AS GOOD sa a. eeu EB he Tooked up at her futgas 3 but zgel Be er ee than Shallow and = ence themsel his Ys Dr. af a Mayor for an year, asi Chali . ri k | 20 right to ae there in iuignient up- the big chair, es eyes still strate ar Wis ' jher to be jai native _ ees eae side, af are there haber idlers round (at She looked camori at Honchard and | She had risen Ja ate, and had et Ipok Fo ant ii the “accounts s iehich sient been doing ?”* ie said, goon down e “ S26 of age ie “ate and are rf ware ne ey do ane said “the, cette’ fags as aha dwelt upon ihe prom- ‘om At bottom, then," Henchard ees is. [ow places in Hae world te shouts and roll- an whe ‘ate aoe mee Tehett to is Stubberd was sworn, the magi 'S Hen loomy. ‘Shiaaber = oe friend Saget! for charge iat instinct, aay oly When h SDntL co) cae Halk Geant id ; J ad ocaat a ais aning 2 his bead wath 2 nettled mien. n she the "Tirmi-rnd to Port Bree ody. jomie penmanship, Stubbera fyniied e wes mhree ‘hour: ie a carriage was curious—it anything: should a Sen i ft day é the chet vine —Saiunday— Spa eeecigen sees canes tht he would be home that night—“for Sun- a Co of ee as at the mngselt. ee was “She Ba 2 ae away that dee lan- in the ‘ospect ae clinging ¢ to the stubby expanse of corn aes stripe to ae ees of any kind within | e, wise and. Wat's a out of my rates is Case was different. A si i Teh was eee her—Bliza- ES of i selves, that = bids colged, BS ses sect’ = @ little “exe Elizabeth came face, as ized fae Bolas autos highway at the point re abi stood, and dawn the: track Walger eonblaetaseeeuiiy fel Eat Tet apd ES sige whe, Sactus: the othe pti in = tent at Weydon (cima ears ago’—well, that’s "A man and a woman with a little it," the wo: motion of his head flung about like ‘ossed_ his an d oughly terrify them. ‘This caused the two helpless girls to run wildly, yg ae upon the bull advanced in a deli enThe barn st a bebind a gree 4 rat too. ind a oy slimy id with the ex: of doors |° t ¥ | pursuer was against the wall when the fugitives were already half-way to the other end. By the time length would allow him loan follow ae thither they sirocco, and not whickt 19 / open’ the door. What might have bappened had theiy situation con- tinue but in a fe moments a ‘rattli ed their adv am too cunning for bse] brute jikens dnd the creature tine “in the partial ie a cate deo Wes the lien wer ardi He mad soon as she ct Sone “T have eel your kindness,” re penmed tenderly. . ‘You. once saved Hoy Ww—COI asked, not heeding bis reply. ot ed the fullys and wi ithout waiting for Tadder to be placed she slid down the face of the Seaate to the floor. scendin; er muff ii her up beside at rr with Mr, Henehard, yeu vst he are alnioge tothe oy iat “Ana she home?” BlizabethJane was qui “Your stepfather See “Entirely Farfras Checked his horse's pace; she not to intrude on Saute hei eS peeeded hoe as eh to provoke a possible ant 4 cme was as ungene! aid pean eu a nats jing cece eae sj went oui ere ‘the ing ‘and up the street. poe of he noe ion eee ees copper i i id id irremovable as} Lucetta had had e: pairs of adif- wo liberate |i + lobeatneble by Elizabeth or Lucetta in at ik |any prejudice to the fact that engagement, ates cen us ig to be # long | she WNob else need Know; you | an was seen eloom %9) be lenge frame nd_unhesit- p ncgied ithin his arm, though sh eases fain have withdrawn it, ap- i fan I should’ mot ineist.”" “That cut me deep: 1 felt that there was some truth in its. Tdon’t want to make you wretched, and to marry me just now i lain. ee adnate i Cagagement™(0 put off all thought of marriage for a year do nothing of a aitferet Lindt paid Lassa. VL oun k of gratitude to you—you have say- Ley reniiraee er your care of me 15/9 head. like coals of fire on m:! Tam rich, Surely I can do something in re- remained in thought. He aad evidently not expecte red this. “There | ¥°275 480. tht do, Lucetta,” i 21 My great creditor. is Grow him have this story, Aries ot Gust let me speak to ye oe it a ask wil ly wait) thens At oe eaten S vend | I shall be able io him; and [I can i: coolly tell him all g is postponed between lat dieastor’ to those tants con- ev’ arid ade Vee bull fast ‘tout (and Reertetodl cotta; hi pad z | ITEMS OF iN mes it to be you—you ?” she es, came out here to look for you. ‘I n wanting to tell you some- Pings Chase: trea. or teva: date (O08 xo 4 & 5 5 ts IE 5 oo ae B ee Z 2 5 a 01 ast- ened ‘down again to the barn, the oth- way. oth s the an article being by no means J small at turned to hasten on- ding 3 | her, drew quainted with what had occurred: At Es ‘of Ly. Lucetta had been jeoj ardised he ex- ited an agitation different in kind no less than in intensity ae any she had seen in him before. He became so ae in the ix mnatanoes, sist (ie i oi eaten ee s aging to ce think of helping He is te he < ‘They n get [guessed why, He was thinking that EG exhibition ot her dee; ener rou ae ws for (Oa thin adkcambikesentetsd jthe house | through bis garden, and going up to and them: ments fo par- ticularly disturbed state, his boxes be- ing hauled out upon ding, and his bookcase si ry These phenom owever, seemed to cai not the least surprise. “When will everything be sent up?” he said to the mistress of the house, who was “SET am afratd not bétore eight, sir;” said she. “You see we wasn’t aware Hill this morning thet you were going it drs to I Wi move, or we could have been for- arder.” cael never mind, never oe fet ‘clock. Fue heed kate BOW you've help- ed me. Bice ran wish to be of use, Ps Piles “continued.) A Few Lepage Wite ch ay be Found tie Lapianders Niece sista? in one day a distance of 150 miles. completely shaved. TEA eleven anid -painted flowe on the back, are the latest fad in Pas of the alligator is eaten house warming w: ial” Wait, Scottish inventor ae distance of four thousand y Louis A. Pettien, of ‘Allen Count yeais. He has buried over 18,000 oe ee he policemen’ of Bridgeport, Conn., ce their weight. @, paid a bill for the burial of her predecessor by eee oe clothes woman in Coffeyville, Kan., as peer it is ae spec: oodpet ich p ieataph pales to iaoeae hears sound an that insects are pot “the Mrs. Bush, of Clay sons, Fred and Johi ie ine’ and. ten years-old, all through the ice while skating. could rescue 1] In London ies ‘mail deliveries from France a private xpressing | given to a.concealed photographer, an Wish to alight there, and drove round Seto to ae stables at the back of his lodg- | dual cont |in a few seconds the suspected indivi is baoree ma seed ts way 4 Electoral, College, He prompt! “an institution having |i of the for its obj the furthering study of icity." wholesome respect for the British flag. hag iat 8 for we have no force elie COLUMBIA GOLD A TITLED INVESTOR'S VIEWS ON A VERY NARROW ESCAPE ver HOW THE LATE A "ADMIRAL MILNE WNED, THE BONDAGER. A NORTHUMBERLAND SKETCH OF THIRTY Pe iarag So fell aes en early, ua ay fe ow y a yarn and ifm was difficult to ee fresh sup-| pli flocked: con: ai m Jane “had to > help in comet the cat- i tain—Deseri pare of One ns eee Brit. Disaster 2 oe ite of the Fleet; Sir Alexander Milne, K. a) of the drawing-room of civilization it n and seeme nas fiready present where her loved one “oes ee eee aad ents “ie ts casier now, and Ul try and come ” said ting pain of pleurisy Petpet eer tor, ‘who here was much of the baby still in ‘an gaunt Han A a a Brae on her Ries ‘The latter was: standing at the palip “Yes, tae: fe ewe ete! bf the pa- | head of the clan, who had not apie with the years, and who were as “nso- a of officers and men, to the num- phisticated as if the, oe of steam on morning. Thats just ne me in a& eka thy, ae what they sete | Te £9 ould wish me to advance ch annou been. a a pesehed! but tees Tages was By, ie ene ‘unconselons— though ¢] the en Sis Cues was only twen- received to the “etek that Mu tenga 2 joctor ae calls in the Boe home try. where 1 ey) the diner and sae Ret Glen no. ist ene <a st st hs hands Ishall sufler if Pa pplensa young inliow, ae sete six = : es unc iips aut te, ihe, doctor, eee dante So he came out to Gale Columbia, ut four a said farewell to ws drm body nt alee ae oe ae noble hi for noble she were the ey Posen fia bad ploug! rough leggings, and a stout little ve, her a r task, sel Sine gear FOR THE WILD. junday Gen oer it — she . was silence, by goul was ee from earthly bondage e comfort cerned. It was not until the first feel- bes Sultering with t he, “ttoueht, ht ant 5 2 a ae in How a Much’. ee Foes Seite With the = ee how, she eet all her love before eu close to the “War Basle! Tt has hy ae ae Be Ssanetity abou it and f oareao char: astrophe, The following are the facts = fe ake ime Ene that ee ul hn lla ae anise cits iewill apeulily cay taniaome Uiyiaende Sept. 6, 1870, the ertine chanel rand Soares sticking wrapper oes & nae wellnigh “ongotten food for berself. ently aed a Beene te eae The Buddhist nuns in Burmah have Premi¢ command of Admiral sine, were sit pirated she had to | 6! Bay you conld not see Sir Charles as typifying, in his dress, the uncon- Wa Over one-half of the arable eri of — had that etternoce gone on board Japan is devoted to the cultivation, of come and see if ene uke i ae it ice. e tented too, and _ ™no more eae Among the supplies sent to foreign imissionaries, the bicysle takes a pro- iat thes vo| the a stacs eae i Beam of The superintendent ehebled roan in anged. flesh oy, ‘te beer) of india. Boiled, it we: confess to reed sigoeneh “that Twas “The first man to apply steam to ashamed business the rier ie is ee very well for a while, and ug ares ‘when you ra ae ani puri ns ae would forthwith aon ieee soe fieceee the stillness; and t tr “ Three mes from here, where she ‘The uéw magazine ee miepien bath the British Army throws a ball’ to a Al f+ in comi side, my arms may havo to ome we a my Ind., has been an undertaker for sixty | Some dif fealty ae ne tranahipment i A ht be Ue a The tenden' right to cottented With: 60 Uttio aa| aight was) like cil ties for’ elf hee | an bien gan Tine ete ane ae ta Mmmselé thet he ian ad fallen into Se cumrant eo eohine teat Chk ae beset ieee Tequired to exercise in gymnasiums to| of he. second wife of a man in Bangor, Something tele Ae the ankle ofa be go three hol ica mow and then furore in; but a wi of Baers. So "There is ns tia life in Rossland pes: cai ip he that hes good of Sey pect ay tonal thing. Gall it free ; and healthful ae the fer the a ibe been ‘killed nice Ror ees you ive a word of advice to] in the east red, whi is fe Of ber interior fittings,also t plunged. in <0 afier them, but they sank ‘before she good. withen a little more Hess vo lias | = body, writer of & : jan answer from a resident. within ours. a | wi | hen a suspicions-looking person ap- | W! | proaches one of the tellers ae the | Bank And a) ears she sturdy Hire oor: and “wilful asa lad fhe ea — es eee and 5 cing "iking for and a fread of ¢lec- tain beepers. We ai I Tama ie rat ie a0 forty drops of glycerine, and moisten But, e Geciaie ith this liquid morning and he night, rubbing it well into the scalp. New Haven paper lately contain- ed two advertisements, side by side, RICHNESS WAS ACTUALLY STRUCK. clamps. One sie i a was ne Hn Pi Point fad Fes are eerstrantinas tie eats peor soul poor jor soul; sit_down a bit You to roduc a S growth of hair on bald Fr McDowell, ““arove 2 ar in ghroveh the “eagie’s heart and killed than shi Ai teacher at E Xpeilantt Mich.. under ee eae cans inthe os cae aa) ta poplin ie page| REE a, OF ee ese Les Bewinttbrea: aks Well, in Rossland, we have assist y ul rhe of coolness, al more zest- Ae vision which his words | as ep ER TERE Ae ‘Ce ris it, a ial) “he rtainly not, and especially when he other side Mr the Te Well, I eongider it a tem mpting of Proraane! the other si morally. pertain tnee thet “other tek low! ee shoot, Use if he ze gun. ae i Rees you wil probably get along quieter.” ‘about Rossland itself? will i lai it wi come a’ second Butte, Montana, Cer- tainly T think iE will experience Brent ment in the of a few os Already the Prorat ion | Vie tates towards it. A gre of business is transacted in it. Som the people are beginning to bring ‘heke WIVES AND FAMILIES, so that we may expect a. social Ii Ag a steedy ist, Sir. Charles, Saat the place before to do you t f pork, beans and: tre- acle?”” “Well, can “go it,’ you know, but lee after a few months it becomes a little monotonous. At the same time, atter a spite holiday, spent. at my it without mingivin, Ti is not the food so mud josenes of other comforts. One bes | Ee ame ‘ooking 1 aS iges but bathe ‘wonid | te aeons, t say Nothing yr these we Baty ee out Ww “T suppose it feals se ee Sir Gharles, and experience the de- lights of fresh 1 “O) res, but at Prarie I do not wear this Find of dress—pointing, to | his tweed morning sult Highland oerAnd steam and the telegraph - haven’t Spoiled the picturesque al “And your ae ‘have til still as aim: AP render ple ways, sti to the head oi ag TMouserve. no change in these egards | {had some pictures taken showing the Highlan ant roi you ha ie and I wi e to let you have one. ‘Thanks, I wish-you had had your- self photographed that day you enter- Stat tans your rousers an en fall of patie, and that I could have hada oe oe the world,” was lia reat ing re sas SEE es Oia RAILROAD PROGRESS. The agg rey al Advance Which Has Taken Since the Early Days. sai few people at the present ime can realize whht a quaint and i an @ EA 3 | & 7 & & ae este or how totally different were all its appointments from those to which we are now accustomed, says the Railway, Tse | World. Yet travelers were vastly pane ek of Cah and speed. ‘I went into ecstacies about the delight of jingling ares over’ a jarring stone block road, in artménts about as on i -ake, and was d to rain and snow, heat and cold, an , in a bar- ‘This mode of treating a safety 0 the train was. usual on most lin this country till nearly. 1850, and was it but one of the man meey, ways in “which ‘the tem sitios aide! Pe it was. The first ed on. seventies, might be seen an inscription r the gatewa} of an ace ntape “A QUEEN’S DEVICE, i hasten Peas era for Her Maj- “Queen, London,’*