* pant ion to accom r to i The Milverton Sun [Vilage newe which e branch line of Of Great W orth, : "sate Age ig Manitoba HERE ELSE sia rec : peilvayi tee orsing after| Baby Carriages and Express Wagoi Paes | Parity creating Manito W i i é rh ns Fat Pare, fresh and col, Male frum Pare cf 1s a dangerous condition directly THURSDAY, JULY 0, 1896. Leet whecaesusine ony At rs At Bottom Prices eam, Fruits in season, ists: om eee tnt ts oe todepleted or impare blood. It sae garden behind the house in which reat Variety. j ° ai Woolen Broa ight and of fellowship? in 187 and ot be allowed to continue, as in its land. in 872, McKinley, the Republican candidate speaks in no uncertain terms regard- ing his policy, Protection is his hobby. |, Wm. MeLean, Con., has been de- clared elected on a recount, for East York. His majority is given as three. Frankland was elected on the official count by 88, but Judge McDougall |?” claimed that the ballots which hi SHORT STORIES RETOLD, A country boy, 5 bo was teuvebl up in a remote region of Scotland, had When “Ben” Wade of Ohiowas the presing officer of the Senate, he use jonally to call some sepator to taro) tbe chair, and relieve himself by off Express Wagons, $1 and Baby Carriages Baby Carriages, from $6.50 up. upwards. ‘At those prices everybody can Afford to get one. Furniture in all branches. Of Rare Beauty, ee Are Our Ladies’ and Misses" COLORED SHOES. The trade never saw before such splendid representatives ig} Of all that is best in every respect. We are delighted with our lattennce orders on them, and are now oertain that we are to have an enormous call for these unequalled ladies’ andmisses” What is moré important than that the) - ‘was proclaimed ; - the anasto ry spears Ice pean Unie Se Dan Tons Ase great — foreshadowed Cada the Union needs ar at ‘out the nk Yeigh uly Ca y Canadian Magazine. J. H. SCHMIDT * The Baker. In the re-coant at ESrandon Major Hyman was reda ced from 11 18 to 41. ‘Archbishop’ Langevin will visit The Milverton Sun | Rome in connection with the Manitoba | school Buetion and the complaint of so undue clerical influence in the last tion. "FHURSDA’ . | JULY § a, TH08, Beattie’s majority over Mr, Charles |# A LITTLE BETTER THAN ANY- That. | Tired Feeling debility the system is especially liable It is re- . Hood's remedy for that ae whith prex vails at change of season, climate of life. been rejected, because they were| walking up and down in the lobby,1) e pall iedti Hon SME ewan give oy marked-in the space with MeLean’s| hich rans back of the Senate, bia |Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sashes, Se Ladies’ Tod. Kid Oxfords. «--=: 78 tier 0 8 SERN PE are ray lee a Hood’s name, were good, a5 the intention of | Pt Monceogea ete walking, ite Boors and Blinds always on hand. = Ladies! Dougola Oxfords, Raz or Toe ee acer by a majority of ; ken by a certain carpet: Boot, grent 25 z | the elector had been to fries for senator . from -one u Seadhee irr a gem r Boe: 150 : Fi cae ge cpelics fee by the Sarsa arilla ie McLean. Judge MeDongall’sdecision | States, who occupied the identical! Builders and Contractors. Planing 1 matte “a Libera! ¢ Q will be considered very fair. The in-| chair that Jefferson Davis used} Mill and Furni sie Warerooms, on F ae oe NON soe mise ote h b 4] believe itis to tha use of Hood's ; fa tention of the elector is which should | while a member of the Senate. Walk-| Main street, Milvert | : ans ab the wa he. Fras a Sars that T. owe my present ; DEOL: g along by she side ot Wade be I also keep a full stock of Trunks and Valises. re ee has been Are guaranteed all wool. The are best So es ee > PR. rul his back wearily, and said: | M puts etely run down I could not eat or ene ge Wade, these Senate chairs are the | Weiderhold & Hori ee yes GROSCEH Se a coun a pitleeemcene cas "lfinished goods, and equal to any $11 suit 1M) [207 2a au te dreaded diseases 4 Whether in war or peace Greab| most uncomfortable things I ever saw. ‘ ; prciiben te Pavers te eatareh Relieves : ; life seemed to have a mortgage on = Britain stands mistress of the seas.| My back is positively blistered — Trunbieti tag sat as Soe may Fever and catsten Rettevetintete lthe market. Money back if you are MOt} system. Iwas obliged to abandon my ‘A comparison with the other trading asus in mine.” Wade looked at Tip | par yan ne crtial coi One shont pif the brenth through the : if : work, and after seeking medical treat~ Ie Aias oh. dearest ANG Be. (eos db OND eons ne Bs De ea EN Ys ae | Blower, suppl cach toile of De-'satished. Our : ) ; nent and spending over $50 for different ndearas “Davis left. enough brains The Toronto franchise in the ak Agnew’s th gels raf thi 5, found Jf no better. more shipping than the rest of the] in the seat of that chair to blister the e y ern League has been transferred’ to | Powdleroverthe surface of the nasal passages. : preparations, J cure et 29 ae nations of the world combined. Dur es of two or three such men as you AND Albany, N. Y., and hereafter Toronto Baines shel lene ae ALY aes ; Then my wife per antes agit 2 ing the year 1894 her total tonnage | Se So ky Sanh as acts ional DAIL HLS la aectaiie Sore Tiron he 3} O P ants bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla, Before amounted to 9,650,275 tons, while the abt tiad Bauhlete oe Wopaongl mts ate team as “and Deafness, Sold by James| 6 oy Sere Fer em Sli suite F i d for his fligh ab 3 reek _ | Torrance. | : : United States stood second with only | fenowned for his flights of elaborately an a Ow Price c es Dr. Beyon of New York, while ae a Sie yeaa apne ican L | 1,850,416 tons. This goes to show Hise cies: oratory, and a seat in Con- ead you eat should b mete sie Al and Healthful? One B ree Waverley Hotel at New Castle, Monday, reached f ‘Save Are catching the people. They are from] 4 anything without it hurting me; my irae and biliousness have gone. ~ 7 never felt better in my life.” W. V- f upon commerce, Every British sub-|of how he had been silenced’ by an Seon Pee shot two of his assailants. hs 1 duel ie yd in — the queneo alee Bre pee CAKES. | Captivates all lovers of Bargains and makes business hum at Rennie he ala ape in n $4 to $5 stock, and very durable. Evtows, Lincoln, Hl, : : Motherland take such giant strides in : R é trial heat for the Grand Challenge up He trade, Hor trade in oter inreasig bers Grst appearance, the House sine Fresh every day, at Bros. yy the Leanders, the tine being Makes the reparet i : P : : cn Cada tt loving inet |B’ eran apie "Ming iden sh Tie Sota ey 4 Be Pel ces en) oy Uy Weak Strong &. Guenther’s, saner. COME AND SEE OUR GENTS’ | FURNISHINGS. Judge Prgnuelo of Montreal at the Be Antoine division arday remarked that the law was very spi dorse a proposition wh aj been vigorously casks Ke baie % declaim impressively: “Sir, were footstsps. Think of it—Canada a young nation standing fifth among the commercial nations. The day is not The: ving Dress? If so, now is the time. stock contains the most Do you require a new § celestion is at its best, and you will find Rennie Bros “Early last spring 1 was very much run down, had nervous headache, feit re-count on Sat- ‘| Watches, Clocks| "far distant when she will creep nearer er at eas so complete and arylish assortment ever shown in town, plain as to the necessity of the cross Money miserable and all that. I was very be : to the top than she is at preseut.|imeasure the vials of my wrath——” AND JEWELRY. Black and Colored Lustres and from 25e, to $1 per yard; ae ae ee disc of the much benefited by Hood's Sarsaparilla a ‘Byerything is pointing that way He yot_no farther. Mr. Polk of] George Pfaff, Jeweler, | Verona Conds de. per yard; Prints are asray Gevuland aIRRUEP Speco 4 : : : d ; and recommend it.” Ms. J. M. Tavs ee Tennessee was upon his ear to ee ve By buying your Give us a call before bnying elsewhere. Gor ena amet a he Avast constantly on hand fall line of Wal- Caton English lever a full line of Rings, canada Stands Fifth. ea movi ing, w! every. appear nce of eager Hote “that the rules < ope and the gentleman al lowed to pour!” Such a disconcerting burst of laughter followed that the un- bens for V\ fortunate orator could only subside) *'WA%5 tie 2 wrathfully into silence and Tgceen. || GEORGE PEAWE, Main St, Milverton “THE SUN, ‘A generation has passed away from us during the march of the years since the 10th wof October, 1864, when a company of thirty. three C ituting the ‘Quebec Confederation Canferenc, Inid the foundation ot a new order of Harness, Collars, Sweats, Dusters, Fly Nets, Whips, Trunks and Valises ‘w= RENNIE BROS., Newton and Hesson. ‘ The Department of Marine and Fe Fisheries has just published the Cana- : dian shipping list for the year 1895. ‘The total number sels on a register book of the Dominion pine 1 jast, including old. und new . vessels, setting vessels, steamers pen barges, was 7262, sons $25,836 wns} gonu bed has left me, my appetite has re- Koehler & Knechtel.| 22222." ’ Old Stand. . Laraaxs, North Columbus, Ohio. : _ Hood’s In Wall Papers we have ail the newest designs, and prices to surprise: you. ding Presents. Repairing if government Schaefer Eros. ws later. ster Prom the undersigned. Also a large Rheumatism Cared ina Day, Russia. Core, for stock of Plaster Hair ou hand. = American 5 tional ovent as our jubilee. ‘The far- haaiie Ladies, see our New ates red to! increase | Rheumatism and N i ' 2 si 8; 1 to 3 days. ets ie ‘are increasingly evident, and ° of 17 vessels, 05 adecrease of 43,788 ae eta awhile the oli ation of The Fathers” 1 tons register, as compared with 1894 | ree ie cum Thies tates eho Le it into being is fast slipping e arsapari a é * ‘The number of steamers on the berth ly disappears... The first dose From now away, the new Seale “of their sons is Sold by drugelsts. $1 six tor$6, Prepared only by €. L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. i - book on the same date was 1718, with! fits. 75 cents. Sold by ae ‘Torrance. 100 Doses One Dollar C The Toronto World says that it is suming the average value to be $30) believed thatthe ee of General per ton, the value of the registered | Manager Hays to apply the American Millinery Until : and Capes | Seotoruss W. M. Appel yeurs constitute but a brief period in the bs if — ofa oe or « people when reduced to a ee <= Special Drive in. A PERFECT TEA * Py 7 as been sufficient to bring "¥5 but it story to completion. ebitatinid idtcioatal bons | f icone Canada would be $24,775,- | system to she ‘Grand Frank will: mean January a | removal of thousands of Canadian : i he ; ois NGabeeise os cae i coangricg wet ernment, and to consummate the colonial) fp i ae nod restored in the Dominion rng |The World says ne 8 ore 1st, 18977, ee ee WEBSTER'S last year was 250, measuring 16,270] that Manager Hays has in his hands at A Large Variety and Prices to suit you. a cause Downing stteet to disup aL dee * INTERNATIONAL tons registered tonnage. the present time no less than 700 ap- For ; the value of the new tonnage at ‘memory, long enough to impress the mother COLT On. Entirely Neos DICTION. ARY aceite ee ee, plications from Awerican railway men, : 3 : per ton, it gives a total value ‘of $ including OR ake Un Hats country: with our existence as a ted = he 1 20) Gok thestiew. veces family of provinces, and as a cons nt peor relatd i ‘ ho expect to get good ars and part of the Greater that has result- Ten years i ada oecupies the po position | supplant Canadians in the f Gentlemen, see our New 4 f r x ie | epee vovising, i of ea the'Bfth mari pew iB his omen dae Tha Ae Poe des wed ce expansion aul aad ok elitorsomploved, the world, the Bona eave figures | be-| viz., the introduction of the standard, I : ¥ ee Hee a re A iy ore ie pata ose e 1 expended. Eni paratore: : American system governing trains, i Taal century. im the making, 14 dute ie peas eg haggn 7 50,275 tons |in preference to the English system "COMMERCIAL. e an raw te 1808 be chosen’ ‘as the date when ine ites f " jetionary, Tt an- 416 which has been in vogue since the o seus Brot maoted.—Lul that year Hichard. J. | ¥ This week. 1 yd. wide and extra heavy, at 3% cents per [erst gestions 9,083 I ‘ Nova S Y J conceming the Bin ak ee ence si enihane Fall wheat viel ; | suggest ee se yard. Also in LACE CURTAINS, from 30 cents per pair tory, apelling, 30 7 ved 31 ste Spring wheat, por bush bitch Proves ul North Americ fup to $3.75 flea see 64 ton: nt err eure all cases | Bar And Ties. re therealte 8 L GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. E oe A Library in Itself. 1talso gives 88 tons of tobi ‘Piles in from 3. to 6 nights. One| Qats” “ nee repeated 5 = “ysl4 b Ju 5 does not Keep it, tell him to write to | the facts often wanted concerning eminent 34) 319 tons phkersaas Sia gs comfort. For Blind aud | Peas “ j Seveell of the Quel Bench 1 St TEEL, HAYTER & poe ancient and ee noted ficti- Bleeding Piles it Sw. :. ' o : ; the countries, Norway and Sweden jointly are en- Teter Sale valid Poe Barbers Tech, pole = hag - 4 Ean ca sana ei D + and 98 Eront Strest Eat oe ue Examine Our cities, towns, and natiral features of thé titled i secolid pines, Sweden's tou-lasd ail eruptions of the akin. Bieta Bold tag per tons a : lay in 1859 by {ord Durham, ole anitln so fre arom nage being 486,506. by James ee ee pond 1 ° : ont eo SNe ss wai ennuebt : 9 This We Work is Invaluable athe Tilbary 1 ne wl here é - si eat np 4 onsehold and 0 0 the teacher, seholat,P oe arcane) 6 apr ea olning’ | ie ens rants vd SEAT sce Uncle Tom's ali aa ‘sister of the i is 4 Fa H9VPDATINA PIE onrnnenee ¢ z ? geese rua soseed is inthe ‘Enel a Pe tear fey. te speech on the st Parliament of Canada, Another caiaieh disenssed the olonial Seeretary, aie ab members of hich hares ranean ee ‘of tend: bed cranial ap RTON, the leading Tailor, t 2 Equal to any $1.50 Pants in town, The above are no Main Street, Milverton. cuts, but our regular selling ow and so it is with everything else in the store. g Hh d Beeche: ss 2 es ss reat Henry War : For Men and Boys. Just in. Special Value. her home in Buffalo last thing sadieold BSney refunded it not satisfactory. jess also t remark, the lotion was m Hamilton, says "hes we agai an the Saeon ep artis vel ‘setool quid family in oral sn Pon ‘A Detroit despatch says: “General Manager Hays has applied his axe shinee Lytton, ova Scotia was also the first: to take we Ss manu! ir rom commen parunent of ee eas SE aeat Then the oily tongued vendor sold 4 jae #4 should see our lines of Im- PRON ere ittoyou. ‘Brunk, ‘The work SNEeGe dou yh ee ere eae Going out of Phe parliament aes “eta ported Suitings from $12 up ; & C, Merriam Oo thi as been transferred | we hy acre es fake a MUST BE SOLD. 3 #e8 took aitailar action tt eld, Mass. U-S-A eG saa fhe oniele alt hes aces Sn ee 2 praets s ot fs a “ Call and Examine Our Cae nap en manta ven its walking papers except rs Brahe f Cae ere cule of 1864] Pemember, we keep nothin; ae Raesshaw Pah be revabe (202 about $30 ‘the “medicine 25 to 40 per cent. off regular prices. ‘ which in ture decide ont the eter «Con TU but the Best, Ba sell ae mrs ercee man” andounced that he woul main in town a whole week longer ea are with his troupe and 8 certs. However, the troupe have ipved to Ugrech, Bokda and pastures SUGAR, ae TEAS, Cheapest. 4 Satie a et perfect fitting . Pants select patterns, $2.50, Bae he ionary depart- . will represent - the in this section. pow. Silo Wieie departed tie ‘eure Our Cash and Produce . $3.50 Up. has heen discovered to be made from o é ‘COFFEE Fee aie dbaioont Tigories and brio = there ae Bone King. Try It. Arder from us ; swe understand | Sete and that he declined. He fansey cies manta a oh caged - Yours, J Tailoring. ~ ; : are inious their sal ebange. D Bere onan wondliianens | ae We always have a Fresh, Clean stock of Groceric : : fc : ing steps were 5} Je always have a ‘lean s roceries. Sn cee H : Fs, 4 ee chaddavig an: — ot pers iy sc ea Petes Pee Dias Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes. 5 i : nce Resolutions in the Can: Parlia | Kote the above address. for ¥ 3 % 3 ment ty nage vor ring U 8 Maken fa ne wil i will cure most severe enseg tne Bronchitis, Asta, pr or Lungs. THUS YoU SAVES tion with the G patl Heat sane He} ie had charge of sons aes ‘the transfer steamer Lansdowne for years. sayin Atay of the beats Zs 865, and ee dees ed ers E ot ES sere Kertcher's gies! ER cheonis estation