fi i i i late —= THEY TAKE EXCEPTION, {WD eelare the report to be without foundation An item.that appeared in the Strat- pondence of the SUN last ment in,the classic city. Herald, of Thursday has. to say: JASENSATION SPOILED. ening the following 4 WUDICHOUS REPORT VIA THE MILVERTOS SUN IMPUGNING THE HONOR OF STRATFOR! LRERMEN — EVIDENTLY THE SPYERYDL, YORK OF A SNEAK CORRESPONDENT, ql The Milverton Sa Sun of this week containe this would-be startling item under the rg ing of Strati “ THE STEAM ROLLER—The _ Board’ oe that is is all het nit sthe roller sed a ae 408° the $600 sterests of the, public at happers that sr "Donoghue and rman arch Works were ‘owes City to-day a seen, Hence, the full depth ae foase bed, But Imost too Indicrous to in: | but dine at ie club.” he aie so, expensively and wih | great J Two Irishmen wi working _to- gether one day, when one remarked to the other, who ap) very glum: “ Arrah, Mike, what is the ake with, you this morning?” Well Pat,” replied the other, “I was dream. ing that I dined with H.R.H. the Prince of Wales last night, and after: dinner was over he asked me if I would ve .a taste of Irish. “ ‘Yes, your royal highness,’ said I. _“* ‘Hot or cold, serie . ‘Hot, your royal ed} hi; said I: “While he was away nie Lee: ah water I woke up, and am w I did not drink it cold.” Tomes Payn tells of seeing an ol ivs all right!” very delicately why on earth he did it. “Well” he said, “I’ve hed such an infernal cold for the last week it so I shall not e4 three days during his annual visitation at the home of one. of the pore ik s Secthera bishop arran.ged to spend | y The people of Elma were pained on June 1, says the Bee, to learn of the len death of Mrs. James Dickson, sr., an old and very highly respected resident. She had been poorly for some weeks with various troubles not uncommon to elderiy people, but she was not thought to be dangerously ill. Dr. Parke, of Woodstock, the family phytician for many years, was sent for Monday night, but deco not do 3 8 $ & 5 a Pe. BS & & & Fe 8 § of shinee on May 31, 1844, the day patie her death belay the fifty-third anni- contradicti M vi ea ne torent | A negro boy was brought over from Gees coed te tubibodty ane roller ‘waa $3, 600 not 3,000. ‘The **ex-hotel-| the plantation to be the bishop's b»dy-| ickson came ito Canada and settled ot hn ove kp hota hos. | servant during his stay. The morning! wich her husband and family in Scar- wane of the Stratford |@fter his arrival, the bishop having! boro, York county, in 1851, and came Bridge and fran ®, ‘Mr. Holliday| fled to make his appearence, Jake |e “tima in 1868, where they have THE BARGAIN STORE Transient Advertisements are charged at Der linay sonbarial; tock and 3¢, per line for each sue- essive insertion. Medical W. EG! { M.B., M. D. | grad- mate of Cae of Eset ‘at ‘Surgeons graduate student of iat hospital, Lomi, Eng! in rear o} ibe ilvecton: Ont ‘Telephone con: resin sith Poole, Brunner, Lutheran Church and Rostocl Dentistry WwW. M. see Ree D ae Graduate of Cc. also member of the Tiaskell Post Guia School of Prosthetic Dentistry, Chicago. Office, 5 Main Will visit the Queen’s hotel, Milverton, every Monday from 10 a.m. to 7 x the ieee of his See DR. C aaeeroig Honor igatoies g pea Sliver Fy and eas of the Royal surgeons, Toronto, will vist ive: mn every Thursday Office om Gra ce Central Hotel. Witoons Oxide and local seayes used for pain less ssimetionc Crown and bridge Bee Ali ork guerantesd Dentist. Althovgh we are offering all lines at low figures we would call your attention to the following, which we are selling off at special rates, We have just what will suit you in Balbriggan and Natural Wool Underwear and in Hosiery. Our values in Prints from 5c up, Cottons, Spot Muslins cannot be equalled in the village. In the furnishing iine we offer special inducements to you in Chemille Covers and Curtains, Carpets and Oil cloths. Our Grain Bags are extra value both as to quality and price, Groseh & Pretfer. ambien Ledges isk ai ae fe been prominently identified with pels aspeci mission to reimburse him for his trouble in BREE See ae h P of looking after the company’s interests as he| MOmenss Jake returned, tooking shoot! cheese industry. The rity bhi tangs See ee eee ee ee allte ment nicer” What |toe, fam is duo to. very. oonsider| J. 3h BAGEL, VS. Milverton, Cot figure out §600 at. that ‘rate on. a. sale waste a Tage < “A thareesin’ obs Mis (rroouene © tbe Anuaual, exeontive,| Cots er “ Ying atic sola amoating to either $3,000 or $3,000, The] "ae he doing?” rpenin’ ob his| abilities, good judgment and manage- [2h rircaty. All calls promptly attended amount even in t muld not of d with which she com: one or oth , day or mij vmore than $180. As evidence that the tee late Catholic bishop of New | bined a goodness o} Ene be Baja phate bl vatagg eae oF pecan P Fe f heart an un-| Dentistry spe ae fort seer ee ie wel ight i foundland had a piano of which he/affected, hearty hospitality that made BARR. VETERINARY SUR- tell ofan offer to the Council of that eity of | desired to dispose, snd which a friend, | ita uniform pleasure to visit herhome. aon, “Newton, Ont., (Graduate of al ler of the same make,for $3,750, |® Protestant doctor, desired to pur-|She was atypical example of that| Ontario Veterinary College ‘Toronto, Ont.) whereas Stratford got 10-ton roller for’ $2 ch Considerable chaff ensued be-|sturdy, kindly Scotch womanhood | treats all diseases of icated animals. 009. Ttamay be added that, the new. tariff. e bargain was struck at a price| which modern Scottish writers have| alls by telephone or ov obegwie ree, closeds.the manufacturers added $160 worth| WBich the hich elared _ruinously | taught the world to know so well and | tur, oe alt oer tae of additional parts, on asevunt of the tar 1 ea oe pee in hae admire'so much. She was @ life-long verti then Soren which would accommodate the piano| and consistent membst ofthe Presby- Societies es ote Board of hi fa aes was the hearse, and in this it was] terian ch aged husband and} “¢. 0. F., Ne. 99, Milv arta fees every a driven to the doctor's door, who taiallg pat ich bee ww | second @ mnesday nth, at the report, and gave,it pn unqualified denial, yp er the kx of ad lat wie “The report is evidently the Jocal | to the bishop in high dudgeon. “ Why ledge that her life's work was faithful-|8 o'clock, im their hall. se poe) say hee ing a vent Chroagt any of the |on earth,” he asked, ‘tdid you send my}ly and well discharged. fhe funeral thay Hf Ep, LEP ee Ri: Wm. nent ¢ | piano ae in a hearse?” “The hishop’s | took place on Thursday at two o'clock Roan bags oe | ee eyes twinkled as he answered: “Why?| to the Elma cemetery, and the services j te Saturday the Herald makes) Qh, because it was. such adead bar-| were conducted by ae ‘m. Cooper, cae er comment in the following] gain.” of Kndx church; T hetowe dfs ADMITS THE CORN. was aged 75 years, 1 méath: and 20 siting always COURT OF REVISION, days. The pallbearers were: Moses M. Rai ‘a Win, Grosch, RS. WM. MOWAT, Sanna THE Avon o 7Kz larvey, James Hammond, Andre most every arst, and third oy ie mouen oF wouxy = revs] _ Milverton cotlilvertn, Jane 4:b. 1397. | Donaldson, John Graham, Donald Theses eed ces CAGE WILL BE TALEN TO PROSECUTE THE OFFEN-| Court of Revision Lijoaranent Gordon, | Thomas: Pallarton,” Ty was |i ihe LO OT Schnee, clerk read the minutes of Jast sitting.of the| One of the largest funerals wit seport thet eppeared in court which was confirmed. William Bell| in this part of the county, evidencing ‘Milvere Soa ther ae fh reference to | aud J. HL. Schmidt appealed to have the as-/ the profound respect entertained for the | roller, and faeries on their dogs struck of the soll.—| the family.—Bee. an lowat, af. es Sheers, called foe Ald. an that. he patie of the sia § in the ‘Sag shen whigh: he (McLeod) action on the grousd ‘that he ‘tal iso volnatee! Bake, he Hala saw Iie. Bidt, chairman who emphatically ‘young aspirant possess imuch Sunes = bility oF even a reasovable regal h}e Ald Ho ath was also next an wi i the awe Co sie had not been informed pat several oceasions some time ago there | ea! series of items from Stratford ia the Exabro Courier in whi ich. pervoualities Seee freiuendly rrespdnden a the malice of the writer, rently Te would be quite eal that 2 ig papers with ox about aad again Stratford more _ note their exert, sons, Onssccme it Honey Grove on, 008 cag SECS woking poopy. os George Henderson Chalmera, ‘pre- peg David Smith si00 ot stocl Vv. ¢ | sessment zuise William Livingston . A, Sckmi a na es hject of thi © object of the | Ht Appeal Moved by Chaclea Spencer und seaonded Be B, Wioterhold thee harles Boeekner’s bees be a) an de fe hn ; Henry Has- (00, on peste Mill street, ter Ducklow tock, Sebacker on eleva ot, Lath 8 midt assessment reduced on to = ho assessment of John Schmidt was Louis Pfeffer and seconded by ied nt SMoved b by PRONOUNCED INCURABLE. rh Too Abie or ea md fatal Ailsy aod (are When: iv Else Fail it Cures—Try it Frst and Save ee, “Five years ago my little daughter was w with most skilful physicians for ov y q we monn: ronic ine t winter we rd of the wonderful cures effected by Dr, Aguew’s Catarrl owder. bottle p , and I here. state for the bene- fit and eueouragement of all suffe feom jis dreadfni malady ci aftery two hottles my child was completely ‘cured, and i, | Lconsider it my duty to give my 7 for the benefit of like sufferers.” Mra. Geo. Graves, it. Bold. james Torravee. n.Wwas general throughout Mani A foes on Tuesday night, and’ arrived fist ig time to save the: fields from unmage, as reports of ap wasatisfactory |8t nature have been received for the past few days. + THE FALSE INFORMATION SEXDER, Persons who think it a good joke to. send bogus news to newspapers, with the intention of injuring their neigh-| Bu: their malicious transactions a plea of ignorance would be no excuse for them. Under section 429 of the Dominion iminal Code, it is enacted that “ ev- eryone is guilty of an indictableoffense and liable to two years’ imprisonment who, with intent toinjure or alarm any person, sends, causes or procures to cry any telegrain or letter ur other containing matter which he inoue to be false.” Those who are tempted to write bogus marriage no- tices. or to write uther false iaforma-|i7": tion about their neighbors, ought to reflect on the risk they run, No one would seriously endeavor to save from the penitentiary the man or woman who would engage in despicable business of this. kind. eo a GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. te "| North Perth Farmers’ Institute GUELPH MODEL FARM, Thursday, June 17th., 1897. The res from the following station il be ss follows : when a special will leave at the timed stated below FARE- TIME 9c 8. ts calls promptly ¥ | Dorland, Maple St., Proprietor. COMMERCIAL LIVERY, ses travellers Milverton. Hotels EXCHANGE HOTEL, Bronner. Ont. John Gropp, P-oprietor. liquors and to be| cigars at the bat. First-class accom: tion and large stabling, GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. commercial fe ing. rands of Tiqubre and cigat of Main and Mill etreets. ages Haseonting, Proprietor. oes belle Milverton, Ont. The mercial trav- igars at the plenty of shed room,’ Henry Rove, prop. Mixcelinneous ‘JOUR SUITS are not aS _ expensive as LAW SUITS ANTED —SEVERAL FAITHFUL men or women to travel for uae ished house in Ontario. Salary $780, Seyatte $15 weekly and expenses. Bos — nt. ference. ad- mped envelope. "The Nat joual, Star Buildings Chicac W. MOWAT & SON, (Established 1863.} Bankers and Brokers Py ore a.m.| Agents for the ‘Cheque Ba They Soe [offer business men unaurpassed facilities or 8.23 « : “« in Canada or oo fheque Bank” Gas «+ | cheqnos rayable the world over, convenient S10 | fee avellers, efor ‘part : fade Ineieeae ae hee paid Shakespeare She pag «| Accounts collec a rriving at Guelph city Yat 10-256.m, ent. on deposits in the Savings Depart- oNChildren hetween 5 and J2 yours of age 2 half of the above named fares will apply. | ¢ per vents, Parone akegy ee at ig special train will Leave Guelph bongo and ant me eae ate no engers for Atwood may retrrn_ by | Mortesnes, Wills eke on agp regular evening tain from Guelph via, Pat ‘Blectic bee ae pcg pe ae between 6 C. Model ole sad ave a oii day's outing d coaches, fas J, A, TURNBULL, Atwood, See'y. ANTED — SEVERAL FAITHFUL met or womentto travel for ceeponnible established house in Ontario. $780, esd Foaatsg $15 weekly and expenses. Position ‘Enclose _self-ad- t. dressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Building, Chicago, 39 but they last just as long. Koehler & Knechtel Tue Victoria Croruine House Milverton i