ae The Milverton Sun THORSDAY, MARCH 4, 1897. i Hugh John Macdonald will lead the : apposition in the’ local legislature of The opposition of the Ontario House | ¢ are taking the sensible and proper course when they ask for the abolition of the school of eal ; it is simply “g fad of Mr. Ross. ‘Mr. Garrow, the he Liberal member of Huron will move in the Ontario Legis- lature that this House is of opinion that officers or clerks of the Ciyil: or Public Service of the’ province, or per- manentzemployees, who solely or forthe ‘most part obtain their livelihood in the Public Service, should not actively participate in Provincial or Dominion Election campaigns, and that officers ouclerks:-of the Civil. Seryice should ‘bgeome candidates for municipal cauncillors: Liberals in Federal eleo- tions urged this policy and it be MILLBANK Tit a voyage of themind ” ‘we ap. our sanctum ence more, while ‘tresistoLe anddahinver2! nymerenlbidatt ae past. 8 large amount of nthe roads for Among others, “Rev. Mr. Murray’ssermons were ve! is much in our ful. Thoughtful readers here of, the from far or near, can find the tales of woe from + crowded land, make. their Jot It is to bex.hoped the blessing Wilfrid Laurier is now Premier of Canada good public opinion was strong enough to beat both the late : Manitoba. Sir Charles Tupper has| to do this for ee sake of arsilney cor- ration which even last June smote granted his releate from Dominion | Pe yy eral party with the full force anger: ofits Honiiy in, almost. evry, con Lanrier that he is indebted to-the for- ignore the fact that the ‘Waped that they will still maintain it.| as ay MeKea hornets a McFad-,Th: Canadi ‘up, ab one.‘ time. trading its wollen presence among us. | national Unions © each Sousa ‘Wehave no welcot r such visitors, | ;, jonal-unions, are t ved as ised a 5 us hoy ot ey stay shall be short. ey pe y tial bee as cctmanty ‘for rakish to be thank- Sun and oe orice of information| bert ssa srespedtiz ravages of plague an * famine Soe the multitudesi.ef .that intelligent}, Christians in this fair tealm, glad ee WIUL HE RUIN HIDISELE Government and the Canadian Pacific Railway. o ‘And now Sir William Van Horne is asking Wilfrid Lat urier to alienate front ee his party the public opinion which was the oreator of its power. And he is mee that the Goadiea |: alee Railway kept its hands. out of the fight last June will not stand the light of close acquaintance. with the facts of the last eampaige. There are constituenci Lake: Superior -where eee divin yeas eee of the: oved hi tovelect es nena candidates. who would persuade «Wilfrid bearance of the O.P.R. for hisi victory, | o| Liberals are in power because public opinion was too strong for the:Canadian Pacific Railway and all the.othercorporate in- fluences which diditheir best to crush } hij the Liberals at. the polls. STRIKE BACK | The aliemlabor law of the United States ore offensiv t ‘asa foreign, te ah ost ep] Against us there hasbeen eon a ~The az lay roke | in a certain ch and the concessions given by usand acceptes by citizens of the Uni the world There are no peopl rs, and the scream that arise nada, it only be neces the Geary exempting railroad men frot ‘effectf of the Corliss bill out of that measure. eo jians who want toearn our money en) in her new by the| while ina foreign country might as well horse, cow, organ, etc., on Friday Buh soe he Se: = Ghoie, to | M848 up their minds to take their medicine. | day of March. OE ec Lamat ied load DS ne es ell the old schoo 1 honse and ous to her marriage. ‘The visitors| The Buffalo Express is in error. Canada Z acre of | Be anaraey| the 20th met a cordial welcome and- sumptuous te svéral effective ways. ‘To March i in ides bring conviction home Express itmay| The this country could out. that ed ie While Dr. Clark was crossing the Red Lat me Be others sas ieee of the United We prohibiting the | Sta ines. | the oe. editor, bo: louder when Ruvt than our Jingolstic neigh: Canada re ciilated would aatnish Wahine: (CURISTIAN ENDEAVOR NOTES. ~ Denmark has Bee fit its first mission of the church in winning men and trai ain ange into Christlikeness may be fulfi One of mie objections frequently E. Society is that too much and do feadion charge is stile which we know we ought to ‘yet we are eae Sailing to do so. inconsistency be brought digi the soci Dr. Glark’s work in Tad outside of Bombay, has not been hindered tesa pendent sas if one cannot go any- where in ‘all the world these days with- out meeting Christian Endeavorers. Sea he found no less than ten En- Of those prevent one was from two from Canada, two from Austre ‘alia, th = wish to know how much d in the spiritual life a year ago; if you wish to kno: * |hittle you have J ivanced compare your- self with Jesus Christ, ‘At a recent midweek prayer-meeting burch there were only fifteen present, and ee one of ieee eit a Christian Endea' ‘ou desire to do consting oe sent This act may beone of the “whatevers included in ong periods: W.D. Weir's Sate Rexister. will sell for Henry Schmidt, ne 17, the village of Hesson, household effects £ farm, eeaeck and implements of Geo, Richa . W.t of lot 2, i much appreci -_ Some in particular | Po 5 they rs, and 01 hese te thought so much of them that in an- u products of patriot labor (to use’ an| 45 what gives Tiood’s Sarsapatilia vs great pop- swer to a special request, Mr. Murray | Eagleism). If # nadian wr were to} qlarity, increasing salesand woaderful cures. conducted a service in the Gaelic eee Sern en fist fea ‘The combination, proportion Bees ecu ans i States, it woul inst with- Peete rotate are doknaws Idpguage noxt forenoon in the house Of 52 Gay, but abe Jingeim ofthe people| Toatner melee sn make i pvui : ugh. Jaek: at: Newton. His) makes such laws unnecessary. The self-re.} jtsoit, It acts directly and positively upon the : SE cater aemaie Pte st bee cegrenr Lana heres plood, and 2s the blood reaches every nook given on Monday evening, was Yer¥ | Ft cannot kick its customers and retain their] $00 or tog eyed — al the ero tone, knowledge ot the [eustom, | That paper, while it endorses the ssababeee ts Pees work of De ‘28 Buffalo and cheers the bee deseribed; through reading. The | Corliss Bill is sold avery kon the streets SSD result of the anniversary |of Toronto and other Tt comes wean en eee eee nothing through our mail e spirit Mie: fled occupied ae Sa aE the people & woe alten! t ‘His | Soper lnes i i n, but ae ALAS e is that lo from t! bas weak for fall nd regal Gicuilisn side of the! the! ie thould. be discon: | TheOneTrae Blood Purifier. All druggists, St rs | He announced yesterday his) ined. mur people. should be Regetivditits: aay eo ieenaen of tendering the soe resented: ».We eek anexport dat “Hood’s Pills ake easy io operate. es of his charge to the PresLyte' its | logs, on p ‘ood, on 1. We t meeting. sew up the miners. who have out western H be of grip| country. Snake the faeries of) There bave-been cases of grip) \orth America practically our own for good. in, this meighbortood, almost nad Even as rega trainmen, aay ae sil a eee DISTRICT OF families, lies, in some instan id } be found to work ja—papers which, | con. ae fay, March 1 In view of the Cai 2 Bil, all fhe Inter Mornington, at 1:30 ans on Sarsaparilla NORTH PERTH. “ TRANSFER OF LICENSE if they were. aes Th ft e. ace, being, ace Dunhed: por ind plundered, ak BS Lat vs iy ven that pplication q ¢ HASENPFLUS. or prcserre poses "i js i self OWA mast. show personal re-| of the ‘Tavern Licen ea a ty gobs ’ sentment, and #5 a nation must, 5h ne | Harloff, of Branper, Ellice Tp., to Charles|s ERCHANT TAILOR. . | ase od og Tac mad pat | Ker or alos oe stil ; ication po moa ay reali ec tioe ie seat et Toate: a 1897. aie eves he Sher would ss out TLLIAM CLIMIE, LON. Inspector ee Weever or women to avatar epee house in Ontario, $730, aa sits ey nd rg ated. 2 “<5 recognized = Pact ‘Shingles ! ie "That we are admittedly head- _ quarters fi (Or Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Dress Goods Millinery, ete. New spring goods arriving daily. ‘ Buy your bill of spring goods from us. 1! Those who come here regularly have the best knowledge of our goods and low prices. to- We aim to treat every customer in such a manner that he will come again and often. purse to call and see obtain our special your custom All close buyers owe it to themselves and their what we have and low cash prices. We ask your trade right now—not particular who you are—your credit good or bad, will do us. -|No matter at what prices. you see goods ad- vertised always remember we lead the way and look for our prices to be a little lower RNY ; GLEISER. Highest cash price paid for all produce. Shingles CANADIAN CEDAR 16 in. 5 butts 2 1-4 in,—first class shingles’ which we can sell J. Hl. SCHMIDT Has secured a first class knitting machine (no toy) and is prepared .to do custom knitting such as ribbed or plain Hosiery any desired length or size. J. H. SCHMIDT, The Baker at $1.60 persq. If you need any shingles during the coming season, come and see our samples and you will be con- yinced that it is the cheapest shingle on the market. The Milverton Lumber Yards. WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH Builders and Contractors. Seasonable Goods. at BREAD eo HEALTH ane uality of ‘Te ook our Bread is dis che BRST PRIDE ae the RL tt sakiwas eh pnaee ae evidence, try it yourself, Fresh d CAKES —==v Fresh every day, at Gj. Guenther’s, Sree” Reasonable Prices. My many customers will find my stock of SUITINGS and Of the best quality: A perfect St guar- anteed or no sale, Now is the time to buy your Clothing & ‘inter wear, Prices away down. ‘thing news. OVERCOATINGS| EVERY MAN Has or ought to have an eye: tohis attire. Fine clothing is the uniform of success and prosperity. Eyery man seeks to look his position, He must have a Tailor to help him do it, and a good Tailor at that. We claim first place in Milverton as the tailor of men of taste, Our made-to order suits are praised every where because they are models. of everything that clothing should be in material style, fit.and finish. ~ envelope. ‘The Wea te rae ony BURTON, Qpposire Kent Bisse SHor | | | | | “ The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, MARCH 4, rs. Pense, wife of a pro) The Bigeton Whig, is d Tt is reported from Rome ‘that Mer. Rudini Tedesche has beem appointed Apostolic Commissioner to Canada. Mr, John McMurtrie, a Ki 1897. rietor of | uicide. ville, Preston, — etc., pe! farmer, was crushed to death by 8] promised $1,000 towards ies ee see its ae he had no backer. “Now, ie tree oe Friday. debe with more to Stoll No: doubt | @Y lord, strip, said he ; “I undertook ar ‘Hudon, & distinguised ate of ae Society of Jesus, died at | raised in the four parish 4 Montreal last week. Mrs, Robert Dobson, of Harrisville, |°x"e2- Mr. Lawrence E. Vogler, ex-Reeve | Mich., was some time ago drugged and |. Father Hugh Lagan of San Rafael of Zone, was drowned while crossing | betrayed in a Bay Gity hotel, by James| is @ pious t and an excellent the River Thames on the ice last week. | Anderson, Anderson boasted of, her rsonteu i aad oma age pe , ntly to administer] #22 The famous :nonastery Sp. pe cate se tot Las Saige Tight the last rites of om Church toa e Bernard, Switzerland, was qirtially eipuleeibeueayerdeade and was ea dying sinner, who, like himself, was al Sid destroyed by an avalanche. : for murder but. was acquit, “T have Mé. W. 0. Macdonald of Montreal, | "yn, Hog John Macdonald was in-|but one request to make, Father, has imade another gift to MeGill: Uni: by ue waa ecw 2 is the dying penitent. _ “What is versity amounting to over $600,000. Mr. John W. Martin, a prominent farmer of Waterloo Township, aged | Legislative Assembly. bout 70, died suddenly in Galt. @ had not heard from Sir Charles The Postmaster-General has asked | Tupper, and in any event he would no! Price, of Alymer, for his ul ership, resignation: actions for heavy damages have been instituted against the city of Windsor, In a fight at Dalhousie Mills Mr. J. Dewar was Oe on the head with ied from his injuries a few report. thi nearing Si part of ch Ligenpeee va bring the train togeth asmash up occurred with the one being burned on the spot. The verdict of the jury empanelled of the death ane off at Brighton between Sir Jonn Lade cansed by his own hand, the evidence |= going to show that he premeditated | The Deanery of Waterloo, consisting of the parishes of Galt, Berlin, Hae ready is eutertaimed that a, 00 will be servative leadership in an Manitoba He stated that | ™ in the im- it, n ae detached. In e result that thirteen cars were badly damaged, The debris on the ue was soon removed On October 2,.1795, a a wager came an Doyle’s Rodney Sie ae Lord Chlnondeler, whom ry. twice iouut the Steine, Mabel, as his lordship was stout and Sir John a little fellow, the concourse was large to to carry you, but not your clothes.” Whereby he won his bet without any ative of the Emerald Isle. it my son?” enquired the priest. “That when I am dead, Father, you will put e to rest in the Hebrew cemetery.” s “And what for?” asked Father Lagan. t|‘‘Because, your Reverence,” moaned the sick man, “itis the last place on the face of the globe where the divil would look for an Irishman.” Conreanay Dolliver of Iowa is the r | “Advanee res of Prosperity, applied to Major MoKinley. patent men are fond of writing letters r. Dolliver, asking him when ‘the Hee is to come a owe To one such + of Calhoun and operation: stantly’ killed herstburg, while rabbit-shooting. The Methodist ministers of Lo: have passed a resolution expressing disapprovai of the proposed amend- ments to the Ontario license act. The Hamilton Board of Trade Coun- cil passed a resolution in favor of the Government building oe lage: the Crow Nest Pass Railw: Education in regard to George Rupert. ed that some time ago a nite: Rupert on behalf of Mr. Duneai Stewart, to void rhe election. he sate Minis- Russia, through # 5 ad y Si A ane 4 shink ter at Athens, has called upon Greeco|” get ring Man Graces 3 Gionad wish to do in right fa illustrated, by | JOHN GROPP, desir in Cedar Post, Wanted—An Idéa Pyaar to. withdraw all of her troops end her Victory With the Aid of Dr. Mr. Francis H. Hardy in the Fort-| humber, athe, Shingles, Pumps, ote. sou i wealth. fleet from Crete within three days. ” nightly Review as follows : 1 had Braver» Ont. meen ae WED sie Be pe eae ‘Mc, Gibson, a school teacher at Tox new’s Care a the oa cannot be} friend who once chanced to take by (Of twormtindred inven * over ‘estimated, says Hy usselman, @ ii ke i vi ald:on’s Mii chase wolf. } well-known &. AR oe Nw port, Pa, ey ae ss is aie eee fe He secured a club and killed ana ani- | and he contin RIL taemeeyaske | CE LSe TS MUO Ata et Re aE mal. od fatering ‘of the heart. I used Mae we over be teak ea when, is les of your ‘valuable cure and feel |soothe-his wounded pride, he pointed On old Guelph boy says that Ross |jikeanew man. Ihave taken bottles abd out what a splendid counterfeit it was, land is no good—it is overdone and overcrowded. Board runs from $10 | introduce it to my friends 2 aut le. a great medicine. In- to $12 per week. fe ofithirty minutes after the fivst dose The Southampton train did not get had relief.” Sold by James Tort . Sel on Monday—the. engine ran Room ron ninth ForciAT#ox into rift and was. derailed at ere re In this country an enormous population id subsist mfort, plenty , posed change in. the Liquor rafeactee posite owetel aaa aay three licences for | at oe as that ae first 1000 of a * population and. one : laud of thei foc each full 600 over 1000, irth, is probably Ceiteable ‘to the fact A Ridgetown young man were Patek Mining is ahah stiboeh ee afr ter place Hurthermre Gaetan bars shoulder by Joseph. Hall: sholrens a | payer scted! toaetbee ea’ e-aittion billiard parlor in the town. The-wouna tre Public School Inspector Alexander has received word from the Minister of the Hampstead sehool question and has given his de- cision confirming the election of Mr. It will be remember. protest was tered against the election of Mr. “That Canadians have not stayed other £0 move occasionally, even n- han a | But My Wife Persmaded Me County, Ia, Mr. Dalat replied to the following effect: “First— Major McKinley is not yet President: Second —It takes such a long time. to get out of such a condition as the Se has been in for several years. Third—You know you can Hell Slough in your country andget so deep in it} n aie: brea that you-can’t get out defore. The ty aoe people to con- G. T. B, Time Table Trains due to leave pesos 2 a PERFECT TEA See COMMERCIAL. MinyEentos, March 8 rhe” Finest Te INTHE WORLD qn 1 amen ITS NATIVE PURITY. pormnne see jualities ‘eas. Therefore 3 | selection of the Tea and its putieup theme ives and sell it only in the > iaion HOM THE TEA PLANT TO TRE TEA CUP Tene put up, by 106 Tadian Tea” tes blend, that is-why they ‘original Purasia i lb tb, and ¢ Ib> and never bd Bet a iA 3 ti - 5 Stewtford, March 4, 1897, Ba: eae 74 74 | Iyotir grocer does not keepiitj tell him to write to’ 20 33 @. STEEL, HAYTER 4 CO. ° W a8 ‘1 arid 13:Front Street East,” Toronto. 1 30 aaers 115 0:00 0 00 RIP-A-N'S 400 5 00 . Ad are ee March 4, 1897. = _ , , whi of i Hae F 3 iS The modern stand- x ti | Jmljard Family Medi- Bi 2¢ 33 xy. de aL Shi cines Cures the 1 12200. 13 00 is — te new lai coal a}, [>] common: every-day ickens es 40 i Butter, lh'roil eee il.) | 5] ills ‘of humanity. eg ae Be |e . at 60 oy Gees t : Zz Pot ey a ° Dressed hogs. pov 525 Beef, bindquar 1400 550 Lamb 850 7 50 + 400 6 50 and how well calculated to deceive, we all-agreed with him. One day I asked {| him to show his celebrated counterfeit to another. ane To my surprise he answered, that: sd passed it. * What !°T eooake Passed as good ir days Tigee tt gaetad cvetier: ase BO the days thopghtit was good, why, I ‘passed it “7 HAD No FAITH.” is a very serious one. dl le toa greate ql 4 common impulsefor w splendid, future, for] Ph og he restaae ‘ames Conmee, M.P.P. for: Algoma, | conquest, or for an aggressive eer | bob it se saga} ; will not be defended by the. Ontario vowards the building up. 0 ion | J. D, Moteod of Leith, One, says: “f Government for his action in. not re-|“f,,% Sree Power oF 3m mlueteo. amongst tim of Rhetimatism for seven signing his seat in the legiatare whan |-> We cael’ he denied tint Owieh’ bis tmon |e a ee ee he ran for the Federal house.‘ che baeeiany men from C Irate av ae os spt ape bie BD Thad no faith in rheumatic cur The Stratford papers. are acne hi an awful “holler” over the defeat: their hockey team suffered in Berlin. Learn |i to take your medicine boys—its tough, | we know, butit will do you good. i RRR MR RRR FOR THIS: WEEK : i Best cotton shitting tegular'12}e yard for Le : Best Oxford Shirting reguldr 12J¢ yard*(job) for-9c- I Best wide Gingham regularT@4c for 9c * Bleached cotton 36 in. wide regular 9¢ for 7e | 7 Ibs best Green Coffee for $1 : Diosies pins lo.penanse Corn starch 7c a box © 1Gc plug Tucketts smoking and chewing tobacco for 5¢ Everything else at: rock-bottom prices. f Highest price paid for alikinds of produce THE GROSCH CO. ey) Archbishop Begin left Quebec qpita| the Hert centacs.t: All this tas tes, ones pectatly taMew Yorks wherebbaiger on ae eerie tie, vate aad myself completely “caves eaaadior DEpiNSsie OUNCE eeu tae he brains and! cured.” Sold by James Torrance. ‘ome,-in connec- | energy found in the Dominion in the closing tion with the Manitoba school ques-| Yearscfithis century are likely to be em- tion ployed in enterprises which must be reason- b Tuty -eathensful Cul resolttm attracting: Miss Nellie Whyte, ‘sister of Mr. | millions of men and money befere the first SAUL John Whyte, of Mitchell, died at the | (eeade of the twentieth centiry is coneladed. 2 Hiasper hospital in Detroit on Sunday. |omewhot migratary imp gicistooks a0 Her remains were interred: in the] many of our best’ Canadians awa; Mitchell cemetery on Tuesday. Hon. Geo.’ E. Foster; discussing the | shores, Crow's Nest. Past Railw: ii Nationally, as well. as individually, i 5, must feel the impulse. earing our bri pany could do it ches and with bet- ter results to the e at, oe will, feel that it is no longer a sy, but a grown-up youn; im- he Coroner's jury at Port Arthur | pulses of its own, reenable of its own, murdered, and that-the buildings, were Pa hip bemoan set on fire., mereletans Failed Further details from New Guinea of the massacre hy natives of Mamb in which.the British. Government Resi- dent, r. Greene, wi was killed, say that) ;, in addition six miners and forty na-| the tives were murde Dr. hee Macdonald, peas died in El Paso, Texas, on § death has been a shock to his relatives. Sold by Sim Fax, the popular’ comedian, pee at Ie Quebec, on Sun- vabscess: to London where ay were interyed. | 10s Me? ‘Fax was but 36kyears of age. .He idow andy four, children to] of and curds tetter, salt, H barber's run out from our est youths ith it? and must do something to make, a name of ri 7 Dr. Agfew’s Oisine he 7. one oder ital IMME eT J. G. GROSGH “4p weiter > ay ig? I Wave an overstock: of Men's Dongola and: calf, Bal morals and Congress,. and to dispose of them have decided to. eut prices in two: Just ' think Men’s.:Dong.: Congress * and Bals. at $2, regular ede ~ $3.50. ; These ae are clean and the newest coin ‘toe Goodyear welts. Remember these gocds will not last long so it is to your advantage to eallearly and secure these low priced..goads. S I have just.reeaived a new stack ‘of Trunks and Wilises.