About the House.|™;. “TISS ME DOOD-NIGHT. “Pease, mamma, pease, tiss me dood- oe QM love with sunny cope My blue-eyed lo Ab ae tears. ris.?* I said, “I can’t kiss naughty girls. 326) herpetic! ha Se EOS En sobbed ul a amy more. 1 eee are anla I had been Lg ap ers Spartan school, And deemed it ‘aaty te ey: coutrah h rigid rule, 1» Or ‘That a, with love should sway 7 the I heard her sob, my mother heart With yearning filled, to soothe and Yet I setrained, in her sleep ~ baby still lay oe pa thace! as midnight, when I felt alt» touch | Sn ie “fever'd ‘hand lay on my m5 = a ‘piihite-robed. baby EE gre cull an jineoeh that agonizing nie night he Teale bi broken heart still Plead Es ce ae near; ogi eh ara “I won't ie naughty any more,” ‘And in my arms my babe lay—dead. ture, far more eave a phe eee orca ‘A. child taught to breathe ieee na ae A! through its nose grows up strong, heal- Bs eare suill hones that, sobbing, org, | Uy. “in. broad adic *p esas, 2 tits me ood reed moutl is ever an indication ene a browni of bit of glue are aan on its life ne child should be Teatshe one eS ich the y “the trade make the at ee tee eich pox two. cireles oat he Gs of the fat ah ee 2 oe pot No. 1 water col and ink acevinkg even 3 peanut t in the shell, PFO! erately hilly or uneven land with the ms ‘face cov tside. | covered ° wa: AGRICULTURAL| APPLYING MANURE IN THE WIN- With conditions right there can be no oui with the surface frozen. d with a fie of some ‘isk | sensitiveness to weather tion at bent time ay a he months. Turkeys should be iti overfed Bok starved. Remember food of wild ag consists of i ries and seeds. This diet can that the turkey in its is the safest that we aed wees 80 little exposed to t accident as statement, which, stranj pear at first sight, is, after all, not so 2". |THE VERY SAFEST PLAGE y growing. tal turkeys | FEW ACCIDENTS ON THE RAILWAYS nd should oF al, BRITAIN. Five Killed er Nine se Hnndred and Twenty Nam! Been Seay fest im the Past Sevent It is ten aid that a railway tr: lace in the world, fees we are on a = yer Satieoal a a t Leena when we trayel iby ent, we feel safe in taking be approximated by the use of meat kittie agai at eae eee it it in and soft nm ex- 2 rae ay ot ee cellent is a hot mush made | look out for ourselves, or else take the We have never failed to receive good heat screenings, corn meal, onions | Consequences. results pie the early application of | or other vegetable matter, such as t1 It is incredible Bit out of manure during the winter. There 18 a two-fold advantage we believe in ap- ing m1 ers have a row the manure from the stables, and t go to waste and once gone they are my r blacl fle salt, more feed ‘Then - |over the litter, on. the floo ‘hem nip tops, which grow on turnips in the ar, tees a “k pepper, al throw sera' clean vessels eben. get at them, ‘The noon feeding das are too valuable to be allowed to|is not wall to keep ny in the spring x mashed potatoes, all mixed with Sigbae. water ‘Two ‘little grain. broa ‘ loor and let | le er in Hewat ft wfaalt of the railway com- it cayenne o Crees Hone gre Do ee ive the turkeys any uy FE Be available all the plies 0 of broke n bits obtain= erush- ma, Loe barge of railway passengs Ki beyond their own control. every e ae people who travel- one a total 83, pean as it it | cited from all causes, AS rs in the om during the nome 1895, only one was killed number of deaths of pas- ra proportion of 1 in 11 imillions ds. ae they, ‘of course, are more nu! —Kate Thyson Marr. ¥f it opens its mouth, | never recovered: it of liberal feed- Pp. NGERS clears Pho geauly pressed shut; | We have been for several years haul- ins. pps ‘tinkey, he ae = a te fe . [sete HUNDRED PASSENG sot jeans we i irect- : the lat- x means you willl BAYS jcoles of | ME & good part of our manure a Rye SN a a ee Tan ae mh every SAE thatthe mina oe y comtror the time it is|ly to the field from the stables and al ae Tadstactiny ‘Throw them some | lous ipllle 10 creeeived, tau ae io, es pad or three years old it will brea! ways aiming, when possible, to scatter | grain at noon, a1 sundown | through their own fai a evs correctly, and thus protect i mo | it evenly over he surface, as fast a3 | give them all ne, pe iat sain they ‘of passe: injure many sd ehald that Breaths yout. y in Dedemiber we|can eat Scatter, the Gra Toren the ‘ Enron ie a ones at ght by|bauled several ls onto 8 piece of | been thoroughly, asks va sil thee Cate celta a cold room. Ai child G0-| ground on which heavy | crops. — This will afford them n ing out of a warm room into the TSW; growth of sscond gion “dover. We| “fuel” for the tongs after mene wintery atmosphere, With CS ru1 gisie.| mean to plant potat this piece Pee yeu see a grown-up person, with ne exound pert ean Baan FARM GLEANINGS. Bolter from some | “boys” 2 manure fi a dimiutive nose, it may Ue Uynatever |and pitched it off imto piles, the “old See to salt the cows regular- oe tha : we had| gent” staid d scattered it; not oa cause of the butter not the cause, valyrand useful feature im) a even apotien: | ee 3 jally decayed clov~ Crowe, if their breathing tion ail over the vartall ae She gaa ag hes epoca re eat purifying ig tree capenty end oly ees watehed when they were infants. aang ott goo oye shall | dft'shonld be dona at the peer a while trespassing, on ie dine, and it people caret tok —_— ‘clov I aoe Panes ae L and, ib, tne fama ot 0. Saree Gt HEALTHFUL APPLE PIES. anny lis a bese covers churn casily and coor ay is eratitying to notice that, not gem ell that us filthy only hat thoy Tam a little Sensitive on the pie con- Sere Gn baehataverie sastied. om te Racine eater apa thivty ax titating 2 sommes ae th and beauty, but the ject, and Iwould like to] the rains sunne & the seat f will have | hours old. Be vex pees reaps ratory. | Sommime subject, cone nttle chaen, £0 ay, Thi wood tir t upa st iM atalities has on, the faandiog Haas AsO Soe plant, What: | cell haw, Cmiaise pple Bier f ind, too, in ply of wood for at yer) ck iphup and of off eer not do as Pena rance or | thin! wholesome as bread and uanathe 3s bags age ve toa oe field, irfalcuegens at ne eee halt ae ey pane eS ee renee tte to erad-| putter, andi after the ce are pre-| is that we can cover a larger area Witl| guntight is Great tia psd este in 189: «fot millions intake is voeea it takes but a few minutes to) the same amount, 4 and still ge teh got | gir” No sable“ahold fe witout | ay again Sol mi ong) : pa proportion carefi bee rd o q amor = rs kil i careen Seater Ae mae oa Thake six pies, writes @ farmer's wife. | TN" ¢_ oma ene stables, with ie: wei ea the rabbis or they eae a dren's health at: heart i Rub one large heaping cup shortening | retained and evenly. scattered with only | , 1° nan fruit "trees, especially Sct of injured, 1 in every A ‘their ‘stomachs: ne too seldom, att think equal parts lard on butter are |a moderate applicati By wa give Cee Tethers is enor na tus ‘against 1 in every 21/2 mil- alas! is the same rigorous supervision | best) well into, one uae pastry flows | ger return tae donb tho yard cwo or| The early pullets abou: me in lays See acerca wien pc hig nated bleep as at Bas) ape. belt oo Sifted io- | three months and, lost, its most valu-| ing now. and Sh be given the best | 4.0 ¢ath-roll is very much in advance minds. a a aha easpo cam oF teaspoonful of fable part through oft-repeated soak-| of care and feed, that they may make werage, as for instance, in 1879 datas as shou tld ba laid, for to it, oF a re Sera makes six pies |ing of the winter i winter lays | (ihe year of the Tay Bridge disaster)s Pseag ayer be invigorated oF pont ee ates wand put three quar | | notice a large majority of farm- good plan to seed all corm and the whole, the number of fa pocwead FE use deep piste 0 ths bottom | ers are more, careful to GU ee phar potato laa to rye if not intended nae ind railway t ene det vent int se eed oa ee Fs 08,8 Ce a ae art apples, as hauled out or soon after, than | Wheat, Land loses fertility if allowed h ye: red et Rea teak mid uhasestanit Potten et ace sprinkle on they used to have seen the fime aint through the w: ND NORE SE pede the child will» Foie a sliced or sof salt, and spice uMitore | learned better—when F There, has been top anuch plow ee GhIPe cs is Yaste for good or other |ASMAT Etenuct is laid on lightly, ‘and | been ‘hindered With the spring plOWiNE | top and wasts of Toru Every year, the rail Fo Reena pak A rr sbigrtenncess up) Jf but of: fm anyways uck | by frozen manure piles; not 1 alone, | o¢ ily Ia ne biate rmed | to send 0 | “to Tee ont no had to do with their | mmed t most of my neighbors Miso te is ease Ber era ant © Malt train aecidents Te ey ee men they. “worlds 10 - Cohslveies a rely the case BOW. Bees ee being se ee ian oftener and pastur- aden rele bee i for oes ts more of what is pure and aan wt the time it should be done, but | © dents, together with the m ea cs Ghd epics are aounlly forte | oo aaa ee uit-| tere, are come things that we cannot | Did Sou over ny ge tseany save, |sonetag miled and ania she may by a de he right time ; a! J fe 5 : 60 Ye eer ie Race etry te eo oak Pie ick lied conte cuaneee an it ts hacled poe ae cultivation | and oD, ae fom Bagines or |v pA aie sai ther|is one of the most important of al management of the crop, 1 ount | ing with obstractions, 0: Surroundi woman than a child of any 0! al feel we pay 8 er cent dividend on t] ° ‘is, or from. defects in are Mi is only too true that every ona nationaity. She not romp; she ate & the tools, ee Tact Pa Se an air ae ee oscepeions: | is oF tou dpfects in tp must at some time learn evil as well) OM Cnure and quiet in her games, which | {5 Feet alten, A farmer | Whenever you find yourself able to|">' ‘Prom boiler explosions, as good, but a a phone eo arike vr imitations of a grown rears who has neve ed a spreader and does | do so, buy a AO aga un | axles, wheels, or tyres, x to discrimina’ it may | be are often a eer be | bor kaow ig value in spreading manure | them with your flock, st you want 7091 | defects inthe. rolling stool cetera o xecist ken that. he | fe: She is trying a racteiaent of|evenly and oy, Simht smaile | te ra Sy ces beet eae de eee the other. r of ber house by means : Batt have ba 00 greal 2 ace the : ‘eciaction of ie 7 in Geareey net dis, fu furniture, spae and dishes | enough expe: ience with to = male bay goa go nd shows it by giving it . ins following. ats ancien on ae e ‘ ; i e and Sra Pn er er eee force rises [haere tet mie ee (nce ger dik bail Fs d Frencl a é 2 id tr rowth quick- | sidin; sa and stations: 3. inju: Ue hie eaemet vil or bane Men real-| Manure . ma in see Tae noes | fe gener amen oeard ear aetea TOS neg tam eallugions at junctions: 80 in- i 23 but no time shot fost in start- | jured. : . vill llisions within fixed sig- ston eae the hos elder, with DS Grd ey a ee ie only ami A. child's sind valesrized ‘rom inning is impossi- bie Spistbe 80 pam ater er fal. SALTED ALMONDS OR PEANUTS. é ae ae to know how. to prepare salted almonds and peanuts at yk 5 which will 3 like those sold at the candy stores at Detroit. it the meats in read thes thercughly dry. ing them gently that each may get Baits oe = butter, spread in a shal- low pan put into a moderate oven until they ‘ae sents browned. Take out and 4 salt. Let stand till cold, Wie shake to remove the st fluous sal Salted pean juts are prepared i in eoecily te d : em eet th ayer 2 ae 3 cl arte ‘as the brown in- ner oes will readily slip off in hes cil is) just as principal aim is husband, every ee le boy cousins, becat never Leave her any bett re you an eye-wi fair? aa d the Sets a. nigh witness, ten years later a 2 patois — auld take a dislike to these friendly cousins; call prod nor wot he like his wife's bosom}as acre = pe friends, in whom she a and who ‘cop barn} Mothers, therefore poratib few i any nt owe intimacies, an‘ re ail win! d rie and selected with the greatest cae a is seieke mentioned i of this _cystem is 2 rprisé to us-all t! avy f friend is not caretessly be- ey Mes aed of milch cows on it fo: stowed right and left; it takes time and fe ms for simple ae ces ze Ir ie id eno mit rise rank. ‘The mother not | free ing up, and instead of getting less any syards off boy ‘cousins and pe Teer pela its own and actually, seems Sim) Sat ia ‘showing. off her oa fo aul! Wespmns saoee matted oriole out of the eins rou, for, she is £ fi Of great manure on this field any time aware that nothing cowed ee tee during the winter, as the thick mat of | ¢ tractive in tl ofS, a blue-stocking. | F¥@, hike the secoud-crop clover on the tord and ns fad, by chance, | ther field, will hold and Brevent any miy spread and by putting on early we feel confident the result wal not disappointing Bac sort of excuse, fen| If it were not for the damage r esult- seats iB the poor little thing will have a eel ram] al ‘tiben ps edn yh eat part of what she) © ‘frye asa winter pasture for imilch cows, Whenever the cows are on ‘the | lee ws yy HIS UNDERSTANDING. rye our W dant, this tats | mae SELES: : y just what ou'd call 11 don't know just what, you'd ‘colt fy few of more tha Very often wi rth n ount 0 squ: Tittle more care 2 ht be made juce off of the surface of whatever may leach of the manure Nie notice another advantage ,too, on that piece of 33°, aynen it comes to. plying rye shows very Piuinty where the. eal is not quite ‘a|50 fertile as that around it. We nd is froze! GARE OF TURKEYS. ay Popla: supply in sight. To dream of a eading r asic indicates: i of flattery: tie te and want eaves specially’ P ory aniients noes e jar is filled w WINTER While the fully grown turkey has Ton ive ‘better than butter; it is what is, ‘foe five rods @ ig since passed the period of extreme ter io kad: bel Bue ‘come here to get them Gatornaately. ‘they cannot find them: hey come to our city markets only to tind cheap, ‘small horses. When they ind a good horse the price is high, find (9 S00" demand for such is twice as great as the Series is a SS WHAT DREAMS MEAN. for your picture. ‘To dream of heaj gold indicates ‘misery and a Aas few pieces, honesty and industry. To ape in sue income. To Hess of seeing a King dre ing implies a “visit uy your lawyer. T manoe® PERFUMED BUTTER. erfumed butter on the dinner table use. ~~ muslin perl eee ona goose implies eer eeting an old ac- a great diappoint- f se the devil ar indicates “toss of lever indicates wekly appe- pared in ai another layer of the, fresh leaves is placed before ith a solid f nals at stations or sidings: ah ‘om collisions between engines on trains meeting in opposite directions: ‘and collisions at june fixed signals at siations or sid- ings. .We est. when ES at along T 6) MILES AN HOU and we is an undoubted fact that far ts happen to the slow lo- ot Tratas than to the fast through ex- PRAll his safety to the public, how- ever, is unfortunately attended with @ heavy death- ae of railway servants. 50 alway servant e sort or an- other however, only. ‘twelve were killed and fifty-three injured in acci= dams inguixed into by the Board of ‘Trade, and by far the greater part met shunting and similar Board, of Trade are ef hhods of rail Baas tat iter lighting et ed_in shunting, yards at night, the co ering-in of i = pe ead the provisi ing- tt is gratifying to nota Bt the ee way ¢ ing the necessary meet tho views of the de> rt on this question, and we & glad when the Railway-God n " 1 holocaust of cee ass THE veREE Latest ie ALL THE Interesting Items About Our Own Country, States, CANADA. Stratford is to have a Free Library. ‘The miners’ strike at Springhill, NS., continues. _Mr. D. W. Bole has been elected Pre- sident ote the Winnipes Board of ate Last 's cut of timber in the tea riliey ia tetiraaten at 14.350,000 Winnipeg School Board is asking the oity for $100,000 to meet this year’s ex- Seige Bingham, of Ottawa, has giv- en his first month's salary ‘as, Chief Roe to the poor of i “It i tg iitlatls ‘that Sur- veyor Oils ant Aan eS will remain in edi mont is "in Mont iS ‘The Sue for a seuss in the number of liquor licenses in Hamilton was considered. by the Markets Com- mittee and refu: Ottawa are mi fete fer the te ah of garnishee against the il servants. from Portland to Glasgo Sonee Hade: his honour b; States Ambassador in Londo: The Maruis retary of State for Jon ‘Thursday. th: tended to increase the The British House of of tg shillings per child. amberiain state siderat oe e navy conte tion of ten thousand more nt, ani full slat ES full report of chancel, of Eng] representatives the eee “ rong pressure is being brought to |“ bear on the Dominion Government to have insolvency legislation introduced @8 soon as The trouble between the garment- works and the ey oes pean’ fompany of amicably settled. uch firm will erect an elevator at Kingston, Ont., accepting the cit; offer of a bonus of $25 h00 and ee emption wf The Dorota Minister Sa beg hohe 2 niger ies ies office: Old i omer S Geer ony the rains baeniacs of the Montreal Street Rail- way Company for the first four. me sean Eye amount to $412,665, inst tl iit of sea for the, corresponding Canadi tee seat Paci + rill fa require- t. moverients to- ted to * poin' = re enough in that at the charitable eee saploy ae os funds ay Within a short time a new life company, h i A - adian ie in ts erat wy it ane ness, with head offices ta Moot real. yal Victoria ey beld te wien ace Tution was passed recommending that the Dominion Government. build the Roe at railway through the Crow's of A eceene reas tat appt ist a publlo holiday. hte ie felt fime since Confederation that, Domin- recognized in Ni Scotia as a legal holidat ‘°¥2) Phe schooner Core Hangon, of Pro John R. Hooper a required to Test Sho ie He en Sen on foe pnigatagy wh pee ee a hs ago on a trip north. “she for attempted wife murder three Serew of 1. vee Mowat % potted adversély to ang maine The Domi new, ani ra Aberdeen will be subsidies whicl a Tafead through the re-| tiom orator at the University ot = oe fusal of Parliament last year to revote | Ca@0 commencement pril the imoney. 1 Lady Aberdeen will have “the Under the instructions of the Minis | Bonowr of being the first, woman cho- tor of Agriculture, the free distribu: pee an in the United tion of sample feed Pare varieties of and_other azricultur- of ee Sines al products which have su veceede nthe navy to get into trout i is the battle Experimental farms will be m: shij She this season. land, says that Canad: Segoe Gade her new Atlantic ae new style of steamer in being projected: o Sallow | draught with ee eater id ane di Sree ines meal be acrarahiy GREAT ae ht not Me Evanj be com: Dobell, who has returned from |!2 tm hurry in getting | put UNI TED STATES. has been iiietienymen eoobal at Ottumw: The _Ang?o-Venezuelan been signed by Ambassador fote ana Minister Andrade at ao ae, reoul or last Eee dro w. Ambassador to ha Seay the hero of ing dnesday -tn brief i Hine Va., sorted short $43,000 cout rep $ in ghildren, their ages 15 years, were Nebra ae United Sta revenue 1 ee ieee uary wars, buualasbe 3,99: iture defies ‘Of | rt 952,395. ae Somerset ven’ lo next fall. taaiet ents have 0 suppress gal E The natn of the shine resume operations Monday next. haye been closed for six months. The pane ‘ates Senate, to the ‘abritration treaty, ated it in such a manner Gardner, Morrow coke “by bank buildin, Be ye as sed canal ear amounted to En fount Hermon, Mass., elist Dwight L. “Moody, wh on Friday, by his friends birthday iat Hamilton F. paones of the Office at Washingt on a charge of Leonean ite re: | oem tha Goma ae is said fase The Earl of Kinnouil is dead, at the a age of se m ast selcneatet English ste tea ater. ae been declared a bank- taal eh ort eee formerly Duchess Marlboro given birth to a wer is Batenian, who was twice mediate Thomas joe of | ere Primitive a { The 6 steamer eee cae 100 head Baise es) e impr eit Prince Chimay — has ‘ciaea voree, 5 (' ee Aer Peay ‘The ce of Wales attended Wednesday ight the dinner, gi y Mr. Bayard, the ‘United jon. yee the War, announced er Eh Coyeerinbat ia ‘army by that th ‘ial ee Se ae reaty dunce | FROM OLD AGE TO YOUTH eorge Meade, a son of General ttysburg, died on delphia after a Lee B. McFariand, teller of the Sec- - | ond Nationa Bank of Parkersburg, W. £ ‘owned on sae Ge falling through the ice at t will be ask- on ey ve been returned seatnae: “14 pefeons, faciuding aldermen and officers, at Louisville, Ky.. Case Threshing Company at Racine, Wis., will rues it Senha of “a tal Potent ae rans to “The total freight « carried by ted States and Canadian Soo Sanale last y {038 000 tons, ex- seam all previous records by over fo erect a chapel at 0 be given La ton ‘has been arrested ae no hang ‘of cattle and 35 crit, Aeroel Saaae aade ~ CTT == , the Arete ‘exlorer, ‘ana jansen Wednesday. “they a are the guests of Sir London 1 Pre voluntary schools the Bum go to London is under — The “plan formulated by the Imperial ment for increasing the strength a. ‘The ency of the construction of five attloshiga and three first class cruisers and the addi- ERT hands ea bree High ‘Arbitration Commis- n, Press is very severe up- | banished ents passed tenes from ‘Athens tell of a we Saye ful state of affairs in Crete. Des- nendments were chiefly made perate fighting has taken piace between ith the view ef amending the treaty | Christians and Mohammedan: ue out of existen Canea the. Christian ‘quarters Ott Bie Capitol of ae at Har- Bank we che otter dey toand ©lextent of $80,000, Was) 000 persons in the State of are said to be ie the Tt intimated that hares MeKinie, intent to appoint Mr. Chaun- Eng- his ac- anging ‘eceipts M4, ned ae “They before , em- as to 0 will ds a of im- adi- on ven in ce A body pried | io be Sdvancing ‘toward: the} nee rmme! The Portuguese — Ministry has signed. ‘ oe pipe bas recovered from sos crag is reported to be sufferi: from fainting fits. = ror Francis Joseph will visit St. Petersburg on April 27. A number of eee and bread riots e breaking o iotous ar e stuc dents the closing of the nies “Rome. Munkacsy, the famous Hungarian ar- tist, is reported to be dying at a0 Vienna. ‘M. Martini, the inventor of the ri of that name, is d at Patafeld, Switz Zace_on the frontier of Siam between eS pe eon Hatfkine, who uses attenuated Bears virus as an antidote for the jail at’ Bombay. ‘A panic is reported at Kurrachee as a ceslt of the plague and famine in Inia. ‘The plague in that section continues to spread at an alarming rate. The principal fish exporting mi chants of St. Jol ee ase Pp sented a mem ori the as asking for the e1 if inst the F Tewfik 1 Pasha, util 1 renee Turkish Minister. for Foreign Affairs, has ar- tived ai Marseilles. He states oe a 3 |reign of terror prevails among the en- tourage of the Sult: Serious alarm is felt in Brazil at the growth of the iene) mo’ nom meus af Soy vel ihe Guan haa cordially peivad end tesired ail tie rightavar ibe Gran Duke, Michael Michacloviteh, who was and deprived of his onion by the late Czar for mes ( city were fired, and the people éhiven out by flames and massacred at their doors by Turkish soldiery. The war- ships are landing marines to protect THE WONDERFUL REJUVENATION OF OLD nn ADAMS. fears Who A Man of Bicker: Five Al of Korty—He pee Looks Like John Adams of the village : ae Kankakee: county, Iil., after ex- ceeding by a number of years as vue ree score years and ten allotted by the ae ‘mist as the limit of man’s age, has again. 2» de panic of Florida in the flowery hope a3 ea a fountain whose w: ters e his lost youth, but gone on record never sh a peg thate the of one who, after re: ing of youth renewed. ‘A short. time ‘o John Adams had all the appearance and all the peculiarities of a man whose iatealy coaeaey persons. One is a man bowed beneath the weight of years. He i for a fringe of gray hhas so dimmed his eyes that he is aimost blind. ams that was. ered with a growth of dark-brown hair d as At ie wae Mr. Adams looks like a man re than 40 years of ance of an aged person has J Té is xeported that fighting as taken 4 say, but that it has had a Tessas te tally veonvinced. to the attacks li disease, inoculated 156 prisoners in the of "The search for the elixir of life has | 185 mi the | quai advanced age, bas tee the biess-| 2.2 ad ae ‘Adams of to-day are different | aad == never surrendere: ing its effect upon. him ‘bors is nature, as it probal against various stages of 1 morning toilet. her complexion must be Meant emis a to_al up every mon at th and takeu lis daily walk before break: ee phages! of Mr. Adam's rejavengtion |! youth ‘through, some if life a slope no stoop, his shoulders, and weighs S98 oanty. But he to wi he attributes the ame a) TALL FAN SPRAIGHT, to man. aeeking shectered nooks and. sunny rent. to him that the wear of bis years wae hav Tinea hour various. ° Certainty, Penatey ar uly ste the case is strange enough to excite After hb massage and her hair shampoo, her | ¢ further improved thew: one tebeves nie fiat the old man has discovered that ‘wonderful bly is; a renewal of nge rebellion comment, and it has had the effect of |*R® it catly! raising interest of the |ledo, | Oswego, bai » OF peat Citizens of Tucker to a bigh point, but |jother border town and go back’ i Pe prieis oat wane chen oie eeceet into the manuer of life and the habits |i secret by which youth may be re- ; called and life measurably prolonged, hip, company or and hopeful of discovering what that ration of the United States who secret Jd give employment. to such wretch EERIE nalties. TO MAKE BEAUTY. A new process has been added to the i : exhibit sd eceern skier fre rth or certificates bath Be eariee a cle fue is merely for the ps of wa- i ae eae oe rail fn from the sprayer which re ular and. fin iutormsitient, Cel im | EBe face of the ere come bi ears is in order, play upon hot, and ee spray lady rself in front of the va- porleer for the fifteon-muimute lati For the of an hour the hot Cr t lexion_ which she. imag result She does even will re envelop bemsele in Bee Because herr fancies that her neck Pe aes, hot spray likewise 1 a little ei slightly acidic Aes dded to the water, sl f the face esemt fee boiled ‘cabbage leaf, Tt is claim- od, ‘how complexion fis Oe aac freshness not pares and reducing t tever beauty transformations the new boudoir bath a fad is already ae Breny New York woman w patie we been reported in which subject is now ed with ae ee ae een dia per | &,gaporine and mibarts Saly to" tbe ns of an advanced age after those wot beeuty Rrestinent ich have served thi u +h life | Steamed face the mark of up- PRINCESS LOVES ee One of the es enthusi. hes -| ers in all England is tier Royal High- yet the change is incompiete. Dark | oes the Pri era a hair has replaced the gray locks which Prince 3 had fallen put new teeth bave taken pied canine pets are treasures the place of those worn away by sev- owned by woman in the enty years of use, and sight, has ae Unites Kingdom, Not « dog fancier or is skin wrinkled and has the parchment-like » but knows of ther appearance whicn comes with ae eee in these pets, her ledge fu expec the last dog show this was succe ia een either replaced by ple or : fl det “4 wi Winey show- ea ont \d the wrinkles ed a handsome new nd, a Wal the renewal eee you nth Borzoi, and carried an if of will ee does not_ Bierce ea G pri ‘The beautiful creature, belon; but he believes that meas-|ing to the i family of wolf- ure, at least, form pon ave | hounds, of svaich | the Emperor of been restored, and he is confident that the noblest ~ specimens, under the stimulus so unexpectedly | sent to the Pri ago by given his facuities he will live many|a Russian dog fancier of note, and since past the oo! 2" the stately » in his white iy te ardly clear, Dr. Adaans ts| ghae “prmncoored cones carried off the w is rs le to lay oe return of his Jue! ii purchased vi to the manper of fife which hi Pee [Ee ee Rito and, |IT IS AN UNNEIGHBORLY AND PER- se N! e of 't] side cae ee ‘ponder wa so they gave of cause, i. |premises making ©) prerisad humane in themselves, that th 6 rere George Sporn Runs Into a Street Pole— LABOR LAW I8 A WEAN ONE ICIOUS SCHEME. A Philadelphia Paper § Speaks Fey, About the United states Alien Labor lation. In order to obstruct | Taeasehy Pa and Canada fal before some come “regularly or habitually” into this land “for the purpose of engaging mechanical trade or manual la~ af a e ful erat es ee is nal Am he trains on this WOE BE TO HIM. But woe to the wight tbo ae ii wr etch so anne id be li ecessary ev to require all ‘ight i to i, proof of their: na tention to br izens of bee nit d States. ie ae ct of this a tion would rt zy as a, provision reauiring ihe Le os front But se of the country: revolt- the Government was Feadily retaliate by juing as crim- citizens of the we Republicans in Congress robebage sth homane. = Pallas PARALYZED BY THE BLOW. ne is Uxeless, a bruise under one. eye, and also a badly bruised side. HUNTING BY ELECTRIC LIGHT. om India about a les. Looe when Tre is — seed giay ly blinds: hs a eee foe be has fine to get an away. | a ELABORATE COW STABLE. ¢ Baroness Adolph de saa te ee Brittany villa, in one of the wall: f her has a slidi up cow shed, where the animals fee from marble aaa and = milked into silver pail