AGRICULTURA HOGS FOR FAMILY USE. Notwithstanding the prejudice in the minds of many as an arti- cle of diet, I believe that under the lesome and that the farmer as any meat this, writes Waldo F. Bri quite sure that it is a mistake forthe _ farmer to kill large and excessively fat hogs for famfly us% and for a long series of yearsLhave put up the family supply of meaf from five to seven months’ old piss weighing from 150] sa ds gach, and there is no trouble at all to make these weights with proper food and care. i grew Reece ne an dn peak and Killed four for family use at six ee ly. determined the > and un- the plan which I adopted this question from the Wisconsin Experiment with pigs. A-litter of eight was ” middlings, barley meal and such foods as would develop bone, muscle and healthy, vital ns. At the end of assimi- organs, such as aera kidneys, lungs, liver, spleen id the blood, Shier of the Wonca io thle bones Were taken out and put under the test- @ pressure of nearly 900 pounds befor they crushed. ‘There can be no doubt that the meat from an animal in vigor- ious health is superior to that from one with a vendency to and it is certainly tn t a long period of carn feeding and. excesdve fat’ produces an enfeebled and diseased condition of nm brining, aaascont sugar er 200 er pee id ree zt ‘the and part ri bone ener with one-third of the i! aes zs thie and top will be in te bottom, St the e1 of six days we use the last of our salt HOW TO PROFIT BY POULTRY. No hen should live to see her third October, says a correspondent. Some authorities recommend disposing of he: when a year and a half old; but experi-| 4 <j Bullet will Iny as many eggs We divide this by weight | ing the does Bubble ns | &Tary crate Sie shal newneer _ mon! ence with Brown Leghorns and Plym outh Bie convinced me that I can get as a ben between her sightcenth am snd thirtieth months a I can in her first eighteen mont! eioeey Rock pullets ha in May, if ae pais ES toon will lay in October w1 eges 3 horns hatched ee March and April a ia lay September Ist ; after laying a couple of dozen they are liable to take a vacation in No- ee and Decem! tae Bote saf- er to hatch them With ies vee have never ek each year’s birds into pens by themselves, the temptation is strong to keepa hen and concludes that his hens did not do as well this year as | But he does not know the reason why. If he had kept each year’s hatch by itself he would have found the young ‘| hens doing as well as ever, an ‘those over thirty months old producing about halfas many eggsas they did the year previous, ‘The majority of us are keeping birds and animals t of aii we ~ iocate the thieves: d until we do they sami: the profits of others. We can easily tell whic to keep a: busi- ne try to determine which indi- yidual hhen lays the best. But one thing the average farmer can do without ex- own experience 07 4 ae ‘trial of one pen of old birds will it Sty m right and that tt him consider- { | Commence to moult will ell for enough defray 1] (pull ie you from purchasing them ear old hens. ns this ener an stantiate the cl 10th, 1896, L pon 2 hens years old and x months to October Ist these hens laid, 1,839 epes, af store prices yeatsoldand 10 hens one year old. In ty nn cellar and consumed corn, oats, ind scraps valued at $9.70. ¢ the manure , | equale: cost of care there wasa balan ir favor of $20.75. The flock cost d. id for and the consumed, and Lo a their credit. From Octol February Ist to our | these hens laid tony Paid ges genic At way. Jost pa me foune Memahig renihe rob i (oor hey bread 214 -onsume' 07 2 ey ea food—$1.93—and fi agit of the $6.74 peor as they slack ee nae ta Neverieta hen see the first aay of October es. Bucressful farm- ers and i rms semen, = aang Ee $1 to $3 per hen per USES OF Ree a “Sweet are the uses of adve aes sl ahcusen wing hearts are placed THERE ARE OTHERS. get for his, ilt- oe take ices 10 hens one year old. cH ness - | unmarried- who court | Sty “i ship an nd betrothal, only cling the uibre two ten About the House. DSO a Sah oon “OLD CHAIR, NEW DRESSED. Holdi: ent arms, sreragednby xt nee eis ag Td Even as her fretful child the mother For us thy beauty bore the marks of age. Thy garment wrought in us no Lime thou wert old we loved thee not less, Yet bless we still the loving hands that came To deck thee now in fairer loveliness. TO COOK KIDNEYS. Kidneys, if ages ignores @ particularly nice dish. veal, and lamb lamb Kids are used, eee may be pur- cbased for a small are the ae fe delicate. Kidneys can be served in a yariety of menu.” They require to be cooked very slowly, and too much will toughen them. For a plain kidney stew thoroughly wash the kidneys and cook them slowly in plenty of water for about half hour. Remove them from the water, rinse them in cold water, and put them into n with ter en- ough to well cover them, and slowly cook them until the meat is tender. eys remain in the liquid the sell. | until they are thoroughly cold. Take est them out with a skimmer and cut them ne square pieces. Put them back in- to the same liquid, add a ee putter, ig kidneys, remove the thin skin an white ae) wash them, and soak them in weak salt and water for an hour. Then cut et into half-inch slices and roll eack slice in flour. ter in a fryin, » and put in the floured kidneys and brown foe ie i tween the! them on each side. Stir in halt a cup The old dere if rasciully dressed in| of good stock, or water will answer if August and ber before they | no stocck is at hand, and let it si simmer fifteen Season with salt and mushi catsup or Worcestershire sauce and the j f half a lem Turn them over squares of buttered " For kidneys stewed in vine, prepare fhe the kidneys and cut into round kidney slices and a good of pee When one side of the slices owned, | turn and brown the one side, adding more butter, if need- 2a. Addl bio gills’ of sbarey Gr claret juice of half a leman. with salt and pepper. Cover the aoe and let the simmer Turn ena into a ‘2 dish and sprinkle with, pa Sei kidneys is bins = he kidneys into thin pieces oriivn slices and lot thom stand in cold water thirty minutes; then drain id put Cheraianto. Canna ae quart of water. Place the pan where the Tad will just simmer for | t ire. Pasa weatulter. fear au it becomes brown and frothy. Moisten it with a couple of ae liquid and when all shly mixed turn. the Sere ae ae er and aver “ie Remove tl onion fetes ie mixture into a are ae Broted. sd kidneys remove the thin skin from kidn soak them in clear water thie a pig and wipe them ine @ soft cloth and split them into halves, Season them with salt and pep- per, dip came into melted butter, and Toll each in broiler wits butt pre] He into ‘slices halt an pinch thie ee Foes ee aa fics ith salt oa rinkle with salt an pper, Diy cach eee into melted ea pe Een il it in bread crumbs. ise on the ‘a fine broiler and cook them a 2 bright fire fire. Put the cooked Kidneys upon squares of toast, place a little lem- it is light and nares it is liebe amd creamy ; ‘and a dach of Papri ep this sauce ina cot Pace i kidneys, if they are ‘them, out them o the, other side n t | toothpicks, Lamb Kidneys and bacon thought to be an ‘nice breakfast dish. n thin each two pieces; have short skewers at hand. er, then a piéce of kidney, and alternate m2. on @ broiler, a mee ‘pola over a bea! juently until all Hace nee well cooked ; wien the kidneys a are broiled pl Fin strip of * toast, ii eee of kidney, Lamb tage tw Have Goatees ap wits fork. and ar range the slices around the insi of 2 hot platter and stand it. oe wen. Meant sa ed, ma’ platter 6 containing the bacon and put ba idneys upon t! Stir an even on of flour into the ntl pan, add a tablespoon- fa “ot wine ‘or lemon juice, and ighly with paprika; then it over the kidn i platter with parsley and serv te ligiee aobr tan meciane: teens sh Ser idney “until tender jan chopping it fine. Add mful of Be metas, nest canetecana catst one tablespoonful of lemon juice, and of butter. Season with salt and pepper. Rub these ingredients to- ther until they are like a soft past read it upon pieces of uttered toast Jn the oven long en- ‘same amo pples and mixing them little and pepper to of half 2 lemon. neys with this attine, part of the kidneys over and ho place by sticking wo th rough the two sections, a platter and cover t Kaners with bits, of butte ABOUT COOKING VEGETABLES. ‘A vegetable should always be pee ly fresh. It takes twice the cording to its condition. Seon ae to remove all for- eign s Tt s el never be salted until en- tirely or fowl cooked. ose who have never tried this method have lost half the delicious sweet flavor of fresh ‘corm, peas, asparagras, beans, carrots, onions, ALRY ‘oni and rice, which take the place of a vegetable require salt when they are put’ to coo pateuahoatel ie Boiling fast be- the vegetable is placed in it. It Boveri one gently and the keetle should not be covered. An overdone vegetable cooked in a ena Vessel loses both color and enty-minutes. Geuliflower= tw venty minutes. Wwenty minutes. Spinach Twenty minutes. Green corn—Fifteen minutes. JEWELS MATCH EYES. One of Sos very latest commands i Madame Fashion is not without a touch of poetic ras ca Shall take the place of the deep blue that is almost violet, so she makes ine is perhaps a pretty promise. wills it that until further orders on Cire that women wear in their jewelry 1 match the color of their eyes. ‘The turquoise is be light blue eyes, and darker tint “that shames the iris and rivals the violet’s hue.” The t is to go with the hazel eye, and the black ae ‘be distinguished As a rule, ioria. ta formation in which ‘the emerald is found in Central and South rica. pon | —~ A VAIN SEARCH. ‘The Cantal Chief was clearly angrs. infogans woo, wy angry id you not i thatthe new mission: ue a aman of innate ? The minion-eringed. It was so stated in es pipes S sire, he faltered. e nabob laid down his dered, you He ought to gei a year. ly wil Bepper: ‘put A bit = r ediately. boat. Well find it! iy ford raat imported delicacies! “DARE-DEVIL APT GORDON. The Ambit Second Mate senna out What nthe’ Skippee Was Made e ee beard, emitted a growl of jeasure. “Mere bilge-water,” he said, in a low- join gaic. it was in the old days.” company did not dispute the grizzled eupre there was a anny sat still and looked expectant- ly at him. ig liquor I ever eae “wat He had ner the packet Anglo- Saxon, and, being young and ambitious, was desirous of redeeming himself. It “The ‘T'll see skipper, both.” ete tae patient hal very lit- ‘Ay, ay, sir, I'l er ing,’ was my reply to the she cppen and ta crack it to her. ‘The watch’ was aboutj half out, and the ship was jonping and diving like a porpoise, and her masts bas ging like whips. 1 began to ittle Ra the alps Off, I dived below. was on the transom in his slgthes ‘the ship is . Gordan,’ i says, es toward me, he says, nonchalant- i ‘When it gets up to your chin give me another call.” F *T jumped up on deck quicker than jumped I came down, dumfounded at such an exhibition of recklessness. 1 the ship off some, and, the water "emoathing a little, we beeen weather. “then I went below and took a nip of that, good whiskey to settle my nerves. CS WHO SMOKE. ‘Turnips—One half hour or longer. | the sae who is d_ to ig Bags One hour if young, three hours | the “use aah ai ratte ork tea be: old. ‘niin Worky. HaNiiee come prev: au among women in the : stersburg- best society te St. Pei ‘The Queen of Roumania, the Queen aba of Tee mother, the wife of the Comte de Paris, and the Queen of Italy are all smokers. france,” Annales continues, Heke brought oA ee Gone ette, whose use young women eat ee aoe eae cir- oles. Even critical ni ats ad. oul and ‘the cigar amoi Chart gader Lonls IV, even went oo far ae to smoke pipes, yes, my dears! And in the Letters of a Traveller’ we read that George Sand always kept to- bacco on hand for her own perso “Tn ish women have He oa not ae cigarettes, but cigars. *Marbot “Memoirs tells without mine And eee inelang 8 and the Unit ed States, al although he latt Gylincraly senate ee women ha nae fotze, tobacco, There Seesa taut thos ye reetaeie ia Lous: pearl with those deep, dark, unutterable| je, Ky. were seen smolking by s po” eyes, “with down-falli are| although recognizing that the accus- fall of d slumber.” . It is to not conforming to the prop- be presumed that the green eye is ruled Hieties, felt bound to release them out of ration, since no one likes ‘they were violating no law.” A FAIR ee with d, ardly @ more fascinating gem than the cat’s eye. Fashion has a large way of ayer-| Mew the monest Farmer Got Even With agi , and possibly generalizes: the Dishonest Bake: the eye as blue, gray, hazel and black, so that variations of these shall have| Jt never fails io fine. onlookers choice of the other colored stones. Ladies| when the biter gets bitten. Take the pit . whe judge pondered. ‘Then Tea mack la weights?” : ate-coming t the paysary | WY bit_ did ‘ou use in place of weights?” “Th pound loaves of bread I bad bought fot qi I NEWS WN NIN VHE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Interesting Items About Our Own Country, Great Britain, the United States, and All Parts of the Globe, Condensed and Assorted for Eesy Reading, CANADA. St. Catharines has voted $200 to the India famine fund. refuses to re-enter | P1 Mr.Frank Governor Kirk patrick quis ae pak able po ee the hosy in n was aes nd on bine is progressing fav- London at present is bei with such vast hordes Germans, Poles, and Italians Hamilton has given work to 400 of | land may pass an Exclu- the, 700 ops sion Act The ne eee edics Hamilton Returns issued bet the British Board a population of ae. of Trade for) January show an increase Peterson, Tait & Cos have purchas- |i imports of $7,000,000, and a decrease ed the Beaver Line of steamships. Tecld of on mapare mzes Macdonald (“i> vanuaty statue have arrived at Kingston. sane ee ee The entire force of workmen at the Springhill mines, N.S., is out on strike. Be aeracere | spatial thet toe cholera in Essex is thoroughly stamp- t. T ion Type Foundry Com- pany of “Montreal has gone into liqui- dation "The Hamilton Cattle Company has feared tmoncporation, with a caultal of $24,000. Mrs. Western, of Hamilton, has in- vented and patented a bicycle tire that will not slip. ‘The Ottawa Board of Trade is dis- cussing a sole ion in favor of an dlien labor law The Winnipes Public School has a: the current yea: Bev. Dr. O'Meara bas been appainted Dean of Rupert’s Land, succeeding the Bishop of Qu’Appelle. ntford’s fire it year was only $1,528.50. In the inst six years 1 wore aly | f ‘A Montreal ea that, the Quebec Snel Eestons ‘will be held. The national India famine fund n 7 ae to $40,000. and a draft for “0, SEER e ‘son, trunk and oo lows ee ‘of Montreal, have cts igned. The liabilities are about $75,- An epidemic of grippe is being experi- enced in Ottawa, Sir James Grant says hie never knew: the disease to be so pre- n increase of 10000 in the Hamil: ton Board of Education estimates will be reared this year, mostly for teach- Hon. Dr. Borden, Minister of Mnitia, who ue in, arene Pe the railway acci- Donen N.B., two weeks algo, isa = Holiax Smith, of London, called the | toins regation to their an nthe slush off Rev. aration of his cot duty as citizens to cl Spee yale jor Murray of Newfoundland, Boa. Carnet for 123,256 for 20 W. Saree Sen eter Ne aisectablishment and ais: cudownie’ ot the Church of England d by ayote of 2 “ Swank “Chandler, of London, Eagian who confessed, having forged bills “t xchange aa Coc of 1 eecate. 1 ce eS mues mtenced to five years’ penal servitude. Mr. Balfour stated on ‘Thursday that intended emele toatay ect Queen's diemond e the day a perm- the British Tngees fram ‘the en on board the British and Greek war- UNITED STATES. Mr, Richard Croker is the probable | Tammany candidate for Mayor of New: York. The Ohio river at Cincinnati is fast yerging on the danger line, which is William Waldorf, Astor owns 4,000 s in New York city, and has an income of more than $0,000,000 a year. It is stated that after the inaugura, tion resident McKinley, Mr. Mrs. “Cleveland ‘will start oa tour pant the Warren W. ee ney, after reading Hamlet's soliloquy, thrust, a dagger through bis heart in his mother's home cago, ta Wer ae “ne (oGirt anded the Chinese warship Chen Suen in the bat- tle of the Yalu River, committed sui- oe at New York, on ‘Thursday. med robbers in Chicago on tuesday ee held up and robbed An- in his steamship ticket Cee Een ‘salle street. They got 22, ay mail clerk on a Santa Fe train ses Los Jens Cal., on Tuesday shot cit it was reported was about to wisit | one and wounded another. Ottawa on annexation business, has They “iad “attempted to “hold u gone to England. the tr: The amount = cash contributed in 4 To- yn Famine fund from | ¢! The “cattle dealers of Buffalo and vi- ver the abrogation i urces: ee = tl twelve eaties fnousnnd dpliae sh we twelve | and large i ingore Pace? Rene Dabin and Fred Corier, two he |} lumbermen are Frenchmen, -w 2 vigeery two the proposed ‘ovo dollars auty miles from’ Port es t., were va Pat ats pine, as in the event of its burned to death on Wednesday night. C.P.R. of an or copper and. teal "Ot of “th Canadian_ boundary Spokane. hanged for the Wilde, it is rey "Theda at Winnipeg, ma; a new ao eee present apartments for pati- intimated that the Dominion Government intends to abolish the 9 fice of Deputy Commissioner mnt by the pont aah It is calculated that it will cost ‘about three nae her d_ do! iene to re- pair the to ithe. western wing of the Parlioment Puuldings in Ot- tawa by the nee xim eats the a ppeuteers stata De- ent, even will be band“ for. panies ae fer the ke othe % wal be handed over to the city boa Jominion Government ious io urknants have been asked to push fonward the Preparation of os, = a art so that the Government ca: the i eenarer early, and ey soy ae ‘while the tariff is being prepared. Dr. Selwyn. states he was mi perro! ‘at the meeting of the mi engin Montreal. He is a be- Hvar in She aid fields of British Col- and ya ge to their Secretary ee Driers oe ane Cc. P. R. was attacke eda bey the eel an ‘away long his oe watoh and el Mr. cs Menlo some aries in the encot wed BRITAIN. {he Mansion House fund for the suf- forers im India will likely reach the $5,000,000 mark. Seen ee. Gener Aobkansn tare Seen ce ee Crookes, the eminent English ete Hae mees his belief in epoinond one alt rly statement of the Grand T: Railway, issued in Lon- a surplus BE £39,000. eamer Ang reported at fob oy ts aahece: on: kere ies’ Is- probably be a total loss. omas Sexton, anti-Parnellite, Se adaman is sat ia the Tigao Of ion they fear Canadian retalia- ‘Albert Hess of Ipswich, appeared suddenly with B.000' Za oes peopl ple’s imoney. He sent his wife ord to return to her parents in To- Ton A ary, an actor, fell den. pa at ad ol the final scene of the pera "arth at the Metro ta sw York, on ¥ peer ea divorce at Hous is cote citizen of Housto1 iS eex has a little more favorable prices are more steady an nd, there isa better dem: @ Middle States being mostly firm, and in many lines as higher and advanci Se ae The death of Sir John Bates, T toad i is reported that there ie aire woontolng in favour of See eae Ba Slee . wegian is much annoyed ae he sees fee ee to as a Swede. ie Viper were killed and nineteen i ounded in fee strikers’ riot at. Gales Ferraris, member of the Ital- jan Senate anda wel ee electric- ian is A British trooy soopship edhe from Malta he © foptasehis ‘Ss ae twelve hundred Cretan refu- the American artist, it is an! om Paris, will be promoted to is an officer of the Legion 2 of & fon- ‘An extensive forgery of Bank of Bng- land twenty-pound notes is eae ee Eur Lee tation is is excellent “ are now employed on famine relief work in the ferent districts of India where ‘ine prevails. he distress in the Jubbulpoor dis- ‘ict dia is epeliee. About vad e |000 are bd potent Government aic ant the month of May ithe sete Pas es sen Austria, nephew of to of aneror F vor Franc s Joseph, and heir pre- f e of Austria, is at ii p lenpecor (Williaa building of the trans-Siberian railway wall give i aA of Sib sh faciliti they val Tikely ie ees to ‘che eat of Saghali ‘The German Government has ordered the prosecution of several university tl It is officially ‘aed that 2,750,000 | to the tho recently signed bs de- flaratio in favor of the striking Tt is now Fated that the cg eed \d Greece is very! pro- The despatch of the torpedo, flotilla from Gi nader command of Prince tu oaks has the greatest en- hy @ the populace, and a fooling of of gave alarm’among the Euro- “Prine | "Bismarck: when asked to gi opinion on. arbitration treaties sd that he did not believe that in questions of vital importance on hations would stake their| existence the decision of an’ arbitration, court, which had no means of judgment LIFE OF A TAREON hale His Newspapers Are Scented For Him, His Laundry ts Done in the South of u matter gf how the young swells of London live, Ihave ‘been told some things, have reall ae and have seen a little myself from the out- Bids Ot doateo, orieeet ce raepomiede Recalling the general impression re- ceived from these various sources seemed to me that here achance far Bs ara = a little andbeae. three years out iB Oxfurd—who caused his morning pa the perfume of iris. It is hard to be- tras nevertheless: He went even f er than this, did my “Es iad. Ob serve: Iwas talking with him one morning about this very bet of the Rye pencil. We started of with this as a beginni d he told me how he lived. Says “In the matter of tobaceo, now, Ipre- fer the cigarette to anything else get mm Coustantinople twiee a week, and, by ‘the way, my cigarettes are ‘scented with Haschis—very diffi- cult to Bed Thalione me—medical absolutely. cabal oF so as to produc enjoyment with the tainimuns of harm, Here,” he continued, “is my bedroom We went in. “Bed,” dy 1a a uite the thing with to France, Let's ony ing tailor.” e rode to bis blooming tailor’s in his blooming brougham, . HE Bey MY Deaton En route to the devices ae appliances of the affair tic tires, elec- eo ae we alighted at tte Mailor’ a street somewhere. that is his class, stand, “visit our tailor'y institution tthe | London tailor. See now,” he piloted me about the great institituon, “separate. Sgpartments for trous ieee ‘ou under- is oss |S Sone [can jndge effect sayse Coming from the tailor's we went to lunch ai ing club, his “set” "maintain, 2 had nothing lavish, either i ured by th eaten by the Cz ‘Grae during bis Paris visit THE DIVER’S HEAVY DRESS. The dress of a fully os we weighs 1691-2 pa and costs about $500. It is a Saint antag of 81-2 pounds of *hiiandecciorbiee’ boas itself weighs 14 pounds, and poun: and back pi weigh , and the stint t 35 ron The greatest depth at_which it though there are rare instances of work yhe pressure si is 88 1: ing wi of the Pelephant, whee swims beneath ‘suri meanwhile through io trunk, gag it holds above » NOT LONG IN SUSPENSE. ‘The boy who was erp the 1 and devious ae turns inckiealy men ol machine. Say, bub, yelled the bicyclist, fair is it Seno bot of tgs bu 's to be scented with |; a lieve this, perhnps, but it is literally oe tal i now-a-days to send linen and things ¥ 5 -bloom- | a ‘I sup- |One which he and | the n the heavily weighted boots mae 32 |p! being done at a eye ae of 210 feet, where oy mgd Aid ste one car’ after him, oe{A PLAGUE'S BEVELATION. WEIRD OLD CUSTOMS OF AN IN- TERESTING PEOPLE. The Striken City—! sad ¢ Consequences of the ay judices of Caste—The New Serom Re to Be Working Wonders. A traveller who comes to Bombay just now is at first greatly: wis here! Fifty panic paste ‘Where is all that? ‘The ets of Bombay from the port are ah os life. The coolies in white with their red turbans, different Tl in sparkling copper ots. wnt an air of gayety with their “bright costumes in the w: sunlight. Jugglers installed andor i tall barridas which line t colours give a poor idea of a city strick- ay with a plague. jBut that is only the first impression. ther on in the Hindoo town,’ the ita and the business streets are al- this city ly press, and he suid, aaa an electric button with his f along the ide, and in the docks the ee show you now ery i read the |plague appears to hold aa cireum- ers.” seribed, and the ing out a “Bis valet brought the papers, scent- |Strong odor fet pe oe so phenol are ed with iris, as I fees Bie ironed stiff | becoming m numerous. and crinkly. ‘The at ts Colaba, a batt eet poe is al- : most deserted, and the troops that es Gajalaulees cor ae __ |were garrisoned at Marine Lines, are nd the sporting articles marked in|now cam) ithe seaside (in the |neighborhood of Black Bay. money market is closed, so are the factories, and during the last month about 250,000 inhabitants have fled from the city. Every evening at the railway a4 tion there is a fearful crowding of pi ple bes aaa all the trains of the da; Be Ge throng of coolies meet around the entrance forthird-class passe lum | hold out their baad ai implore the ticket man to take their a ‘The poor people, bine and ri deavor to heads of those though repeatedly driven back, they never fail a pie to the charge. | children, sary ing red ‘and white pad id copper so, highly polished hat Bhs Took it the office in expect- when the last train is game, 0 a crowds ar and the station s stretched und. In pic ue dis- order, with their Dapgagen tying. in ps, they wait for the next morn- ihe bation plague, as it is Neginoed is still a mystery. Its origin isn nm. At first A a fever with alittle swelling under the arms or in the (eroin, is all to it, ewe the. Sear esis of the | patients are cured. of the mixture of castes and vot tpontact consid leat sick, euterday, 1 EE oe hie wife washing hite garment. Only a member of ‘the family can do that washing. fe, WI knew that her husban tt ced by the lague and consequently doomed, was prepari his death robe in a silent and tearless resignat made me ee man lay upon a low bed. He red greitiy ‘oppressed, and was .{aandages were on ‘With diffi he closed his eyes an asleen ‘They all sleep that Pe until In the narrow streets funerals pass carried it on their e body is covered with ec lands of ‘jaemines and roses of ‘Bengal in front ‘of the bier a man carries ue vase which holds the embers with which he will light srs £5, ee of the @ body is carried on y he. del ed, “ “Pane, sahib!” Catan ‘yi Then Ae and | 9¢- ne st gay. ly toward the Mussulmans comoter ah Torder of the sea, where the dead ni flow. : jasmines. comes the funeral of a Par- ter covered with, white draperiest os es man,clothed in white men also clothed in white aan — ring be brought to the Tow: phase men, who fc rE i in monies ie pa oy vy. for them. “Now, t of idemic, they are obliged to wear gloves, Which they. throw into the fire, st ag they do their clothes, after haying un- the bods, in order to leave it absolutely naked. | “Naked he came in- to the World, and naked he must re- ‘urn in , At the omer ‘of Silence the vultures in a few hours leave nothing of the, pees. Bat the skeleton, which the burn- 1 soon reduce to dust, ai the dat “tae Nedra be carried away by. -e march to Baohe ae asa white handkerchief. PE sign of uni ion, by Very. slowly ‘they follow the Biers ex actly at rom They pass en to the ‘Tower, where the await their the walniee ae! five now, ae pte slee} acceenpaniied. the ‘Municipal Coun i of, Bombay, visited the A WRETCHED LOCALITY. . © unds im the _ ich, in a great field, ‘stands t} pital tor, the plague, stricken. tiga poenied with me peer ore are Soon as the} ig impregnated eer microbes, ‘The air in the place is con- santly renewed, ant, in spite of 30 de phtigrade is the avereee: temperature here, Sry was almost ‘All the sick — nad the so the bed was hardly the covering. He was a: as we were passing by. He e ons of the districts ravaged by the famine. fly from other evil he came here ‘and caught the plague. They woke him up, and he opened ormous and rb eyes. He seemed delighted i we ht be that becoming bund girenanne: held ! ase Another w: was /GNASHING HIS TEETH, and a third was motionless; perhaps he was already dead. Further on in houses made of bam- vacant have ihe which nt. beautiful, with a delicate, pale face and blue-black hai ited by Tracelels, and golden For an instan she opened hse beautiful large eyes, are | 8nd logked at us like a wounded gaz~ er Hindoo ipa tee re ns ot teat sad Total “No Sister of Charity was ed to bring i ose. sutterers xpress d of aon tn their ‘very musical Jangt- nickly ene te ce aoe the sky. I jedi ase dare w acorn mnt of I had er of the hot aq EE ie ag £ 5