aia the leaves © upon the branches Meer maaee “We've nied pce our Vorkseadiaow Med be A ws before the “cot an aks dow! “We've had Wish the ia that bai their’ nests our green umbrel equirrela for ae guests. poe ) the vel ch ‘Then may children see the sky.” — Marans B Sangster, Harpers mung People. ‘Agricattaral | Notes, American Agriculturis' » danger of the introduction into Can- bs cosy large Aurela of bides from Afric South purchi cheaply in Toudoes aie sas being Gmporeds Pleuro-pneumonia among Canadian -eattle has been sraced to infected hides imported from England, and the dang- ‘er from this disease i is of course noth- i i at the herds in South Africa. disease last visited England over 73,- $0. cattle were attacked by it, and 41,- i Leading experts in Can: ada are aieerdise the alarm. Ww. ‘art, in Raral New Yorker: Eleven years ago, I fed 300. barrels of apples toa dairy of 16 cows, during a ‘period of over two months in the fall, The resulting flow of milk and creain as marked. Beginning slowly, the amount was increase tion, the cows being on short pastur- ago and the apples thrown from the t For best apples should be sweet, or ripe, but (not decayed and fermented. Ensoiled ‘apple pomace was not so SAROTY, ‘The sweetest apples should be kept for the horses, and may be Bene ‘ed for part of the grain ration when at light werk with marked advantage. Lanark Era: From an 11-inch branch of an apple tree in John Close’s orchard, Lanark, 18 apples were pluck- ed. John A. James; Hope has a. in hati with 67 ing 13 feet. ‘of R. 8: McFarlane, produced @ mons- ter standing 13 feet “yet again, in R, Watt’s orchard there is an apple appended directly to the trunk of the tree, the stem of the ap- pel growing immediately forth from the body of the, tree, without the us- a a ast ns least, 1n this para- graph of wonders, isthe laying feat of a ses by Mr. Robert Som- rs, Bathurst. This fowl laid 14 eggs in vi oe 5 of which were laid on the rns and “hard shelled. Mornington. the eonneil met_at Donnelly’s hall, on | aul to lay, the Sth of October, accor : ouekmedes members all present. 2 tte ah menting were rend: Seo the Reeve w 1.50, for oak spiles, do, 80.75 for oak Caen WwW. Campbell $33.90 Zor oal , aa tatee $25.75 for — s cal er A 25 se ae ‘that the Reore and Maate and Nicklin ‘tanning in- |< large ra-| ol |, the garden| t Tf inches. And] 2 ‘Allof. them were a good|to tespeaiable ap - | pearance, raise thei Sao, Keep s The topic for Oct. 1 1th, es our best” “Are we eae us to consider whether not we are trevellig in the right dietion ‘he question we must as! ives i not fae wedoing much or little for the Master © but, “are we doing our The official report of the Washing ton Coprengpa has been issued. It is'a book of 340. pages Ay seon thine reports ote an the addresses delivered at that great gathering. Every En deavorer should have a copy. Junior Society of the Method- ist church, St. Marys, swarmed the other day ‘and a class of fourteen jun- the senior ‘society. This is as it should be. The junior so- ciety should always prove a feeder for the senior. The following cablegram was a few days ago received from Pres, Dr.Clarke It is therefore aie gested that every society in Perth Co. at a prayer meeting in second week of Nov. devore sume time to prayer for Armenia. “Avonbank society sent a delegate tothe Ottawa Convention Let every society be re spresented at the meeting in Stratford of the County. Executive on Thursday afternoon at Motherwell Y.P.S.C.E. is oldest society in the union. organized in May x with 14 ‘lee and 9 associate mem Shakespeare society pe 37 members using the Fulton plan. The Lookout committee is planningextra good work during October. ‘The spiritual life of the memibers bas improved They call themselves ety, and a_ccrrespond- ent writes eae the “baby” is growing quite sturdy and will soon be able to walk alone. May-the “baby” not ow ae for- get to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ} pay for strengh | One society has sont the mele that when a member scripture in the meeti a i must é peated eon memory, notread. A ssage o} eee lelowy of the County Union will be published in this colamn ere long; Read it, it will be interesi Ontario now has 1853 socisties, ani increase since 1895 of 201 societies. ship of 14055, an increase over last year of 3394 members. ——— The Merry Missionaries. iso deel aie a ir, i Baas the accountant of the pay, | making bis salary $1,400. When the coi cue planks A. Kereames as for ae mittee broueht inits,report there was a ae ing bridge and appro: ainbat, $7.75 | termined rom Dr. Sutherland, who rep. culvert an les HL. W- Kerr'| talked in very plain English, and practical- 36.41 for ae ald; $17.60 for} ly ball-dozed the committe. He told. them Peg Ae Bs a vel; J.) if the acheap man they could get iley, $2.60 fo “a joacel them, and that he had resigued from $21.60 for eure s “Secu eho ‘75e. rep; | a church paying him. §2,700, and i A ridges N.” $22.20 ara ip would not take a of $2, Newmus a0 for ravel; Albrecht, | finally decided thut Dr. Sutherland’s ches Sh for bes do i for oak spiles, J. | should be $2,500, Dr. Henderson's $2,000 Ritter, eas os ing £0 Menard er ad Mr. Shannon’s $1,400, a net. increase of | fo, st Miliban bridge; H. Lintick 30. rep. | 1,000 in the salaries of these Gh: official culvert, J Thay fo mh A, Large | Besides; the Missi ho a P. Helm $4 rep. | rent for Dr. Sutherland and sens for 20, —— 1h os culvert, L. | Dr: Henderson—another tharge of $900 out Basti st $26 for W. Joboston| of the Mission Fund. $15.10 ‘for gravel, W. Ae 315.00 timber jis experie: cial who sit on for Millbane bridge, H. McDonald $10.50) cushioned chai table offices, is in Sune ciadicdecian' td ‘the experience of are expected to Eeecbate to the gepeasivanied od oF he and 2and pats to ie i fessrs. cbarch, pax able object Wiig abst tha notaries ol cigs boat ew a waysredu 3 g aries of the hi ii rary, increased? The laity is apt to. geaw “tamber of + apogee | 1e coun- va a oe ur on the first} nday Bevuiee, ie eet Clerk. suspicions of the “fino aries 40 much of the funds Gon-| yy tril leed, it oe the old owe =F right when he drop- jon platen dollar bill wrapped it 1 “Phe heathen, side dolor infor tog SS Cail cat Gotutes a six 3. Rae & Grosch. 5 Leet clreulation of Senet ae | READYWADE CLOTHING. his fall suit. Do not pay from $16 to $25 for a suit when you can get a nice cloth and a better fit for from i Broadway, New $5 to $10. | Readymade clothing is becoming more fashionable than. ever, as_ they are made of better RIP-A-N:S goods than they wer® years ago, and in this age of a pe progress a man has not time to wait on the tailor for a Th cal his suit or overcoat, We have them in all sizes—a “ ie MQHErS BEB large stock to select from: and prices right. ie ard Family Medi- ae ‘ wi{cine: Cures the MILLINERY— : Sl! common every-day In our Millinery we haye so far had a very satisfac- { =]. < tory season, and to those who have not yet bought we i ops of hamanitys extend a further invitation to come aud inspect our faa] ruse showrooms. i Zz ° CROCKERY— - , ee Crockery, Crockery is the cry. Come on we can supply you. We have only been pay of crockery for =? a few days, but we have it in iO not run 3 USE around the country for good petals but come § } KILLER a S16. Guenther’s, V7 ANTED — SEVERAL FAITHFUL yable $15 weekly and expenses. Jeera Enclose self-ad- essed envelope, ‘The National, fg Buildings Chicasos 39 BREAD M2 HEALTH Be Rho aidaliey ad one Breed! Wibeyeda din: nte. It took the FIRST PRIZE at the Ball sh et shonenalou vines os vidence, try it youreelf. Fresh dail CAKES =i Fresh every day, at fe The New Baker. straight to us.” |TEAS— . Great bargains in teas. Blue Ribbon brand. This tea is a blend of Indian and Ceylon put up in leaded packages expressly for us at 25c. per Ib. Also good Japan 6 lbs. for $1, Young Hyson 7 lbs. for $r. 4 GROCERIES — ?, Infthis line we keep only the choicest and the best. 80, ‘ Dried apples wanted for which the highest price will be paid. GUENTHER & CO., MILVERTON, ONT. F Hello, There! Hello! You have not yet your Winter Suit. "The Fall season is on. Winter will soon be here; but re- ‘member, pledse, that we are here ah ‘We have the Fail and Winter seasons by the forelock. ‘You ¢| and are captain athens ake them, On*r FAIL TO ORDER YOUR FALL and Overcoat from Burton. WEAR SLOP MADE GAR ents, when you can Has the correct e- thing at "Burton's? AVERYEODY. DELIGHTED WITH he, style, quality and ‘price of Bur- “rn | ton’s producti T WILL SAVE YOU TIME, TROUBLE, iB “and expanse to order your Fall ( Olthing don’t catch Koehler & Knechtel napping while the young Fall Overcoats and. Winter Suits And the demand for our latest and most fashionable make of Coats, Vests and Trowsers are so great. Yes, yes; We have made a full and excel'ent preparation for the season’s requirements, and we'll chase you if you pass here and not call on us, if it be only to see @ our complete lines of Suitings in Canadian : and Imported Tweeds- Marrexs—At ian on the sae bine, —In Ellie, on rahe 10th Ge ‘thie the wife: Frank Marte ey | Elma, on the 10th ingt., the wife nf ‘Jehu Barton, of a daughter. In which we defy competition. Our Fine Worsted are worthy of inspection, and best of all (if possible) is our display of Overcoatings. You needn’t go to any vity with the idea that you'll find anything in out Tines to surpass our stock. The perfect satisfaction our work has PILL-PRICE. Gays of 35 one a ee Pa ee + Agnew's Liver Pills at ten cents a vial are surers safer and to take. aggists sell _Cure Comepvies Bic aal wie Headaches, fear stat Pee nares eee n all troubles. i “Koehler & Knechtel, given thus far, demonstrates that we equal, if not surpass, ‘the city tailors, in cut, fit and Amer és Gall early and leave your order. E@rFail line of Gents’ Furnishings. Sa ; MERCHANT TAILORS, MILVERTON. lg-The Victoria Clothing House.