eis England's position of “splendid isola- tion” in Europe, coupled with frequent controversies in America, involves serious danger,which must be pivy' Yor. The tendency in this country, until t war las been fobght somewhere, will undoubicdly be te wards inerensed arn other day a well kno ary Stitt exist, lecturing Ine the “ahi mili- tary institution, drew an alarming Bene uf Londn’s degeasclead eondi- some + and was ‘living a The beau Cabinet 1 ates as Ottawa De-| 5! Jari nd attaches a some donb as to who will get hi i 0 6 Only he i ee: a ae declared, the psa fleet , or lured awa: jis eer ance England would be left breastplate, and an in- ie Government to } oney, the: eg in rau Asa and Herb. McFaddin | The Sun's Pore scertained le ary pce Jately | defences of ecrit the West Indies. ml ete., in view e fact. that in a few years the United Sues will become a wei possible to say the fact cut te committee exists and is at wor Eivaerabee Tee ping The En in in Rael the av. leeaae peaic had been ten: to the period of the campaign, and was ee ed at the base hospital, Daring the whole of the long oii fieree Zulu at- tack right gallantiy he played bis i i s ne to the danger than he, and no one showed a more soldierly example of treating that danger with calm indifference. Not only did he perform the duties of his office, but'as every man who could various posts and distributing reserve cartridges. He will, we trust, pardon us if repeat here a story which went around a the army of South Africa bearing on the warrior spitit of his professional conduct on the occasion. any | men, in the heat ttle, wi asing the most tipo! language. The eurse of ca ee ‘ee th he Is there Trouble at Ottawa? Montreal, July 7.—A leading politi- cian who arrived from Ottawa to-night . says the delay in the Government re- iGovernoncienetat hat a large of dpdeasiatGasaul un- ned. wa, duly 7—So far the cee stonton 5 is concerned mat ters are in stati to night. he Se met this reid fora ceo jours, and resumed v'cloel bet the afternoon session was ae ief. t was thought there might be a meeting of Ministers as bus hone was held, as the spent some time a the ejvcate ‘General idea aay is general in public resorts thata hitch has occurred in connection with the winding up of the affairs of the Conservative Ministr: ‘This may be straightened out to-mor- row or it may not. A well informed politician said ght ever! meet the House Wold