pee eer. A PERFECT TEA _ IONSOON Mi TEA FROM THE TEA PLANT To THE TEA cUP | Ci ‘+ Monsoon” Ta is put up by. the India Tea ‘a sample of the best quali fodian Son, Te ae the wyatt cae nthe selection of the Tea and ita blend, that i potitup themecives nd sci it only in the original é ‘securing its purity and t Secorinit ih and § le packages, and nover jess ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT, If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to ~ STEEL, HAYTER & CO. ‘i and 13 Froht Street East, Toronto, Many Wanted—An Idea Zee Nitin pre ‘Write a Wis Bah wah i & GO. Patent Attor: aya, Washington, D. G;. for thelr $1.20 prize offer The Ailverton sun THURSDAY, SEPT. 24, 1896. It was eighteen years ago on the 17th of September that the Mackenzie government was defeated-—almost a generation, petit See Mr. Laurier would satisfy more people if he would give the portfolio of Minister of the Interior to a British Columbia man. British Columbia has | meneed Dy a better right owing to her population which will be found after the next |p2™ census is taken to be much larger than ce the ? that of Manitoba. cont ee son ay eee Sra Satie Dury, and member of of Commous for ie bie tea wri wee a letter expressing regret at Mie anbaiey to attend the antiSultan meeting ndon, ous and misleading to the Armenians if we made them jd ase sae England y alone can save them. Wecannot hope | ati say it's a fact, and here is the testimony of one: Sir Charles Dilke has written a long Jetter, i in which he says tha’ if Great sent. Sir Charles adds: “The forcible passage of the Dardanelles might lead to a general war, for which we are wholly unprepared, and in which our very existence as a power would be at *stake. In seeieeiae Sir Charles says: ar virtual protectorate over Egypt ha: s de- stroyed in 46 minds of the powers our EO credit for clean bands | in piapitels wo the Se ee tay! Ree A hy t Wee ‘ington, Bas mathe buried a mau ne two days, then had lr The Governor-General. hi mended to commate the capical_ seutence on the boy Kearney, sentenced to be hanged on October 1 at Lindsay. He will be sent to the Kingston Penitemsiary for life. According to the New York Obser- ver, the movement in favor uf the use of unfermented wines at the Lord's Supper is spreading in Scotland to. a degree that few have imagined, It is said that 630 churches of all denomina- tions observe the practice. The Free Churches head the list with 147; comes the United Preshyterinns wil the very strong opposition only a -fe: years since to ‘any thing of the kind. ¢ ‘A couple of hundred years ago, the would pay for their passige e _ Atlantic by a term of years ot. Herual slavery on this side. Land was plenti- ie and labor was scarce in ostensible is sant dekeed enongh pay for their services, trange, is it mot? —Hamilton Tinies. it ke feos ge to, remedies I vow me instan 4 taken np and restored to his natural con- fi a single shot or action alone, it would mean that at that moment there would be a European war. ‘Mories of Mackenzie. stories are current about the sett in is own inimitable style, he exclaimed as ering visitors crowded aroun! him. “Jesus shall reign whereer the sun His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, ‘Till suns hall rise and set no more.” Brighton on one oocasion_ he At prayed: ‘Alara, save the Methodits, for coe are Tamme oiler the ale pee the Independents, for they oe Eon after Lo f England; Ghanch of England, for she is rig sibey the Church of Rome; Lord, sa the Church ‘of Rom i e e’ away and it is ‘vile:’ take the and it ily take the © away and that bad place that poboly DR. SUNSHINE. World is a World of e--With Disease, a Dark, GI Prison-Like Abode—The Great South An:~ Rheomatism—What joyful news to the roni yt relief and an absosute eure eau be har a in from one to three days three years I suffered "antout misery in my legs, for six eon I wus con- fined “to my bed. used all the ordinary a, er South merican Rhenmatie Care being brought te I pease bottle and it lief. A few bute completly George Denbam, druggist, ys—Spontancous, unsolicited testi- ie highest. recommend that can be Pee del ace velit a icsdney: Gcoviere; (heaaas strengthens. a bottle of South American Kidfiey Cure, ivaccording to. the directions. 1 got Tatar (reNch ale soreseanail Ise ey sed ay Tam eure ce. to: the dange and recommend this pees tful remedy to all Miss Katherine Ryder of Ningara Foll was | "pe aR ie Nerves—Wellive inia bury and nine: tenths of ourailinents are due to nervous exhaustion, impoverished blood or bad di- ~ | gestion: Souths American” ‘Neryine is a Dloud-builder ; it tones the rr a re ‘bottles tue me my sit self phiieg WT ecsatent | i ‘t my” testi- mony.” Sold by Jas. Torvw Fall wheat Potatoe ie rheumatiom or newral- | J); we ONE Pita. A Dose, 40 18 4 groes stolen from Africa. No| Mou Jabor could be too cheap to snit those seudy pioneers. Eoropenn panpers on being that the Asia- CINNAMON COATED Br. Agnew’s Liver PUls are Coal Gmnamos Drop, Very Delightfal to Take, No pain, no. griping, m Sail aye Hog Sian rita st ais "Yaste cents at all dragyi AL FoR 10 CENTS. sont popularity is a ats t plestantafter effects. 40 in s vial. 10 Monuments and Gravestones. PURCHASE THEM ROM ROBT. McGCLOY, Milverton ‘Agent for R. T. Kemp, Listowel. COMMERCIAL. Muventox, St ae 1208 per pring wheat, per bush. sates pate ‘otatoes** ** fall Wheat. pring Wheat. Bark Dats pples, per bag otatoes, per bmg. Tired Feeling Is a dangerous condition disectly due to depleted or impure blood. 1t should not be allowed to continue, as in its debility the system is especially liable to serious attacks of illness. It is re- snarkable how beneficial Hood’s' Sarsa~ parilla is in this enervating state. Pos- sessing just those elements which the system needs and readily seizes, this medicine purifies the blood, and im- parts a feeling of strength and self-con- fidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best remedy for that weakness which pre- yails at change of season, climate or life. Hood’s Sarsaparilla “1 believe it is to the use of Hood’s sleep, and all the dreaded diseases of ‘Tife seemed to have a mortgage on my system. I was obliged to abandon my work, and after seeking medical treat- ment and spending over $50 for different preparations, I'found myself no better. Then my wife persuaded me to try a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Before the first bottle was gone I began to amend. I have now used two bottles and have gained 22 pounds. Can eat I never felt better in my life.” W. V. Eutows, Lincoln, If. Niakes the Weak Strong Sheet spring 1 was very much run down, had nerrons headache, eit 7 ANTED — SEV! “ter” men or women tu tr established bonse in On Refereuce. Enclose 1 ie eerekips.7/ The a ant, ge ideace L Ne ‘Sala payable $15 weekly anil ‘expennes. Yo Tosition, pisabielsaaeall chats 3 sas very much benefited by Hood's. Saz: and recommend it.” Mas. J. M. Tay- Lor, 1119 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, 0. “Twas very much run down in health, had no strength and no inclination -to Of Rare Beauty, advance orders on them, and a Shoes. Dongola Bnt. —M Eases tscrsaoe Of Great Worth, At Bottom Prices, Are Our Ladies’ and Mi COLORED SHOES. The trade never saw before such splendid ei of all that is best in every punetd We are delighted with our now certain that we are to have an enormous call for dee Macanalel ladies’ and misses’ e as cola But. Boot, 1 also keep a full stock of Trunks and Valises. zoom J. Ge I Golf Caping. Yours, These Are the Latest. hr Cail and see our ladies’ Jackets. ‘They will please ; and the price to suit you. Also a tine line of Tweed Dress Goods and MUSKOKA best shingle on the market. do anything. I have been taki The Belleville Tnkethenceeth bas pasr- ed into the sole possession of Sir uckenzie Bowell. ing has left me, my appetite has re- tarned, } am Hike a new man.” CHAUN- hic. ing Hood's Sarsaparilla and that tired feel- MILVERTON. SHINGLES Owing to the glut in the American market of these Shingles, we are enabled to lay them down to the farmer or Wear out a poor suit o Clothes in a week or two. But cannot do that with our new si builder at a very low rate. They are ¥% inch thick, and 18 inches long. They are the | | i Weiderhold & Hondevih) Pure, fresh and cool. Made from Porat Cream. Fruits in season, and Wholesome Bread, 1H. SOT The Baker. joe jartin Unsatisted. Ottawa, Sept. 20,—Bat one Sunday ‘more, should ld party advocated the adoption of u policy of silence, They pointed out that after the defeat of Sir John Macdonalc’s Government be aes odd years ago the 23 iad did nothing for two years, He t in his place and permitted Mint tea the enemy to do their best or thi lution wus foreshadowed. a poe Sir The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, SEPT. 24, 1896. There is an epidemic of typhoid fever raging in East Zorr: ‘A strong shock of Spas wens | oP in Quebec on Thursday. Chicago is to have a tower 1150 feet bits that il held 40,000 people and ae got way, a depot mail porter at Detroit, has been arrested a On Sept. 23rd., Queen Victoria will | s have pay Monger than any sothee British Sor The Media Fai advises young men not to choose medicine for a pro- fession, as it claims that it is now crowded, ‘There is a rumor that Senator San- ford, of Hamilton, may leave that ambitious city and take up his cesi- It is believed that Bryan will carry every state west of the Mississippi, with the exception of Minnesovta which may also fall into ne. te Hatton, of No. 8 Company, Thirty First Battalion, Owen Sound, on, aba) a target atrifte practice and almost | ¥°as° was intl "iilled last Thursday amorn- ang, An Ottawa dispatch says that Mr. Wm. Waa assistant general manager of , the T. R., has offered the position an manager of the Government. railways iu Canada, bur refused the offer. Major McKinley the Republican candidate for President of the United States is author of this sentence which will live through the ages. “The true ign-of journalism is to correct w ailvocate a great cause, and public opinion.” Camplaintsare being made in Gt, Britain with regard to the ae progress made in carrying oat meer of the Ottawa convention i able communication hetween the eet country @ and the Dees, for the ing of a line of fast steam- ers Bence England AG ate ‘A young woman living on Jackso atte Hamilton had an eeciuna lt 2 une aheroen ne ae hea hig ‘She jeu Neodiee and Paw it between her skirts, bree ed—and screamed. Scores S and one man—Mr. Richard vee reapuddled phar alll der snide Mf Crozier Killed it, by pounding it under the woman's dre: e then went out and the woman stood up and let the rat's body fall to the ground, men, FOUR Ki KINGS. Dr. Agnew's Four Great Cures Never Fail in Heart Disease—If the heart. palpitates, flutters, tires easily, jisease- negleet Cure for the Heart a Sui of y *The Betis: exertion prov pi in recommended phy: re si the py Toda wide as incurable, atid. conld wmnly be Uhcsked sh fis extetslée by the us Pat ot aa anid the strongest. ol fal lacy of phos haterer Aer i has licen couclasiyel of Dr. Agnes Cutarrhal POndek: cure the most stu nefic. I got a s«inple forth news Catarrhal Powder, relief, and afte Completely cure.” Piles—Dr. sew ’s Ointment aie and cures all forms of fro 0 | Latrier will make any announce month of November. qT nse vative party would hayé left the entire management of the policy toa leader. the present case the eee allowed who so desired $8 ive his opinion. And the ‘najorty we in_ favor a making « fight this session. t is that i the vacant noettollo ofthe Interior. If the sett erpment do not appoint a Minis ter Parchane to move another ff Clifford Sitton, that Tarnel Tarte is Mar- est. opponent. The aed Dinter of Publis Works ts sald “to be co col itt iE would be mgortous’ tactical ive Martin a portfolio, He be- lieves that the French would resent Martin during in Haldimand when Jett MeCurthy ran against His words will he remembered people of Quebec, and they will Hot hans to see him advanced to a Cabinet Rats ‘This, as you do not need to be told, was the dictumn of a gentleman who was not absolutely unprejudiced. He had many fav fest of. them tl rs Martin made a stiff fight against him in hi constitu ‘The 8 abrowl hat on Tu next Minister ul will announce the appointment of Sifton. For my part, I do not believe that Mr. nent until the end of the session is within measurable distauee. | He sexs uo reason for giving the Conservaliyes another m.ttec the House Hon, Thomas Ballantyne is endeavoring to arouse the dairymen to get Mr, McLellan’s cheese branding bill, which is uow up in the House of Commons, altered before it is made law, otherwise he says it will work injury o the trade, He seriously objects to the sBhnor package of cheese, because, el atall times, Under the new law factories would, he oe inks, be rained for all cheese th ins Wi alittle of flow 3 itis an- ry to coipel Use manufacturer 0 go te trouble Sf stata the day of m oa that it is unfair to allow the act tse : aE t dealers who had a large nt cheese ou hand in cold storage would be crippled. Jake Gaudaur, the champion oarsman_ of the world, was tendered, in ‘Toronto on his arrival ow Tucaiay, «big reception and “s purse of Senator J et Ferguson, of Welland, died ten he Department cf Marine and Fisheries have granted permission u continue herring fishing through f the Perth County other afternoon, Mr. and _ Mr South Easthope. were. ne ‘There were 30 applica iat Crane, the fee huseball pitcher, Geese cidle at Sul can record for throwing. the buseball, having re it rae long distance of 135 eee a fe Teaked out that if the Oia sion had backed ee oe Charles Tupper in his attack on the Governor General, Mr. pein ea have followed and moved a resolution en- dorsing the Government for assuming oe lity for acte which pre- of oft ices and w udehinnice i of “the will of the people. 4 = Q iS Bi) 5 iE nig 8 lig z oe inoX yoS pure qed “joxseq dod syuoo $9 pur o§ ‘ob “Sz #/ SGHOWsd The Red Flas Store, HOFFMAN'S: BLOCK. The Bargain Store. — SLAAISWaS OOT =m THE FALL FAIR AT MILVERTON | Is without doubt the Best Fair in the County. Remember the Dates : SEPTEMBER 24 and 20. = Haan “THE SUN,” From now Until January 1st, 18977, We have opened out our entire stock of Furs, and find them the best value, most up- to-date and largest stock ever shown in Mil- verton. Following are a few of our prices : Lady's Black Astrachan Coat, % Jength. rs ie 50 *€ Wool Seal Cape, 30 in., best quality. . ‘ 26 ferey Gent’ 's Coon Coat (extra quality)........- Wombat Coat, heavy quality and best we can buy, only. ..........6++-+ 16 50 Gent's Wombat Coat, not so er ce ST 3k OO Ladies’ Fur each. . Tee SO Gents’ Goucden “ Wombat) per ‘pair. . Se ee GR) The above are just a few of our Furs, as we cannot find space for the whole lot. But come and inspect for yourself. In Ladies’ Jackets, we have the cheapest and best-fitting Jackets we ever handled, and in all colors—black, brown, etc. We have them from $3.50 up to $11. We are giving special cuts in the lines mentioned above dur- ing Fair week. In Dress Goods is where we shine. We carry the largest stock in town, and we have =| Jet Ornaments to match goods, and also Jet Trimmings of all kinds. : Our stock is now complete, and we must say we have a larger, cleaner and cheaper stock than we ever had. Call and examine for yourselves. RAE & GROSCH. } _ BREAD — Whole Field The London, Ont, |BsG) HEAL | H se 7 Siete is more sel ae than that the d Breal you eat should be Pare, Fresh BIG oa, Heultutul’. “Ons Bawls keyont? . question in these things. London Advertiser CAKES—— » Fresh every dag, at Covers the 2 P. M. EDITION. Targest noon wlan in Wester t The N lees par we 8 Too iG. Guenther's, E2¢°” of Pac a ithe territorg west hly covered, vies isa 4P. M. EDITION. SLTANTED — SEVERAL FAITHFUL inen or women to travel oe pote The People's. Popular Evening Paper. | jie established house, in Ontario, Salary Cire mtg in city aiid salurbe hy carrier $780, payable hove and agents, All advertisements. in-| Pyaitign yernmnent, serted iu beth editions. Western _Aavertiser eee Z Hard Winter Coming, “There is one satisfuction in this wan signet ki observa we are ‘and tha! ea W. t h Cl k ably tediutees a (he: uniietoia ah 10 a very severe winter, Ail the oe a C. es, oc Ss w The chest i i carer AND JEWELRY. tof th ter George ‘Pfaff, Jeweler, We at it is without a Tivek Has coustautly - Bias a Full line of Wal: | 4 tham, Elgi ae englis Watehes, ete. it baa fll ae of ns, Brooches, and ‘all w stock of suitable for Weddi always done, GEORGE PRAEF, Main Sty