NOTES ANE S COMMENTS. repeal by the ‘Transvaal Sisk ration 1a) ‘The repeal lature of the Alien Immig: is accepted in England as indieating fe ane that such ald be for Cousin Fitzallyn to be mn provides such' | wor ee sta sal hare thee entry and resi-| married! Nobody to take us to the dence in (eos nsvaal, ee shall ba bee te gril to send us bouquets— treated as ds their n ; the promenade concerts! property like Se eae of Pthed states -- reall eanee the other girls in law a violation of ee choy : treaty. The South African Blue “Now—now—you're really too bad, government the trea’ ae ae and other deemed to so far in infringing the I and thus to the establishment of a South At ‘union, at least. sess the British flagé ‘The settled policy pele Great Britain is that South Africa must be British, th the sata an inde- and as with pendent state, not an autonomous state nes the British empire, that policy def it is essential that the a naval demonstration in Sy bay, the despatch of troops to the Cape, and the vote of a million “ gollars fon ger,” said Mr. Fi er mounted in gold, and general e the | “Only think, girls, how id mtaining the de-|sort of simper. “I t be married, Teap oar, oF 20 cae Te ib “Oh, I really oie there’s no dan- aspect of self complacency; geen twenty-sev- en and a Iswyer by profession. Minnie Martin shook her curly head. “There's always danger for a bache- lor in leap year,” she said solemnly. dreadful it Mr. Fitz ores with a flattered “Don’t speak too pond Fitzallyn,” said Miss Pennifer, gravely. There’ no knowing how near you may be to mur fate. Miss Deborah Suffem look- aye very longing st you in church 1; Sunday.” “Miss Deborah Suffem, indeed!’ “An old maid with aban and spectacles and a twisted mouth.’ “Well, that is oe very rt easony her chances are au seca enough to come wooing to a man, Josie Pennifer?” “Dear!” said bce obs ly, “We don’t get a chance once in four years, and if Taian eres to be engaged to rile “Nonsense! “But ee no nonsense—you are réal- ly a vei i andsome, nteetive man.’ si Real Fitzallyn made go: among the gigglings it bis fein riishia and cousins; but nevertheless he car- ried away with him a pleasant inter- nal sensation of being a very fine sort of fellow, dangerously, fascinating, and rather in cay at this period of his ears, $0 conspicuous to feminine prowess. “T don't know but that the girls are tis, to a certain oe the silence o! as she strode sion, he might wondered a feat Pennifi Peseriaas. Tage ee Toguish lad of seventeen, slender and personated Bee eae to low arminly, he capitulated, "the Great, conceited calf! And he's call on Miss Lacy to-morrow morning by 1 appointment. Won't there fow Cecil wil her magnificent blue eyes! How she will wit im h the weight of her royal scorn! Jupiter! I only wish I could be there im shrink up teat on,the “But Cecil will be with how angry us!” Yalterea Minnie Martin, a little ened. bye Of comme she will” said Josie woifer; “out eke euteibelp jaugbing when ai detine aod gene, and aitfed such a grand joke on aa a. \-go round. there early to- ening, t0 pond the day, ‘Martin, robbing her me file wands joyously together. will be such fun!” Cecil amd her half dozen girl friends were busy in the little boudoir a card w broidery, when to. her. “It's ‘s your a Minnie,” eho sald, piantie ae it. “He's 1c an early caller. ‘Shall we go intotl nex! “Certainly not,” ase you, Cecil, until, bis visit Run along, qui Cecil Lacy never “ran.” She was one Ly. who was the spoiled belle of va irooent wp but fifteen pounds to the square at This tzSmythe, |tunnel beneath the Thames at Black- said Minnie decid- aged eae ‘He & hasn't ealled to see us. Wel zine for January, as suba ea delicate i and ‘Of cor i—what el cu she he dot And Belt told ents ie of Master Alfred's masque: “Fitz thinks every, girl is in Jore b bim, you Know,” said Josie, “and he it srould ber such, 8 > splen- his horrid, smirking self 01 Cecil tried her best to look grave, ut she couldn't Keep back the nae ter, J a es said. endeavoring to | Straighten ier countenance;, “butt il be pretty Jess or him,” So B Lge be Bite Smythe got no mpat ph sexret one whom his pmnyeter one ve or was Temained shes fe to him “Some git seopeet to me" he said, “but Tm Peseta Tever found out who it was!” Pees pita re » dreaming, Fitz,” said his But Fi og “Smythe's ordeal had not seers entirely without a favorable re- He became a _meeke: “8 ba a rate man after Cecil L pulse, and the pretty bister aes jated themselves according] UNDER A HIGH PRESSURE TRIP INTO BLACKWELL TUNNEL, UNDER THE THAMES. 1" Intoxication. Under Atmospheric Pressure—Curior ne teenies page the- Air Was Being Pumped Into the Cham berThe Votce Was Shrill Sad "Ghostly ise the general a to J2(T'S BAST KOOTENAY NOW. ree eee A Big Rush of Prospectors, and mina Inte the Country: aes be oy aoe ed by the Crow's Next allway, Here are a few New Denver notes, taken from the Le The work on the Payne waggon road will be finished this week. N a the mine,and this original Slocan pro- perty keeps up its record as a wealth r. i Whe Ruth is working 70 men. and ipping two cars of ore a day. ‘fhe iere is nearly a carload ot ore on the dump at the (wo Friends. The rump Griginal locators are working the pro- perty and feel confident taat it will again be a shipper. lish capitalists are looking into the advantages of New Denver as a point tor sampling works. it more money was spent in. develop- ing the clams at the foot of Slocan ie Re ess in real estate, the coun- try would be better for it. Barone Slocan Sie are shut down ‘account of tgo much water from ting snow. , And while there are hundreds of pro- process of ta Ge to eye Squat Bra of bie bea, while we, on the surface, have borne s occurred in the making of the lee London, which is Davey bed by Bulloch, in a vi on the the greatest feat queous engin ering. on may nee the process bet- im the English iaesaca Maga-| w ES am in- formed by mini of world~ wide experience that Kimberley is ¢ ing to become the richest lead and sil- er producing district that the world has ever known. ‘This is a very stro: statement, indeed, but it is unquestion- ably the general ‘opinion held by min- ing men. ‘the Steele country rough. teami: Crow's Nest ¥% additional defences in South Africa: .” he mused within his own mind | society this ¢ her manifola|mud and Toticing ven route, an| wonderful country, open UD its rien val- BE aol et Soe ul ane ey See eae | tepiiaere seein iad tena tbe aims of men engaged on all sorts of | lev to settlioment ane ts se Mon in Soca Ort te Te Prest | OE OP “Te won't do to be too | parlor where Falta Itz Smythe Siying that the cesources of East, Koo- ee ghnoxious ow, thoudl ae eeag | demonstrative—the women must was ore iy awaiting wAlong the roof ran a line of electric venay are and 80 rio that they ree held in check just at present—and yet Smythe.” ligt while in the dark corners the | alone will more than rem unerate capi rene Toul vention seaee't inom oh stone Rather vo sag peopel p fon but tut | men used pink colored candles.’ J+ Utt}e ENA agg ati ais cause it is the sensation of receiving @ prop women ant hich a lift’ was — states. Asa compromise tat a “hie, | {70 one of the fair sex mane very stave peru eiiaa coe niet be aon ee fete ing the exeay-| ‘The chief mining excitement for the Feacbed om one essential matter of 07 | deliehttul eee rass- reat coe have come to make | ated 0 the surface, we came on| past week bas in the vicinity of fenits E oe oees caqay wee, detent on er = Be ie ents for our speedy |the twelve feet brick barricade, which Lake and Rockford, says esident Kruge: z ‘itzal cae ‘itz Smythe si Ly ed up the compressed air } Nj correspondent of the Vancouver Be data aa ee ne aed ively eeullabnose ed aoe ‘Sen mar tap \amd which, of course, had been moved| World. At latter place the r reached on others, and the oS) ee win yas ns ey wanls tek m3) ‘When you t ited nt ay rap, |soveral times as the ae rhcues igreported very rich ee New. York rican vantage of the propitious season an us ear the sweet confession there Africa which the See inorder to secure its gold, But the fact re- 5. one, it is the parti of wisdom to a cs a and work! in ecco ea Rag alan Ss WILL NOT BURN. Materials Out < Whien pense Paints | pr Fireproofing: fois sabe effective qual-| epared in different ways imvolves the use of porcelain, Sete ae ee ey os rly ni ‘or the same! quan ered. NO EXCUSE. ‘Tpothache will no longer be accepted by the Geneva, Switzerland, "Postatfice absence ‘The Canton, te seat kaw iued ni a oecuar ing them to have their select him as a pia for the experi- aia He oe about nine o'clock that same owned, bef ing sea-coal fire, enjoying a novel and Scipio, the boy of all work, cigar, knocked at door, “Well, bore as waiting?” “Please, b lady apie amp called t to see cits: pee if you weare particularly eng: |_——"" aoe aged? Nols = course not. Show ee ‘Fitz Smythe threw his cigar on ‘this sli eae the tabie td ead shoved a es drift of old at the back of the sofa in ont | What on earth ¢ does one ant rr as if, narrows a honored by this fhave the honor of Ss Lacy, however, remained silent, the could see thé timidity » fluttering ag: her whole figure. “Won’ you lay aside your veil and “Oh, Spee for Seda she whispered. sad Hare. o such a delicate er- smythe's heart, began to and fast.’ Ceci a te had_never i n the fai it ear,” rest ir p-again that nervous trembl 06 ays om ban it not unwomanly, Fitzallyn, t vani of #1 vilege universally acct to my z “Unwomanly, dearest Cecil?” “Noy,” she arvhly, motioned him away. “Fou prema- ture. Tee at you il then, pes and mine?” “Yours, sweet queen my heart, til death!” pte ne befc Mr. Smythe ge "plead for 2 longer in- detested those clumsy club fellows, ao ined heavy ee onthe stairs bad disturbed her balf-murmur- ad_vows! ‘What did he care for their about- town gomip and stale anecdotes! th extracted —— oars have the suffer. a a sate seat. Tass = Cecil bi ie, bik ‘Was the young man actually mé se emda not ¢ least sles of what Bale ‘he,” ie oe hse er in the bl otfoentl gy talige the el ting ances ° wmsel willing £0 ag io i Fitzallyn began to doubt. identity ‘Gtraneelys the "alifice, aie placency. toti 01 i vel “Cecil, do you mé “I beg your pardon, Smythe,” inte: the imexorsile uty, jease address mé Miss me = did you not e yours?” ‘blue eyes eaiic and _know to: Pe Teo a pedeed oad memory gurely his senses had not deceived red be muttered Ye = and dreaming,” said Cecil, with. a pat- Fonizing tom of her gol d-misted head. TTake for supper to- sizinks, nary oval puzzled outright if I had mysterious v fei never, never ayo ‘ou the clew to the ing in the drum of “4 wonder, for the six thousand cubic feet | News. Pov eas the ere ore were oa of Shoes as izing, nervounlyon the & Fea mee ee an — ‘Spare my terposed, itzaltyn, stumbled out of the room, he scarce knew! ho appeat: = Be aa ke re for the Ime a He had just closed the door, i Vege ssid, Boll Mastin, ins low, at ic fo"give|icein short, the éntire range of pby- | for, jut bell ‘Through this barricade Passages sionk the Halohh aan ordinary man. ‘These were the air- locks! A little airtight door, Just like the essed air from the inner tun- nel ‘oar MIME. Then followed = a curious little panto- mime. My guides holding = noses between their fetes began swallow- ing vigorously, and aguatled me to fol- low their example, speech being al- i soun 8 KB a as in'was intoxicating me youth; here practical dem is id ten of Tekyll ant Hydeism. But at bee compresse: i¢ lights r yoi tention—acoustics, pneumatics, the door of a safe, opened—the air, of jet out in the once. doo! i t 2 ination was to clear the Eustachian tube and get good t wlth pressure on each side of the tym- two or three well-known this | prevent the usual w That provenied a strange, unearthly — all a1 oe Bb =5 adlights ip earning the era: crank nk of ning along "as po a strange, d deathly Neuald SUE tee Aa ride aa Inany of her. tne portals of the ttle boudoir £ ‘lew eyervihing., Ost Sree met playthings and would give her much still the stat a tle, fo journey from the bar- would come, ricade to neighbor’ be aa sories ot physical Sits of an wtandoned pal fae tae eh guitiesie have: ie bonded all the property they can mast hold of for large amoun been: edand a a eoucentraton for. the re- duction of the free ‘i ‘Thynne, two well-known mining mon paid @ vieit to the Mill Creek mining Lane mort fap in the near fature that will str prise even a ‘welve miles down the lake T began | tinctly exhil-| half of the property, paying mn to feel distinctly a ee ein OF ekO Tae is a is almost certai y along the tunnel bad|paid for a mere . A gang ing, it | men were went yesterday to stripthe drill few days soas to get the ecw ‘and size of vein. ———_—_ gata hag CHILDREN. 0 has been’ ‘hot, uncomfort- Fyn, was living quicker. watching able scarlet. It was only just begin- eryine Biers ire the Tepiny Le al enti i of ues infant mind asks aS ning to occur a fool he te Ate bad made of | Ste nthe process a child shouldn’t be provided with some baby is deprived of some possession that is wanted eases Neeidite Pe she demands, for the little girl the one Tt more mednel ng why not buy a brand end thie ere strange and @ Gia Pee with 2 long wick that heard it all, wae nis areas eae aden trolleys can be Rrowed Up pan down for, £h 7 rom. who bankers e ill-smel = they oe cd see Ue: 2 ee s ee 3 te other ide ones that go into the waste eapt The n coul tion which sucl 0 ive for, elt” neiee gares of the mud-splash-| chidven "canbe ‘secu over aud over “But it is the thing in |ed workers were visible. ee | again. Most remember havin: the world that he fancy t —- feet ioe iF op ‘we came z treasures in our childhood ‘to bis office!” said Cecil with{‘a shield, wo T have descri experience he heart pang that ig ewes hoops “over and over again those. pasta 23 wheels to succeed the late Mr J. H. R son. ory ears was fined $10 and|the law unconstiti , of oe ler Champagne, one on Weinesiay a swearing on dian t death Jasper ee on tehich over- Quick and the Dead,” Bit Rrecipice 5 the ee end ies} Private eae at Philadelphia: pass bp fal Diana sailed from Halifax on huredse with ithe poss sent out to inquire into ssibilities of t Hudson bay route. atti Gone pt Scotland will Ue on the moi (Winnipeg City Council as made a me of $10,000 ne * gree be raves the Wie: a ie one Maloney of Grantham Town- in raised for the preetee & oe al to be know. pe . Catharines hospi' fering ae n gun: wound i fisted by his fatherin a quarrel. The father has been arrested. oo ae neil, and A\ ar BA, pela of Mr. Queen's ‘Caiveraty, aad a figure around Kingsto » Ont, Maid is_a bl ook of busi thes e Court, many ra tee Tunes eee Males Gener ton ee cases with whieh | TURKEY. Hebi unable to sit o1 they were conn Judges. sisi bet i enya fore being ap- John Mile, an assistant engineer, at the American day morning, (bs e cold water to mn Friday railway department of 1] Cx Mrs, Elisha 3. Fulton, wife of Man-| Foreign (Atfa f the Bie mpumers’ Cord- ‘Company, has entered suit agazact | Tumour that a navy contr the yeaa S Park sand Island Railway | Feceived an order to provision the Brit- for $50,000 damages for in- cents sete Eulen The ju the case ae St oe of Mrs. Fisher Grow a sera natives, and much| farms and great cities are now on the turned a verdict this rbd of found Teor ican Sere in that part of |sites of ‘African deserts and forests of drowned. The, bw Sen ay discharg- | British Africa is felt. sixty years ago. from custody th, the former chief of ‘he list of Jubilee honours to the Berlin secret political police, who IGNORANCE WAS GENERAL. recommended by the Premier ic no on trial for nearly two weeks.| | orty per cent. of the men and sixty- yet ‘com but it is said the igh treason, and) five if 4 will include Lientenant-Governor Kirk-| forgery, was acquitted on Friday. | 3v4 Fem 2 yeas of Great. ati Hon. A. S. Hardy and The trouble still continues in the Hain could not write their own names, astioe taylor of. Winnie. eet tbat. the | When ia became their Queen. The will R. Molson's will o-| Duke hated ‘Montreal, and disposes of an| $#dor to Paris, will be recalled to take estate oe ates $2, 060 000, 0, aivided led among tie ‘place to public fasttations, sinclud- beat ime $100,000 £0 Miscitt The London City Coi ae by-law providing for to the city of the Vil 0 ade to mi siderable American traftic would be di.| del Castillo, has tendered to the Quee Camadian territory by its| Regent the resignation of the Cabinet | i115, owing to the dit! ae the Ministers ex- se a fifteen~ csearold Sheer ae elph, ction. Harry Hamilton, son of Ald. Hamilton of Guelj presented on Monday with a parchmen d by the refusal of the Liberals certificate of the Royal Humane ent to take, ‘part ciation for bravery in ‘saving the life | SBS, Cortes: who | Ped. a lad named Peter Christie, went through the ‘At a meeting of the Hami branch of She King ieee a be day, it was decided t netion with the International quarters are in New Hew organization call- Ganadian Independent, Order King’s Daughters, has been TEENS 1 NISL ‘THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. eo ee z engageents for the fast At! onfire untain brow on the saps perked night of June 22nd, and will carry the |ens on Saturday by the fiery cross in honor of her Majesty's lega: ‘allow ron night the Grand Trank el was es, who was found the. abnesstiog | terrible. panic Seotne united on Des insurgents, has issued eral ly to resume their ordinary nu | everyday relations, and to respect the | lives and property of the ns. nish Premier, Senor Canov: 0 Sever con Reasons Why You ea} Do So If You Ride otherwise Begging Letter Writers” whose doit in the columns of Tri ee ‘sta: ‘ATES. Whitecaps are “administering in the district of Lamar ‘mingham, Ala. roubet ak ‘anole Et Chanler, ats nor_of ‘he Hieieas are current in Paris of ser- dissensions in the Meli a ea e, Cabinet. tue beac a saly to visit the Czar in St. ht | Peter: The King of Siam, who is no nS ln ti hie ere Se poanimously a a pr tribute towards the mainte The Chinese-Belgium railway con- n-|tract was s terms Paoti chard Cartwrigh aiagen as -ordaren e, ts Vi pre Tovright is a busy | eleven thousand tons burden to betuite {427 ffrade and Commerce, Acting Biiniater of lilitia, Acting "President of the ing Premier. on the Clyde. She will be a duplicate of the British ship Jupiter. It is likely that the ish Cabinet crisis will be arranged by calling Gen- eral Weyler. trom Cuba and Senor Cas- an lo remaining in t is the Brevalent opinion in. Con- | tam noni da t Germany is playing in order to ia to Bossa ie ‘A’ requiem mass was celebrated on Friday in the Catholic church in Ath- ens for the re the souls of foreign the great spring par le on the Temple- hof on Tuesday, ASE Sa ae eae nooted on his way tothe i ‘ittal of Herr von Tausch, th formes ‘ief of the Berlin secret elit amounts to the defeat of ie ae on Bieberatsi, the Minister for ‘The oe ae are eeneey. encouraged by ‘own of Bally hooly, twelve mil ites trom Slcbuy, ele jelan , is sur- Spanish, Cabin OE Manteo: the ie bas. of the Duke ah ae ‘etuna, ee Minister. ofj Boosira : Atta : ate Czar amd Czarina, stead rch of Peterhof, i memory Hatin eral aihousand persons were yun-| _ _Hadja Mehalis, as chief of the Cretan calling upon the Creta: Ramone on the Cretans to elect a Gen- Assemb! WEAR WOOLEN UNDERWEAR. Now comes for ea ae cycling phy- sician ot ats wheelmen and wheel- women id what not to inrwioe Snows as the “Prince ot | WHAT. VICTORIA HAS SEEN. atic 7ADA. said George Gould will go to Be ees sis aan England to live. ; ' led th woes dts |*hrone of England, on the death of her ‘The Ohio Supreme Court has declarea | #8 aad atic inet |ereign has covered a period of progress | Torrens system of |ani i Is of istory. formerly |seen such strides of science, is a patient in a resident eee, will ane Paris on |tions, such universal advance Be way to eee age oe remonies. tl pe Legislative Assembly has | ed 26,000,000 p ‘oposal to con- ay posal 10, °on- | 39,000,000. ‘The “wise ee killed ee the war with | re; rhe Berle public were excluded from bai actor has from dia mason Sunday at the Iiperial i e, deliberations of the distance from whip Mr. Labou- | WONDERFUL CHANGES DURING THE QUEEN'S REIGN. anx . Chamberlain stated in the Imper- ial House of Commons on Tuesda; ie fate i canes oP S|" Saneae’ ease Wn Uti = compet of “ aa of Petersen, Tait and Coto carry out| Rélixtous Tolerance, es of Inven- Mave Advanced During This Beneficieat Retgn. In June 1837, Victoria, who was then a ee the nation would go to pieces. They ‘laimed it could never govern its pime extends over 11,899,316 covering ciety one) mes esac, the land of #1 astral was as kelly important as penal colony in those days. The erent er part of its territory was then u plored. Its total population in Ie was 345,000. Now it is over 3,800,000. day its trade exceeds that of all ereat Bri twenty baad and a kangaroo-1 ket with 500,000 peopl Abdel Fiona alate meres tae ritory. Maps of a period showed the interior of the country almost absolute- iy anesplareas;. Ts Gout tits, & Cape, Colony alone was known. Victoria has a See of other explorers. Plantations, National education system was but ne years old; its money grants am- ong for eae No Submarine Cable—not even a foot —lay im the ocean sixty years ago. Now the earth to the Beeps mty-eight Elements are now |for tell as unknown. Known to science. “‘Twenty-tour of these | Loudon Zeceives Tews of a fire in India have vel during Victoria’s|im less time than the news could have reign. The instrument that made t] in ef from one end of the “Strand” ies possible is called the spec- ieee Reepahery ef fu years ago. wa tr is so marvelously delicate |_ The #l rarope, ha have changed that it can detect the presence of on ny ‘in has been con- Dickens ae petites but one book; Bulwer was -. | Pensin now ae eee: vaity |S tle ym lack of adequate food am-|¢re%, © dred-millionth of a grai temporary ear in of | mperors, four Czars, thirteen Presidents, ten Princes, five Sultans and mans Be petty rulers of small- s electric ~|twenty small the great German Empire passed ugh many change: since 1870, conquer: ed ion and poral ity were the ord- er rat be f dred ever of church aor gs of her at once In forty world d freind million dollar: use the nc Dhiebeen: 600 feel ee jes an and heated with cheap stoves. oe no double eae Ser sta no | a thie vote ng Queen at her co1 naw stare, in sixty years. and government eS oe has seen Prussia, Bavaria ver States consolidated into half ot re ‘citizens ans oy. all oie model epabi has had Ruts sight wars in the last Sey years. vVietoriou: surgical operati cal led “incurable” diseases have been: ered. great reform in a [ehese sarrngs were filled yah disbe- ic was practically ignored. Hymn- o- | boas s were unknown. nt educa v1 Hae Gest est, aicficult to a ees Chu nel too Saat for its shell.” Victoria was or rocess of makings air in through liquid i fon i invented by on inventor netted $9,000,000 y yea Were taxed when Victoria became Ei land's Quee: done, so that hast; assers- * Lett semblance ae : death when Victoria took up her “Guties eign. The num i Railways we were just beginning in those miles; now it is over 420,000. power, the telegraph, electri cars, electric bells—the thousand appli- | scenes in contemporary jife }for posterity. AS t pe in Viet, Pri sig in every one she has Canals cet te passage < great ships own anes: jons possible. ‘The germ theory has worl d Robert ‘Taylor, pete man in un opened a umber | chil SS a eeaies Be now. rches Fal totten pithoat ifices like a dried ker- expensive, metal when Bessemé eel by forcing cold e Djects, caused the price to fall to a ton. in royalties. rs his invention saved the inconceivable, sum of one LIGHT Ree ‘ATR for reality, might not inmat of being p crimes were punishable with ber of capital orld’s mileage was only in of eres a hour was (eer ime; now we have reg! ca rams of congratulation greet- coronation, To-da: 50! to ont weight Rings, six| fire three Queens, space. Vietori O aberongenars: work- ek ee eee lone.» io progress of the past tant jd daily’ papers at, sixty years ago. To- treating pon tagians i ‘education in endless ways, and made fe permanent poe INHEARD OF as heard of, but, there oe fasten pale to against it. Candles ‘Were used in the eburches in the early ian days. candles, stuck in ‘S ere re allotted to Sach. sed to burn during snuffing they were the se service,while ad wicks’ epee the pee isfied all eer crowned, a hts in Saas Their ager ane _ Genet of Seiish wes Tela be tlie ® ign, [don bad fitty Pcie aad Moire supply its million the daily pi ous papers, no War ‘correspondents, 1 no interviewing. ‘There were very few isement ogee ert dd almost prohibitive tax. All great modern tunnels of the world have been built during brn thard, and Arlberg have heen completed within the last twenty-six yi The world has 1142 noteworthy tunnels; ov- gr one thousand have been built since ME COMFORTS have, inoraced wonderfully during Vie- 's reign. Befor: nded_the mps iz Beane bana to oppear in a hundred dainty. forms. tionary wash-tubs, Were unknown: id acces- were things of the future, tng. watches bad pot sppesr fea thera Se iyas Win eno or is ioral of our present life. ‘Victoria has over seventy descendants, over sixty of | whom arid are cen ee reat-grandchil dua ae an abediving ere: tbe vio of Wi of Connaught, the Duke of Edinburgh, the éx- Frederick, I A NEW RIFLE REST. England Experimenting with an Invention. ‘That May Be of Great Importance. ‘The English army is now experiment- shots become perfect t. ‘The invention promises ae of ac- ric Migall chas wings wines Ceara tish forces, so far as the fire of the Pa- try is Detueay arate oe EEE S!ior to all others w idea was ‘conceived by Si . Itisa rod of ae nine inches long, fitted within a rites was. leter’ xe fie hen not in use this id. Now there are but two—high| only three ounces, is held by a spring nd willful murder. ‘The death | within a groove along the stock and are, Belgium bolished |. not in the least degree an inconven- mid ta’ doone' of the States j ents. ‘The thod of shooting with a ri that one so familiar soldier half pak: and then, droppit one end of rod from the stocl the rifle, St ee it as surely and steac a barrel of bis pi mal a ae harps shooter soldier my has the same SE ILSE er! ¥ 1 fect that follows the fire of a body eee DN this aia noe be “peiculuely Puseful. in uarters, armies were separated by, say, 200 yards the advantage of the gun with a rest would becom« It has al- convict, Gahan, one knew Robert. Bi o sort fs like Fal ig See Sot ogee "to Ub tug festive aoantalot the year, | ite-wonk wae tet bene Heh Fe vahtiy p ScleNta ecause excitement will not mak for $150 recently, was sentenced. by| i order that they may be spared from er was a name uahes rest tremble, even though the hands Di avean in the Quebes Polics | pneumonia citieelsilments that ™ has made marvelous progress in every | are inclined to waver. A rifle rest of Court toten Years in penitentiary. Ga-| snap off youthfol lives. writen nothings Altred A r|department during Victoria's sixty | fome Kind has tong Deen a desideratum, a irom fee. 5 : dentin, igte belwas oeriog'a im | “At this season warning agsinst| crate Pew authors egeeong one pe hy Ok ick ive A ieee itr exposure to chills and other consequent | written line 3 Be oo been wonderfully quickened by . street | ° “the Rees yin “eth the WoET GREAT BRITAIN. . |©¥ils cannot be too frequently reiter-| Queen. Most of the popul cars, cabs, trolleys, cable cars, elevated] he inventors | eka. tw tote The new J: i ated,” he says, “‘more especially as they | porn ty pean iterature vere -|roads and other triumphs of invention.| the rest to the weapon. itrods: ea several times over in London a period to life rendered deadlier oneal . SoorAL REFORMS SE ein Rn Ae oe Bo hes A ee “all by far than the most dreaded lit 4 rable favorable nas the im- Se Say! Linge Benes Is the re) 3 nost dreaded of cycling Victoria's reign. The |cles, no soda-water fountains, no horse-| pression the rest nas created that th ae Giunniets Baten’ that. Belgium British goods rer tariff. gpa Germany have ‘protested against active exercises. It brings every mus- entering. at a a Be Seer 2 Societ} “his that tJ - by forty-1 Bet nations has softened the} Slavery existed Haotegeee the world nen at "thst at ie ti Dublin ater and overheating, there horror of war. ‘The transportation of | sixty years ago. second year of Mr. John -nellite | StTOne temptation on the ‘pert ot os “the iminals, with its many evi ot has been Victoria's reign iene Se Gord Mayor ot Dublin. rider to cool off in the fresh ai Executions are no longer |plete Se ar land. Ten jueen’s abstention ire visiting] out codvaea weed ite the ree A resolution calling the Th to abstain from part in the ce Fike itain, held bitter _at- tack, ‘upon Mr. ‘Chaniberiain for with- holding, as he asserts, information from| poe uuieal cy ausemiaty to ree ve an antic] now! Of the Jameson fide ee mn National League of Great any boca ayers risks as to wear woollen oe mi ‘ r-) ments.” Paddle wheels, ‘The iron ner with were taken of game: screw not yet appear ie > NOT A SUCCESS. were the “mod-| tbon us jee sit ern improvements” ie in | i joined hands wit scier A nt ele nye a er seat 2 delight were undreamed 0 Ik ing revealed to the entirely Senay eee ar- time for a trans-Atlantic trip was he echt Bee my, the sa\ weight more then about fourteen days. Now it can telescopes qt ass shown the m ryelous| te tian offset by the metal’s 's storia heat | be made in five days and a quarter. if even to blistering the ee permitted to work in of Britain. Press gangs no longer f. foros ea be | men into the service of the Queen's | had across y, approved | man’s comfort before 1837. conducted in public. ‘The treatment . in| criminals has become humane. Factory freed their slaves. to descend a os bint jaws, land building acts make life ited ak “The wisest safeguard against all] there are over ‘ainety. undergar-| those days were w be gals in the armies pane navies 0 Quee i t it is held far too dserating ractice of flogging has — carrii ested.” The two names S offered as sult lightly by the average of thoughtless in ‘k a printing presses. Fully et oe the g|imventive progress of the cades would make it Btates zil declared its slaves free, in 1871 “tran Atlantic steamers making reg- Portugal in 1878, and Cuba in 1886. T “| ular trips, did not exist in now | das abolished thro infancy when Fe gaye galaxias leroy scans Victoria became Queeg. Electric lights,|of the world, advanced literature and rifle rest competition “at a6, 00 range. In Scot i 600 yards. . an followed in ‘Then | is no risk at all. a 71, | Wonderfully attractive, to o | mind, is absolutely work. ard: is to be Se CAPITAL AND INVENTION. n—But thiis there Thé invention, though ‘ Jmpracticable, Te eet You it won't work and eh a) uibla ap Per Saci , my dear sir. You see onation. ceremonies. Photography col itwe knew at the start that the thing its from it, and nee: togr: the past sixty years| won't work, we e sciences. | sult stars a bij ee my, eee eee ie t the proceeds, and J pocke' as an let wank. eee ou sail ave all the tal you tees