4 SP “ A LEG AL SECRE cep inside the old’house wou ee alia 1, era ab ca tg vm Me mtr tT BA Miscrable Wife meee mate btn! | SPERDTE, TELS CH he: d reached} Mf , ie fice to i ——— eh eo planta ars han ve se $2 af sion fhe great Mr Pking) tought. esa voy, on (UAPOLBON OF TURKEY, = \ Yee, prot ries en teocand fee, eink TELBGRAPHING. | fic de Geetors wou youert toes | CURIOUS BLBCIR. , in his youthful simplicity, ing into leaf she could not xe-: doctor's. ges pe rioeees eee eo: of ee Pay cre chaltsake® "see." e mut- pid . escor, Fam afraid ¥ shall | re Had a chance t : making the tay i se ple aus d i che Namamne 5 Sege Beles aie eels sie ees ve ee Sst ten ie cena tae tae ae Ree | opope's CENSEALS Sopa deer erga ae ea hepa ug seat rnoneases a ine tha ston ote rer BOTRIC CURES. iiicington: ‘Is my little sweet- Sa7Fet-boudot Breer: ie in eee ear Gace ee and walked towards: the Gre e EUROPE'S GE : £o, a e. I cannot carry it on looking women of her ”S CAPACITY. £ is their messages were ready | /MPORTA| ‘ cat “uae ag Saeki amen es etter tey d she would alm is very room that Sidne vards|door. Norris rose al green baize GENERALS. s without: hiri age in th hey would be run through seged NT DISCOVERIES HAVE RE- ‘hough that. his eon niet 8 amore congeaial home perings te eae tae ate ney nm ee ys ee erat "movements. W se es ils Rarvetius Abiuity a the tprotiise A Bed ‘cts wp all Sr shan 1 es = lieve - Ledges cei Phttiips awd BM. Wemy E ee it ra CENTLY BEEN MADE. : " ie, canted “4 ol oA 4 =. E sy ry 5 —_— ‘and he might never learn what had b funshin ould sometimes linger, for count, ye epee is Pileinaton without aes, Demo : T looked at the speaker oasis. bet aut! of ‘the car is, if you were £0] tne wheat sa Hiprovement on | the, wire. 6 psed St tnelatter bid of | Gent ax Shenae am come. obs euaé chit. i pipet Teen eee in her “garden? sp La Fe mp gett vacanlt. tu the heir stepped into the pete deen or glance, Mos ish siistiseca atin in eo 8 ‘ : He was about fifty y as| fi cine around’ with © ihe alte. and welead began gre oe Messazeste | Crators Soe meen ee aercr ral inch Von cei the Treatment 4 which troubled him ito below: the at the windows |‘ gj Sidney placed for her, s Abel Norris was puzzled. sets nk of Milstary Chi ‘rent 4 robust ears ol er you wanted hi it Th ound Instead of Sizbt. essages and transcribe t! ie a aerzy Is wed—A Papel ¢. But he had 3 4 a ales inky parlor fe Tait toot Rent retire. tet ne Pai see Paikineton's object tak What was jeftainn. as aman of thirty. His si with you, she wi eto eo iy BA qneet-; There was an interesting exhibiti 6 Shem. ays: no sooner made this inquir: always in shado was childhood; fore, but not in| room 's object in quitting th One of the greatest G 5 kers were i with pleasnr ‘ould actually blush | in New ¥ i Saat On A ss y than he’ Hi 1 jj at some rem : ‘so suddenly? ie 3 st Generals of whic j y trimmed, pleasuré New York the oth ms i _ A wonderful ady Seat ponies iad bel hie ue ee cir erent ata te oh ae Bee itt enag she iad to ban Soe secs Fat Se old ase cont te joes eae, ienowe bas again fis oe Spe aah eee jaunts Tat | “Then, o eee a Hlenb sae! sciene of electro there. oe lay Mr. Pilkington sent ‘was crossing New Square ai ch. He ‘something so rgotten dream. | th: e sound of voices. Wi blic protinence, alt natty cutaway coat, ww his | hes day if you bisa to tell har Electricity hi S New | Sepia Gn an bone gs that Rosa's voice? Ni mah died poonl , although q i . m You. seteeeligets bits os y has been used for many pur- : Sisoul | shigcast: towards her, Having met mi ng vanished “from hi fusing, that it! the door with OF eules aes People nee: almige, order Nl ‘ hung asingle fob and heavy gold that a girl, and | of in; dW: >. poses by physicis P eydceeth a ugh hg) bas cose tase the ev jore_ than ro: ae yao, 8t8 | r with eager ontstretched b xistence. He i Begone seal. I ; ¥ 80ld |b th sit in. the sitting-room | li ani ation F see physicians for the last few : ly half over. He ie fe i ening upon which he youre er e|Something impelled him: ed band. . He is Osman Pasha, th q |. Iwas proud of him. He w: fo new nickel plated coal lips, and it is intended Th ears, and with signa again had the courage to lalled at Teok's Court, Sid- {ing 4 ad iter ed el towards through, ‘and stood him: he passed | Poleon of Turke; Disha ns une 7 a perfect rural work on that new, silk dr | stove and | directl; to be applied ska bebenee attonda one at. bs} i ith signal success, and the turally bee a ae into Se ir the door lead- 7 with the further |i y, and who, it is sail specimen of a gentleman | tng) to bu: ess you are g0- ly to the ordinary tel a gi chief of the | discovery which has y guardian. question ‘hs eee Pe Bat ly been often in he: ington’ door wide open bef e further | is the onl, E said, Prem th we her. snd -y telegraph lines } means of travel » . now been i 7 only pk ert Mr. = "s room. “I will | dusk: ‘ore him. ly man who en, - @ districts that I | and to be ea t y and transport in| Will certainly t rts dread of tr Pinion {hed ream crllection ng apart in te and aa ra that you are tere,” said |the Tareel window in ch A ne fidence of the ne Ses See oie his picture on my ea | “And thes Bete trices Gatun tens 3 erated by tie earrents nov | on inn etal im the » northern part) will cerainiy tend to bring more ough so many years had i Epon gar him as thei é er he|room; Abel Noi e octagonal campaign which a 4 ohit Sarita so = |with steel clasps = ioe will en ; e and throughout the Great | agent. * ighye : i z by— factor. Had he not ir bene-;- She. i Ht ww Rosa half k fa: i made this mai 4 “« ife is miserable? } niaw $20 ps and with five nice 935. so ia or Be ble the | Plain. The Chi ES recurs to Sidney when he gone ling hand not extended a heli inow looked about b ing at Mr. Pilkingt neel- {famous began in 1877, sa } Yen oi di notes in it, and num : eo 1s ¢ Chinese form is a decided) Md’. 4 : sida e goes that) nd at the moment w’ p-'euriosity. Budd er with eager |ing his hi tans fest and ela: , when the wai 7 nder drooping, with » dry |¢o in it, and tell her to et that sent | improve se @Arsonval, a distingui 3 evening to join him in the lib FE a ne eG tou oe ienly her eyes fell upon | dear,” and in both her o Pee aae anil Raga ene Hate cough and no ambition. Sh | yor ing after this, because | CVeF 8 single rite, ae wl | ement on the types used in west-| ber of th inguished mem- Satis Saba beh @ library; for | wished to express all frequently | “Rosa: -box upon which was written } fi ay oe old lawyer was sayi eens jia was fair- due ion. She just! mee ired looking after so Fequiti d Pe ithout ern countries, for it is e French Institute, has for y compared to this aged| Which he ess all the gratitude with mond Gage.” The gi en } fi hough kindly voi saying ina Osman Pasha was a yeter ound jouse and looks ing that the operators learn | that t % so constructed | Some year: been , 3 lawyer, aud the fear! of offending a peuen Rat Death was picciow tues tox a her chait AES Fee ee Carey barac it po eaes ‘must |the Crimea, and in 1853 was ae z peaked ae scrawny iS gives me the payee: as you live.” anything beyond that which the pre-| reat he load, which sometimes is very with elertricity, om ee experiments nae within him still. & pretty speech “d_and composed many | now. her lips, | She remembered ail (To Be Continued.) Ares asa member of the Turkish buss. Ti dioss Tawi hae then, ae Ue tear starts in ao Mare aperatars iknow, now. ‘This | Over ie Halle and weit, ie carried | find out to what psc sae ind yet, if he had yearned in his boy-| give utt Would have the temerity. tae ncod Ae e f staff. Although he 5 aT weak oat dat fame old blush comes | TeWlt is accomplished Py dition | wheel, and mot between _ it) used en ots ai : - = y idly: -y Trench s ~ was promoted p iy» oa she ?’ } you thought = y the addition id successfull; é hood to know something about PERE ta ene etn Fatal Stes Gh ie Tats bogey SNUFFING COCAINE. the rank of Colonel for gallantry ee piShe! Ob, no. When ee ns ee ee io teaens une rae to each office of a set of very simple on pee ae it. The high | gout, rheumatism Sey Shera ‘ ‘little sweetheart” be coy pe ait peed BER anding before her with Set telne ett es alr Meret S| makian — j thes este pathol ree is eat: Kemeny ee ee tice ail tightest nsinenta, , WIP ey is no need | paid ca and the bad roads/ ailments, and now at apa eae : cn more now to solre the mystery of courage. £0 utter one esa lind not ‘the ‘outa word of ft her fo abruptly with 7 ern taney tthe Dra, WHI Sel Siaft in the Fourth Army Goeeia the place cass ‘army father, and | {ink she bad been mi metho SS matter forward over the | aan cana shay sonaleated Sea f 4 hanes Te sada Prenie, ae within i : placed her hand upon Mr. Pilk- hice: ts r was the hero of the cay made the work stand | i pid system can be cut out) stroi mus: |. 80: nces the result of hi ‘ iia gor | |these auiet precincts of New Square SUcere acon. coamaeit ani hands bee ot “saul ture of Saitehar, and : around took m | | strong, with axles and wheels able to| # is investiga~ qj . | for’ it, and ing” cocaine, wh , and was made aF y eye. She was fons: Ae ise} oe teary fr: be siruce pizand the Suicent Hall had door beyoag firmly clue lb pedunqhomnr bast oe, which Marsa hrf, the world sad ie giana pr tamay gee Dor & ch BUR ase eo apertnes cor, Choe aliments are due 10 & a yonad wal sunder ely deserted. And now the chi ra- it cooled her sight of 2 rls nd., has developed at own countrymen had ab 2 no, 5 general a = i cad cuetiayie! | Gen! mine eee tne [retreating rays of the. ue choice ante Oe Beata hee piecing ieee eects Hae gotten him when 1877 rolled eee fore he took out a gold watch, looked | mother of » i ae areas i ill Bas) ceitition and ie follows tual the Re bee observed—for | tl Semcrptp ein Tearinen eR er own action. Had she thought at | tracting public attention. T! t-| man’s first command wi - at the time, put it back a er of your children how. much you steer se to the telegraph cp ‘ 120 pounds; éx-| to eradic: says bide Tey had ask Tab) oe ee Eee tt aEmnier tha saver maura Sahel peat Cet pa this practice he evil) Army Corps, and oe ee ; the silk fob an tht nd adjusted | Zespected her for her lif ea tion selves and t ce mpanies | treme length, 6 fect 6 inches, ineludi bi ate them is to properly t gone! walls Cage AL sel ete perigee ee cient bad ee hata & whether ieee Salevize Following thi orca als of! his micely |Torin thar Goon life ate Se Gb ails ress alg sed | shafts extreme feet Ee Sim ela ata HOW Ter i “a i r, : aie what . Following thi “ ees 000. i é often fin sy + i a. patient i E: sian Pagtbaeg? pereeegrs coe pee Eo ‘whole attitude, There. sat behind of the new fad finds ion | he sa te reputatin & oe Ser tees ee Sa ve ee Test, T think eee 3 “bn Sees Ge ee na Me eaoction |a's Se See ear Mian | the tnteror of within the influence : Es a dress the | "Sidi e bars for so: fone. ion that gave him 4 : = ” an. eligi AA Gon, | through getting) ‘mersaiges i : ae has an iron| of a high ~ pearls are a AO a yoda laymate tore passed reac, ho fas emt at es spin yiaee je under the inhense | Russians had made ; 4 oe Me course. She was getting Tatar ant ola which are now often delayed pee we aia oan wide, by 1-4 inch thick. | will a Pe eet Ga ag Ripe : = bees ain See ace ye Set Teoma, cr wently eames tnereton the Benassy Soe drunks” are | progress over mee ee inenees eee i gO rock aa. ey amen Pee it te aratat sates is trouble with the wires and | vehicle ihe paeibas Da ehcaopaiatues be nAMiONhe gna health wall “ 3 iia Tooled: er eeacsl nice ane e upol docket of the Sif i uthern side oft thee “open oN i ‘ tress of ” ants sunshine. You bave been | ix capacity is reduced below the za row man wears @ reabectabe in 3 “ up laughing! seeing him enter surprise at oe ee i “olice jin July, on 8 our wife in the shad oo saving e nor- | strap across his should is improved, < pe RENO ecard Gene elanced tovards the | cisely ey ne = eat with in ore-| fhe al forces, marche oe mad nabs saved ; worth mon tb are you Sebo me to Taal Hee “re WEINY-PHIL ikea tothe inte coed iadatw ratty . jidney_ smiled.“ : me ze door. “Is she there?” H dru mmon | Whe: ithout meeting a ch i Iam , you knowf | give: an old woman. ee has LIPS SYSTEM Boxes, bales of goods, ‘The applicati : : worl is the way of ig near his le n they reached Pl fi weg a scientific man up all hope 8 % J eB or whatever oe f plication of the remed; anes Meee Ce ee ee paua ubon Mt, ea Tee eee as ‘The only difterence is that th Osman Pasha and his forces Shy fond n Sse es RS and. will never |!0¥e, aad is Saale learnt ee Eee direct competitor with the Wheat- ‘may consist of, are secured to simple. One of the electric a Bae ‘ wibost ee crlinacbemes shot towards z half over hs) of drink sometimes con pee visti treated. They attacked and Terare I assessor.” your injury with the |freatea ‘sept = Hin sae Be oe Betas Coe en ao |e Ee { | Sect ciation nell BN WAS Wa ” Ps 84 wi wi 7" ‘¢ $ “ 4 Pr so?” Xs ¥ in a a Am T your client?” See, Bie IB Ren sehen cre AEE Grcpemanriieed ays jebauch, but ye et emacs eiseiadat the & ‘Well, professor, I could crowd $50, “What, me? I am all right.” aes aidialees «sneer asl THE CHARGE : pars. bath, into which’ the patient's : q,This question brought an odd laugh site awyer turned and came towards tas nat yet been found that prison cores oe haat wey 000 pretty ard.” h eau Yon 1 Know.’ Wome ny i pica OS large sites Ia this|for carrying an average load is about Sapa ral While the othér pole assume it, for ar » 80. Shall we egy, De Pe his hand kindly uj e Court for indulging in | General moment many weeks distan' ; ie that is good. How long b ing wit, Roen o auch! 3 eorry look- | it x tstone sue 1 shilling and 5 nnected with hishands by conduc- Yes! And arguient’s sake?” young man’s shoulder. Si up-| the use of cocaine can rem in of the. Schilder-Souldner ‘was the are been married ave you | giris whi Foolish old maids an, sly equires the preparation of the mes- | Varies 1d 5 pence per mile, but tors, which are furnished with i all Good REL e behind bok ey, "said he (with id- | thing of what took ember any- Russi ian Generals, who, will th 6 “Thirt, fete sage on a strip of paper beft to the load and the| handles. It will Aedes peeeseina said Rosa, with a brightening Took in i poke harshly to'you the other even- | SFrest place prior to his|On ebalf’ undertook t Piev 4 y years next July. We went | etek ofa wits. you hi rour back whet i | be put th pen iret ne at, can | state of the road to be travelled ov! ill be seen that the’ cur- deed we gota great black gor the library; I er even- | S7FeSt- in ehalf of his force levna. \ on a Hthle teeter, of a wife you have, | rough the rapid automatic | Th er. |rent passes through thi Boa, : ott ue Your ‘otfies, full docu. “why oe ages pe Sookie Connie “souting” was introsod or badly, wounded. = Stes led mate and Ja eee STE get ta a - iat Sac sender, but the inventors Ts modstion Lara ead pets OL beuat the eats fee the entire ‘ody, a and the '— She sto; ir, t ansville abot 5 “How Bb) BAe bale several distinct side, and th - The a a saoetupe edie She Bal ae rorheeat orer bop ck Pa ieved T Eatould, as tbe OK | party of “eat ope ae, see Maen DEFENSE OF PLEVNA. £ j made me Sen you have fiearing 8 of yan head aad eee Wheatstone, both ete aie iH bares eceothags four people Raimaniniaclieinens crea a “a not in a moment $e t ‘Rosa’ the uhh spoke. Me ‘Pilkingto ie St. Louis. Si 4 le an zar’s officers e “Hum- will die.” long before your wife |" accuracy. in the lower than tl for andi ra shi len! - overcome. 1 ly name she could ' the. yn looked anxiousl: . Since then it has forceme! 0: sent for re-en- .—um—lemm “S, @ Wheatstone sys- | 00 account of ‘the ‘i a short time the ed 2 rcom mt 1 ly into| in popularit; ben it has grown’ 50 ntg. Osman Pasha continued § Davis f: got the |, 1027, now, see here, tem the characters whi rt eo) Syeuen of labor | ism i nba PT ROL, Wein Inienes does. noe dll Ah! hase bor ahaa {aout sae ti 's face. “You do not ‘ity that it is taking strengthen the ued to farm the first. ia a limit to dra , professor, there is which represent ‘the | 12 loading and unloadit ‘cushi Lipenicany aes former stength, ' dispel i ys vane T love THE July 1 the = nses of Plevna. ia qfun in debt oe het} Eee contig da Tan telegraphic al oe seat is provided for ioned | musculai meth; : ington's displeasu 1 Mr. Pik: | Said Sidney, as if to reass locuments,”!as if you we e you as much PLACE OF DRIN! v1 the Russians considered : bt fox the Sinn going.” iphabet are punched in a 2 ager alar en ib RONG eosmas fo alee a Heat? el wa f YS ene nated vexen K Se ere eed ot wottnaent them- eer = prices for ons place, a week. Will, to see you xt | trip of paper on @ machi generally sits eri he orn ‘houg! sensibly to his irritatio add] your legal adi ‘tim oophue Seon troubled, that even! ed | to a certain degree. In te eentare anothes: att ficient strength ie my cheese “Ves, if Me bo all vig like at: : ine something | the front of the barrow and again, the § polnnous elements lose Sidney”—the old la Mitta satetal. fens trace tie alee fone oF two eer hat evening, | The | the city, whe HOU Re AS a rage nese ip th pl Well, I think . it you drop this ind of tall sithpewriter, ‘This strip is, then | banging over the side t and the other | much of their force in th ywyeradmonishes him | "Rosa. ¢ See ee iat yo y, where the lower population is |and 7, md defeat, losing 170 rotticers ee dated an gw Ws ance eee Tove a Ganache (of tall | rom rapidly through » whieh Serv @ in a rope loop, | diabeti je case Ol raising his fore! ous area 8 her rity Liperal pines one could question, | the greatest, druggi n island 7,136 men, a loss, whic! * p $80,000 since we spliced.” y wife. I'll try your Bee tr: machine which | nati es as a t. Thus a ic patients, ae comes bi a seri: ‘a ome secret like myself. I vi sh , druggists find a reas he def ¢ them 3 Wery good i Sle ce you stick fe your medicine. Would ansmits the dots and tive is wheeled for mil and all paii Be secret character—a “A y and half in play. “Must seri: ed the situation with horro If. I view-| sale for cocain <A ensive. Osman adie fe yy good indeed. And fe | the for that. preseripti : s to an | roug! ae over. the pains in the limbs dis et charac a Si could e. ‘The druggist bu: fiiged. te) fort PB ne ha eau your wife ethos Aral ption about | automatic recorder at th | T08 ie ee any with ‘These aeRe ave Vane an who does not Sid fot look st it calmly. And y in the erystal ys it a fe See eva uae oF. a great help all this time?” and $20 notes?” s at the other end| vere jolti A Be- are some of the benefi 3 i—deser 7 again la er had you left yet, no soon- orystallized form and oD ee, -oused. (He sent 4} “Oh, bel is time ? low much aia yor of the wire, where the d i ing, acco) \ by ap ecu: bea Be. ‘ efits svhioh ¥ cease ves no com-| want to vlaghed., Tee ee mu left me than (saw plain Teese te ae Fe einer ie ey nt against 3 Ras, wae eevee mado logether u say you have . fe dots and dashes | #91 squeal of the purer gain means i y with such Gea Dee fees emer Mp eer hoi cpehistnes any ‘ensape work. Yon wero boot ‘evil consci-| ers Sun ‘omers. At figst the deal-| regular meri fot aN pee "y took care of her baby and t tler! She | “I cave, 2 are are reproduced on another strip. Dhe most barrows. oe aarhiy bona tof electrical treatment, whit pata: ‘ natures; and when you come|Ceeit, then! Is not your approval-—To ret from ork. You were keeping no se | than o pee sell it in leas quantities |Of artillery. his in pad 400 lees B : twenty ome Taste ya te tate te Ladi the hee al aieoon allright, | 12" ite is then turned over to operators, sinecltartory netween the shafts, there the method of suto-ind Re ee 3 i his life in Took’s ing questione twas I who feared be mie dollar’s worth, but ‘orees that al e 4 : aes ie the Bendy for th ‘on will bé! who read the me p is a long, oblong-shaped Satie or “elec: os ed—i be- a t-|4 t already lay before th tinware flop vi gals. as down messages and wri v] apet et, trisation Someti dreary, ine es St ey ee ed and frequent demands for it in The Turkish army in the Ga eet in a = Soy Ne a ld sain bot 20k se tears pas out sither iy sbewek ae aE payee which the wheoliderow, an Be a liaetentiee haute — freque! Fee sry, in- stand each other, now: do ib we) tne smaller quantities were successful ee er end consisted of 155,000 4 PEPERDIEL CS iP neva ba bed faa Pines aniid cane z a type Wheelbarrows ‘tre ost Soul se lain plicity. certainly vawthat of sim een now it can be had in hes whom were at Plevs 4 # time.” and 3 jerby back on bi Th sail. sel peer yal - Poor freely, who needed the advice I gave so | It B any auaatiy By the end of August Dai ‘Splendid, nd shaking the wri is head | _ In “the new system th a fair wind A USEET ‘ iS rofit ite i i th ossii and you ig the wrinkl i y! proves a ‘UL PAPE! tS tore than he ever did He thinks at , too. Inte, —W vere inet i pee |e es Mies eo aie ee, gust, the Russian oo Spleadia, and you have cleared $90, fight trowsers, he” put leo one, of S| Cars ott Tn rained telegraph, phic charac: eran at Hei to het ‘runating of the bar- er ‘use has been "ER, BOAT. opens i Th happy tented n cit uarters of th and. Roumnaty oa wot 440 ] “Yes, eas} re ” sauntered away. bein rand. this strip the insti ep shorn Lune ago we heard ar: oi a sae Ayes at yet I =o vai he Tawi, 06 hia th of thes trade is nearly entirely Hho gana et ont FOr 8 er =~ ence on ; em fae cea ins Chee lt cake te a orem, te ran through proper machine, | at Sangha, fo sTutlon of cotton mills ag PES uate ened serene q ood—4 en I'm in a him to me cA yon setid | pes Dost eo snnoved: me druggist | town being estimated al f e. jour wife ing rid of jiven way | 8t' tlie other ‘end ee thew 125 ison extensively used | D: were rendered rain proof - Sidney more “Where Tshall rom awa; UE ‘eaiatoenere that? be oye sell tent ae 56,000 men. i al and God given 87 | Cperator, reading. thom wire, and. the hs a nee pee eae ot means of bichrom: eee f his old rain al by Bess Should you ran eee * a eiduey found, fe Gee ea drug in five and a tance oe _saemtar a MENT on PLEVNA. i hed Wh @ durn it, profassor, she | 4.900 ee hem upon tspovsiter 0 or by san carrying workwomen Evens ene tcne that boats are eer rc ‘ and the lawyer, still war 3 S away; soon as I reached th stop you step upstairst” sai urn. “Will his sleqpi mber 6, a bombardment of Pl os s DUELS A YEAR transcribing a C ‘2 can wheel six women | materi e Same . a fi fiat very: far?” e country. Is law: apstairsf’ said the you) Panta @ith Gam. ak ing, part: begun, which at ‘T know it. But IN GERMANY. | the speed of the tape ‘or a distance of about thres miles, Thi B over the fire, loaks d te yor? “Me. Pilkington wishes to ses | imzorms Bi knock at his door ee enbes oh continued. until d y. Shae dice ahe kinda ® t oe the eeprs se Through morning and evening, the ch ai, ie will not surprise. th 7 : ore ie ee er Mia wih you ‘ ould a country life content) “Mr. Pilkington, sin” tolsee he on cee ail ean the ta sas fellowed ty __ You sey sho was poor whent you marr 1.000 a ear tm France and 2359 Duel it at Peay point and es inte weiop| t auilling and3 bens the charge being | Caper when’ prope fn anal tine of es Ra | pepe D; ia ‘indow fenders as » what hi m i < i e wants rnings of i si ‘macl ws ‘i that ae ‘all 14 thinks about oe wae Serer aegis ane of the | Money, afer chsh ee [eee corm iene Seen Gans cee aa unre Why, you beat eae made?” | More duels are f eee fa that the ‘greater gua numb assert-|man are about 8 1-2 Shoal parr d Saisie TB is composed of oF= : is ee Fe ini about ae: ‘Sik i areas ihe ‘ele ‘tind ate ee ee ee ai do was to capture ee ee crt a 4 Be ie fosmadon ik ead tile alleen cine fought in Germany| thet onus ine auapenet mistakes bon 00 ices rs nce per day-| Cromannely otroas, Lara together, ‘hat would by ve ee dad? acquaintai n immense eotit loss of 20,000 men. ‘The Ti trees “Do ogether.” «| th country. Most of | 275 in nthe reac fs @ same number of wheelbarr and durable. Its The little i inky grateful” Ne ea it would be. nice.” the sale Ais it is eis realised from | 000. ‘The seieotenie e Turks lost 15,- you? Then she can dray em, however, are st a and transcribing, | plying for hire in the ows sedi’ resistance, too, i . parlour in Took’s Court |" Ratt Noveis who hast ol pea cape eer ussians only held the ca, bank. ace won your | ous tha : student duels, | i ‘these are done away with | foreign settleme: streets of | the gon weheels, chi ery srest, grew more inky than ever; art |" The young lawyer looked f Pilkington, though he 1 the great | cost the iter ere ra ne Tedoubt one day” Ie was plain dunt? Then she bas a hors Bare a ae Setar ciel ss | Ma Ae eee avers ae ah | foreten settlements st Shanghai, where, | Whole houses hi apace ere pe aT 4 solael testicle er; for Abel | Scheme, I’m afraid, would grave. ‘My several visits t gk We taal ease | one De porehanedi ns gee, Om ay|enough now to the emissaries plam and carriage when she wants ¢ |ous thanslashed cheeks rn sca| more accurate than the eye and 130 aegis the fg ences Tegulations, | DAY, a dari i its ra i old desk copy-| ME- eat ex gee mee an ‘0 Sidney ‘Trench, felt | 2 oe erie tho atiblotede aa iealine Russian Bear that th of, the y Then she hi s them ? | Of all Ge: sor torn scalps.| faster, ‘These lai i + 35| (hey are, perhaps, the best in China. "| © eke f architect upibee aunt ing diligently from morn’ oa Norris. But you would come and in awe of the sénlor partner. Nor | 2Ot poticeabl, the wholesale pries has| mind ith oe at eer tan cae | ¥ as a servant girl wh rman university t proved une seem al Lae tia structing a cathedral , 4 feed. to deal. > wants one? TI iH en she | Jena and fy towns’ little| Broved: by: the: tes oA THE FE) mache, thi of papier He was completely in hi nney ta ise whenever you liked. Bil wag’ the.old vlan aie be this or | Bat the custome: ented the eee hey wees facto jeal. In strategy when she rides out a ani pees yas, chosen’ £ le. An. article E FOR A LICENSE this being the ont i fp authiny eluate ut i Bees deeial many. a client respect; nstomers Will have it at any | Ski ‘ar from being his equal. Hi health, and out for her | to th are most devoted | h: er the “test. This ii to be used in th th material ¥ Not unfrequentl; 3 ‘Yes. sche! , dreamil, \disrelish f had. experienced — the | PE. a skill more than counteracted his iS hasa watch and gold In Goettii ‘anded to a Morse operat vas | is 11 1-2 pence a month, and n ee eee gato that building, from 3 y—more often. to-! “that eink iy? aiid 7 Sidney, ' ‘or ee interview. N ‘The habit is in numbers. And ed his lack E as you do? Is gold chain | ber a me en the num-| he sent it th operator, and while | barrow is allowed, , and no Wwheel- nasion. wer. AS wards the afternoon—Sidi he you eu [bepome Ge ee eden stopped half-way on the stai or-| Men, wor not confined to any'sax,| phase of th And so there began that “Prof that so?’ nels average one a da od he keea operator who was after- | gulation i) according to there, an instrument of fs efi 5S ei 4 i; aT . 4 bot s rfare, eer cee ni —Sidey Tench fs a panion and took » pinch of snuff to steady, is | 2 Hie women ei eta eee ee Laue Ger be usgeee The etfore to siarve Hear ih tarag is Raraede ai SF aos tet eae “peverat| ark eo Teme Ot teceaa at ie ol 0 of tea, pate ec mo 13) feceatly. constructed a ll docineor ing there, — “No; t hastened to kn: fi Pashi sandal Seth . in that shay Z luels @*) ordinary ki 7 il, or 1 cann Fs a li ing there, he would exchange few | where te the Soy ae | near nae ee ck et | eee ae ee oe egree OF | Blovna by p peek as ee a , ever heard of such a ine Sal estas Te epee ke bee aL eee cae pated he'would in in send | pounds each; on boxes ol Cosile cannon Tor, bitentey pnd this canon Seth bt tau te avtg ec Seok. ae a ng gern, ont SN, Tian in obtong| CONOREOATR. AT NIGHT Beene coma trains "Show nde Yon mr ate, id | nee Copone. Pay our In| rece Se rime me |e, ii eho, ba ver enets most uire after’ 0 in- an be is jis white jothing cou! 4 y in marryi = faze ti i recent! ‘4 i . id e width of the ue. quire after her’ of the olf olen. “They alts Sides are coke and on ae ° ie aid not vais his in small, crowded rooms, and the rexel EO ee ai thorough were the ai E iG If she mraa wetting ESO per eros Psepiibighiae se 1d ally, 4000 otal se ee Tes Te en potarceet foe set—that 15, ewe eset Ait cecasions—in New Squai on rare ood ta stern expression is eyes; mtinnes until the ements for the Russians that EWG Shon you mmunvied hor and ‘had’eaved | Ge Grist avery soar, tn tell cae gtliean to received in a mach- | wheel Saas eanomte the. We attracting at- Tnn Fields; for quare or, Lincoln's Rosa. m: ‘to bad came over his participants are all helpless! Sa | months were occupied in investi her wages, she would ha ‘a caved | German empire. In addit ine which was to all intents a1 pe crt allowed under no} tention is the work of Jonarsel _ G E 5 Rosa was much im lawyer ha’ ae 10. reply. oung of 9 hide some possible si ‘At some of th heaped ercome.| na. November esting Plev- d $3,600. J would have had now | th th poses like th eer and pur- | cums! tay cir- oes a graduate of 234 en- with the number of : DE eSS- Heoown af = ‘of emotion. “Your nai ign ese gat. os beer nin} BEL x 3, 1877, every road and 600. If she had invested i ere are the more se} e_ registeril machi ey no an Pi e of the coat sntral School j neces carriages which thoughts to whi er are abe ris?” me is Abel Nor- sometimes dispe is! bridle path that led to Pl % would have ha a it, she | tween offi rious duels .be-| Wich every operato! ne | pounds vot dead. wel TI ‘aris. He has tried it ‘1 4 fngion and Trench’ “of Teena, ilk oxpresion. De iol she had never given |" Tbe old clerk bowed his, head, two turaries must be mnt ont tie cupie by the asian fore, which con j at a Eeiars ware Hvoan aftcers aud civiiane, Among |r before men Bad earned to “read Rogar, owes Ba siritly adhered along the atlantic oust, and i= wholly E ested ey sug- n a more i uched | “Sit 5 ,000 men. x othe ie, and looks so ure oe, es in 4 eae **taahionablo oe ahi or Peta Pi ate Bo, aid the siaweres| Hie grata taken simi to, nut beslogers were within three, les ish sick am ore #0 ‘badly she makes a ber fe is i ee THE DOTS AND DASHES fife whee settlements cc Sianehal Lael rel framework of this novel little <3 o'clock in the afternoon cli four it nly been from : | ing your chair close t _ a 4 A fingers is inhaled | sha to. ey called upon Oman Pa- pan Seg eed ‘got. noth patna Poids ed.) were reproduced elli oa t be seen tray-| several I over which are spread § ae estecnttes axle Clients never of duty that she h: a stron; closer still. L cannot my desk— | through the weenie in such o to surrender and he laughed nine vat pia ‘pss in a strip of paper, ing one behind ha, obtior, steeel hal ‘al layers of Japan paper, cem sto go. She tried te had piccoustaly are 41 0 ‘see you at that | 2% the cas ch quantities; them. tit was bi ughed at dies.” hen she | ¥e2 chal r-| together by 2 special er, cementes of gain a glimpse of Mr. Pilki ried to, Meted bbe tempest seats lly re j dis Our mememte that | the first effe subject. will permit. ed attle that they want- xq a is of English Portland | keel furni special varnish. A' lead 4 ; gain cannes of ee oiopane ate eave Abel Nor- added, Sanit San had wee ¢ frat effects of the dr permit. (ed. he said, he would be charmed 4 Bee were ed man. Ver arnishes the required stabil ‘ o nly succeeded in obtain- ati aud ‘som \ iy raising his head. pleasing axid ith ag are highly | oblige them, bu armed. to man, 1 gine younger e ‘There are ability. f ing a distant 61 obtain- ation out of e aine| “Norris sat_ dows ; asing, and it is not until 1 + , but as for sui n mia lick uni wl ir, a “Toad is cari compartments ; = Seeotinr ont Bee a ee remu = Pondon were ighe could distance of Mr. pea a respectful Tatiana wearing: svar, That the viet ihe its tine be pad oe ae eke E bY a De sicker peget ie oe roca enh a os bid? chery edge of the 1 bes gato 43 ee Pete Cae hich paheagar fe Tinlea : zy er of happier. days. het chair, and looked at him hesitati th , and gives way to alljto last him ti d provisions enough b: # “ _ 1 am stating this slight way as to preclude th pressions, th acadi inch tire cuts into | it ibI being to ren Some weeks s longed How she| ly. at first: but tating. | the appearances of a mani Ot ¢ him till spring, and ‘i “Then, my friend T sh Ure lightest chance of inj | hi there lam y knife, TI impossible for the vessel to si ; passed by. One af an upon i Dover? 3 bat gradually a cba this conditi wamac. While in! Provisions > and when his 4 taisly, om ould begin to | Statistics th iajury, In the duel| Wich worked side by erat | ales eects i ife. The| | In ¢ trail sink, 5 noon towards six o'clock, e after- an se, hills!” Would “open eath me over the old clerk’s ion oe ee comm Blmost Fie gave out he would go out- ie. 'y. ? Your wife is no 1 ‘oi ese meetings are not ee Cesta ae! yy side and left proj et on| Tai x the one M. days were grow! ck, when the vive—did not.) they not re-| be half Oren expression; | TY are ie and whip them. Still O: er young. She is no l jong | oned, as they are far I Peek eat hi duplicate _ impressio1 side, the man pushing the bar pearson Wogan, a F < ing longer, Rosa be ot the very words om. his seat, and bend- | 224 iis here that was only_m: sman Pasha i Her hands ionger handsome. | €ven the Germa less perilous than | (47, roar crea is ns. | being almost. it Pee made ‘renchman, ‘ round fel i Sa ae strolled her memories of etic Pees eagerly forward exclaimed: “ an Ne ere Saat "the most oF ithioutty i “lat what is t 4 é pe aes ord as socal edi. | Sexi n student duels. Of the | SU — to insure ac- | T) favisible from the front. said pe liarate cage) Jong tripe: Tt is Ge hae toes semientiben after- her, head thoughtfully. cod? She, bent Seager: sir! NWhy, 1 thought? fey gore ae butt" Manyees tm were ocetrt ne : : ae sm socal edi 7000 fr duels, France can boast full or caet on tho pa telegraphed | cadam, are chiefly of ma- 7 il of his boat icaay st sha Ate Dearerbered: he Heeregel ahe ia a le waa ae shall 1, 38, dead.” ght of you | Men and women, who perhaps eos ma “a through disease. The hos- i back ee antil eho, ‘has a pe pepe tive lew Year's to New Yo uy | § dinar bores “the process at the or-| from thi damage they sustain pane St =o z piloso- i. and the sparrows pee er a She eagerly desired iF Ab!” and the old la a morsel of food in thee hh |p cilities ‘were insufficient. So, é es er | The majority of these are Gee ai : is traffic is gee reat. oe zather interesti: } Esc over the com. ¢Tavi lesired to sae he look at wwyer flashed a scarcely any cl jomes and | 60 days after the ip “Shut up will officers. Mor among army Ww came oe ‘second. res ae after <3 Sean in ing | ‘ummer. ee ving such a er | at Norris Ntatteeehien evel vill y,_ clothi ing on their backs, | pl ri arrival of tis. last sup, ‘Pp sult i re than ed ‘of these. Hokie ya process—the | that Prckiente oats. 7 r qitkiaes these ‘sauntering thought again Sts teat | "Se, you do remember eyebrows.— part with fhete fast penny. to jing ain, December 9, Osman decided ira “She has raised ches ‘sdsseld eye in wounds; nearly 20 re-| Prana ting tnett the main wire. The + broken to pass through | br They ate". ae Rayacthe oer: \\ i tl jegal sees incts, lost. in lonel: Norris and thé ‘Norri me? ‘cocaine. y ‘ob_| to make a sorile. i i them is at college. O1 e of | Seri per cent. in nsmitting instrument: 4 7 and sole Fs b ‘others ‘and sisters of r \ Thought; for the spring Se aa ely eae he vould Sead wth ee is stil continued to exam amine Mr. become thst So: po lar has the fa fad Sea consuni y. Jegsons. “he oth Pets toes ee a has had 2,750 duels in the last costing instrument ae and the Xe oe = a a iia, te OSL 3 Which wo found *0, auch del eae CE the past; he had never cease: ve saipeapecs. ‘It’s twelve yeai ge iven, at which some 15 or 13| The _ followi ¢ penn: eat an cine ee has lost fifty citi feleadneablage set going at a Plot be 8 "Stand ‘tis trattic, Tt| nos ood. and ii i children ats be bad never ceased to exert him |aistaken.. 1s twelve yoans sua, said Tarrol alfeaded "or thig ftnoth pitbe {following morning his forces din a treadmill life which will by death ae athe fi field of 7 citizens | Hirer times as reat as, that Ss jfiattis, 16 mony fine eters They aly _ 7 p ind work that | How coul rorget you sir? | ounce of cocaine hi ‘unction-an | threw themselves against < end in a rosewvod 4 ich 2,400 jonor. _ Sor nd operator. ‘he strip of ec gultully balancing an a an |us that every age has pears ae f wuld lift them oat of their | How could I forget your face—or th ogee mn pure a eth nite thal Gees clase, country coffin and a first- | mated aero nea | the message impri rip of paper with ne propelling | that the pl * | j Some youth, her co and. Some show of gratitude, som poverty. | 483 F a | alt wh sonal was conducted until {2% is try, that tk 8 : Se a with of these mectings ware ccpeurg, | ed. Uurouge the. transani itwas start- | a ay come Cron basrow: | very ttle from th of one age differ 3 oka aha conapanion, in sunny of her own _ Scritie| Pilkington seemed from his oe 0 had ai ‘were. ovel tery and alm ad captured a bat- “ fessor, will out” rapiers, and one with ugh the transmitter, and the ae ering. thai eines ‘are about ‘ittle from the pleasures of #5 2 \- power! sreom most annihilated t ‘While you are sii yt in 974 cases’ t th evolvers. recorder ‘went rattli vehicles t fi ut | other.” an- ‘id now grown into a like This youth Whose ars ss oa raat ‘one |ner to be demanding ‘Wha’ ee iS aan ralfest oe the drug. | of grenad = lated a regiment a e a hai e man, ie insult rate: i ing away at a| the raveling through fate for|. Norri n it day ® fiers who were defending i 4 with just enough jewspaper articls in ve the ae ‘coul sof the settl ci aa ney Trench, and she Beeanners of Sid-_ er, had been 0 pathetic. aed is understood him. “That day,” Under the fire of th iefending it. pie gray y in your whiskers mt ‘cles of in public lette ns , but ev- aifion fo toa lements, in _ad- 0 associate . * Bt Sed Siday foe Hastened {0 explain, “on which > to e second investment cer iph Gian? interesting. No doubt Teearding literary Quarrels. More ripogchirg ward found to Hesaee fpeeee ot thes Foe HORSES’ KEEN eae oat tio ommee cred ing her hesitati ey, not-|eame to our cottage nea rae FLORENCE NIGHTING AL a ba! tes ; ; you have been thinking of some Sn 700 principals were insulted: duplicate of those in. the are remark: INSTINCT. : and r St. Albans : : yonet feat with th young girl of _nice insulted by | trip going thro ably one 3 af Pars. os wie Sel erst das arent | laced litte eel under ay WHe*| gout” broken im Poach tha she can pad eared 0 capiars nutes bee ia eich wow ump | to" eligi aneuge t. Wen is pres ge oma, ae eee nnccn eee | a wil ave sunt bunched e_ course ‘ion You would do w impulsively. . Pilkington lean so broken in ? ith that the s were finally driven back, but a pwenty acres of hops.” a Ox er from the recorder was bi is. bi usty hay untouched in er; she dreaded 2 chai mn. ed back. in _ his | scarcel: she can battle, which had a a professor, T won" pela at the over to the transmit rought his bin, no matter eae destroy b fy conretiatar eat ee ee “Norris; and w par ere ie neither glanced up nor | fo y write a letter, yeb she never Tn ee a An oa) whee SMiprofewor, 1 wont stay here if you | ible for 18. bling table were respon= aCe see | RD BS Mi ONE eee: A heuer ircapten e147 eee 4 ee ea Chirsclt wile she ine t Se ee ther tsiene| Why ir Pear wast adcas mee BOT Al ick ees ee Past “And your wife does not ces Seed equal to that of Boba pane ost wonderful tree that hi drink objectionable wa- oe built up 9 from memory ja hector Sane stn you can a EP aud Yon =o ae Beyer, write i Py heotag the Crimen on the anni- aes SS ee pase q thet “new Watertown fe Ra pee puma fons ihe segumenor deailie con ras} Exapbing, he transmitter a tele- is Tot fi tie Peddeoiaade>. eon newtril rapes ee eta ce fields—more oF og ate: those sunny my client say to t up joes | Clerk re pathetically, “that ‘sh a y bf a victory, or to remembe: bat wish mA dante acted pee one, girls ur hired man and neighbor’s es is. Germany, France, Ital; OT rai only an office machine this tree the natives _Widen, quiver and query . i elie roatee eehice t e was dea at T; gee Bos eat ee? to meeting. Your wife stria, Russia. As ae ly, Au-| Fun upon an office ‘iret and Joth, prvsute ierelas paren, wie Geamclest, Paw off Danan toes Teka ‘She will follow rou sitet somew ha yn brought a quick Ae PRP b thiose who are labor- aie fete: is anywhere, so you do never goes | duels, Ital, ards deadliners of | separate from the 1 entirely Et tinder and bread. It is abot fairest hands. i | aver “to be teaches Peery rt Bxeellent!—And Peary fetect “What docs st | aie in the institution for trainii idea of oo so pasa et satisfy his r: watch like ot “get her, | Gera ‘comes first. Then come) be the m ine wire, as would ‘as a three-ator: about as hands. Blind horses, Tit-Bits CR pt in im- ett said ‘the 1: does it | nurses which she flo wr training | it & la 2 oy the belief that your own, nor silk | i ny, France, Russia, and 2 sue es from the transmitted y house, and the | S*7* will gallop wil eg Seat a you comi fa night har tae he lawyer, “what as Hb unded-at. St.Thom- yu) pewks essful. dress, nor a pony that she coul in the order named. , and Austria| copy. and turning it into a pakke erhitely 5 p wildly about a pas- |e j tue rite est become reconciled ms cents aoe is sl! situation: ui ill not aller the pepital enon after the close of the day, December 10, 3877, 148 Y dress. Rasket phacton that ould 0 ‘aire, ous ducis the pistol or, the most seri- DT ee ke eypem titer. wis pordinazy | rom the tree eee cut straight | {2%e, Without strilting, the Meneame, { \ ; e ble ie Tie, fo which she knew fast and go home wi — there, if you like, |'* Sbe not t” is alive and well: | one one of he Rae er tata aa an ise ert eove Fine sgn Uae oer eee Duper eg achne, Sid a3 mon cat infront of bis {covered with lea ep tarp Or ier hake fonts De rit ene 4 : _or. bred. “ eyes “| Yes; she is ali the fi and one of tye , $0 you have not! a ‘as soon asthe strip was | Ii h leaves and fruit not _ | whe ‘ity. Others ber ation for “abel Norris ia curl- an Tne liga ero ieatibe to sh ae area rales ao wel ae eee ee te peor een eer : platen) ah ‘gold ees AN OFFICIAL ALIBI began to rite toe SES gia arene nen se een aim, | tie gate arial pas He 8 stable Ea 0 8 t always meditati Fane die could. “bea eto see ion of me—any impres- 5 BN eee a east tha! Tare yee into| | Kind Lady—P had finished ie message. When ring ‘eight months of | the| feowsine, ts eal eadse the hi 1A Sawn beet sg ee fest t. While talking_ together, sion of her life previous to bei “No” 3 She a face wrinkles. Sets pier! T presume 7 the typewritten copy year, wie natives finding a good living browsing, guided norse, in en | R the if ing placed 1 DECIDED IMP? never goes out. She has to hat there is not a 3 compared with the original nit. As for glue, i good living sae in its choice ey earts, and th che ai ey ie aes est of wandered out of New Bears inte 1 ROVEMENT.. F in the kitchen, so she gets need ocd on im yooe atl solitary. consola-| and found to be article frank Tahbiieeeey it oozes from th Bina 1 food entirely by its py Na to better faeaic: et oper coln’s Inn Fields; Eig they into i Norris looked earnestly at Mr. Have you noticed like ¥ gets no nice shoes Blind licti ‘In practice the exactly correct. foe oy the tree, and is found useft ma | Be ind horses do not ma! nostrils, ee at / constructed ain. id themselves y now found|ington. “So Pilk- | fidence asd retur® of con- “Denn i "Lad n—Only one, generous lady. | syste manner in which the purposes; the lea sie ir diet. In th e mistakes in 4) Sere seindove ia in, be Ber Trench; Pilkington, a very, entrance, to |you, sin” sig bey nat were ale ee Se wh O: | “Re you eT ee a kh te ete yaad pray, what may that Se a acattibhres Ges calient “towels fo for the ertes ene marel et a rouge horse _was a mpl ot Olrm i | ( had often occurred to Rosa that us tho it 3s peel watch this Oa we 2 Same work night along, and ther er | Blind Lean’t t as many messages in a gi ree times | of the tree a ki rom the inner bark ‘which real horses experienced re qi lyears ago—t doubt not SAS el orate je of acid in san we ee hiektiier who will pul oa of de de ‘alent of tt ek ¢ single operation cin co send. or receive; [sams be made. ated omg Speech a. sting the state es sata | tere nse id be three operators in each are used Jon tinder fn blos- | had thrown ee a magician a | each wire. In the sending of- fires, Soo etes wood ism eres toaaed | esos nl Pipeeeranen ween ie iia | or building purposes. horses. and therein is the deceived tbe j : e. j ‘ / if fesiifs