id to ‘himself, ia ice this one first AS GOOD AS GOLD. . CHAPTER XL elbows on it, me vuisive twitch, : | con’ ‘What Henchard caw thus was | {hag a sob, because # eae enough, seen at a ia tater | 60, ie gare: wa to was oleh ocieed eat baa to sot, ber, with me—it aa “Hard ‘work ees “me then! But eh stepdaughter, of oe vont “be- : F common. topic in‘! the only cette whom this ines 5 bag of the Sco eberahe isfaction were race his baskeb, an 3 : é desetvelan outcast and a vaga- my pusiaiment is not ae ly . subdued his ai and went on. hac ‘men, or private eae. ik Eigen: Wen- gone—and aad 300, fall ies ft mean of the other —not. of ours.” ‘te Pee and T told tm allt iS ‘now of your friend. “Donald who is fhe that's a stooping to’he—that’s mi A wi ioe bose fiest bim—what is it n, that’s her a Miele Greig: rhage you will And Mr. Henspard id of going straight ‘At Fartrae’s Gouse they oh ee | | arent: im e fling open the door of the od “ior sit saying, waiting for you,” and piece for a partner, and there's in high be nom no Not a hint of the ma’ hai: out to her step-father by Elizabeth her Vitctanesl “Neoroom trey ‘Newson’s pride i in what she bad grown ja dey ‘or two, Captain Newson, and 1 ee ad shereF “Well, Henchard is “gone,” suid F: . “He has. done the way. Embittered as he was i ‘mood, jew of. chard, till the daily necess mankind, and of them particularly Eliz- | with er becamewell-nigh more than) easy; but ail is as it should be, and we eae re But w ale aE ie wate Nal nave mo, more difficulties at all.” : te ch asl thought,” mit oct face of no cose that his own absolut m from her should be Gyaleed ae secidental meeting One day/Henchard was at he came ‘og | vist ‘for moret ome pier if L-were residing with, Ws aa Hencbard after ally ega bac ie Meats ‘Applying his telescope to his chard expected that Farfrae’s Tatars josed as usual. oe bi gad to au Shere every day pow, since it can do no Farfrae Hagtd witet we boa thiaking. i=, tha the wedding may as well be kept under zy oven. soot the house large, ou being it lodgings yoursell—so oat | great eal trouble and expense her | would be saved ye—an conveni- ence when a a cuiees marred 1 not to hae lizabeth-Tahe did not see that morning. Waiting in vain he at die stots and Henchard who has a —e hen he reached here. | the “Oh, fat ntly, “E have had a letier—a strange one—not | i signed. “Somebody has me meet him, either on the ‘podmouth Road at noon to-day, or in the evening at Mr. Far! He says he came; to se misse young -woman say herself pork it? ee my child, come Te! me be tacking ‘about, and not bias sta out 0” berries «o as if ye didn’t hear mmust settle it,” mur- a e t then," continued _ Newson, ‘call to Farfrae wil face m | S=DPessing Thorough 1 entry Into {he mab eg ou provide aera sia Suni? ong all: that, I'l do Elizabeth-Jane. (Part in he finiablew that. 3.8 ij to, oe Gasietbridge) E oe rerbr pik !” she cried, “and “Oh, shan't want mucly of Ein aot eid ae, shaking ea [is ead with Fespectable gravity. * yen eave “ag said wil “ uae. it probable-—possible—that I hight Mr. Farfrae fers ee i make things. ‘awinwacdain the fie eatares and, in short, it is best that on te einige: ieee forget a omy wedding: |Blsce— i \the morni joker !— pic, Eltansticdees bad’ died years 0. soft your future life—you'll Il do that, Izzy? thi “Elizabeth now gave edrnest heed to are livi the wife of the Tobe the foremost |1 don’t let my, sins, ‘ fat e guise ‘et that though I loved ‘ee late loved 'ee well. ve “It is because of Donald!” she sob- | land a don't forbid you to Henchard evasively. e when” Hi ad those have been here father admitted that such was mabe (ie f= his ought did it to rene se and looked a Bs) Bers the road by whic! \d himself he could ex- | “Sh be hap- | in its men chinery contrived: by the tion fo a minimum—whie time mere) paint @ scene to bim. | eri ery often, as i hyo | hed end shaved twenty ing nobody, I ‘live on, and can’t ti * When ee had ad gous a litte farther me a | the pane. ct: nob"to have done it!” enid hee, ‘arfrae. Y would and was ered'climbing a hill, in bis cray craving 4 tes get a glimy were or o ‘The contiguity of salt water such a jewson pleaded. “And should La ¢ proved: necessity of his absence izabeth-Jane firmly, in dmouth as “He kne} indi ere fixe her, he should not ing enoug! tall. intervening | ing her new domain during well—never-mind—it is all | far past,” said Newson good-na- “Now, about this wedding nil m hath rer, heart softened ds the selfalignated man; till at main bh begged Pratrac to help ber fe possible, y to do some~ o ia ifte lees that of am glerable to in, | meaty a Fatfras he diiked him, he bad. op the same direction as his form done j and he yas therefore. not not th ree assist Mase eee inadable plan. or, ‘0 Be Continued.) ITEMS OF INTEREST. oe gta eth "dey: bill, wheFeon the ‘These Few Paragraphs May Prove Inter- ent nz pet to death in ner is fined. onmen among He who eats most accom- Unlicensed dogs are rned,,Kan., and the opbsting matches are co villages of Alaska. he tent is considered the pibed and Betas ewig oe ‘Pasket Sea the tae about with sad ci sea and entered on the to bor, two or ‘so memorable ris so clear and dry in the Mle regions that conversation cal | carried on when the speakers are two = B mast 4 2 "that Wi as Waldorf 000 houses ees York city, income is nearly Fla., a dog chased_a. rab- At Jasper, juto-e-eopher Dole iced to stood otk oe im. Spain's agricultural implements are the same as those used in the time of ‘Thi mm to account Caeser. Chuntry's wretebed eondition. aes top thimble containing a wet used a 5 moistening eD~ ages Sad | elope. ape Pand thus facilitating. the |o Bealing of eters, is the Invention of ee 2 Oregon an vee—Vil try my found imselt £0" ; ceived 0 St Fone. He was disgusted W i e that had been in ate. to ern use tie hair in ae manu- ious ma-| Excessive tea aii she shatters the s for re | nervous system. Ww eakéns the brain, in- 0. possibilities a meiors: i jar othe db aie ry often, as he wandered on, ind, and say to} man in Vance A handsome tnietystive ee of age, oP Soria Scseane Yorved from Se as married. to fourth. A man in Kansas Cit makes himself | square with the world orice a He fad he been able to extend his vision | | Barns is Sern. ae fasks to Collect. those eee a the and they wer of and they were ties a daing-da eit a a an. in- ee wife. £ mad re both over seventy sas ° pie “A revolving palace, 362 feet high, is Janned for tb the Paris Exposition of 1900, = aang ided into. several floors, fabric. were to be ae: autictaurants, theatres, ete, guests at and will revolve coutinuously on acon” 1 pi famous electrician, fistintly audible in mg of e tifa man could sleep eighteen hours, tho ‘of narcotics, he Al old bachelor, sui ed ae chieiy by begging in fa oi He became on reeived that a Mr. and Mrs. Far! igure She was in a dress of frae joining in the} | Pa of Sige fee or. ee he Red Seay in Arabia.where it tas llecta and shippe ‘The first ffee house in E Oxford in 165! In San Francisco there are two rival ists ‘occupy opposite cor- is shown even in aeae of eben spiowous in 2 ‘The pa not dancing a ance this ti was apparent, that There was 2 hem ; and I thab whenever the interchanges of the fig~ ure made the partners tne ff has this sign disp! cent stamps for arent = a a quarter” | THe purchaser soon ers that the quarter myst be of aes rs became a iso trod by some Farfrae:in sal- stranger CEs Sees that izabeth= personage ne ‘the fleet time that they saw him be sweepil ing ound, his head wa, tis legs in the f (ax an oy and his back towards came VENEER Beste FOR WRAPPING ‘URPOSES. neer is used to some extent fon’ eng g up buns, instead of paper. cor when. shipping or delivering up ing his white waistcoat. | That ppy form was Captain Newson’s. CHAPTER XLV. abont a. samen —— the day meer better which fr closed as in’ the last chy peer bruises in handling. ane to the novelty of her situation, ral the only differ: pween Donald's ly after business ‘been in the habit TOM Sa ES: ‘of doing tor some ANCIENT ewson had stayed in Casterbridge three days after, the wedding. Dartys and in gr Ttared 6! ie the returned Crusoe of the hour. rere eat aver bile antl red a ad "panished bint | dicates eri Gere, all the more so, for di chins dim} sionately a Henchardl ss io yard |e admiration and praioe. Pécoraly Dru line about ¢ Slo he | furcation ing see -acte) caltion rattlesnake tirely ‘goveros. “ha cool : “tol at ues old Blenheim. there is an seawantely i equipped. Dans and_ chime of bel ae el rooms in modern oks on the, ‘iat, of | ea hi lebjs di = Pee opened an series of ‘Tomblers of near! and dimensions 2s. thowe empl eomplovet CAL te eb THE CHIN AS AN INDEX. Can You Tell a Person's Character by the Shay ll executive force. The lope other sakes neat ent of te for this defec A small, wells anid chin, with mo- @ pleasure-! long to Binotien ae with petted and loved; eae seg orien have a circular wens have ee aateleg about © their judg- sa ier at tality of indications” before (jndg- ing. DUCHESS OF M. sae: HN ugh iss 2 4 around the bodic ned eer velvet gown, sable trimmed, 2 spray of mauve ores across the ‘shoul- gnificent ropes of as the diam- Ae ‘eoeion lady who has just return- old country had a peep She states that the eee) "three ounging Lily fashion. Duke, epeakinm 0 2B 04 described it, of Pioiiaing o> lagge, jrregular and so little feagoanas CONSOLATION FOR PLAIN GIRLS. ‘The girl who is not flattered by bi looking-glass should read the ee fesivly | real T maysany, in defense of my o stant praise of beauty, that I ee tach half the real importance to it which is in ordinary fiction, above all in the pages of the ieee Which best represents as whole ¢ public mind of Englan: vale hroughout the whole seventy =yolume a" , he wi lesson more and more ee by this most popular eee Be = et liness in ei! o ned of Sait or vulgarity ot SONGS IN THE NIGHT. Wery many of the sweetest § eect hearts ai whic en learned in the bitterness of trial. it is said of a little bird that he will evety song he hears, but will not learn mae peri melody of his own. And covers the cage and make: z Paar vail eS the bird, a ea thea = wey taug! of tee Tuenncrer atiers it. song in nee cht. Wii song in the hight. ith many of us came i te marble On the fourth morning he was discov- -Vpresonsnet* | "Well, ‘twas not ten words that he eso iake the lady Scatermauts Jenels, vagance is ease to it.” she had lost to her the previ Be, athe pouse of Donal fed ae deny wets friend ‘after “another a arose, she hed Cee been pal ie ee ouldenly her wander. rest you tenis ITT can't tell you,” ‘replied | girl, now growing as a oe cd ok DEPARTMENTAL STORES, wre” a uote hy ater kad: ecatern eee ren Tere “Good morning, Sir James,” exelaim- | ing glance upon her mahog; said the in THE eat. ‘The vi a Hap EFFECT Ti THI os era eee : ermoas as she entered Jewel aon, which was standing onthe | bear Bastion are my N CO ratte A tee be a retreats ie the leslie band’s \e morning fr or fa breakfast. “Ih There's enough there t 3 deal there twent; may sight ” 908 et beta at thoughts and ren nit ‘ =n cbs fam i: seams, Montreal Miltonatres Trying Sour sltuation a are yet sou les ht” _ | lately that it sui luék | ing the 2 fo Control the Trade of Canada—smaii | | of winter you could not get a Se ie ees | Pe coal i dees Gem esa | Save to uirawent (Hosein A A SSenuaceee Eaeine aatt on feo Hoare or pare Ser ee “What do you want now?” camping, up she opened the. jewel- | way wok she found herself ia ‘Hollos| — pazinew.— Murtiuz Neat Exinte—The |2¢en power that owns the department= “How mistrustful you are, my dear!” Rate capes aie | ag eke bad ANY ae the Queen my one fase rings, pend- | the pies os pees Som face of th on coin of his wife, placing her ample, b sand necklaces of rubies, | and ‘writing-paper | ‘The time” has arr x i but well-preserved figure in sapphires, pearls, diamonds, and other |ing sie ep pastioc the 2oute" latege tasks ue teu errr ak ‘ake 4 town fitly miles from ‘Toron- cas “What should I want? Is} ,,,/°Whi shouldn't It? she thought; | “hated i ¥ the local merchant ten: ee rer Kas IEE aime cin i ¥ vember’ at jew- es anes sinee she bad left her room the sweep oe a tise the toon ind beati red, t here all the matane for \ —. Se ae 7 ames!” exclaimed her | grate." eaning up the | come and tak Bie ladyship, reproachfully. Surely the Bvil One must have put | With 2% ‘om sure. i shalt ere How often do T see you, except when | {Re idea, into Shem bends ba abe ones | GH Bay Kisses, ever your own lot: you want money, I” should like to ‘Obtaining ‘her handbag» ahe t e. Seattermount had i = ferred tha whee ar ae conten ts ther | |tor the third ‘me that moni tat es | ' "Well, iny dear, you are so Jewel, ease closing the atten her [Sat on the high stoll faci jorning <4 be sively sthdious: aad imes ao tregucstly nut Ie leaving the Kev in the lock, Then, |Conseming funeh att ape desired that you should motibe disturb. | 6d her arma up the ches eee fapae act sehen a Young fellow’ entered, that that, of course, we do mot worry. you | her band against the soot id pressed |served “Hallo, Geiorgel Ala i Epa cad seiiged ee fully holding back hy le, care= | my lorge!_ How are you, | $30,000 7 ist mt who hel; "Oh, god ost | shoud aur Bante Prete oo Rae inched yesterday. Bh ‘Mine Mg |g, no correspon sera ade a who feos a car aa Son she ane me anto cone s responding benefi walks and roads, thi deftully "ewe of my comfort,” | two or schist of ‘dzavrera and made {207 to Taise the on her jew- jConferred upon the eity.of Toronto as | to play the part-of a neigh cmmergend ane wi ‘Good if ' yj still et Paesrar cr aay ee On which the jewel case was iaclilved Gh yale RIAD nee hpi hina ye Re penole who ete ae 70 less than TS er cent. ji " ig with ex- - Like any other monop- | Citi, lation f Canad: : come to the point. What do you emptied t Saree ace Iaayehip on /fliow." ell me all about’ it, old Joly this octopus is in the: interests pa eet ue pita bad cried wan sce wing Stan at ‘hen his frie: x monopolists. Thi ct at “Only a Jets Shes, dear,” replied | "". the haul crdereda fab to be'etene | Dingle’s clerk, end, “Who was Joseph | Whether a man lives in ce | aevelopment'o rgely due to the \ Lady’ Seatter Tell him to drive to the Marble | tats of her Iadyship's Tint of then: |* large town, or on a far ae | dene sat ee ios tobe aay = Ht : A cae Sea pat if rural Ontari £7 Whhint : snorst. tnoneptt tied Sie closed the ia oft = errant fartle | Vious day. Pte: | pendent in smensure upon hie nelek: | ered of 2 large wud ee growing dines: tempest Cartetaly On her arrival she paid the dri eorge hur- | bor, When one dies and the [pet thee ee ciate, eople, and if on top eae Nee waiting a f nia 8. sab) ing towns. and villa “But, my dear— mi, her otter cipeee pes calla ant tse take care | « Hive next door comes forward and. on hed fodling ae vil ages Hea = : dress not en aoe Lameotaresinae | he corne: was a good neighbor,” there re- | ine erasing share. of their rinks Pe ‘eo ie, nthe Maes vans very little moré to be said about | ever Tae pee de eas Seong a exten | acne on te ea, the j_ Sir James was at home and would | pron OP aie Ne Oe era phen to Seat at ea er occ he evotiae aay’ seater ene ag a Se Georg’ oh phe as ae be wharacter could | storas | steal BA pe oF four: ma ms immo Mr. Dingle w a only want a hundred pounds,” ie ma” i roptlad the clerk; & aig: eeere, Pied her ng hae lad; pas stan Fay LUNs Wad gurl Bs srall halon ithe? feonk stoop | seen? | undred pounds !’” mropeated'| nts. t Tos id if there had been anythii | The monopoly of the merca: Sir Ja: salt Gravel Baa cree ache bes bean Mera Souid, she were ints Rye abd thon belgie habout’ the late Tamented Sentlow nasty | that is doing \<o. much han SAA ¢ ‘ aie, “Only @ hundred pounds! And (Bees twee alin So ee POA Ser tape tose Wneeee oe fved- [ian next door would have Peadtbeee [St cped teenie, toes 00 Pbenee Be io you want that for, pray?” e clerk that name. perhaps T aid you an i , at |to his cost. A good into the hands. e profits: go. oe » pray sete aris + an injustic eorge, e neighbor is one f; ands. of p ly two th: oa arias. B the an spider, but {im condemning you unheard: eld. is. Tt y wee it ton’s bill and one, or | fe years of money lending” hic lee tay Poy, what did SGA fehot Spal neteas ene hailing Mah Sts STS are. itt the hele ae ue.” | heart into stone. could not prevent -his | the assistance 0 fa of you to seek | for kindling, nor mi region Bx Segre ahh a ett antaiee dg alt yay gle a | eyes sparkli ith malici “didn't money-lender? iS: ake noises’ in the | 57¢ town they nes in ee ge) vit- ois ie eae false t ex-| When he perceived who bis visitor was, |George.. I art Heather vented | 2 ight, nor Tet his hens into your flow- ity and {hey sre unable, to make as pulling tter- nor tell tale ey 6 solid Teather-covered note-book sine pee | “dsahip, seating herself op “ppenie tad T renee pis een Me scae mec ake al 2 nelghbeo te ca teat ae th is 69 Prosper ne ‘unately, I always ‘k ttl whom ; et bui was, whether these! Titeld“ dingay alot ae yes Ropero vo coms to you |” “Ob; that 18 too muah, ered all teen our are on reciprocal terms im | falls i’ vatee as tht pee TS , and—er—er—yes, rg some money on good seour-|James. ‘But there is one claimed Sir ays courtesies of life—exchange for | nearest town or wi Prosperity of the h d aN | bob yeauires wer Vest ag dea tl ce sdvantage' all sorts of cons |i Mecsuty Gana ee eee ae Lady Scattermount, 13| Miss Millet got hold of folig toe eau hla? iat ea 2 r foun eae pe and on his own | abi F a ‘0 get| ‘So I a jot and refrain f ti iograph: xu é peed : efrain from ography in Paris. 1¢ aaa S st pokes oes are ena aces [ae ne tn renter comet i expostulated hi 0 wife, as I did mutual good. If ‘ i ship. You have Ee an a sa | the seourity fe you. want, and what is ee enangement known I ana her bd fire he rushes in neat . | (ea, colorn phy baie Bie Lt possi e it with y : length ppniae i S15 bat ones pe Tsavell well epon “are acd piles im with an enthusiasm equal to \first picture was a tuneh of Share 5 , a aeeedk You etic | ok cto oad ee reais Bood [aly (dog, youl | Not but that You | your own to quench the fire or eae Tater vane copies imthe cae | it while I live,” answered Sir James, lat scatiermount U departed with a [Bose sinh, ‘and Foaran ie 6. | Yee eee Sout 1068: hare her strange eostuines and inde- epitefully ; “and by, Heaven, so 1 will ue for five hundred pounds, and not ‘at all extravagant. |" He does this because he knows you Des ndent airs won for her the nickname ee cee ae aaa 2) ignore | Tent eeneeeliocnt well, likes you and’ has your real wel- |", ~5¢ Little Hussar.” as = pay your gambling |;,03, PE finger phir Test beeen sone a ene is a wells | £420 at heart. Pali taal ge (oon The “Little Hussar” grew rapidly. In — Tnnch has waitin pete cet in hhabitue of the tables "wa and his own are inseparably locked to- itd Rosa Bonheur exhibited the “Horse Scattermount changed colour a | oe commence ; $0, instead | keeping f gether, because if Bia which (was soln D oa for themsel' if your house is burn- y M. Gam- ‘aliees hia Gis aris even through she es ranoved eee a va mantis [at ni a visits i 1H i ed down his own will almost undoabt- | Or", 9 aie = Te was pei one cae but she did not lose her beste _ining-room, Pee ae dadghier Sala lechasea Boer cee jedily be consumed also. ‘Even if his | ss soon) hones aoe and broug! if hem away. omi vines aitabiod on the econ- | house is far enough away to be out 300,000 ea! “And Dray, how do you know that I| —and here, Jane,” she observed, of danger, th “In 1858,” she say: ant the money to pay gambling peal ay tree the we @ couple of ——_—_ , the value of his home will | ,,. 4,” she says, “I bought the va! : , [iota ab ron Fen ere Sema taced if your house is replaced by |BirPer'Y OCBY in the heart dite with Low.” replied her husband” | "Vina and bring me the Keys.” |. OW EOS es eee ae ee Ee pasa, | eas a fing on in year ils; ““l am get- | case unless you keep it looked Tak0GLd | on Jeweler, who found that the. frost ee NL peated are) Uti Ay adeno eda Tm silly. on eae Tony nega Emini | ike) toon ero Jogkea Jae should | on is rwinkows interfered for |*’o® ‘8 not ros neighbor. eetne ds deere peree — a er a abot US SSA Pa Bees Ch ey tins morn, dear, amines f the day ee the inspec- | _ Let me er ae what I mean by a eat carol sy ov pa set biitved ters a ats Sie aa hy alte case right here in Toronto, but PP ‘c vist j deena det Pane ad Must have some ‘noone aah tuoky Tor fo forgetting Abies pide of et tees | ee baie 2 town | mts ts friends, and working at well Socks ond, pavert ay, “after day allthe eae is” properly" fastened me | small holes in it about 1 inch apart, anywhere in ¢ peat ago moon with my pictures; Punta oy year round, as you Pome and ce pated the pipe to fit the | there were great stretches of com ap a ae pap oxo miei | Ef. yh, may lady, they ire all gone!” cried bottom: fed it to | ime north, east and west J Toney at fhe reiahone ia waste my| "All gone peed dy Satine ec aadh aeons Peale Wrcice fhe | Giese nee uan ee Since. then Tabondant 70 you io feeble end po) misunt. n Rak orn haley Tim: | $1888. | Then, attaching a flexible tube | Residences and Mincoa’ ot Wastes Tate artment in a state of ossibl from one end to the gas fixture, (ima avenue north of Knox Coll “Don’t be garter non The jel cas is empty, my lady,| turned on # Led edie tae ce. That was open country not ! fi nate ae , warninely. He ie tee fe" even as ach as" 6 oes ieee a Soe waiiced oe ti ay jlone sgo—now it is a to ot oat Cra me ae ‘er Ie enone ae ae Rem ng Ie e win- | own property there are in- BoP eee ae easy ret it nd tn, | Sat te smeeMe[ Race Hn ates |e Gee te fg with, strangers also, seek refuge he wae going | to choke, | ecavert and ai aa yoo See dha coontvesletioal GE bee eine mage. Bra velvet jacket, Pace tt 5 There Neco ‘himsel , he exelaime a, The | tore is a conv “r have rehuge with oh lsnagers. 1 aay ‘Scatter man! You've lost the jewels through vay igi won i in the pia you ean my takes | pat ae “eh pm Pe sou on be ‘soun’ H a j thats ; bor an ee clever tor you can do is'ta try and recover, item! ip eat pir from Four sleep. nd |e Sic announce 19 wai sour enrollacat 3 responded Sir James, with Eadie an do is to try and recover i get oe tela omens e yon ee fe | in the Legion of “Honor. by f Backing dalle: “And 50s at boot | fobs th Hland-yard at once, and in ina find anyone's address you go to the “ihe Bmpress kissed the new knight fey George, if you will take the trou | in a lth i ‘orar fan Sheet ron rah Tee aioe hgnreur epee eee ; io\recliogt Was you win at oe winddw in “You wish bis telephone now and vale eek. tow erward ( urn him out—and as I have of- the pi walle ce ae yer surveying. di then: you buy p tamps there. I received an invitation to dine at th { it since—on very insufficient | deliberation we turned after due | # and catching the eye of pe- | 1° 15 i'member’ of your church nest igiperial court in Foutal m : being a spendthrift and a| maid and. in tether Indysnins be theres Clana ne aura By a contributes Ard md fhe appointed day they sent a gaia car- + ¥ provement tax me. went yppdtel se hi or adn Sir James,” tants you'd the sweep here aE tormake the surest smooth for your | fous when Larrived, and caine nea P er_ladyship, t ay es; he swe] thie vant carriage or your. bicycle. He is your 'y way, whe ‘Mocquard * 300 mean 7 Bee AWE | caey Bev erent fala voblmney” this SOLDIERS’ BEDS. neighbor. You afe useful to each othe | stm: Iwas scatsd beside ie epee . @ very. sma longue mae nee Udi a thought s 30,” observed the deéec- dex. Ligh tee Beliiae. see ag Pe paud andi te, vee rome ns 4 mage Isa 0 ta ag sy at 8 “a 3 o, Pullfag. out ls note-boak, "Just Different Kiinds cs That Are tied tn Baros| when you go to » departmental Seis ha ms, about ‘ne intel aan = r , jease,”” s, OF SOAs, 01 m the press brought that possibly young ‘man's stepmoth-| fhink we've got the party, my. tbe suler's bod. wacko bly in Paeene. maga a few ‘conte’ cheaper | <r ohtainell Seat ins tenes erm) 2075 be cept tang fr yaty| (te Sorat erm ermie cond [EG sc rambo spe Laces nd ohh and teat ee papers toe just for Bet pepe nl sake, to a eae aia te peeks are the | expenditures ; he me a ae tote cf the garden Gi mab ae ; , in é mi i we and then, ina husky voice, in have a look over the house, and inspect | we may see’ the reflection of patria) tres on re mea + Toss fo | Otter that fake 8 dvive in 7 ‘Amid a vast amount of only half. oa charities; e must shut his band. |@r"9 Geieee fossse pa res ea. Are you Going to let me have this ssanaed: to is to TSP as Gates 1 whieh was en ee ind Toad thoughtful little things. had “neighboured” with him a ‘mono) poly as the world has never BONHEUR’S CAREER. hay . Baty that girl was the oe good neighbor ‘does not merely sa Bonheur has just published her